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00:00You are mine and I am yours
00:30He has no right to say anything about my brother
00:33What didn't he do for you?
00:35He fought with my mother
00:37He got angry and accepted you
00:39He supported you
00:41He gave you respect
00:43He gave you a position that you don't deserve
00:46And what did you do in return?
00:48You betrayed him
00:50You broke his heart
00:52Look, I have the right to make my own decisions
00:55At least the happiness you get by pushing others to death never comes true
01:00Know this today
01:03Before you say anything, remember that I am your elder brother's future wife
01:07My foot, what a shame I have to say
01:10Today I am also forced to think like my mother
01:13I wish father wouldn't have kept you in our house that day
01:16Even if you would have begged on the streets
01:19At least you wouldn't have poisoned my brother's life
01:21I hate your face
01:51What has happened, Sobhya?
01:54I hope you haven't made a big mistake
01:57You left one and he fell sick and is in the hospital
02:01The one whose hand you have held
02:04All the family members have become disconnected from him
02:08You are neither of this nor of that
02:11No, no, I can't give up so easily
02:15I can't give up so easily
02:18I can't give up so easily
02:21I can't give up so easily
02:24I will talk to Haris
02:27Uncle won't do what he is saying
02:30After all, Haris is his son
02:33If anything happens to Gahadir
02:36He has nothing left but this son
02:52I wanted to tell you that
02:55Uncle had asked you to leave the hospital
02:58So you shouldn't have left
03:00So what should I have done?
03:03Everyone was there
03:05I should have been humiliated in front of everyone
03:08No, I mean
03:10Uncle is upset with you because of Gahadir
03:15So you should go there again and again
03:17You should talk to him so that he feels that you care for them
03:22What do you think Sobhia?
03:24Am I a fool?
03:26You think I don't get you?
03:28I know very well that you are so worried
03:32And you are sending me to the hospital again and again
03:35What is the reason behind all this?
03:39You are worried about dad's property matter
03:42No Haris
03:44And I have already told you that I don't care about that
03:47You don't have to worry about that
03:51Haris doesn't have any property
03:55I am so capable and confident that I can build a property bigger than my father's
04:00So I can make him enjoy more than this on my property
04:03Do you understand it?
04:05Haris, I just wanted to say that
04:08Let me tell you one thing
04:101-2 billion is not a lot
04:171-2 billion is not a lot
04:23He is saying 1-2 billion as if it is a few rupees
04:50Thank God that Qadir has regained consciousness
04:53Now he is out of danger
04:55Thank God
04:57We will keep him under observation for a few hours
05:00Then we will shift him to the room
05:02Thank you very much
05:04Can I meet Qadir?
05:06I want to meet him too
05:08Only one of you can go inside
05:11We will shift him to the room after a while
05:13So you both won't stay with him
05:14My cousin will take care of him
05:20Thank you very much
05:23I will be patient
05:25Thank you
05:45Qadir my love
05:51I have troubled you both a lot
05:58No son
06:00You have never troubled anyone
06:03You have given me all the happiness in the world
06:06Now I don't have any desire in my life
06:10My son
06:11My son
06:13Now listen to me
06:15I am not crying
06:17These are tears of happiness
06:22Please go out
06:24Other patients will get disturbed
06:28Go out and sit
06:30We are all here for you
06:32Don't worry
06:34Take care of yourself
06:36My son
07:12Thank God
07:19Take this and eat this too
07:20Please Ameera
07:22Eat one more
07:23Please Ameera
07:27Qadir bhai
07:28Do you know
07:30Huram Api, Mehmood uncle, Zahra aunty
07:33They have taken such good care of us
07:35Especially Huram Api
07:38They have taken care of us more than our own
07:42The day you were hospitalized
07:44They took me home that night
07:47They even took leave from the office
07:50They come to see you in the morning and evening
07:54It feels like they are our own
07:57They are taking care of mom
08:02I don't think
08:03Haris bhaiya has caused any clashes between us
08:11I feel like I have an elder sister with me
08:17She is here
08:18She must be coming straight from the office
08:22Take this Mr. Bimar
08:24This is for you
08:27Take this
08:28Keep this here
08:29I'll take this
08:33Thank you
08:34I'll be here for a while
08:36Please give this to him
08:38I'll go and serve the admin
08:42Here you go
08:46I was just telling him
08:47I had eaten
08:57Thank God you are out of danger now
08:59Otherwise you would have killed all of us
09:05By the way
09:07I have seen a lot in movies and dramas
09:08But I am seeing the reality for the first time
09:12What do you mean?
