00:00:00You know, Alice and Zipper plunged into the forest, and above them, they could see Fab,
00:00:22the flying fish, leading the way.
00:00:27The evil queen's winged monkeys were right behind them.
00:00:58Hey, Andrew. You finished your homework?
00:01:02Dad, tomorrow's a holiday, and if the Millennium Falcon doesn't take off, Han Solo will be trapped on Delphi Five, and...
00:01:08Hey, believe me, okay? Han Solo will be alive in the morning, okay? He's a very resourceful guy.
00:01:13I'm gonna give you five more minutes, okay? You have to get up in the morning and do that homework. Deal?
00:01:18Deal, Dad.
00:01:40Kids asleep?
00:01:42James is out.
00:02:13Get Carla. I'll get the boys.
00:02:18It's okay. It's okay. Come here. Come here.
00:02:23She's weird.
00:02:26Come on. Earthquake. Downstairs. Come on. Quick.
00:02:34All right. Easy.
00:02:39Give me a hand!
00:02:41James! Andrew! Stay with me, all right? We're almost there.
00:03:05Mom! Mom!
00:03:08You okay?
00:03:10You all right?
00:03:15Oh, my God!
00:03:31You guys okay?
00:03:32Someone's hurt!
00:03:35Oh, my God.
00:03:37Go home.
00:03:38Come on, honey.
00:03:43Hey, you kids stay right here. I'll be back.
00:03:48I'll find out.
00:03:52Hey, what's going on down there?
00:04:05What do you want done, Sergeant?
00:04:06Seal off the house. No one goes back inside.
00:04:08Yes, sir.
00:04:09Officer, I've got to get my things out of there. Jewelry, pictures. I need some clothes for God's sake.
00:04:14It's not safe to go back inside, ma'am.
00:04:17Look, we're expecting aftershocks. You'll have to wait until the house can be stabilized.
00:04:27How you doing?
00:04:28How's the damage?
00:04:30All the windows are blown out in the back.
00:04:33Oh, man. Doors are jammed.
00:04:36I got in through the study window. Got the gas turned off, so I don't have to worry about that.
00:04:40Dad, where's my Dudley?
00:04:42I got your Dudley. Listen, I don't want anybody going back in the house, all right?
00:04:47It just went down so fast. I mean, I just can't believe it.
00:04:50I know, I know.
00:04:57Giving him oxygen.
00:04:59Here's Dudley.
00:05:00I want to go back to New York, John. I cannot live this way. This is ridiculous.
00:05:03I mean, I can live with the smog and the freeways and the drive-by shootings, but I can't live with this.
00:05:08I am not raising my family here.
00:05:10Laura, you're panicking, okay?
00:05:12I want to move back to New York.
00:05:14Look, we'll talk about this when I get back.
00:05:16Where are you going?
00:05:18I'm a cop, remember? This is when we're needed the most.
00:05:21I need you. Your family needs you right here.
00:05:24Laura, you are fine. The kids are fine. There's a lot of people out there that aren't going to be that lucky.
00:05:30All right?
00:05:32Come on.
00:05:39All right.
00:05:41And remember, nobody goes back in the house. Deal?
00:05:44Deal, Dad.
00:05:45Andrew, you hear what I said?
00:05:47Yeah, deal, Dad.
00:05:50I'll be right back, okay?
00:06:14You okay?
00:06:19You all wrapped up?
00:06:29James, put this on.
00:06:40Where's your brother?
00:06:42Where's James?
00:06:43I don't know.
00:06:59Oh, please.
00:07:04Oh, God.
00:07:05Oh, God.
00:07:07Oh, my God.
00:07:45You okay?
00:07:51Carla came in. She had a bad dream. I took her in bed. I didn't want to wake you up.
00:07:59We have the same dreams.
00:08:03The same nightmare.
00:08:08The house shaking and the chimney.
00:08:12And James.
00:08:14Laura, come on. Don't do this to yourself.
00:08:18My baby.
00:08:23We let him go back in there.
00:08:30It was an accident.
00:08:32Yeah, well, tell your son that.
00:08:36I thought Andrew, it wasn't his fault.
00:08:39Andrew knows that it wasn't his fault.
00:08:41No, he doesn't.
00:08:42Yes, he does.
00:08:44You told him to look after his little brother and his sister.
00:08:48He thinks he let his father down.
00:08:54You know, we're all trying to live with this, Laura.
00:08:57Andrew is dealing with it in his own way.
00:09:00Oh, you think so?
00:09:01Yes, I do.
00:09:03Like you, John. In denial.
00:09:09I don't know any other way to deal with it.
00:09:13But I do know that maybe it's good that you're having this dream again because at least it's making you talk.
00:09:20I don't want to talk about it.
00:09:22Well, then what am I supposed to do? Huh?
00:09:28Just let this guilt destroy us?
00:09:30I mean, it's been four years, Laura. Four years.
00:09:33I cannot take the silence.
00:09:35I mean, I can't get past the wall that you put between us.
00:09:38When would you have time, John?
00:09:40How far has your case load backed up this week?
00:09:43Oh, don't start with that again. Come on.
00:09:45Lone homicide cop takes on Russian mafia.
00:09:48It's gonna make a great headline in the Post.
00:09:53Meanwhile, you haven't seen your kids in months.
00:09:57Did you put in for that vacation time yet?
00:09:59I will.
00:10:02You know, you know how important this case is. I mean, this guy is a serial killer.
00:10:06You know, this has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
00:10:08This has everything to do with what we're talking about.
00:10:13I'm a single parent in a relationship.
00:10:17That's not fair.
00:10:21It's the way I feel.
00:10:32I know you blame me for leaving that night.
00:10:38And I wish with all my heart that I could change what happened.
00:10:45I can't.
00:10:48But one thing I know is that we have to move on.
00:10:54I want us to be a family again.
00:11:01That's great.
00:11:22You sick?
00:11:27I'll be all right.
00:11:33There is something that we need to talk about.
00:11:41What is it?
00:11:43Do you remember a few weeks ago when you...
00:11:48Oh, Jesus.
00:11:56It's Eric.
00:11:59Don't you ever sleep?
00:12:00Got an anonymous tip on Malik.
00:12:01He was seen going to the church in Brooklyn ten minutes ago.
00:12:04He had a blue and white car in the back and two more covering the sides.
00:12:09All right.
00:12:10Well, I'll be there.
00:12:19You are more fortunate than most to be able to say goodbye in such a place.
00:12:26You must feel good, huh?
00:12:51Detective Riker.
00:12:54Always one step behind.
00:13:01Good morning, New York.
00:13:02It's 7.15.
00:13:03The weather is beautiful.
00:13:04The traffic is terrible.
00:13:05The FDR is a parking lot.
00:13:07We'll check traffic in detail in about ten minutes' time.
00:13:09Here's some music to get you on the way.
00:13:11It's the Flat Tongue Devils from Tongue and Groove and another sad song.
