Shingo Takagi vs Zack Sabre Jr. - G1 Climax 34 Semi-Finals: NJPW G1 Climax 34 (August 17, 2024)

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鷹木 信悟 vs ザック・セイバーJr. - G1 CLIMAX 34優勝決定トーナメント・セミファイナル:NJPW G1 CLIMAX 34(2024年8月17日)


00:00Today's main event, Geon Climax 34, the semi-final of the tournament to determine the winner.
00:11The time limit is one minute.
01:00Everything leading up to the bell to describe Shingo Takagi vs. Zack Sabre Jr. is actually incredibly simple.
01:22Two of the best wrestlers to stand inside these walls of Ryogoku Sumo Hall, to have never won G1 Climax in their career.
01:33Shingo Takagi, a lengthy career that has brought him from every single corner of Japan, even reaching the heights of IWGP World Title glory in the past.
01:45We're a long way off from that point. Shingo Takagi has never won a G1 Climax tournament in his history and has had to defeat Zack Sabre Jr. on his road to get here already.
01:57The momentum is in the corner of Shingo Takagi and it is all about the follow through for both men on this evening.
02:14In the red corner, Los Ingobernables de Japon, The Dragon, Shingo Takagi!
02:45The top three main event players. People in the most main events in singles action in New Japan, Kazuchika Okada, Tetsuya Naito and Shingo Takagi.
02:56Shingo Takagi has never won a main event in this building, Bitter Memories.
03:02The best of the super junior final in 19 with Will Ospreay.
03:07Zack Sabre Jr. too, shares bitter memories here in Sumo Hall.
03:14So many times a bridesmaid, but never a bride.
03:19But what we're seeing this weekend for either man, the culmination of a 20 year journey, both celebrating two decades in professional wrestling.
03:29Their wrestling lives intersected for the last 15 years.
03:36In Germany, in 2009, there would be hints that these two would be best in their class of one day.
03:45And now they are competing to be at the top of the most elite of all classes, even to make Lello win the G1 final.
03:58Zack Sabre Jr.
04:09The blue corner, TMDK, the frontman, Zack Sabre Jr.
04:21The match point for Zack Sabre Jr.
04:27Business as usual for Shingo Takagi.
04:32That business means a beating.
04:342009, I referred to it, WXW, 16 karat gold.
04:38The semifinal of that tournament, Shingo defeated Zack Sabre Jr. and went on to win the tournament.
04:45They met again, 2022 New Japan Cup semifinal.
04:49Zack defeated Shingo and went on to win the whole tournament.
04:54So, well, another rubber match of sorts.
04:57And one, I feel, that will dictate the result of our main event tomorrow.
05:07Most recent true rubber match between Zack Sabre Jr. and Shingo Takagi did happen earlier on in this series tournament action.
05:16Shingo Takagi defeating Zack Sabre Jr. back in Osaka.
05:2016 minutes, 13 seconds.
05:22Puts a 3-2 record in the favor of Shingo Takagi.
05:28Zack Sabre Jr. mentally unbothered.
05:32It was a time where Zack Sabre Jr. would have been very mentally bothered.
05:37Where he'd be throwing chairs backstage, throwing a hissy fit.
05:42The maturity that Zack Sabre Jr. has had over the last couple of years has indicated his position,
05:48not just as a main eventer in New Japan Pro Wrestling,
05:52but as a leader in all of the entire company.
05:56To carry everything on his back, he feels like this was his time.
06:01His run as NJPW World TV Champion last year for a full calendar year
06:06was almost an audition for the point where he is today.
06:09Where he can say to the world that I can carry the entire wrestling industry on my back, says Zack Sabre Jr.
06:20Important to point out, Mikey Nichols, Robbie Eagles, Kosei Fujita, all accompanying Zack Sabre Jr. to ringside.
06:26Will not get involved in this matchup whatsoever.
06:28Zack would not want it that way.
06:30No, of course not.
06:33I think Zack made that point backstage in Chiba the other day,
06:37where he teamed with Harley Jackson, one of the original members of TMDK,
06:41to say that it's not just me that's going to be G1 winner and IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.
06:48His plan is to elevate all of TMDK.
