WWE Daniel Bryan vs John Cena Raw 6 August 2012 | WWE 13 Wii Dolphin emulator

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00:00All the contest is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Aberdeen,
00:20Washington, weighing 192 pounds, Daniel Bryan!
00:30Here is your winner, Daniel Bryan!
01:00This is it, these two superstars will test each other's will to determine who the best competitor is here.
01:06Look at the pressure, you can see it in his face, the agony.
01:11Daniel Bryan has more holds than your checking account.
01:14Watch it, and he powers out.
01:17And there's a stiff clothesline, great reaction.
01:24And there's the elbow.
01:27Great counter, Daniel Bryan is simply amazing.
01:33Daniel Bryan goes behind.
01:38Dan, can you believe how Daniel Bryan is first on the scene here in WWE?
01:43Well, I think part of it is, you know, when you just look at Daniel Bryan, a lot of his opponents take him for granted,
01:48and they underestimate this kid's ability.
01:54Oh no! Talk about getting launched out of the ring!
01:59WWE magazine out this month, and you'll find some interesting articles in there about all the superstars here in the WWE.
02:10John Cena has said that WWE is his life, his passion, it's all that he has.
02:18Oh man!
02:23It won't take long for the aggression to escalate quickly in this one.
02:27Oh, clothesline!
02:32Great counter from Daniel Bryan.
02:35Cena, controlling the waist.
02:38That was an impressive suplex.
02:41Cena has the headlock.
02:44I don't know if any superstar can fire up the WWE universe like John Cena.
02:51Daniel has the arm.
02:56When Daniel Bryan gets a hold locked in, he does not let it go.
03:00You don't want to be on the mat with him.
03:06WWE great Shawn Michaels taught this kid everything he knows.
03:15Ouch, what a landing.
03:17Let me tell you one thing, Michael. He can talk a good fight, and he can fight a good fight.
03:21I don't think so.
03:26We're in the feeling out process here.
03:28Who's going to get the advantage and maintain control?
03:31And he hits the neckbreaker.
03:34Daniel Bryan controlling the head.
03:38I have a strong feeling that these guys will throw caution to the wind and just go full steam ahead.
03:48Brutal impact.
03:51Big right hand.
03:54If you just joined us, welcome to Monday Night Raw.
03:57I'm Michael Kroll alongside the Hall of Famer Jerry The King Lawler.
04:06Superstars are so unpredictable.
04:08I'm having a hard time figuring out what they're going to do next.
04:14Would you listen to this crowd show their appreciation for these amazing competitors?
04:19Caught the leg. Wow.
04:25Oh, and he lands that one right to the head.
04:30Again with the elbow.
04:33Wild strike. Doesn't find a home.
04:37As much as John Cena likes to have fun, when he steps in that ring, it's all business.
04:42And that move will just about take your head off.
04:45Bam! A sharp kick.
04:48There's so many impressive things about John Cena.
04:51But maybe the most impressive gift he has is his mental toughness.
04:55I'm not sure I've ever seen Cena. Watch it!
04:58That was absolutely a thing of beauty.
05:01This match just keeps getting better.
05:13Impressive suplex.
05:16And there's the face buster!
05:20Oh, and that's why you never trade punches with Cena.
05:32And he goes for the neck breaker.
05:35Big elbow! Daniel from behind.
05:41Wow! What a suplex!
05:44Oh man, a huge jaw jacking drop kick.
05:50What an amazing force was behind that slam.
05:53Daniel Bryan into the headlock.
05:57And the sound of human flesh on the ground echoes around the arena.
06:05Wow! Look at that great flexibility.
06:08Oh wow!
06:11Daniel controlling the arm.
06:14Cena just one heartbeat quicker on that exchange.
06:18Too slow!
06:27Oh gosh! There's no telling how much damage that did.
06:31And he gets to the ropes.
06:36Oh, the punch connects.
06:41And that drop kick was extremely effective.
06:44Oh no! What? Does he have his eyes open?
06:51Look at him unloading with the Des Press.
06:55Oh mama!
06:58Oh, what an elbow drop.
07:08He fails to connect. Goes behind.
07:11Oh no! That slam didn't look pretty.
07:15Oh man, that knee looked painful.
07:24Oh, Daniel Bryan too crafty for that.
07:27What a chop. A perfect drop kick.
07:30Oh, Daniel is feeling that shot.
07:33That'll leave a mark. And the knuckles connect.
07:36Oh, the punch connects.
07:39Daniel Bryan helpless.
07:42Oh my gosh! His neck and back and shoulders driven right into the ground.
07:45That'll leave a mark.
07:48That's not good. How are you meant to defend against moves that quick?
07:51Oh my gosh!
07:54What a kick that was.
08:00And the knuckles connect.
08:07He's in a bad spot here.
