• 2 months ago
Statements made by the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro as he presides the working meeting for the community consultation that will take place next August 25th. teleSUR


00:00And let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela, at this moment to see all the upcoming
00:05information while the president is offering a statement. Let's listen.
00:10It's a very beautiful system that we have to defend.
00:14Those who do not defend what it has,
00:18they have to remain to ask. Those who don't take care of what they have, they have to remain asking.
00:24That's what they say in the neighborhoods, right? We take care of what we have.
00:31We take care of peace. We take care of this project, this beautiful project that has been
00:36on the face, a very advanced phase. But of course, it takes a lot of time. The beautiful
00:41thing about the Constitution is that it's beautiful, that it has given us a good experience.
00:46But the most beautiful thing about all is what is going to happen, is what is going to be built,
00:52what we are building now. And we're building the new democracy of the 21st century.
00:58The democratic models of the representative are already exhausted. People don't like it.
01:05These are models to manipulate, to defeat, to deceive people, force. We want to construct
01:11a new model which is authentic, humane, a model deep from the citizen, where the power is in the
01:20hands of men and women, like social being of a society. And we have advanced. We have
01:28advanced a lot. We have 4,505 circuits, community circuits. It's a beauty that deserve an applause.
01:37Please, big hand in your house. Like with the song, how does the song go? There's a song,
01:45a merengue song, I think. The table that applauds the most, isn't it?
02:01The table that applaud the most deserve an applause. This beautiful Constitution deserves
02:08an applause, which they try to stab in the back. Captain, Revolutionary Captain
02:16Leonardo Cabello, His Excellency Sylvia Flores, Excellency.
02:29They tried to kill the Constitution when it was a child.
02:32She was two years ago. And they tried to kill, those who tried to kill it,
02:37was the same names that are trying to hang it.
02:44Who tried to fill a bloodbath in Venezuela, the same names, the same sellers of this homeland,
02:52the same surnames of blue blood, are the terrorist and assassin Maria Machado and her puppet.
03:01The puppet that went into hiding, he doesn't show his face, he's in hiding.
03:07A weapon, a muppet that is defeated, a criminal of war.
03:14The people knows that they are the seller of the homeland, the criminals, the ones that are
03:19looking for criminals, and they just found criminals to kill. And now they say in the
03:26world that are political persecutors, that they are prisoners, they are arrested, they are confessed.
03:32And you saw that in the world, they hide the truth of Venezuela, but they are there.
03:39One by one, all the reports, we will have to make a national chain, a national network,
03:47to read every report, every report of these criminals that went to kill all the universities,
03:54major ship, warehouses, warehouses for food, warehouses for club, that attack citizens
04:08on the street, that kill people in the streets, pedestrians in the street.
04:13That assassinated leaders, women of the community councils of Pesuvio in a vulgar way.
04:29With their fascist face, these are two models, two models.
04:36The constitutional and humane and Christian model, revolutionary
04:42chavist model, and the criminal model, fascist model.
04:48I also want to inform that in this meeting, we have been informed by the deputy Jorge Rodríguez,
04:55the deputy Pedro Infante, of the advances that the law against fascism,
05:03neo-fascism, and similar expression, is that the name right?
05:10A law that has been debated with the people. How in this country things were debated with
05:15the people? Never. Now it's now onto debate, and our people is now given their opinion
05:21in the territory, in the bases, how they were harassed, threatened, how they were threatened,
05:27how their children were threatened, how they were threatened, how they were persecuted,
05:31how they tried to kill hundreds of people, hundreds of spokesmen in the communities,
05:37of leaders in the streets. So now the law against fascism is going very well now in consultation,
05:45in debate and approval. Now we have an experience that they told me that has been
05:50recorded in three videos that I give to you. Today is Friday,
05:566.45 p.m. Okay, just wait a minute, don't go up live because there's one more that is actually
06:05pushing Maduro. Where are you going now? A Friday. Stay there in your house. If you're watching me
06:14from your job, you go direct to your house. I have free experience actually for the elections
06:21of the 25th of August. Election 2024, 25th of August, Venezuela will continue its path,
06:31democratic path, and fascism has not been able and will not be able with the democratic model
06:36and popular model and revolutionary model of our constitution. Let's see these experiences
06:42in the community Ezequiel Zamora to see the community project there in the municipality
06:49in the municipality of Lara. Please go ahead.
