• last year
00:00So hello everyone, welcome back to the channel Web4Click
00:03and today we are going to do a modeling class
00:06First of all, let me tell you that there was a hair series going on here
00:09and we learned a lot of things about hair here
00:12on that basis, today we will practically
00:15make some models related to hair
00:18in which our first model will be
00:20a model of a man who cleans shoes
00:23along with it, we will also make a model of a man who cuts hair
00:26and along with it, we will also make a model of a serpent
00:29and we will see how we can generate
00:32small thorns in the nostrils with the help of hair
00:35but before that, let me tell you that those people
00:38who have done my class of 54, 55 and 56
00:41they will understand these things very easily
00:44and you will understand all the options very easily
00:47those people who have not done this class
00:50they must do these classes so that in a very deep
00:53you can understand each option here
00:56without wasting time, let's start
00:59so we have come to the screen of our blender
01:02first of all, we will press one button and we will come to its front mode
01:05and we will set this cube in the shape of a man
01:08so first of all, let's make it long in the X direction
01:11for that, for scale, we will press the S button
01:14and in which direction we have to scale it
01:17for that, we will press the X button, we have to make it long in the X direction
01:20so in this way, we can make it long here
01:23I can see enough here, if it is a little more
01:26then I will press the S button again and in the X direction
01:29I will make it smaller here, in the same way, if I have to increase it in the Y direction
01:32then I will press the S button again and this time
01:35by pressing the Y button, if I pull it a little
01:38then it will scale in the Y direction like this
01:41so you can see that this is almost the right size of my man
01:44is made here, now by pressing one button
01:47we will see its thickness here, the thickness is looking a little more
01:50so in the Y direction, if we have to scale it
01:53then we will press the S button and in the Z direction
01:56we will scale it a little
01:59so that it comes here in the size of a man
02:02now this is almost the size of my man
02:05now let's move ahead, first of all, in the render view
02:08we will see how our product is looking
02:11and you have to do the light on all four sides
02:14so for that, we will take a shader here
02:17in this shader, we can set the light
02:20behind it, I have already told all these things
02:23for the light, you can see it in episode no. 50
02:26now for the light, first of all, you have to go to the void
02:29that is, the area behind it, we call it void
02:32here first of all, you have to take a
02:35environment texture by pressing the shift A button
02:38if you have seen my last class
02:41then you must be understanding everything very well
02:44in the environment texture, first of all, I will connect it
02:47so it will always be pink here
02:50it is pink here because there is no light present in it
02:53so from here, the HDRI image of it
02:56which I have told you in episode no. 50
02:59I will select it here and in the background
03:02its automatic light will be generated here
03:05but I want no image to be visible here
03:08if I want to do any color here, for that I will press the shift D button
03:11and I will take a duplicate of it here
03:14and I will use a mix shader in it
03:17I will put it in the middle here, the upper part of it
03:20will be connected to it and the lower part of it
03:23I will connect it here, so the color of its background
03:26will come here, if I want to change this color here
03:29then I can change its color like this
03:32and if I want to remove the background image
03:35then for that I will take a path here, that is, a light path
03:38and the first area of it, I will connect it with a factor
03:41so the area at the back will disappear from here
03:44now in this, the color of our background, whatever you want
03:47you can set the color here, so I will give a nice color here
03:50I will make it pink here
03:53I will set this purple color here
03:56so if you want to show your object in focus
03:59so for that, reduce the strength of the background
04:02I will make it 0.5
04:05you can increase its strength if you want
04:08so that the focus here, that is, the pattern of its light
04:11will increase a little, the more you increase its strength
04:14the more your color will be highlighted here
04:17and the more you reduce its background
04:20its background color
04:23will become a little lighter in it
04:26for now I will set it to 0.5
04:29I like this color a lot, so in this way
04:32you can manage your color here in the background
04:35so let's move ahead, first of all
04:38I merge it from here, now the first thing we have to do
04:41we have to grow hair on it, now here
04:44if you see this shape here, then you will see small clumps
04:47I can see it here, now this kind of
