End of Time (The final call)

  • 2 months ago
End of Time the final call Owais Bilali
End of Time the final call
End of Time the final call Dr Shahid Masood
End of Time kharooj e Dajjal
End of Time nazool ESA ibne Maryam
End of Time zahoor e imam Mehdi
00:00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:00:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:01:00Remember when they were told to stay in that settlement and eat whatever they want and ask for forgiveness.
00:01:07And enter it with humility. We will forgive your sins and reward those who do good.
00:01:16Which settlement is mentioned here?
00:01:18Which valley, city, land or village is pointed towards?
00:01:22And then when the kingdom of Hazrat Sulaiman is mentioned,
00:01:27Allah Almighty says that we have made the winds to follow Hazrat Sulaiman.
00:01:32And they flow according to his command.
00:01:35In this land where we have kept blessings and we have knowledge of all things.
00:01:42Which land is this? Where is it mentioned?
00:01:46And then there is a sign of the Day of Resurrection.
00:01:51The people of the settlement that we had destroyed,
00:01:55it was forbidden for them to go there.
00:01:58So that Yajuj and Majuj open and they will be seen descending from all heights.
00:02:04I will talk about Yajuj and Majuj later on.
00:02:10But the point that I was bringing under discussion,
00:02:13that here again a settlement is mentioned, Allah Almighty is saying,
00:02:16whose name is not being mentioned.
00:02:19Keep in mind that in the Holy Qur'an, the mention of Mecca is in the name of Bakkah.
00:02:24And the mention of Madinah is in the name of Yathrab.
00:02:28So it seems very strange that in the Qur'an,
00:02:30there is a mention of such a settlement again and again,
00:02:33which is pointed towards, which is important, but its name is not mentioned.
00:02:37But then in Surah Bani Israel, Allah Almighty gives a clear indication
00:02:43that which is that settlement, which is that land.
00:02:46Please understand this verse.
00:02:48So that the One who took His servants,
00:02:52i.e. the Messenger of Allah ï·º,
00:02:56at night from Majid-ul-Haram to Majid-ul-Aqsa,
00:03:00whose surroundings He blessed,
00:03:03so that He may show him some of His signs.
00:03:07Undoubtedly, Allah is All-Hearing and All-Seeing.
00:03:11And then, the blessed hadiths give us the address of this land or settlement.
00:03:16It is narrated from Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah that
00:03:20he heard from the Messenger of Allah ï·º
00:03:24that when the Quraish believed what I said,
00:03:27Allah made Yerushallam in front of my eyes
00:03:30and I saw its details and narrated them.
00:03:33Despite these clear indications,
00:03:55the name of Yerushallam is not mentioned in the Quran.
00:04:01However, many important historical events
00:04:04whose mention and the most important prophecies about the Day of Judgment
00:04:08are about the same city.
00:04:10After Makkah Muqarma and Madinah Munawwara,
00:04:13Yerushallam is the only city where there is a mosque
00:04:16which is built by a prophet of Allah,
00:04:19i.e. Majid-ul-Aqsa.
00:04:22According to many scholars,
00:04:24because Yerushallam is playing an important role
00:04:27till the end of times,
00:04:30perhaps this is why Allah has covered it with a sacred cloud.
00:04:35And about this city,
00:04:37you do not get much detail in the Islamic literature,
00:04:40but now perhaps the time has come
00:04:44that all the clouds will move by themselves.
00:04:47And those events are going to take place in Yerushallam
00:04:51which will then cover the whole world.
00:04:54To understand the present world,
00:04:56it is necessary to know Yerushallam.
00:04:59And it is impossible to know the present or the future
00:05:03if you do not know the ancient city of the world,
00:05:06i.e. Yerushallam, very well.
00:05:09Because this city, which is the most important for Muslims,
00:05:12Christians and Jews,
00:05:15it will play an extremely important role
00:05:18towards the end of history and the end of times.
00:05:21This is the center of contradictions.
00:05:24The Jews believe that this settlement is the center of the coming of their Messiah,
00:05:28after which their golden age will begin
00:05:31and they will rule the whole world from there.
00:05:36This belief is completely different from that of the Christians,
00:05:39who believe that when Jesus Christ will return,
00:05:43Yerushallam will be the place
00:05:46from where he will confirm all the beliefs of the Christians,
00:05:49including the crucifixion and the crucifixion.
00:05:54While the Muslims believe that Yerushallam's fate is written
00:05:58that he will prove the religion of Islam to be true
00:06:02and confirm Christianity and Judaism.
00:06:06Because all three claims are related to Prophet Abraham
00:06:10and despite being from the religion of Abraham,
00:06:13they have the most severe contradictions.
00:06:16Therefore, there will be only one truth.
00:06:20The mention of Yerushallam is not mentioned anywhere in the Holy Qur'an,
00:06:26but this verse is mentioned in the context of the signs of the near future.
00:06:32God Almighty announces the fate of Yerushallam as follows,
00:06:37when the last time will come,
00:06:40the Jews will be brought to the holy land from where they were taken out.
00:06:45This promise has been fulfilled.
00:06:48That is, the Jews have again established the holy land and settled there,
00:06:53so what is left to happen now?
00:06:56Yerushallam is one of the oldest cities in the world,
00:07:00which has been completely destroyed at least twice in its 4,000-year history.
00:07:08History has recorded 52 attacks and 44 occupations of different nations.
00:07:15This is Tel Aviv and Behr-e-Nom or Behr-e-Abyad,
00:07:19which is also called Mediterranean Sea,
00:07:22some 60 km from it in the east,
00:07:25while Behr-e-Murdar or Dead Sea,
00:07:28fell into the mountains of Jebel-e-Yahudah at a distance of 33 km.
00:07:34For the Jews, it has been sacred and important for the Christians for 3,000 years
00:07:40and for the Muslims for 1,400 years.
00:07:45With a population of 800,000, 64% Jews, 32% Muslims and only 2% Christians live here.
