Coronation Street 16th August 2024

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Coronation Street 16th August 2024


00:00OK, shall we do any more paperwork? Do you need anything else from me?
00:10No? OK. Great. Thank you very much.
00:15Ooh, good news.
00:18Very good news. For you, especially.
00:21Ooh. You got me those Manolo Bilanic slingbacks I've been eyeing up?
00:26Er, sadly not, but my divorce has been finalised.
00:31Seriously? Are you pleased?
00:33Of course I'm pleased!
00:35I don't need to throw in those Manolo Bilanic slingbacks to seal the deal.
00:40I mean, if you're offering.
00:42But this is so exciting.
00:44It means we can probably focus on planning the wedding without all of this hanging over us.
00:50And actually, I have been having a little thing...
00:52Oh, here we go.
00:54It's nothing bad... Oi!
00:56Well, no, it's nothing bad, I just...
00:58I thought maybe we could get in touch with Emily
01:01and see if Maeve wants to be a flower girl at the wedding.
01:04Obviously, I'm not talking about making her walk down the aisle or anything,
01:07but we could get her a pretty little number and, you know, make her feel part of the day.
01:14I guess that's a no.
01:16No, erm, not necessarily, it's just...
01:20I've been struggling to get in touch with Emily recently.
01:22Everything's through our solicitors.
01:25Oh, yeah, of course.
01:27I need to head, but I'll have a think about it, yeah?
01:33See you later. See you later.
01:37Oh, Joel, babe, you forgot your bag!
01:42Er, do you want prawn cocktail or cheese and onion?
01:45Erm, prawn cocktail, ta.
01:48Hope told me earlier on that prawn cocktail crisps, er, slay.
01:52And then she still got it in her pocket.
01:54Oh, yeah, that's a good thing.
01:56Is it? Oh, well.
01:58Kids, eh, they'll keep you young.
02:00Won't be a whole new ballgame, won't we, by the time Dorian gets to the girls, eh?
02:06Girls, come on, stop that now, honestly!
02:09Do you know what it is? The board now.
02:11Yeah. There you go.
02:13Made with love.
02:15Look, I'm working late today,
02:17so why don't I take them to the cinema tomorrow?
02:20Yeah, that'd be nice. Yeah.
02:22Might make up in some way for cancelling the trip.
02:27Quality family time, just what we need.
02:29I'll sort it. Right, will you two pack it in?
02:33We'll get through all this, won't we?
02:39You know, any chance of a free tea?
02:42Mm, go on, I'll bring it over.
02:46That'll do.
02:48Oh, it's you.
02:50It's you. Is that all I get for your one-and-only sibling?
02:54Sarah ring any bells?
02:56Oh, yeah. I forget about her sometimes.
02:58How's things going with the old fiancée? Still in love with her sister?
03:02Just keep your voice down.
03:05Oh, you're far too bright and breezy for this time of the morning.
03:08I've just done a sunrise upload session.
03:10Is that the cult thing?
03:12Excuse me?
03:15The cultivating of the mind.
03:18Yeah, you're back early.
03:20Yeah, Rowan let me go early so I could come to the museum with you and Sam.
03:25Everything OK?
03:26Er, yeah, it's just Si again.
03:28He's, er, they've moored a rock down, the boat's broke,
03:31so he said, can I go over and visit him?
03:33But I can't, can I? I've got to stay and look after our toy.
03:35Where's Sam? Oh, he's in the loo.
03:37There's been a change of plan.
03:38Er, Toy has been discharged early, she wants me to go and pick her up.
03:41Oh, well, why did she phone you?
03:43Er, she tried you, but you didn't answer.
03:46Oh, right. Right, well, we should get to the hospital then.
03:49Well, why don't you go and see Si? I can handle things here.
03:52No, I can't leave you to everything, can I?
03:54Anyway, if Toy's coming home today, I need to look after her.
03:57Right, come on, Sam. Come on.
04:01Paul was made up.
04:02You and Bernie went to the pub together yesterday.
04:05And I said, you know, we do know that things aren't going to heal,
04:09you know, just like that.
04:14It's all right.
04:16And are you doing OK after the whole breathing thing?
04:24You're stable, aren't you?
04:27What about you?
04:28What about me?
04:30Well, I've seen less rings in a jeweller's.
04:33The ladies must love you.
04:35No, I just meant... No, no, no, it's fine.