00:13:31Don't worry about it.
00:13:32Everybody's up.
00:13:35I need a coffee.
00:13:50Hey, Dad.
00:13:51Were you gone all night?
00:13:52Just part of it.
00:13:54Why don't you go off that computer so you're not late for school again, huh?
00:13:56Dad, I'm in Tomb Raiders.
00:13:57And this chick, Laura, has to get through just one more tomb before she's ripped apart by the winged bats.
00:14:01And she can get ripped apart tomorrow.
00:14:03Come on, let's go.
00:14:04Hey, Andrew.
00:14:05Nice thing to tell him.
00:14:06Morning, Eric.
00:14:08Did you get your man last night?
00:14:09Or should I say this morning?
00:14:11Sorry to call you at that hour, Laura.
00:14:14There was another homicide and...
00:14:15Yeah, and we lost him.
00:14:17Use a little coffee and some toast.
00:14:19You don't mind?
00:14:27Did you tell Johnny?
00:14:29Tell him what?
00:14:31That you're pregnant.
00:14:38Lucky guess.
00:14:39When you've known someone for almost 15 years, you've got to read their body language.
00:14:43Very observant.
00:14:45You've got to tell Johnny about the baby.
00:14:49I tried.
00:14:51Last night.
00:14:53I was interrupted by a phone call.
00:14:57I'm sorry.
00:15:04Morning, detective.
00:15:06Does luscious Laura make it through all the tombs alive?
00:15:08She's cool.
00:15:09She'll make it.
00:15:10Better get your backpack.
00:15:15So, what's on today's school agenda?
00:15:17Field trip.
00:15:18Statue of Liberty.
00:15:19I can't wait.
00:15:20Hey, I wouldn't mind a trip to the statue.
00:15:22I've lived here 20 years and never been there.
00:15:24It should be a blast.
00:15:26Climbing a bunch of stairs.
00:15:27Yeah, right.
00:15:29Depends who's climbing them with you.
00:15:32Have you made a move on that pretty girl yet?
00:15:34What's her name?
00:15:36Yeah, right.
00:15:37Look, keep your voice down.
00:15:40Don't want my mom to hear you.
00:15:41I'll get the teen sex lecture again.
00:15:46Would you look at this sweater?
00:15:48I think she's afraid I'll get run down by a cab at night.
00:15:54She worries about you.
00:15:56Your only son.
00:16:02Stupid thing to say.
00:16:04No sweat.
00:16:07Did you ever talk to your dad about it?
00:16:09Look, my mom and dad fight all the time.
00:16:11Why should I talk to them if they can't talk to each other?
00:16:25Mom, I can't find my stupid backpack.
00:16:27It's on the couch.
00:16:31Let's let mom and dad say goodbye and you better put on your shoes, huh?
00:16:34Carl, are you still wearing those purple things?
00:16:37Don't freak, mom.
00:16:38They're coming off.
00:16:39Give me a kiss goodbye, you little runt.
00:16:40Come here.
00:16:42Just because you're taller than me, you can't call me a runt.
00:16:45I can call you a runt.
00:16:48Later, mom.
00:16:49Let's go around.
00:16:50Don't you start.
00:16:52Can you take Andrew to the ferry?
00:16:55Yeah, I can take him.
00:16:57You know, I want to continue the conversation we started last night,
00:16:59but if I'm going to take Andrew to the ferry, I mean, I'm late already.
00:17:03Go to work.
00:17:08Talk later, okay?
00:17:25Good job.
00:17:26You did great.
00:17:28That was amazing.
00:17:39Why are you leaving us, Dr. Trask?
00:17:46What you need, what all of my patients need, I can no longer provide.
00:17:50I give each of my patients their 45 minutes, I prescribe their medication,
00:17:53and I turn them back into the streets.
00:17:55You know, if we were to switch roles here,
00:17:58I'd tell you you're being too hard on yourself.
00:18:00I'm not helping anyone.
00:18:02I've made my decision.
00:18:04But I'm very touched that you came by to see me.
00:18:09Goodbye, Gina.
00:18:10Goodbye, Dr. Trask.
00:18:35Later, Doug.
00:18:36All right.
00:18:43Hey, Andy.
00:18:45You doing okay?
00:18:49Yeah, because, you know, we don't get a chance to talk much these days.
00:18:52You're busy, Dad.
00:18:53Yeah, I know.
00:18:56Hey, let's do something together.
00:18:59I mean, you know, soon.
00:19:01Just you and me.
00:19:05I'm kind of late, so...
00:19:06Hey, I'll tell you what.
00:19:07I'll pick up some tickets to the Mets game this weekend,
00:19:09and I'll take some time off.
00:19:12Deal, Dad.
00:19:14You get the time off.
00:19:16Yes, it's gonna work, you know?
00:19:18Hawks, when you see me and you get out of here, go for walks.
00:19:20Hucker, get off.
00:19:21What's the matter?
00:19:23What's the matter?
00:19:26You want a piece of this, Andy?
00:19:28Name's Andrew.
00:19:29Give it your best shot.
00:19:30He's a jerk, Andrew.
00:19:31He's not worth it.
00:19:34Is there anybody out there who can tell me when your dad's a cop
00:19:36that he's gonna bust me again, Drew?
00:19:38Hey! Hey, hey!
00:19:39Hey! Hey, hey!
00:19:40Hey, hey, hey!
00:19:41Hey, hey, hey!
00:19:42Hey, hey, hey!
00:19:43Hey, hey, hey!
00:19:44Hey, hey, hey!
00:19:45Hey, we got a problem, Mr. Packer? Mr. Riker?
00:19:49No problem, Ms. Clark.
00:19:53Go on, get in the boat, Packer.
00:20:25What is it, Mama?
00:20:32Are you done hanging around my mustard-ass brother?
00:20:34This guy's got work to do.
00:20:36Are you okay, Riker?
00:20:38I just felt an earthquake.
00:20:40An earthquake?
00:20:41In New York City?
00:20:43Come on.
00:20:44Come on.
00:21:12If you'll recall,
00:21:13Manhattan was shaken once before in 1982
00:21:15by a 2.9 tremor.
00:21:17A lot depends on the velocity of compression and shear waves.
00:21:22They don't want a lecture, George.
00:21:23They want to know if it's gonna happen again.
00:21:25Who does that mean, Mr. Fairchild?
00:21:33Riker, I had a briefing last night.
00:21:35Malick didn't have time to go to the victim's pockets,
00:21:38and we got an address.
00:21:39But it may mean nothing, understand?
00:21:42Well, I'll check it out.
00:21:44Autopsy report on the Becker murder
00:21:46and the ballistic test on the gun.
00:21:48Did you feel the quake?
00:21:51Get out of here.
00:21:52Give me a break, Riker.
00:21:54There was a quake, MacArthur.
00:21:55I've been listening to it on the news.
00:22:10Get off me, Packer.