00:07:54For the Jews, there are 1,204 monasteries here,
00:07:58about 160 churches of Christians and 73 mosques of Muslims are established in this city.
00:08:07In the Bible, the mention of Hekel-e-Sulmani has been mentioned 632 times,
00:08:13which I will explain later.
00:08:15But its western wall, that is, the western wall of Hekel-e-Sulmani,
00:08:20is the holiest place for the Jews today.
00:08:26The Qur'an mentions Hekel-e-Sulmani as a mosque.
00:08:30And for 17 long months, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:08:36used to go to the Bait-e-Mamtaz and offer his prayers.
00:08:40So that he could give the message to the Jews,
00:08:43that the God who sent Moses, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:08:47also sent the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as his Prophet.
00:08:52And then the one who revealed the Qur'an is also the same God who sent the Torah.
00:08:56At the end of time, that is, before the end of time,
00:09:00what will happen at this place, at this place,
00:09:03will happen again after a pause and a pause.
00:09:12Welcome to the discussion once again.
00:09:14To understand the importance of European Union,
00:09:16let's first go back to the time of Prophet Abraham,
00:09:18so that we can learn about the past and the future.
00:09:22Prophet Abraham is also called the father of the prophets,
00:09:27because all the prophets after him were of his progeny.
00:09:31And then we should consider it our duty to send blessings
00:09:35to all the prophets after him, i.e. Prophet Abraham and the family of Abraham.
00:09:42The distance between Prophet Abraham and Prophet Noah was approximately 3000 years.
00:09:50After being saved from the fire of Nimrod,
00:09:53Prophet Abraham migrated from Iraq with his nephew Lot,
00:09:58by the command of Allah, to the Holy Land.
00:10:02And then it was revealed about this,
00:10:06Imam Sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
00:10:08Then we sent revelation to you,
00:10:10that you should also follow the nation of Abraham,
00:10:13which is purely going to bow down to God.
00:10:16When Allah Almighty chose a piece of land in the whole world
00:10:20and declared it the Holy Land,
00:10:23and decided that the religion of Prophet Abraham will remain there,
00:10:27then surely before the end of time,
00:10:30other religions will not be present there,
00:10:33so that the truth will be the fate of the Holy Land.
00:10:36And this has been written in the fate of Jerusalem,
00:10:40that they will verify the truth.
00:10:53Today, looking at the walls and doors of Jerusalem,
00:10:56many experts have buried ancient relics in the ruins of the city.
00:11:00They look for buildings that have been destroyed repeatedly.
00:11:06But everyone who goes there,
00:11:08definitely imagines them.
00:11:10This city was first built in the time of Prophet David.
00:11:15Its name is blessed.
00:11:17It has been mentioned 16 times in the Qur'an.
00:11:19And who are the first messengers?
00:11:21Prophet David,
00:11:22who was also given the kingdom of the Israelites.
00:11:25Prophet David,
00:11:27apart from Prophet Adam,
00:11:29he is also the only prophet,
00:11:31whom the Qur'an calls the Caliph.
00:11:35Because he was given the kingdom,
00:11:37a thousand years before Christ,
00:11:41most of the areas of Palestine were taken from the Israelites.
00:11:46Prophet Samuel came to power then,
00:11:49but he was very old.
00:11:51So the Israelites,
00:11:52the Israelites prayed to Allah for a king
00:11:55against the enemies,
00:11:57to help them.
00:11:59According to the command of Allah,
00:12:01Prophet Samuel appointed 30-year-old Talut as their king.
00:12:06Talut was not imagined by many scholars and prophets.
00:12:10And it is mentioned clearly in the Bible.
00:12:13As a sign of Talut's reign,
00:12:16through the angels,
00:12:18the coffin of Sakina was returned to the Israelites,
00:12:22which is mentioned in the Qur'an.
00:12:25It is a sign of God's kingdom.
00:12:32According to the stories of the prophets,
00:12:34in that box,
00:12:35the original copy of the Torah,
00:12:37two pieces of stone,
00:12:38which were given to Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai.
00:12:42Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron,
00:12:45Prophet David's staff and footstool,
00:12:48and a pot,
00:12:49safe and secure,
00:12:50so that the future generations
00:12:52remember the favor of Allah,
00:12:55which was said to them while wandering in the desert.
00:13:00Prophet David,
00:13:01as a young man,
00:13:04joined the army of Talut,
00:13:07when the enemy,
00:13:08the wrestler of the Palestinians,
00:13:11was inviting the Israelites to battle.
00:13:14No one had the courage,
00:13:16in the entire Israeli army,
00:13:18to face him.
00:13:20On this occasion,
00:13:21Prophet David appeared before him
00:13:23and killed him.
00:13:25In this unparalleled courage,
00:13:28Prophet David turned the eyes of the Israelites into stars.
00:13:31And Talut married his daughter to Prophet David.
00:13:36Then after a while,
00:13:38he became the ruler of the Israelites.
00:13:40Allah Almighty also blessed Prophet David with prophethood.
00:13:44And then,
00:13:45Prophet David founded the city of Jerusalem.
00:13:48And there,
00:13:49a magnificent palace was built,
00:13:52where the tomb of Sakina could be preserved.
00:13:57according to the Israelites,
00:13:59Prophet David was told that
00:14:01the palace could only be completed
00:14:03in the era of his son Solomon.
00:14:07the construction continued.
00:14:08And since it was completed in the era of Prophet Solomon,
00:14:12that is why it is also called the Temple of Solomon,
00:14:14or the Temple of King Solomon,
00:14:16or the First Temple.
00:14:18Prophet David ruled the Israelites for 40 years.
00:14:23And then his son,
00:14:24Prophet Solomon,
00:14:26who had a unique characteristic,
00:14:30that even animals were his subjects.
00:14:32And it is mentioned in the Qur'an 17 times.
00:14:36And about his rule,
00:14:38the Qur'an says,
00:14:50According to Israeli tradition,
00:14:52the construction of the Temple of Solomon took 7 years.
00:14:55They also believe that
00:14:57the Temple of Solomon was in place for 410 years.
