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Canada Seniors: 2024 OAS and CPP Increase Schedule And Amount

Hi everyone! The 2024 OAS and CPP amendments are detailed in this video. Canadian seniors won't want to miss this update!
management updates and tips! Help each other through these adjustments!
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00:00Canadians, welcome to our in-depth look at the exciting 2024 reforms to old-age security OAS and the Canada Pension Plan CPP.
00:07Daniel here, and today we'll discuss these essential improvements that could affect our seniors' finances.
00:12Staying abreast with government benefits is crucial as we negotiate retirement planning and financial stability for our seniors.
00:19The modifications to OAS and CPP for 2024 might result in a 50% increase in benefits for some seniors.
00:27In this detailed video, we'll discuss these changes and how they may affect you and your family.
00:32We'll explain the OAS increases, both the usual adjustment and the special top-up for seniors over 75.
00:39We'll discuss upcoming CPP changes such as retirement pension, post-retirement benefits, disability and survivor benefits.
00:46We'll also evaluate how these changes affect seniors' incomes together.
00:51We'll also discuss the rationale for these hikes and their importance in the present economy,
00:55how to maximize your benefits and frequent OAS and CPP queries and misconceptions.
01:01Whether you're a senior caring for a loved one or planning for your future, this movie offers helpful information.
01:07Before discussing the precise hikes, let's review OAS and CPP and their differences.
01:12Canada's retirement income system relies on old-age security.
01:16OAS is a residence-based, non-contributory program funded by general tax funds, unlike the CPP.
01:21Most Canadians 65 and older can get it, regardless of work.
01:25Living in Canada for at least 40 years after turning 18 is required for the full pension,
01:30however partial pensions are available for shorter stays.
01:33OAS benefits can be decreased via a recovery tax.
01:37Most seniors are automatically enrolled in OAS if their income exceeds a particular threshold, but some must apply.
01:43However, the Contributory Canada Pension Plan provides consistent and predictable retirement income.
01:48CPP is funded by mandated contributions from employees, employers and self-employed individuals.
01:54CPP can be started at 60 or 70, with benefit amounts adjusted accordingly.
01:59The amount and length of your CPP contributions determine your payout.
02:02CPP comprises retirement, disability and survivor's pensions.
02:06After reviewing these two vital projects, let's discuss 2024's exciting improvements.
02:12Old-age security pension first.
02:15The government plans to significantly boost the baseline OAS pension in 2024.
02:20The routine indexation process adjusts OAS payments to match the cost of living.
02:24The OAS pension will rise 50% in 2024.
02:28Remember that this rise applies to all OAS recipients, regardless of age or income.
02:33The OAS recovery tax may apply to your actual income if it exceeds the threshold as discussed below.
02:39The 10% boost for seniors 75 and over is one of 2024's most anticipated adjustments.
02:44This top-up was created to help older seniors with greater health care costs and exhausted savings.
02:49Seniors over 75 might earn $1,650 per month in addition to their OAS pension with this top-up.
02:57Permanent raise adjusted to inflation in future years.
03:00Income threshold adjustments are crucial to the 2024 OAS modifications.
03:04The 2024 OAS clawback or recovery tax income threshold will rise to $1.
03:09What does it mean?
03:11For every dollar of net world income above this threshold, your OAS pension will be cut by 15 cents.
03:17Many seniors like the threshold hike since it allows them to earn more before their OAS payments are lowered.
03:23This modification acknowledges increased living costs and tries to help more seniors get their full OAS payment.
03:30This topic should include guaranteed income supplement GIs, which are not part of the OAS pension.
03:35OAS pension participants in Canada with low incomes receive GIs monthly.
03:39GIs will rise with the CPI in 2024.
03:43The data aren't out yet, but recent trends suggest that rising GIs and OAS modifications could benefit low-income seniors.
03:50It's part of the government's elderly poverty reduction strategy.
03:53Explain how these OAS adjustments will affect different senior groups.
03:57Seniors 65 to 74 will receive the usual OAS rise and may be the higher threshold.
04:02The regular OAS hike, 10% top-up, and raised threshold may help seniors 75 and older.
