Vikings Valhalla Season no 1 Episode no 7 Hindi

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Vikings Valhalla Season no 1 Episode no 7 Hindi Vikings Valhalla Season no 1 Episode no 7 Hindi Vikings Valhalla Season no 1 Episode no 7 Hindi


00:00I'm not afraid of you.
00:14I love you.
00:21And you think that love is a good thing?
00:30You don't think so?
00:35I don't know.
00:38I can give anything for my love.
00:41Myself, my family, even my God.
00:48What can you do for me?
00:52More than that.
00:55I can forget my dream for you.
00:58I can forget my dream for you.
01:03I can forget my dream to be the king of Norway.
01:09Love is such a dangerous thing.
01:14But it's not necessary.
01:17I can be the king and wipe out the hatred.
01:20We will make an open country.
01:23Like a catechism, where every religion will be free to worship without fear.
01:28We will encourage the Vikings to think about equality.
01:36Yes, we.
01:40Everything is possible with you.
01:49Everything is possible.
01:58Everything is possible.
03:04Kanoot has left.
03:07What could be the reason?
03:09There is an attack on Denmark.
03:11Our enemies have come to hear that.
03:13There are even vans.
03:17This is good news for me.
03:21We should take advantage of this opportunity and bring some change.
03:24I knew this would be your reaction.
03:26He married Emma.
03:31In the middle of the night?
03:34This is a big problem.
03:36Yes, but this is not your main problem.
03:39What do you mean this is not my main problem?
03:42Who are you?
03:44And what are you doing here?
03:46King, meet him. He is the father of King Kanoot.
03:49King Sweyn Fogbjerg.
03:52And you must be that little king.
04:03The last time I saw you, you were a kid.
04:06Do you remember?
04:10In the north.
04:12You came to meet your father.
04:16Your father was a good man.
04:17He gave you a lot of money to get rid of the Vikings.
04:20If I get rid of you with this money,
04:23then we can discuss the price.
04:26How long do you think King Kanoot will return?
04:30He has gone to war.
04:32That means he will not return until Denmark is safe from the enemies.
04:36And I think you have come here so that you can rule over England.
04:40Of course.
04:41Of course.
04:45King Edmund, there is a difference between me and my son in solving problems.
04:50He thinks ahead, he is patient and impartial.
04:53I do not have all this.
04:57So keeping this in mind,
05:00will you try to tell me
05:03why do you think Kanoot has kept a stubborn kid like you alive?
05:11By the way, King...
05:15Let him speak.
05:17Let him speak for himself.
05:20King Kanoot knows very well that
05:23in order to gain the support of the landowners,
05:26I play an important role.
05:28No, but he has sworn to be loyal to Kanoot, right?
05:33But he needs a support
05:36that I give him.
05:38Very good.
05:41Very good.
05:47I do not
05:50give support.
06:11Give it to me.
06:17Give it to me.
06:32I know this kid.
06:34This is Kora's doing.
06:51Come in.
07:01Just look at how grown up you have become.
07:04How do you like it here?
07:06I like it here very much, Grandfather.
07:09I will take care of it.
07:11I will take care of it.
07:13I will take care of it.
07:17Welcome, King.
07:19I am...
07:21My son's new queen.
07:25I would like to talk to you.
07:29Queen, allow me.
07:39Do you know how to cook, Queen?
07:45My mother used to cook.
07:47She used to cook very good food.
07:50She used to cook in a big pot.
07:53She used to cook hundreds of dishes, vegetables, kebabs, soups, everything together.
08:00I always used to think
08:02how can someone cook so many things together and so well?
08:06I don't know how she used to do it.
08:09My son, Kanoot,
08:11he doesn't know how to cook.
08:13But he thinks he can.
08:16He has kept pots on the stove.
08:19Norway, Denmark,
08:21England, Iceland.
08:23His great Northern Empire.
08:27I don't know how he will handle it.
08:30Maybe that's why he married me.