00:15:03After Prophet Solomon,
00:15:05the Israelites fought among themselves.
00:15:07And as a result,
00:15:08two states,
00:15:09the Kingdom of Israel in northern Palestine
00:15:12and the Kingdom of Judah in southern Palestine,
00:15:14were established.
00:15:15There was a fierce conflict between the two kingdoms.
00:15:17And then,
00:15:18in the 7th century BC,
00:15:20the conquerors of Hashr finished the Kingdom of Israel.
00:15:24And a few years later,
00:15:25that is,
00:15:26in 587 BC,
00:15:28the king of Babylon,
00:15:29Bakht Nasr,
00:15:31also established the Kingdom of Judah.
00:15:33And the Temple of Solomon was built in such a way
00:15:36that it did not have a wall in its place.
00:15:44And the Temple of Sakina
00:15:46was so lost
00:15:47that it could not be found to this day.
00:15:49And the Jews were expelled from there.
00:15:52After 70 years,
00:15:54the Iranian king Cyrus the Great
00:15:56rebuilt Jerusalem
00:15:59to bring the Jews back.
00:16:01These days,
00:16:02he rebuilt the Temple of Solomon again.
00:16:05The king of Herod,
00:16:06who is also known as the most cruel ruler in history,
00:16:10he not only killed many Jewish religious leaders
00:16:13but also killed his own family.
00:16:16To please the Jews
00:16:18and to gain his support,
00:16:20he rebuilt the Temple of Solomon again.
00:16:24And the Jews,
00:16:25according to historians,
00:16:26was the second building of the Temple of Solomon,
00:16:29but it could only stand for 430 years.
00:16:32And during this time,
00:16:33the Temple of Sakina,
00:16:35which was lost during the destruction of Bakht Nasr,
00:16:38could not be brought back here for all this time.
00:16:42This temple was also destroyed
00:16:44in 70 AD
00:16:45by the hands of the Roman ruler Titus
00:16:47during the destruction of Jerusalem.
00:16:50When the Jews
00:16:51rebelled against the Romans,
00:16:53they failed.
00:16:54It is stated that
00:16:55approximately 150,000 Jews were killed during this time
00:16:59and thousands were held captive
00:17:01and buried in the amphitheaters
00:17:03in front of wild animals.
00:17:05And no Jew survived to tell
00:17:08where the Temple of Solomon went.
00:17:13Most of the ancient Jewish archaeologists
00:17:16agree that
00:17:17this walled area
00:17:19is not only the wall of the Temple of Solomon,
00:17:22but it is the remains of the Temple
00:17:24that was built the second time,
00:17:26which was later destroyed by the Romans.
00:17:29But the Temple of Sakina
00:17:31could not be found
00:17:32until today,
00:17:33which was first discovered
00:17:34after the destruction of the Temple.
00:17:36Some Jews believe
00:17:37that it is lost
00:17:38in the caves of the Jabl-e-Nabaw of Jordan,
00:17:41which is also mentioned in the Bible.
00:17:44And it is said
00:17:45that the burial of Moses
00:17:47is also located
00:17:48somewhere in those mountains.
00:17:50According to some historians,
00:17:51the Temple of Sakina
00:17:52is located
00:17:53in a church in Ethiopia.
00:17:55And similar claims
00:17:56are made
00:17:57about different parts
00:17:59of Britain,
00:18:01and France.
00:18:05after the complete destruction,
00:18:07when the government of Christ
00:18:09was established there,
00:18:10the Arabs of the Prophet
00:18:12did not tell.
00:18:16During this time,
00:18:17those Jews who
00:18:18after the destruction of Jerusalem
00:18:19had settled their settlements
00:18:20in different places
00:18:21and formed tribes,
00:18:23often mentioned their relations
00:18:25with the local Bedouins
00:18:27and the Quraish in Arabia,
00:18:30which came
00:18:31among the children
00:18:32of Prophet Abraham.
00:18:34Here it is necessary
00:18:35to mention
00:18:36that the Jews
00:18:37are the progeny
00:18:38of Prophet Abraham
00:18:39and Prophet Sarah,
00:18:40while the Quraish
00:18:41are the children
00:18:42of Prophet Abraham
00:18:43and Prophet Hajra.
00:18:46Prophet Ismail
00:18:47and Prophet Abraham
00:18:48were sitting
00:18:49under the feet
00:18:50of Prophet Abraham
00:18:51and Prophet Hajra,
00:18:52who, according to the command
00:18:53of God,
00:18:54Prophet Abraham
00:18:55came to the land
00:18:56of Mecca
00:18:57with his mother,
00:18:58Prophet Hajra.
00:19:00the spring of Zabzab
00:19:01was established.
00:19:03under the command
00:19:04of God,
00:19:05the place of Prophet Ismail
00:19:06was sacrificed.
00:19:07And there,
00:19:08the tribe of Jeram
00:19:09was settled,
00:19:10where Prophet
00:19:12was married.
00:19:13According to Hafiz Ibn Hajar,
00:19:14the first foundation
00:19:15of the Kaaba
00:19:16was laid
00:19:17and then it became
00:19:19Prophet Abraham
00:19:20and Prophet Ismail
00:19:21dug out
00:19:22the same place
00:19:23from the command of God
00:19:24and there,
00:19:25on the foundations
00:19:26of the previous
00:19:28the house of Allah
00:19:29was built.
00:19:30According to Arab historians,
00:19:31Prophet Ismail
00:19:32and his mother,
00:19:33Prophet Hajra,
00:19:34both were buried
00:19:35near the house
00:19:36of Allah.
00:19:38Prophet Ismail
00:19:39had twelve sons
00:19:40who were all
00:19:41the leaders
00:19:42of the different
00:19:43tribes of Arabia,
00:19:45Prophet Abraham
00:19:46and his second son,
00:19:47Prophet Isaac,
00:19:48who was from
00:19:49Prophet Sarah,
00:19:50were fifteen years
00:19:51younger than
00:19:52Prophet Ismail
00:19:53and they were
00:19:54born when
00:19:55Prophet Abraham
00:19:56was one hundred
00:19:57years old.