04:38I'll just go and put on my concealer, don't you worry.
04:41Are you getting enough sleep?
04:45In general, yeah.
04:47I mean, last night was a bit difficult to get off.
04:50You know, it's just all this rehousing stuff is a bit of a worry.
04:53We just want to go for a walk, but I'm sure we'll hear something soon.
05:02What are you doing with the rest of your day?
05:04Well, I'm just moving the last few bits into the rovers.
05:08I tell you what, why don't you come round here for a drink after you're done?
05:12In fact, you owe us one, considering you stood us up the last time.
05:18It's the Crandalls.
05:21Paul's set himself a challenge.
05:2350 of the best box sets to watch before you...
05:30Right, then, er, a drink and Sopranos it is.
05:37Give us a crease.
05:41Go on.
05:51Betsy, that was nasty.
05:54I didn't do this to you. Yeah, I know.
05:59What's it from, then? It's nothing.
06:01Just give us a crease, will you?
06:06What, Betsy?
06:10Tell me to mind my own business. No, mind your own business.
06:15Well, that guy that you'd been rinsing, he...
06:18He didn't do that to you, did he?
06:21Did he actually, though?
06:23Oh, Betsy, come on, man.
06:25He threatened to blackmail me.
06:27You can't be letting him hurt you like that.
06:29Oh, yeah, sure, just let him.
06:31Get away with it.
06:34Have you told your mum?
06:37Are you sure? She won't care.
06:39It's worth a shot.
06:43Right, er, you got your mag?
06:45I'll keep Taya occupied while she's waiting to be discharged.
06:48I hope Taya won't mind, but I did already read the article
06:51on eight ways to discover your how now.
06:53Yeah, I did think he was looking a bit dog-eared.
06:56I thought there might be some useful advice in there, you know,
06:59regarding the whole hope exit.
07:01So, did you discover your how now?
07:03Work in progress.
07:05Oh, no, here we go.
07:08I've been calling you.
07:10Oh, have you? I didn't hear anything.
07:12Do you want to get in the car?
07:14Yeah, we shouldn't keep Taya waiting. Yeah, it won't be long.
07:16I'm sorry to disturb you.
07:18Oh, it's OK, but I do have to go very soon
07:20because our Taya's being discharged today.
07:22There's something I can't wait to share with you.
07:25We want to help you move up to level eight.
07:29Oh! I'm only level six.
07:31We're fast-tracking you. You did amazingly this morning.
07:34You're exceeding all our expectations.
07:36We really feel this is the best thing for you.
07:41Right. That's great, but I really need to concentrate on our Taya
07:45for the time being.
07:47Absolutely. I completely understand.
07:49That's why I had another thought.
07:52I want to devise a bespoke timetable
07:55to fit around your nursing duties.
07:57Oh, that's so kind. Thank you.
07:59And there's no rush on our part.
08:01Have a think about it.
08:03And do send Taya my very best wishes.
08:05Yeah, I will. Thanks.
08:07See you later. Bye.
08:14I'll get it.
08:16All right, I'm coming.
08:19What are you doing in my house?
08:22Er, excuse me?
08:26What are you doing here? She's just barged in.
08:29Er, I know it's slim pickings for you these days, Steve,
08:32but could you not have done better than the local druggie?
08:34Hey! Tracy.
08:36You want to shut your mouth before I shut it for you?
08:38Bite me.
08:40No, thank you. I'm not up to date with me rabies jabs.
08:43And I wouldn't want to be catching that, would I?
08:45Oh, get out, you skank!
08:47Steve, are you going to let this scrubber talk to me like that?
08:50Er, Steve, are you going to let this scrag-end talk to me like that?
08:57There's a lot of insults beginning with S here, isn't there?
09:03Erm, Cassie, are you OK if you take your lunch a bit early?
09:07With pleasure.
09:09And for your information,
09:11I was actually here to take care of your dad after his fall.
09:14But if you want to take over bathing his bits, be my guest.
09:21Is he really that bad? Is she really bathing his...?
09:24No, sheck!
09:26Why did she say it, then?
09:28Maybe because you came barging in like a megalodon.
09:31Steve, answer the question.
09:35She helps him get around.
09:37She puts his socks on for him in the morning.
09:39Well, she did.
09:46Thank you so much for meeting me here.
09:48It's OK.
