Gen Z Chinese Drama ep 5 in Urdu Hindi Dubbed

  • last month


00:00It's OK.
00:01You're useless.
00:02I'll be back.
00:03Did that girl die?
00:06She's fine.
00:07We saved her.
00:08Then why are you mourning?
00:10Oh, she had a fallopian tube removed.
00:15How many fallopian tubes does a woman have?
00:19Then she'd have one left.
00:21Thank god.
00:23Well, what was her condition?
00:25Why were they so nervous and running away from there?
00:28It was an excisis.
00:32But she's so young.
00:34How did she get pregnant?
00:36Thao, Thao.
00:37Actually, she wasn't as smart as you.
00:52But why are you three so worried?
00:54Did you get that girl pregnant?
00:56Why are you regretting the mistake you didn't commit?
00:59If you look at it, you three have helped her.
01:02You've done a good deed.
01:07Do you regret helping her?
01:13That's what he's thinking.
01:19What's there to think about?
01:22You've done your duty.
01:26We all deserve to be forgiven for the mistake we've made.
01:35Look at me.
01:36I keep hitting people because it's my duty.
01:39If I hadn't broken his bones that day,
01:41he could have killed his sister.
01:46I had a good intention.
01:48If this situation comes up again,
01:50you should do what's your duty as a doctor.
01:53Have you heard that song?
01:54Brave the nine continents.
01:56Brave the nine continents.
01:58Thao, Thao.
02:00Stop learning TCM.
02:02You're a good cook.
02:04That profession will suit you.
02:08That's what I came here to do.
02:11Come, I'll show you.
02:14That's what I came here to do.
02:17Come on, tell me.
02:18What will you eat tomorrow?
02:22Look at the food menu and smile.
02:26Yesterday, you mentioned a weird dish.
02:29Explain it to me.
02:30What is abalone?
02:31Where were the twin abalones?
02:33Twin abalones?
02:34Twin abalones?
02:37That means the abalone has two heads.
02:41You're making a fool out of me.
02:43I've never made this before.
02:45Where did you buy it?
03:41Thao, Thao.
03:43Thao, Thao.
03:48Rebecca, you wake up earlier than a hen.
03:53Have you seen my doll?
03:57No, I haven't seen her.
03:59I don't know where she is.
04:01I don't know where she is.
04:03I don't know where she is.
04:05I don't know where she is.
04:07I don't know where she is.
04:10I haven't seen her.
04:24Last night, I was practicing acupressure on this doll.
04:29Give me this loan.
04:31If you want to practice, buy your own doll.
04:34It's illegal to take someone's property without their permission.
04:42But I didn't steal it.
04:44You're making a fool out of me.
04:46We're roommates.
04:48If you use this doll alone, it's an emotional crime.
04:52Sharing things increases love.
04:55Even kids know that sharing is caring.
04:58And you're an educated lawyer.
05:00If you don't want to share this doll,
05:02I'll return it to you.
05:04I don't want it.
05:07What happened?
05:10What do I think this means?
05:12You gifted this doll to me?
05:15If that's the case, thank you for the gift.
05:20Now I don't have to buy it.
05:30I cleaned it.
05:35Thank you, bro.
05:38Class Monitor, I have something to tell you.
05:40Listen, Tau-Tau stole my personal stuff.
05:42Tau-Tau? What did he steal?
05:44I didn't steal it.
05:45I borrowed it.
05:46Got it?
05:48It's illegal to use someone's stuff without their permission.
05:53Everything you have is worth stealing.
05:55Your shirt is also very expensive.
05:57Tell me, what did he steal?
06:00Look at this.
06:02He stole this?
06:03I borrowed it.
06:04Oh, I thought it was something expensive.
06:06But it's just a mannequin.
06:08You're roommates.
06:09Share it.
06:10That's what I said.
06:11Share it.
06:14First of all,
06:15I don't like anyone touching my stuff.
