• last year
00:00Hello. In this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shi-Hi-Shi. If you're watching and thank you for watching, there's going to be some crime against me and my twin flame.
00:21So, nobody can use any of this information against me and my twin flame. And if you do, you will be punished. And the only people who are allowed to watch are the people who want to help.
00:42So, there's definitely going to be some interference, Shia. And I'm going to stick with notes. I definitely am backed up with notes. However, I have to...
01:09And I'm not going to take up a whole hour because I want to make sure that you rest, Shia. And we are in critical condition, so you have to be extremely careful.
01:28I told you my heart is starting. It's now faint and it's not stopping. The faintness is not stopping. And this bloatedness...
01:40Well, actually, it looks a little better. Just from the acupressure I did yesterday, I did a ton of heart acupressure. So, Shia, this is the heart acupressure.
01:55And this is the grief in this little crease right here. There's this point right here, this point, and do all the gates. Do all the spirit gates. Because the demons were going crazy when I was doing the spirit gates.
02:17And people... So, I've noticed a serious improvement in the acupressure, heart acupressure, more than anything that I'm doing. And I'm drinking apple juice. I'm doing a half a day apple juice cleanse. 16 ounces every 2 hours.
02:36So, in about 3 o'clock, I'll drink 2 bottles. So, I was forced to wake up at 4 to 7 a.m. Tortured. Went back to sleep 7 to 11 a.m. I played your video on Loop. Shia, it helped me a lot. It helped me a lot.
03:06In regards to the... Do not get triggered, Shia. This is pretty random because I don't usually talk about your situation. But look at this email from Recreation Center. They know what's going on.
03:36And it's... Just look at it. You'll pick things up. Maybe you'll pick up things that I don't even notice. But there's... The story is very boring. Very, very boring. And these criminals have to be extremely bored.
04:06But look at this. Who does this look like? Thank God.
04:28This is a lesbian couple. Who does that look like? Thank God it was the uglier one that was chosen. So, not a complete lookalike.
05:29But I never knew my... When I talked, my mouth looked like this. It's possible, too, that my teeth is grinding down. But I look a little funny when I talk. I never thought I used to look like that. I never really played videos and watched myself talk and looked in my mouth. But something looks a little different when I talk in my mouth.
05:50So, in regards to... This is a little random. I actually... There was a humiliation ritual that happened where I had to go to a couple concerts alone. That's extreme humiliation.
06:09There was a demon working... Oh.
06:14Well, I'm not talking about this. No, I'm not talking about those notes.
06:37So, I'm going to talk about Hannah, Kroger, and Rudolph. And there has been a lot of attacks and humiliation and, like, stay away. Like, you're not allowed to be into health and herbs.
06:57And Hannah and Rudolph were. And you had an engineer job. You... I can't find a lot of information about you, but because of her work, she wasn't really talking about, like, her family at all much. However, there was...
07:19There is one book where she talks about our sick child that went on for 30 years. I think it's kind of a symbol of our life in this lifetime, the 30 years of extreme torture.
07:33However, this... They used this child of ours to bring us down a little bit, because... I'll explain it to you.
07:49So, this is the book where it explains... There's a little excerpt story of me and you, Shia, and about one of our children that got sick. And there's nothing that we really could do, very little to anything, because it was...
08:12I'm just going to have you read the story, Shia. I don't really want to explain it too much. However, it ended up being... This was definitely an attack, and the child got very sick, and it wasn't really her fault or me and you's fault.
08:35So, I found out... If you Google Hannah Kroeber on Internet Archive, you can see all of the people that reference Hannah's work. So, I started to collect books, and these books are really special books.
08:51Like, you can just tell they have style that's kind of like Hannah's. So, there's some kind of connection that we have with these people that read Hannah's work.
09:03I'm going to show you the books that... This is the one... If you read page 90, Hannah Kroeber wrote an excerpt about our child, Shia, that got sick.
09:15Page 90. I'll show you page 90. Oh, you have to log in to look at page 90. 90. 9-0.
09:35And I'm really irritable right now, Shia. I'm not going to make this video too long because I... Oh, I have to shut this screen.