09:49My flat's a bit of a mess.
09:50We're still trying to find a place for all the Joel's things.
09:55Look, I know you've only been communicating through solicitors,
09:59but this doesn't need to go through those channels.
10:02Joel and I were just wondering if...
10:05I'm sorry.
10:07..if Maeve might like to be a flower girl at the wedding.
10:10I'm not talking proper flower girl duties.
10:13I just thought I could get her something fancy to wear and, you know,
10:18just make her feel properly part of the celebrations.
10:22You don't have to say yes straight away.
10:25I wanted to ask, maybe build some bridges.
10:28I'm not sure...
10:30Maybe mull it over?
10:32Oh, and I actually thought I'd ask you to help me out.
10:36Oh, and actually, I got her a little something.
10:39You know how brides get their bridesmaids a little gift
10:42when they ask them to be bridesmaids?
10:44I just got her this little charm.
10:48I think she's called... Yeah, River.
10:51River. She's holding a little flower, see?
10:54I thought it would go perfectly with Maeve's charm bracelet.
10:57Oh, thanks, but Maeve doesn't have a charm bracelet.
11:00Of course she does, the one Joel got her.
11:02No, he...
11:04I'm sure she does.
11:05He's never bought her a charm bracelet.
11:11Look, this is not going to do Maeve any good.
11:15I know Joel hurt you, and I'm sorry,
11:18but she doesn't deserve to miss out on her dad because of that.
11:24I think you're a good person, Dee Dee.
11:29be careful, OK?
11:33Look, the only reason I came here today
11:35was because my divorce has finally gone through.
11:37Oh, that's what you wanted, isn't it?
11:39Look, what I mean is, Joel's got nothing over me now.
11:41And I couldn't, in good conscience,
11:43watch another woman walk blindly into his ways...
11:45OK, look, I'm going to stop you there.
11:49I'm sorry, but just because he did that to you,
11:52it doesn't mean he's going to do the same thing to me.
11:57You said you were living together.
12:00Well, I know for a fact that he's still got hold of his old flat.
12:03I've seen his outgoings as part of the divorce.
12:05He's still paying for everything there.
12:09Well, maybe there's some things still going through
12:11that I don't know about.
12:12Do you really believe that?
12:19You think he's cheating on me?
12:25Look, I should go, but...
12:28Like I said, I really think you're a good person.
12:35take care of yourself.
13:15He is very tall.
13:17Oh, I like him tall.
13:19Hey, do you want a hand with that?
13:21From you?
13:23No, from my very muscular boyfriend.
13:25Yes, me, you cheeky beggar.
13:27Go on, then.
13:28I've changed my mind now.
13:30That was quick.
13:31I have very low threshold for people who underestimate me.
13:34I didn't underestimate you.
13:35Yes, you did.
13:36Me strong, me caveman.
13:37You dainty woman, you don't carry a big box.
13:39You've just reminded me how fit I found Wilma Flintstone.
13:42Oh, dear.
13:43Well, surely you're too young to remember the Flintstones, are you?
13:47Sadly not.
13:56An orange juice, please, Daisy.
14:04It's a shame, you know.
14:07That muscular boyfriend.
14:09I assure you it isn't.
14:11I do very well out of it, thank you.
14:13Now, Chop Chop looks weighty.
14:15What's in it? Hair gel and ego?
14:19What's all this?
14:20Oh, nothing.
14:21Kit's lugging some boxes upstairs, but they're very heavy,
14:24and he doesn't need any help with them.
14:33Er, just give me a sec.
14:37What are you doing here?
14:38Shouldn't you be at work?
14:40Day off.
14:44Yeah, really.
14:46Do you listen to anything I say?
14:48You know what, I came here to speak about something actually quite serious,
14:51but if you're just gonna mug me off...
14:52Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Betsy, Betsy, hey.
14:55What's the matter?
15:03You'd think they'd want the bed.
15:05Well, they're busy.
15:06Well, as soon as they discharge you, there'd be space for somebody else.
15:10How are you doing, Sam?
15:12I'm OK.
15:13I was sorry to hear the news about you and Hope.
15:16You're soldiering on, aren't you?
15:18Well, as Alan Shepard at The Astronaut once said,
15:21any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.
15:25Young lover.
15:26Listen, I feel awful about you not getting to see Si.
15:30You should have said, yes, I'm fine.
