• last year
00:00In this video, this video was addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia. And for those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:08This is going to be some crime against me and anyone who tries to use this against me will be sued or sent to jail for trying to frame me or Shia.
00:20And none of this information may or may not be true. So I am going to start reading the notes, Shia.
00:32And I want to explain to you a few things. And I really can't believe I even got a warning when I have 5 subscribers and not even 1 view on the videos.
00:55So, anyways. So is there any more photos on the cell phone that I have to make sure that I show you?
01:05So I'm kind of behind on the photos. So I'm going to start talking about the notes first.
01:27So, when I go out in the car and I see things and they're kind of set up in a way, whether they know or not, it's giving me messages.
01:45Some of it's pretty obvious that it's possible that people are involved because so many people have to watch crime go on and not have really a say about it when they should.
02:03So this nose breathing has been going on for over a month now and it's finally starting to, in this, I don't have a weak pulse, meaning it's slow pulse.
02:15It's like hard, you can't feel it pumping. It's not pumping like, I can't really feel the part pumping. Like it's weak pumping.
02:27So it's been going on for a long time. I think because some of the torture is lessening, we're going to get a Herx reaction.
02:35We're going to feel like we're going to die because when you get tortured so consistently 24-7 and then it all stops, our body's going to have like a Herx reaction.
02:47However, I'm doing everything that I can, Cheyenne. You have to do everything that you can because we've received confirmation that we have, I'm not going to call it heart failure because that's been putting a lot of fear in me.
03:03It's, we have to work on our hearts. So playing all the different heart ruckus.
03:12Last night I put castor oil all over a couple napkins and then I put essential oils on the castor oil and then I placed it on my skin, right on my heart.
03:24I did that a couple times. I don't have a hot water bottle to do castor oil packs. However, if you, you can just put the castor oil on a couple napkins and then place, put essential oils to let the castor oil and essential oils seep into your heart organ.
03:44Also, I'm going to be charging this every day. It only lasts like two hours, which is really annoying. However, it's really worth it to use this speaker. I played your voice on loop and then I put it here while I was lying on my side.
04:00And don't lie on your left side because you don't want to put pressure on your weak organ. Try to lay on your right side. I, I'm very uncomfortable lying on my left side typically and it's getting worse. It's more obvious now and getting worse. Obviously because the paralysis on my left side is weaker. I shouldn't, it's not good to crush the left side of my body.
04:22So if you lay on your right, so I played, I played your voice shot and within not even five minutes, I fell asleep. And this happens pretty much every time I listen to your voice. I think it's because I told you, uh, when I play your, your video, I think I'm playing your voice now, but when I played your video on loop now on the Roku TV, I get like, oh, it's constant sense of relaxation.
04:46So that's part of it. I, it's, it's possible to, they don't, because your voice is so healing. Um, for me, they don't want me to listen to hear your voice. So this, I'm going to make sure that I do this every day.
05:03I, I'm not going to say every day because there's hundreds of things that me and you are supposed to do. I'm going to hope, I'm hoping that I can do it every day. I'm still too possessed to follow routine and lists. Like I should have a list of just the specific things I have to do no matter what. I haven't been able to do that yet.
05:22So I thought, I thought this was my allergies. I thought that they were put the etheric implants. No, when you have heart failure, you're, you start to not be able to breathe. And the bloating is very obvious. And also it's very uncomfortable feeling after I eat food for hours at a time. That's also happening.
05:51And also have, I'm actually struggling to exercise. So do not do any strenuous exercise that can kill you. Do only light exercise.
06:02I, I also got, so I definitely listened to the Spiritual Zen video and they can't like give us like this extreme, like obvious that a star sees help through the channel because they're going to get their channel.
06:25So it's going to happen to their channel. So, but there's definitely that those videos always work no matter what, even what they use tons of AI to try to trick people into thinking that they don't work. It's not true. Not trick people trick me.
06:41These, but the Ascension has been, spiritual Ascension feels like it's been going extremely slow, but it's really, it's actually really fast. And we have to actually take it very slow, shy, shy, we're in extreme fatal condition and we can, we're not necessarily in denial about it.
07:04However, we're very possessed to not think it. So I got some, some people that were like kind of in the public on the sidewalk, different places.
07:16But I'm not going to explain the things about the messages and signs that I got, but some of them was about, I can't really explain it completely right now, especially that my video got watched because I said a word that I said, I talked about the, the ACC IES.
07:41So, and I really hope that I don't think that they can figure out spelled words. So, by the way, so in regards to the grandson, I think he's in danger.
08:07And I don't, I don't like, I don't like his FIA and CE and other people to help us supporters do not either. I think you already have gotten some information about it.
08:25However, I, as like, like, I would say, try to give him a sign that he's in danger. It's very possible she's not good. And I know that she does not like me, I can feel it.
08:47And, but because I am like a grandmother, it's not really my place to say to be like, a grandmother can't tell like a grandson what to do. It's, they'll do like, it's like just not, it will be more your place to shine. So do some kind of sign.
09:11So, but he's in danger and he's not going to be, he, he's probably, he's, he's in danger shy. And so what else did I have to say about that?
09:42He was probably taken down a long time ago with a possession. And if you're 90% possessed, you really don't have a say in the matter of what happens to you with your life completely. I'm sure he has some protection, but not completely.
10:00So he's very useful. He's very useful. That's a sign of not being on the evil, not being on the evil side.
10:30I'm pretty sure he's going to make the right choice for safety. However, I'm sure telepathic supporters and people in public, because of what's going on, these crimes are being exposed.
10:48It's not really my fault that I don't like her. It's not my fault. It's her fault.
11:00So, I'm not going to keep talking about that shy.
