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Como la teoría de cuerdas, estas preguntas aún siguen sin respuesta. Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy veremos las preguntas que todos podríamos tener sobre el grupo de frikis favorito de la televisión, después de que acabara la serie.


00:00I guess the only thing that actually stays the same is that things are always changing.
00:21So everybody knows what's in that letter except for me?
00:30As in The Big Bang Theory, it was like Howard had asked his father to leave.
00:34In several episodes of the series we learned that he left them to him and his mother when he was a child.
00:42We never saw him again or heard anything from him.
00:45During an episode of the sixth season, Sheldon discovers a letter addressed to Howard in which everything was detailed.
00:51But he doesn't want to know what it says.
00:54Don't you want to know what's in the letter?
00:55If I wanted to know, I would have opened it years ago.
01:09Which one do you think it is?
01:17Actually, I don't want to know.
01:19I want all of them to be true.
01:23Well, one of them is.
01:24That's pretty cool.
01:26Thank you, guys.
01:41We were looking for a recommendation about comic books.
01:43Oh, well, I recommend you don't open a store and sell them.
01:54I mean, the HAVWA5 Turbo Tank has metal gripping wheels, but I wouldn't call them tires.
02:02You are so hot.
02:05So, we inevitably want to know.
02:07Will Storr have another success in his life?
02:09Will he turn his store into a franchise and end up as Capital Comics?
02:13Or will he return to his artistic side and become a professional illustrator?
02:17I hope he keeps improving.
02:20Look at me. I'm 37.
02:23I sleep in the back of a comic book store and I have the bone density of an 80-year-old man.
02:40Why don't we just tell people?
02:41No, it's too early. I haven't even wrapped my head around it.
02:43I have. My head is wrapped.
02:45Yeah, well, if something else had been wrapped, we wouldn't be in this situation.
02:50This surprised the audience because Penny didn't seem enthusiastic about the idea.
03:03After hearing her turn the idea around several times,
03:06finding out that she would definitely be a mother was undoubtedly a big surprise.
03:10That only leaves the mystery of how both would be as parents,
03:14because neither had a conventional education.
03:19Don't tell me all the ways that I failed you as a mother.
03:23And get comfortable, because it's a long list.
03:26Both Leonard's relationship with his mother and Penny's with his father had ups and downs.
03:31That hurts me deeply.
03:33I'm sorry, Daddy.
03:34Let me finish.
03:35However, given the love between them and what they learned from their own pasts,
03:39we are sure that they became fantastic parents.
03:43Number 17.
03:44How was Penny's sister?
03:46Unlike the rest of her family, the audience never met Lisa, Penny's sister.
03:51She mentions her for the first time in season 1,
03:54but we don't know much about her, not even after 12 seasons.
04:03What we do know is that, apparently, she shot her husband by accident while she was drunk,
04:09that she broke a fountain during the father-daughter dance of her wedding,
04:13and apparently, she is an expert in finding personal information on the internet about Penny's love life.
04:25Given the little information we have, it seems that she has as many flaws as Penny,
04:30but just like Leonard's brothers,
04:32the true nature of Lisa's personality will continue to be an unsolved mystery.
04:37Number 16.
04:38What happened to Stephanie?
04:40With so much emphasis on Leonard's love for Penny,
04:42it is easy to forget the women with whom he has had a relationship.
04:46An example is Stephanie Barnett.
04:48Things between you and me have been going pretty quick.
04:54It's just a little scary.
04:56Yeah, but scary good, right?
05:02When is scary not good?
05:19I'll never have sex again.
05:26Oh, I was wrong, see ya.
05:29We never see their breakup on screen,
05:31and unlike other exes, in Leonard's life, he doesn't even mention it again.
05:36The fact of not living together finally became a reason for the breakup?
05:39Or was it simply the time for the screenwriters to focus on Penny again?
05:44Let's suppose it's the second.
05:46She's heard about you because we're, you know, involved,
05:49and you haven't heard about her because...
05:54I never slept with her, I swear.
05:57Number 15.
05:58What kind of father is Sheldon?
06:00Can you imagine someone like Sheldon as a father?
06:02Through the events of Young Sheldon,
06:04we learn that he and Amy have a son named Leonard.
06:08I wanted his name to be Leonard Nimoy Cooper,
06:11but Amy wouldn't let me.
06:13Be happy I let you name him Leonard.
06:15Okay, okay.
06:16Given the story of Sheldon with his own father,
06:18the fans began to worry that he would repeat some unhealthy patterns.