00:22:28She kicked in my locker.
00:22:29Are you kidding?
00:22:30What happened this morning is what we call an amplitude.
00:22:33That is the amount the ground moves
00:22:34after a seismic wave passes through it.
00:22:37Our readings show there is very normal
00:22:38East Coast activity at this time.
00:22:40Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
00:22:41Okay, got it.
00:22:46You can come out now, George.
00:22:48They're gone.
00:22:53I wasn't hiding, Marilyn.
00:22:55What did you tell them?
00:22:56I gave the press the party line.
00:22:57When do I tell them the truth?
00:22:59I don't want to start a panic.
00:23:02Look at this readout.
00:23:03The wave groups and velocity dispersions.
00:23:05This new fault line's right below Fifth Avenue.
00:23:09New York is the least repaired city
00:23:10in the United States for a quake.
00:23:12Buildings are not built to code.
00:23:13There's no real emergency plan.
00:23:15Don't you think I know that?
00:23:16George, we have to do something.
00:23:19I don't know.
00:23:30One, two, three, four, five, six.
00:23:36You need a bath.
00:23:37You need a bath.
00:23:48Okay, three at a time into the torch,
00:23:50Mr. Wrecker, Ms. Fuller, Mr. Packer.
00:24:08Hey, look.
00:24:09It's Malick.
00:24:12We just got lucky.
00:24:26We can't just stop at the middle of Fifth Avenue.
00:24:30We have to get out of here.
00:24:31We can't just stop at the middle of Fifth Avenue.
00:24:33We have to get out of here.
00:24:34We have to get out of here.
00:24:35We have to get out of here.
00:24:37We can't just stop at the middle of Fifth Avenue.
00:24:41Get out, man. Get out.
00:24:48We have to get out of Fifth Avenue.
00:24:49We have to get out of Fifth Avenue.
00:24:50We have to get out of Fifth Avenue.
00:25:06It's okay, honey. Mama's got you.
00:25:36Oh, God.
00:25:59Oh, God.
00:26:24Oh, God.
00:26:52Oh, God.
00:27:17Oh, God.
00:27:27Yeah, you.
00:27:33Oh, my God.
00:27:40It's LA all over again.
00:27:52I can get through.
00:27:56I'll get you out of there.
00:28:07All right.
00:28:09There you go. Thank you.
00:28:16Evacuate the building immediately.
00:28:47Oh, God.
00:28:57Are you all right?
00:28:59I'm all right.
00:29:02Oh, God.
00:29:04I'm afraid she's gone.
00:29:06Let's get all the sub-iris together towards the back.
00:29:12This one's moving.
00:29:19Oh, God.
00:29:24Okay, we're gonna get help.
00:29:38Oh, my God, a child.
00:29:44Oh, God.
00:29:57She's alive.
00:29:59Thank God.
00:30:00No broken bones, no internal bleeding that I can feel.
00:30:03Are you a doctor?
00:30:05Kind of. I'm a psychiatrist.
00:30:07Oh, sweetie.
00:30:08Carla, let the doctor take a look.
00:30:11Let Robert look at you, okay?
00:30:12Make sure you're all right.
00:30:14All right, honey, turn this way.
00:30:16Look at me.
00:30:17Look at me.
00:30:18That's good.
00:30:19Tell me, what's your name?
00:30:22What's your mommy's name?
00:30:25That's very good.
00:30:26Do something for me.
00:30:27Can you see my finger?
00:30:29Okay, now, just with your eyes, I want you to follow my finger.
00:30:30All right?
00:30:31Here we go.
00:30:32Just with your eyes.
00:30:33That's very good.
00:30:34That's very good.
00:30:35Now we're coming back.
00:30:36Very good.
00:30:37Very, very good.
00:30:38All right.
00:30:39You're a brave little girl.
00:30:41Now, I think it's just a deep head gash.
00:30:43She's gonna need some stitches.
00:30:48What the hell was that?
00:30:50I have no idea.
00:30:51It felt like an earthquake.
00:30:53Are you okay?
00:30:55Oh, my God.
00:30:59My son was at the Statue of Liberty.
00:31:01Could that building survive a quake?
00:31:03It would take an awful lot to bring that lady down.
00:31:06Here, Carla.
00:31:07Hold this to your head to stop the bleeding, okay?
00:31:09That's it.
00:31:11I gotta get a hold of my husband.
00:31:14Please work.
00:31:15Please work.
00:31:16Please work.
00:31:17Please work. Please work. Please work.
00:31:33Damn. Nothing.
00:32:01Let's go, Packer. Come on, man. You gotta move. You can't stay here.
00:32:04Come on, Packer. You can do it.
00:32:06No, you'll let me fall.
00:32:07No, I won't.
00:32:14I don't know if Loretta called her to school yet. I don't know what time she was leaving.
00:32:19Gotta find her, Eric. I can't leave her alone again.
00:32:22Don't worry. We'll find them. The gas main exploded down on 34th Street.
00:32:26It's a mess. And we got looting around Macy's. Two officers down. We gotta go, man.
00:32:30Hey, let me try your cell phone again.
00:32:32It won't work.
00:32:44What happens when the next train comes roaring down this tunnel?
00:32:48They'll have stopped all the trains.
00:32:50Are you sure of that? What if they can't reach every driver? What if there are no communications?
00:32:55Stay calm. We are going to get out of here.
00:32:58They're gonna send a rescue team down inside the tunnel from the subway station up ahead.
00:33:02It's alright. It'll be alright.
00:33:14John! John!
00:33:28Oh, sweetie.
00:33:31It's okay, Mama. Dad will come back.
00:33:44I'll take you.
00:34:04I've got him.
00:34:06There might be gas. Get out of here now.
00:34:13Get out of here.
00:34:44What's the problem?
00:34:46Data stream's been interrupted.
00:34:48I'm not getting a readout from my sensors.
00:34:50The ones in the old subway system. A quake must have dislodged them.
00:34:53Marilyn, you cannot go down to those tunnels. It's too dangerous.
00:34:56If I don't, we're out of the earthquake assessment business.
00:35:00We got communications?
00:35:02Working with it, sir.
00:35:03I got it. Find an undamaged car. Work the red.
00:35:06We need FEMA. The National Guard. Red Cross.
00:35:10We need manpower now.
00:35:12You got it, Captain.
00:35:13And Riker. Where's Riker?
00:35:15Can't hear the radio, sir.
00:35:19Riker, go ahead.
00:35:21We're at 34th Street. Gas main exploded. We got 20 or 30 casualties.
00:35:25Our car got wiped out. We picked up a blown wiper.
00:35:28We're gridlocked in. We're gonna have to walk out of here.
00:35:31Listen, Captain, I don't know if...
00:35:33You didn't happen to hear what happened with the Statue of Liberty, did you?
00:35:36Well, parts of it are still standing. We got survivors inside.
00:35:39Rescue units are on their way. Why?