06:19And secondly, I don't like him.
06:21So, please change my room.
06:23I'm sorry.
06:24We only have this many rooms.
06:28In that case, you'll have to follow the rules.
06:31From now on,
06:32you won't touch anything I have.
06:36Tau-Tau, answer her.
06:37Okay, I'll try my best.
06:39But she can touch my stuff.
06:41Because I think...
06:43Please get up.
06:45It's not good to be so practical.
06:48I will never touch your stuff.
06:50So, don't ever make this mistake.
06:52No, this is wrong.
06:54Everything in this world is temporary.
06:56We're not going to stay here forever.
06:59Why do we love materialistic things so much?
07:02We live together.
07:04It'll be fun.
07:05Now tell me,
07:06will you share the doll?
07:08Morning, Mr. N.
07:10I want to talk.
07:11Mr. N,
07:12I want to talk.
07:13I request you to keep me in a separate room from Tau-Tau.
07:17Otherwise, I'll go home and sleep.
07:19I won't be late.
07:20I promise.
07:21But why?
07:24Mr. N,
07:26I also want to go home and sleep.
07:31Who else wants to go home and sleep?
07:35Miss Yang, you?
07:40Tell me,
07:42why did I ask everyone to stay here for the first three months?
07:46Can you tell me?
08:03Does anyone know?
08:04I know.
08:10Tell me.
08:25If you want to show your skills,
08:27then don't sleep in your house.
08:32Why are you laughing?
08:33Shut up.
08:36Tau-Tau has made fun of me.
08:40She said something very deep.
08:48If we don't live here together,
08:51you won't be able to learn
08:54because of your shortcomings.
08:56You won't be able to polish your skills.
08:58TCM is different from Western medicine
09:00because it uses a machine to collect data
09:04and examine your body.
09:06But in TCM, you read your pulse.
09:10The easiest way to read your pulse is to feel it.
09:14In Chinese culture, this is called
09:19And in this,
09:21there is a saying about Yin and Yang
09:23that you may not know.
09:25I will know the illness of others with my own ability.
09:30Only by reading your pulse,
09:32you will know the condition of your body.
09:34You will know
09:35how to treat the illness of your patient.
09:39While reading your pulse,
09:42you have to think of yourself as a ruler.
09:44Everyone understands the meaning of ruler.
09:46Without adjustment, it is not straight.
09:49If you measure something with a ruler,
09:51how will you know
09:52whether the ruler is straight or not?
09:56Who will tell you this?
09:57Your roommate will tell you.
10:00Your classmates will tell you.
10:01Your teachers will tell you.
10:03When you all stay together day and night,
10:06others will know your shortcomings.
10:09They will tell you your shortcomings
10:11so that you can improve them.
10:17That is why it is important
10:19that you stay in this TCM class
10:22for three months
10:24until you are fully recovered
10:26so that you can know yourself.
10:48What is the price of this?
10:5175 yuan.
10:5475 yuan.
10:57Are you so attached to this doll
11:01that you have decided to go away from all this?
11:07The question here is not about the price.
11:09Then why are you angry?
11:11If the question is not about money,
11:13then let her share the doll.
11:16The fight will end.
11:17The fight will end.
11:34Tell me.
11:35Why does Mr. Ren always take your side?
11:40He is my nephew.
11:41I am elder to him.
11:42He respects me.
11:44That is why he takes my side.
11:51You have full hope that this year
11:53you will be listed in He Feng Hall.
11:55That is why I can see the glow of victory
11:57on your face right now.
12:00I have heard that this year
12:02the export sales of your health drink have doubled.
12:04Earlier our company used to produce
12:06only medicine injections.
12:09But now the competition has increased in that field.
12:11This is true.
12:12If you compete with a pharmaceutical company
12:14worth a billion dollars,
12:15there will be a loss.
12:16After being impressed by Mr. Ren's seminar,
12:18I have decided to produce
12:20health care products and supplements.