09:44So, I'm still doing the lumarian technology, and I'm not drinking a coffee yet until later.
09:54So, we have full-body walk-ins, Shia. We had demonic possession since we were children, so we... We don't even... Like, Hannah...
10:09I actually think I'm turning a little bit more into Hannah Kroeber's looks because I think the stroke is actually going to help usher in Hannah Kroeber.
10:24Like, I'm going to walk into my own body. I think the stroke is actually going to usher it in because my face got messed up and paralyzed, it can re-change into more of who I am, what I look like.
10:42So, I found some really great books, like, that heal... that mention Hannah's work, Healing Within, Floral Acupuncture, Every Muscle Testing, Seasoned with Gratitude, PSI Trek.
11:12All these... Oh, this Music Therapy mentioned a quote of Hannah's, and there's specific music we can listen to for heart failure.
11:28And one of them I put on YouTube as a playlist, and it's called The Harp of Brandeshire. The Harp of Brandeshire is specifically for the heart.
11:48So, I've been really wanting to listen to Harp by Sylvia Woods. I've been really wanting to listen to Harp, but I haven't found... I've been very, very, like, not listening to anything but what I know for sure is good.
12:11So, humiliation... oh.
12:16But in regards to what happened to our child, she went to school, and all the kids or teachers were like, you have to get the vaccine, you have to get the vaccine, SIM40, S-I-M-40, and she, like, was asking us, I really want to get the vaccine, and finally, Hannah got brought in to get the vaccine.
12:46It ended up, like, paralyzing her, making her so sick, and I believe there was... it was Satan that made her keep asking to get that vaccine.
13:00And millions of other people got the disease from the SIM40. I'm not going to go into detail and explain it, but that's definitely... the child was cursed, and the whole family was cursed from the SIM40 vaccine.
13:30And you know how when you get a stroke, you have, like, your... so when you get a stroke, your brain's empty, and it's almost like there's no thoughts that occur, like, it's just... there's no thoughts, it's, like, really actually relaxing?
13:51I was told repeatedly that my consciousness was stolen, put into other people's. They forced me to believe that sometimes, but I didn't really believe it.
14:01So this I'm going to skip. This is a bunch of notes I got that... about someone that's... I'm not going to mention it right now.
14:19In regards to Hannah's work, I followed Alberto Kroger, the grandson that runs Hannah's workshop, on Facebook and Instagram, in regards to show me and you support him running the business.
14:51The family company.
14:54And I'll just talk a little bit briefly about him. Something's wrong with him. He has some kind of full-body possession that probably started at a very young age.
15:04He has that glossy... glossy eyes. That's... this may or may not be true. This... he has some glossy eyes that could be possession.
15:15The pendulum states that he's upset. He's sad. He's appeasing Satan in some ways. Obviously not running his company now.
15:31But... he's gotten some... I don't follow him. I'm not going to look at his photos and his messages because I'm going to get attacked. However, I did follow him on Instagram and follow him on Facebook.
15:48He has a soul, but something took him over and it started at a very young age.
16:02But he... he's definitely attacked. He's definitely got attacked. Extremely attacked.
16:19And it's pretty like... it's pretty... it could be possible that he has some kind of full-body possession.
16:28And... um... I'm not going to go into details. I have a little bit more information about him, however.
16:49But the fact that he's keeping the Hannah's Herb shop going is...
17:01I'm not going to finish my sentence because they're going to try to finish my sentence for me.
17:06But there's...
17:11But this hacker has beyond humiliated me and tried to keep me away from Hannah's work.
17:19Every little thing about health or healing or natural remedies...
17:25Like, no, you're copying me. Blah, blah, blah. Like, extreme humiliation. Extreme... extreme attacks.
17:35And because of my full-body walk-in, at the time that I learned about Hannah Kroger, I was teeth grinding so bad.
17:44It started during the day on Maplehurst, so I had to Google it. What makes your teeth grind? How to stop it?
17:49And then I saw Hulda Clark's work on parasites for teeth grinding. And then Hulda Clark's work led to Hannah Kroger.
