Carryminati | Youtube vs Tiktok by Dhruv Rathee

  • last month
Let’s talk about the most controversial issue in India at this moment. Carryminati’s deleted video and the Youtube vs Tiktok Controversy. I explain my reasons for why I do not like Tiktok app for its decreasing attention span, extremely passive interface and politics. I also explain how some arguments have a bigger and an indirect impact on the society in general and how Youtubers and Tiktokers should be careful in the arguments they make. And how CarryMinati deleted video had some of these things.


00:00Greetings, friends!
00:04Let us talk about the country's biggest controversial issue
00:08YouTube versus TikTok
00:11It began with people arguing whether YouTube or TikTok is a better platform
00:16But gradually, this controversy took a turn
00:19YouTubers started roasting TikTokers and TikTokers started roasting YouTubers
00:24And this controversy reached its peak when Carry Minati made a video against TikTokers
00:29He got 76 million views
00:31It became the country's most liked video on YouTube
00:35And then, YouTube deleted that video
00:37I do not usually make videos on such controversial topics
00:41But here, I look at some deep social issues in our society
00:45about which I find it important to tell you
00:48Come, let us see
00:49Let us start with YouTube versus TikTok
00:53So, tell me, in your opinion, which platform is a better choice here?
00:57YouTube or TikTok?
01:00The correct answer is- It's her choice
01:04I'm kidding
01:05Obviously, it is a person's choice as to which platform they prefer
01:09But in my opinion, YouTube is clearly a better platform
01:13And why do I not like TikTok?
01:15There are three main reasons behind this
01:21The first reason is the attention span
01:23In general, the internet and social media are reducing our attention spans
01:27Think about it- Historically, people used to read books
01:31And it used to take a few days to read a book
01:34After that, movies came
01:35If you watch movies in cinemas, it takes a few hours
01:39Then there is YouTube video
01:40You usually spend 10 minutes on a YouTube video
01:44And then there are social media networks like Facebook and Instagram
01:47where you usually spend a minute on watching a topic or a post
01:53But TikTok takes this to an even more extreme level
01:56It takes only 10-15 seconds to watch a TikTok video
02:00Think about it- Our attention spans have reduced to such an extent
02:03that we need some new entertainment every 10 seconds
02:06Today, people's patience level has dropped so much
02:08that when you go to a cinema hall to watch a movie and a boring scene comes up,
02:12even then, some people take out their phones and start browsing
02:16They don't even have the patience to watch a 2 hour movie without taking out their phones
02:21Every second needs some entertainment
02:24There are a lot of problems with such a low attention span
02:27First of all, you cannot learn anything new in such a short span of time
02:31I try to make sure that you learn something new in every new video
02:35that you gain some new information and knowledge
02:38But it is not possible to do this in 10-15 seconds in TikTok
02:42What will you be able to learn in 10-15 seconds?
02:45The second thing is that with such a low attention span,
02:48you can never concentrate or focus on something that requires a lot of effort
02:53For example, it would be very difficult for you to focus on your studies or work
02:58if your attention span is such that you have to take out something every 10 seconds
03:02and have to scroll
03:03So, it is not good for your mental health. It is not good for your focus
03:07And in general, you do not get any long term fulfillment or benefit from doing this
03:11If you waste hours on TikTok,
03:12it is not as if you would feel good afterwards that you've done something and you're enjoying it
03:17In fact, after that, you would feel depressed that
03:20I have wasted all my time. It would have been better if I had done something else at this time
03:23The second reason is that TikTok is completely passive and extremely addicting
03:28By passive, I mean that you do not take a lot of actions from your side in the app
03:32The app gives you actions and presents content for you
03:36You can still search on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook
03:39You have to scroll by yourself
03:41Sometimes, you have to search for content
03:43But TikTok completely eliminates this entire method
03:46There is only one feed that has been generated by its algorithm for you
03:49And it keeps on presenting content to you
03:51And you, like a mindless robot,
03:53when a new stimuli comes to you, you'll see it as the next
03:57Now, if you ask what the problem is, what happens if it is passive?