08:34Because you can handle England.
08:39I like your confidence.
08:41But I doubt your ability.
08:43Do you doubt my ability or your son's decision?
08:47Both are good questions, Queen Emma.
08:52If I knew the answer to the first one,
08:55I wouldn't have doubted the second one.
08:57Then give me a chance to prove both.
09:21Let's go.
09:39Let's go.
09:58Spread out.
10:00See if anyone survives.
10:09Let's go.
10:39I am Siegfried, the landlord of Wessex.
10:42Wessex is the oldest kingdom of the Saxon dynasty.
10:47is Wessex special because of this?
10:49Yes, Your Majesty.
10:51And that's why
10:53Wessex has been deprived of royal taxes, Your Majesty.
10:56This was the promise of King Æthelred to my father.
11:00What did your father do that he was deprived of such a huge debt?
11:04Landlord Siegfried.
11:08He saved the king's life in the battle of York.
11:12In York?
11:16Against whom?
11:19Against you, Your Majesty.
11:24So, be careful.
11:27By the way, Siegfried of Wessex,
11:30this is the memory of the past.
11:33You will also pay taxes like others.
11:36The landlord of Wessex, Wolf Hyara.
11:40Your Majesty, won't you recommend him to me?
11:43You are the link between the past and the present.
11:48And you know Saxon relations very well.
11:56when I challenged the Vikings on the bridge,
11:58did you see the landlord of Wessex standing with me?
12:03No, Your Majesty.
12:05I can say with certainty that the landlord Siegfried was not there.
12:09Your Majesty, at that time I...
12:11I was not there.
12:15Suppose I'm not there for you now.
12:28Have you ever been here before?
12:33I've only heard stories.
12:58Oh, God!
13:14It must have been a wonderful place.
13:18Unfortunately, there is nothing left here.
13:29How can someone hate so much?
13:32They are not killing people.
13:35They are erasing history.
13:38They are erasing the name of paganism.
13:41Like a stain.
13:58Don't kill me.
14:00Don't be afraid.
14:02I won't kill you.
14:08Come. You are safe.
14:10Everything is fine.
14:29He is safe.
14:32Don't worry.
14:34We are all friends.
14:36Are you Fredys?
14:41How do you know my name?
14:43His chief told me that you would come.
14:46He has asked me to give you a message.
14:49What message?
14:51God has asked him to destroy Kattigat.
14:54And to kill you.
15:03Everyone is dead.
15:07What are we waiting for?
15:09Let's find Korra and kill him.
15:12Judging by the marks on his feet, he must have hundreds of horses.
15:15He must be in a hurry.
15:17Go to Kattigat and tell Hakon what to do.
15:19We have to find Korra.
15:21I will find him and meet you in Kattigat.
15:23I will come with you.
15:25Be careful.
15:27We will camp here tonight.
15:29We have to burn the dead.
15:33I promise you that Korra will be punished.
15:36Justice will prevail.
15:38I don't need your promise.
15:40I don't need your promise.
15:42I don't need your promise.
15:44I don't need your promise.
15:46I don't need your promise.
15:47I don't need your promise.
15:49I deserve justice.
16:17Very good.
16:19I didn't expect you to jump so high.
16:23You were faster than me.
16:26You forced me to use my brain.
16:29You forced me to use my brain.
16:32You forced me to use my brain.
16:35You forced me to use my brain.
16:38You forced me to use my brain.
16:41You forced me to use my brain.
16:44You forced me to use my brain.
16:47You forced me to use my brain.
16:55Tell me how to get rid of this new viking.
16:58Get rid of him?
17:00Looks like you didn't like the folkbeard's night.
17:03It was difficult to deal with Kanoot.
17:05But his father is worse than him.
17:08I hate him.
17:10And I hate myself for following his orders.
17:15How much do you hate him?
17:18For following his orders?
17:25These feelings are not just yours.
17:29You mean there are other people with me in this revolt?