00:35:41My son is on a field trip there with his class.
00:35:44I'll try to find you an answer by the time you get here. Now, listen up.
00:35:48We're setting up a command center on 5th Avenue and 57th. Ground zero.
00:35:52Hey, could you do me a favor, Captain, and maybe...
00:35:54I know what you're gonna say, John. I got a family, too, and I don't know where they are.
00:35:58Most of the telephone lines are dead.
00:36:00We gotta deal with the situation best we can. We got a city in hell here.
00:36:03And you are the only one who's been through this situation before.
00:36:06So you gotta put your personal feelings aside, be part of an overall effort. Understood?
00:36:11Yes, sir. Understood.
00:36:14How close you get to Mallet?
00:36:16Close enough to look him in the eye, then the quake hit. He's back in the street.
00:36:21Shows everyone else.
00:36:23There's a best camp for people out on the way, but get her ASAP, Detective.
00:36:29You expected him to give a different order?
00:36:31Not really.
00:36:32Come on, give me your hand!
00:36:33Come on!
00:36:34Do it, Packard!
00:36:44I've got you!
00:36:53Come on.
00:37:10Carla! Get out of the way!
00:37:34Oh, my God.
00:37:40Oh, my God.
00:38:10Oh, my God.
00:38:38Once more.
00:38:46Still no good.
00:38:48No. We can't give up.
00:38:56What do we do now?
00:38:57We wait for a rescue team to come and get us.
00:39:00No, there might not be time.
00:39:01Andrew's right. This whole place could come down any second.
00:39:04Great. I really want to be hearing about that right now.
00:39:06I think we should just move out on our own.
00:39:08I think I know a way.
00:39:14Andrew, what are you...
00:39:15Andrew, don't!
00:39:20I need something to make a rope.
00:39:33Okay, okay, toss it up.
00:39:54Look, man, I gotta get you to the hospital.
00:39:57Come on.
00:39:58Oh, come on. Oh, wait. Just wait. Give me a second.
00:40:01No hospital, all right?
00:40:06Stubborn. Very stubborn.
00:40:11One of your more endearing qualities.
00:40:15Let's get out of here.
00:40:16Hey, hey, hey! Freeze!
00:40:18Drop the TV! Drop it!
00:40:21Now get out of here!
00:40:26Hey, Johnny.
00:40:29We can see some survivors in the left shoulder.
00:40:32There's a young man. He's tying some kind of makeshift rope.
00:40:35Isn't that Andrew?
00:40:37Come on, back up!
00:40:39Part of the stairs are missing there.
00:40:41They can't climb down any further.
00:40:43Switching now to Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street.
00:40:49Excuse me.
00:40:50Pack her. Pack her.
00:40:51It's a clog.
00:41:01What the fuck are you doing?
00:41:04What are you doing?
00:41:07Help me out here, Packer.
00:41:09Help yourself out.
00:41:10I'm out of here.
00:41:21Come on, Miss Clark.
00:41:22You can do it. Don't look down.
00:41:24Just keep coming.
00:41:27That's it.
00:41:37Okay, Alexandria, it's your turn.
00:41:41Oh, my God.
00:41:44Come on, Alexandria.
00:41:45No, I can't do it.
00:41:47Come on, I'll catch you. I promise.
00:41:51Have you been to the Natural History Museum?
00:41:53They've got this great dinosaur exhibit.
00:41:55Maybe we could go together.
00:41:57And then afterwards we could hit Bad Daddy's record explosion on 2nd and 77th.
00:42:01Are you asking me on a date now?
00:42:03Seemed like the time to do it.
00:42:06Come on, please. I promise I'll catch you.
00:42:09You saying yes to that date?
00:42:10Believe me, I'm saying yes.
00:42:12Don't stand me up.
00:42:36Either kiss her or keep moving, huh?
00:42:38Huh? Yeah.
00:42:42Okay, let's go.
00:42:45All right, Carly, come and sit right down here in this corner.
00:42:48I'm going to put this on top of you so you're really safe.
00:42:50Nothing can fall on you, okay?
00:42:52And I'll just sit over here right next to you.
00:42:55You scared?
00:42:58Is it okay if I stay close to you so I won't get too scared?
00:43:05Well, that'll protect you from the debris in case this car shifts again.
00:43:09Nice bedside manner, Doctor.
00:43:13I'm going to put this on top of you so you're really safe.
00:43:15Nothing can fall on you, okay?
00:43:17And I'll just sit over here right next to you.
00:43:25There was a time.
00:43:27Don't be too hard on yourself.
00:43:29That's the second time I've heard that today.
00:43:33You comforted my daughter.
00:43:35I'm glad. She's a great kid.
00:43:44What's your husband do?
00:43:46He's a cop.
00:43:49And he's a survivor.
00:43:52I just hope my son, Andrew, is too.
00:43:57That I can't lose him.
00:44:01It's okay. You don't have to tell me.
00:44:03You don't have to tell me.
00:44:20I lost a son.
00:44:24In the 94 earthquake in Los Angeles.
00:44:33He was four years old.
00:44:40And he had this reoccurring nightmare that John comes back in the house and he finds his body.
00:44:54In the rubble in our living room and then he drags us both out of there.
00:45:00But he didn't come back.
00:45:05It's alright. It's alright. Let her out.
00:45:10I found him.
00:45:13I pulled him out.
00:45:15I pulled him out.
00:45:29It's okay. It's okay.
00:45:33How old is your son?
00:45:39Andrew's 14.
00:45:41Then he's resourceful.
00:45:44You'll find a way down.
00:46:03Establish a perimeter ten blocks each side of the fault line.
00:46:07I want everyone evacuated from every building in between.
00:46:10Evacuated where, sir?
00:46:13Use your initiative, officer.
00:46:15What's Phoenix, sir?
00:46:17National Guard?
00:46:18The same.
00:46:19How about the city rescue teams?
00:46:20Spread thin.
00:46:21The other bureaus are sending what they can, sir, but all the bridges are packed.
00:46:24And how are the tunnels?
00:46:30God help us.
00:46:33This is unit four.
00:46:35The garment district's been badly hit.
00:46:38Stay towards the midtown tunnel.
00:46:41Access out of the city is completely gridlocked.
00:46:44Nobody's going anywhere.
00:46:52Hey, wait a second.
00:46:55Hey there, sweetie.
00:46:56Easy now. We'll get you out of there.
00:46:58Easy. Ooh, watch your head, watch your head.
00:47:00Oh, are you okay?
00:47:01You okay?
00:47:02Don't worry, Mommy will be okay.
00:47:03All right, let's get her out of there.
00:47:04Wait a second.
00:47:05What do you think, huh?
00:47:06I'm gonna get her.
00:47:07Don't worry, honey. Your Mommy's gonna be okay.
00:47:09You okay, lady?
00:47:11You okay?
00:47:12You fine?
00:47:15Oh, I got it open.
00:47:18Can we get through?