00:19:58In English,
00:19:59they are called
00:20:01And they were
00:20:02also buried
00:20:03in the cave of
00:20:05with their father,
00:20:06Prophet Abraham.
00:20:07The relationship
00:20:08between the two
00:20:09sons of Prophet
00:20:11that is,
00:20:13Jesus and
00:20:15was not
00:20:18according to
00:20:19some narrations,
00:20:20Jesus went to
00:20:21his uncle,
00:20:22that is,
00:20:23Prophet Ismail,
00:20:24to Mecca,
00:20:26Prophet Jacob,
00:20:27whose name
00:20:28in Hebrew
00:20:29is Israel,
00:20:30from his generation
00:20:31to the Israelites,
00:20:32many prophets,
00:20:33for example,
00:20:34Prophet Joseph,
00:20:35Prophet Moses,
00:20:36Prophet John,
00:20:37Prophet Jesus,
00:20:38and many others,
00:20:39all these
00:20:41were from
00:20:42the Israelites.
00:20:43The Israelites,
00:20:44that is,
00:20:45the children
00:20:46of Prophet
00:20:48The grave
00:20:49of Prophet
00:20:51is located
00:20:52near the city
00:20:53of Nablus,
00:20:55there is
00:20:56a mountain
00:20:57on which
00:20:58the Jews
00:21:05his son
00:21:07to kill.
00:21:08It is
00:21:11the Muslims
00:21:18his son
00:21:20to kill.
00:21:21In fact,
00:21:22God forbid,
00:21:23the Jews
00:21:24have included
00:21:25in their
00:21:34God forbid.
00:21:36the Jews
00:21:37did not
00:21:38do this
00:21:40with one
00:24:36the first call to prayer of Bilal-e-Hadshirat-e-Allah
00:24:39and then all of them prayed behind the Caliph.
00:24:47It is stated that some 50 years after the simple beginning,
00:24:52a magnificent Islamic style of construction was established in Jerusalem.
00:24:56So this city was called Bait-ul-Maqdas or Al-Quds.
00:25:00And then in 72 Hijri, Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan
00:25:04built a magnificent building on the spot from where the Prophet
00:25:08ascended to the heavens on the night of Ascension.
00:25:12It took him 4 years to complete it.
00:25:17And it is called Khutbat-ul-Sughrah or Doom and Rock.
00:25:21There are many narrations about this building and its dome.
00:25:25One of them is that after the storm of Noah,
00:25:29his boat stopped at this spot.
00:25:32It is also said that on the Day of Resurrection,
00:25:35Prophet Israfil will stand on the same rock and blow his trumpet.
00:25:39And it is also said that in the time of Prophet David,
00:25:43Jews used to offer their sacrifices.
00:25:46And when a fire from the sky would burn that sacrifice,
00:25:50it would be a sign of the acceptance of that sacrifice.
00:25:54All the doors of the mosque are decorated with gold and silver.
00:25:58And there are 4 minarets, 3 on the west side and 1 on the east side.
00:26:03Majid-e-Aqsa is located at a distance from the mosque with the dome
00:26:08in the southern part of this harem.
00:26:12This clarification is necessary because many people
00:26:15consider this golden mosque with the dome,
00:26:18that is Khutbat-ul-Sughrah, as Majid-e-Aqsa.
00:26:21That is why this clarification is necessary.
00:26:24Majid-e-Aqsa was built 40 years after the Kaaba,
00:26:28i.e. in the time of Prophet David.
00:26:32And a wall of its old building,
00:26:36i.e. a wall of that place,
00:26:39is also considered by Muslims as the same wall
00:26:42that the Jews used to call their holy place of worship,
00:26:46i.e. the wall of Gharia.
00:26:49And in the memory of the destruction of Haikal-e-Sulmani
00:26:52and its lost grandeur, it remained there.
00:26:58This clarification is also necessary that the word mosque,
00:27:01most historians do not use it only for the building of Majid-e-Aqsa,
00:27:05but for all the places where other buildings exist
00:27:08within the limits of the Harem-e-Sharif,
00:27:11including Dama Minar, Gumbad, Dalan and Khutbat-ul-Sughrah.
00:27:17The British gave Khutbat-ul-Sughrah the name of Majid-e-Umar,
00:27:20although this is not that place.
00:27:22Rather, in the courtyard of the mosque,
00:27:24the biggest dome that was built for the holy wall,
00:27:28we see the prayer of Hazrat Umar-e-Paruh there.
00:27:32It is also important to mention that in Palestine,
00:27:35when the Qiblah was held,
00:27:37the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:27:40for the sake of the religion of Ibrahim,
00:27:42near the Kaaba, in the early period,
00:27:44would offer Salat at the place of Ibrahim in such a way
00:27:47that it was in front of Bait-ul-Muqtad.
00:27:49Even two years after the migration,
00:27:51the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:27:53would offer Salat towards Bait-ul-Muqdad.
00:27:55But then one day,
00:27:57the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:27:59outside of Madinah Munawarah,
00:28:01in the mosque of Bani Salama,
00:28:03was offering Salat towards Bait-ul-Muqdad,
00:28:07and had offered two more rak'ahs of Salat,
00:28:09when he saw there,
00:28:11the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:28:13turned his face towards Majid-ul-Haram,
00:28:15and wherever he was,
00:28:17he turned his face towards the same direction.
00:28:19Therefore, the rest of the Salat,
00:28:21the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:28:23turned his face towards the Kaaba.
00:28:25And on this basis,
00:28:27after the migration of the Kaaba,
00:28:29the name of Majid-ul-Bani Salama
00:28:31was Majid-ul-Qibla-Tain.
00:28:33That is, the mosque with two Qiblahs.
00:28:37In the beginning of the discussion,
00:28:39I said that
00:28:41the Qur'an did not mention the name of Jerusalem,
00:28:44but a sign of the end of times
00:28:46was mentioned in this way.