06:54And for Shingo, I think always that shadow of Tetsuya Naito within Los Ingobernables del Pueblo.
07:02Has been something, not something that Shingo's bothered about,
07:06but it's stopped him from being the guy now caught in a Cobra twist.
07:13Even when he was IWGP World Heavyweight Champion,
07:16even when he was MVP, people thought L.I.J. equals Tetsuya Naito.
07:22Moving the pace a little bit quicker here.
07:24Shingo Takagi tried that sliding bomber and instead,
07:28the puck kick misses through and we are at a standstill.
07:34Chris, is there an added pressure for Shingo Takagi to win this matchup,
07:39knowing that Yota Tsuji has now made his way into the finals?
07:43There's been talks all throughout this tournament about a potential L.I.J. vs. L.I.J. final in the main event of Ryogoku.
07:49Of course, what does the G1 typically mean?
07:52It means a shot at the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship,
07:55most recently over the last decade in the Tokyo Dome, I think.
08:02Obviously, there is that image, L.I.J. vs. L.I.J.
08:06Steel, sharp and steel.
08:11I think that's probably why we're not seeing Naito, we're not seeing Hiromu,
08:15we're not seeing Bushi out of ringside.
08:17They weren't ringside for Tsuji, they shouldn't be for Shingo.
08:21L.I.J. locker room monitors are on, everyone's surrounded with bated breath.
08:27Zack Sabre Jr., Shingo Takagi jockeying for position,
08:30it's immediate drop to the knees for Zack Sabre Jr.
08:34You never know when Zack is exactly goading in his opponent
08:37or when he is feeling that weakness.
08:39That makes Zack dangerous.
08:40Yeah, and that's not something we always talk about,
08:44Zack Sabre Jr. not being a scientist, isn't he?
08:47Zack Sabre Jr. not being a scientist, he's not a scientific wrestler,
08:51he's an artistic wrestler.
08:52He's always the other end of that spectrum.
08:55Always likens it to jazz, music, fields, directions.
09:05Not singing off a hymn sheet, he's making the lyrics up as he goes along.
09:13Very literal sense of beating to your own drum has Zack Sabre Jr.
09:16It's always been that way for Zack, even back to his days in Suzuki-Gon,
09:19and now here in TMDK.
09:22That last shot to the right arm, that stomp there,
09:25of course that was the focus of the offense from Great Okan
09:29just two nights ago, still will be hurting definitely,
09:32and knowing that take away if you can.
09:36Yeah, we talk about there being no more dangerous opponent
09:39for Shingo Takagi than Zack Sabre Jr. in the game of joint manipulation.
09:45And once again, Shingo feeling the pressure of those boots from Zack Sabre Jr.
09:50And that's a weakness that Zack Sabre Jr. has chosen to target
09:54to take away the pumping bomber arm.
09:56Zack Sabre Jr. is a European catch, classically trained wrestler
10:00will typically try to work the left side of an opponent
10:03rather than the right side of the opponent.
10:06We always talk about how that all the way stretches back
10:09to the original roots of catch wrestling,
10:11where there were no all-time, full-time professional wrestlers,
10:14you had to work on the shipyards, you had to work in the docks,
10:17in the factories, over the weekdays before you fought for extra money
10:21at the weekend, so it was deemed ill form to break an opponent's
10:26dominant side, break an opponent's dominant arm.
10:31Zack Sabre Jr. has no problem targeting that dominant arm here,
10:35you cannot afford to not do so in a match as high stakes as this,
10:39semi-finals, opportunity to face Tsuji in the main event tomorrow,
10:44Ryogoku backslide down, only out, and twists it, just the same,
10:50that's a page out of Zack's playbook.
11:01Worth pointing out as well, Shingo Takagi, a more dominant,
11:05dominant, aggressive edge, and it shocks me to be able to say that,
11:09ever since his battle, his loss to Bryan Danielson back at Forbidden Door.
11:15Well, I think Bryan Danielson, that is going to be a key,
11:18common opponent for both of these men.
11:23And twist it out, right on that neck, Zack Sabre Jr. lands.
11:27It speaks to Bryan Danielson's status as well, that a win over
11:33Bryan Danielson, that acknowledgement, that endorsement from Bryan Danielson,
11:37not just after their match in Osaka, but in the media recently as well,
11:41is something that's a big help to Sabre.