00:47:19I'm gonna need a wedge.
00:47:20Guys, somebody?
00:47:22Come on.
00:47:23Climb up.
00:47:29Come on, it's okay.
00:47:31There we go.
00:47:32There we go.
00:47:33We're gonna get out.
00:47:39We're gonna get out.
00:48:02I'm loaded.
00:48:03Let's go.
00:48:07Hurry up.
00:48:08Okay, hurry.
00:48:17Hurry, it's gonna slip.
00:48:21Somebody, somebody.
00:48:23Who says it?
00:48:24Let's go.
00:48:29I got it, I got it, I got it.
00:48:30Let's go.
00:48:39Let's go.
00:48:44Get those people back.
00:48:45Yes, sir.
00:48:47It's okay, don't worry, okay?
00:48:48Just walk slowly.
00:48:49Can we talk with you, Captain Standing?
00:48:50I'm sorry, ma'am. I see what it is.
00:48:53What's this?
00:48:54A quarter trying to go down into the subway.
00:48:56Dr. Marilyn Blake, New York Institute of Seismology.
00:49:00A little late to be arriving on the scene, is it, Miss Blake?
00:49:03We can't predict earthquakes, Captain.
00:49:04All our knowledge in computers and software, and we just wait for acts of God.
00:49:07I'm sorry.
00:49:09I watched my precinct house turn to rubble in the space of 30 seconds.
00:49:13Killed a great many of my friends and colleagues.
00:49:17I have to get into those tunnels.
00:49:19I can't let you go down there.
00:49:20You have no authority to tell me where I can go in this city.
00:49:23I have sensors down there that have been disturbed, and I have to...
00:49:25I have all the authority I require, Miss Blake.
00:49:30Then tell one of your cops to shoot me.
00:49:32You're down to at your own risk, lady.
00:49:35Mama, what's that smell?
00:49:38Gas! Run for it!
00:49:50Okay, I got you.
00:50:07Move the perimeter back another 10 blocks.
00:50:09Get the city works department on a radio.
00:50:11See if there's somebody to shut off the gas.
00:50:12Yes, sir.
00:50:13Hey, somebody give me a hand here!
00:50:15Let's give him a hand.
00:50:16I heard a baby crying!
00:50:18Let me get in there.
00:50:25I heard a bunch of kids' voices coming from up here!
00:50:30Somebody help me!
00:50:37Somebody help me! Please!
00:50:41Oh, boy.
00:50:44I'm a cop, okay? I'm gonna get you out of there.
00:50:47I can't move.
00:50:56All right, give me your hand.
00:50:59Come on, I'm not gonna let go of you. Give me your hand.
00:51:04My son.
00:51:05Okay, you just take care of your son, okay? Let's just get you out of here.
00:51:08Come on.
00:51:13Oh, God!
00:51:15What's happening?
00:51:16It's an aftershock.
00:51:24Come on, let's go.
00:51:29It's okay. It's okay.
00:51:33It's okay.
00:51:35It's okay. Just stay with me, all right? Come on.
00:51:39Come on, move!
00:51:53Miss Lamar!
00:52:02Miss Lamar!
00:52:08You're safe now. I've gotta go back up.
00:52:10What are you doing?
00:52:11It's only a few more flights down. Go on with Packer.
00:52:14Come on, Alex.
00:52:19She's our teacher. I can't just leave her lying there.
00:52:22Let's go, Alex.
00:52:33I'll be waiting for you down below.
00:52:42Hey, you got a spare pair of overalls or something in there for the lady?
00:52:45Sure, no problem.
00:52:48You wanna take a minute?
00:52:49No, you go on. Go on.
00:52:52We're here.
00:52:59Give my name to the first person.
00:53:01Give my name to the first police officer you see.
00:53:03Laura Riker.
00:53:05My husband is an officer with the 79th Precinct.
00:53:08Detective John Riker.
00:53:10They'll get a hold of him. Let him know where we are.
00:53:12Okay, I'll try and get word to him.
00:53:31I can't do this.
00:53:35Come on. Let's get going.
00:53:37Wait a minute. Just give me a minute.
00:53:39Monica, are you alright?
00:53:41Oh, man. Oh, man.
00:53:44I saw that little four-year-old in your arms.
00:53:47You can't change the past, Johnny. You gotta look towards the future.
00:53:52Look, I got news for you.
00:53:53I know I shouldn't be the one telling you this.
00:53:55I think Laura tried yesterday, but I screwed it up by calling at the wrong moment.
00:54:00Who are you talking about?
00:54:02Laura's pregnant, John.
00:54:10I should have known.
00:54:13She's been sick for a week.
00:54:15What am I, stupid?
00:54:18I mean, it's just that...
00:54:21Hey, it's okay.
00:54:22Man, I gotta find her.
00:54:24Listen, I'll put out an APB on her.
00:54:26We're gonna find her. Don't worry, okay?
00:54:32I need to get word to Officer Ryker.
00:54:34Oh, yeah, right this way.
00:54:35Tell him that his wife and his daughter are alive, okay?
00:54:37I know, but it's only night.
00:54:39Must have taken quite a time down there, huh?
00:55:09You're a cop's kid, all right.
00:55:11You're nuts.
00:55:18Come on, Packer, get down here.
00:55:23I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:55:28Miss Clark?
00:55:33I hate this teacher.
00:55:38How you doing?
00:55:39Oh, we're okay.
00:55:43Last of the two gentlemen.
00:55:45He saved my life.
00:55:48Those guys are the real heroes.
00:55:50They stop when they heard your baby crying.
00:55:55Yes, ma'am?
00:55:57Whoever she is, she's, uh, very lucky.
00:56:06Good luck.
00:56:09Getting word back on the survivors of the statue.
00:56:11And I just got a message from dispatch.
00:56:13A survivor of a subway train railman says Laura and Carla are trapped in one of the tunnels between stations.
00:56:18They're alive.
00:56:19Come on, let's go.
00:56:21No, we're gonna go on foot, thank you.
00:56:23Come on, hurry, fast.
00:56:28Still got it?
00:56:32Come on.
00:56:33These streets are completely blocked.
00:56:35We gotta get them cleared so the ambulances can get through.
00:56:38Get right on it, sir.
00:56:41Steadman, Riker, listen up.
00:56:43We're going building by building, pulling out anyone we can find.
00:56:46Hey, Captain.
00:56:47Now, wait a minute.
00:56:48Steadman, help MacArthur's crew at the trunk tunnel.
00:56:50Where is this?
00:56:51At your feet, Detective.
00:56:53As far as Central Park.
00:56:54As far as Central Park.
00:56:56Right, Sergeant.
00:56:57Hey, Captain, I need to talk to you a second.
00:57:06What is it?
00:57:07Listen, my wife and my daughter are trapped down below us in the subway system.
00:57:11Maybe, I don't know, maybe three streets up.
00:57:14How can you be sure of that?