17:32You mean there are people who can support a leader who has an answer?
17:37How much do you hate him?
17:43Your Highness.
17:45Did you call me?
17:47Yes, I did.
17:57My son Kanoot told me that you are a very trustworthy man.
18:02I will try my best, Your Highness.
18:04It hasn't been long since you came here.
18:06But it is clear that there is a threat to power here.
18:09That threat is small now.
18:11But it can grow bigger.
18:13I agree.
18:14The rulers should take the threat as a warning and wipe it out.
18:23Vesak Sigifarth.
18:25I was thinking about your request.
18:37I am not able to erase your request from my mind.
18:41I wish my son Kanoot had heard it.
18:44Maybe he would have seen it differently.
18:48Really, Your Highness?
18:50Yes, of course.
18:52Sometimes I get impatient to say what I want to say.
18:55But Kanoot listens to me very well.
18:59But despite our differences in thinking, I am sure Kanoot will agree with me that...
19:05...the way you presented yourself in the assembly was humiliating.
19:11No, Your Highness.
19:14It wasn't humiliating.
19:16I was just asking the admin to...
19:22I know why.
19:25And my son knows it too.
19:37As I was saying...
19:38Kanoot praises your loyalty.
19:41But I can't hire a man like you for this job.
19:46And that's why...
19:49...on behalf of my son...
19:52...I am making you the head of Godwin Vesaks.
20:03I heard it's the oldest kingdom of the Saxon dynasty.
20:06Yes, it is.
20:37Do you really trust these people?
20:40No, not at all.
20:45Your Christian brothers...
20:48...welcome you.
20:58But they like us.
21:02My brother Kora...
21:07...has come.
21:13He's at least a day ahead of us.
21:16So we have to move forward.
21:19He's not going to the catechist.
21:22And the horses need rest too.
21:27There's going to be a war.
21:29Then you'll get more glory.
21:32So much so that your name will be famous among the Vikings.
21:37Don't you want that?
21:41Your name... be bigger than your father's.
21:48What do you know about them?
21:52They have killed many people in Iceland and Norway.
21:57But my family... honor of their bravery...
22:01...followed them to Greenland.
22:04They came here because of their bravery.
22:08And they bow their heads in fear, not in honor.
22:14When I was little, I went with my father... someone's house to get a calf.
22:20When that man couldn't give the calf...
22:23...because the calf hadn't been born...
22:27...I saw my father killing that man... front of his children.
22:34They have anger...
22:38...which they can't control.
22:42And I have it too.
22:45If that's the case...
22:48...then why haven't I seen it?
22:52Because when you're around, it disappears.
22:57And I stay calm.
23:00When you're around...
23:03...I can do big things.
23:06And that anger can't overcome me.
23:10I can't explain it.
23:35Come here.
23:42Princess Geeta.
23:46Who is it?
23:48I've come, Your Highness.
23:51With King Edmund.
23:56I've come to give you a wedding gift.
24:00It's very beautiful.
24:04It belonged to my mother.
24:07Her father-in-law, King Edgar, gave it to her.
24:10He gave it to her because she's so important to England.
24:15And today, you deserve this gift.
24:20Thank you, Edmund.
24:22Thank you, Edmund.
24:52Look, I want to unite Norway under the banner of Christianity.
24:57And for that...
24:59We need a category.
25:01The real throne of Norway.
25:05And I need you to take over the category.
25:10I heard you, old man.
25:13The time has come.
25:16I was waiting for you, Olav.
25:20I was waiting for this moment.
25:24I will help you.
25:28What do you want in return?
25:33I'm not interested in silver.
25:36But I do want a price.
25:40So, tell me.
25:42What is that price?
25:45God has given me an order.
25:49He wants me to build a church in the category.
25:54The tower of which will touch heaven.
25:58So that people will know that this is the love of Jesus Christ.
26:04And this is my price.
26:09You can build a church there.
26:12But only until the category becomes an important port in my kingdom.
