IMA के National President ने कहा, ‘बिना Central Act के ये Strike खत्म नहीं होगी’

  • last month
कोलकता रेप एवं हत्या केस के विरोध में देश भर में डॉक्टरों की हड़ताल जारी है। इस बीच आईएमए के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष ने कहा कि बिना केंद्रीय अधिनियम के ये हड़ताल खत्म नहीं होगी, आईएमए की तरफ से देश भर के डॉक्टर 24 घंटे की हड़ताल पर रहेंगे। कल सुबह 6 बजे से हड़ताल शुरू होगी। जो अगले दिन सुबह 6 बजे तक चलेगी। लेकिन इस दौरान इमरजेंसी चालू रहेगी। ओपीडी के साथ बाकी सेवाएं बंद रहेंगी। कोलकता मेडिकल कॉलेज में पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट एक छात्रा की निर्मम हत्या की गई है। जब छात्र अस्पताल परिसर में सुरक्षित नहीं है। तो वो कही भी सुरक्षित नहीं हो सकती। हम चाहते हैं कि आरोपियों को सख्त से सख्त सजा मिले। अभी हाल में ही कुछ असामाजिक तत्वों ने अस्पताल पर हमला किया। उनके खिलाफ की सख्त कार्रवाई होनी चाहिए। अगर सरकार हमारी मांगो को नहीं मानती है, तो हम इस हड़ताल को और आगे तक लेकर जाएंगे।


00:00Well, anybody with some intelligence can understand, this is not a crime done by one person.
00:09More persons are involved, more than one person is involved.
00:12Certainly the culprits are still around, so the investigation cannot be concluded as it
00:19has been completed.
00:20There are lot of things that are to be come out in the public transparently and we are
00:26awaiting for a proper conduction of the investigation by the CBI.
00:31I don't think so, because this crime is crime against humanity and it involves safety of
00:38women in workplace and the parents are concerned and the women are concerned now whether they
00:46are safe in a hospital to work as a nurse or a doctor, so larger issues and we have
00:52only withdrawn services which are non-essential, only the OPD services.
00:57Casualty is kept open, emergencies are kept open, nothing less than Central Act is going
01:02to end our strike.
01:04An ordinance for a Central Act on violence, that is the final answer.
01:102019 draft is with the Ministry, it didn't go to the Parliament and an amendment to the
01:17Epidemic Diseases Act is already in the statute, this can be incorporated.
01:22It only takes a political will to bring out a Central Act against violence in hospitals
01:28and on doctors and nurses.
01:31Yes, of course, we did apprise him of the situation, he was alive to the situation.
01:38We did ask for couple of things, one is about the safe zone concept of hospitals, like an
01:43airport hospitals should have a safety protocol and the next one is a deterrent law that has
01:50to be in place so that people will be afraid to commit a crime inside the hospital.
01:58These are the two main things.
02:00The action call that we have given is to withdraw the services across the country in every local
02:06town, city, it will be withdrawn in wherever a modern medicine doctor is there, he will
02:12not offer regular service, only emergency service and casualty service he will offer