11:43And that, the grip, the pain from that defeat,
11:47a motivating factor for Shingo Takagi as well.
11:50Yeah, you're right, the American Dragon did go on record to state that
11:53he hopes Zack Sabre Jr. is the one to win G1 Climax this year.
11:57I think both of these men have talked about how it has to be this year for them.
12:01It has to be the 20th year for Shingo Takagi,
12:04going to promote his own sold-out event next month.
12:07It has to be Sabre's own 20th year, but him saying,
12:11even if I go on to win the G1 next year,
12:15my career will be a waste if I can't make the most of the momentum I have right now.
12:28Zack Sabre Jr. has to block these powerful shots from Shingo Takagi,
12:32delivers one back of his own.
12:34Shingo up on the shoulders here,
12:36has Zack drop down face first, where steel and wood collide.
12:41Zack Sabre Jr. can fight on the outside if he has to,
12:44but this is not his wheelhouse, of course not.
12:48Shingo's going to be much more comfortable out on the floor than Zack Sabre Jr. is.
12:53You give the technical edge to Zack Sabre Jr.,
12:56call him the best technical wrestler in the world for a reason.
13:00Would you give Shingo Takagi, injured in the right arm,
13:03still that striking advantage?
13:06It might not be from the pumping bomber,
13:08but Last of the Dragon is an instant knockout,
13:11so there's no doubt about it.
13:17It's all about who can get that first KO.
13:19It's all about who can get that first KO.
13:21Yeah, and we saw how, well, the first KO for Shingo,
13:25the first submission for Zack, or a flash pin.
13:28Yeah, I mean, it is going to be a moment in instance this matchup.
13:33You know, it is something you can't really take your eye off the TV for two seconds,
13:36because it could come anywhere.
13:39And to take it technical here is Shingo Takagi,
13:42that might come to bite him in the end.
13:44Zack looks to make sure of that.
13:47Traps that left arm, and it's the head scissors,
13:50immediately snatched down.
13:52It's explosive from Zack.
13:53You cannot predict it.
13:55Has to throw his entire body weight to that bottom rope to force the break.
14:00Nice usage of that.
14:01I think Shingo was almost trying for an anaconda vice there,
14:04and Sabre with a good submission defense.
14:16You hear all the sort of other stars aligning,
14:19one of the great figures in the career,
14:22the early Japanese career, Zack Sabre Jr., Yoshinori Ogawa,
14:25who was forced to retire early on this week,
14:28we wish Ogawa-san the very best.
14:32One of those people rarely talked about,
14:37but one of the most influential men in professional wrestling.
14:40I think Zack Sabre Jr. has that even more momentum,
14:45even more motivation to come out on top here tonight.
14:50Heavy drive for Zack Sabre Jr., heavily driven.
14:54Shingo Takagi fakes out and that knee right across the upper back
14:59into the lower neck.
15:04The changes I'm talking about that we've seen out of Shingo Takagi as of recent.
15:09The aggression has always been there in the physical game for Shingo Takagi,
15:13but it's the time that he's taking.
15:15He doesn't mind taking the time to gloat.
15:17That confidence is high for Shingo.
15:19He knows he has this crowd in the palm of his hands, no doubt.
15:22If he says jump, they'll jump.
15:28Shingo, waist locked up and brought down.
15:31Victory roll.
15:33Head screw.
15:35An immediate drop kick for Zack Sabre Jr.
15:39Try to create a little bit of separation, take the time to recover.
15:44Longest singles match between these two men.
15:47IWGP World Heavyweight Title on the line at Power Struggle in 2021.
15:5230 minutes, 27 seconds.
15:54No time limit here tonight.
15:56Zakk, look at this.
15:59Running European uppercut.
16:02Heavy aggression from Zack Sabre Jr. on that shot.
16:05I think we've seen that really come out over his last couple of matches.
16:10Zack has been getting a lot of attention.
16:13He's got a lot of fans.
16:14He's got his fans in the back of the room.
16:16He's got the crowd cheering for him.
16:18Junior on that shot. Now I think we've seen that really come out over his last couple of matches.
