• 2 months ago
Urs Mubarak - Bari Imam Sarkar RA - 17 August 2024 - Part 6

#UrsMubarak #BariImamSarkarRA #ARYQtv

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00:00Now it is time for the prayer.
00:07Qibla – Huzoor's Sheikh, Ustaz-ul-Ulema, Muslim-e-Ummah, Allama Peer Sayyid Haseen-ud-din
00:17Shah Sahib, Damat Barakat-ul-Mulali, Muhtemim Jam-e-Razvi-Az-Zia-ul-Ulum, Rahul-Pandey,
00:23Despite this greatness, you have been here for a long time.
00:28For their health, all of you should also pray.
00:32And Qibla Ustaadji said that I will only pray.
00:38Syed Imtiaz Hussain Shah Sahib Qazimi has requested the Rai Sahib to give some advice.
00:46And at the same time, he will give some advice and at the same time he will pray.
00:56So I will request Ustaadji that today the monthly gathering on the 11th is also held in Bar-e-Imam House.
01:08Today is that day.
01:10Similarly, like Piran-e-Pirsi, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Qutb-e-Rabbani, Mahbub-e-Subhani
01:15A.S. will also pray for the monthly gathering of Zikr and Fiqh.
01:23And in a large number, Khatam Sheikh of Quran-e-Kareem, Furqan-e-Hameed,
01:27and a companion, have recited Durood Sheikh 1,03,000 times
01:32and have come to this gathering of Urs-e-Paak.
01:35Only the companions, Allah-Rabb-ul-Aalameen Hazrat-e-Safzada Raja Safra Zakrim Sahib
01:41and Naib Wazir-e-Azam, Janab-e-Muhammad-e-Saak Dar Sahib,
01:46may this couple be safe.
01:49They have directed this gathering towards Urs-e-Sharif.
01:53So now one companion has recited Durood Sheikh 1,03,000 times
01:58in this gathering of Urs-e-Paak. Only one companion has recited it.
02:01So this is a great reward.
02:04This gift is being presented by Bar-e-Imam House in the court of Bar-e-Imam.
02:12May Allah accept it.
02:14And many other people have sent me letters.
02:17And I would like to request,
02:20our Qadri Sound brothers,
02:23who make sound here every month.
02:25And their Qadri Sound is played in the whole of Pakistan.
02:29And the gathering of Holy Prophet Muhammad,
02:32the gathering of Seerat, the gathering of Naad,
02:35and the gathering of Sama,
02:37his mother passed away 2-3 days ago.
02:40We will pray for her as well.
02:42And Abid Hussain Sahib, who was our former Patwari,
02:46his father, Qaim-ud-Din Sahib,
02:48Chaudhry Qaim-ud-Din Sahib,
02:50the founder of Bera Sarguda,
02:52we especially pray for his forgiveness.
02:55And many other people,
02:57who were martyred in the court of Holy Prophet Muhammad,
03:00for a moment,
03:02those who have come,
03:04who are not in this world,
03:06we will pray for all of them.
03:10And then I would like to request,
03:13because Bar-e-Imam House,
03:15from its beginning to its end,
03:19always ends.
03:21You come to Qari-e-Ikramullah Rabbani, Yemen.
03:25It ends there.
03:27After that, Ustad will give some advice.
03:29You will pray with Durood-us-Salaam.
03:51In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:10If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain,
04:14you would have seen it humbled,
04:16covered with fear of Allah.
04:18And that is an example We present to the people,
04:22that they may reflect.
04:25He is Allah, to Whom there is no deity except Him,
04:28Knower of the unseen and the seen.
04:31He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:35He is Allah, to Whom there is no deity except Him,
04:41the Sovereign, the Holy, the Peaceful,
04:45the Believer, the Merciful, the Exalted in Might,
04:47the All-Powerful, the All-Magnificent.
04:50Exalted is Allah above that which they associate with Him.
04:55He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Designer.
04:59To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names.
05:04All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him.
05:09And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
05:14He is Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
05:19Say, He is Allah, the One,
05:24Allah, the Eternal.
05:27He was not begotten, nor was He begotten.
05:30And there is none like unto Him.
05:34In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
05:39Say, He is Allah, the One,
05:43Allah, the Eternal.