17:57And then I looked at Hannah Kroger's photo and I immediately knew that there was something... I had a connection.
18:03And then there was automated AI that someone did to make me know that that adult passed life as Hannah.
18:25But if you look at the owner of Hannah's Herb Shop, look at our lives. Look at how bad and ghetto and bad things happen to us.
18:39It's not... it's very possible that he was getting really decked.
18:47In 19... I did see an advertisement of Hannah's on Complimentary Healing Guide, Boulder, Colorado.
19:08And there was a little advertisement with Hannah's shop and they were advertising 1997 different herb brands.
19:17And those two herb brands that were being advertised, those people would not like me in this lifetime.
19:30So there was some kind of interference happening and then Hannah died in 1998.
19:38So, I really get upset that I don't see too much about you.
19:45However, there is photographs of us and you're really happy in a couple of them.
19:57You got such a nice smile.
20:11And these are all of our kids.
20:16I think this one is Alberto, the grandson's father. This one.
20:24And he's still alive. I saw a photo of him.
20:30I know for a fact Gisela, your daughter, is alive. This one.
20:44So... and look at how happy you are.
20:53And look how happy I am.
21:08It's possible she's the one that got the vaccine.
21:11And I don't think you really care. Sometimes I'm wondering, wouldn't you like to be your name and have all of your information on the internet about you?
21:34But you're kind of like a hidden treasure in regards to this lifetime.
21:41Kind of like, in this lifetime, you're a little bit of a hidden treasure.
21:46Obviously, they kept telling me, no, shy is Hannah in this lifetime.
21:55Well, no, because you're not the CM, so you're not.
22:05By the way, this bloatedness and swelling of the ankles is heart disease, heart failure.
22:14And I have that, so I have to be extremely careful.
22:18Because a doctor told me, the last doctor I talked to at Sharp, when I showed them my swollen ankles and I think it's my heart, they go, well, it's good news to know that swollen ankles has nothing to do with heart disease.
22:33So he lied to me. And that can brainwash someone, because I've heard it before, that swollen ankles is heart disease. I read it on the internet. I believed it.
22:41And that actually changed my mind. So that's pretty not good.
22:48So I... It's upsetting to not find enough information, and I really want to find information about you.
22:59But I don't really... There's not a lot of information about her, because it's all just a bunch of information about new age foods, all the metaphysical things, the health, the healing.
23:23I don't think you really...
23:31It was just... It just wasn't your kind of career to have your, like, your author, like, your name with the author of the books.
23:41And I actually have to buy new books, because these are kind of falling apart.
23:51But I found a few more on the internet archives, specifically one about cancer recipes, like cancer food recipes, that I definitely want to read, because I haven't read that one.
24:09So, it kind of cheered me up, though, because reading all the people that mentioned Hannah's work, it's like, wow!
24:18Everybody hates me in this lifetime. People actually liked me. Like, people actually kind of liked my work, at least.
24:27I think... However, there was... We both got really attacked in that lifetime, I'm sure, Shia.
24:35I'm not as smart in this lifetime, and it really hurts me that she and Rudolph were very intelligent in that lifetime.
24:44However, Hannah was not as powerful. I was told Hannah wasn't as powerful in that lifetime. I have more energy, work, power.
24:53However, I would like to... I wish my brain was not so injured.
25:00Because it makes me almost a little bit jealous of myself in that lifetime, that I had... I was able to...
25:11No thing... Like, some of the things that I read in the book, I can't even follow.
25:16I can't even understand what I actually wrote in the books, some of it.
25:22So, it's possible... So, I'm going to change the subject now.
25:43But the advertisement really stung, because those businesses are... I know for a fact they did not like Hannah.
25:55So, Hannah was a little blind in that lifetime, I noticed.
26:01And I was told, Shia, because I told you about the CNN and all the notebooks about the loving things.
26:09Well, there's several things that made me think that she's very lesbian.
26:20Especially with the photograph of the three men.
26:24The framed picture of the three men.
26:28And I've seen some things that would make me think that she likes women, and she hates... she like rapes men.