00:28:48And after Moses, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:28:51we said to the Israelites,
00:28:53that you should be safe in the land,
00:28:55with the condition that you should be on the right path,
00:28:58and you should be obedient to Allah.
00:29:01Then, when the time of the Hereafter will be near,
00:29:03we will bring you out of the other nations of the world
00:29:07and bring you here.
00:29:09Please pay attention to this verse of the Qur'an,
00:29:12that we will bring you out of the other nations of the world
00:29:15and bring you there.
00:29:17And then look at the present-day Israel,
00:29:19where people have gathered there
00:29:21from all over the world,
00:29:23including the Muslim countries,
00:29:25Europe, everywhere.
00:29:27People have also reached there from many European countries.
00:29:30And in large numbers,
00:29:32our hearts are no longer convinced of the greatness of Allah.
00:29:44In 1981, the famous Hollywood actor Harrison Ford,
00:29:48the director of Steven Spielberg's film,
00:29:51Raiders of the Lost Ark,
00:29:53played by Indiana Jones,
00:29:55came before us in his role,
00:29:57who fights against the German Nazis,
00:29:59who wants to take the Ark of the Covenant to Hitler.
00:30:04After his great success,
00:30:06three more films,
00:30:08Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dawn,
00:30:10Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,
00:30:13and then Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull,
00:30:16were screened all over the world.
00:30:20This is proof that this subject
00:30:22is much more important for Jews and Christians than for Muslims.
00:30:30The people are ready to build the Ark of the Covenant
00:30:33on the site of the martyrdom of Hitler.
00:30:36But to start the construction,
00:30:38they have to wait for a sign from God.
00:30:41That sign will be in the form of a red cow,
00:30:45which they will slaughter and burn.
00:30:48And with its ashes, the people of Israel will be cleansed.
00:30:52After that, the Jews believe
00:30:55that no impure person can enter the Ark of the Covenant.
00:31:00According to the Jews,
00:31:02the cow will be brought to the Ark of the Covenant
00:31:05for purification three years after its birth.
00:31:08In the name of the search for the ancient remains,
00:31:11a wide tunnel is dug under the Aqsa Mosque
00:31:14and the Temple of Dawn,
00:31:17and this tunnel is dug in a very organized manner.
00:31:21As a result, both sacred buildings are completely destroyed.
00:31:26Such a small earthquake or earthquake can destroy them.
00:31:32The Israeli government says
00:31:34that the purpose of digging the tunnel
00:31:37is to search for the remains of Haikal Soleimani,
00:31:40i.e. the Aqsa Mosque.
00:31:42In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:32:12When people asked about Najd,
00:32:15the Messenger of Allah said again,
00:32:18O Allah, have mercy on our Syria and our Yemen.
00:32:23When people asked about Najd again,
00:32:26the Messenger of Allah said that
00:32:28there will be earthquakes and devastation,
00:32:31and from there Satan will take out his head.
00:32:34The end of times, i.e. the era of the end of times,
00:32:37where there will be chaos, war,
00:32:40about which everything has been described in detail in the Qur'an and Hadith.
00:32:44Take care of yourself, your friends and relatives.
00:32:48Allah Hafiz.
00:33:09For more information visit www.fema.org
00:33:39For more information visit www.fema.org
00:34:09For more information visit www.fema.org
00:34:14In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:34:39Dr. Shahid Masood from ARY Digital Network.
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00:43:01End of times..
00:43:03bismillah hir rahmanirraheem
00:43:05if you
00:43:25to the Prophet of Allah, what is the time of his Qiyam?
00:43:29So you say that his knowledge is only with my Lord.
00:43:32He will only reveal it on time.
00:43:35It is a heavy thing on the heavens and the earth.
00:43:37It will come to you suddenly.
00:43:39So they ask him that as if you are stuck in its hole.
00:43:42Say that its knowledge is only with Allah.
00:43:46But most people do not know this.
00:43:49Then Allah Almighty says in Surah Bani Israel
00:43:53And they say that when will be the Qiyam?
00:43:55Say that it is not strange, it is near.
00:44:00Qiyam is mentioned.
00:44:02All the Prophets have mentioned it.
00:44:04But since there is no Prophet after the Prophet of Allah,
00:44:09that is why you have mentioned it in detail.
00:44:13Hazrat Ghaifa has narrated from Rijal-e-Taalanu
00:44:16that the Prophet of Allah stood between us
00:44:20and he did not leave any incident till Qiyam
00:44:25that he did not mention.
00:44:27The one who remembered, remembered.
00:44:29The one who forgot, forgot.
00:44:31And the incidents that the Prophet of Allah informed us about,
00:44:35that is, the narrator is saying about himself
00:44:37that those who have forgotten,
00:44:39whenever those incidents are mentioned,
00:44:41I remember.
00:44:42Like when a man is missing,
00:44:44his face is forgotten,
00:44:46but when he comes in front, he remembers.
00:44:49And the disbelievers are just enjoying a few days of life in the world.
00:44:54And they are eating like animals
00:44:56and their final destination is hell.
00:44:59The signs of the Day of Judgment are described in two ways.
00:45:02In the Holy Qur'an, most of them are mentioned
00:45:05which are very close to the Day of Judgment.
00:45:07But in Hadith, close and far,
00:45:10it is the description of all times.
00:45:12And if we study these signs carefully,
00:45:15then many Shariah and jurisprudential issues are also clear.
00:45:20For example, when the incident of staying on the land of Dajjal was mentioned,
00:45:25it was said that one day,
00:45:27the month and month will be equal to the year.
00:45:29So the companions asked,
00:45:30O Messenger of Allah,
00:45:32such a long day,
00:45:33then how will five prayers be offered?
00:45:35So the Prophet of Allah said,
00:45:38No, but you estimate the time
00:45:42and offer the prayers according to the usual days.
00:45:46The signs of the Day of Judgment can be described in the simplest way
00:45:50that those that have been mentioned long ago,
00:45:53that is, the signs that are relatively far from the Day of Judgment,
00:45:59are called clear signs.
