Short filmTranscript
00:46It's absurd
00:47My father would not do this
00:49You would have reasons to affirm it only if he had lost the trial and this is precisely the proof
00:55Or did you convince him?
00:57Ten cuidado con lo que insinúas tranquila salome mi padre nunca habría puesto el control del dinero en sus manos
01:03Y estaría mejor en las tuyas, ¿no?
01:06Es mi dinero por lo que sé jamás has aportado nada a la fortuna de tu padre solo gastas
01:11Por favor vámonos quiero una copia del poder notarial
01:15Ahí tiene una puede quedársela al final has sido tú el más listo
01:20Me acusabas a mí de querer la fortuna de mi padre y eres tú quien se la ha quedado
01:25Es obvio el interés que tienes no puede hablarle así a mi cliente
01:29Su cliente es hija de mi mejor amigo la conozco desde niña
01:33No le cambié los pañales porque no se los cambié ni a mis hijos
01:37Pero la conozco bien y sé lo que pensaba justino de ella estás inventando excusas para robarnos
01:46Tu padre no me dio instrucciones para hacer esto sin pensarlo
01:49Tengo derecho a hablar y también razones para preocuparme por lo que puedas hacer porque
01:55Pues porque como mínimo creo que vas a rezar para que tu padre fallezca como te atreves
02:01No ha dicho que tengamos cuidado con lo que insinuamos
02:05Pues ahora se lo digo yo
02:07Tenga mucho cuidado
02:10Vámonos ya
02:12No te da vergüenza algún día entenderás por qué lo hizo tu padre
02:17Vamos a invalidar el poder notarial
02:19Estafador estafador y decía ser amigo de la familia
02:36Que contenta se van
02:50Esa no es una cosa que se piense es una cosa que se confirma
03:06Aunque hubiera oído algo estaba fuera de contexto y no estaba fuera de contexto pero ahora está en itakare haciendo que
03:14De verdad piensas que es una coincidencia
03:17Pues sí que interés puede tener en ir a brasil para buscar a la
03:21Supuesta hija de justin pues alguno tendrá porque él está allí es hijo de saloma hoy puede seguir sus órdenes
03:31Para buscar a la hija de justino
03:35Pero que imbéciles no habéis pensado ni en lo básico amor yo no me vengas ahora con cariños déjame
03:44tiene suerte
03:46De que yo siga viva y despierta para arreglar las tonterías que hacéis
03:53Como voy a confiar en la persona que habéis contratado para hacer el trabajo en itakare como es de confianza creeme por favor
04:00Pues llámanos venga debe encontrar a tiago y estar encima de él pegado siempre a él
04:07Si ese picaflor está haciendo de detective quiero saberlo
04:23Esa niña mimada ha venido con una abogada pero lo tienen mal
04:30Te van a dar mucha guerra me lo esperaba
04:35Pero no conseguirán nada justino y yo pensamos en todo. Ah, sí
04:40Y porque yo no sé nada
04:43Porque ciertas cosas son secreto profesional no me gusta que tengamos secretos
04:50No te enfades
04:52Estoy más cerca que nunca de darte la vida que quieres
04:57Eso sólo me lo creeré cuando lo vea y no fue cosa mía empezar con esto a lo mejor sí
05:05Bueno que vengan sé cómo luchar con buitres
05:11Me gusta este nuevo salomão
05:13Sí, sí
05:15Esa actitud malvada te da un no sé un je ne sais quoi muy sexy
05:23Estás más salvaje más masculino y eso me gusta
05:28Eres un hombre que no tiene miedo a ser hombre
05:32Para para para para ahora que me acuerdo ese poder notarial
05:41Quiere decir que simone y salomé no tiene el interés en mantener a justino vivo eso le dije yo a sal
05:49Hay que ver
05:51estás diferente hoy
05:53Malicioso ellas no serían capaces un retiro lo dicho que ingenuo
05:58Amor salomão escúchame por dinero la gente es capaz de todo
06:03como nosotros
06:07Nosotros somos buenas personas con buenas intenciones
06:13Oye lo que estás a punto de hacer es para defender a justino para que no se despierte arruinado
06:21Tienes que protegerlo encargarte del patrimonio de tu amigo porque esas dos buitres simone y salomé
06:28No tienen límites
06:30Eso es verdad pero en el hospital está seguro está controlado
06:35Donde está es vulnerable es si porque entran y salen personas así que deberías