15:32Er, no, you're not fine. You've just had major surgery.
15:35Well, I'll get there.
15:37But, you know, I don't want to be the one holding you back from seeing your son.
15:40No, it's fine. I can always go another time.
15:42And, anyway, I've got stuff to do with the Institute.
15:44Like what?
15:45Well, Rowan's gonna fast-track me to Level 8.
15:51Listen, I just... I think you should go and see Si.
15:54Come on, I mean, look, Nick's around, I've got Sam.
15:57Er, yeah, yeah.
15:58I mean, unless you decide to take me on holiday, too.
16:01Put those puppy-dog eyes away, you.
16:03Are they working?
16:06Hey, we could go stargazing, get your ear amassed.
16:15Ooh, it is.
16:17Just the person.
16:18Oh, sorry, Mary, I was miles away then.
16:20No worries.
16:22I just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear about the return of the pop.
16:28How are you doing?
16:30Is that what people are calling it?
16:32Is this just one big joke to everyone?
16:34No, no, no, not at all.
16:36My apologies, the wrong turn of phrases.
16:40It's just you've been on my thoughts.
16:42And the girls.
16:45Well, OK, thanks.
16:47We're OK.
16:48Oh, I believe you've had an unexpected returnee of your own.
16:53You're Tracy.
16:55But she's back.
16:58Was Tommy without?
16:59Did she bring gifts?
17:00So many questions.
17:01She didn't even tell me.
17:07There you go, Dad.
17:09Nice cup of tea.
17:12This doesn't make up for your appalling behaviour.
17:15How was I supposed to know Cassie's your carer?
17:18Where's Steve gone?
17:19So keen to get away from you that he took an extra shift in the cup office.
17:23Dad, you don't really need Cassie.
17:26Not with everybody else rallying around.
17:28I employ Cassie because everybody's rallying around and putting themselves out.
17:32It's the exact opposite from what I want.
17:34Well, I thought that's why people had kids.
17:36So they had somebody to look after them when they got old.
17:39For heaven's sake, Tracy, you don't believe that?
17:42Yeah, I do.
17:43Oh, so what happened then?
17:45Why weren't you here when all this happened in the first place?
17:48Well, I'm here now.
17:49How much are you paying her?
17:50None of your business.
17:52Dad, I could be your carer ten times better than Cassie.
17:55No, thank you.
17:56You don't want me to be your carer?
17:58Well, with all due respect, no.
18:00I think your expertise lies with flowers and ex-footballers.
18:05Oh, and speaking of which, how is Tommy?
18:07Yeah, yeah, fine.
18:09It was a bit of a surprise, you showing up.
18:13A lovely surprise, though.
18:15A surprise?
18:17Well, I just wanted to see Amy.
18:19Can't believe she's playing skibby to a Batsby.
18:25Have you got a suitcase? Leanne's packing.
18:29I thought you two were on straight and narrow.
18:31She can see Simon's taking Sam with her.
18:33Her big suitcase broke.
18:35Why, are you off?
18:37What? Who's going to run the bistro? The fairies?
18:40Fair point.
18:41You know, I'm a bit worried, though, about...
18:44Being on your own with Toya.
18:46She's just had major surgery.
18:49Yeah, and I bet you look good in a nurse's outfit.
18:52Wow. Suitcase.
18:55Well, I had to try and... try and hear.
18:57There's usually some at the back.
19:01I'll just give you a little bit of advice.
19:03Toya? You OK?
19:05Yeah, yeah, I am now.
19:09Nick, that's Gail's.
19:10Yeah, yeah, I'm just, er... I'm just borrowing it.
19:13I was just going to warn you about the Mills and Boone collection.
19:16Honestly, you can't help some people, can you?
19:20Where are you going? You need to hear me advice.
19:22I'm good, thanks.
19:24Who's Tanya? I'll text you.
19:27I'll do it.
19:29What advice is that, then?
19:32No, just winding him up.
19:34Oh, OK.
19:35Well, I'm going to go to Fresh Girls in a minute,
19:37so I'm going to need you to send me my list.
19:39Yeah, I will do.
19:42Now, David, I'm not being stood at that checkout
19:45with my phone flashing up like a Christmas tree
19:47with a list from you about what you want.
19:49Once I'm on that conveyor belt, I am done and dusted.
19:51Right, I'm sending it now.
19:58Monster Flakes, yeah.