00:46:01For example, the advent of the Messenger of Allah and his message.
00:46:09These are also signs of the Day of Judgment.
00:46:11The splitting of the moon and the battles.
00:46:13And then the spreading of a terrible fire in Madinah Munawwara.
00:46:17Or the fitna of Tatar,
00:46:19whose prophecy is narrated in Bukhari, Abu Daw, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah's hadith.
00:46:23These are all clear signs.
00:46:27Regarding the splitting of the moon,
00:46:29it is mentioned in Surah Qamar of the Qur'an.
00:46:32This whole Surah is in the name of the moon.
00:46:35And in this Surah,
00:46:36at some places,
00:46:37there is also mention of that destruction,
00:46:38which was revealed on the people of Noah, the people of Aad, the people of Samud,
00:46:41the people of Lot and the people of Pharaoh.
00:46:44Because they rejected their messengers.
00:46:47There is a very important message in the first verse of Surah Qamar,
00:46:50that the time has come and the moon has split.
00:46:54Hazrat Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him,
00:46:57narrates that the people of Mecca had asked the Prophet,
00:47:00peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:47:01that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:47:03give some signs.
00:47:05So the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:47:07showed them the sign of the splitting of the moon.
00:47:10The word shakh has many meanings in Arabic.
00:47:13Most of the meanings of shakh in the Qur'an are split.
00:47:17That is, the split of the moon.
00:47:20But in Arabic,
00:47:21this word is also used to dig the ground.
00:47:24As it was said,
00:47:25No doubt we poured water from the well,
00:47:28then we dug the ground in a strange way,
00:47:32then we planted cereals and grapes in it,
00:47:36and vegetables and olives and dates.
00:47:40After a while, the conversation continued.
00:47:44In the conversation, once again,
00:47:46one of the signs of the split has already been mentioned.
00:47:50Among them is the fire of Medina,
00:47:52which was reported in Bukhari and Muslim.
00:47:55According to Bukhari,
00:47:56Hazrat Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him,
00:47:58narrates that the Day of Judgment will not come
00:48:00until a fire comes out of the land of Hijaz.
00:48:03And from it, the necks of camels will be illuminated in Busra.
00:48:07In this hadith, Busra is mentioned,
00:48:10in the city of Basra in Iraq.
00:48:12Busra is a famous city in the country of Syria
00:48:16between Medina and Damascus,
00:48:18which is about 48 miles from Damascus.
00:48:22And this is the place where
00:48:24a Christian monk named Buhairah
00:48:27prophesied to be the Prophet of the Messenger of Allah.
00:48:32This city is also called Busra al-Harair.
00:48:35And in the Bible, the mention of this ancient population
00:48:38is in the name of Busra.
00:48:40Very few people may be aware of the fact
00:48:43that the place where the Christian monk
00:48:46prophesied is still present today.
00:48:49Very few people go there
00:48:51and in that desolation,
00:48:54a tree is present in that place.
00:48:59Scholars agree that the fire mentioned in the hadith
00:49:04is 6 Jamadi-us-Sani, 654 Hijri-Sham,
00:49:09in the eastern part of Medina.
00:49:13And it continues for 52 days,
00:49:16i.e. until the 27th of Rajab.
00:49:19According to the Shariah of the Prophet,
00:49:22its light can be seen up to Makkah Muazzama.
00:49:25While Abu Samar said that
00:49:27in Damascus, the light was doubled on the walls.
00:49:31And in Damascus, we were surprised
00:49:33that what is the reason for this?
00:49:35So much so that we were not aware of any fire there.
00:49:38When this fire reached that stone
00:49:41which was within the limits of the Haram-e-Medina,
00:49:44then they themselves forgot.
00:49:46And the people of Busra said that
00:49:48we saw the necks of camels in the light of that fire.
00:49:53i.e. exactly the same thing
00:49:55which was mentioned in the hadith
00:49:57that in Busra, the necks of camels
00:49:59will be illuminated by the light of that fire.
00:50:02Allama Abu Sham-e-Rehmat-ul-Alai
00:50:05before that fire,
00:50:07mentions a terrible noise in Medina Munawwara.
00:50:10He says that the city was shaken by such an earthquake
00:50:14that the ground, walls and roofs
00:50:17were shaking for three days in Medina Munawwara.
00:50:20And then the streets of Medina were filled
00:50:23with a terrible fire,
00:50:25as if flames were coming from everywhere like water.
00:50:28Was there an earthquake in Medina Munawwara then?
00:50:32Is there any proof?
00:50:34In Hurr-e-Rehb, Jabal-e-Malisa,
00:50:38which is a mountain,
00:50:40which has been silent for centuries
00:50:42and modern scientific research shows
00:50:44that for the last time,
00:50:46lava was formed in it in 654 Hijri.
00:50:49And this lava from its center
00:50:52rose from 23 km to the north.
00:50:56And its limits reached the present airport of Medina Munawwara.
00:51:00And this molten hot lava
00:51:02stopped at a place
00:51:04from where the city of Medina
00:51:06was only 12 km away.
00:51:08The effects of the destruction of this lava
00:51:11can still be seen near Medina Munawwara.
00:51:15Another sign that has been revealed,
00:51:18the sign of Baida,
00:51:20which has been forced,
00:51:22is the Fitna-e-Tatar.
00:51:24That is, the war with the Mongols,
00:51:26whose prophecy is mentioned in the hadith
00:51:28of Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood,
00:51:30Ibn Wazir and Ibn Majah.
00:51:32According to Sahih Bukhari,
00:51:34Hazrat Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him,
00:51:36is narrated that,
00:51:38Until you fight the Turks,
00:51:40whose eyes will be small,
00:51:42faces will be red,
00:51:44and their noses will be covered.
00:51:46Their faces will be like a shield
00:51:48on which there will be a veil.
00:51:50And the Day of Judgment will come
00:51:52until you fight such a nation
00:51:54whose shoes are not made of hair.