04:50I have already told the shape and hair
04:53we do it with the help of clumping
04:56so let's move ahead and go to the edit mode of the tab
04:59to see its front, first of all I will press one button
05:02and now I will separate it from its upper face
05:05to separate it from here
05:08I have to select the face option
05:11and I will select it here
05:14now I simply have to press the button from my keyboard
05:17as soon as I press the Y button, it will be separated from here
05:20and I can open it like a cover
05:23if I want to close the area below again
05:26first I will go to the wireframe mode
05:29and I will select the vertices again
05:32I will select the vertices above
05:35and I will press the F button here
05:38whatever I have selected from the F button
05:41whatever vertices I have selected, it will fill them
05:44means it will fill them, so my upper cover will be filled
05:47if I show you here, then my upper cover
05:50is filled in it, now if I press the tab
05:53and come out, then you will see that
05:56both of them are joined here, when we work in edit mode
05:59then whatever we use with an object
06:02it always gets joined with it when we come to object mode
06:05so if you want to separate it
06:08then you have to go to edit mode again by pressing the tab
06:11now if we want to separate this face, then we will press the P button
06:14and if we click on the by selection part
06:17then it will be separated from here
06:20now a new cube will be generated in the timeline
06:23name it hair
06:26because we are going to generate hair here
06:29now I will come back to object mode
06:32and I will generate hair here
06:35to generate hair
06:38go to particle properties
06:41press the plus button and when I click on hair
06:44hair will be generated here
06:47now I will come back to render view
06:50so that I can see the real view
06:53so that I can see the real view
06:56this will be rendered here
06:59now first of all
07:02I have to give some shape to the hair
07:05so first of all I have to set the color
07:08and if I want to reduce the length of the hair
07:11then I have to go to emission
07:14and I will give 0.5 meter
07:170.5 is little more so I will give 1 meter
07:20now first of all we will color it
07:23to color it first of all you have to go to material mode
07:26and when you go to material mode
07:29you will see a color by default
07:32this is the color of my object
07:35so for hair you have to press the plus button
07:38and name it hair
07:41so we will make the color of the hair
07:44like this
07:47and apply it here
07:50go back to particle properties
07:53and select the hair
07:56you will get a render option
07:59and when you select it in material mode
08:02then the color will be applied
08:05you can see the color is applied
08:08now first of all
08:11I have to go to render properties
08:14and in curves option
08:17you will get a strand option
08:20and you have to stripe it
08:23now you can see the hair
08:26is scattered here
08:29first of all we have to make small clumps
08:32we will do that with the help of clamp
08:35for that go back to particles
08:38minimize them
08:41and here I will get an option of children
08:44go to children
08:47and in simple I will click
08:50and all the hair will become thick
08:53now the hair is thick
08:56and in this
08:59the hair will be scattered
09:02now go to clumping option
09:05and I will clump them
09:08and all the hair will stick to each other
09:11you can see the hair is stuck
09:14and one hair clump is of 10
09:17you can see the display amount
09:20one hair clump is of 10
09:23now they are not looking realistic
09:26they are scattered
09:29now I have to make a line
09:32to make them look realistic
09:35for that press tab again
09:38and go to edit mode
09:41and you can see
09:44there are no vertices or faces
09:47first of all divide it
09:50according to the hair
09:53first of all I will subdivide it
09:56again subdivide
09:59and select vertices
10:02and I will grow the hair on these vertices
10:05and if you want to subdivide
10:08you can do more
10:11press tab and come back
10:14now what I have to do
10:17I have to go to emission
10:20and source
10:23and here I will get the option of vertices
10:26as soon as I select the vertices
10:29all the hair will be on different vertices
10:32now I will manage them
10:35first I will open the clumping
10:38I will open the clumping
10:41and I will keep the hair as much as I want
10:44and I will keep the hair as much as I want
10:47now I will take the hair
10:50as you can see
10:53the origin point is coming out
10:56to bring the origin point to the center
10:59click on set origin
11:02now I will bring the hair
11:05to the bottom
11:08and I will bring it inside
11:11so that I can see the hair
11:14now I will scale the hair
11:17and I will scale it
11:20and I will scale it
11:23in the x direction
11:26you can scale it as much as you want
11:29now I will press the v button
11:32and I will scale it
11:35and I will render it
11:38and see the result