20:00Chocolate biscuits, yeah.
20:02Chocolate bars, chocolate cake!
20:04Where do you think I'm going, wonkers?
20:12Try not to sleep with her.
20:14What's that supposed to mean?
20:23Always a pleasure.
20:25Take a seat.
20:40So, how can I help?
20:43That depends.
20:47Exactly what you tell me regarding the fact
20:50you've been messaging my daughter.
21:16Anybody home?
22:41That's an interesting read.
22:43But that's not my number.
22:48Doesn't mean you didn't send them.
22:50You could have a second phone.
22:52Ooh, I don't like what you're implying.
22:55If it's something like this, you should be recording it under caution.
22:59Yeah, that's an option.
23:01Not for you, it isn't.
23:03I'm pretty sure that'd break conflict-of-interest rules.
23:06No, as you said, it's a voluntary chat.
23:09Mm, feels more like an interrogation.
23:15Do you have kids?
23:20Live with you, do they?
23:26Well, maybe it's different for you.
23:29But you watch them from being a baby.
23:32You obsess over them.
23:34Every facial expression, every sound.
23:37Listening out for their needs.
23:39Yeah, I don't think I need a lesson in parenting.
23:41I do have a lot to do today, though, so can I go now, please?
23:46So when they get older and they start to lie,
23:49you know...
23:51I mean, you don't always know why they're lying, but...
23:56..instinctively you know something's up.
23:59You also know when they're being honest.
24:03Betsy wasn't lying.
24:06So tell me, Joel...
24:09..why did you violently grab my daughter by the arm?
24:17Yeah, we've run out of M and R.
24:20I'll have to add them to the list.
24:22And crisps and all, we'll get.
24:24Never mind your crisps. Why are you dodging the question?
24:27Why would you send me that?
24:29It wasn't meant for you, was it?
24:33All right, well, you were texting me.
24:35You were going to text Nick and all. Why would you send that to Nick?
24:38I know, it's totally weird, isn't it?
24:41Who were you telling him not to sleep with?
24:43Because I'm guessing it wasn't Leon.
24:47Toya, obviously.
24:49Who? No, why? Why obviously?
24:52Because it's a laugh.
24:54Isn't it? It's a gag. It's a bit of banter.
24:56You know, Leon going away, make sure you don't get confused,
24:59wrong sister, you know, that type of thing. It's a laugh.
25:03You're a sick, perverted little man.
25:05Yeah, yeah, I am a sick, perverted little man,
25:08but I'm your sick, perverted little man.
25:10You should see the memes that I send him as well.
25:12I mean, they're pure filth, all of them.
25:14Remind me why I married you again.
25:16Well, I mean, it's just...
25:18Mm, yeah. I'll see you later.
25:20Yeah. See you.
25:29I admit it.
25:31I did approach Sabrina,
25:34as I would have done anyone who was crying as much as she was.
25:38The poor girl was bawling her eyes out.
25:40And then Betsy came over, I gave them my card,
25:43I said they can call me if they need help.
25:46But then...
25:48Betsy just wouldn't leave me alone.
25:51I did humour it for a while, cos...
25:54..I felt sorry for her.
25:56I even gave her a bit of cash, because I thought that's what she was after.
25:59I thought, she'd stop calling me and just move on to someone else.
26:05That's not how she recalls it,
26:07and it doesn't explain the bruise on her arm.
26:10Mm, right. I don't know anything about any bruises.
26:13I never touched her.
26:15But I can't help if your daughter latches on.
26:20You know, I'm not the first person she's had a crush on,
26:23and I'm sure I won't be the last.
26:32What did you say to Daisy earlier?
26:36She seemed off.
26:38Well, let me guess.
26:40You're the other half.
26:42Yeah, I am, yeah.
26:44Well, I won't apologise for flirting. She's smoking.
26:47She shot me down instantly.
26:49Dropper wounded me.
26:51I'm good.
26:53I didn't know she had a boyfriend.
26:55I'm a copper. I'm not into theft.
26:58Right, well...
27:00Sorry, I just, you know...
27:02Being a dutiful boyfriend.
27:06All right, good job.
27:08You a collector?
27:10What part of alphabetical gives you that idea?
27:13Do a bit of DJing myself.
27:15Not with this stuff, you don't.
27:17This is proper original vintage 90s.
27:19Really? It's a bit old for you, innit?