04:08Seniors with lesser incomes will receive the OAS rise, may experience an increase in GIS benefits, and are less likely to be affected by the hike.
04:16These reforms aim to improve the financial stability of Canadian seniors of all income levels and ages.
04:21Let's discuss Canada pension plan reforms.
04:24In 2024, the CPP retirement pension will rise 50%.
04:29The maximum pensionable earnings YMPI is updated annually based on wage growth.
04:33Remember that not everyone gets the maximum CPP benefit.
04:36How much and how long you contributed to CPP during your working years determines your CPP payout and the age at which you start your pension.
04:43Most people receive roughly 60% of the maximum benefit on average.
04:48In 2024, seniors who work and contribute to the CPP will receive a higher post-retirement payout.
04:54After receiving your CPP pension, the PRB maximum monthly payment will climb to USD new per year.
05:00This is up from 2023 dollar current.
05:02Suppose a 68-year-old retiree who's received CPP for three years returns to part-time work in 2024.
05:09They make $30,000 and pay CPP.
05:12This PRB increase in 2025 adds to senior CPP pension, encouraging them to work past retirement age and increasing their retirement income.
05:21In 2024, the CPP disability benefit will increase, providing monthly payments to eligible contributors who are unable to work owing to a severe and prolonged disability.
05:32The CPP disability payment has two parts.
05:35The basic amount that everyone receives plus additional amount dependent on your 2024 CPP contributions.
05:41Monthly basic amount will increase to $1.
05:43Maximum disability benefit will increase to $1 per month, including earnings.
05:48This increase is crucial because disabled people frequently have greater living costs and less work prospects.
05:55The CPP survivor's pension provided to the deceased contributor's lawful spouse or common law partner will be adjusted for 2024.
06:02The survivor's annuity relies on the surviving spouse or common law partner's age,
06:06the deceased contributor's CPP contributions, and if they get other CPP benefits.
06:12These increases ensure that bereaved partners receive financial support that maintains pace with escalating costs, helping them maintain their standard of living.
06:20Let's summarize how CPP modifications will affect different categories.
06:24The exact increase in monthly payments for current CPP users depends on their benefit amount.
06:30New CPPP applicants in 2024 may earn greater maximum benefits, but actual benefits depend on contribution history.
06:42The basic and earnings-related portions of CPP disability benefits will increase.
06:47CPP survivor's pension recipients will get higher monthly payouts based on age and other considerations.
06:52These CPP improvements show the government's dedication to the CPP's long-term viability and sufficiency.
06:59When OAS and CPP hikes are combined, some seniors' government payments might rise 50%.
07:04Those over 75 who qualify for both the OAS hike and the 10% top-up will benefit greatly.
07:09Consider a hypothetical example to show the cumulative impact.
07:13OAS and CPP are received by 76-year-old retiree Maria.
07:18The impact of these hikes depends on a senior's income.
07:21Low-income seniors may gain most from OAS CPP increases and GI payments.
07:26Middle-income seniors may receive most or all of the OAS increase and the entire CPP increase depending on their income.
07:33Seniors with higher incomes will receive the entire CPP increase, but may experience decreased OAS benefits due to the recovery tax.
07:40However, they may still benefit from the increased threshold.
07:43While significant, these increases may not fully offset rising living costs for all seniors.
07:49Financial well-being will still depend on health care, housing, and other factors.
07:52These 2024 increases are part of a larger trend of improving Canadian seniors' retirement benefits.
07:58They show the government's awareness of our aging population's changing requirements and the necessity of retirement benefit purchasing power.
08:06We can expect more OAS and CPP modifications in the future.
08:10These programs are economic measures to benefit seniors when the cost of living rises.
08:14Knowing your rights is essential to taking advantage of these benefits.
08:18These are some options. Check your Service Canada account first.
08:22This shows your CPP contributions and calculates future benefits.
08:26Second, verify your OAS residency to receive full benefits.
08:30Third, grasp YAYs. If you're a low-income senior, learn about GIs and how to apply.
08:36The start date of CPP can greatly affect benefit amount.
08:39For each month you receive your pension before 65, it is cut by 0.6%.