00:51:57In these hadiths,
00:51:59the nation from which the war of Muslims
00:52:01has been reported,
00:52:03according to most scholars,
00:52:05is the same Tatar
00:52:07who attacked the Muslims
00:52:09in the guise of God's wrath.
00:52:11And the news of that time,
00:52:13which the Messenger of Allah,
00:52:15peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:52:17had narrated,
00:52:19can be seen in all the valleys of Khwarezm
00:52:21in the Fitna-e-Tatar.
00:52:23Obviously, after the death
00:52:25of the last caliph of the Banu Bas,
00:52:29most areas of the Islamic world
00:52:31were destroyed by the terror
00:52:33of these Tatars.
00:52:37To be continued...
00:53:07To be continued...
00:53:37We have seen this era of the Tatars with our own eyes.
00:53:39And they say about this blessed hadith
00:53:41that the attacking nation
00:53:43was attacking Baghdad
00:53:45with small eyes,
00:53:47sharp noses
00:53:49and such a shield-like face
00:53:51that they were wearing
00:53:53shoes made of hair.
00:53:55And this was exactly
00:53:57according to the prophecy
00:53:59of the Messenger of Allah,
00:54:01peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:54:03But then Jamia Azhar's
00:54:05scholars say that this incident
00:54:07i.e. the war with the Turks has not yet taken place.
00:54:09And many other scholars also say that
00:54:11the war with the people of Turkistan
00:54:13and its neighboring areas
00:54:15is not clear
00:54:17whether it will be before
00:54:19the expulsion of the Dajjal
00:54:21during or after it.
00:54:23Here it will be interesting to mention
00:54:25that according to some Arab historians,
00:54:27Hazrat Zulkarnain built a wall
00:54:29and closed it behind
00:54:31twenty-one of the actual
00:54:33people of Turkistan.
00:54:35And according to Marukh Kitab,
00:54:37the tribe that was left behind
00:54:39was the Turks of today.
00:54:41Remember that a battle
00:54:43was fought by Hazrat Khudaibah bin Muslim
00:54:45in the leadership of the Prophet
00:54:47when Bukhara, Azerbaijan
00:54:49and Samatan etc. were conquered.
00:54:51And now these areas
00:54:53have been freed from the Soviet Union
00:54:55and have taken the form of
00:54:57the states of Central Asia.
00:54:59It is necessary to be very careful
00:55:01because here it is also necessary
00:55:03to keep the distinction
00:55:05between Arabs and non-Arabs in mind.
00:55:07Especially, various historians
00:55:09have their own opinion
00:55:11because many Akabirs
00:55:13declared the end of the Tatars
00:55:15during the Abbasid Caliphate
00:55:17in the era of Yajuj and Majuj
00:55:19because they also came from the East.
00:55:21In the Abbasid era,
00:55:23it was very common to make
00:55:25the Turks slaves.
00:55:27The non-Muslim Turks
00:55:29when they saw that
00:55:31they were the biggest army of Islam
00:55:33then the word Mamluk
00:55:35that we often hear in Arabic
00:55:37means white slave.
00:55:39And we also remember
00:55:41those white Turkish slaves
00:55:43in the name of the Ghulamah family
00:55:45in the far north.
00:55:47Those Turks took the place of the Arabs.
00:55:49These were the slaves
00:55:51and then they started the government
00:55:53under the leadership of
00:55:55Khudaibah bin Ayyub
00:55:57and then Sultanah
00:55:59and then Mamluk.
00:56:01After this,
00:56:03we will continue our discussion.
00:56:07Welcome back to our discussion.
00:56:09We will talk about the Arab and non-Arab
00:56:11differences and their history
00:56:15But first, we will talk about
00:56:17the Hadith
00:56:19where there is a war
00:56:21between two groups.
00:56:23The majority of scholars
00:56:25agree that
00:56:27the battle of Safin is mentioned here
00:56:29which happened between
00:56:31Hazrat Ali and
00:56:33Hazrat Ameer Mawiyah
00:56:35which happened
00:56:37on the banks of the
00:56:39River Farad
00:56:41in 637 A.D.
00:56:43And it is also called
00:56:45the first civil war
00:56:47of the Muslims.
00:56:49The area of Safin is
00:56:51the area of Syria
00:56:53and it is also called
00:56:55the area of Raqqa.
00:56:57You must have heard
00:56:59that even today,
00:57:01people are killing each other
00:57:03in the name of religion.
00:57:05In the area of Raqqa,
00:57:07before the battle of Safin,
00:57:09both armies were standing
00:57:11in front of each other
00:57:13for 100 days and
00:57:15then the destruction
00:57:19Historians also say
00:57:21that the battle of Safin
00:57:23is the battle of Khawarij.
00:57:25I will talk about Khawarij later
00:57:27in detail.
00:57:29But who are the people
00:57:31who are called Khawarij?
00:57:33Who are the people
00:57:35who are really Khawarij?
00:57:37And who are the people
00:57:39who feel proud
00:57:41to call themselves Khawarij?
00:57:43Most of the scholars
00:57:45suggest that
00:57:47the battle of Safin
00:57:49is the battle of Khawarij.
00:57:51The battle of Safin
00:57:53is the battle of Khawarij.
00:57:55The battle of Safin
00:57:57is the battle of Khawarij.
00:57:59The battle of Safin
00:58:01is the battle of Khawarij.
00:58:03The battle of Safin
00:58:05is the battle of Khawarij.
00:58:07The battle of Safin
00:58:09is the battle of Khawarij.
00:58:11The battle of Safin
00:58:13is the battle of Khawarij.
00:58:15The battle of Safin
00:58:17is the battle of Khawarij.
00:58:19The battle of Khawarij
00:58:21is the battle of Khawarij.
00:58:23Because the history
00:58:25of Khawarij
00:58:27is based
00:58:29on the past
00:58:31and present.
00:58:33That's why
00:58:35we need to look at
00:58:37the past
00:58:39and present
00:58:41and the future
00:58:43in order to understand
00:58:45Every seed grows with the sowing of another seed.
