Top 5 Anime auf Crunchyroll die du noch nicht kennst (Deutsch German)

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Hier erwartet euch eine Welt der Anime Videos: Neue Anime auf Netflix mit Deutscher Synchro, Top-Listen zu Anime Streaming Anbietern, Anime News mit Nachrichten aus dem Anime Universum und viele neue Fantasy & Isekai Anime, die ich dir vorstelle. Alles ist im Programm. Dienstag, Donnerstag und Samstag gibt es um 15 Uhr immer wieder ein neues Anime Video!
00:00You're looking for unknown anime that you can stream on Crunchyroll?
00:03Then you're in the right place.
00:04Because Tai, Anime and I will introduce you to 5 today.
00:07So let's go!
00:15Just a little info.
00:16On Crunchyroll you can watch most animes for free with ads.
00:20If this is not the case with one of the anime presented,
00:23so you need a subscription for that, we will briefly announce it.
00:27But let's start with the first series.
00:29Yuki Unai Sehiro tells the story of four girlfriends.
00:33They founded a club in high school where they want to help others.
00:38But one day they are teleported by a wave of light to another world.
00:43There they have to fight monsters.
00:45Of course they can turn into magical girls to increase their powers.
00:50But quickly they realize that this is not as easy as it seems.
00:54Can they really just turn into monsters forever?
00:57And where do these monsters come from?
00:59Yuki Unai Sehiro is an anime that should excite especially dark magical girl fans.
01:04These are series where magical girls take the central role,
01:08but they are still extremely dark.
01:10Or at least with time.
01:12Yuki Unai Sehiro, however, does not manage to blend too much into the darkness.
01:16So this anime is not a magical girl side.
01:19It's already completely over at the beginning.
01:22Yuki Unai Sehiro, on the other hand, also has many calm and happy moments.
01:26He even sometimes looks like a Slice of Life anime.
01:38But where we are talking about series about everyday life.
01:41The next series is a continuous Slice of Life anime.
01:45Ginkitsuna is a family that has been managing a small temple for centuries.
01:50Only one member of the family has the ability to see the shrine god.
01:55However, when Makoto's mother dies, she can now perceive the fox spirit.
01:59With him, she now tries to solve the problems of the people in the area.
02:03That this does not always go smoothly, especially when you work with a fox spirit, should be clear.
02:09Ginkitsuna is an anime with consistently likeable characters.
02:13These are also the main focus of the story.
02:15Here it is not necessarily about solving supernatural problems like in Ghost Buster.
02:20Much more are the human relationships in the foreground and the worries that you also have.
02:25The series is really meant to relax.
02:28Exciting fights and big dramatic moments are not offered here.
02:32For this you can relax and enjoy every episode.
02:36After a stressful day at school or at work, it certainly works wonders.
02:40Unfortunately, this is the anime for which you need a subscription.
02:44However, I assume that many already have such a subscription.
02:47You can write in the comments if you have a Crunchyroll subscription.
02:59But now let's get to the next anime that you can watch for free again.
03:03Right away, this anime has a crazy story.
03:06If you like something like that, it's right here.
03:09With Yurikuma Arashi, it all started with an asteroid exploding in space.
03:13The splinters of it landed on earth.
03:16This triggered an uprising of bears.
03:18Yes exactly, an uprising of bears.
03:20They rose up against the people and began to eat them.
03:23Of course, humanity did not like this and so they literally shot back.
03:28A war between man and bear began.
03:30Yep, man against bear.
03:31No aliens or another country, but bears.
03:34To protect humanity, large walls were built, like in Attack on Titan.
03:38In the present, however, everything is quite peaceful.
03:41Two students meet at the flower bed behind their school.
03:44They are both in love with each other.
03:46We are dealing with a yuri anime here.
03:48So an anime about a lesbian couple.
03:51But suddenly the bear alarm goes off.
03:53Shortly thereafter, however, everything seems to have calmed down again.
