Blue's Clues Season 5 Episode 16 A Surprise Guest

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Blue's Clues Season 5 Episode 16 A Surprise Guest


00:00What did you say? A clue, a clue! You see a clue? We see a clue! Another Blues Clues Day! Hooray! Do you want to play?
00:15Blues Clues! On the count of three! One, two, three! And clap your hands! Clap your hands! Learn something new! Something new! Join our Blues Clues Band today!
00:26Right this way! It's another Blues Clues Day! Surprise guests! It's another Blues Clues Day!
00:36Hi! Guess what? Blue invited a surprise guest to come over later! Ha! I'm so excited! I even put on a new shirt! What do you think? Huh? Hmm? Oh! Come on!
01:00Who's in the bedroom? Can't wait to find out who Blue invited to come over! I wonder who it could be? Hey! Who do you think the surprise guest is?
01:15Oh! Maybe! Oh! Hi Blue! Oh! We're going to have an apple juice party at this table when the surprise guest comes!
01:31This room's kind of messy! We better put everything away before the surprise guest gets here! You'll help, right? Ah! Fantastic!
01:48So, which basket should we put these crayons in? The red one! Oh yeah! They go in the red basket with all the other crayons! Ha! That's where they belong! Let's put them away!
02:18Nice work! Now our table is almost ready for the apple juice party! We just need to put out stools! There's one for you! There's one for me! There's one for Blue!
02:40Blue, is that stool for our surprise guest? Perfect! So, Blue, now will you tell us who's the surprise guest?
03:02We'll play Blue's Clues to figure it out! I love playing Blue's Clues! We are going to play Blue's Clues because it's a really great game! Yeah! Oh, so remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues! Blue's Clues!
03:22You know what we have to go get? Our handy dandy? Notebook! Notebook! Come on! Hi, Joe! Nice shirt! Thanks, side table drawer! Wow! It's really clean around here! Yeah, I cleaned up! And your notebook is right where it belongs!
03:55To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find a... Paw print! Oh, a paw print! Right! And that's our first... Clue! A clue? A clue! Then we put it in our... Notebook! Cause they're Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues!
04:16We gotta find another paw print! That's the second clue! We put it in our notebook cause they're Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! We gotta find the last paw print! That's the third clue! We put it in our notebook cause they're Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues!
04:34Blue's Clues! You know what to do! Sit down in our thinking chair and think! Think! Think! Cause when we use our minds and take a step at a time, we can do anything! That we wanna do!
04:57I'm really gonna need your help today figuring out who our surprise guest is! And cleaning up, too! Will you help me? You will? Ah, great! Which way did Blue go? That way! Ah, thanks!
05:20We are looking for Blue's Clues and things to put away!
05:26Ah-ha! Boris! You don't belong here! Let's waddle you home!
05:41A clue! A clue!
05:47A clue! Oh, you want Boris to say clue, huh? Clue, clue, clue, clue, clue! No, there's a clue! Oh, you see a clue! Where is it? In the felt frame!
06:12Oh, there in the felt frame! There's a clue on this school! You know what we need, our handy dandy? Notebook! Notebook, right!
06:31So, a school! First, let's draw a triangle for the top, two lines, a trapezoid for the roof, a square for the front, a rectangle and lines for the doors, and we have a school!
06:52So, we're trying to figure out who the surprise guest is, and our first clue is school! So, who could our surprise guest be with the clue school?
07:12That's a good idea! But let's find some more clues to be sure! We need to finish cleaning our bedroom, so we can show it to our surprise guest! Come on!
07:29There's the table we cleaned! Looks good, huh? The perfect place for an apple juice party! The rest of the bedroom is kind of messy. Will you help clean up? You will? Ah, great! Thanks!
07:52Yeah! Let's make the bed!
08:09One of my shirts! It's not where it belongs!
08:17Let's put it away!
08:21It goes with my other shirts, in the closet!
