• last year
Disclaimer: This is not my original content. It belongs to the original owner i.e. Bit Company. I'm just trying to spread what is found to be good.

Ep 3 part 2 https://dai.ly/x946kww


01:27Slip but I judge it
01:32Huh, ah, I'm okay. I'm just waiting for someone. I think I'll just be a little bit early
01:40What are we waiting for? Food delivery?
01:43If you want, I'll just bring it to you or I'll just call you when it's there
01:48It's a hassle to watch here. I just went to the bathroom and didn't come back
01:53No, it's okay. I'm just waiting for a friend
01:59Don't call me manong
02:02My father is the manong here
02:05We're almost the same age and I'm just waiting there in the apple orchard lane
02:11Okay, brother, I mean
02:14Dickie na lang, just Dickie
03:45Know yeah, I mean dickie, you know uptick young up
03:49Up tick, you know, I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm a boy
03:56Don't know what I'm doing up top was go on a video top was share it. It's easy. Yes, where
04:02I don't video but suck. I see a clean on in Ghana. Gamo. Ah
04:06Oh, but so what you know, I got a circuit or no kaka bus to say, but
04:10Like for example, oh, maybe go to share in a video school. I'm a hip-hop. He not mean mean son. Okay
04:17Okay, say no, he's it go
04:19Okay, man. Ah, what's my say? Oh, so you're going on? What am I on? Oh, oh, but if I do
04:25Practice, I oh, it's more. I'm gonna go in at it. Yeah, though
04:34It's bogey
06:06Well, I can't buy it. Come on. I'm a cop, but
06:09Kala, yata, nigga. I'm gonna end kindness. It'd be no way. No, no way who say
06:16Cool story
06:23Malicia Dito, you know, I'm a gun. I saw me in a night. I mean, yeah
06:28But if you are you pop up a socket?
06:53Recently I met someone whom I really want to get to know a lot better. He didn't show up. I
07:00Waited for my crush for two hours and he
07:04Didn't show up
07:14Hmm should I even post this or would this content be off-brand? What do you think Vicky?
07:22Mask sorry
07:26Sorry, I don't know what I'm gonna tell again, baby, Gamal
07:38Boom I'm a Samantha. Oh, they're the Bahama. I don't know my girlfriend
07:43Oh, say, oh manage my expectations
07:46Is a long impulsive move?
07:48But I lost I lost nothing man
07:57He didn't even message me
08:39Mean sorry, I didn't go and wash your hands
08:48Why did you just leave like that
08:51And you know when you wouldn't let me go out. Oh, so your solution was just to sneak off and not tell me
08:58Since when do you do things like that? How long were you gone for an hour? Maybe two Wow
09:07Ate I was just by the subdivision gate. I had my face mask on I didn't touch anything
09:13I maintained physical distancing. I wasn't a man running around breaking health guidelines. That's not the point. I
09:20Asked you not to go outside and you did it anyway
09:24Worse you didn't tell me where you were going. You want me to treat you like a grown-up fucking act like it
09:33I'm sorry
10:23No, you feature Joe, I'm all but I'm gonna say you don't know the same
10:30Sure, come back. Oh, yeah. Well, I'll say you see Gica. I'm gonna look at a lemon. Oh
10:36My sign lot of the new happen, I think
10:40See no, no, no, no
11:05Tell you dinner time
11:13Can we please leave our phones while we eat I left mine inside my room
12:23Did you sort out the gas delivery like I asked you
12:57Yes, that's
13:17I'll tell a B. I'm really sorry. I snuck out
13:24What he did wasn't okay Jenny wasn't cool
13:34And you know, I feel bad good
13:53Pandemic fucking lockdown
14:05Everything feels
14:13I'm lucky. I'm lucky. I still have work
14:19But I'm scared
14:24Everything feels so uncertain
14:34I'm supposed to be responsible for you
14:38Supposed to take care of us. I'm supposed to keep it together and then sometimes it's just too much for me
14:50Asking for your help being more responsible now because
14:57Because I can't do it alone I
15:02Know I act like it a lot and and I know you hate it
15:08But I'm not your mom
15:21Feel so abandoned it's now up to us to fend for ourselves
15:26Where are the people are supposed to lead us?
15:29They should know better. They should they should fix this
15:35They should make things better, but I don't think it will get better
15:42I know that we're luckier than most but that doesn't mean it doesn't get hard
17:02Sabine more
17:16Take a long shot. Don't come up it gapuna
