The Bear and the Bee -2024

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00:00The Bear and the Bee
00:04A version of the tale by
00:10Everybody knows that bears love honey.
00:14One day Mr. Bear looks in his cupboard and
00:18he can't find any honey.
00:21Oh no, no honey, he says.
00:27So he goes into the forest to find some.
00:33He sees a beehive in a tree.
00:37He smells the honey.
00:39Mmm, honey.
00:42He sticks his paw into the beehive and
00:48A bee flies out.
00:51Hey bear, go away, says the bee.
00:55This is not your honey.
00:58Mr. Bear is annoyed.
01:00I am bigger than you, he says.
01:04And I am stronger than you too.
01:07I can do what I want.
01:09Now buzz off.
01:11Mr. Bear sticks his paw into the beehive again and
01:21The bee stings him right on his nose.
01:24My nose, my nose.
01:27Oh, I'm so angry, growls Mr. Bear.
01:32He finds a big stick.
01:35He tries to hit the bee.
01:38He swings and he swings, but the bee is too fast.
01:43Mr. Bear gets angrier and angrier.
01:49I will squash you.
01:51Come here.
01:53The bee flies back into the beehive.
01:56Uh-huh, now you're trapped, yells Mr. Bear.
02:01He swings his stick at the beehive.
02:04Smash, smash, smash.
02:07He smashes it to pieces.
02:10Then he hears a strange sound.
02:13It gets louder and louder.
02:23Thousands of bees fly out of the smashed beehive.
02:27They fly around Mr. Bear's head.
02:33They sting him on his ear.
02:38They sting him on his elbow.
02:40They chase Mr. Bear through the forest.
02:43They sting him on his arms, his legs, his hands,
02:47and especially on his nose.
02:52Mr. Bear runs all the way home and slams the door shut.
02:59Then he hears a voice behind him.
03:02It's Mrs. Bear.
03:04You did it again, didn't you, she says.
03:08You lost your temper.
03:12He says as he cries and counts his bee stings.
03:17Here's the bee sting medicine, says Mrs. Bear.
03:21Also, we have honey in the cupboard.
03:24It's behind the flower.
03:30A hot temper always gets you into trouble.