06:56We belong to the community Ezequiel Zamora and in this process we're doing
07:04and we are just the seven proposals and we came to the conclusion
07:09that the proposal, the first one will be
07:13the building of the lyceum. Why the lyceum?
07:16Because the lyceum is beneficial for the community because children are starting there
07:24from the fifth to the fifth year of the seven communities and at the same time,
07:28not only from this community but also for other communities.
07:33When we talk about socialism, we're living this process.
07:38Fifty years ago, I was saying I don't like that word, but now
07:50when the communities are actually handling their resources,
07:53they are designed to better things. What we had a contractor,
07:59but every dollar, every bolivar that we spend has been sweat and of course the difference is seen
08:07when you do. We have lived in the union is there, the love is there,
08:21the union is there, the love is there, the community for the community.
08:34So you see that beautiful experience and that's why how many other experiences
08:40where in the April consultation, in April, the first election, the first national to select the
08:46projects with a vote of the community, this community selected a school
08:53and an environment, a health environment and they did it and the resources are actually paying off.
09:00I would say that they are actually giving are more effective 10 times more than the other ones
09:07like this experience. We know many others. This is democracy. This is a true democracy.
09:11This is the democracy, direct democracy, participating democracy, which was a dream
09:19at the end of the 90s. There was a proposal by Chavez since I know him, since I knew him.
09:25He was talking about the democracy, the direct democracy, Bolivarian democracy. In this document,
09:33the blue books written by him in 1990 as a part of his thesis on the University of
09:40Simón Bolívar, Comandante Chavez was talking in this document about the popular democracy.
09:46In this document, the national system, the tree of the three roots and the popular democracy,
09:54Bolivarian democracy, was very coherent, very powerful, coherent, very beautiful.
10:02The Robinsonian model we invented or we make a mistake. The national project Simón Bolívar,
10:11this was coming, the solidarity way of life. I remember when this document fell in my hands
10:22in the year 92 and this document, the blue book, that I have published it in my networks
10:29and I feel the same emotion of the same original project of the tree of three roots because our
10:35project was born in Venezuela. Simón Bolívar, Ezequiel Zamora, Simón Rodríguez, the three roots.
10:43Our project was not imported from any place. This is a project of our own roots
10:52and we did with Comandante Chavez and the people. We made this beautiful project to be born.
11:01We carried it in every stages. We have managed to overcome all the conspiracies, all the coups,
11:10all the threats, all the sanctions, all the treasons and we have overcome all treason over
11:21treasons, threats over threats because we are truly, we are Bolivarian, the Chavez.
11:29We have a project, a true project, a project with our own profound roots. We are the incarnation
11:36of the 21st century of Bolívar, of Zamora, of Guacaipuro, of Negro Primero,
11:43of Josefa Joaquina Sánchez, of Ana María Campos. We are their incarnation
11:48and Chavez was our master, our professor, the professor of love, of freedom,
11:54the professor of this project of the big homeland. We have to see, comrades,
12:01the solidarity way of life, Yozdado, the model of the original society.
12:08After talking in another part of the state powers in the 90s, Comandante Chavez was
12:14already proposing the powers of a state and proposed the formula, the classic formula
12:21of Montesquieu of the executive power, legislative power and judicial power,
12:25the three classical powers of the bourgeois democracy and he proposes also the power,
12:30the electoral power. In 1990, in 1999, we completed that. We just finished that with
12:38the people in the constituent assembly. This is a very complete concept. And then afterwards,
12:46he talked about the system of government on page 74. The system of governance,
12:53the participating democracy. He talks about the participating democracy, Yozdado Cabello Rondón.
13:02And Chavez was saying in 1990, Héctor Rodríguez, you were actually born,
13:08you were born, you were two, there were three little children, for sure. From this perspective,
13:16the so-called representative democracy, within quotations, has not been an artifice through
13:21which our people have been dominated. Simón Bolívar was already saying it, they have been
13:29saying it, they have dominated more through deceit than through force. The Bolivarian
13:38revolution should break all the participating to conquer a first state of development for
13:45a participation democracy, but the strategic objective should be the Bolivarian participation
13:52democracy. The objective in 1990 will be the popular democracy Bolivarian as a system of
14:01government. And he was talking about a different government system which is now being built.