05:45He was not begotten, nor was He begotten.
05:48And there is none like unto Him.
05:51In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
05:56Say, He is Allah, the One,
06:01Allah, the Eternal.
06:05He was not begotten, nor was He begotten.
06:08And there is none like unto Him.
06:12In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
06:16Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the creation,
06:19From the evil of that which He has created,
06:22And from the evil of that which is firm when it is firm,
06:26And from the evil of those who breathe in knots,
06:32And from the evil of the envier when he envies.
06:38In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
06:43Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the creation,
06:49The Sovereign of the creation,
06:54The God of the creation,
06:58From the evil of the envier when he envies,
07:04Who whispers into the breasts of men
07:10Of jinn and men.
07:15In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
07:21All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
07:27The Beneficent, the Merciful.
07:32Sovereign of the Day of Recompense,
07:37It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
07:42Guide us to the straight path,
07:47The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor,
07:52Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
08:05In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
08:10Alif Lam Mim
08:16This is the Book in which there is no doubt,
08:20A guidance for the righteous,
08:23Those who believe in the unseen and establish prayer,
08:27And from what We have provided for them they spend,
08:32And those who believe in what has been sent down to you,
08:36And what was sent down before you,
08:40And in the Hereafter they are certain.
08:44Those are upon guidance from their Lord,
08:49And those are the successful.
08:53Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good.
08:59And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.
09:07Muhammad was not far from your men,
09:15But he was the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets.
09:22And Allah is Knowing of all things.
09:28Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet.
09:36O you who have believed,
09:39Send blessings upon him and give him peace.
09:44O Allah, send blessings upon our Master and our Master Muhammad,
09:48And upon the family of our Master and our Master Muhammad,
09:54And bless him and send blessings upon him.
09:58Exalted is your Lord, the Lord of Might,
10:01Exalted is He above what they describe.
10:04And peace be upon the Messengers.
10:07And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
10:32The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:39The best of deeds is that which is perfect.
10:44This is what the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and the family of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said.
10:51The best of deeds is that which you do out of goodness.
10:56Indeed, Allah is Knowing.
10:59Allah accepts and accepts all good deeds.
11:04But the good deed which is not obligatory,
11:09not obligatory,
11:12when is it better?
11:14The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
11:16It is better when you resist it.
11:19When you start a good deed,
11:23then continue that deed.
11:26The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
11:29The best of deeds is that which you do out of goodness.
11:32The best of deeds is that which you resist,
11:37you suppress,
11:39you ban,
11:41and you do that deed again and again.
11:47The blessed ones are those
11:51who converted Imam Al-Fuqara's Urs Mubarak speech
12:00into a fair and brought it to Urs.
12:07In my opinion, this is such a noble deed.
12:12It is such a good deed.
12:16The concept of a fair
12:21pollutes the mind.
12:25It is appropriate to mention the effects of a fair.
12:33In this gathering,
12:35the kind of gathering today,
12:37I don't like it.
12:39It was the British era.
12:42I was a child.
12:44When there was a fair in the village,
12:49it was called Azadbari.
12:51The villagers would come
12:54and sit on the roof of the car.
12:58At that time, there were fewer buses
13:01and more trains.
13:04They would come from the village to Aswadnal
13:07and sit on the train.
13:10The people of Rawalpindi
13:14were poor.
13:16But the concept of a fair
13:20that was happening at a certain place,
13:23at a certain place,
13:26at a certain king's place,
13:28at a certain king's place,
13:31at a certain king's place,
13:34a good person would not tolerate it.
13:39For such a long time,
13:42I mentioned an issue last time,
13:45which may not have had any effect.
13:48A question arises.
13:51If the concept of a fair is so polluted,
13:56then how did Imam Azadbari tolerate it?
14:01If the concept of a saint of Allah
14:05is so polluted,
14:08then how did he tolerate it?
14:11I gave an example of this.
14:14Baitullah is the house of Allah.
14:20It is from Ibn Dadad.
14:24But in the middle,
14:27instead of Baitullah,
14:30it became a Buddhist house.
14:34Not for a year or two,
14:37for centuries,
14:39in Mecca,
14:41in Masjid-e-Haram,
14:43there was worship of Buddhas.
14:46This is Allah.
