Nautilu - Season 01 Episode 07

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00:00It is here, Nemo. Atlantis is here.
00:04What was that thing?
00:05A living fossil.
00:06It's going to be done.
00:07How many?
00:08Two, three hundred.
00:09Go! Go now!
00:12Take it.
00:19My fiancé is aboard the Nautilus.
00:21Miss Humility Dukas.
00:22You can see that it is possible to be English and good.
00:26Children can be cruel.
00:27Leave off your clothes!
00:29There was one exception.
00:32My best friend.
00:33You're not hunting Nemo for them, are you?
00:35Goodbye, Mr. Carter.
00:37Can't be good news that Her Majesty's government are taking an interest in company business.
00:41I can handle Palmore.
00:43Just find me the Nautilus.
00:45If Nemo is headed for Halvard, he's going the wrong way.
00:47Not if he plans to cut through here, the Arctic.
00:50We have the advantage of speed.
00:52So we'll be there waiting for him.
01:59Come in.
02:02Good boy.
02:06This is your size.
02:34So beautiful.
02:41Benwell would have loved this place.
02:47Still can't believe he's gone.
02:59We'll soon be in the Northeast Passage.
03:02Then on to Halvard.
03:05I think he would have wanted you to have it.
03:19After we have our treasure...
03:24What then?
03:26What then?
03:44Engine room, now!
03:45We need everything she has to give!
03:48All crew, action stations!
03:49Ahead full!
03:52We're at the party now, chaps.
03:53Ready to submerge on Nemo's order.
03:56All right.
03:58You know what to do.
04:10Come back later!
04:11Wait for now!
04:21Fire again!
04:31We have to dive!
04:37We wait until the last moment.
04:38I'm going to drive them onto the ice.
04:40Not such a bad idea.
04:41Such a bad idea.
04:54Faster, Captain!
04:55We'll hit the ice.
04:57We will not lose Nemo on my watch.
05:03Flank speed.
05:06Put your back into it, ladies!
05:16Flank speed!
05:24We are running out of time.
05:30More power!
05:36Prepare to dive!
05:43Dive! Now!
05:44Dive! Dive!
06:41Full astern.
06:42Full astern!
06:43Full astern!
06:53All stop!
06:54All stop!
07:00Your recklessness is going to get every one of us killed.
07:03I have him right where I want him.
07:09Master the Marines!
07:10One of us.
07:12What do you see?
07:18A lot of them.
07:32Any luck?
07:33Not yet.
07:42This is no problem.
07:45The U-bolt is broken.
07:47We're going to need a forge.
07:54Now, listen carefully.
07:56This is what I need you to do.
08:00Blast us doing what?
08:01You want this small orphan man to build a bomb to kill us all?
08:04Turat, please.
08:06We're not going to die.
08:08Not if my plan works.
08:10Oh, no.
08:13No, it's fine.
08:17Or we can, of course, surrender.
08:21Good. That settles it, then.
08:24You have a steady hand?
08:36Well, he's not as tall as I imagined.
08:43Remember, no sudden movements.
08:55Let's go.
09:12Take the shot.
09:16Take the shot!
09:20Do not fire.
09:25Nemo is mine. Is that clear?
09:28He wants to talk.
09:34Then let's talk.
09:49Surprised to see me?
09:51You looked like a man who could take care of himself.
09:53I'm afraid you were correct.
09:56Our U-bolt has snapped.
09:59Allow us to use your forge.
10:01And you have my word, we will tow you out of here.
10:03Your word?
10:04Is it worth anything?
10:06You help us, we help you.
10:08If not, we all die here.
10:10You really want to take your chance in this place?
10:12I could very easily do that.
10:14But I'm afraid I can't.
10:15You really want to take your chance in this place?
10:17I could very easily seize the Nautilus and tow the Dreadnought out of the ice myself.
10:24Do you see him?
10:25I do.
10:27He's holding a dead man's trigger.
10:30We have wired a device to blow a hole beneath the waterline.
10:32If you attack, or open fire, he will scuttle the vessel.
10:36If you kill me, he will scuttle the vessel.
10:39You're bluffing.
10:40Spend three years in Kalpani and tell me again I'm bluffing.
10:46If I find that you've harmed one hair on Miss Lucas's head...
10:51Humility is your concern?
10:56Her fiancé is on board the Dreadnought.
11:00She is part of the deal.
11:06I will not trade her.