12:22Now I am going to do the same.
12:24He has improved his formulas.
12:26If we get listed,
12:27I will be thankful to him.
12:30That is why I have come here
12:32to thank Mr. Ren.
12:34Is he busy at the moment?
12:36Don't you know?
12:38He has resigned from his post.
12:40And now he teaches in TCM program.
12:43He resigned for that?
12:45That's good.
12:47Our company has decided
12:49to grant scholarships
12:51for the poor students
12:53of the University of TCM.
12:55We can support them.
12:57I don't understand.
12:59What are you trying to say?
13:01You know that our company
13:03provides scholarships to
13:051.5 million young people
13:07every year.
13:09Yes, I know.
13:11In return,
13:13Mr. Ren will get
13:15free seminars for 15 days
13:17in the beginning of the winter season.
13:19Yes, Mr. Zheng.
13:21Don't worry about the seminars.
13:23It is my responsibility.
13:25I have worked with Mr. Ren
13:27for 30 years.
13:29We work in the same way.
13:31You can ask me
13:33whatever seminars you want.
13:35Our academy will support
13:37your company in every way.
13:39I trust you completely.
13:41But Mr. Ren
13:43is our company's chief advisor.
13:45He has been with us
13:47from the beginning.
13:49Don't think that I won't
13:51donate to the academy
13:53if he leaves.
13:55He is a good man.
13:57He is spending
13:59for this noble cause.
14:01You must be tired
14:03after today's lecture.
14:05That's why
14:07we will play a game
14:11I want to play a game too.
14:13Can I play?
14:15Of course.
14:17The name of the game is
14:19Guess the Riddle.
14:23Yin and Yang
14:25look alike.
14:27But they are
14:31without each other.
14:33There is something
14:35similar to them
14:37that we use
14:39every day. What is it?
14:41I don't understand
14:43what it is.
14:45Me too.
14:47Is it an object?
14:51How did you know, Rebecca?
14:53Do we hang it on the wall?
14:55Is it something to eat?
14:57It's something we use daily.
14:59Daily use?
15:01Yes, I know.
15:03Body wash, shampoo, toothpaste,
15:05water cup, plates.
15:09Wrong answer.
15:11There is nothing
15:13between them.
15:15I said Yin and Yang.
15:17They look alike.
15:19Think about it.
15:21What could it be?
15:27Correct answer.
15:29Now tell them
15:31why it is correct.
15:33There are two of them.
15:35There are two gloves too.
15:37You use them daily.
15:39We use them daily.
15:41This shows their importance.
15:43But because of habit,
15:45no one remembers
15:47that we use them daily.
15:49Chopsticks are
15:51an important part of Chinese culture.
15:53Yes, it's true.
15:55And now
15:57who will tell me
15:59which side is Yang
16:01and which side is Yin?
16:05Top chopstick
16:07is Yang.
16:09Bottom chopstick is Yin.
16:11Hand is in middle position.
16:13That's why
16:15everyone should learn to balance.
16:17If you learn,
16:19you can catch any food easily.
16:25Do you know why I mentioned them today?
16:27Because this is our next class topic.
16:29TCM practitioners
16:31are called Zhong Yi.
16:33Is Zhong's meaning central
16:35or middle?
16:39I will tell you in the next class.
16:41I forgot to tell you.
16:43King Ming Festival is coming.
16:45All of you will have to
16:47prepare for the festival.
16:49Ms. Song will explain everything to you.
16:51And you won today's riddle game.
16:53So you can go anywhere today.
16:55Okay? See you tomorrow.
16:57Class over.
17:03You won't believe it.
17:05He was telling me today
17:07that when we need money the most,
17:09money will come automatically.
17:11He is right.
17:13A rich man like you
17:15has come here automatically.
17:17We need a lot of funds
17:19to run TCM class.
17:21And this fund of 20 lakh yuan
17:23will help us a lot.