08:27Whoa! Look at all those colors! Where does this color shirt go?
08:39With the orange shirts!
08:42Yeah! This shirt is orange, so it goes with the orange shirts, not the green shirts or the yellow shirts!
08:54Nice work putting that away!
08:59Let's clean up over there!
09:11Oh! A car! Let's put it away!
09:29So, these toys are all different sizes! Let's put this car with things that are the same size as it!
09:42So, where does the car go?
09:48With the small toys!
09:52Oh, yeah! It goes with the other small toys, not the big ones or the medium sized ones!
10:01Well, these toys are all cleaned up! What's next?
10:11Hey! A sock puppet! That's not where it belongs! Let's put it away!
10:42Oh! All these sock puppets have eyes that are different shapes!
10:51Where should this sock puppet go?
10:59With those! The ones with the triangle eyes!
11:04Yeah! Because it has triangle eyes, not circle eyes or square eyes! You are so smart!
11:21Wow! The bedroom is all cleaned up! Thanks for your help!
11:27So, Blue, now will you tell us who the surprise guest is?
11:34I guess not! We better find some more clues to figure it out! Come on!
11:44Tell me if you see anything in the living room we should put away!
11:51There! Paper!
11:55Paper! I know where paper belongs! In the recycle bin!
12:08A clue!
12:10We're not through! You see more paper?
12:15No! A clue!
12:19Oh! You see a clue!
12:25Where is it?
12:29Oh! There's a clue on this person! We need our handy dandy!
12:40Notebook! Right!
12:49A circle for the head, a line going down, and another, the face, and arms. There! A person!
13:02So, what was our first clue?
13:08School! Right!
13:11School! And now our second clue is a person!
13:17We're trying to figure out who the surprise guest is, and so far our clues are school and a person!
13:26Who do you think the surprise guest could be?
13:35Great idea! But let's find our last clue so we can figure it out for sure!
13:41Mail time! Mail time! Mail time! Mail time!
13:45The mail's here! Let's go!
13:48Here's the mail, it never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail, when it comes I want to wail!
14:05Hi Joe!
14:07Your letter is right here where it belongs!
14:14Thanks, mailbox!
14:16We just got a letter!
14:20We just got a letter! We just got a letter! We just got a letter! I wonder who it's from?
14:31Oh, look! It's a letter from our friends!
14:35Hi Joe!
14:38We're helping put away the groceries!
14:42The bananas go in the fruit basket, right?
14:46The bread goes in the bread basket!
14:51I'll put it in...
14:54We got it!
14:57The cereal in the cabinet!
15:03Oh, don't forget the milk! We've got to keep it cold!
15:08Bye Joe!
15:13Joe! Blue!
15:19We're cleaning up! Can you help us?
15:28Blue just skidoo'd to help Orange Kitten clean up!
15:34Blue skidoo, we can too!
15:37It's Blue's preschool!
15:40Where do things belong? Where do things belong? Where do things belong?
15:45It's the clean up, the clean up song!
15:54Look at everyone cleaning up!
15:57Must be clean up time!
16:00Hi, I'm Orange Kitten.
16:03Must be clean up time!
16:06Hi, I'm cleaning up the animal area.
16:10Want to help?
16:12Will you help clean up the animal area?
16:18Sure, Orange Kitten!
16:20Where do things belong? Where do things belong? Where do things belong?
16:25It's the clean up, the clean up song!
16:34This is where we keep animals that live in water.
16:38One of these animals does not belong.
16:42But I don't know which one!
16:45Well, let's see.
16:51Which of these animals does not live in water?
16:58The cat!
17:01The cow!
17:06The cow! Cows do not live in water!
17:10Yeah, the cow belongs with the other farm animals!
17:22Now it's just where it belongs!
17:30Thanks for your help!
17:34It's Green Puppy!
17:39Are you cleaning up the building area?
17:45Where do things belong? Where do things belong? Where do things belong?
