2024# Holyrood# viral# video# short# cinema# action# enjoyment# people# viral# video# short# in the movies# people# enjoyment# viral# video# short# in the movies# people# 2024# Holyrood#
Short filmTranscript
00:06Got a live one here
00:08Charlotte Bryce seven years old yellow dress white shoes pink socks
00:15right in front of her mom
00:20This is sergeant Casey requesting an amber alert immediate dispatch
00:26You got kids no
00:30Big Jake, he's turning five
00:37No, I hate these
00:40Hey, look at that car right there
00:45I want one. What's your emergency? Yes. I think I see the car from the amber alert get closer
00:58Saw her you saw Charlotte Bryce, we're trying to catch up to him
01:04We're doing like a hundred miles an hour if he sees us he could do something crazy
01:07You need to back off that car. Are you guys coming? The closest available unit is half an hour away
01:14I've lost signal. Are you calling them back? Are they coming? We don't find him. She'll be gone forever
01:21We need to exercise extreme caution
01:24This creep is armed and they're not
01:28They're down there
01:37What is this
01:41On the door