26:17So that even the sinners there are wiped out.
26:20Like we wiped out Uppsala.
26:23You destroyed Uppsala?
26:27I turned her into ashes.
26:29Along with the fake priests and false gods.
26:36Who are you talking to?
26:38This old man is a pagan prophet.
26:40His time has come.
26:43I have the mark of a Christian on my sword.
26:45But not on the sword of the girl you have prophesied.
26:49Which girl?
26:51There is an infidel.
26:53His name is Frediz.
27:00Don't pay attention to him, Olaf.
27:03He will tell you that I'm crazy.
27:08So, is our deal final?
27:21Let's go.
27:23My brother Quorra.
27:39He is on Olaf's side.
27:42Olaf is with Quorra.
27:59Get up.
28:01This doesn't mean anything to me anymore.
28:05We have come here, my lord.
28:07It must mean something to you.
28:09It doesn't mean anything.
28:11We have sworn to support two kings before Canute.
28:13But he was with Emma before the wedding.
28:15What difference does it make?
28:17It makes a lot of difference.
28:19If Canute dies first, the throne will go back to England.
28:22But if I die first,
28:24Canute's future generations will rule England.
28:27And if this marriage is true,
28:30you will bow your head in front of a Viking king for the rest of your life.
28:34And this is what the people want.
28:37Then the question is,
28:43The question is,
28:47Who will support an English king here?
29:02This is from me.
29:04I am ready.
29:06I agree.
29:08All right.
29:10We all agree.
29:14The answer is right in front of you.
29:27You are thinking about the victory you got by luck the other day.
29:30By luck?
29:32If you lose again, I will give you a kilo of silver.
29:35Are you afraid?
29:37It's not like that, my lord.
29:39I just don't want to embarrass you.
29:43Let's go.
29:48And I am betting on this king.
30:07My lord, are you all right?
30:08My lord, are you all right?
30:11My lord, are you all right?
30:13Let's go.
30:14They are here.
30:16This way.
30:38Yes, my lord.
30:40But why?
30:42The landlord is with me.
30:43I have the power.
30:45And that's why you have to do this.
30:47I promise you,
30:49it won't hurt much.
31:01They fell off the horse.
31:02I saw it.
31:04My lord.
31:05My lord.
31:06Wait, he wants to say something.
31:12My lord.
31:25Thank God you were with them at the last moment.
31:30Is the king dead?
31:38Only one king.
31:42My lord,
31:44we are your loyal subjects.
31:45Wait, wait.
31:49What news have you brought?
31:52We have brought news of Edmund.
31:55King Edmund
31:56is dead.
31:58His horse slipped.
32:03Who saw this incident?
32:07We all saw it, my lord.
32:08We were with them at the last moment.
32:10This was an incident.
32:18King Edmund is dead.
32:20Long live King Canute.
32:22Long live King Canute.
32:24Long live King Canute.
32:39Olaf has joined forces with Kora.
32:45We have seen his pictures.
32:47But there were other armies with him that I don't know of.
32:50Their army is growing.
32:52I think we should ask for help from the other kingdoms.
32:54We can ask for help,
32:56but most of the cities have already been destroyed by Kora.
32:58Then we should prepare immediately.
33:00We should find out the strength of their army.
33:05Send a spy and find out.
33:09Prince Harald.
33:13Yala Khan.
33:15I am happy that you are fighting for us.
33:18But this is against your brother.
33:21My brother has made his own decision.
33:24And I have made mine.
33:26I am not fighting for Norway's rule.
33:29I am fighting for the catechism.
33:38I need to make a call.
33:51Leave me alone.
34:08Leave me alone.
34:39Leave me alone.
34:53Queen, did you call me?
34:56I have been told that you reached Edmund first.
34:59That is true, Queen.
35:04And was he dead when you reached?
35:10But there were a lot of wounds.
35:15And he must have been in a lot of pain.
35:21Especially because of that small wound
35:24that was placed under his heart on his left chest.