06:41Conseguir un poco de músculo para garantizar su seguridad
06:44Eso sería demasiado no o es que vas a echar el cerrojo después de que roben
06:52Estás protegiendo la vida de tu amigo
06:55Míralo así si fuese al contrario que querrías que hiciera él
07:01Lo mismo
07:04Ya lo tienes te has respondido tú mismo
07:09Espera espera de repente tengo mucha hambre
07:13Vamos a comer a algún sitio especial
07:28Será que da por tiempo desacelerado rodando a ciudad de indecas y parís
07:39Oye escúchame
07:42Y si ese chico ya sabe que cacao es hija de justicia habla bajo como
07:51Me parece que es el hijo del abogado del patrón yustino pudo hablar con él antes de tener el accidente
08:00Justino no te dijo que la adoptaría si fuera hija suya
08:07Es un tema para el abogado es verdad y son amigos de siempre
08:14Imposible no es
08:18Entonces que hacemos
08:21Déjame pensar
08:24Dime la verdad anita sabes algo que yo no sepa cacao te juro que no
08:29la reacción de papá ha sido muy rara parecía que ya conocía a tiago
08:35ma ya ya ya ya yo diría que huele a chamusquina eso exactamente
08:41Oye se te olvidaba esto a dónde vas que acabo a investigar
08:50Es la primera vez en la historia que está cerrado a visitas
08:53se encanta el drama pues yo aquí veo una oportunidad
09:05Oye Anita Anita ese cuadro es de cacao
09:09no la has oído
09:12bájate de ahí
09:14que petar
09:17Anita ese cuadro es de cacao
09:22Eres una pésima hermana
09:32Ahora que estamos solos contadme la verdad
09:36Que verdad no hay nada que contar
09:38No nací ayer papá
09:42Siempre ha sido un hombre reflexivo y tranquilo y desde que volviste de portugal estás cada vez estás más nervioso como quieres que esté
09:51El pobre patrón está al borde de la muerte y su mujer y su hija quieren librarse de nosotros ya sé que la situación es delicada
09:59Pero prohibir el paso a los turistas no ayudará a salvar la hacienda
10:04hija es más complicado que se explica por una vez en la vida puedes hacer lo que te digo
10:11las visitas están canceladas punto final me opongo ya lo sabemos
10:17Confía en nosotros confía
10:22Y tiago
10:25Qué pasa con él desde cuando lo conoces cuéntamelo quién
10:32Sabéis que yo estoy muy harta de tantas mentiras cacao cacao
10:43No es estúpida vale filo y que hago le cuento que van a por ella
10:49y que hacemos si va a hablar con el chico
10:55Y hay que trazar un plan y rápido
11:16perfecto para
11:36No sé cómo voy a salvar esta
11:44Voy a salvar esta hacienda
11:48I'm going to save this store.
11:56I'm going to save this store!
12:00I'm going to save this store.
12:19Mother of God!
12:22I didn't hear you come in.
12:24Do you want to kill me or what?
12:26We have to talk about something.
12:29From what you saw in the annex, it's not what you're thinking.
12:33King is a gem of a man.
12:36I only helped him because he does everything he can for the boss.
12:40And do you think the bosses will think it's normal for you to hide him here?
12:45Inside his own house?
12:49He wasn't inside.
12:51And do you think they'll still trust you when they find out you hid him?
12:59Well, what do you want?
13:01Are you going to kill yourself?
13:05On the contrary.
13:07I want to help you.
13:12If you help me.
13:14I knew there was a trap.
13:16That's why I like to talk to smart people.
13:19That way we get straight to the point.
13:21How long have you been working here?
13:23I don't know. About ten years.
13:26And since when has Simone been with her son-in-law?
13:36Mother of God!
13:44I didn't expect you to be so good.
13:46Have you felt threatened?
13:49Maybe you don't know how to recognize a compliment.
13:52Oh, it was a compliment.
13:54Of course.
13:56Listen, I've noticed a trait of yours.
14:00You're one of those who fall in love with a man who's not interested.
14:04Okay, hey, if you're talking about Thiago...
14:06Well, no.
14:08But since you mention it, he, for example, is not interested.
14:13I told you we're friends.
14:15Besides, he's in a difficult phase.
14:19I understand.
14:20Precisely in a difficult phase, it's good to have someone by your side.