11:09If she wishes to be my wife, I will not trade her.
11:11I will not trade her.
11:14If she wishes to join her fiancé, then that is her choice.
11:22Do we have an agreement?
11:30I would like young Blast to return to my crew, where he'll be safe.
11:42Stand down, Captain.
11:58Do I know you?
12:16I don't believe this.
12:27What are you doing?
12:29You ruined my life.
12:32What are you talking about?
12:33That school was my one chance to make something of myself.
12:36Billy, you're making no sense.
12:37Couldn't expel the Prince for burning those damn flags.
12:41So I paid the price for it.
12:45I... I didn't know.
12:46Don't lie to me!
12:48Don't you dare lie to me!
12:53Billy. Easy, Billy. Easy.
12:55I didn't know. I didn't know.
12:57They told me that you'd left. That you'd moved away.
13:00They sent me away.
13:02The schooling, the career, the life I was meant to have...
13:05All gone.
13:07My parents died in the poorhouse because I wasn't there to look after them.
13:12I failed them because of you!
13:15I swear, I didn't know. I didn't know.
13:19I'm so sorry.
13:21I'm sorry.
13:24I was of no consequence to you.
13:29That's what you think?
13:31That's what you think?
13:36You were the best friend I ever had.
13:51This isn't you, Billy.
13:57This isn't you.
14:01We were brothers.
14:08We were brothers.
14:09We were brothers.
14:25Captain Millay, that is the second time you have risked the life of every man on board.
14:29I will not let there be a third.
14:39I will not let there be a third.
15:10They agreed. Let's get the cables fitted. Wrap up war.
15:17Would you like to oversee the repairs? I don't trust them.
15:20Of course.
15:21Blaster, Youngblood...
15:22Captain Youngblood? He's alive.
15:25He asked if you would like to rejoin his command.
15:27I agreed.
15:29I don't trust them.
15:30I don't trust them.
15:31I don't trust them.
15:32I don't trust them.
15:33I don't trust them.
15:34I don't trust them.
15:35I don't trust them.
15:36I don't trust them.
15:37I don't trust them.
15:38I agreed. It's for the best.
15:51Hey, this is for later. Keep the others warm.
15:56There won't be a later.
15:57I don't understand.
15:58Humility won't be coming back to the Nautilus, nor will I.
16:03You don't know that.
16:04My job is to deliver her to the fiancé. I will do that, and I shall move on.
16:09Because that's what you do.
16:14Because that's what I do.
16:35Hopefully this won't take too long.
16:37Sometimes these things can be tricky.
16:38Your fiancé is on the Grand Nautilus.
16:49I didn't tell you...
16:50It's your business.
16:51Well, he's not my fiancé.
16:52My mother arranged it without my knowledge.
16:56And he thinks you'll stay with him?
16:59Will you?
17:01Sorry, I have no right to ask you.
17:02No, no, no. It's just...
17:03No, it's just if...
17:04At the U-Bot, if we can get it fixed, I'm sure Ranbir can handle the refit.
17:10He's certainly capable.
17:15So, if you did decide to stay...
17:19Do you not want me to return?
17:25Do you not want me to return?
17:28I want what's best for you.
17:59Let's have a drink!
18:07They're the reason we're in this godforsaken hellhole, lads!
18:11Hey! You almost hit me, you ratbag!
18:13Oi! Oi! Get out of here, will you? Come here!
18:16Allow me to introduce the gentleman who killed that yellow-bellied friend of yours.
18:26No. No, you're lying. You're a liar! You're a liar!
18:30Calm down, Ranbir.
18:32I said I'm going to kill you myself!
18:33Calm down, calm down.
18:35Oh, I wouldn't count on it!
18:42You want to take a moment? Huh?
18:46You won't see them again.
18:55Wait! Wait for me!
19:17My God.
19:20What is she wearing?
19:26Miss Lucas.
19:28Glad to see you made it safely to Bombay.
19:32Once more we find ourselves in a perilous situation.
19:35So it seems.
19:38This is the Rites Honourable Lord...
19:40Aldernan Pitt.
19:42At your service, ma'am.
19:44Might I say, you're looking absolutely ravishing.
19:48Shall we?
19:54You've grown, lad. It's good to have you back.
19:59I've seen you before, you know. Lady Hamilton, Sparkton Square. I admired you from afar.
20:03I wasn't aware.