16:24Zack has been getting a little bit better at closing distance once it's created. Usually
16:30Zack Sabre Jr. wants to keep his opponent in his grasp. That's a key weapon for him. Watch out now.
16:37One of the more influential opponents in that game plan. Hold on cover here
16:42and it's broken up with a strike to the gut from Shingo Takagi. I really think that match
16:47Zack Sabre Jr. had with Gabe Kidd is affecting the way Zack is approaching this match
16:51with Shingo Takagi. Wrestling very similar styles in that way.
17:01Shingo. Oh wait a minute. Zack Sabre Jr. tried to take that right arm takedown. Shingo Takagi
17:09got that back elbow. Right shot faked in. Dangerous driver Takagi. You can't shot in.
17:16You never really know after that snap jab. Sometimes it's the left lariat. You duck the
17:21lariat. You get the DDT. You stay standing. You get the lariat. So difficult.
17:29And Shingo into the cover. Off the suplex. High angle and a high two.
17:34Is it? Could it be?
17:47No it is.
18:01Shingo says it's tea time and time to die on Zack Sabre Jr.
18:08You heard that eruption from Ryogoku here tonight. Oh drives right in and down. Back suplex.
18:15Flattens out Zack Sabre Jr.
18:21I didn't like seeing the way that Zack's neck bounced off that bottom rope on the landing.
18:38And it's Shingo Takagi. Follows right in. Those intercostal muscles we know about the
18:44long-term damage. There is not a quick, there's barely even a recovery process you can have
18:50from an injury of that nature. That is always, always, always something opponents are going to
18:55go to. Well documented. Nice, nice. Best defense a good offense. And takes down that knee. Beautiful.
19:04And you see almost I thought Zack was going to go for a school boy out there at first.
19:08There's a little bit more momentum on Shingo who over rotates it. And what did Sabre do?
19:13The mark of him as a pro transitioned into that knee buster and did more damage than his original
19:20game plan. This is where Zack Sabre Jr. is in his element at his absolute best. Picking apart a body
19:35and the part of that body being that left knee right now of Shingo Takagi.
19:39So many things and so many veterans in this business. When you're a kid growing up, grab a hold kid. Work
19:48over a body part. Well Zack Sabre Jr. grew up with a philosophy of why should I have to settle for
19:54just one. And he's going to target two here. He might target all four. Trying to get the knees.
20:08The way that Zack is so capable of changing the game plan. He walked in with one idea. He
20:17switched it up when he realized it wasn't going to be as efficient. Well because again I mean
20:22it's someone that's not locked in to his game plan. It's so difficult to game plan for Zack
20:28Sabre Jr. because he doesn't have one. He comes in and he can make it up as he goes along.
20:33It's such a rare skill especially in professional wrestling these days. But that's the benefit
20:39of the catch style that he wrestles.
20:46Smart standing of Shingo Takagi to make his way immediately to those ropes seeing
20:49Zack Sabre Jr. lunge out of him that way.
20:54You see in that sense and Sabre half jokingly talking about Sabres and cut talking about how
21:00it is the standard bearer of strong style as it is today. Pick and roll. Nice, beautiful,
21:08beautiful work and a nice leg bar here.
21:13Shingo rolls right out to that bottom rope. Two old souls that you can connect to Sabre and
21:20Shingo Takagi. For Sabre-ism and Inoki-ism. I think he would settle right home. You could put
21:27Antonio Inoki in New Japan pro wrestling. Zack Sabre Jr. could be in those rings in the 1970s,
21:33would fit in perfect. Shingo Takagi, you often see a lot of Genichiro Tenryu in that toughness.
21:39He's going to have to dig down deep to find it. He does. Oh, cut that arm and once again.
21:47And falls in. There's that punch and it's a big bomber.
21:53A big bomber. There's the grip. Does so on the right side. A lot of damage in that right arm.
22:02Also being felt in the left knee. Yeah, I don't think you could call that a bomber, so to speak.
22:09Yes, a lariat clothesline at best of the knee, the drive. He didn't have the explosivity on it at all.
22:16There's an imbalance in Shingo Takagi's body right now. The left leg feeling a lot of that pain.
22:23The right arm doing just the same. That is Zack's only piece of a game plan you can possibly call out.
