(2of2)Avocado Danger & Misunderstood Weight Watcher Points: Reacting With Positive PR: September 16-30, 2015

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Even though she stopped her Weight Watchers journey, she still records an update to cover the days she was still trying to reach her daily points. We find out that she was having an issue staying under her points instead of trying to reach her points as she said previously. The bitter sweet end of doing Weight Watchers is hard for her. By the end of the week, she’s back on Weight Watchers. She also shares that she had a phone call with her brother which caused her to overeat after hanging up. She’s proud of being down 1 pound, 2.8 in total. After a five day break from vlogging Amberlynn weighs in again, but this time she avoids sharing the number saying it isn’t good. While talking about her hand healing she says erroneously that she works every day. The couple that colors together, stays together. Destiny shares news about her mom. Amberlynn gets her stiches out while at work. We get another Weight Watchers/weigh in video before the month is over. She lost 4 pounds in the month of September and decides Weight Watchers is still making her binge so she’s going to wing it with her diet. They go to the Golden Corel on their day off and shows us the chocolate fountains. They’re taking Wasabi to Destiny’s dad’s house because they have a pest control person coming to the house and while loading Wasabi into the car, the neighbor is outside and Amberlynn greets them with a compliment. We get a room tour of Destiny’s old room where Wasabi will be staying for a couple days. Destiny continues to use the slumber cap. When she first moved to Florida she said she took everything with her or got rid of it. Krystle’s parents suggested mailing her some of her stuff but she said she didn’t want them to spend the money doing so. It turns out she did keep some things when she shows us the first box of books they sent her with more to come. Destiny answers a trick question when Amberlynn asks her if she thinks she’s annoying. Destiny gives us another update about her mom’s situation.