20:04In fact, I called on you, but you'd already run away to chase your dreams.
20:09You are one of life's adventurers, Miss Lucas.
20:12We have so much in common.
20:14But first...
20:16I thought perhaps we might start with some tea.
20:19Start what exactly?
20:25Lord Pitt.
20:26Oh, please. Alderman.
20:27Lord Pitt, there is the rather urgent matter of needing to repair our submarine before we all freeze to death on the ice.
20:32There's no need to be so dramatic.
20:33Miss Lucas, I have come a long way to rescue you.
20:37Did it ever occur to you that I don't need to be rescued?
20:42Perhaps you could show me to the forge?
20:44To the... Yes, I...
20:45Shall we?
20:46Straight up the walk.
20:56A woman working a forge. How novel.
21:00Rather unfortunate, isn't it?
21:02Is it?
21:03Oh, no, of course. In high time we had more of that sort of thing.
21:06My father had a forge at his factory and made a point of teaching me.
21:10Well, then, when we are married, you will have a forge if you're very young.
21:14Two, three, four, who's counting?
21:16Must get to work.
21:19So you should. Absolutely.
21:26Doesn't eat with his fingers.
21:28Tell me, when exactly do you earn your fee?
21:30When you deliver me like a parcel?
21:33It's never been for money.
21:35Well, not only.
21:37I gave her my word that I would protect you.
21:40He will give you a good life.
21:41Good life? Doing what, exactly? Being someone else's property?
21:47If you don't want that for yourself, why would you accept it for me?
22:06It's all secure.
22:09I'm worried about the men.
22:11They seem very uneasy.
22:13Well, do you blame them?
22:15They don't like being stuck here.
22:17Nor do I.
22:22About time.
22:26Perhaps we could organise something to distract them.
22:33Call the telepathy!
22:51Stupid game.
22:52Did she just catch that ball?
22:55This game was everything to us back home.
22:58The only chance we'd ever get to meet the British is equals.
23:01That was a fluke!
23:02Well, there's only one way to find out then, isn't there?
23:10You're on!
23:12Come on, lads.
23:13For queen and country.
23:20No, we...
23:21Come on.
23:29Ah, Crawley.
23:31Good trip?
23:34Not really, no, sir.
23:36My lord.
23:38My lord?
23:39I have been hearing rumours.
23:41Ah, rumours, my lord?
23:42Rumours of a submarine that has been stolen by some Indian upstart
23:49who's running rings around him.
23:52A submarine?
23:54Yes, sir.
23:55What's going on around you?
23:58A submarine?
24:00Sounds like the stuff of wild fantastical novels.
24:03Need I remind you, Mr Crawley,
24:05no company is more powerful than Her Majesty's government.
24:08You'd do well to remember whom you serve.
24:19What do you think you're doing?
24:20Need I remind you, sir,
24:21that at last count the company had a private security force of over 260,000 men.
24:27Now that is, I believe, twice the size of the British army.
24:36A little weak for my taste.
25:16Oh, oh, oh, is that so?
25:19And who are you going to tell about it?
25:24A bond that is eternal.
25:27The heat, the light, as one.
25:31Molten life.
25:36Love it good if I do say so myself.
25:39I was wondering, my lord,
25:41perhaps you could help me find my father, Lord Farley.
25:44Lord Farley?
25:49It'll be my honour to help you, young man.
25:52Lord Farley, you said?
25:53Lord Farley.
25:55You see, now that I think about it, I do know him.
25:57I've met the fellow.
25:58Capital fellow.
25:59Simply capital.
26:00What have you there?
26:01My family crest.
26:02You see?
26:03Ha ha, yes.
26:04I see that we share the acorn.
26:06The acorn is a symbol of independence.
26:09Most appropriate, little man.
26:14Excellent, excellent.
26:15Tell me, young chap,
26:16you a sporting man?
26:19Go on, away.
26:40We have to take the fight to them.
26:43Ah, nice of you to join us, lord.
26:46Terribly sorry I'm late, lads.
26:50Join us.
26:58What do you say, boys?
26:59Let's give them a damn good thrashing!
27:18Come on.
27:49Hello there!
27:56All right?
27:58Jolly good!
28:01Come on, dreadnoughts!
28:20Come on!
28:21Run, lads!
28:22Drive it, that one!
28:26What's that?
28:29Put some English on it, sir!
28:33Go on, you lordship!
28:38Oh, nothing!