11:41now it is not looking good
11:44because we are seeing it in ev mode
11:47if we see it in cycles
11:50the clarity will increase
11:53the clarity will increase
11:56and in cycles you can see
11:59this kind of view
12:02we have to do many modifications
12:05you can see the hair is looking white
12:08we have to change the color
12:11now I will bring the hair
12:14in ev mode
12:17now I will apply the texture
12:20in shading mode
12:23and I will make the texture
12:26first I will make the texture
12:29I will press the shift a button
12:32and I will select the color ramp
12:35now we can add
12:38as many colors as we want
12:41I will select only 2 colors
12:44if you want to add more colors
12:47you can press the plus button
12:50now I will select the yellow color
12:53and I will make it white
12:56and I will select the red color
12:59and I will make it red
13:02now you can see
13:05you can see the yellow color
13:08and the texture of the red color
13:11that's why I have selected 2 colors
13:14one is yellow color
13:17and the other one is red color
13:20now we will use the noise texture
13:23now we will use the noise texture
13:26noise texture will make the noise
13:29noise texture will make the noise
13:32and the first part will be the background color
13:35and the first part will be the background color
13:38if you want to manage the noise
13:41there are many options
13:44you can scale it
13:47you can scale it
13:50if you want to make the wood
13:53you can do the detailing
13:56I will keep it thin
13:59you can make it rough
14:02I will keep it rough
14:08you can adjust the distortion
14:11you can adjust the distortion
14:14you can adjust the distortion
14:17you can make it metallic
14:20you can make it metallic
14:23and reduce the roughness
14:26so it will give a little shine to the wood
14:29which is a polish type shine, we will reduce the roughness
14:32so you can keep it as per your liking
14:35I will see it again in my layout
14:38so it will look something like this
14:41now we will slightly round this area
14:44I think it is too square, so I will press the tab button
14:47always if you want to round anything
14:50you will get a modifier here, bevel modifier
14:53but it will round all the edges
14:56if you want to individually round
14:59you will get a tool here
15:02bevel tool, shortcut is ctrl b
15:05so I will select the edge
15:08I will press shift to select all 4
15:11I want to round this
15:14so I will press ctrl b
15:17and I will draw it like this
15:21you can see one is deselected
15:24so I will press ctrl z and select it again
15:27I will press ctrl b
15:30how much I have to scale
15:33first I will manage it like this
15:36and then I will rotate the scroll wheel
15:39so you will see it will keep on rounding
15:42so you can round it as per your liking
15:45if you keep on rounding with your mouse
15:49so I will click on it
15:52and I will get a shape like this
15:55if you want to reduce it
15:58you can press the tab button
16:01I will reduce this area from s button to y button
16:04and then I will reduce the bush from s button to y button
16:09so this is the shape of my bush
16:12when you are working in blender
16:15it looks rough
16:18but if you render it
16:21you will see it looks good
16:24I will render it
16:27this is my eevee mode
16:30if I see it in cycles
16:33you will see how much shine it has
16:36if you want to reduce the shine
16:39of the hair
16:42you will get the option of specular
16:45make sure your hair is selected
16:48so I will select the hair
16:51and then I will reduce the specular
16:54you can see it is not affecting the hair
16:57because I have selected the yellow hair
17:00so you have to select the hair
17:03and then you have to reduce the whiteness
17:06of the hair
17:09you can see it has reduced
17:12if you want to make it metallic
17:15you can increase it
17:18I will reduce the roughness
17:21I will make it black
17:24if I render it in cycles
17:27you will get a shape like this
17:30the area below looks rough
17:33I will set it
17:36if you want to manage the color of the hair
17:39you can do it from here
17:42if you want to make it more yellow
17:45you can do it like this
17:48if you want to make it more metallic
17:51I have reduced the detail
17:54of the hair
17:57so I will reduce the roughness
18:00so I will reduce the roughness
18:03if I render it
18:06so you can see
18:09I have a shape of a man
18:12so you can make your man
18:15or any hair
18:18you can make it thinner
18:21you can make it thinner
18:24or you can make it thinner
18:27or you can make it thinner
18:30and like this
18:33there are many other brushes
18:36like this round brush
18:39or this type of hair brush
18:42so let's make this type of round hair brush
18:45so let's make this type of round hair brush
18:48so let's delete the cube
18:51press shift A and select a cylinder
18:54because we want to make a round brush
18:57you can see this line
19:00if you want to make a gap
19:03you can delete some vertices
19:06you can delete some vertices