22:28And it's already too late for Shingo. The best hope for Shingo is to knock Sabre out, Walker.
22:35And I think he's going to try and do it. Rolls right through.
22:42Very well cut knee here. Rolls right through. Shingo the adrenaline pumping magic screw for Shingo Takagi.
22:51One of these men will go on to face Yota Tsuji in our main event tomorrow
23:11to crown G1 Climax 34's tournament winner. And Shingo Takagi would love an LIJ-LIJ final.
23:22And made in Japan being sought for right here. Not enough strength in that right arm though.
23:27Enough strength to hold on. Brought through with the leg sweep. Here we go. Here we go.
23:31Double leg Nelson. Clutch down. Clutched in. Sleeper hold being applied right now by Shingo Takagi.
23:37The body scissors wrapped around that frame of Zack Sabre Jr. There might not be pretty.
23:46It might not be artistic, Walker. But you choke someone out with those hooks.
23:55That's maneuver that Zack Sabre Jr. has used to great efficiency throughout his career.
24:07holder is one Shingo Takagi. KOPW titles in the past too.
24:16And Shingo. Shingo. Here we go. Made in Japan. Oh the knee though. Oh no. A lot of impact.
24:25Sudden jarring to the left knee is Shingo Takagi. This might be Zack Sabre Jr.'s only saving grace
24:31at this point. Otherwise it would be a cover and a potential three count. Halfway unconscious was
24:36that from that ground Cobra. Made in Japan on top you might be right. But still. Shingo's tuning up the band.
24:48Here we go. Up on the shoulders and put down Zack and Osaka. The last of the dragon.
25:08On the shoulders again. Last no.
25:10Underneath uppercut from Zack Sabre Jr. Don't turn your back on Shingo Takagi. Takagi underneath here.
25:23Into the cover. No. Sabre Jr's shoulders down. Shingo down. Shingo's got him down. No.
25:41It took so much energy out of Zack Sabre Jr. to lift Shingo Takagi off his feet.
25:57These two men fight each other in a persistent checkmate.
26:10I think it's almost just as even in the crowd.
26:20There might be there's a lot of calls for Zack. I think there's a little bit more for Shingo.
26:30What's the thought here with this with Zack Sabre Jr. taking that wrist tape off?
26:34Trying to get more circulation in that left hand. Maybe a little bit more maneuverability if he needs
26:38a submission hold. Utilizing that lower half cut out by Shingo. Dragon screw missed out. Magic screw
26:50from Zack. Penalty kicks often a curse for England. That's scored flush and here we go.
27:05No. Oh Shingo grounded into the cobra pin.
27:17And it is a world of pain right now for Shingo Takagi to be in so so close
27:22to those bottom ropes and Zack Sabre Jr may have this match won right here.
27:27Oh, especially with this.
27:32Brings it right back in the center of the ring. We're way past six seconds.
27:36Zack's too gassed. Watch it transition again. A little bit of a talk. A little bit of a twist.
27:41Still those rules in the back of his mind. Switches the grip now. And Shingo
27:48nearly saw his G1 Climax hopes disappear. You see again though I think that left wrist.
27:59You saw him take off that wrist tape earlier and now it's indicating to his corner man that
28:03that left wrist is hurting him. You know the camera's not picking up right now but you see
28:08tears in the eyes of Robbie Eagles. It's an emotional night for everyone involved in TMDK
28:13on every single front. Zack Sabre Jr has something big to fight for here that goes way beyond the
28:18front man himself. Tried to get a little bit of circulation in it as he took the tape off
28:24and it was the transition from the butcher's grip almost had a labelle grip on at the end there
28:29but that momentary transition helps Shingo Takagi.
28:32Oh this butcher style chops. Shot down brought right back. Oh the stomp once again.
28:47Zack taking the time in the corner. Frustration continues to build but
28:51he shakes his head in defiance. Zack Sabre Jr will not go down easy.
28:56Oh look out, look out.
29:06Zack now grounded deep in. Look at the cinch on that one. Now look at the old souls
29:15that inspire these men.
29:21Shingo Takagi on one leg on one arm. It's a pumping bomber
29:28but the left knee gives out once again on the drop down. Shingo cannot get lucky tonight.