06:23I always wanted my dad to build rockets with me, but he wasn't interested.
06:27Ah, yes. Disappointing fathers.
06:29Tell me about it.
06:30However, when it comes to Sheldon, we know he can change his view of the world.
06:35During the 12 years we saw him on TV, he was leaving his problems behind.
06:40Really? You thought about our kids?
06:42Of course.
06:43I think you and I will have exceptional children.
06:45We would like to think that as a father, he gave his son everything he didn't have as a child.
06:50Number 14.
06:51Does Alfred visit Mary after meeting at the wedding?
06:54Perhaps one of the most unexpected and fun moments of the pre-wedding dinner
06:59is what happens between the parents.
07:01So after your husband passed, you never remarried?
07:04No, just focused on work and the church.
07:07And what do you do?
07:09I work at the church.
07:11When Alfred, Leonard's father, leaves the dinner, Mary, Sheldon's mother, accompanies him.
07:17The two intend to have a drink together, but the boys speculate about what will happen.
07:32The next day we find out that they became friends and hope to visit each other in the near future.
07:37Which, of course, leads us to wonder what happened between them.
07:41The possibilities of how this story could have ended are endless.
07:45Not even John and Sheldon gave us clues of whether they ended up together.
07:49Number 13.
07:50Is Penny happy?
07:51Of all the characters in this series, Penny could be described as one that has grown
07:56and the one that has had the most problems to be happy.
08:08For a long time, she thinks that the fame of a career as an actress will make her happy,
08:12but she fails in this field.
08:14Her struggle to find happiness extends to her relationship with Leonard,
08:18to her new pharmaceutical career, and finally to the idea of ​​being a mother.
08:22So when everything is said and done, does she really find happiness?
08:26Stuart says once.
08:34Which is a good argument for her future.
08:36After fighting so hard to find happiness,
08:38Leonard, his baby and professional success are enough to make her happy?
08:52Number 12.
08:53Are Sheldon and Amy left after the Nobel?
08:57In the last season of The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and Amy are nominated for the Nobel Prize.
09:02After a call at dawn, they find out that they won and their friends celebrate them.
09:27As the episode ends when Amy and Sheldon receive their prize,
09:30they don't give us any clue about the direction their careers will take.
09:34What exactly follows in the world of science after winning a Nobel Prize?
09:38Given Sheldon's obsession with life,
09:41it leaves the door open to many possibilities once he has crossed that point on his list.
09:49Number 11.
09:50Is it true that Amy and Sheldon are nominated for the Nobel Prize?
09:54Number 11.
09:55What happened to Howard's half-brother?
09:58In the series we hear innumerable times that Howard's father left his family.
10:10So it was a big surprise to find out that Sam Wolowitz had another life with other children.
10:24In the eighth season, we meet Josh, Howard's half-brother, who unexpectedly shows up at his house.
10:30After a somewhat complicated beginning, they get along and it seems that they intend to stay in touch.
10:36And then, nothing.
10:37We never see Josh again or hear his name during the rest of the series.
10:41The fans have to make their own interpretation of how this new bond between brothers evolves.
10:48Number 10.
10:49Did Sheldon change?
10:50Sheldon is quite egocentric and condescending until the last episode of the series.
11:03Both Amy and her friends tolerate her behavior because they are aware that her intentions are not bad.
11:09In the final episode, Sheldon realizes how annoying he can be
11:13and decides to share the attention center with his friends.
11:20I have been encouraged, sustained, inspired, and tolerated.
11:27Not only by my wife, but by the greatest group of friends anyone ever had.
11:33It is worth asking if this important moment in his life makes him change or not.
11:37They give us a look at John Sheldon, but we still don't know if he will ever be able to control his way of being.
11:43Of course, nobody I knew in East Texas in 1989 cared about Newtonian physics.
11:50The only Newtons they cared about were Wayne and Fig.
11:53Number 9.
11:54What happens to Amy's apartment after the repairs?
11:58When Amy's apartment needs some repairs,
12:01she goes to Penny's old house and begins her five-week cohabitation mission with Sheldon.
12:07I accept this five-week mission to share a living space with my girlfriend.
12:11But once the repairs are finished, they agree to stay there permanently.
12:15Are you saying you'd like to live with me?
12:18I'm open to the possibility.
12:40Of course, there's always your apartment.
12:43Sure, sure, we could live in my apartment.
12:46I hate your apartment.
12:55Howard, it's the phone!
12:59I know it's the phone, Ma. I hear the phone!
13:03Well, who's calling at this ungodly hour?