17:25Professor Ren needs this fund
17:27right now.
17:29That's why I won't back out.
17:31When I was starting my business,
17:33I had no other way.
17:35It was Professor Ren
17:37who showed me the right way.
17:39I will never forget his favor.
17:41As my business grew,
17:43Professor Ren helped me
17:45develop patented Chinese medicine.
17:47Whatever I am today,
17:49is because of him.
17:51I am getting late.
17:53I will leave now.
17:55Say hello to Professor Ren.
17:57No, no.
17:59You have come all the way here.
18:01You can't leave without meeting him.
18:03He will be back soon.
18:05Drink your tea.
18:11How did you come here today?
18:13I think the sun has risen from the west.
18:15Please have a seat.
18:17He has transferred the scholarship fund
18:19of the academy
18:21to us.
18:23The academy doesn't need money,
18:25but we do.
18:29I can't take the scholarship fund.
18:31Why not?
18:33The scholarship fund
18:35belongs to the academy.
18:37And I have resigned from there.
18:39After resigning from my post,
18:41I can't take money from you.
18:43So simple.
18:45I know you want to help me.
18:47But at that time,
18:49being your friend,
18:51I did my duty.
18:53And I didn't do you any favor.
18:55Don't think that you want to
18:57repay the loan.
18:59So don't be stubborn.
19:01Take the scholarship money back.
19:03But still, I want to give you this fund.
19:07Your wife told me that you need the fund.
19:09I will keep 15 lakh yuan for the academy.
19:11You can keep the remaining 5 lakh yuan.
19:13It's a great job
19:15to help poor students
19:17complete their studies.
19:19Don't worry about me.
19:23He is right.
19:25We don't need money.
19:29So what about the seminars?
19:31My employees and clients
19:33are waiting for your classes.
19:35Don't worry about that.
19:37Shadow is an expert
19:39in diagnosis and seminars.
19:43It doesn't matter
19:45whether I do the seminar or not.
19:47But Mr. Ren,
19:49your words are different.
19:51Please don't feel bad.
19:53The whole Jiyanghui University
19:55knows how capable you are.
19:57But Professor Ren,
19:59the foreign client we are dealing with,
20:01he invested only because of you.
20:03And you resigned.
20:05I will definitely do the seminar
20:07even if I resign.
20:11let's do one thing.
20:13Let's do the seminar together.
20:17I agree.
20:19You are lucky
20:21that Shadow agreed to the seminar.
20:31It's been a long time.
20:33Why hasn't Tata called you for dinner?
20:35I told him
20:37that you won't have dinner today.
20:39That's why he didn't call me.
20:41I have studied all day.
20:43Won't you let me have dinner?
20:45Don't you have a budget?
20:49I don't like Shadow.
20:51What did he do now?
20:53Because of him,
20:55you rejected the funds we were going to get.
20:59If you had said yes,
21:01he would have criticized you.
21:03He would have told everyone
21:05What are you saying?
21:07Even if he wasn't there,
21:09I wouldn't have taken the money.
21:11Let's see
21:13how long you will be stubborn.
21:15You will starve everyone.
21:23the ration in the kitchen
21:25is not over yet, right?
21:35But soon,
21:37the ration will be over.
21:39Because now,
21:41we don't have much money left.
21:49If your father
21:51wasn't my teacher,
21:53I would never have married you.
21:57You are not like your father.
22:05Did you want to talk to me?
22:09I came to ask
22:11if you want to prepare for the festival or not.
22:19First, get all the stuff.
22:21Yes, I will tell everyone.
22:27Let's go.
22:51Don't lick it.
22:53It's a heavy metal.
22:55Why didn't you tell me earlier?
22:57Now, the poison must have gone into the body.
23:03Tell me one thing.
23:05I searched online.
23:07You get thousands of rupees online.
23:09Then why are we wasting our time
23:11by preparing it ourselves?
23:13Fine. You can pay for it.
23:15How can I pay for it?