19:09you can see the gap is increasing
19:12you can manage it as you want
19:15you can manage it as you want
19:18now I will resize it
19:21now I will resize it
19:24now I will resize it
19:27now I will scale it
19:30now I will scale it
19:33now I have a brush
19:36I will render it
19:39now I will select my shader
19:42now I will select my shader
19:45and select light
19:48and select environment texture
19:51I will select the texture from here and I will connect it here
19:54and wherever my HDRI image will be present
19:57I will select it here
20:00This time I will select the third one here
20:03To remove the background, I will press the shift A button here
20:06and I will take a light path
20:09I can't connect both nodes at the same time, so I will take a mix shader here
20:12and as soon as I connect it with its factor
20:15my background image will be removed from here
20:18and the light will fall on it
20:21The topmost mix shader is for my light
20:24Now I will duplicate this background by pressing shift D
20:27and I will connect it with the bottom one
20:30The bottom shader is for the background color
20:33I will increase its strength to 0.5
20:36and I will increase its color here
20:39You can give any color here
20:42Now let's go to the modeling phase
20:45As you can see, I have only vertices to grow my hair
20:48There are no vertices below
20:51First of all, we will create vertices here
20:54I will press one button for this, so I will be able to see its front view
20:57First of all, I will apply a cut here
21:00For that, we will apply loop cut here
21:03We will apply this loop cut tool
21:06Its shortcut is ctrl R
21:09As soon as I press the ctrl R button, you will see a yellow line
21:12This yellow line is the sign of our loop cut
21:15You can apply as many cuts as you want
21:18You can apply as many cuts as you want
21:21For now, I want only one cut, so I will rotate my scroll
21:24and I will click on one cut
21:27After clicking, you don't have to leave it here
21:30You can set it as you want
21:33I will set it here
21:36I will turn on the wireframe mode from here
21:39If I want to apply another loop cut, I will press the ctrl R button
21:42I will click and I can set it as I want
21:45For now, I will set it here
21:48So let's duplicate the upper part of the hair
21:51I will select it and press the shift D button
21:54I will click once
21:57It will be duplicated here
22:00As soon as I click on it, you can see it here
22:03I will press the ctrl Z button
22:06I will press the P button
22:09I will click on the selection and select it
22:12In the timeline, you will see a new slender
22:15I will name it hair
22:18I will come out by pressing the tab
22:21I will see two models here
22:24I will duplicate it
22:27and I will make a handle of it
22:30First, I will select the hair
22:33I will come back to the wireframe mode
22:36First, I will apply a loop cut
22:39I will press the ctrl R button
22:42I will turn the scroll wheel
22:45I will make a line according to the number of cuts I want
22:48I will click
22:51My cut will be applied
22:54You can manage it like this
22:57If you click again, it will be applied
23:00I have selected all the vertices
23:03Now, how many areas do you want to grow hair
23:06Select the face
23:09You have to select the face first
23:12Select the hair
23:15I will select the upper part by pressing the shift button
23:18I will grow hair in this area
23:21I have to save it in the vertex group
23:24For the vertex group, you have to go to the object data properties
23:27I will name it hair
23:30You have to assign it
23:33Now, I will come back to the object mode
23:36Now, I will come back to the object mode
23:39First, I will smooth it
23:42You have to tick the auto smooth
23:45It will look like a shadow
23:48As soon as you click it, it will disappear
23:51I will make it inside
23:54I will click it
23:57I will smooth it
24:00I will click it
24:03It will look like a shadow
24:06You have to go to the object data properties
24:09You will find the option of normals
24:12You will find the option of normals
24:15I will come back to the modeling mode
24:18I will select the hair
24:21I will click it
24:24I have already created a vertex group
24:27I have already created a vertex group
24:30I have to go to the vertex group
24:33I will select the hair
24:36I will reduce the length
24:39I will reduce the length
24:42You have to go to the render properties
24:45You have to click the stripe
24:49I will apply the material
24:59I will apply the material
25:02I will go to material
25:09I will make white colored hair
25:12You have to clamp the hair
25:15You have to go to your children's option and here you will get the option of clumping.
25:19If you pull it inside, it will be clamped together.
25:23The second thing you have to do is that you have to grow them on vertices.
25:25For vertices, you will have to go to the emission, you have to go to the source and
25:29I will make vertices here instead of faces, so they will be applied to my vertices in this way.