14:25Are you saying that from your own experience?
14:31For some reason, I'm on low medication.
14:35Your work will be difficult.
14:37Especially in a country like this.
14:40A lot.
14:44Let's talk about something more interesting.
14:48Maybe later.
14:51I'm going to take the opportunity to run for a while.
14:55I came for that.
14:57And you, what do you say?
14:59Let's see if I can exceed your expectations again.
15:02Let's see it.
15:07Do you like to see a man running behind you or what?
15:13But no.
15:21Didn't you like the chocolate?
15:23Oh, I forgot the bag. You didn't have to bother.
15:26No, actually, I'm here to apologize for my parents.
15:30A lot has happened at the same time.
15:32The boss is in a critical state.
15:34They may sell the estate and we would be left on the street.
15:38I didn't know.
15:40Actually, they are good people.
15:42But they act like that out of fear.
15:43Yes, of course.
15:44Did you know them?
15:47My parents.
15:49No, I didn't know them.
15:52But I won't get any closer to the estate.
15:54Oh, to the estate, okay.
15:56I hope people do.
16:02We can be friends, right?
16:04We can.
16:07Get in.
16:09Do you want to see the area?
16:10I'll take you to a place only the locals know.
16:16What are you doing?
16:17Don't run.
16:20I'll get in, okay?
16:25I haven't seen her in a long time.
16:28I drank too much, I know.
16:31I behaved badly.
16:33But I suffer a lot when I see Anita with another man.
16:36And this?
16:39Honestly, I wasn't going to use it.
16:43It was to defend myself.
16:45I've seen a lot in prison.
16:48Luckily, you have it registered in your name.
16:51And they haven't filed any charges against you.
16:55But you haven't had much time, Kenny.
16:57You just got out.
16:58I haven't hurt anyone.
17:06Kenny, I'll let you go.
17:10But I'm warning you.
17:15If you get close to your ex, you'll go straight to jail.
17:21Do you understand?
17:23Of course.
17:24Do you understand, Kenny?
17:25Yes, ma'am.
17:39Explain to me.
17:40You didn't behave like that.
17:42I don't know what happened to you.
17:46Take advantage of this opportunity that life is giving you.
17:49If you annoy her again, you won't have another one.
18:03I'm sorry.
18:30Fluid English.
18:31Of course.
18:34I'm sorry.
18:41What a joke.
18:42But where did you hear that?
18:44The mother-in-law with the son-in-law?
18:46That would be a sacrilege.
18:48Don't go there, Soraya.
18:50I know you're not Catholic.
18:51You should have left this house a long time ago.
18:55I don't see why.
18:57Soraya, darling.
19:03Don't force me to do something I don't want to do.
19:07I'd hate to tell Mrs. Simone that you're not trustworthy.
19:13You're a viper.
19:14Unleash her.
19:16How long has Mrs. Simone been with her son-in-law?
19:24Let's suppose it's something.
19:27Let's suppose.
19:30If I tell you, will you let me?
19:43All my life.
19:46Before she married Salome.
19:50In my opinion, she married Salome because she couldn't marry her mother.
19:56Because the person Rui loves is the lady.
20:04So she married Sal to be close to her mother.
20:11Who marries without wanting to marry?
20:13Those who don't do it because they can't.
20:16Or because they have something to hide.
20:25Good race.
20:26Good race.
20:31You're in good shape.
20:34You're not going to say I shouldn't participate in the race, are you?
20:38You still think you can win?
20:41Losing is a word that's not in my vocabulary.
20:45Have you always been so competitive?
20:50It depends on the prize.
20:53Okay, stop.
20:55This is not a competition.
20:57I'll take advantage of the fact that we're here to take a walk and think for a while.
21:03Can I take the towel?
21:08I had a great time.
21:09See you later.
21:23We have to talk.
21:24There's a surprise.
21:25There's another target in Itacare.
21:35Have you changed your mind?
21:37I'm still determined.
21:39Do you know the feeling when they hide something from you?
21:43But what?
21:45I don't know.
21:46I'm going to let the interview pass.
21:49I don't know.
21:50I'm going to let the interview pass.
21:52And whatever it is, I'll find out.
21:57Why did you take everything apart?
22:00This store has to be more amazing than ever.
22:04Okay, yes.
22:05I know, I know.
22:06Today has been a horrible day.
22:08But tomorrow...
22:10It's going to be just party and joy.