04:01The problem is that whenever something is so passive
04:04that a person needs to take an almost negligible action,
04:08it becomes even more addicting
04:10TikTok is much more addicting compared to other social media networks
04:14because you do not have to do anything there
04:15The app gives you a new video every 15 seconds
04:18And all you have to do is scroll in one direction
04:22As compared to YouTube,
04:23after watching a video, you'll get different options
04:26on which video you want to click
04:28So, you'll have to think a little there
04:30In TikTok, your mind is completely switched off
04:32In YouTube, you still have to think and decide whether to click on it or not
04:36Do I have an interest in this topic or not?
04:39You make a decision there
04:40So, it has become even more addicting
04:43A lot of people compare social media networks to drugs
04:46and how addicting it is
04:47Here, I would compare TikTok to a casino slot machine
04:51Have you seen those machines in casinos where you just have to click once
04:55and you get three numbers?
04:57Either you win or you don't win
04:59TikTok is exactly the same
05:00You scroll once and either you find it entertaining or you don't
05:04You'll start scrolling the next time
05:06If you don't find it entertaining
05:07If you find it entertaining, you'll be happy for a while
05:10and then you'll start scrolling again to find happiness
05:13So, the slot machine works exactly the same way
05:15And the people who are quite addicted to gambling in casinos
05:19are also in the same situation
05:20They keep on pressing the slot machine again and again
05:23that now we'll win something
05:26This is the same situation that comes up in TikTok, in my opinion
05:29And the third reason is political for me
05:31TikTok is an app made by a Chinese company
05:33and we all know that all Chinese companies dance to the tunes of the Chinese government
05:38And I consider the Chinese government to be a dictatorship
05:41The Chinese government cannot tolerate any kind of criticism against itself
05:46So, if anything that is being criticized is uploaded on Chinese platforms,
05:50then the Chinese government will definitely put pressure to remove it
05:53And there have been such cases in the past
05:55where people uploaded TikTok videos criticizing the Chinese government and any situation in China
06:02and they were removed
06:03Although TikTok later apologized for this,
06:05but I would still not trust any Chinese company
06:08Because I don't know what type of influence the Chinese government has on these companies
06:12and to what extent will the Chinese platforms go
06:14to remove their content, to manipulate their content,
06:18to advance the interests of the Chinese government
06:21By comparison, luckily, other social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook are all based in the US
06:26They are based in a western country where there is a liberal democracy
06:29and freedom of speech is protected according to clearly defined rules
06:33So, you will definitely see more freedom of speech on YouTube
06:38as compared to TikTok
06:43So, these are the reasons as to why I personally do not like TikTok
06:45But at the same time, I would like to acknowledge some positive points of TikTok
06:50that cannot be denied
06:52For example, the entry barrier of TikTok is very low
06:55It is very easy to make videos on TikTok
06:57You just have to pick up the phone and make a video. You just need to be a little creative
07:01Compare it to YouTube
07:03Sometimes, you need a lot of equipment to make videos on YouTube
07:07It does not happen in the beginning. You can use a smartphone
07:10But you have to make a big YouTube channel
07:13So, eventually, you will have to upgrade your equipment
07:17You will need lights and a good video editor which takes a lot of time
07:21It takes a lot of time to make a YouTube channel and YouTube videos
07:25You do not have to do all this on TikTok. You just pick up the phone and go
07:28And this is the reason why I feel that social media platforms like YouTube
07:32are biased towards middle class and upper middle class people in India
07:36People who can already afford to invest some money and keep aside some time
07:40to make YouTube videos
07:42The lower class people who have to manage their expenses
07:44who manage their expenses with their daily earnings
07:47They do not have that much time to make a YouTube video
07:50They do not have that much money
07:51But TikTok appeals more to people who are in the lower section of society
07:55and who live in rural India
07:58Because it is very easy to make TikTok videos
07:59Those people who get a couple of hours of their free time
08:04They can be a little creative there and make videos on TikTok
08:08And this is why, unfortunately, you must have often heard
08:11that some people use casteist and classist language while making fun of TikTokers
08:17The talk of the panchar jodne wale and mistri audience is something else
08:20The uneducated audience on TikTok has a different taste
08:23The panchar jodne wale audience only watches the dance. They are not interactive
08:26All these labourers, moshis, mistri, redhe wale- all of them are TikTokers
08:30In my opinion, this is very wrong and let us talk about why it is wrong
08:34Let us come to the topic of CarryMinati
08:40The thing is that some people found CarryMinati's video to be entertaining
08:45and some people found it to be offensive
08:47Some people say that it is good that this video has been deleted from YouTube
08:50Who is right here? Is it acceptable or not?