25:35You can see that the ones who were running on the top side have also come here normally.
25:39Now you can see randomly in this, there is a little bit somewhere, there is nowhere,
25:42so I will tick the random order for it, so that all my vertices will be filled here.
25:48So our hair has been generated here, now let's come to its handle.
25:53First of all, what will we do, we will give a texture to the handle.
25:56From here I will turn on its shader, I will close it with the N button.
26:01Let's apply a new texture to it and here we will use two colors first.
26:06So for that we will take a color ramp and connect it with color.
26:10After this, the color in it will be applied here.
26:13Now the first color here, we will keep it a little yellowish or we will keep a little mix of yellow and orange.
26:20If I raise it a little more, it will become a little brighter in this way.
26:24And by clicking on the other color, I will keep it a little yellowish here,
26:30for which I will make a noise texture here.
26:33Now I have to click on the shift A button here and click on noise texture.
26:38And as soon as I apply it here in the factor, you will see that noise will be applied in it, slightly like this.
26:45If you want to increase the color of this color a little more, then you can pull it to the side like this.
26:51If you want to make it black, then you can also make the texture black.
26:54We will click on it here and I can also make it black here in this way, so I feel a little black in it.
27:00Now the black texture that is visible in it, we will do its detailing, we will make it a little thin.
27:05Let's increase the detailing a little bit in it.
27:07We will reduce the roughness a little bit so that it looks a little more highlighted to me.
27:12Let's increase the distortion a little bit and manage it according to how much it is in wood.
27:18So you will see that my texture has become a wood type here in a way.
27:23For now, we can do more detailing in it in a very good way.
27:26So in this way, we have made a handle of the brush, but its shape does not look like my brush type.
27:33We will manage the shape a little bit here.
27:35For this, I will select it and press the tab button here.
27:38I will turn on the wireframe mode.
27:40What is the first thing to do in this?
27:42I will select my vertex here.
27:44I will pull this area here and scale it with the S button so that it is a little thin.
27:50And I will select this area here and I will try to make it a little round with Ctrl B here.
27:57So that there can be a little bit of roundness in it.
28:01By smoothing it here in this way, you have to rotate the scroll wheel and you have to pull it a little bit.
28:07So its area increases in this way.
28:10The more you keep it in the area, the smoother it will be here.
28:14In the same way, I set this handle down a little bit.
28:17For this, I will select it here, press the E button and extrude it down a little bit.
28:23I make this area a little thinner with the S button here so that I can make it a little round by smoothing it.
28:31Now I will select it again, first I will make it a little round here.
28:35I will press the Ctrl B button and I will make it a little round here in this way.
28:39This is my area here, I pull it down a little bit.
28:43In the same way, I will make it a little round, I will press the Ctrl B button and in this way it will be round here.
28:49So this is my area, it will be round here.
28:51If you want to make it thinner, you can make it thinner.
28:54For now, I am fine with it, so let's see it now.
28:57We will check your object mode again.
29:00So this kind of a bush will come in front of me.
29:03If you want to make its handle a little thinner, you can make it thinner.
29:06We will press the Tab button here, turn on the wireframe mode, press the 1 button,
29:10which will bring me to the front view.
29:12And if you want to make it thinner, you can select it here and make it thinner with the S button in this way.
29:19We will go back to our object mode and check it.
29:22A little handle will come like this.
29:25Make the inner area a little thinner with the S button so that the hair goes inside it.
29:32With the S button, I will scale it up and down a little bit with the Z button.
29:38Now let's come to the detailing of the hair here.
29:41If you think my hair is too close, then you can go to the children and increase the clamping option a little bit here.
29:51If you click on this clamping, it will be a little bit like this.
29:55So in this way, your hair bush will be ready here.
30:00Now let's see it in render mode.
30:03For this, I will press the V button and press the S button here and set it a little bit here.
30:09First of all, let's see what type it will look like in Eevee.
30:12Some of this type will come in front of me in Eevee.
30:14If you want to change the color of the hair bush, then you have to go here from the material.
30:21And you can change the color of the hair bush a little bit more here.
30:27If you want to make it black, you can also make it black in this way.
30:31If you want to make these hairs thicker, you can also make them thicker by going to the children.
30:36For now, I keep these hairs white.
30:39I think white is right here.
30:41And I make the hair a little bit like this.