14:07Comrades, compatriots, it's being built now. With the changes and transformation that we
14:13have committed ourselves and we saw before the people, the new system of governance,
14:19we have to do it, new methods, new systems, together with the people. And he says, and even more,
14:29I'm going to read it again so that you can understand it completely, but the objective,
14:33the strategic object should be the popular democracy of Bolivarian as a governance system,
14:38and even more, as an expression of an economic life, social and culture of the original
14:45society, Robinsonian, the socialism, Christian socialism, humanist,
14:52Bolivarian of the 21st century. We can say that for sure completely. Afterwards, there's another
14:59chapter in this book that I also like to reread, the Bolivarian democracy, self-government,
15:07about self-government. We have found the path, how things are done, because there have been
15:13theses and ideas, theories, very beautiful ones, of society, utopian society.
15:20So they just remain in thesis and theory, and in utopias.
15:24This is a concrete utopia to be built.
15:31So Chavez was saying at the end of this chapter, he was underlining, I have it underlined
15:37for many years, in the sense, compatriots, spokesmen that are watching me,
15:44neighbors, in that sense, the communities, neighborhoods, cities, and
15:51we should have the mechanisms and the power to have a self-government that allows them to decide
15:59the internal problems by themselves through processes and structures generated in their own
16:06place. That is to say, the people should count on channels of information and to decision organs
16:13inside their places that allow them to select their own objectives, to mend their
16:21path when it was deviated, and afterwards to produce the changes in its internal composition
16:28as they are required by the historic process. The democratic, the popular democracy will be
16:33in the communities, and its wise beneficiaries will be extended across the nation to nurture
16:42with this equalitarian purpose the federal state, Zamorano, or we call it community states,
16:52and its foliage will cover all the structure of our Robinsonian, today we call it
16:59socialism of 21st century, and he ends with the phrase of a prophet, that it was fulfilled,
17:06it will be the new times from Venezuela, under the signal of the three roots,
17:13it's already announced with force in the horizon of the 21st century of Venezuela,
17:17and in Latin America, Hugo Chavez, 1990, we're going with this legacy, we're going on this
17:27original path, defending it with our skin, defending it with our reason, defending it with
17:33our love, with our truth. We're going to see now, ahead of the elections, 2024 on the 25th of August,
17:45within like nine days, we will see now the municipality of Zamora, the Bolivar Parakeet
17:54in the state of Miranda, the path of the tangerine, so that you see this achievement
18:02with the wall, listen to the figures that the spokesmen are saying, we are in the municipality
18:08of Zamora, the Bolivar Parakeet in the state of Miranda, and we are in the community of the
18:14tangerine, which is a community, which is an agricultural community, which are 17 communities,
18:19and the consultations are now being, are going to resolve the fundamental problem that we had here,
18:25and it's very important the number of harvests, of plants, planting that we have made in this area,
18:31and many were lost because of it. We organized ourselves in a way,
18:39we asked for viability, and a wall, a contention wall, that we needed, so that we can just work,
18:47and thank God, thank revolution, we have our walls, and we had assemblies to reach a
18:56consensus to execute this project, so we worked with the 17 community councils,
19:04everything was from debate, from debate, from meeting, to meeting, so afterwards the funding arrived,
19:10and we did the whole work, and it was every day there, from six o'clock in the morning, all the workers
19:20fulfilling their objectives, everybody were involved, and of course that was made possible when we,
19:28the municipality of Zamora, the mayor that we have there, he made a wall of the same size,
19:36with $120,000 in six months, with only in one month, with $15, we made it in a record time
19:45of excellent quality, and with the working hand of the people, we are resolving the problem
19:50that we are, that are affecting us, we think that we can do much more.
19:58Now we're going to continue working, we have three or four priorities,
20:04our people believe that we can do that, we are already planning to start
20:11summoning for the assembly on the 13th, 12th and 13th, each community will meet in their
20:18territories, they were going to represent projects after that, they're going to meet
20:23all those projects that are being proposed, they will elect seven projects that will be on the
20:28cards, and afterwards we will, their spokesmen, we will publish that project
20:37for the consultation of the 25th, we have to reach an agreement so that we can be helped,
20:44projects that benefit all the community, we call all the population of our community to participate
20:49massively in the next population consultation on the 25th of August, it's a call that we do
20:55to our neighbors so that to resolve our problems that we have in each of our communities,
21:00we will leave and we will overcome.