28:39Is that allowed?
28:41One down, lads!
28:42This is going to be fun!
28:48That's more like it, my lord!
28:50Let's put this ingrate in his place, shall we?
28:52Well said, sir.
28:53Let's show this jumped-up little savage how to play, shall we, boys?
29:03Come on, Dimple!
29:04Watch it now!
29:07Yes, come on!
29:08Go on!
29:09Drive it!
29:10Drive it!
29:11Drive it!
29:12Drive it!
29:13Drive it!
29:14Drive it!
29:15Drive it!
29:17How's that?
29:19Good show, Harry!
29:20Good show!
29:26Six runs!
29:27That is good, yes?
29:37How's that?
29:38Nice one, lordship!
29:41I still don't know how to play this game.
29:44What do you do if the ball's coming towards you?
29:45Hits the ball!
29:47Come on!
29:48Feel this!
29:50Run it, sir!
29:51Feel this!
30:00I'm sorry, my lord.
30:01Very well.
30:06And here.
30:07Hey, calm down.
30:21Go, Redbeard!
30:32Nice work!
30:36You have anyone else left to bat?
30:40That's it.
30:41Then let's dreadnought sitting!
30:42Come on, dreadnoughts!
30:47Well, it would appear that is all that the infamous Nemo and his crew can muster.
30:58Square on.
31:00Nothing to fear, my friend.
31:01Nothing to fear.
31:09I'll bat.
31:13I said I'll bat.
31:15For the Nautilus.
31:17Why is he batting?
31:22You can't.
31:23You bloody well can't.
31:24You're one of us.
31:25Are you sure you know what you're doing?
31:32There's nothing in the rules that forbids it, is there?
31:39Nothing at all.
31:41Nothing at all.
31:43They're sure to bat.
31:45No point winning if it's not a fair game, is there?
31:49You're a bloody traitor!
31:50Belay on.
31:52Captain, I really must protest.
31:53You see, if I think that...
31:54Belay on.
31:56Give me the bloody ball!
31:57We'll bloody well play on, then!
31:59With respect, sir.
32:00Pull your head in and show this turdcoat some justice!
32:09Six, run!
32:28Give us the bloody ball!
32:31Bloody ball!
32:34Bloody ball!
32:35Don't tell me how to play the dandy!
32:54We're going to win for sure!
33:04Looks like you haven't lost your touch, Billy.
33:17This is mine.
33:18Oh, this is mine for sure.
33:20Stand back, lads!
33:33No ball!
33:35Your foot was over the line.
33:37Damn your eyes, man!
33:38My foot was behind the line!
33:40Are you questioning the umpire's decision?
33:41Are you going to give in?
33:42I most certainly am not.
33:51You cheat, D!
34:02Right here!
34:03Right on the line, sir!
34:06Stand down!
34:08Back to the ship, that's an order!
34:10You're cheating!
34:11You stepped over it!
34:21Right, leave!
34:36Stand down!
34:38Control yourself, for God's sake!
34:46Fun game, Captain!
34:58Get out of here!
35:08This is for Japiche!
35:10Stay down!
35:25Back to work!
35:34I say, bad luck on the game, old chap.
35:36As one gentleman to another.
35:40Tell me, boy.
35:41Are you hungry?
35:44Lord Farley isn't real.
35:47Lord Farley is a bloody biscuit.
36:22Won't you join us, Billy?
36:24On the Nautilus.
36:27And go to London?
36:30That is where you're headed, isn't it?
36:33Into the belly of the beast.
36:42I know what happened to you, Nemo.
36:45And you want vengeance.
36:47It's not that simple.
36:48Not anymore.
36:49It's not that simple.
36:50Not anymore.
36:51Isn't it?
36:52My father signed away his lands to the Company.
36:56That's what got my family killed.
37:00He had no choice.
37:02I read the documents.
37:03The Company used his one weakness against him.
37:08You were at school in England.
37:11They could have done whatever they wanted to you.
37:16He did what he had to do.
37:19To protect you.
37:23So he didn't betray me.
37:27The Company used your father to serve their own greed.
37:35Won't you reconsider?
37:37Come with us.
37:38Help me defeat them.
37:40You can't beat them, Nemo.
37:43They'll always win.
37:50You knew it, didn't you?
37:52You knew he wasn't my father, and yet you let me believe.
37:56You let people laugh at me.
38:06The U-Bolt is finished.
