• last month


00:00I have good news for the nation.
00:02First, tell us the good news.
00:04You must remember, under Chief Justice...
00:07No, that's another issue.
00:09No, that's not it.
00:10There was a Mubarak Sani case.
00:12It was a Qadiani issue.
00:14And the nation was very upset about it.
00:16In the National Assembly, some people expressed their opinion about it.
00:20God gave me a chance.
00:21And then the Speaker sent a Law and Justice Committee to the National Assembly.
00:26Law and Justice Committee.
00:28We had a meeting on it.
00:30And unanimously it was decided that the Qadiani-Mubarak Sani case...
00:34...which the nation, the scholars, and the general public were very upset about...
00:37...the unanimous decision of the committee is that...
00:40...the recommendation has gone to the National Assembly...
00:42...that the government of Pakistan will go in reference against that decision...
00:46...and will end that decision.
00:48So the government and the opposition have become one.
00:50Yes, on this issue, on the issue of the end of prophethood...
00:53...there is no politics, everyone is one on that.
00:55In fact, some members, including me, have even given their opinion on it...
00:59...on which not everyone agreed.
01:01But there is also an opinion that the Supreme Judicial Council...
01:05...should also go in reference against these judges.
01:08Because of this decision.
01:10But as far as I remember, the Supreme Court Bar Association has also demanded this.
01:14The Supreme Court Bar Association has also said this.
01:16Many district bars have also said this.
01:18High Court Bars have also said this.
01:20That the Supreme Court's decision no. 42 is not right.
01:23The entire decision should be reversed.
01:25Because this has created a lot of confusion.
01:28A lot of people are saddened and angry.
01:30Because the decision was made by the Supreme Court...
01:32...that those who do not believe in the end of prophethood are not Muslims.
01:35So you can't publicly or in private... can't give permission for preaching or teaching.
01:42So there was a lot of anxiety on that.
01:44I think that a good step has come today.
01:46Unanimous has come.
01:48Law Ministers were sitting in it.
01:50Government officials were sitting in it.
01:52PTI officials were sitting in it.
01:54Everyone has decided that this decision is very dangerous for the nation.
01:58And it should be reversed.
02:00So there is hope that such decisions will be stopped in the future...
02:04...which are against the law of Pakistan...
02:06...or which are against the issue of the end of prophethood.
02:08Because these are very sensitive matters.
02:10We should be very careful about this.
02:12So this means that after a long time...
02:14...the government and the opposition...
02:16...have become involved in a standing committee meeting.
02:18No, the issue was such that everyone was united in the National Assembly.
02:21Will there be a standing committee meeting in the National Assembly?
02:23The recommendation will go from here...
02:25...and there will be a standing committee meeting in the National Assembly...
02:28...which will demand from the government of Pakistan...
02:30...that the government itself should go into reference.
02:32And this decision should be reversed.
02:34The government should issue a reference to reverse this decision.