30:44In the children, first of all, I remove this clamping noise.
30:48If you want to reduce the upper part of this, then you can reduce it with the help of the radius option here.
30:56The upper part of this is a little bit more spread, so I reduce it a little bit.
31:03So in this way, your hair bush is ready here.
31:06I will show you here by rendering.
31:08This type will be rendered in Eevee mode.
31:10And if I render it here in Cycles, then its quality will show you the next level here.
31:17Now let me render it here and show you.
31:20Now I will render it here and show you.
31:23So this type of render will come in front of me.
31:25You can see how good my hair bush is visible here.
31:29If its color looks too white, then you can reduce it a little bit.
31:32You can make it exactly like the realistic hair bush.
31:35You can do its detailing here.
31:37You can set the texture here.
31:39If you feel a little less shine in it, then you can make it metallic here.
31:43Now let's go to our next modeling.
31:45And now this time we will make a Naag Funny of this type here.
31:50And let's see how we can use the thorns in this Naag Funny.
31:55So again we have come to the new file of Blender.
31:57This time we will make a cactus here.
32:00For that, first of all, I delete this block here.
32:04And here I take my UV sphere.
32:06Remember, after taking the UV sphere, you don't have to click anywhere.
32:11In this, you understand one thing, you can see some lines in it.
32:14Which are coming from top to bottom.
32:16And some lines are cutting it horizontally here.
32:20So if you want to manage these lines, then you have some options here.
32:24So first of all, we have to bring it in the shape of Naag Funny.
32:27For that, what we will do is, if I reduce it from these segments.
32:31Then you will see here, these lines that are coming from top to bottom.
32:36These will be reduced.
32:37And according to the shape of Naag Funny, I can bring it here.
32:42So this Naag Funny shape is enough for me here.
32:45I can set it here by bringing it to 6.
32:47Rings, that is, these rings from top to bottom.
32:50If you want to increase or decrease them, then you can manage here.
32:53For now, I will increase it here.
32:55The more it will be thin here, the more thorns I can grow in its vertices.
33:00For now, I set it here at 23.
33:03So this is a shape of my Naag Funny.
33:05You don't have to smooth the shade by right-clicking on it.
33:09Now simply what I have to do in this, I have to press the S button.
33:11And by pressing the Z button, I can scale it from top to bottom like this.
33:16I can scale as much as I want here, like Naag Funny.
33:19After this, let's come to our render mode.
33:21After coming to render mode, let's set the light first.
33:24So let me remove this light for now.
33:26And here I will use my shader.
33:28In the same way, I will close it with the N button and go to Word.
33:33And simply I have to take one thing here.
33:35Environment Texture.
33:38I will simply connect it here.
33:41And here I will select my HDRI image from here.
33:45So the light in its background will come here.
33:47Now simply you have to merge it from top to bottom.
33:50First of all, I will apply the color of Naag Funny here.
33:54For that, simply select it.
33:56And here you have to click on its material.
34:00In material properties, you have to click on new here.
34:04And set any green color here.
34:07And you have to make this green a little dull.
34:10That is, you have to bring a little darkness in it.
34:12So I will pull this area from top to bottom like this.
34:16I can apply the color of a cactus here.
34:21Now let's make thorns in it.
34:23To make thorns, we have to go to its hair option.
34:25Click on plus.
34:27And if you click on hair, then these thorns will be born here.
34:31The first thing to do is to make another color of these thorns.
34:36I will click on plus here.
34:37I will click on new.
34:38And in this, I will make a little yellowish color of the thorns.
34:44And I will give its name here, hair.
34:47Now I have to apply this color in it.
34:49So first of all, I have to go to this option here.
34:51Which is my hair option.
34:53And in this, go to render, go to material and select it here.
34:57So my color will be applied here.
35:00Now first of all, these hairs are not my realistic hair.
35:03For this, I have to go to its render properties.
35:06I have to go to curves and click on stripe.
35:08So that these hairs become real.
35:11Now I have to go to its hair option here.
35:15And the first challenge is that you have to grow these hairs on vertices.
35:19So for that, I get the option in the source in emission.
35:23I will select vertices from here.
35:25And all the hairs will reach its vertices.
35:27By clicking on random order, I can cover all the vertices here.
35:32The ones that hide randomly will not be able to be here on the vertices.