13:17Howard, are you having a playdate?
13:23I don't have playdates, I have colleagues!
13:26Do their parents know they're here?
13:30No, but if you keep screaming, maybe they'll hear you!
13:47I didn't care for her yelling.
13:50But now that I'm not going to hear it again, I'm sad.
13:55If you want, I can yell at you later.
13:59It won't be as good.
14:17Number 7. What future awaits Penny?
14:20When a series comes to an end, the fans always hope that the screenwriters find a way to give their characters a satisfying ending.
14:37According to all indications, Penny seems to be fine when things are over.
14:41But how does she develop?
14:43We already said she fought to find happiness, so we want to know if that continues when she becomes a mother.
14:49Speaking of that, it was something that didn't excite her for a long time, so what happens next?
15:03Does she stay with her pharmaceutical career?
15:05Does she continue with Leonard?
15:06Of all the characters in this series, she is the only one whose life may have taken a different direction.
15:13Can you believe it? They finally fixed the elevator!
15:17Number 6. Does Rush manage to get married?
15:19For six years, Rush suffered selective mutism when he was with women.
15:24This caused a lot of problems in their relationships.
15:28And even when he faced the situation, his inability to maintain a stable relationship chased him until the end of the series.
15:35It's been a long time since I've seen a girl's... really not her shoulder.
15:40It always seemed that his greatest obstacle was his inner battle for wanting to be happy in contrast to making another person happy.
15:47When the series ended, Rush was still single, but happy with his friends.
15:51Will he be able to find a girl who really knows what Nothing Hill is about?
15:56And I don't think she's waiting for you in England.
16:00When you propose to someone in Notting Hill, you should be to someone who knows what that movie is.
16:06Number 5. Will Leonard's relationship with his mother improve?
16:10Your mother's here!
16:14Leonard's mother was presented as a high-performing academic with little consideration for any achievement of her son.
16:22He spent his whole life trying to please her while she ignored him.
16:27She thought this would make him strong, but instead, this parenting method only created an emotional wall between them.
16:42When the series comes to an end, Leonard decides he's had enough and forgives her.
16:53That's when we see that she gives him her first real sign of affection, something he longed for.
16:59This could have been the sign that good things were about to come.
17:03Number 4. Will Howard get his doctorate?
17:15At first we learn that Howard got his master's degree at MIT, but not his doctorate.
17:21As much as he has achieved as an engineer, that has never prevented his friends and colleagues from making fun of him not being a doctor.
17:35For a moment in season 8 we thought he could get it with Sheldon's help, but no.
17:52We want to know if Sheldon and Amy's victory at the Nobel would have given Howard a push to get his last degree.
18:00If so, he could finally be Dr. Wolowitz. It certainly sounds better than Wallowizard.
18:22Number 3. Why does Howard wear those pins?
18:26Unlike many of the entries on this list, this is one that many missed.
18:34During the series, Howard wore a lot of turtle necks, but have you ever seen his alien pins?
18:51In practically all episodes, he wears one of these ornaments on his turtle necks.
18:56They change shape, size and color, but nothing gives us a clue about its meaning.
19:01In a video behind the scenes, the costume designer Mary T. Quigley said she had a reason to be, but we never knew what it was.
19:10And the infamous alien pins that are always on the turtle neck, and there is a meaning behind them, which we will not tell you, but you can try to guess.
19:29Maybe he apologizes or explains why he left.
19:32He abandoned me and my mother. Why does he deserve a chance to explain anything?
19:39The episode of the letter shows the true conflict of Howard with his father.
19:42And since he finds out that he has another family, it would have been quite easy for him to approach.
19:55But even with these little details, we do not know if in the end he tries to reconcile with Sam.
20:00Given the emotional load that this would mean, we understand that they have omitted it.
20:05But that does not prevent us from wanting to know what his father will think of the achievements of his son.
20:18Hey, we're not done yet, but since we are, do not forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
20:26You will surely like them.
20:29Now, let's go to the end.
20:31Number 1. What is Penny's single last name?
20:35After 279 episodes, it is easy to think that we know the full names of all the main characters.
20:42As we already memorized Cutrapal and Rostenkowski, surely the screenwriters also told us Penny's last name, right?
20:56Well, no. Unfortunately, this seems to be a question that they never intended to answer.
21:01In fact, over time it became a kind of superstition.
21:12Fans have created theories about her name and several creative possibilities have occurred to them.
21:17However, the producers and screenwriters have remained firm that it was a question they never intended to answer.
21:24Thank you all for this high honor.