08:12Oh no! Look at him go!
08:15What a Hurricanrana!
08:18Daniel Bryan makes the cover. Cena continues to fight.
08:21How does Cena do that?
08:24There's nobody else on this planet that can go like John Cena.
08:28Daniel Bryan going for the cover.
08:33He knows his opponent is completely helpless to resist the submission hold.
08:42And he fights out of it. He breaks the hold.
08:45Oh, the punch connects.
08:53He plants him down with authority.
09:04Whoa, this could be trouble.
09:07Oh God, no!
09:10A thunderous explosion of humanity.
09:13Cena makes the cover.
09:16That'll leave a mark. Blocked.
09:22A great European uppercut.
09:25Daniel Bryan controlling the waist.
09:28John Cena unloads a thunderous right.
09:31Oh, here we go again.
09:35Daniel Bryan had that well scouted.
09:38Oh no! That did it.
09:41What's he going to do to follow that up?
09:44The shoulders are down!
09:47Ouch! Bam!
09:53Daniel from behind.
09:56A suplex like that takes a...
09:59Hang on.
10:03Daniel Bryan with a beautiful bridge.
10:06And he's got his patented submission hold locked in.
10:15And he escapes the hold.
10:27This could be it. Cover!
10:31Debilitating impact to the spine and back.
10:36The Luthez press. And would you look at those shots.
10:39Oh mama!
10:44Cena squeezing down on the head.
10:48Pure power. Just physically dominant.
10:55And there he goes again.
10:58Oh jeez! What a collision.
11:01Deposited onto our table here.
11:04Big kick echoing around the arena.
11:07And it looks like we could be heading back into the ring.
11:10Big elbow. That should do it.
11:14You are watching cable television's hottest show.
11:17Monday Night Raw.
11:24He used all his weight on that leg drop.
11:27Uh-oh. John Cena may be kicking it into another gear.
11:32Daniel's got him!
11:37How impressive have these superstars been live tonight on Raw?
11:40Unbelievable! Daniel Bryan has taken...
11:43Whoa! And he fights his way out.
11:46Look at this. Look at the power of John Cena.
11:51Attitude adjustment. John Cena is superhuman.
11:55Cover! And Bryan gets the shoulder up.
11:58Now, who does a methodical pace benefit, Kane?
12:01Well, whenever the dominating competitor takes his time,
12:04it gives everybody a chance to catch their breath.
12:07So I don't know.
12:13And quickly going for the cover.
12:19Oh my gosh!
12:23He's spending more time outside the ring than in it.
12:26Whoa! Watch out! The announce table is getting torn down.
12:32Welts growing across the chest.
12:38On that table. Not working. Three!
12:44Oh, I bet he'll second-guess doing that.
12:47The table's been broken in half.
12:51Oh no!
12:54Daniel Bryan getting pumped up here.
12:59And he's heading back inside the ring.
13:06Is Daniel Bryan going to be able to recover from that?
13:11I just can't get over the physicality of this match.
13:14This has been brutal.
13:18Bryan's in trouble.
13:24Man, this has been a great matchup.
13:27The kick connects.
13:30Here goes Daniel Bryan.
13:33So what should Daniel Bryan be trying now, Kane?
13:38Here comes Bryan.
13:41And you can feel the momentum shifting again.
13:44With a cover now.
13:52Stay down!
13:57What a counter!
14:02Daniel Bryan avoids the early pin.
14:05What a match!
14:08Cena has the headlock.
14:15John Cena is all fired up.
14:18Controlling the head.
14:26And he missed!
14:29Big right hand!
14:33Daniel... Oh, he's in trouble now!
14:36He's in trouble.
14:42Oh, and he fights out.
14:45Cena had to have been thinking attitude adjustment.
14:48Oh man, Cena was just inches away there.
14:51Just squeezing down on the head here.
15:06Wait a minute!
15:09Refusing to give in there.
15:12What sheer determination.
15:15Oh man, right on the button.
15:18And Cena goes down.
15:22He could pin his opponent right here.
15:28We got a cover.
15:34Cena, collar and elbow tie up.
15:59He may get the three count right here.
16:05And the knuckles connect.
16:08Oh, the punch connects.
16:11Boy, this has just been pandemonium.
16:14What force, what an explosive powerbomb.
16:18He is definitely going to have to have those ribs looked at after this match.
16:23How is he still on his feet?
16:40And Cena hits the five knuckles!
16:43Oh! Don't get up!
16:48Oh man!
16:50And with the wherewithal to escape, Cena nearly had it.
16:58Incredible counter!
17:06Oh, the strength.
17:09There's the cover! Can he do it?
17:13Cena did it. Cena gets the win.
17:18Your time is up, my time is now, now.
17:21Your time is up, my time is now, now.
17:24It's the franchise, let me show you now, now.