09:13That someone can be so unfaithful to their love
09:17That it kills them
09:22Your love
09:28I didn't love her
09:30You didn't love her?
09:32So what if you didn't love her?
09:34I thought you loved Sophia
09:36That's why you couldn't bear to leave her
09:42Our relationship
09:44Wasn't about love
09:48It was about trust
09:54That I had a dream about
10:03I was loyal
10:09And I kept it till the end
10:14Sophia didn't care about my loyalty
10:23This was
10:26A loss
10:31And a reaction to my defeat
10:35Whatever Harish did
10:36It's nothing new
10:41But still
10:43Sophia supported him
10:44And surprised all of us
10:52Everyone has their own limits
10:57You have also gone through a lot
11:05By making yourself strong
11:10Forget everything they did to you
11:13Make yourself so strong
11:14That after today
11:16No Sophia can be unfaithful to you
11:19No Harish can break your trust
11:21You should be so strong
11:22That they know
11:23That it's not easy to break you
11:27After today
11:28You just have to think
11:30That when you get discharged from this hospital
11:31A new phase of your life will begin
11:35Where you won't be the same
11:37You have to prove to everyone
11:38That you have become so strong
11:40That these small storms of life
11:42Can't shake you
11:45I'm not saying
11:46That your soft heart
11:47Or your sensitivity is a bad thing
11:52Not everyone deserves it
11:56And you should only
11:57Spend your emotions on those
11:59Who care for them
12:06Thank you
12:08Thank you
12:32While giving you this opportunity
12:33I never thought
12:34What's in the heart of a cadre
12:36What is it?
12:37What is he thinking?
12:39Is he getting hurt
12:40Because of my behavior?
12:44But when I understood
12:45It was too late
12:48Mom, really sorry
12:49I didn't
12:54That nothing happens to my son
12:58You will lose your mother
13:04If anything happens
13:05To my son
13:09I won't leave you
13:12And don't be mistaken
13:15That my business
13:16My property
13:17My house
13:18You will have a right on everything
13:20I will give all my property
13:21To an orphanage
13:22Or a trust
13:23I won't even give you a penny
13:31Pray for me
13:32That you get
13:35Some sense
13:44You will leave
13:45My orphanage
13:55I know this is your family matter
13:57But what you are doing
13:58Is not right
13:59You are very selfish
14:00But please
14:01For now
14:02I beg you
14:03Without creating a scene
14:04Leave from here
14:06Your family is already in a lot of pain
14:08They are in more pain
14:09Because of you
14:11Everyone is worried because of you
14:13Don't add to their worries
14:21Look at me
14:24Look at me
14:25How do I look?
14:27What's your problem?
14:28What's your problem?
14:31Don't you have anything else to do?
14:32Why do you keep
14:33Pinching my head like a shadow?
14:36What are you saying?
14:38If you wanted me to be like this
14:39Then why did you get me
14:40Engaged to Qadir?
14:42You are very sad
14:43That your engagement is broken
14:44Then go and do it again
14:47He is alive
14:48He is not dead
15:07You are not from here
15:08Nor from there
15:13For whom did you leave Qadir?
15:16For Harish?
15:21Let me tell you one thing
15:25Boys like Harish
15:26Never belong to anyone
15:29Neither to their family
15:32Nor to any relationship
15:38They are just trapped
15:39In their own love
15:45And you ate
15:46What you ate
15:53What do you think?
15:56You will get what you want
15:57From me
16:01What kind of a mother are you?
16:03Don't you care for your daughter?
16:05I cared for you
16:09I wanted to see you happy
16:13And what did my daughter do?
16:16She threw her happiness
16:17Away from her hands
16:23You are very naive, Sobia
16:27By the time you understand
16:28Your stupidity
16:31By then time
16:32Will be out of your hands
16:38That's it
16:40I will regret this
16:54I don't know when mom
16:55Will understand
16:56What I want
16:57What makes me happy
16:59I will have to listen to her taunts
17:00For the rest of my life
17:27Hello, Khadir
17:29How are you feeling now?
17:32Thank God
17:36Get juice for Khadir
17:48How is my son?
17:51He is fine
17:53I am fine
17:56May God give my son
17:57A long life
18:05I prayed for my son's long life
18:06In every prayer
18:09Bless you
18:12Take rest
18:14Let Yasmin rest
18:22Thank you
18:54Your breakfast
18:55Where are you going
18:56So early in the morning?