03:56But on the same day, two new classmates come into the class of our protagonist.
04:00They later turn out to be bears who wanted to infiltrate the enemy's camp.
04:05And that's how a really crazy anime begins.
04:08However, if you look at who was responsible for this anime, you won't be surprised anymore.
04:12Kunihiko Ikuara was centrally responsible for this anime.
04:16He also made series like Sarasanmai and Maworu Pinyan Dram.
04:19They are just as crazy.
04:21So if you feel like a real trip, you should watch this anime.
04:25You really haven't seen anything like that yet.
04:27Really not.
04:36The first anime I would like to introduce to you is one in my opinion
04:40an absolutely tasty bear that has received far too little attention.
04:44The language is from Double Decker, Duck and Kirill.
04:46But what makes it such a tasty bear?
04:49I can tell you that, dear friends.
04:52However, we have to start at the very beginning.
04:54Kirill is a very low-ranking police officer in the police hierarchy.
04:58However, like in many stories, he has a dream.
05:01And he wants to be a hero.
05:03That is also the reason why the good man is with the police.
05:05However, he always only gets the super lame orders.
05:09And these do not hide the potential to make him a hero.
05:12It would also be strange if he was celebrated like a hero,
05:15because he found a cat and brought it back to its owner.
05:19But now comes the twist.
05:20Because in the city where Kirill lives, there is an extreme drug problem.
05:24The drug is the so-called Anthem,
05:27which leads to very strange side effects when overdosed.
05:30And by strange I mean surreal.
05:32Because people become absolute monsters.
05:35Since this is already known, this drug was dedicated to its own department of the police,
05:39which deals exclusively with the fight against it.
05:42The name of this department is 7-0.
05:45But now back to Kirill.
05:46As chance would have it, he gets into a heated battle between the police and a criminal,
05:51who apparently gets to feel the side effects I just mentioned.
05:56And there it is.
05:57The chance to become a hero.
05:58The chance to prove yourself.
06:00Yes, the chance to do great things.
06:02If you are now wondering how Kirill will use this situation,
06:05what 7-0 has to do with it and why the anime has 13 episodes,
06:10if Kirill becomes a hero right at the beginning, there is only one thing to do.
06:13Go to Crunchyroll after this video and treat yourself.
06:16In addition to the exciting story, the anime also has a lot of visual stuff on the box.
06:21If you don't mind a colorful picture, a police story and exciting fights,
06:26you will have a lot of fun with this anime in my opinion.
06:30I had this one for my part, so don't miss it.
06:42But now let's get to the second title I would like to introduce you to.
06:46This is The Laughing Salesman.
06:48With this title you get a slightly deviating anime,
06:53because it does not tell a continuing story.
06:56We don't even get one little story told per episode, but two at the same time.
07:01And I personally liked this concept,
07:03because the stories are each closed in and convey different values,
07:08which are worth thinking about.
07:10Well, it's not that deep either, but the stories are not without.
07:14At the center are always different characters who have a certain problem
07:18and the name-giving Laughing Salesman is always the solution to this problem.
07:23Now, however, a medal does not only have one page, but two at the same time.
07:28And the second is shown to us clearly in every episode.
07:32If you want to see a nice anime that deviates from the norm,
07:36you should definitely take a look at this anime.
07:39I especially found the varied aspect of this anime,
07:43which emerged through the different stories, very, very nice.
07:54So, and that should be it again.
07:56Thanks to TaiAnime for participating.
07:58Be sure to check out his channel.
08:00He regularly does episode reviews for the current anime of the season.
08:03I'm also there every Monday at 9 p.m. on the livestream.
08:08So if you want to hear more from me, check it out there.
08:11But before that, write in the comments if you haven't seen one of the anime yet
08:16and if you will watch it.
08:17If you know any other unknown series on Quan Chi,
08:21please write them in the comments as well.
08:22Then press the like button and don't forget to subscribe.
08:25Because there will be anime top lists on this channel regularly.
08:28See you in the next video, bye!