27:22Oh, it's a bit before my time, but that's the decade vinyl died.
27:26Some of the rarest records pressed there.
27:29I'd love to have a look.
27:31I mean, if you fancy a pint.
27:33Maybe another time.
27:35Got to go over to our Paul's.
27:37You know where I live.
27:39Yeah, all right.
27:46And will you remember to water Spike Tyson?
27:49Spike Tyson?
27:51He's Cactus.
27:53You know, just a spit with Mr.
27:55Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm on it, I'm on it.
27:57Here, look, come on. Have a good time.
27:59You will look after Toya, won't you?
28:01I'm not even sure I should be going, you know.
28:03You should definitely be going. We'll make sure Toya's OK.
28:16Is that Leanne? I need a word.
28:19Well, if you haven't got your passport, you'll have a hard job.
28:22Where's she going?
28:24And you need to know this information, why.
28:27Works out well for you, her leaving.
28:30Placed yourself with your fiancée's sister.
28:33Yeah, it would do her good to have a break from certain people round here.
28:38Something you encouraged, I'm sure.
28:41Hiya. You all right?
28:43Brought some popcorn. Thought you'd appreciate the smell.
28:46It's not really a TV marathon without it, is it?
28:49I'll get you a bowl.
28:51Just had a chat with that Ryan fella.
28:53All the time, I was trying to figure out how many hours he spends in the gym.
28:56Well, certainly more than I do, that's for sure.
28:59The only fitness I get at the moment is chasing criminals.
29:02The idea of us sweating and not getting a cholera at the end of it
29:05would take some getting used to.
29:07As long as it's not me.
29:09It would take some getting used to.
29:11As long as you're not chasing my dog cholera.
29:14He asked me for a drink, but I just said some other time.
29:19Jog on.
29:21Was that a twitch or did you mean that?
29:23Jog on.
29:25You know, I could start to take offence.
29:27I think you want him to go out for that drink, don't you?
29:32I think what Paul is saying is that we can have a box set marathon another time.
29:39Are you sure?
29:40Yeah, go on.
29:42Good for you to go and get to know Ryan.
29:44All right, then.
29:46Off to the pub I go.
29:48Have fun.
29:51And, er, say hello to Ryan from us, won't you?
29:54Jog on.
29:58See you later.
29:59See you.
30:02I can see your little cogs whirring.
30:08You want him to stick around, don't you?
30:14Thought so.
30:25Olive branch, but better tasting.
30:28Don't even talk to me.
30:30I'm on a break, apparently.
30:32Any idea when that's going to end?
30:34When you tell that ex of yours to get back to Spain.
30:38She's such a hot-headed cow.
30:41Surprised they haven't entered her for a bull run.
30:43Well, we all have our faults.
30:45Even me.
30:46Not like you've got rosy bust.
30:48Excuse me?
30:50I'm just saying not all of us are perfect.
30:52Yeah, don't even try and lump me in with that ex of yours.
30:55Unless you want that bun surgically removing.
30:58All right, fair enough.
31:00But, please, could you come and help me keep the peace?
31:03I'll think about it.
31:05I'll leave that bun and play along.
31:07Oh, er, Mary.
31:10Have you heard the news that Tracy's back?
31:12Yes, I know.
31:14Really? You didn't tell me about it.
31:17She's at the house, if you, er, want to say hello.
31:20Aren't we all ecstatic?
31:22Like finding out you've got Covid again.
31:25Oh, thanks for the lift.
31:30You know, it is the least I could do under the circumstances.
31:36Look, try not to be too hard on her.
31:39Being a teenager these days, it can't be easy.
31:42I know.
31:44I know.
31:46I know.
31:48I know.
31:50I know.
31:52Being a teenager these days, it can't be easy.
31:55She's a good kid.
32:08I just had a run-in with Rowan.
32:11Insinuated that we encouraged Leanne to go for her own benefit.
32:15But we did tell her to go, but to get her away from him.
32:18Yeah, but he's right, though, isn't he?
32:20It's good that she's not here, so she's not doing his fast track,
32:23but she's not here, so it's just us.
32:26Well, we're both adults.
32:28Do you know what? It'll be good, OK?
32:30Because we can prove to each other that we can keep things platonic.
32:33Yeah, I wish we could just reset everything back to normal.
32:36Hmm. Whatever normal is for this family.
32:39I'm sorry.