08:54Once again, as I had mentioned in the video on Arnab Goswami
08:58Every person would have their own opinion
09:00It should not be the case that wherever this line is drawn, it is right to say that
09:03it is freedom of speech and it is wrong to say that
09:07This should not be the content
09:08The important thing is that wherever you have drawn this line,
09:11you should remain consistent with it
09:13It should not be the case that you were feeling offended yesterday
09:16when PewDiePie made fun of Indians
09:18and today, you're saying that it is okay that CarryMinati made fun of TikTokers
09:22and that this video should remain
09:23But when someone is making fun of us, then that video should not remain
09:27This cannot happen
09:28Keep yourself in the perspective of others
09:30If you consider it acceptable and believe that it is right, then it should remain
09:35It should not be the case that you have two different opinions
09:37when something is being said against you and something is being said in your favour
09:41The second thing is that what is the larger impact of what you're saying on society?
09:46What is the impact on the already existing stereotypes in society?
09:49What is the impact on the divisions that are present in society?
09:53I would like to explain this with an example
09:54There is a very popular advertisement on YouTube
09:57The name of this advertisement is Run Like a Girl
10:00It is a very interesting ad. I have included the link of the entire video in the description
10:03if you want to watch it
10:04So basically, what happens is that people are interviewed
10:07and they are told to run like a girl
10:11So the adults in the video run like this
10:15They run in an awkward manner like this
10:17They run in a crooked manner like this
10:21In the same video, the young girls are asked to run like a girl
10:28and these girls run very fast and with full power
10:38It is a very interesting video
10:40It shows you what is the perception of running like a girl in society
10:45When we say that we want to run like a girl,
10:49when we say that this person runs like a girl,
10:53stands like a girl,
10:54this is a negative stereotype
10:56You would ask what is wrong with the stereotype?
10:58On average, girls are weaker in comparison to men
11:02They run less fast in comparison to men
11:04This is wrong, friends. Let me explain this with an example
11:07Imagine that you have a son and a daughter
11:10Your son is running very slowly
11:12You ask him, why is he running like a girl?
11:14Run fast
11:16Your daughter is standing there and listening
11:18What would be the perception in your daughter's mind?
11:21That running like a girl means running slowly
11:24Running like a girl means running in a weak manner
11:28And since she is a girl, she would think that since she is a girl,
11:32she would run slowly
11:34This affects self confidence
11:36This would create a limit in your daughter's imagination
11:39which would probably remain for the rest of her life
11:42She had heard in her childhood that girls cannot do this
11:44Girls are like this and like that
11:46So she would keep thinking all her life that she cannot do this
11:50because this is the stereotype of girls
11:52I would say that the same situation is present in the videos of Carrie Minati in a few places
11:56In a few places, Carrie Minati has used homophobic words in a subtle manner
12:00which sound like a curse
12:02Saying chakka or gay has been used as a curse
12:05Although Carrie Minati spoke directly to the TikToker,
12:09but its impact is negatively affecting the third person, the audience and the society
12:13For example, I gave the example of a boy and a girl
12:16You're talking to a boy, your son,
12:18but its negative impact is affecting your daughter who is listening to this
12:22Similarly, the millions of fans of Carrie Minati
12:26would use these words like a curse
12:28Saying that chakka is a curse and gay is a curse
12:31This has a negative impact on the transgender society
12:34which has been fighting for their rights for so many years
12:37They are struggling so hard to change the stereotypes
12:41that these things should not be used as a curse
12:44So in my opinion, it would be better if the fans of Carrie Minati and Carrie Minati
12:48introspect a little on what kind of words they use
12:51and whether those words are having a negative impact on the society
12:55This is my opinion, but what do you think?
12:58I am very curious to know your opinion
13:00Tell me in the comments below what is your opinion on this situation
13:04which I told you about the impact of the society
13:06So I hope you would have learned something new from this video
13:08Share this video if you liked it
13:10and subscribe to my channel if you want to watch more such informative educational videos
13:15We will meet again in the next video
13:16Thank you