38:08I shall return it to the Nautilus.
38:11And then you'll come back here, to me.
38:14I will.
38:16And then you'll come back here, to me.
38:20I shall remain.
38:21On the Nautilus.
38:23No one rejects me.
38:25Especially not a woman who only proves what I've known for a very long time now.
38:28Oh, what's that?
38:29A little education is a dangerous thing.
38:30Now give me the U-Nut.
38:32Whatever it's bloody called, I'll have one of the troopers return it to the Nautilus.
38:34Oh, boys!
38:35You will not be returning to those primitive broods.
38:41They have more kindness.
38:44Grace and nobility, my lord, than you, with all your titles, will ever have.
38:49Juggerdash started a revolution.
38:51Tsu-Yin feeds an entire crew from farmed algae.
38:54Turan, where he writes the most beautiful poetry.
38:58Some of it's not bad.
39:00And Nemo helped design a submarine.
39:02The first in the world.
39:04I could go on.
39:05I'm sure you could.
39:07Take them to my cabin.
39:09Bad idea.
39:10Just bloody grab her, man.
39:14My mother lied to me.
39:44Whatever she did or didn't do,
39:48she would have done it for the best of reasons.
39:55lady, prince.
39:59Blast it, they're just words.
40:03You already have a family.
40:04Storm's coming.
40:41Easy, easy.
40:47Miss Lucas?
40:58Thank you, you've shut the door.
41:01I think you can take off those ridiculous clothes
41:04and have tea with me.
41:06I'm not wearing that dress.
41:08I will not be laughed at!
41:14Who the bloody hell do you think you are?
41:17You belong to me, humility.
41:20Your mother already accepted the money.
41:23What money?
41:25Ah, sweetheart.
41:27Your mother came to me asking for a loan
41:29to save your dear dead father's failing business.
41:32And I accepted it.
41:34On one condition.
41:37Your hand in marriage.
41:43So, my mother traded me for the factory.
41:48Now, sweetheart,
41:50put on the dress and have tea with me.
41:57Put on the dress.
41:59You put on the dress.
42:01Humility, you're being ridiculous.
42:03Put on the bloody dress right now!
42:05This doesn't really concern you.
42:07You're hurting me!
42:09Take your hands off her!
42:11Oh, God!
42:17You stabbed me in the butt!
42:32Oh, Archie. Hey.
42:34Come here.
42:36The U-bolt is fitted. Good.
42:38Very good.
42:46She's not coming, is she?
42:49Fire the engine, seal the hatches.
42:51Get away!
42:56Hello, Arthur!
42:58Rest up for a minute.
43:07Perfect, thank you.
43:15I think we need to... Jump!
43:27That was amazing!
43:29Get back here, you ungrateful...
43:32Let's go.
43:38Fire in the hole!
43:51Say love you!
43:54Say love you!
43:59Say love you!
44:07Miss Lucas.
44:15It's good to have you back.
44:18It's good to be back.
44:30Slow it down.
44:56Nemo's headed for London.
44:59Clear out!
45:02Crawley will have him killed.
45:05I know.
45:14That's far enough, young blood!
45:16Now sink them!
45:22How dare you!
45:24I gave Nemo my word, Lord Pitt, and for some of us on board this vessel,
45:28honour still counts for something.
45:31How dare I?
45:35Good God, I'm sick of being lectured to.
45:40If I must do this myself, so be it!
45:47Get out of my way!
45:53Take her!
46:04I got them.
46:06You all right, sir?
46:08How's that?
46:10That's enough.
46:13Take him.
46:14Yes, sir.
46:15Come on, you lordship.
46:20They broke their deal. We have to dive.
46:22We can't, we're tethered to her.
46:25Take the gun.
46:45He's not going to pin out of them chains.
46:48Looks like the deal's off.
46:50All right, lads.
46:52Let's take him down!
46:55First rank, present!
47:10Fire at will!
47:53Set heading 3-4-0.
47:57You said the northeast passage.
47:59Now we're going under the ice.
48:03Right under the Arctic?
48:10Listen to me.
48:11The company cannot be trusted.
48:15They will destroy everything that stands in their way.
48:17We have no choice.
48:19How long will it take?
48:21Possibly six days.
48:23Do we have enough air to last that long?
48:27Set the heading.
48:32Set the heading!
48:35Am I the only one who thinks this is madness?
48:51To be continued...
49:21To be continued...