26:40That she likes women, and she hates... she like rapes men.
27:10Also, all of those CNNs were all film entities. It was kind of like buddies.
27:20I could feel that vibe.
27:23But they kind of built this whole story, like you were so angry that she was acting like a H-O-R-E.
27:39The horse photo, like you were so angry about it, is a complete lie.
27:46You're just stating a fact.
27:50That she didn't like you.
27:53But all of those CNNs were full of entities, and they were getting tortured in R-A-P-E-D.
28:01Because they don't have full control of the CNN.
28:05Sometimes I don't believe that, because I don't know how it works.
28:10In regards to the acupressure, Shia, every time I do acupressure for certain organs, there's wrapping sensations.
28:19The demons and the witches are wrapping back like chains around the different organs and different elements in the body.
28:28Different places in the body.
28:31So the acupressure is very obvious it works, but they do these wrapping sensations.
28:35Oh, you're going to undo what we did? We're going to just redo it. So give up.
28:41But no, I was told it's permanent when you do the acupressure.
28:46And specifically the gaits.
28:49This one right here is an important one.
28:53I was doing five minutes at a time, but I went back to this one and did like 15 minutes.
29:06But the acupressure is permanent. It works and does permanent.
29:12It unravels the witchcraft knots, chains.
29:19So I definitely didn't get everything.
29:23I didn't really talk about everything.
29:27However, you have to rest a little bit for a few days and not spend so much time.
29:36I have to re-watch all of these.
29:39I'm kind of burnt out having to watch myself.
29:43Although it does help to watch myself.
29:49Because the torture is a little bit, I would say it's less.
29:54Something's changing. I don't know if it's permanent.
29:58We're able to do some healing because it's less torture.
30:06And they keep trying and getting electrocuted.
30:10And it's a lot of pain.
30:14And they keep trying and getting electrocuted.
30:18And I think that you know this.
30:21I was told that you know this.
30:32I did the acupressure. I did quite a bit of lumarian technology.
30:38I listened to the harp, Rakia. I listened to the harp.
30:40I listened to the, I listened to like 4 hours worth of the harp, Rakia.
30:46I listened to like an hour of the harp.
30:50Spirit Zen, I like the Spirit Zen and they have a new video.
30:55They have a new video coming out on the 17th.
30:59And I really like the painting.
31:02It's amazing, the paintings and the images on the Spiritual Zen really trigger me emotionally.
31:07There's something like, there's some like star seeds that they're working with that are like healing people a lot.
31:17That I know you know of, Shaya.
31:26And Shaya, if I don't act like extremely loving in these videos, it's because I don't want to get you hurt and in trouble.
31:32I already feel like I'm getting away with something doing this.
31:34So don't think that I'm like not actually acting loving enough towards you.
31:38I told you, I'm still possessed.
31:41It's very, very, I get wicked panic, anxiety, stress.
31:45They physically torture me if I even talk about you for a few minutes.
31:50So, but I was playing your video and I think it was actually, it helped because while your video was playing,
32:00I was playing the star seed Spiritual Zen frequencies.
32:04I think there was some kind of healing happening with our hearts, Shaya.
32:12You're so cute, Shaya.
32:15I say this a lot.
32:17I say this all day.
32:19I say it all day long, Shaya, you're so cute.
32:23And I'm getting able to actually touch you more, like through the video.
32:27And I don't usually like hug you.
32:28I don't usually able to do that because it'll immediately like attack and like, I can't explain it, Shaya.
32:45So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
32:55And I said, I actually was very quick with how I was talking in this video.
33:00So if you get triggered or I said something quickly and said something like the way I shouldn't,
33:06they'll use my tone of voice and they'll use the way I'm saying my thoughts to attack you and to make you think things.
33:14So I'm going to show you I'm definitely behind.
33:20When I have energy, I will catch up with all the things.
33:25However, we both have to rest Shaya for a few days and just I'll be making like half an hour videos probably for a couple more days.
33:38I love you, Shaya.
33:40Thank you everybody for watching.
33:41Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.