23:17I am poor.
23:19This is our tradition.
23:21By doing this,
23:23a new era has come.
23:25If you want to talk to someone,
23:27you can listen and see them
23:29through a video call.
23:31There was no such facility earlier.
23:33In the olden days,
23:35it used to take a year to send a letter.
23:37Today, everything has changed.
23:39But still,
23:41some things are still the same.
23:43Like today, Mr. Ren taught
23:45that we have to move forward
23:47with our tradition.
23:49If you understand the world,
23:51you will also understand life.
23:53Everything changes with time.
23:55I thought my salary would never increase.
23:57But now, it has increased.
23:59Humans' emotions don't change.
24:03Thousands of years ago,
24:05everyone cried when a neighbor died.
24:07And it still happens today.
24:09Emotions don't change.
24:13Wow, Rebecca!
24:15What have you made?
24:17It looks like a cake.
24:19It's called Lotus Pagoda.
24:21Lotus Pagoda?
24:23I thought you wouldn't come to the group activity today.
24:25Because you got a day off today.
24:27Then why are you sitting here?
24:29To give Shraddhanjali
24:31to the ancestors.
24:37can I get a day off
24:39on the day of the festival?
24:41No, you can't.
24:43Because you are going there for the first time.
24:45I want all of you to go.
24:47You can go some other day.
24:49But not that day.
24:53I want to go to my mother's grave.
25:07I will tell Mr. Ren
25:09that you will get a day off after the festival.
25:11If you don't attend the class one day,
25:13it won't matter.
25:15Thank you so much, ma'am.
25:23What are you trying to say?
25:25That only Rebecca is smart here
25:27and I am dumb,
25:29so I won't get a day off?
25:31She meant that
25:33if Rebecca doesn't attend the class,
25:35it won't matter.
25:37But it will matter to you.
25:39But why would it matter to me?
25:41I thought
25:43you were praising me.
25:45Now I know it's an insult.
25:47Sit here.
25:49Fold the paper
25:51and show it to me.
25:57I licked it again.
25:59If you lick it again,
26:01you will have to come to my grave
26:03next year.
26:05Then I will want you to lick more.
26:29Sit down.
26:39Ping Chun,
26:43What is this?
26:45Push me, push me.
26:47Push me.
26:55Not like that.
27:05Your legs are so long
27:07and toned.
27:09I am telling the truth.
27:11I want to keep my heart at your feet.
27:13Then keep it.
27:15My legs are so beautiful
27:17that you want to be my slave?
27:19I can be your slave.
27:21But when I see your face,
27:27What's wrong with my face?
27:31Tell me.
27:33Your face is very...
27:35Is there something on my face?
27:37Don't move.
27:49She looks like a boy.
27:51Tianzhen, Tianzhen.
27:55How dare you?
27:57Ping Chun, what are you doing?
27:59What are you doing?
28:01Get up.
28:11You both are very energetic.
28:13Let's do one thing.
28:15You both have to maintain
28:17this posture for an hour.
28:19Got it?
28:21This is not possible.
28:23He is sitting and my back is bent.
28:25I will get tired in this posture.
28:27Tianzhen, leave him first.
28:31You both dance horse over there.
28:33This is all because of your son.
28:35Move your leg.
28:47I know my son very well.
28:49He doesn't fight
28:51until someone provokes him.
28:53He has learned Wushu.
28:55He is a national champion.
28:57You can't defeat him.
28:59What would you have done
29:01if he broke your bones?
29:03Your champion son
29:05looked at me and said
29:07I look like a boy.
29:11Did everyone like
29:13their outfit?
29:17I don't like it.
29:19Why don't you like it?
29:21I don't like
29:23this dress.
29:25Its design is also not good.
29:27I want to wear a trouser like these boys.
29:29But why?
29:31I don't like this costume.
29:35You can't go to the festival
29:37wearing such casual clothes.
29:41That's why everyone
29:43has to wear this costume.