18:59I am going to office
19:01It's been two days
19:02Since you came home
19:03From the hospital
19:04You need rest
19:05Take rest
19:06You don't have to go to office
19:09I am absolutely fine
19:10And anyway
19:11I have a lot of off days
19:12I should join again
19:14But son
19:15I am telling you
19:16You don't have to worry
19:18Don't worry
19:19I am not worried
19:20Don't worry
19:22You have endured so much
19:24What if you take
19:25Some stress again?
19:29I promise you
19:30I won't take any stress
19:36I will serve your breakfast
19:50Eat this
19:51It's very important for you
19:52I have already eaten
19:53Yes, eat
19:54And you have to drink this juice
19:56It's very important
19:57Here you go
19:58Do you need anything?
20:02Here you go
20:03Thank you
20:05Eat it
20:06No, no
20:07I have to go to office
20:08I am leaving
20:09Okay son
20:10Take care
20:12Allah Hafiz
20:13Allah Hafiz
20:15Allah Hafiz
20:17Allah Hafiz
20:18Allah Hafiz
20:19Take care
20:23By the way
20:24If you pay attention
20:25Your elder son is here
20:31If you get time
20:32You can ask him
20:36What should I ask?
20:37Everything is in front of you
20:44I don't know
20:45What are you?
20:46After doing so much
20:49How did you dare
20:50To face me?
20:52Stop telling her
20:57You have made her truth
20:58Her fault
21:13If you have had breakfast
21:14Then get ready
21:16I will drop you
21:17On my way to office
21:19Yes dad
21:20I will eat this sandwich
21:21On my way
21:22As it is
21:23If I eat with
21:24Selfish people
21:25On the same table
21:26I won't be able to digest
21:42Did you see?
21:44Aunty has told me
21:45So many things
21:46And now
21:47Ameera is also taunting me
21:49I didn't tell you
21:50But that day
21:51She misbehaved with me
21:52In the hospital
21:54And still
21:55Everyone left
21:56After seeing me
21:57Dad tell me
21:58What is my status in this house?
21:59What is your problem?
22:02What do you think?
22:03So much has happened
22:04After this
22:05They will make you
22:06Wear flowers
22:07They will make fun of you
22:11As it is
22:12It is happening
22:13Endure it
22:23I don't know
22:24How Haris is
22:26I don't understand him
22:28In a moment
22:29He reaches the sky
22:30And in the next moment
22:31He lands on the ground
22:34I don't know
22:35Will he marry me
22:36Or not
22:42I don't know
22:43Will he marry me
22:44Or not
23:39Just came back
23:40Yes just came
23:41You just came back, right?
23:43Yes, that's right.
23:46Why are you smiling? Is there a special reason?
23:50Yes, there is a reason.
23:53Then tell me, what is it?
23:56First, come and sit.
24:03Tell me, did you check your emails?
24:07No, did you send me an email?
24:08Check it.
24:23Hooram, what is all this?
24:25You have received an interview email from my company for a job.
24:29But I have never applied.
24:32I had forwarded your CV.
24:35Hooram, what have I done?
24:36I had told you that I am fine where I am.
24:39I know that you are very satisfied with your job.
24:41Your company is very good.
24:42But this is a very big chance.
24:45Do you know?
24:46A few people have been selected from the whole country.
24:48And you are one of them.
24:50In fact, this interview is just a formality.
24:52I have already given this confirmation to my boss on your behalf
24:55that I will break Qadir Qazilbash from another company and bring him to our company.
25:04Yes, fine.
25:06But I had told you that I am happy.
25:08But now you have given your word.
25:10You are amazing.
25:11Do you even know that in Frankincense & Co, people work day and night for a job.
25:15Still, they don't earn anything.
25:19But because you are capable of it,
25:21that's why you have got an offer sitting at home.
25:27You should feel very lucky that you are going to be a part of our company.
25:30Just resign immediately and join our company.
25:34But Hooram…
25:35I know that you are very nice.
25:36And wherever you go, you will be happy and you will keep others happy too.
25:44There are people who don't feel satisfied even after having everything.
25:48They just want to have what others have.
25:54Anyways, it's been decided.
25:56You are joining my company.
25:58Now, no ifs or buts.
26:05Why do you come here?
26:09When I don't have any connection with you,
26:12then what's the reason for coming here?
26:14You have no right to ask me this question.
26:17And this is not just your house.
26:19I come here to meet Qadir and I will keep coming.
26:23You can't stop me.
26:26I don't want to talk to you.
26:28I don't want to talk to you.
26:30I don't want to talk to you.
26:32I don't want to talk to you.
26:35I don't want to talk to you.
26:41So, you will do a job given to you by a girl?
26:45She is not a girl.