22:15Valeria, where are you going?
22:18It wouldn't be a party without confetti.
22:22Have you seen my watch?
22:25Have you seen it?
22:40Let's see.
22:41How cool.
22:43Do you want to drive?
22:46I don't know how to drive.
22:47Come on.
22:48Are you scared now?
22:49No, it's just that...
22:50It's easy.
22:51Come on, sit down.
22:53I lean on you.
22:54I'm going to go up.
22:56Do I turn this here?
22:58That's it.
23:00And now here.
23:03Come on.
23:05That's it?
23:06You got it fast.
23:07Come on.
23:17Come on.
23:18Hurry up.
23:19Can we go this way?
23:20Of course.
23:21Hurry up.
23:22Are you sure we can drive along the beach?
23:23No one is going to tell you anything.
23:24No, no.
23:25I don't know if...
23:26Don't run over anything.
23:27Of course not.
23:28It's the last thing I want.
23:29Come on, man.
23:30Hurry up.
23:31I'm going.
23:47Do you want me to go with you?
24:12No, Guto.
24:13I want my quad.
24:14Anita, pick up the phone, please.
24:15I want to go to the market.
24:16You've already taken my quad without my permission.
24:17Leave it.
24:18He'll be back.
24:19You don't have to take anything from me without asking.
24:20I think you're mad at something else.
24:21That she went with Thiago.
24:22You watch too many soap operas.
24:23I like stories, darling.
24:24And me?
24:25What an imagination you have.
24:26What a pair.
24:43Do you know what I'll do?
24:44I'm going to the beach to see them.
24:45The factory is closed and we do nothing.
24:46I'm going.
24:47You do not invite me?
24:48I do not want competition.
24:49I see.
24:51I'm going to the beach to see them. The factory is closed and we don't do anything. I'm going.
24:57You don't invite me?
24:58I don't want competition.
25:00Oh, yeah.
25:03Well, okay.
25:16You should talk to that boy.
25:18And what do I tell him?
25:21That I lied to him, that I recognized him right away?
25:23No, man, don't tell him that. Find out what he knows.
25:27No, no, I think we have to go slowly.
25:33If he looks for Cacao on his father's orders, he won't hurt him.
25:39Yes, it makes sense.
25:46Sit down.
25:52The urgent thing right now is to divert the attention of that method of Simone.
25:58We have to focus on that.
26:00We have to find out where they got American tourists to use as bait.
26:06Do you really want to go on with that nonsense?
26:10What other option is there? What do you prefer?
26:13What do you think?
26:15Help me think where we get those girls.
26:46What do you think?
26:47What do you think?
26:48What do you think?
26:49What do you think?
26:50What do you think?
26:51What do you think?
26:52What do you think?
26:53What do you think?
26:54What do you think?
26:55What do you think?
26:56What do you think?
26:57What do you think?
26:58What do you think?
26:59What do you think?
27:00What do you think?
27:01What do you think?
27:02What do you think?
27:03What do you think?
27:04What do you think?
27:05What do you think?
27:06What do you think?
27:07What do you think?
27:08What do you think?
27:09What do you think?
27:10What do you think?
27:11What do you think?
27:12What do you think?
27:13What do you think?
27:14What do you think?
27:15What do you think?
27:16What do you think?
27:17What do you think?
27:18What do you think?
27:31Kim, Kim!
27:32Leave it. Leave it Estep.
27:35What are you doing?
27:36I didn't know that...
27:37Very good water is here.
27:39But here are a lot of people right?
27:40Let's walk around.
27:42I know a better place than this one, let's go.
27:55You're starting to like it, huh?
27:58If you're going to bring the police to the bar, don't come in.
28:01Don't worry, Chirapenches.
28:03That's what I'm saying, there's always a lot of noise.
28:05We're here to help the rioters.
28:09I'm here for a different reason.
28:13I want to start again.
28:16Find a job.
28:18I'm asking you for an opportunity.
28:20I don't want criminals in my bar.
28:22Yeah, and you're a saint.
28:25I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
28:27I wanted to say that you also lived your life and...
28:30Today you are successful.
28:32It's true.
28:34I've been successful, haven't I?
28:36It took me a lot.
28:38I'm willing to work.
28:41To get Anita back, you must see that I am formal.
28:45I would like to know if you would be willing to change if Anita was not so good.
28:50Hey, respect, man.