29:45There is no other option.
29:47This is our tradition.
29:49You don't know the tradition.
29:51That's why I am saying this.
29:53You won't find
29:55a girl like you there.
29:59So, it would be better
30:01to sit quietly.
30:03Tie my hands and legs
30:05and shove them in my mouth.
30:07You can tie a rope
30:09around my neck.
30:11Shut your mouth.
30:13He is my only
30:15true friend here.
30:17Why don't you leave him here?
30:19You are my enemy.
30:21I will go there with everyone.
30:23I don't care if I have to wear a dress
30:25or stay quiet.
30:27Your legs
30:29will catch cold.
30:31No, they won't.
30:33Even you haven't worn anything.
30:35But we have
30:37worn leggings.
30:41What is this?
30:45What are you doing?
30:47I thought she was lying.
30:49I don't think she has worn leggings.
30:51Have you worn them?
30:53If you don't have them,
30:55I will buy them.
30:57I know you care about me.
31:01If you like these outfits,
31:03don't forget to wash them
31:05because everyone will wear these costumes
31:07till the festival.
31:09Okay, ma'am.
31:17We have to cook
31:19our ancestors' food
31:23Remember this.
31:25You have to get ready in a day or two.
31:31Now I understand
31:33why you asked me to give you leggings.
31:39Mom, this is too tight.
31:41I am suffocating.
31:43Don't say anything.
31:45You look like a kid.
31:47Go and sit in the car.
31:49Good morning, ma'am.
31:51Good morning.
31:53Move aside.
31:55We have a lot of work to do.
31:57You can go slowly.
31:59We will be late.
32:01Why didn't you wear the leggings I gave you?
32:05It looked girlish and tight.
32:07Move aside.
32:09What is this?
32:13It is impossible to
32:15change that girl.
32:17So, you will keep an eye on her.
32:19No, it won't look good.
32:21She is his senior aunt.
32:23Anything is possible.
32:25It will take 500 years.
32:27But the girl will change.
32:29500 years?
32:31How many more births will I have?
32:33The problem is
32:35you are trying to make Tom boy a girl.
32:39It won't take a day.
32:41You have been
32:43strict with every student.
32:45Students get scared
32:47when they see you.
32:49Why do you lie to him?
32:51What is the reason?
32:53He is going against his principles.
32:55I want to know that too.
32:57Have I changed?
33:03What happened?
33:05You have a flu.
33:07Take your medicine.
33:09I will take it in the car.
33:11I am done. Let's go.
33:39Tienzin, come here.
33:55Wait, nephew.
33:57Listen to me.
33:59Your wife
34:01is tying red thread
34:03to every tree.
34:05Is it a tradition?
34:07Are you planning to call the wandering souls?
34:09I am scared.
34:11Listen carefully.
34:13The reason is
34:15there are many routes to the mountain.
34:17If you leave the group
34:19when you come back,
34:21we will reach there
34:23with the help of these red threads.
34:25But please don't separate from each other
34:27because there are many wolves, bears
34:29and wild animals here.
34:31Take care.
34:33Are you fooling me?
34:35So many people come and go.
34:37Wild animals can't roam freely there.
34:39They didn't roam before.
34:41But now they roam freely.
34:43Because most people
34:45have left this area and gone to the city.
34:47That's why
34:49you will see many empty houses here.
34:51And that is the reason
34:53you won't see any garbage
34:57And that is the reason
34:59you will see wild animals roaming freely here.
35:01Understood? Let's go.
35:05Let's go.
35:13Did you bring the rope?
35:15Yes, I'll be right back.
35:17I'll vomit.
35:23Animals' dung is also used as manure.
35:25Why are you picking it up?
35:27This is also a herb.
35:31Have you ever heard of such a thing?
35:33I have read the basic theories of TCM in my college.
35:35It is said that
35:37the dung of bats is good for the eyes.
35:39It is called Faeces Vesper Chelonium.