11:13But you'll give him a sign because, you'll give him a sign. It's not really my place shy.
11:32So, you, the pendulum said that it's not to worry about the grandson because something positive is going to happen to him. You said not to worry.
12:02By the way, shy, because I can't touch you, and because of the possession, when we touch our own body, it's like someone else is touching us.
12:26They use AI to change our hands. Well, now that it's wearing off a little more because of the spiritual ascension, start lightly touching your body. Very, very lightly. Barely touching.
12:39You need that touch shy to heal your body. You have to touch your body shy very lightly. All over.
12:47I learned that in one of the Hannah Croker books.
12:56And I made some, I looked at some of Hannah's for heart rosemary tea, so I got one of those, my teapot tea filter bags, cut them, and then stapled to make little tea bags with rosemary.
13:14And I used the tea kettle to boil the water to make sure that the rosemary was going to boil into the tea, and I made some rosemary tea yesterday.
13:23This week's pulse has been going on for months, on and off, but this past few weeks it's been very consistent.
13:32So we are in, we have to be very, very careful shy right now.
13:39Because last night I had some symptoms off and on where I thought that something very bad was going to happen to me.
13:48And I know this is happening to you.
13:53So I'm going to go to the Coronado grocery store, it's only five minutes away, and get some fresh food.
14:00Every day, probably not every day.
14:04However, I got some cottage cheese, some string cheese, a salad, those probiotic drinks that I never tried before, I like them.
14:11And that actually was a lot of food, I felt, I still feel full from it.
14:17It's not good when you have a heart problem to eat, overeat.
14:21However, obviously with the fresh food, I can't refrigerate it, so I have to eat all at once.
14:27So I'm trying not to overeat, because it takes the heart along, it's hard on the heart when you eat a lot of food all at once.
14:41Also, when you recite Bible verses, you place your hands on yourself, because hands heal.
14:55Also, I was going like this, spinning, making circles over the heart organ.
15:03I would do that sometimes.
15:08The thing is, I can't always do this, because this is tugging on the neck muscles, which is a weak area for Shia.
15:17So we have to be careful of that.
15:20It has paralysis too.
15:23So I have some miso soup, this is another thing, Shia.
15:27Miso soup packets.
15:30Because I can't buy fresh vegetables, I'm going to get more nori seaweed, because it's a vegetable that's not cooked and canned.
15:39Sometimes cooked and canned vegetables don't really taste that good.
15:44The nori seaweed tastes fresh.
15:47I break up the nori seaweed, like a lot of it, break it up in the miso soup, put cayenne pepper.
15:53I actually have cayenne pepper capsules.
15:56I undo and I put the cayenne pepper, because cayenne's really good for the heart.
16:02I told you when I was having heart problems, back in 2017, I was literally putting like half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper on each cracker to kick-start my heart.
16:19So cayenne pepper is very important.
16:22I like miso soup with cayenne pepper and seaweed, it's very good for the heart disease.
16:28Also, just lightly stroking the heart upward, like barely touching, that's going to help.
16:37There's a soreness.
16:39So if something really bad is happening to our heart, Shia, we've got to be careful.
16:44I thought my bloatedness was because of the bacterial poison.
16:50It's not true, it's the heart disease.
17:13So there's money involved in regards to our grandson being in danger, there's money involved.
17:33I was told by the street theater, and told by supporters.
17:43But all this hacker did was basically make me feel very defeated, having to watch someone be successful.
18:13Luxurious lifestyle, all friendships, relationship, romantic relationship, smarter, better, just everything.
18:28He was connected to God because look at his life, he's got all lives.
18:32It was forced jealousy with AI, there's a power over people, when you are above people with wealth and success, you feel like you're above people.
18:52So there's forced fake power.
18:55But I really believe he, in regards to all the humiliation rituals that occurred from both of us, and all the theft, adrenochrome, etc.
19:11The thing is a walking humiliation ritual.
19:16Look at his tween boobs, he's a walking humiliation ritual.
19:21I'm taking some photos of the street theater by the way, Shaya, so that I can remind myself of what happened.
19:51And then I wrote notes on it, and then sometimes I'm writing the image number with the note.
19:58This is very serious.
20:26Very serious.
20:48And I smell like mental retardation smell in the hallway.
20:53I'm trying to figure out where it's coming from.
20:56Why is there mental retardation smell in the hallway?
21:00I've seen most of the neighbors.
21:18But back when I was...
21:28But I would like to dress better, Shaya, like the Krogers.
21:47We were more... we dressed better.
21:52I don't really have any money.
21:56I really don't have any money to spend on clothes.
22:17So I'm not going to make this too long, Shaya, because...
22:48And you know what happened with you and the CNN, how I get like...
22:59No, I'm not talking about... that's a little chain reaction to try to trigger you.
23:12That was set up to attack you.
23:14I'm not saying that.
23:17I'm not saying that.
23:47I'm kind of behind on the notes.
23:50And I have to kind of go through them.
23:55So today I'm going to work on my heart.
23:59And you should too, Shaya.
24:01And I'm actually doing more resting than usual because of how I'm feeling.
24:09So I think you should too, Shaya.
24:39So I'm going to...
24:48You have a very powerful voice, Shaya.
24:59I was noticing that last night, Shaya.
25:18Is there anything else that Shaya needs to know?
25:23This pendulum has been working lately.
25:25This pendulum book is finally working.
25:27I've been getting some information about what you've been thinking.
25:31Is there anything else that Shaya needs to know?
26:01Uh, it's not working.
26:12It's not working.
26:18So I'm going to stop this video, Shaya.
26:21And I'm going to...
26:28Just try your best, Shaya.
26:31I love you, Shaya.
26:33Thank you everybody for watching.
26:35Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.