28:52Calm down.
28:54I didn't mean to offend you.
28:56But she's very good.
28:58Even I would change for her.
29:02Okay, man, okay.
29:05I'll think about it, okay?
29:13That's it.
29:14I'll tell you I'll think about it.
29:30Woman of 20 to 30 years.
29:38I have a message from above.
29:40Big debt.
29:41White rain.
29:42Who sent you?
29:43The crow.
29:44For the flour that you threw from the plane.
29:48But if...
29:49He told me to throw it.
29:51Come tomorrow.
29:52To this place.
29:53It will be better if you go.
29:58I have a message from above.
30:00Big debt.
30:01White rain.
30:02Who sent you?
30:03The crow.
30:04For the flour that you threw from the plane.
30:07Who sent you?
30:08The crow.
30:09For the flour that you threw from the plane.
30:24Be careful with me.
30:25I don't want to go back to the hospital again.
30:28I have to answer.
30:29Should I leave the bag here or put it up?
30:32What do you think?
30:38The deal was one, not two.
30:41This is not to eliminate him.
30:43It's not that.
30:45It's just to keep an eye on him.
30:47We have reason to believe that he knows more than what you say about our plan.
30:51I'll send you a picture right now.
30:53So you can identify him.
30:59I want to know if he has found out that we want to give...
31:02Passport to the girl.
31:05There will be an extra cost.
31:07Money is not a problem.
31:27For a man.
31:29All settled in Brazil.
31:32I've sent him the picture of the cyclist to the expert.
31:35I think it would be better if we didn't tell Sal about this.
31:40At least until we know what he's up to there, Thiago.
31:50So, how's Salamao?
31:52A burden.
31:54He must have spoken badly of us.
31:56Very badly. Knowing him, he must have called us all.
31:59I would have paid to see him.
32:01He must have realized that he can't keep the money.
32:04You don't understand.
32:07The only one with access to the accounts is Salamao.
32:10What are you saying?
32:14Mr. Justino gave him full powers.
32:51Well, I have an idea.
32:54What if we take a bath and then we have a smoke?
32:58You've read my mind, I swear.
33:00We leave everything here?
33:02Of course.
33:46What's wrong?
33:48It's here.
33:49Let me see.
33:51You have a swollen ankle.
33:53It was at the hacienda.
33:55I was so happy that I forgot about it and I behaved badly.
33:58I'll help you.
34:04What a shame.
34:25Your father has been working for his boss for a long time?
34:28Yes, since the beginning.
34:30He hired him as soon as he bought the hacienda.
34:33We were born here.
34:34A long time ago?
34:35Yes, a long time ago.
34:36Now he's stressed about what's going on.
34:38I understand.
34:41You can trust me.
34:43If you want to talk, talk to me.
34:45I don't know, maybe I can help you.
34:47Help me?
34:49Don't you know a millionaire?
34:51Do I know a millionaire?
34:53Why do you say that?
34:54To prevent them from building a hotel in the hacienda.
34:57A hotel?
34:58Yes, we found out through the boss' daughter.
35:01She and the boss' wife want to end everything.
35:05With the new cacao too?
35:07That's them.
35:08They don't care about anything.
35:10You know?
35:12But let's change the subject.
35:15Don't you have a friend who is passionate about cacao?
35:19Let me hurt my foot.
35:22A boy with a white shirt, handsome, handsome.
35:26Get me out of here.
35:28It would be worth it.
35:32I'll think about it.
35:37I don't know how this happened to me.
35:40What did you expect?
35:41Do you want to leave him?
35:49Kim, where are you going?
35:54Hello, I'm very well.
35:56Nice good day.
35:57Speak English?
35:59Yes, speak.
36:00Me, Kim.
36:01Nice to meet you, Mila.
36:03Annabelle, nice to meet you.
36:06Is she speaking English?
36:08My husband wants to know if you are American.
36:11No, we are not.
36:13But we would like to.
36:14My dream is to visit New York.
36:16They will offer us tickets with company included.
36:20I can offer you a slap if you want.
36:23I could be your father.
36:24Don't exaggerate, woman.
36:25Like an older brother.
36:27Calm down.
36:28Calm down.
36:29Sorry, girls.
36:30Calm down.
36:32That document has to be fake.
36:35Justino would never do something like that to us.
36:39Today I will check if the power is legal.
36:42Yes, it is the first thing to do.