29:38Poor, poor positioning for Shingo. There is no cover to be made. Listen to these people.
29:55I mean this time Zack good drowning out Takagi but it might be over anyway. There we go
30:01up on the shoulders. No cinched it on the shoulders. Is that dropped down by Shingo
30:07and caught it in. Guillotine triangle cinched it.
30:15Oh Zack Sabre Jr grasping at his own neck. The pain being felt
30:19off that backpack drop from Shingo Takagi. This is desperation from both men.
30:2425 minutes. Shingo, Shingo the adrenaline up on the shoulders.
30:34Can he cover him with the knee? Can he cover him? Shingo the cover to the fight.
30:41Have you ever, have you ever seen anyone kick out last in the dragon? Not in my whole years.
31:07it is Zack Sabre Jr's cornermen that will him on. It is the people in Ryogoku that will him on.
31:16But fueled by the exact same thing is Shingo Takagi.
31:37throwing all he can on a weekend base. And it is Zack Sabre Jr's cross to bear.
31:54Underneath sweeps the leg. Oh Shingo narrowly avoiding it but felt the bright
32:00lariat. Neither man goes down. Oh he caught the arm and a bomber from Sabre Jr.
32:10He got him. No and pulls out right. He's got it, he's got it, he's got it. Transition right to the
32:20submission right here. Shingo Takagi has to tap. We're in the center of the ring.
32:25He can't. If he taps it's over. All those dreams.
32:32Some dreams are meant to stay dreams. Shingo Takagi.
32:38Zack Sabre Jr could do it right here. The torque pulling back. Zack's got it.
32:43He can't dare speak the words. I quit. Biting his own hand. Biting his own tongue.
32:54Pulls back at the official. He'll break his leg.
33:44And the confirmation of the G1 Climax 34 final. Yoda Tsuji versus Zack Sabre Jr. And I won't dare
33:53curse myself. Walker was saying it's home yet. But it might have just turned the corner
33:58and be on the home drive for Zack Sabre Jr.
34:02Just when you think your body is about to give out.
34:10Zack Sabre Jr realizes he has something much, much deeper to fight for.
34:32And you know that Shingo Takagi is kicking himself hard right now, Chris.
34:51Well, that is something that all athletes have to come around to.
34:55Only one person can win their first G1. It can only come home for one.
35:10And will Zack be the one? We'll find out tomorrow afternoon.
35:26Some 60 years of sporting hurt on the shoulders of Zack Sabre Jr.
35:33May be banished tomorrow. Shingo Takagi now carries that painful burden.
35:50It's not just about putting up the fight of a lifetime. It's being able to do it
35:54twice in one weekend. And look at that.
36:02A hard pass by for Shingo Takagi, but Yoda Tsuji will meet the man he steps in the ring with
36:09tomorrow in the main event. Both of these men are feeling a lot of pain that they will have to try
36:18and block it out in this confrontation. Not show a sign of weakness, even though both have them.
36:34They're both looking forward to this encounter tomorrow.
36:48It doesn't need to be cheap shots. It doesn't need to be smoke and mirrors. There doesn't need to be
37:01bullshit. It needs to be the best professional wrestling in the world. You've seen a taste of
37:11it tonight. You've lived it over the last month and you're going to see the pinnacle
37:17tomorrow afternoon right here on NJPW World.
37:27And if there's a statement to be made from Zack Sabre Jr., it will be made amongst the people
37:32in Ryogoku tonight.
37:53Zack Sabre Jr. has big plans of a victory speech. Not to come tonight, but to come tomorrow following
38:02the conclusion of our main event. But it is not a sold deal yet, Chris Charlton.
38:09Will he have to eat those words or will they taste like Marlowe pudding?
38:15There is one man that is making his way back to the LIJ locker room who very much hopes so.
38:21But Zack Sabre Jr., you can say it, Chris, because it very well may be true.
38:29Is it? I don't want to curse myself.
38:32It might be coming home.
38:46If I do not win G1 Climax 34, then my career was for naught.
38:53Zack Sabre Jr., an incredible win tonight in our main event in Ryogoku,
39:04Sumo Hall. Chris Charlton, what a night of action we have had for night 18,
39:10count him up, 18 nights of G1 Climax 34. I mean, two of the longest matches of the
39:17tournament to the most hardest for, of course, those are the stakes that they were fighting for.