35:41But bats eat new food every day.
35:43According to that,
35:45their dung must be different every day.
35:47So how do you know
35:49which bat's dung can remove blindness?
35:53Everyone likes civet coffee.
35:55And do you know
35:57which animal's dung
35:59makes that coffee?
36:01There are many beneficial elements
36:03in animals' dung.
36:05And nothing in the world
36:07is without a reason.
36:09It has its own benefits.
36:11Many animal's dung
36:13is more expensive than gold.
36:15Its price online is also
36:17around 8000 to
36:1910,000 yuan per gram.
36:21Which animal's?
36:23Please tell me
36:25which animal's dung is so expensive?
36:27Please tell me
36:29which animal's dung is so expensive?
36:31I will wait for you to find it.
36:33It is called sperm whale.
36:35And how will you wait for its dung?
36:37Because the whale's dung
36:39weighs more than 50 tons.
36:41Will you be able to catch it?
36:43It is a difficult task.
36:45You won't be able to catch it.
36:47And do you know
36:49sperm whale's dung is also
36:51known as ambergris.
36:53We use it
36:55to make incense,
36:57incense sticks and many other
36:59aromatic things.
37:01Its material is amazing.
37:03In the modern pharmacy world,
37:05many animal's dung
37:07is used in TCM applications.
37:09And now,
37:11we use the sperm whale's dung
37:13in medicine.
37:15Do you know
37:17what is the similarity
37:19between TCM and western medicine?
37:21Both of them try
37:23to make us healthy.
37:25which is not the right way to live.
37:27And this life will be called torture.
37:30Now tell me, where can I find that whale?
37:32Where should I look for it?
37:33Look for it in the sea.
37:34Where else?
37:36How much can I sell the whale's body for?
37:55There will always be some youth that has no regrets.
38:09And there will always be some people like the stars in the night.
38:18Time is so quiet.
38:23It's so deep in the jungle, but people still come here.
38:28The fruits are so fresh.
38:30Isn't that right, nephew?
38:32Mr. Huang Mei is a well-known personality.
38:35Everyone knows him.
38:38It's been many years since he passed away,
38:40but people still worship him with all their hearts.
38:44What is it?
38:45Shut up!
38:46Come here.
38:47But why?
38:48The prayer is about to begin.
38:49Fix your clothes.
38:50Come here.
38:54My clothes are fine.
38:56I'm wearing extra pants.
38:59Close the button.
39:05Tau Tau, look at everything carefully.
39:09You are the heir of the Jiang family acupuncture group.
39:13After a few years, it will be your responsibility to guide everyone in our place.
39:19Remember that.
39:21Today is a special festival.
39:24We will all get a holiday.
39:34The King Ming Festival is one of the 24 solar terms.
39:38Humans are connected to heaven and earth.
39:43And those who are not connected are often sick.
39:47As TCM practitioners, we examine the sick human,
39:51not his illness.
39:54Our job is to connect everyone to heaven and earth
39:58so that they can know the laws of nature,
40:00know their reality and not stray from the right path.
40:04During this festival,
40:06you get a special reward for worshipping.
40:09So I want all of you to worship with all your heart.
40:15Let's start.
40:29Tau Tau, bow your head.
40:32I don't know him. He's not even your relative.
40:36Why are you all bowing your heads?
40:39Everyone's gone crazy.
40:46Now we vow that
40:48we will serve people selflessly till our last breath.
40:52We will do our duty.
40:54We will try our best to save those who are dying.
40:59We all vow...
41:00Do you think they are listening to the prayer?
41:04Even if everyone says it together, they won't be able to hear it.
41:09He's not alive.
41:45He's not alive.
41:47He's not alive.
41:49He's not alive.
41:51He's not alive.
41:53He's not alive.
41:55He's not alive.
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41:59He's not alive.
42:01He's not alive.
42:03He's not alive.
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44:10He's not alive.