21:09Look at the numbers, the figures that they are providing, with less than $15,000
21:15they just built in one month, did big work for guarantee the production of tangerine,
21:24which is being improved, are more tasty, these tangerines are very tasty,
21:31we have to go there to visit them very soon.
21:38And the mayor of that place, a mayor from the right, very bad, like all the governments
21:45of the right, very bad, he made a wall, similar wall, they did it with less than $15,000 and
21:54the mayor did it with $120,000 in six months, look at the difference, on one side the people's power
22:03less than $15,000 one month and they were having, they were requesting for years for that wall
22:12and they voted, the funding was sent, the fund arrived completely, not even a cent was left
22:20outside and it was invested there under the eye of the neighbors,
22:26under the supervision of the neighbors, $15,000 a month, $120,000 six months,
22:34eight times more expensive than the one that the mayor did,
22:40$1,000 less expensive than the one from the people's power.
22:43Chavez, dear father, dear master, when you founded as a leader of the Bolivarian movement
22:50you were right, we, your children that carry this original spirit of the Bolivarian
22:57movement and we were loyal and we are still loyal in everything and in all times we say
23:04long live Chavez, long live the original Chavez, loyalty always, traitors never,
23:13this spirit is so beautiful, the spirit, the original spirit of the Bolivarian movement,
23:20revolutionary movement, 200 that woke up a generation of young people, we fell in love
23:26with the ideal, with the movement founded by their authentic leader, Hugo Rafael Chavez Fría, so that's
23:36this is a very beautiful experience that all these dreams are made reality with perseverance,
23:42with loyalty, with courage, anti-imperialist courage without letting them to hide, to blackmail us,
23:50without ourselves letting ourselves being threatened, without going off the path as the song goes,
23:57as the song goes, how does the song goes,
24:04listen my comrade,
24:11I tell you, I always say in the original spirit of the Bolivarian movement, revolutionary movement,
24:18200 of the movement fifth republic of the great patriotic Paul of the
24:24Pesuve, of the perseverance, anti-imperialist, anti-oligarchy Bolivarian,
24:32listen my comrade, don't let path without taking, I have seen many people that have gone
24:39off the big road and they have withered, those who lose the road and betray is withered forever,
24:48withers forever, okay so we have a third experience that would have that would like
24:56to share with you now that is Friday, so almost 7 and 6 p.m. we are about to finish
25:04because we have an activity, a Christian event, a prayer for peace and for life with my brothers
25:13of the churches, of Christian churches even of the country and we're going to see this
25:19experience in the community, La Lagunita, the community La Lagunita,
25:25as a land of liberators and producers in the community of Libertador Carabobo State,
25:36a theme related to electricity,
25:38which we have here, we are here in the Carabobo State, the municipality of Libertador
25:46in Lagunita is as a land of producers and liberators through this postman of the community
25:52of the government, we identify the new problems of the country agenda of actions in this case
25:59the electrification, so we know we just loaded and examined through the system five on self
26:08governance, the people's power together with the people of the institutions we went
26:13to the execution of the project, we managed to obtain five posts, electric posts that were
26:20destroyed and also 15 posts were set up and of course all of them are electrified, 80 families
26:27were benefited since our president Nicolás, thanks Nicolás Maduro for trusting us and for
26:32giving us this task to handle our own resources between the government and the people's power,
26:38we can do it, the system is a communication system, the spokesman of the communities,
26:51they also charge and load their problems digitally and afterwards is analyzed,
26:57studied in order to be approved, once approved, they are presented before the federal council
27:05of the government and then sign the agreement and after the agreement is the amount approved
27:11by the federal government goes to the account of the community council or that community,
27:17they have to believe in our system, they have to believe in our president Nicolás Maduro's policy
27:23who is day by day is actually leading us to the victory of the whole people in Venezuela.