39:23It's a night and if you're tuning in for the conclusion of your first ever G1,
39:30what do we expect right now turning out tomorrow? Of course, we have our main event,
39:34Yoda Suji, Zack Sabre Jr. We encourage everybody to follow at NJPW Global.
39:42The full card for tomorrow's event will be available tomorrow morning. I can't say anything
39:47more specific than that because everything gets nailed down as soon as we know, you'll know,
39:53and I mean, we've had just a taste, a lot of movement up and down the card and that even
40:00before our G1 semifinals. Oh, good lord have mercy. Yes, I mean, there's so much to get into.
40:06Victory for House of Torture over the never openweight six-man tag team champions,
40:12Doki and Taiji Ishimori getting into it earlier on in the evening. I mean, this is one, one
40:17tournament that you are not going to forget anytime soon from the undercard to the main event.
40:22What a main event we had here tonight, and we're making our shots. We're calling them right now,
40:27Zack Sabre Jr., Yoda Suji, Chris Charlton. I think I know your answer, but give me a prediction.
40:33I mean, I would be a traitor if I said anything else than Zack Sabre Jr., and there he is.
40:3920 years, because Takagi, it's not only your 20th anniversary this year, it's also mine.
40:44Yeah, Takagi-san, Takagi-san, my favorite wrestler. I knew that the first time we wrestled in Germany
40:54in 2009, he might be in his 40s, whereas no one, no one with more stubbornness, grit, power and
41:03dodgy haircuts than Shingo Takagi. But I said this before, before tonight, if I can beat Takagi,
41:12no one can stop me. The Reiwa, the Reiwa three fucking musketeers and the five seven dickheads,
41:18I don't know how many of them is there. The next generation, you've been concerned with each other.
41:25Gabe, it's not Shota you're going to be chasing. Suji, it's not Yuya you're going to be chasing.
41:31Every single one of you is coming at me. The soon-to-be G1 34 winner, and the even sooner
41:40IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. There is going to be a generation shift in this company with me,
41:45Zack Sabre Jr. at the front of it, and I'll be waiting patiently for every one of you.
41:51Suji, you survived David Finlay and a whole lot of bollocks.
41:59Can you do back-to-back? I might not have reached the G1 finals before, but I've won more tournaments
42:05than dodgy haircuts that Suji's had. I'm a tournament wrestler, and the last one to tick
42:12off the list is the best tournament in all of pro wrestling, the G1 Climax. No one can stop me.
42:22Get the trophy, shiny, but don't kiss it, so I'm gonna give it a nice big smooch when I finally win.
42:29Everyone's been concerned about who isn't here in New Japan now. You guys made a big mistake
42:37for getting the one man that is here. 2024 isn't the year of the dragon, it's the year of the
42:43fucking Sabre, as you were.
42:50Chris Charlton, it very well may be Sabrism that runs rampant throughout New Japan pro
42:55wrestling, but it is still to be determined, and it comes tomorrow in our main event. Zach
43:00Sabre Jr. representing Block A, Yota Suji representing Block B. One of these men will
43:07become their first time G1 Climax winner. Their first time for a singles match on this magnitude,
43:13and of course, you know, whoever comes out will be a completely fresh G1 winner. This has been
43:18a completely fresh tournament, and you know, we'll have time to talk about the journey that
43:24we've undertaken over the last month. We've seen a lot of highs over this tournament, a lot of great
43:30new directions, and the presence, the finals, being a real declaration of that fact, and
43:38you know, I just, I can't wait till tomorrow. There's nothing to do, but try and get some sleep
43:43and come right back here, 3 p.m. local time. Yep, that will be coming tomorrow. Thank you so much
43:49for watching us here tonight, live, Night 18. We will join you for our final night, Night 19,
43:54G1 Climax 34, when the finals take place. Zach Sabre Jr., Yota Suji, main event, live in Ryogoku,
44:00Sumo Hall, for Chris Charlton, Ivan Walker, Stewart, this has been New Japan Pro Wrestling,
44:05the King of Sports, Goki Genya. Sayonara. Sayonara.