00:57:15One of the survivors of a train crash got the information onto the radio.
00:57:19Until the rescue units give the all clear, no one is allowed down there.
00:57:22All right, Captain, I got to try to get to them.
00:57:24I can't leave them alone again.
00:57:26What is it, John?
00:57:27You don't understand.
00:57:29You don't know what happened.
00:57:30Let the man trained to do the job, do the job.
00:57:31Now, I have a family, too.
00:57:33And I have absolutely no idea if they're safe.
00:57:36I'm waiting for a call.
00:57:38And you're just going to have to wait until it's safe to get them out of there.
00:57:42Look, Captain.
00:57:43You do what you got to do, okay?
00:57:45I'm going to do what I got to do to get to my family.
00:57:47I just gave you an order, John.
00:57:48That's the end of it.
00:57:53Up, up, up.
00:57:54Go down there, all of you, and rest.
00:57:58Hey, Riker.
00:58:00It's going to be hours.
00:58:02Uh-huh, yeah.
00:58:08Don't even think about it, Steadman.
00:58:10You want to lose your badge, too?
00:58:11It won't mean a hell of a lot to me without my family.
00:58:14What family?
00:58:15I thought they were all in Hamburg or somewhere.
00:58:17Listen, if anyone comes looking for me, I'm here in this chaos.
00:58:19You just don't know where I am.
00:58:22You just don't know where.
00:58:23Cool on that?
00:58:25Yeah, we're cool.
00:58:38Detective Riker?
00:58:40Dr. Marilyn Blake, NYC Psychology Office.
00:58:43A little late, aren't you?
00:58:44Yes, and I'm very tired of hearing that.
00:58:48I heard you talking to Captain Stenning.
00:58:50I'm sorry you had to hand in your badge.
00:58:51Yeah, so am I.
00:58:52Look, I can't talk to you right now.
00:58:54Where are you headed?
00:58:55Third Avenue, if it's any of your business.
00:58:58To access the subway tunnel there?
00:59:00It won't work.
00:59:01That tunnel will be cut off by the vertical shift of the fault line.
00:59:03And you know this because...
00:59:04Because I've placed over 600 sensors in those tunnels in the past nine months.
00:59:08I know how to reach your wife and daughter.
00:59:11I know that subway system like the back of my hand.
00:59:13I know how to get in and get out without being caught.
00:59:17Well, why wouldn't they let you into the system?
00:59:19You're a government employee.
00:59:21Right now, I'm just a civilian taking orders.
00:59:23I have to reconnect sensors down there and put in new ones
00:59:26if I'm going to try to track these aftershocks and give people some warning.
00:59:30I need help.
00:59:32I'll be happy to help the lady.
00:59:33Hey, all right, come on, this is my family, all right?
00:59:35This is not your problem.
00:59:36You made it my problem when we became partners.
00:59:38You go down into that subway system, I go with you.
00:59:42You risk your badge, I risk my problem.
00:59:45I know another way down. Come on.
00:59:49Come on.
00:59:54What is it?
00:59:58Just a little morning sickness.
01:00:00I'll be okay in a minute.
01:00:01How far along are you?
01:00:03Ten weeks.
01:00:05Oh, Carla.
01:00:07You're going to have a little baby brother or baby sister. Are you excited?
01:00:10Mama, you're pregnant?
01:00:17Is that okay?
01:00:19Would you like to have a little brother or little sister?
01:00:22Oh, yeah, it's cool.
01:00:23But what's Dad going to say?
01:00:24Is he going to freak?
01:00:27I don't know.
01:00:29He doesn't know yet.
01:00:35I can't believe I'm doing this.
01:00:37Over here.
01:00:40Ladies first.
01:00:41I've never been much of a gentleman.
01:00:43I'll go first.
01:00:58Here comes another one.
01:01:07I'm here, Carl.
01:01:10Miss Clark, don't move. Don't move, Miss Clark.
01:01:23I'm sorry, Packard.
01:01:54You okay?
01:01:55I'm okay.
01:02:19Well, I hope this isn't a big surprise.
01:02:24I hope you've got something else in that bag besides sensors.
01:02:27Never leave the seismology office without it.
01:02:30Very good, very good.
01:02:33Hey, light, light, buddy.
01:02:40Why would you do such a stupid thing?
01:02:44Quake threw me across.
01:02:47Can you move?
01:02:51As long as I don't have to deal with my handstand.
01:02:55Let's get the hatch open.
01:03:01What do we use the hose for?
01:03:02We have a drop before we reach the tracks.
01:03:04How far down?
01:03:05About 60 feet.
01:03:08All right, here, take this.
01:03:13Give me the light.
01:03:17These tunnels look pretty good.
01:03:18We can stand in a quake that big.
01:03:20Are you kidding?
01:03:21The next aftershock will bring it all in on our heads.
01:03:24I'm sorry.
01:03:25Your family's down here.
01:03:26Don't worry about it.
01:03:27Come on, let's go.
01:03:29Follow me.
01:03:31These tunnels all look the same.
01:03:32I know where I'm going.
01:03:48This way.
01:03:54Are you okay?
01:03:55I got her.
01:03:59With all due respect, sir, let the rescue team get away.
01:04:01We can't afford to lose you.
01:04:02We can't afford to lose anyone.
01:04:04Okay, sir.
01:04:05We get some oxygen over here.
01:04:06No, no, no.
01:04:07Is the gas crew here yet?
01:04:08Gas is off, but there may be a few pockets trapped somewhere.
01:04:10There's the captain there.
01:04:14We're ready to reconnect power.
01:04:15I don't understand.
01:04:16The underground is full of dust and smoke and particulate,
01:04:19and we gotta clear it before my men can go down and begin rescue operations.
01:04:22Well, why are you talking to me?
01:04:24I can't find my supervisor.
01:04:26Not after that last aftershock.
01:04:30Okay, go ahead.
01:04:31Okay, people, listen up.
01:04:33Let's clear the subway entrance.
01:04:34Come on, let's go.
01:04:35Come on, right back.
01:04:36Right back.
01:04:37Let's go.
01:04:38Let's go.
01:04:45I'm sorry.
01:04:47I didn't know the pregnancy was a secret.
01:04:49It's not your fault.
01:04:54Now what?
01:04:56I don't know.
01:04:58Maybe we ought to just wait for a rescue team.
01:05:01No, they'd have to dig through that wall.
01:05:05I figure we're at 57th and 5th.
01:05:10We have to try to get back to 55th Street.
01:05:13Come on, guys, we can do this.
01:05:16Come on, Carla, this is the way out.
01:05:19Mama, I'm tired.
01:05:22I know, honey, me too.
01:05:27All right.
01:05:30Oh, great.
01:05:31I think we gotta find another way down.
01:05:33No, the power's off.
01:05:34Yeah, but the fan's still spinning.
01:05:35No, just auto-rotating.
01:05:36When the hot air rises from below, it pushes the fan around.