17:51It's the clean up, the clean up song!
18:01Something does not belong!
18:07We can help!
18:14Which of these things does not belong in the building area?
18:22The book!
18:26Oh, the book!
18:30Because these are things you build with, and you don't build with a book!
18:35It must go with the other books!
18:48Now it's just where it belongs!
18:56Bye, Green!
18:58Come help me clean up!
19:02Where do these belong? Where do these belong? Where do these belong?
19:07It's the clean up, the clean up song!
19:14I'm cleaning up the living center!
19:18Something here does not belong!
19:21Oh, let's see!
19:28So, which of these things is not living?
19:38The boat!
19:41The boat, yeah!
19:44Because all of these things are living, but the boat is not!
19:49This boat belongs with the other toys!
19:53I'll put it away!
19:57It's the clean up, the clean up song!
20:02And it's where it belongs!
20:09All right!
20:12Great job cleaning up, everyone!
20:19It's Miss Marigold!
20:22Hi, Miss Marigold!
20:24Hi! Thanks for your help cleaning up!
20:27You're welcome!
20:29Hey, we better head home and finish putting things away before our surprise guest comes!
20:36Bye, Miss Marigold!
20:48The surprise guest will be here any minute!
20:51Tell me if you see anything we should put away!
21:06A clue, a clue!
21:09You see a clue? Where?
21:13There, behind you!
21:19I don't see anything. Where is it?
21:23Right there!
21:32Wow, that's a tall clue!
21:35I mean, that clue is really tall!
21:42The clue must be tall!
21:46We better put this in our handy-dandy...
21:51Notebook, right!
21:58For tall, let's draw a paw print that's really tall!
22:03Some toes...
22:06There! Tall!
22:11We have all three clues to figure out who our surprise guest is!
22:16It's time to sit in our...
22:19Thinking chair!
22:21Thinking chair, to figure it out! Let's go!
22:27Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think!
22:34Who could our surprise guest be?
22:37With school...
22:41A person...
22:46And tall!
22:54Maybe the surprise guest is a person!
22:59Oh, yeah!
23:01Maybe it's a person you see at school!
23:05What about that third clue?
23:11Maybe it's a person you see at school who's tall!
23:18Who could that be?
23:24A teacher!
23:26Miss Marigold!
23:28A teacher!
23:32The surprise guest is Blue's teacher, Miss Marigold!
23:36We just figured out Blue's clues!
23:39We sat on down, figured it out
23:43What Blue's clues were all about
23:46Wow! You know what?
23:48We're really smart!
23:54Do you think that's the surprise guest?
23:58Let's go see!
24:07Hello, Blue!
24:11Hi, Miss Marigold!
24:13We sure are glad you could come over for our apple juice party!
24:16Me too! Thanks for inviting me!
24:19Blue, you want to show Miss Marigold your room?
24:23I'd love to see it! Let's go!
24:34What a wonderful room!
24:37It's so clean and bright!
24:42We cleaned up and put everything just where it belongs
24:45Oh, may we take your coat?
24:50Where does Miss Marigold's coat belong?
24:55There! On the hook!
24:59On the hook? With the other coats? Good thinking!
25:03Thank you, Blue!
25:06Miss Marigold, would you like some apple juice?
25:12Please, have a seat
25:19Thank you!
25:24And one for you, too
25:28I'd like to thank everyone for helping clean up
25:32Me too!
25:34Now everything's where it belongs!
25:45Well, thank you for coming over, Miss Marigold
25:50And thank you, too!
25:52You're really good at putting things away where they belong!
26:01Now it's time for so long
26:05But we'll sing just one more song
26:10Thanks for doing your part
26:13You sure are smart, you know, with me
26:16And you, and our friend Blue
26:19We can do anything that we want to do
26:27We can do anything that we want to do
26:32Bye-bye! I'll see you later!
26:34Thanks for all your help!