36:44I'll tell them.
36:50How bad, how bad, how bad.
36:53I want to strangle him.
36:55To whom?
36:56To Saloma?
36:57No, to Justino.
36:58I don't believe it.
36:59I'm sure Saloma wants to trick us with that.
37:02It's best to wait for Victoria's confirmation.
37:04Justino, Justino, you bastard.
37:07You left us in the hands of that bastard.
37:10Sal, I'll tell you one thing.
37:12If your father doesn't die in the hospital, I'll kill him myself.
37:16It's all Saloma's fault.
37:18I'm sure he convinced him.
37:20He wants to hurt us.
37:22I never liked him.
37:23Me neither.
37:24He's always said I'm lazy.
37:28Besides, he says he will investigate the whereabouts of the heir.
37:30Can you believe it?
37:32He's a bastard.
37:33And also a liar.
37:35I'm sure he knows everything and shut up like a coward rat.
37:39Where are you going, mom?
37:40I'm going to get the bull by the horns and rip his tongue off.
37:43Because he doesn't fool me.
37:45He doesn't fool me.
37:47Madam, you can't go out yet.
37:50The doctor has not authorized it.
37:52Regina, I appreciate it.
37:54But today there is no doctor to save me.
37:56I'm going with you, mom.
37:57No, you stay.
37:59This conversation will be between him and me.
38:03I'll go with you.
38:18Stop right here.
38:23That's it.
38:24It's done.
38:25It's done.
38:26I loved it.
38:27Thank you very much for the ride.
38:29Thank you also for the chocolate.
38:31It was amazing.
38:32Amazing, right?
38:33Especially when you told me to speed up.
38:35I got nervous, but I loved it.
38:37I didn't change it for anything.
38:39I'm going to think about what you told me.
38:41Let's see what I can do.
38:42To get me out of here, I would like.
38:46Wow, I see you don't waste time.
38:49Very good.
38:51Take advantage of the opportunities.
38:53Girl, it's not what you think.
38:55In the end, I'm going to cause you problems.
38:57No, no, not at all.
38:58Don't worry.
38:59Forget it.
39:00It's okay.
39:01A kiss.
39:03And a plane ticket, okay?
39:06Okay, I'll think about it.
39:09Now I know why you stole my painting.
39:12What do you want?
39:14Did you want to walk the boy?
39:17You will not always be the favorite.
39:20Let him know.
39:29So, my idea is stupid.
39:31But this one is not.
39:32It's better.
39:33It's normal to go thank him for the plane ticket.
39:37I can't stop thinking about that boy, Thiago.
39:42I'm thinking...
39:46If he knows that Cacao is the boss's daughter...
39:49It can be useful to us.
39:52I don't know if I understand you.
39:53Oh, man.
39:54The boss wanted to protect Cacao, right?
39:58His daughter.
39:59If we find out that...
40:01Mrs. Simone knows that she is truly his daughter...
40:04She will have to disappear for a while.
40:06And we don't have money for that.
40:08But those people do.
40:14What a wonderful beach.
40:16But now I just want to take a shower and drink something.
40:19Oh, I'm so jealous.
40:20If you want, I'll give you some tea.
40:23Thiago, you're burned.
40:25He burned himself with Anita.
40:27Well, yes.
40:28It just happened.
40:29It didn't cost you anything.
40:33What's wrong with him?
40:35I have no idea.
40:36Do you want the key?
40:37Yes, I have to leave something.
40:45Hi, welcome.
40:46I have a reservation.
40:48Can I just check your passport, please?
40:51Don't get your hopes up, Filó.
40:52I like to think about everything.
40:57Kim and I...
40:58Give me a moment.
41:01Look at that.
41:08Hey, can I help you?
41:09Yes, please.
41:10Go to the kitchen to see if everything is in order.
41:12The American is vegan.
41:17Is it your first time here?
41:19I came to the Eat Across competition.
41:21Oh, cool.
41:22You'll love it.
41:24All right.
41:25Do you mind if I just take one copy of your passport?
41:28Yeah, sure.
41:29Okay, I'll be right back.
41:34Let's go.
41:35We still have to see if he's older.
41:37Stop it already.
41:38Let's go.
41:43Wait, Filó.
41:44We have to go back.
41:45No, Kim.
41:46Leave him.
41:47Maybe Thiago's appearance is not a coincidence, don't you think?