35:27That wound was the most dangerous
35:29because it tore his heart
35:31and the body was filled with blood.
35:33Strange things happen in such accidents.
35:38I think it is true.
35:43You can go.
35:56Are you behind all this?
36:00Do you remember?
36:02Since Edmund's death,
36:03there is only one king left.
36:05He is important to you as Kanut's wife.
36:08King Fogbeard.
36:10I came to this country at the age of 15.
36:12I did not even know the language here.
36:14I was just a piece of property.
36:16Today, I am the queen of a vast empire.
36:19And I am very rich.
36:22If you think that I cannot take care of my husband
36:25and my interests,
36:27then do as you please.
36:33Now it is clear what my son saw in you.
37:04We can face them.
37:07Our success is in the hands of God.
37:11I keep my fate in my own hands.
37:16Sometimes it is very difficult to love you.
37:33I want to keep you safe.
37:36I do not need this.
37:38I know Kora.
37:40And I know my brother.
37:42He is very selfish, arrogant, and hungry for power.
37:47Someone else has all these qualities.
38:04This is good.
38:12We came last night.
38:14Mother did not want you to worry.
38:22She thinks a lot about me.
38:26I will talk to her in private.
38:34How are you, Alpha Yu?
38:38How did you come all the way to England?
38:42For the crown, which is mine as a king's wife.
38:47As far as I remember,
38:50you and my son were married by pagan rituals.
38:54Because at that time, he did not change his religion.
38:57He did not change his religion.
38:59He was married by pagan rituals.
39:02Because at that time, he did not change his religion.
39:06In the eyes of Jesus Christ, this marriage did not take place.
39:10Tell this to your grandchildren.
39:15I will tell them.
39:17This is how the world works.
39:21My son has married Queen Emma.
39:25Then he will lose Norway.
39:29When he came back to England, he came to meet me.
39:33He told me about the plan to unite Norway.
39:37After that, he asked Denmark's army to attack Kattegat.
39:41You mean the army of Canute?
39:44Canute is in the battlefield, and in their absence,
39:47the army will obey my orders.
39:51You brought the remaining army to England?
39:54Where are they?
39:56They are poor, but far away.
39:59They are far away from your eyes, but so close
40:02that they will obey my orders.
40:13I can have your head chopped off.
40:16I can have your head chopped into pieces.
40:20Or I can do more.
40:23I cannot stand anyone's anger.
40:27By the time you find out where the army is,
40:30it will be too late.
40:32There are many places to hide in a country like England.
40:35If they do not hear my voice on time,
40:38they will reach Kattegat on a special day
40:41with Olaf's army.
40:43Only I can bring them back.
40:46Are you here to talk or to threaten me?
40:49I have a problem.
40:51You killed my father, Leif Erikson.
40:54As his son, I will have to avenge you.
40:59You know very well that I was only there to save myself.
41:03You also know that if I fight you,
41:06there is a possibility that you will kill me.
41:09I will kill you.
41:11I will kill you.
41:12You know very well that if I fight you,
41:15there is a possibility that you will kill me.
41:18You are a good warrior, Ana.
41:21And the people of Kattegat need you in this war.
41:32So you understand my problem.
41:35Look, I have only heard stories.
41:38And that is what I am telling you.
41:39If I am ever asked to join Ainea
41:42and I have to see your father,
41:48I will remember him as a warrior
41:51who gave his life for his people and their faith,
41:54not in the bad name of his father.
42:01Horses are coming.
42:04There are corpses on the horses.
42:09There, there, there.
42:11Easy, easy.
42:20We have to estimate their strength.
42:23If they are weak, we should not stay here.
42:26We should attack
42:28before they get stronger.
42:30I agree.
42:32I will go with you.
42:34None of you will go.
42:36Let's get to work.
42:39Let's go.
43:02Who are you?
43:05I am the queen of Denmark, Alphigue.
43:07And the wife of King Canote.