32:41Just wound me up, that's all.
32:43It's OK. Just, you know, try and keep your hands off me
32:46and I'll try and not make a pass.
32:48I'll manage it.
32:50Maybe we could go for a drive tomorrow, you know, change the scenery.
32:53Yeah, that sounds good.
33:03Oh, what a day.
33:06I'm sorry I had to dash this morning.
33:08I didn't mean to cut you off about Maeve.
33:11Bloody Swain, weren't we?
33:15You getting out of a car?
33:18Oh, it was just something to do with a client.
33:20She offered to give me a lift back cos it took a while.
33:26Why are you looking at me weird?
33:29I'm trying to work out if you're lying to me.
33:32If you've ever told me the truth.
33:35Where's this come from?
33:38I found this in your flat.
33:41You know, the one you said you'd given up?
33:44It's home.
33:46Whose is it, Joel?
34:05Well, you're not going to bother saying anything.
34:08You took that from the flat?
34:10I had a little chat with Emily.
34:12She told me you still had the place.
34:14I found the keys in your briefcase, so I went and had a look for myself.
34:18You know, she also told me you never gave Maeve a bracelet,
34:22so why have you been lying to me?
34:27I'm sorry.
34:30I'm sorry.
34:33You're right.
34:35I've been lying.
34:42Who is she?
34:45My tenant.
34:47She's my tenant. I've been illegally subletting the flat.
34:54No, that's something you would tell me.
34:57I was keeping it from you because it's against the law.
35:00He's subletting.
35:02It's hardly a huge crime you would share that information with your partner.
35:05Would I?
35:07Because the last woman I trusted was Emily.
35:09And she's taken me for everything.
35:14I was scared of not being able to pay her what she demands
35:18and give you everything you want.
35:21I thought the extra income would help.
35:23I was ashamed to say I've been struggling.
35:27But this is what she does.
35:29She gets me tied up in knots until I don't know which way is up.
35:34You really expect me to believe that?
35:36No, I really don't, but it's the truth.
35:39Well, what about Maeve's bracelet?
35:41I gave it to her.
35:43But she sold it the minute Maeve went home with it.
35:45Any nice thing I do, Emily has to ruin.
35:47You know, this is all very convenient, Joel.
35:49Oh, you think you've got it all figured out, don't you?
35:56I'm sorry.
35:57I haven't told you everything that went on between me and Emily.
36:00Partly because I didn't want the trauma of that to bleed in to us,
36:03to impact us, so I've been trying to deal with it separately,
36:06and clearly I can't.
36:09Of all the things Emily has taken from me,
36:11I didn't want you to be one of them.
36:15I need... I need some space.
36:17Dee... Dee-Dee?
36:30And how's that wonderful holiday?
36:32And how's that wonderful hunk of a man of yours?
36:35Great. Yeah, really great.
36:38Could I possibly have that cup of tea now?
36:41Dad, I really think this much caffeine a day is bad for your bladder.
36:44My bladder is fine.
36:50Here you go, Kenny.
36:51I got you a nice little sticky bun from the cafe.
36:54Now, don't let Steve see it. He'll get well jealous.
36:58Oh, Mary.
36:59It's so good to see such a great friend. I've missed you so much.
37:03Cassie, thank you so much for the bun.
37:05And maybe a nice cup of tea to go with it?
37:08Mary, will you stay for a while?
37:10Yes, and then I can catch up with my bestie.
37:12Right, I'll put the kettle on then.
37:14I'm doing it.
37:18But it's been great spending time with Tracy before she jets back to Spain.
37:22Actually, Cassie, I'm staying for a while.
37:26So I'll be here tomorrow.
37:29You can go now.
37:44Where's Toya?
37:45She's in the bedroom.
37:47Which one?
37:51I texted you before.
37:53Did you?
37:55I said, whatever you do, make sure you don't sleep with Toya.
37:59Oh, right. I didn't get that.
38:01I mean, I would have remembered if I'd got that.
38:03Yeah, no, I know you didn't get that,
38:05because, like a numpty, I sent it to Shona by mistake.
38:10I mean, it was quite funny, really.
38:12I was texting you both at the same time.
38:14Her a shopping list and you that, and I accidentally got it.
38:17Hold on. You told Shona?
38:19Yeah, but relax. I made out like it was a joke, you know.