01:05:39Here, watch.
01:05:44All right.
01:05:46Let's go.
01:05:49Tie it up.
01:05:55All right.
01:05:56Everybody back.
01:05:58We're all clear.
01:05:59You ready?
01:06:00Yeah, okay.
01:06:01We're okay here, Tom.
01:06:02Power up.
01:06:08Watch it.
01:06:14Move it, move it, move it.
01:06:17Oh, my God.
01:06:41You go next.
01:06:42I've gotta tell you, this hero stuff's getting on my nerves.
01:06:45Just go, will ya?
01:06:48I'm going, I'm going.
01:07:07Go, go, go!
01:07:13Go, go, go!
01:07:28Is everybody all right?
01:07:29Oh, I lost my bag.
01:07:31All my sensors are in there.
01:07:32Here, hold this.
01:07:33Got it.
01:07:49Hey, Parker, are you okay?
01:07:50Hey, I got it, I got it.
01:07:51Come on.
01:07:52Swim under.
01:07:53Oh, yeah.
01:08:05You gotta try and give me a boost.
01:08:07All right, come on.
01:08:13Come on.
01:08:16What's happening?
01:08:18Perhaps it's not supposed to go through the water main.
01:09:23My sensors are this way.
01:09:24You'll hit a main tunnel that way.
01:09:26Why don't you go look after the lady,
01:09:28check out the other tunnels towards the park.
01:09:31I'll go this way.
01:09:32Let's meet back here and say 15, okay?
01:09:34Okay, you got it.
01:09:35All right.
01:09:42Not again!
01:09:49Hold it.
01:09:54Hold it.
01:09:55Hold it!
01:09:56Be quiet, I hear something!
01:10:01Carla, keep talking.
01:10:06Carla, are you okay?
01:10:09Where are you?
01:10:10I'm under the rocks.
01:10:12Keep talking.
01:10:14Mama, I'm really scared.
01:10:16It's gonna be okay, sweetie.
01:10:17I'll find you.
01:10:18Keep talking.
01:10:33It's okay, sweetie.
01:10:34I'm here now.
01:10:35Don't be frightened.
01:10:36We're gonna get you out, okay?
01:10:43I need a new one.
01:10:44Here, take that.
01:10:46Yeah, it's shot.
01:10:50Okay, you ready?
01:10:59Try again.
01:11:02You're moving it a bit.
01:11:04That's the last one, Dr. Blake.
01:11:13Oh, God!
01:11:18You okay?
01:11:19I am now.
01:11:22Oh, my God!
01:11:24Oh, my God!
01:11:25Oh, my God!
01:11:26Oh, my God!
01:11:27Oh, my God!
01:11:28Oh, my God!
01:11:29Oh, my God!
01:11:30Oh, my God!
01:11:31Oh, my God!
01:11:32Oh, my God!
01:11:42I understand you've been looking for me, Detective Riker.
01:11:48You were so close.
01:11:51Who could have predicted an earthquake?
01:11:55What an ironic twist of fate.
01:11:58But earthquakes do bring people together, don't they?
01:12:04I had many opportunities to kill you today,
01:12:08but I wanted you to know
01:12:11you'd found your man before you die.
01:12:20What was that, a gas explosion?
01:12:22Sounded like a gunshot to me.
01:12:41Help! Help!
01:12:42You want some more?
01:13:09You want more?
01:13:30Come on, try again.
01:13:32Mama, will you sing to me?
01:13:35Oh, Carla.
01:13:40What do you want to hear?
01:13:42The Jose song.
01:13:45You know, the one we sing at the ballgame.
01:13:47Jose, can you see?
01:13:56Jose, can you see
01:14:01By the dawn's early light
01:14:06What so proudly we hailed
01:14:11At the twilight's last gleaming
01:14:33Another earthquake victim, huh?
01:14:36Who is that?
01:14:38The killer we've been tracking.
01:14:40He must have seen us come down here.
01:14:42You okay?
01:14:43Yeah, I'm all right.
01:14:51Come on, come on.
01:14:53You can do it.
01:14:54Jose, can you see
01:14:58By the dawn's early light
01:15:03What so proudly we hailed
01:15:08Come on!
01:15:18John, we're here!
01:15:21We're right here!
01:15:23We're gonna get you out of here.
01:15:28It's okay, sweetie. Daddy's gonna get you out of here now, okay?
01:15:37You can't take him out.
01:15:39Come on, give me a hand.
01:15:45Stop it! Stop it! It's collapsing!
01:15:47Carl is under here!
01:15:48Stop it! Go easy!
01:15:51We're gonna try something else.
01:15:52Try putting the pole there.
01:15:55Bring the rocks down on this side.
01:16:00Okay, you ready?
01:16:05Real slow, real slow.
01:16:25Easy, easy.
01:16:26Okay, I think we can get through there.
01:16:31Over here, over here.
01:16:33That's it.
01:16:35This way.
01:16:39Oh, John.
01:16:43Come on.
01:16:44She's right in here.
01:16:46She's in here. Get the pole.
01:16:49We're gonna get you out.
01:16:50We're gonna get you right out of here, okay?
01:16:54Be careful, John.
01:16:56Cover your face, honey.
01:16:57Yeah, close your eyes, Carl.
01:17:00John, be careful.
01:17:01Okay, watch out for it.
01:17:03You ready? Come on.
01:17:08It's coming!
01:17:11All right, all right, we're clear.
01:17:12Okay, all right, hold it there.
01:17:13Don't let it slip.
01:17:14Come on, sweetie.
01:17:15Come on.
01:17:17There you go.
01:17:18Okay, all right.
01:17:19I got you.
01:17:20I got you. You're out.
01:17:21There we go.
01:17:22Okay, you're out.
01:17:23You're out.
01:17:24You're safe.
01:17:32You okay?
01:17:35Good to see you.
01:17:36You all right?
01:17:38Good to see you.
01:17:40What happened to the Statue of Liberty?
01:17:42It's okay, all right?
01:17:43What does that mean? Tell me, John.
01:17:46It's damaged, okay?
01:17:48But Andrew's one of the survivors.
01:17:50I saw him.
01:17:52On TV, okay?
01:17:53They were still in the statue, but they were working their way down.
01:17:55Oh, dear God.
01:17:57Hey, look.
01:17:59He can do it, okay?
01:18:00He's our son.
01:18:01He'll make it.
01:18:12Eric Settman.
01:18:14Rebecca's partner.
01:18:15Robert Trask.
01:18:17This is Dr. Blake.
01:18:19She's a seismologist.
01:18:20All right.
01:18:21Well, the way to the next subway station is completely blocked.
01:18:25There's a side tunnel that leads to 57th Street, but we got to get out of here now.
01:18:30Come on, let's go.
01:18:34You'll be all right.
01:18:35Come on.
01:18:36Let's go.
01:18:38It's not for good hours.
01:18:41Give me your hand.