43:16It's amazing how easily
43:18you have settled in my house.
43:23Now this house is mine.
43:38I have heard about people like you.
43:42Tell me, how do people like you
43:45believe in such delusions?
43:49I have heard that you are very smart, Normandy's mother.
43:54You must have understood that
43:57if a wolf is roaming around your house
43:59and keeps an eye on you,
44:01it is obvious that it will hunt you.
44:08You look worried.
44:12There are many reasons.
44:14Yes, I have come here for one reason.
44:17All the traitors want to unite the army
44:20and defeat Normandy.
44:22And Canote's army is in the hands of Alphigue.
44:26He will not be able to do it.
44:28He will not be able to do it.
44:30He will not be able to do it.
44:32He will not be able to do it.
44:34He will not be able to do it.
44:36He has hidden the army somewhere.
44:39I have sent people to look for it.
44:41But it may take days or weeks.
44:43I only have a few hours.
44:48If Olaf kills Norway,
44:51the whole North will be in danger.
44:54And Alphigue knows that.
45:00I don't think a woman like you
45:02would understand the importance of this for the Vikings.
45:05But I understand.
45:07Your people's blood runs through my veins.
45:10I never answered, but I understand your anger.
45:13I can feel your pain.
45:18I loved your son
45:20because he won my trust.
45:22He saved my children from Olaf.
45:25And now I have to repay this trust.
45:27I know this country.
45:29I can help you
45:31if you want.
45:57Kattegat has passed many tests.
46:00Enemies have attacked from the land and the sea.
46:04At all times,
46:06the gods have supported us.
46:09They have protected us all the time.
46:12Today we face a new challenge.
46:15For which we have to ask for help.
46:18We have to ask for help.
46:21We have to ask for help.
46:24We have to ask for help.
46:27Is there anyone here
46:30who can take this message to Asgard
46:33and ask the head of Asgard for help?
46:36I will go.
46:38Me too.
46:40I will go.
46:49What is your name?
46:51Aiden Hoskelson.
46:58Will you go to Aiden
47:01and ask for help?
47:04Of course.
47:06I promise you
47:08that I will do it.
47:17Prepare for his journey.
47:27Prepare for his journey.
47:58Queen Althea.
48:02My name is Earl Godwin.
48:04I am your husband, Raja Kanur's advisor.
48:07I hope you have found someone who can help you.
48:13I am grateful for your help,
48:16but it will be difficult for you to get your husband's support.
48:20I am here to help you.
48:22I have explained the conditions to Swain Folkbeard.
48:25Why do I need help?
48:27You have given very little help to Emma.
48:30I know her.
48:32I think I can help you.
48:36Why do you want to help me?
48:39Because I have an old feud with Emma.
48:57I have an old feud with Emma.
49:02I have an old feud with Emma.
49:27I have an old feud with Emma.
49:57I have an old feud with Emma.
50:17My stepbrother is here.
50:27My stepbrother is here.
50:57My stepbrother is here.
51:00My stepbrother is here.
51:02My stepbrother is here.
51:05My stepbrother is here.
51:08My stepbrother is here.
51:11My stepbrother is here.
51:14My stepbrother is here.
51:17My stepbrother is here.
51:20My stepbrother is here.
51:23My stepbrother is here.
51:26My stepbrother is here.
51:29My stepbrother is here.
51:32My stepbrother is here.
51:35My stepbrother is here.
51:38My stepbrother is here.
51:41My stepbrother is here.
51:44My stepbrother is here.
51:47My stepbrother is here.
51:50My stepbrother is here.
51:53My stepbrother is here.
51:56My stepbrother is here.
51:59My stepbrother is here.
52:02My stepbrother is here.
52:05My stepbrother is here.
52:08My stepbrother is here.
52:11My stepbrother is here.
52:14My stepbrother is here.
52:17My stepbrother is here.
52:20My stepbrother is here.
52:32My stepbrother is here.