38:22Make sure you don't get the wrong sister with Leanne going,
38:25and she bought it, she believed it.
38:27You sure?
38:28Yeah, yeah, honestly, I'm fine.
38:30OK, cos the last thing I need is someone else thinking something's going on.
38:33No, I know, but believe me, you're in the clear, it's fine,
38:35you totally bought it.
38:38..while you both are in the flat on your own,
38:41make sure you don't, like, get your kit off, you know,
38:43don't be swanning about with just a towel, you know,
38:46a big hunk of a man.
38:47Right, OK, so me and Toya have already had that chat.
38:52Right, well, good.
38:53And I think it'd be wise if you created a bit of distance
38:56between you both, you know.
38:57Maybe be a bit off with her, you know.
38:59You don't want the situation to...
39:02..get messy.
39:03And whatever you do, keep little Nicky in your pants.
39:07Little Nicky?
39:08Yeah, little Nicky.
39:10I'll see you.
39:16Mate, these are amazing.
39:18How on earth did you find them all?
39:20Years of collecting.
39:21The original Blur and Oasis are kind of easy to find,
39:24but Suede and Cooler Shake are super rare.
39:26Yeah, I'll bet.
39:28Must cost you an absolute fortune.
39:30Original Blur was about 200.
39:32Vinyl fell out of fashion.
39:34It was only a decade later that it became retro.
39:37You know, if you see anything original night,
39:39it's just by a little gulping volume.
39:41That's a good tip.
39:42Mind you, if I'm honest, this kind of music
39:44haven't really been my vibe.
39:47You enjoying yourselves?
39:48You should see this collection, Daisy.
39:50I mean, they're all in pristine condition as well.
39:55Looks like you've voluntarily settled in.
39:58Can I get you boys a drink?
39:59Yeah, a couple of pints, please, Daisy.
40:01On me.
40:02Have a look, let's leave.
40:03Go for it.
40:19I'll spend it all.
40:35Please, it's so gorgeous.
40:37I can't do it.
40:40Has the rovers burned down?
40:42What, no.
40:43You back early?
40:44Yeah, well, I had a phone call from Alina.
40:47Oh, right.
40:48I know, I was surprised too.
40:49But she thinks it'll be good if I spend some time with Dorian,
40:52so she's asked me if I'll look after him tomorrow.
40:54And what did you say?
40:56Well, yeah.
40:57I mean, you know, I'm trying to show interest.
40:59It'd look a bit bad if I said no first time she asked.
41:01Yeah, yeah, of course.
41:03It's all right, innit, if I spend some one-on-one time with him and...
41:07Yeah, of course it is.
41:09Will you still be able to take the girls to the film, though, tomorrow?
41:12Cos, I mean, I have told them that you're doing that.
41:16Well, I mean, I can't leave him on his own.
41:18You could still take the girls, though, if that's OK.
41:22Yeah, whatever you need.
41:40I was about to go looking for you.
41:42I needed some time to think.
41:46Look, I'm sorry for leaving.
41:48It was just a lot to take in.
41:52No, I get it, I lied.
41:54And I'm expecting you to believe other things.
41:56I'd be exactly the same if it was you doing it.
41:59It's major red-flag behaviour.
42:01It really is.
42:03And I need you to be honest with me going forward.
42:07Of course.
42:09No secrets.
42:11No secrets.
42:13Joel, if you're going through something, I want to know.
42:16I want to help.
42:27After all the stress from today, I am starving.
42:30I bet you are, too. Eh?
42:32Why don't you pour yourself a glass of wine
42:34and I will go and get the takeaway from Speed, darl?
42:37That sounds lovely.
42:41Hey, where was it you got the bracelet from, by the way?
42:48Well, I was thinking,
42:50I want Maeve to still have the charm I got her for the wedding.
42:54I was going to buy her another one, even if she only wears it here.
42:57Oh, well, that's a lovely idea, but just get her any.
43:01You don't have to spend 300 quid on it.
43:03It should be the same as the one you picked, though,
43:05if Emily took it off her.
43:07What's the place called?
43:10It wasn't anywhere special.
43:12I'm sure whatever you pick will be just as good.
43:15Yeah, you're right.
43:18We're good, yeah?
43:20As long as you bring back samosas,
43:22or else don't bother coming home at all.
43:25Well, at risk of losing you forever, I'd better up my game.
43:29Cos I'm never letting you go.