00:58:48And what the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said 1400 years ago,
00:58:53if you pay attention to it and look at your age,
00:58:55you will be shocked.
00:58:56For example, in Sahih Muslim,
00:58:58it is narrated from Hazrat Umar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him,
00:59:01that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said,
00:59:03that a girl will give birth to her master,
00:59:06and you will see that
00:59:08those who graze goats will build tall buildings.
00:59:14About the first part of this hadith,
00:59:16some scholars say that
00:59:17there are signs of Islamic conquests that took place later,
00:59:21in which many girls were brought as prisoners of war.
00:59:26And then the girls obviously gave birth to children.
00:59:29It was customary to keep them in the harem.
00:59:32And then the role played by these girls
00:59:35is filled with the conspiracies of Islamic history.
00:59:40While some scholars insist that
00:59:42it is a sign of disobedience of the children
00:59:45that the daughter will behave like a slave to her mother.
00:59:49No matter how the explanation of this hadith is,
00:59:51the two different points of view of the scholars
00:59:55have clearly been presented to us.
00:59:58Then look at the second part of the hadith.
01:00:01So from Dubai to Jeddah and from Egypt to Jordan,
01:00:04what is the competition about nowadays?
01:00:06Who built the first or second or third largest building in the world?
01:00:10Where is the largest shopping mall in the world?
01:00:13And where is the tallest tower built?
01:00:17Pride and arrogance, glory and glory,
01:00:20and self-proclaimed glory,
01:00:22which was described as a sign of the last days 1400 years ago.
01:00:40Then another tradition is that when you see
01:01:06that those who walk barefoot and those who are helpless
01:01:09become the leaders of the poor people,
01:01:12then this is one of the signs of the last days.
01:01:14The Prophet was asked,
01:01:17O Messenger of Allah, who are these hungry poor people?
01:01:21The Prophet replied, Arabs.
01:01:25Today the situation in the Middle East
01:01:27is full of murder, arrogance,
01:01:29and treachery of the tribes of Masalik.
01:01:32Allah says in Surah An-Naml,
01:01:41And do not go beyond the limit.
01:01:43Surely Allah does not like those who go beyond the limit.
01:01:47The Messenger of Allah said,
01:01:50The Day of Judgment will not be established until people
01:01:54start building such houses that they will make beautiful like clothes.
01:01:59This hadith has been stated in another place
01:02:02that in the last days, people will build many mosques
01:02:06and carve inscriptions in them.
01:02:08The one who builds a mosque will be proud of the construction of his mosque
01:02:12and then in these mosques, people's hearts will be lost
01:02:15in the beauty of the building more than in worship.
01:02:19Many companions have scared of the adornment of mosques.
01:02:22Ibn Abbas said to the Messenger of Allah,
01:02:25Will you build your mosques in the same way
01:02:29as the Jews and Christians build their mosques?
01:02:33In a hadith, Hazrat Usama bin Zaid narrates
01:02:37that the Messenger of Allah ascended to a high place
01:02:42and addressed the companions and asked,
01:02:45Do you see what I see?
01:02:49The companions said, O Messenger of Allah,
01:02:54The Messenger of Allah said,
01:02:56I see the mischief that is raining on your houses
01:03:01like rain.
01:03:03In this blessed hadith, the Messenger of Allah
01:03:08has mentioned the rain of mischief with your houses.
01:03:13Scholars of the present time,
01:03:15Through the misuse of TV, radio and the internet,
01:03:19In an unnoticed manner,
01:03:21they interpret satanic mischief as this mischief.
01:03:25The meaning of which is indicated in this hadith.
01:03:28Today, about two and a half thousand satellites
01:03:32orbit our earth.
01:03:34Arabs call everything the sky,
01:03:37which is high above them.
01:03:39In the Nizam-ul-Arab, it is written that
01:03:42the sky is what is above and shadows you.
01:03:46Sayyiduna Hudaifah bin Yaman narrates
01:03:50that the Messenger of Allah said,
01:03:53Evil will descend from the sky on you,
01:03:56so much so that it will reach the sky.
01:04:00The companions asked,
01:04:02O Messenger of Allah, what is this sky?
01:04:05The Messenger of Allah said,
01:04:08Barren land.
01:04:10Many scholars here mean the sky,
01:04:13who live in the deserts,
01:04:16who cannot live with camels and tents
01:04:19without a satellite TV.
01:04:26Pompeii, an ancient Roman city,
01:04:29which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption.
01:04:32The people living there failed to save themselves
01:04:35and were buried under fire, including the city.
01:04:43In 1599, a farmer started digging a well
01:04:46in that area.
01:04:48It was as if he was struck by wonder.
01:04:51A whole city came out of the ground
01:04:54in such a way that even a piece of bread
01:04:57was in its place,
01:04:59which was being prepared at the time of destruction.
01:05:02A magnificent city,
01:05:04where a famous poet was living,
01:05:08which was being prepared at the time of destruction.
01:05:11A magnificent city,
01:05:13where a famous poet was living,
01:05:28This city would have remained intact for centuries
01:05:31if it had not been settled
01:05:33under the shadow of a mountain.
01:05:36When ash and stones fell on the city,
01:05:39when ash and stones fell on the city,
01:05:42about 20,000 people tried to escape to the sea.
01:05:45about 20,000 people tried to escape to the sea.
01:05:48But those routes were also closed.
01:05:51And this destruction continued for 18 hours.
01:05:54When everything cooled down,
01:05:57there was no proof that a settlement
01:06:00used to live here.
01:06:02After living underground for 1,500 years,
01:06:05now after 2,500 years,
01:06:07every year,
01:06:09about 2.5 million tourists
01:06:11make their settlement.
01:06:13This is also a route.
01:06:15People come here for recreation
01:06:17and maybe some of them
01:06:19have learned a lesson.
01:06:21Streets, houses,
01:06:27and the person
01:06:29remained in the same condition
01:06:31wherever he was.
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