14:49Allah cannot remove it.
14:51He can remove it for sure.
14:53But there is wisdom and secret.
14:55What did he do with wisdom?
14:58He said,
15:00I gave my beloved,
15:03Hazrat Ibrahim,
15:05the honor of constructing the Haram.
15:09And I gave my beloved the honor
15:12of constructing the Haram.
15:15He did it with practice.
15:20And now,
15:22he did it for a good cause.
15:24Allah gave the Prophet,
15:27peace be upon him,
15:29the opportunity to live in Mecca.
15:32He migrated from Mecca to Medina.
15:35He migrated from Medina to Mecca.
15:38Then Mecca was conquered.
15:41For so long,
15:44Mecca was a Buddhist house.
15:49There were 360 Buddhas.
15:52Finally, the day came,
15:54when the Prophet, peace be upon him,
15:57and Hazrat Maula Ali,
15:59both came.
16:01And they came and destroyed the Buddhas.
16:04And after that day,
16:06till today,
16:08there is no Buddhist house there.
16:10There is only Bait-ul-Kharaam
16:12and Ibadat Khana.
16:16When the Prophet, peace be upon him,
16:21to change the Buddhist house,
16:27he took Maula Ali with him.
16:31He said,
16:32Come Ali,
16:33come with me.
16:35He said, let's go.
16:37All the Buddhas that came,
16:39the Prophet, peace be upon him,
16:41all the Buddhas that were below,
16:44all of them,
16:45he did not hit them with a stick.
16:48This is also your honor.
16:50He did not hit them with a stick.
16:53He pointed at the stick,
16:55and it fell on their faces.
16:57All the Buddhas fell upside down.
16:59I am speaking briefly.
17:01And that Buddha,
17:02who was at the Buddha house,
17:05he was the tallest,
17:07he was the tallest.
17:09Now, the Prophet, peace be upon him,
17:11decided to bring him down.
17:14So, he said to Ali,
17:20get on my shoulders,
17:23and stand up and bring him down.
17:27Ali, sit down.
17:31I will get on your shoulders,
17:35and go up and break the Buddha.
17:39Maula Ali sat down.
17:42The Prophet, peace be upon him,
17:44put his blessed feet on his shoulders,
17:50and he could not get up.
17:53He could not carry the burden of Prophethood.
17:56He was carrying such a big burden,
17:59he could not carry the burden of Prophethood.
18:01He sat down.
18:03Then, this was also wisdom.
18:07So, Maula Ali had to be honored.
18:10He said, Ali,
18:12I will sit down, you get on my shoulders.
18:17Now, the Prophet, peace be upon him, sat down.
18:20Maula Ali, Allah's grace,
18:24got on the Prophet's shoulders.
18:27The Prophet, peace be upon him, got up.
18:30Then, Hazrat Ali,
18:32what did I say?
18:33How tall did I go?
18:35The Prophet, peace be upon him,
18:36got up,
18:37got up,
18:38got up,
18:39got up,
18:40got up,
18:41got up,
18:42how tall did I go?
18:43The Prophet, peace be upon him, said,
18:44I think, if I had touched,
18:47I would have touched the sky.
18:51Then, he went up,
18:53and went and broke the Buddha.
18:55From the day,
18:56he said,
18:57Qul ja'al haqqu wazaqal baatil,
19:00innal baatil haqqa'an az-zuhuqa,
19:02and broke the Buddha,
19:04from that day,
19:06till today,
19:07the Buddha has not been made.
19:09It is the house of God.
19:11It is the place of worship.
19:13And people perform Hajj and Umrah there.
19:15So, it means,
19:16there are the wisdoms of Allah.
19:18For some time,
19:19even Baitullah,
19:20was being made as a place of worship.
19:23Now, imagine,
19:25how bad is the place of worship,
19:27and how good is the place of worship.
19:31Just like,
19:32I don't claim equality,
19:35with the actions of the Prophet,
19:39just like,
19:40the Prophet,
19:41purified the Buddha,
19:44from the Buddha,
19:47and created all the people,
19:49to worship Allah,
19:51in the same way,
19:52here also,
19:54after the fair,
19:56there was a speech of Urdz.
