Car Toons compilation! Cars for kids & trucks for kids. Toy cars cartoons.

  • le mois dernier


00:30Let those who have bigger cars go first!
01:01But how can traffic lights manage all this?
01:06Just look here. The traffic light has two main signals, red and green.
01:12If the green light is on, then you can safely go ahead, even if you have the smallest car in the world.
01:19And if the red light is on, then you have to wait for the green light, even if you are driving the world's biggest car.
01:31So, there's no one on the road. Who is more important?
01:36Exactly! On the road, everyone is equal, both big and small.
01:43Everyone obeys traffic light signals.
02:01Toy Cars Cartoons
02:07The city construction is over.
02:10It's time we go to the suburbs. But to get there, we need to build a new road.
02:16Can a car help us with it?
02:18Yes. A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
02:30A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
02:36A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
02:42A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
02:48A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
02:54A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
02:59A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:05A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:11A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:17A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:23A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:28A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:34A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:40A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:46A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
03:52A car which builds a new smooth road is called a roller.
04:57Oh !
04:58Oh !
04:59Oh !
05:00Oh !
05:01Oh !
05:02Oh !
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05:04Oh !
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05:16Oh !
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05:37Oh !
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06:01Oh !
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06:23Oh !
06:24Ouah !
06:37Oh oh !
06:44Oh !
06:46Hum ?
06:47Oh oh !
06:57Oh !
06:58Oh oh !
07:29Oh oh !
07:31Oh oh !
07:33Oh oh !
07:35Oh oh !
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08:00Oh oh !
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08:26Oh oh !
08:28Oh oh !
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08:34Oh oh !
08:36Oh oh !
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09:26Oh oh !
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10:00Oh oh !
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10:16Oh oh !
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10:24Oh oh !
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10:28Oh oh !
10:30Oh oh !
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10:34Oh oh !
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10:58Oh oh !
11:01Oh oh !
11:03Oh oh !
11:20Oh oh !
12:46Le directeur de la zoo pense que notre chauffeur veut lui vendre de l'ice-cream.
12:58Utilisez le métaphone!
13:03Il a mangé tout l'ice-cream!
13:18Nous l'avons aussi! C'est très utile, ce réfrigérateur!
13:26Les enfants, allez demander à vos parents si vous avez regardé trop longtemps des cartoons.
13:31Peut-être que c'est le moment d'aller jouer!
13:34Les voitures de jouets, les cartoons!
13:51Il y a tellement de voitures! Est-ce un dérapage de trafic?
13:55Oui, Nick. Les dérapages de trafic apparaissent souvent à l'heure d'urgence.
14:05Et qu'est-ce que c'est? L'heure d'urgence?
14:07L'heure d'urgence est une heure où il y a trop de voitures dans la ville.
14:11Parce que tout le monde a besoin d'aller quelque part au même moment.
14:15Généralement, ils ont l'urgence de travailler ou de travailler.
14:18Ah! Tout le monde a besoin d'aller à la même heure!
14:24L'heure d'urgence, tout le trafic dans la ville s'arrête.
14:28Le transport public aide, mais pas beaucoup.
14:35L'heure d'urgence, l'heure d'urgence!
14:38L'heure d'urgence, l'heure d'urgence!
14:49C'est vrai! Le transport ne s'arrête pas!
14:53Il ne s'arrête pas, parce que les voitures vont à l'heure d'urgence.
14:57Mais il y a trop de gens à l'heure d'urgence.
15:04Sous-titrage MFP.
15:34Mais les musiciens seront en retard pour le concert!
15:38C'est l'heure d'urgence!
15:40Ce n'est pas un problème. L'audience a aussi l'heure d'urgence.
15:45Monsieur, regardez! Pas de trafic!
15:48C'est parce que l'heure d'urgence s'arrête. Les voitures peuvent maintenant bouger librement.
15:52Mais demain, l'heure d'urgence reprendra.
16:04Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