35:35Now my next task is to reduce the length of these thorns here by 0.3 meters.
35:42And instead of one thorn, you have to grow many thorns.
35:45So for that, I will take support here.
35:47I have to go to children's and click on simple.
35:50So instead of one, you will have 10 thorns here.
35:53Now these 10 thorns are in different places.
35:55For this, I will take the support of clumping.
35:57And by pulling the lower portion a little, I will stick them to each other like this.
36:05So that I get a thorn look like this.
36:08The upper area is very sticky in it.
36:10I have to spread it a little.
36:12So I can spread the radius option here like this.
36:16You can manage it here according to how much you like it here.
36:19You can manage the length here like this.
36:23The hairs are looking a little thick in it.
36:25So I will reduce the hairs here by 1.
36:29So you will see 4 or 5 hairs here at one place.
36:34So you have seen that the hairs have come in the shape of thorns here.
36:39Now first of all, I will make a pot here.
36:42For this, I will press the shift A button here.
36:44And I will take a cylinder.
36:46I will scale it here with the S button.
36:48And by moving it, I bring it down a little.
36:50Instead of a pot.
36:51Now let's go to the modeling section of it by pressing the tab.
36:55I will turn on the wireframe mode.
36:56If I press one button, it will come in front of me.
36:59First of all, I will cover it here.
37:01According to this cactus.
37:03I will hold the upper vertices and pull it like this.
37:06I will manage it here.
37:08This area, I will press the S button.
37:10I will scale it a little and make it thin.
37:12And this area, I will bring it down a little.
37:15By pressing the S button, I will make it a little bigger here.
37:19So in this way, you can manage your pot here.
37:23Again, I will go back to my color mode here.
37:27Now I can open the top cover here.
37:30For this, I will select the face here.
37:32I will select it from here and press the Y button.
37:35So my cover will open here like this.
37:37If you want to remove it from the edit mode.
37:40If you want to make it separate.
37:41For this, you will press the P button here.
37:43And if you click on the selection, it will come here as a second object from our edit mode.
37:49I call it soil.
37:50Soil means soil.
37:52I will make it soil here.
37:53Let's come out by pressing the tab.
37:55Now this pot is my bottom one.
37:57I will make its thickness very thin here.
37:59So I make it thick here.
38:01For this, I will use the solidify modifier here.
38:04As soon as I click on it, you will get a little thickness here.
38:08If you want to increase it more, you can click on the thickness and make it as thick as you want.
38:13This will become the shape of my pot here.
38:16If you want to finish this line, then smoothen the shade.
38:19This line will be finished.
38:21Now I have to make this area of soil.
38:23First of all, I will bring this pivot point in the center.
38:26I will click on set origin.
38:28Origin to geometry.
38:29So it will come in the center.
38:30And I bring it down here by pulling it.
38:33I will scale it a little with the S button.
38:35I will take it inside.
38:36And I will make it soil here.
38:38First of all, I give a little color to the pot here.
38:40So that I can see things properly.
38:42You can set the color of the pot here according to the type of pot.
38:47You can see that by smoothing the shade a little, it is coming in the light type.
38:51I didn't tick there for this.
38:53For this, you have to go here in the normals.
38:56And you have to click on auto smooth.
38:58So it will give a little roughness of the pot here.
39:00Now the area inside this, we will give it a little soil shape here.
39:05For this, I will make a little texture here.
39:07And I will make a shader here first.
39:09I will press the N button.
39:11I will take new material here.
39:12I need two colors here.
39:14So I will take color ramp here.
39:15And I will connect it here.
39:19First of all, I will select on this.
39:21And I will give some soil type color here.
39:24Something like this.
39:26Darken it.
39:28Which I found a little soil type here.
39:30Similarly, I will select the other one.
39:32I will darken it a little here too.
39:34And I will give another color in soil type.
39:36A little light.
39:37Now if I want to give this soil type texture here.
39:41So here I can use noise texture or vornoi texture.
39:45So I use noise texture here for now.
39:49As soon as I connect it here.
39:51So in this way, some noise will come here.
39:54You will see very little noise here for now.
39:57I can scale it and make it smaller here.
39:59In this way.
40:00You can make it as small as you want here.
40:02Make it from the soil type.
40:05The less you do, the more soil type will come here.
