إلا الشيعة

  • last month


00:00The Qassam Battalions and their blessed brothers
00:03The Ummah and the head of its war have been destroyed
00:06If it wasn't for them, all of us would have been killed
00:08Because they imposed the Kifaya, or more like the Kifaya
00:11On Jihad, on defending Al-Aqsa and Al-Muqaddasah
00:16But despite that
00:19Don't forget, who are they facing?
00:22They are not facing Israel
00:24They are facing the world
00:27And the most despicable of our Ummah
00:31Israel was faced by the Zionist world
00:37And our Muslim Ummah left the Mujahideen
00:41Forgive me for being so bold
00:44Except for the Shia
00:46They are the only ones who faced this Jihad
00:49It's a shame
00:51We, the people of Sunnah, whose history is full of glory
00:56We come to this historical moment and despise them