01:18:42You okay?
01:18:49It's all right.
01:18:54Looks like it's broken.
01:18:57I couldn't climb back up there.
01:19:00Now we're going to get out of here.
01:19:09I would never have thought of that, Mr. Riker.
01:19:12You're the man, Andy.
01:19:26Come on, Miss Clark.
01:19:28Watch out.
01:19:32I hate field trips.
01:19:36Take her outside.
01:19:38Come on.
01:19:59You okay, honey?
01:20:00You okay?
01:20:01Yeah, I'm okay.
01:20:02You all right?
01:20:03Over here.
01:20:04Can you walk?
01:20:05Yeah, just about.
01:20:15Oh, my God.
01:20:23He saved my life.
01:20:26Anybody else down there?
01:20:28I didn't see anybody.
01:20:30Glad to see you and your daughter alive, ma'am.
01:20:34You know, you and your pal Riker make a good team.
01:20:37Neither of you obeys orders.
01:20:39Personality defect.
01:20:40I'm working on it.
01:20:41I hope so.
01:20:43What do you think?
01:20:44Some internal injuries.
01:20:45Don't worry, he's going to make it.
01:20:47Call Manhattan General.
01:20:48That's where we're taking him.
01:20:50I thought you'd leave the hero stuff to me.
01:20:52Next time.
01:20:55Hang in there, partner.
01:21:01You know, I've pulled about 50 women out of this rubble.
01:21:03I haven't been kissed yet.
01:21:05You've got to be an old fox, not a young one.
01:21:10You're a hero today.
01:21:12The city's full of heroes today.
01:21:15How's he doing?
01:21:18I don't know. We'll know in a couple hours.
01:21:31By the way,
01:21:33Mallet case is closed.
01:21:35What do you mean?
01:21:37It's closed.
01:21:42You know, Captain, I still have sensors to replace.
01:21:44Don't push it, Miss Blake.
01:21:46Not a lot. Just three, maybe four hundred or so.
01:21:52You going to be able to walk home?
01:21:55I won't be calling a cab.
01:21:58It's just a sprain.
01:22:00I was lucky.
01:22:02You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?
01:22:06I'm just a stranger you met on a train.
01:22:10I'll never be a stranger to my family.
01:22:13You come see us, okay?
01:22:16We're on the northwest corner of 86th and Columbus.
01:22:19If it's still standing.
01:22:22I'll do it.
01:22:24I'd give you one of my cars, but I don't think you need it.
01:22:28So you going to stay in New York?
01:22:35I'll be staying.
01:22:39Hey, good luck.
01:22:57I've got to find my husband.
01:22:59Just get here.
01:23:00Yes, sir.
01:23:03We're going to find your mom, okay?
01:23:06It's going to be a long time before this city heals.
01:23:15We can heal right along with it.
01:23:25I'm sorry about James, okay?
01:23:28I mean, it's my fault because I wasn't here.
01:23:31No, it wasn't anybody's fault.
01:23:32Give up this job.
01:23:36I won't let you.
01:23:39John, it's what you do.
01:23:41You're a good cop.
01:23:4524 hours a day.
01:23:47No way.
01:23:49No more.
01:23:55I wasn't so easy to live with, either.
01:23:58I wasn't so easy to live with, either.
01:24:05Look, I don't care where we live, you know?
01:24:07I don't care.
01:24:09I don't care how we live.
01:24:11As long as we're together as a family, you know?
01:24:13I mean, the five of us.
01:24:17Eric told me about the bank.
01:24:19I mean, I should have picked up on it on my own, but no, I was out there chasing somebody.
01:24:22I was out there chasing somebody.
01:24:28I mean, what do you think?
01:24:29I mean, everything you went through in the tunnel there, you think you're okay?
01:24:36I think we're fine.
01:24:41That's good.
01:24:43Are you all right?
01:24:44You said a minute.
01:24:46You ready to...
01:24:48You ready to do it all over again?
01:24:50Are you kidding me?
01:24:52This is a gift.
01:24:54This is a gift.
01:25:06Kiss will make it better.
01:25:07Make it better.
01:25:08Make everything better.
01:25:09Make everything better.
01:25:12Hey, you guys are kissing.
01:25:17Yeah, and you better get used to it, kid.
01:25:21Come here, kid.
01:25:24Come over here, you little runt.
01:25:25How's your arm?
01:25:26Don't call me a runt.
01:25:27Let me see.
01:25:28It's fine.
01:25:31This looks okay.
01:25:32It's a nice man that you got.
01:25:33Well, that's the right thing to say.
01:25:35The survivors of the statue moved them to the Battery and the Liberty Ferry.
01:25:38Guess who's on it?
01:25:39You're Andrew.
01:25:40He's a hero on the stand.
01:25:41Saves his teacher.
01:25:43Be back in two hours.
01:25:46Let's go get him.
01:25:49Yo, Captain.
01:25:50Move a city team to the 56th Street subway station.
01:25:53We're sending our favorite seismologist back down into the tunnels.
01:25:57Hey, you're not really going back down there, are you?
01:25:59Of course I am.
01:26:00I have work to do.
01:26:02Give you credit.
01:26:03You never know.
01:26:04Maybe you'll predict the next one.
01:26:06Maybe I will.
01:26:09How are we going to get to Battery Park?
01:26:11We're going to walk.
01:26:18Let's go.
01:27:17We're going to walk.
01:27:19Let's go.
01:27:20Let's go.
01:27:21Let's go.
01:27:22Let's go.
01:27:23Let's go.
01:27:24Let's go.
01:27:25Let's go.
01:27:26Let's go.
01:27:27Let's go.
01:27:28Let's go.
01:27:29Let's go.
01:27:30Let's go.
01:27:31Let's go.
01:27:32Let's go.
01:27:33Let's go.
01:27:34Let's go.
01:27:35Let's go.
01:27:36Let's go.
01:27:37Let's go.
01:27:38Let's go.
01:27:39Let's go.
01:27:40Let's go.
01:27:41Let's go.
01:27:42Let's go.
01:27:43Let's go.
01:27:44Let's go.
01:27:45Let's go.
01:27:46Let's go.
01:27:47Let's go.
01:27:48Let's go.
01:27:49Let's go.
01:27:50Let's go.
01:27:51Let's go.
01:27:52Let's go.
01:27:53Let's go.
01:27:54Let's go.
01:27:55Let's go.
01:27:56Let's go.
01:27:57Let's go.
01:27:58Let's go.
01:27:59Let's go.
01:28:00Let's go.
01:28:01Let's go.
01:28:02Let's go.
01:28:03Let's go.
01:28:04Let's go.
01:28:05Let's go.
01:28:06Let's go.
01:28:07Let's go.
01:28:08Let's go.
01:28:09Let's go.
01:28:10Let's go.
01:28:11Let's go.
01:28:12Let's go.
01:28:13Let's go.
01:28:14Let's go.