41:52Listen to me.
41:53What if in the end things go wrong?
41:56They manage to find her and finish her off.
41:59Forget it.
42:00We're not a couple of murderers.
42:04I know what you're doing.
42:07I know what you're doing.
42:11You write short lines.
42:16They say the world goes round and round.
42:21And without those rounds...
42:25Did you really think I was going to let you steal our money without doing anything?
42:31Who was going to tell me that I would have the pleasure of seeing you so recovered?
42:36Don't be cynical.
42:37I've come to warn you.
42:39If you continue with the idea of controlling our heritage and finding the bastard, your life will be over.
42:48You've agreed with your daughter and you to come here today to tell me nice things, haven't you?
42:54And you laugh.
42:56I'm serious, Salomão.
42:58You don't know what I'm capable of.
43:02What you're doing now is a low blow.
43:05It's dirty play.
43:07You want to take advantage of a very sick man who has no way to defend himself.
43:13A lawyer of your category.
43:17Who would have thought?
43:18I should be ashamed of you.
43:20Your husband knew you very well.
43:23I notice you're very upset, Simone.
43:25Sit down.
43:26I have to show you something that will make you change your mind.
43:29I have to show you something that will make you change your mind.
43:55I bring you this to see if you calm down.
43:59You say a glass of water with green leaves will calm me down?
44:04You don't have to listen to me.
44:06It's true, I don't have to.
44:10You look like a smart woman.
44:12Excuse me?
44:13Someone smart listens more than speaks.
44:16But if you make a living by changing diapers...'re going to pay for it.
44:26The first lesson is not to judge a book by its cover.
44:31And the second is that you have to learn to read what surrounds you.
44:36Your father is between life and death.
44:38And your mother is recovering, but she's going to suffer collateral damage.
44:43As far as that is concerned, you can't call me ignorant because I've seen many cases.
44:49And what's the point of this sermon?
44:51You're the only smart person in this house.
44:55And that's why I wouldn't leave that matter in your mother's hands.
45:01You should take care of the empire.
45:07I know you love her.
45:08You adore her.
45:09I already told you that she has all my support during her mother's recovery.
45:14She's not well.
45:16Anyone can die from an illness or an accident.
45:21But it seems that everything is fine as before.
45:26It's just a facade.
45:29Then everything goes downhill.
45:32And you don't want that to happen.
45:36The future of your family depends on you.
45:38Including Simone.
45:40What advice would you give me?
45:43Take the reins of the situation.
45:46Tell your mother that she will do whatever she says, but she must use her head.
45:53Have you ever thought about how crazy it would be to do something that's not right
45:57if it's done with your father's fortune?
46:02You're not stupid either.
46:05Why change diapers?
46:07You're not stupid either.
46:09Why change diapers?
46:26Honestly, Salomão, what's the point of this scene?
46:31You'll see.
46:34It's ready.
46:38What's that?
46:44If you're watching this video, that means that what I feared has happened.
46:51I'm worse.
46:53I debate between life and death in the hospital.
46:57Salomão has been forced to take drastic measures against my heritage and you.
47:03At my request.
49:56A few days later...
50:18Speaking English?
50:20What my husband wants to know is if you're American or not.
50:23No, we're not, but wow, I'd love to.
50:26My dream is to go to New York.
50:28There's a plane ticket with a flight attendant.
50:32Look, I'd rather have a slap in the face.
50:34He's too old to be your father.
50:36Don't exaggerate.
50:37I'm much older.
50:39You have to control yourself.
50:41Sorry, ladies.
50:44See you.
50:49Hi, welcome.
50:50I have a reservation.
50:51Okay, can I just check your passport, please?
50:53Sure, sure.
50:54You think you're on a trip?
50:55I'm thinking about everything.
50:59Cláudia, Luquim and I came to...
51:01Give me a minute.
51:04Look at that.
51:07That's what I'm thinking.
51:10So, do you need help?
51:12I need you to go to the kitchen and make sure everything's okay for this guest.
51:16She's that American vegan.
51:21Is it your first time here?
51:22Yes, I came to the Eat Across competition.
51:25Oh, cool!
51:26You'll love it.
51:29Do you mind if I just take one copy of your passport?
51:31Yeah, sure.
51:32Okay, I'll be right back.
51:38Let's go.
51:39Wait, we have to try to figure out if she's old.
51:41Stop it.
51:42Let's go.