27:31Excellent, Odado is telling me that people are asking for the book,
27:35I'm going to publish it on my networks, the book, let's put it on and afterwards we're going to
27:43print physically because it's very beautiful when we have the physical book in your hands,
27:48we can just print about 100,000 books, it's a work so that everybody sees the true truths,
27:55the authentic root of our ideologies, the leader of the Bolivarian movement, 200, our father,
28:02our master, Hugo Chávez Rafael Chávez Frías, we go on his path building the beautiful homeland,
28:11defending the homeland, today this cyber attack that Venezuela had
28:16is continued, it's a brutal attack against more than 106
28:24electronic sites, digital sites in Venezuela, more than 106 but at the same time there is an attack
28:31that we have detected of farms of bots, there are people that don't know what is a farm of bots,
28:42I think that we have to have it clearly, we have to have it present in all our
28:47conversations with the people because Venezuela has been receiving attacks,
28:54brutal attacks from bots, farms from Spain, Mexico and Argentina,
29:00thousands of bots, what is a bot? It's a false telephone, imagine like in this place, in this hall
29:12we connect this with our internet, 1000 phones for example, and those 1000 phones, each one of them
29:23is directed from a computer and each telephone has, for example, has 10 accounts of Instagram
29:33and 10 accounts of TikTok for example, and they are all the day, programmers are sending videos,
29:43texts, commentaries to account the diverse accounts, so these are attacks by the thousands,
29:55hundreds of thousands to accounts, the program of Diosdado's program on Wednesday was attacked
30:01from Spain, Argentina and Mexico, both farms that have their print, the technological print says
30:12that the farm goes out from a source, IP4 source and from an internet source from these
30:18three countries, so he's talking in a live and in those accounts through which he's
30:25transmitting, they are flooding the attacks with information, for example,
30:30artists, famous artists, Pedro Infante, famous singer, true, so they start blackmailing him,
30:39so they send to his WhatsApp and we're going to kill you, we're going to kill your family,
30:45God protect your family and you, so if you as singer does not pronounce against Maduro
30:53and you start, so the blackmail starts,
30:59so they're blackmailing all the artists that are in Venezuela and those Venezuelans that are abroad,
31:05all of them are being blackmailed, sportsmen, personalities, influencers, with a combination
31:11of threat through WhatsApp and attacks by bots, bots, why do they call bots, Jorge Rodriguez,
31:21I know they call it bots because robots,
31:27do you know, do you think that I didn't know robots, they are robots and they're not 1000
31:33phones, Millet had great farms with this electric companies with 20,000 phones and he had about 100
31:45accounts per telephone, imagine yourself, so he did, he simulated, he created the climax in the
31:53networks that everybody was writing in his favor, that all the videos were in favor and he bought
32:00all the influencers, the main influencers of Argentina and many of the outside of the country,
32:05it's very similar to what they have been doing to Venezuela these days, that they look for the
32:09influencer, I denounced yesterday a very famous one, Delepon, afterwards she responded to me
32:20that you're going to shut me Maduro, I don't want you to shut you up, I want you to keep
32:25talking so that you fail again as you failed in Cucuta, that you were there mirrored, now Delepon
32:33is the authority, is the electoral authority in Venezuela, is the political leader,
32:36the leader political is now the influencers, it's a great operation of manipulation
32:46and I call the people of Venezuela, I call the youth of Venezuela to face the manipulation of
32:51the networks, to combat, to struggle with the truth of Venezuela, the networks, the social media
32:59and besides, and also, now it's too late
33:06and today there was a denouncement from Argentina, an accusation from Argentina
33:11I have it here
33:27that the government of Argentina, through the secretariat of intelligence of Argentina
33:33called the CIDE in the last 20 days, spent funds, money from the public budget
33:43100 million dollars, the equivalent to 100 million dollars in Argentina, Millet, he said
33:49doesn't have any currency, money, but he spent 100 million dollars from the public budget of
33:54Argentina to attack the Bolivarian revolution, the government of Venezuela and the process, the
33:59political process in Venezuela, it's a denouncement, it's an accusation that is there, so I leave the
34:05accusation there, but with the popular power, with the truth of Venezuela, with the blessing of God
34:17and with this beautiful process that we are building, they have been able and they will not
34:23be able ever with us elections in Venezuela, 25th of August, eight o'clock in the morning, don't miss
34:32it, long live the people's power, long live the direct democracy and God bless our homeland
34:41very good day, Friday, good weekend, thank you
34:54We were live to Caracas, Venezuela, where President Nicolás Maduro offered statements
34:58from the Sol del Perú hall of the Miraflores Palace during a working meeting for the criminal
35:04consultation of August 25th. During his remarks, the president called for a process of transformation
35:10of creation that gathers the immense force of the Venezuelan people. The country is moving forward
35:16and in the upcoming months the government will focus its efforts in key sectors such as energy,
35:21health, agriculture, sports, public transportation, tourism and many others to empower citizens in
35:27their communities and to warranty a steady and sustainable development, according to the president.