40:08You can see that the soil type has been made here.
40:10You can manage its detailing here.
40:12Reduce the detailing completely.
40:15What will happen with this?
40:15Its texture will be highlighted here a little.
40:19And you can increase the roughness a little here.
40:23If you change the distortion here.
40:26So the soil texture will be created here.
40:30In this way, your soil has been created here.
40:32I merge it here.
40:35I will select both here.
40:37First the soil inside.
40:38Then I will select this.
40:40I will press ctrl p.
40:41I will click on keep transform.
40:43So these two will connect.
40:44And I will scale it a little here with the s button.
40:47So in this way, my cactus has been created here.
40:50Now there is another work left in it.
40:52If you want to put a branch here, you can put a branch.
40:56But before that, let's render it here.
40:59I will set my camera here.
41:01And if I render it here.
41:03So now you will see some hair here.
41:05They look very thick.
41:07The reason for this is that when we reduce the hair in it.
41:10Go back to hair.
41:11I will turn off the emission.
41:13When we reduce the quantity of hair from 10 to 1.
41:16So we will have to reduce the render quantity here too.
41:19Only then my hair will look like this.
41:22So I turn off the render quality here too.
41:25So these two will be equal to each other.
41:27So it will give a good result.
41:29It will give the same result as you are seeing here.
41:31So now I will render it here and show you.
41:33So you will see that my hair has come right.
41:36The texture is also coming like soil.
41:38Now let's make some branches here.
41:42For this, I will simply press the d button here.
41:45And duplicate it like this.
41:47I rotate it with the r button like this.
41:50I will scale it down a little with the s button.
41:52I will see its top view from the 7 button.
41:54Where is it going?
41:56Now I can insert it here like this with the g button.
42:00So this will be my branch here.
42:02Similarly, if you want more branches.
42:04Then take the shift d button here.
42:06Like this here.
42:07We will see it from the top with the 7 button.
42:09Now I will press the r button and z button.
42:11So it will rotate from top to bottom like this.
42:14So I will keep it here like this.
42:16And I will set it here like this.
42:19If you want to scale it, scale it a little with the s button.
42:22So that it becomes a little smaller.
42:24So this is my second branch.
42:26In the same way, by pressing the shift d button.
42:28I can put it here like this.
42:30And I can set it here with the r button.
42:32So it will be my branch like this.
42:34So you can make as many branches as you want.
42:36I will make one more branch here.
42:38By pressing shift d.
42:40And my cactus will be ready here.
42:42I will press the r button here.
42:44I will look up from the 7 button first.
42:47We can rotate it like this with the r and z buttons.
42:50We can manage it a little more with the s button.
42:52And this is my cactus here.
42:54It will be made like this.
42:56So this is our cactus.
42:58And if you see it here in ev mode.
43:00If you see it in camera mode from zero button.
43:02If you render it and check it.
43:04Then it will look good here.
43:06I will put this branch on the other side.
43:08I will press the r button.
43:10I will press the z button.
43:12So I can rotate it here.
43:14And I will set it here like this.
43:16I will set it with the 7 button.
43:18Now my cactus is ready here.
43:20Now my cactus is ready here.
43:22Now my cactus is ready here.
43:24So you can make as many branches as you want.
43:26So you can make as many branches as you want.
43:28If you think it is less in length.
43:30Then you can make it a little higher.
43:32And our cactus is ready here.
43:34Now let's check it again in render view.
43:36Now let's check it again in render view.
43:38If you see it here in ev mode.
43:40So this kind of shape has come to me.
43:42Which will look realistic here.
43:44If you want more result.
43:46Then you can go to your cycle mode.
43:48Here connect it with your GPU.
43:50Here connect it with your GPU.
43:52Now I will render it here and show you.
43:54So here you can see the actual shape of your cactus.
43:57So here you can see the actual shape of your cactus.
43:59How amazing it is coming in front of me.
44:01You can use this anywhere.
44:03In your animation.
44:05or event in real.
44:07You can do more detailing.
44:09in your pot like this.
44:11So like this you have your hair hair.
44:13You can make a lot of things by using it, but for this you should have deep knowledge, then only you will be able to do these things.
44:21And if you have not done the series of my node and hair yet, then do watch it.
44:26Today's modeling class ends here, see you in the next episode with a new concept.
44:32Till then goodbye.