19:58I was told,
20:02the founder,
20:05our Deputy Prime Minister,
20:08Mr. Ishaq Dar Khan,
20:10and especially,
20:12our King,
20:14Mr. Sarfaraz,
20:17he said,
20:18you have done a very good job.
20:21You have done a very good job.
20:24promise me,
20:25that we will always keep the fair,
20:27we will keep the Urdz,
20:29we will not let the concept of fair come.
20:31So that,
20:32for ever,
20:33we will keep the good deeds.
20:36Allah, the Almighty,
20:39Allah, the Almighty,
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22:53Allah, the Almighty,
22:54Allah, the Almighty,
22:55Allah, the Almighty,
22:56Allah, the Almighty,
22:57Allah, the Almighty,
22:59For the sake of all the companions,
23:01for the sake of all the companions,
23:03all the companions,
23:04stand up with respect.
23:11O Prophet, peace be upon you.
23:17O Messenger, peace be upon you.
23:24O Beloved, peace be upon you.
23:36O Prophet, peace be upon you.
23:42O Messenger, peace be upon you.
23:53O Beloved, peace be upon you.
24:23O Prophet, peace be upon you.
24:33O Messenger, peace be upon you.
24:39O Beloved, peace be upon you.
24:45O Prophet, peace be upon you.
24:55O Beloved, peace be upon you.
25:05O Prophet, peace be upon you.
25:15O Prophet, peace be upon you.
25:25O Messenger, peace be upon you.
25:31O Beloved, peace be upon you.
25:37Peace be upon you.
25:44O Prophet, peace be upon you.
25:54O Prophet, peace be upon you.
26:04O Prophet, peace be upon you.
26:14O Messenger, peace be upon you.
26:22O Beloved, peace be upon you.
26:28Peace be upon you.
26:58Peace be upon you.
27:28Peace be upon you.
27:38Peace be upon you.
27:48Peace be upon you.
27:56Peace be upon you.
28:16Peace be upon you.
28:26Peace be upon you.
28:36Peace be upon you.
28:46Peace be upon you.
28:57Please be seated.
29:00Huzoor, please say a prayer.
29:02I would like to say a prayer for Hazrat Sajid Rahman Sahib,
29:12son-in-law of Hazrat Ali,
29:15for me and for you.
29:27Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barika ala sayyidina wa nabiyyina
29:34wa maulana Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim wa salli alaih.
29:38Rabbul Izzat, we are grateful to You.
29:44You have blessed us with the happiness of being present
29:52in the presence of Allah.
29:56Rabbul Izzat, please accept our presence in Your court.
30:02O Lord of the worlds,
30:04after a long time,
30:06I have come here
30:08to see all these changed buildings.
30:13All those who have used their power
30:18and especially their authority
30:22to make the shrine of Bar-e-Imam
30:24a glorious place.
30:27O Allah,
30:28please accept their efforts in Your court.
30:32O Lord of the worlds,
30:34through the charity of this gathering,
30:37please give healing to the sick.
30:40Those who are in need,
30:42please grant them the ability to pay their debts.
30:45Those who are in need,
30:47please give them the ability to pay their debts.
30:49Those who are in distress,
30:52please give them the ability to pay their debts.
30:56Those who are in trouble,
31:01please save them from that trouble.
31:07O Lord of the worlds,
31:09please grant Pakistan the power to rule.
31:12Pakistan is a symbol of our honor and greatness.
31:16It is a guarantee for the survival of our future generations.
31:21O Lord of the worlds,
31:23please grant it the power to rule.
31:43My name is Pathani mother.
31:45My father's name is Shadi Raman.
31:47My children eat bread.
31:50They eat bread.
31:51They are happy.
31:52They are able to survive.
31:55My children eat bread all the time.
31:58They are happy.
32:00They eat to their heart's content.
32:02They give us food.
32:03May Allah give them more.
32:05May Allah give them happiness.
32:09May Allah give them more.
32:11May Allah give them more.
32:13May Allah give them happiness.
32:15May Allah bless them.
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34:08May Allah accept their efforts.
34:11May Allah give them more food.
34:37May Allah accept their efforts.
35:07May Allah accept their efforts.
35:10May Allah accept their efforts.
35:13May Allah accept their efforts.
35:16May Allah accept their efforts.