26:47She is my friend.
26:52And a friend is a friend.
26:55Not a boy or a girl.
27:01And listen to me carefully.
27:04I didn't get this job because of Hooram.
27:08In fact, I got this job because of my competency and ability.
27:15Because if this was the case,
27:18then you would have got this job.
27:51And listen to me carefully.
27:53I didn't get this job because of Hooram.
27:56In fact, I got this job because of my competency and ability.
28:01Because if this was the case,
28:02I would have gotten this job.
28:32How was the interview?
28:53I made it.
28:54I knew it.
28:55I am so happy for you.
28:58Guram, I still can't believe that I got a job in such a big firm so easily.
29:03Not easily, you deserve it.
29:06You are worthy of it.
29:07You have worked hard for it.
29:08I am genuinely really happy for you.
29:11And the credit goes to you.
29:13I got the job because of someone's recommendation.
29:18I didn't have any recommendation.
29:20And I know this person very well.
29:22Listen to me, please.
29:24Don't listen to Haris.
29:26You have always underestimated yourself because of him.
29:29Get rid of these delusions that you are less than him.
29:32You are the best.
29:36When are you joining?
29:39I have to inform the old office first.
29:43It will be good.
29:44You will have company.
29:45You will go together.
29:46I am off now.
29:47Shall we go together?
29:49Actually, Ameera has taken my car.
29:52She has gone to her friend's house.
29:54She will drop the driver home.
29:55Then he will come to pick me up.
29:58It's not a big deal.
29:59You come with me.
30:00Are you sure you won't have any problem?
30:02Khadir, what problem can I have?
30:04I have to go to the same place.
30:05You call Ameera and tell her to drop the driver home.
30:09I will just go get my laptop.
30:20Why have you come here?
30:23This job is a big achievement for you.
30:25We should celebrate it.
30:27Everyone in your family is stressed.
30:31I felt relieved.
30:33A small happiness is a big happiness.
30:36If we celebrate it, it will be good for everyone.
30:38May I treat someone?
30:41So, let's go outside.
30:43Let's get you a nice cheesecake.
30:45Let's have some refreshments and then go home and surprise everyone.
30:48Let's go.
30:52Let's go.
30:53Let's go.
31:21What will you make for lunch?
31:27How are you?
31:28I am fine.
31:31What is this?
31:32It's a surprise.
31:33What kind of surprise?
31:34There is a good news which Khadir will give you.
31:37But before that,
31:38this bouquet is for you.
31:39Praising an amazing son like Khadir.
31:42Thank you so much.
31:46did you get a job in Huram's firm?
31:49Did you get a job?
31:51Yes, dad.
31:53My God.
31:55Thank you, dad.
31:57Very good.
31:59I am proud of you.
32:01I am proud of you.
32:04Congratulations, dad.
32:06I have brought some food for you.
32:08Because we celebrate our happiness by eating.
32:12Ameera, give all this to Shanu.
32:14And ask him to put the plates on the table.
32:16And make a nice cup of tea.
32:18Go, son.
32:20I am so happy.
32:21He will cut the cake first.
32:22Cut the cake first.
32:23Why do we need to cut the cake?
32:24We can serve it like this.
32:25Why not?
32:26You have got such a good job.
32:29I am very happy.
32:30Come, sit.
32:33This is amazing news.
32:41Come, mom.
32:42I have brought the cake.
32:43The cake is here.
32:44Come, mom.
32:45Come, sir.
32:48The cake is here.
32:49Shanu, hurry up.
32:51Take out the plates.
32:53Why are we cutting the cake?
32:56I have brought so much.
32:58Let's go.
32:59Hurry up.
33:00Take the plates.
33:01Uncle, you guys stand together.
33:03You come with me.
33:04You come.
33:05Come, son.
33:06Give me the chair.
33:07Let's go.
33:08Let's go.
33:09One, two, three.
33:23Very good. I am very happy.
33:26Who made him a one year old kid again?
33:30Qadir Bhai has got a job.
33:32And we are your firm.
33:33So let's celebrate that.
33:34You also come, let's have a cake.
33:35No, thank you.
33:37Anyway, getting a job is not the reason for such a big celebration.
33:41And the big celebration will be on the day when
33:43Sobhia and I will get married.
33:45Isn't it?
33:49Why are you standing so far?
33:51Stay close to me.
33:56This moment is very special for us.
33:59And right now we just want to make Qadir's moments special.
34:04So please.
34:07Give it to dad.
34:08Let's make this little kid happy.
34:10So think about my marriage too.
34:12Thank you, son. Thank you.