Doubting Thomas season 5 superbook

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00:00My men stood guard over the tomb all night, but...
00:10Do not hesitate, speak!
00:14There came what I think was an angel... from heaven.
00:22Its appearance was accompanied by a great earthquake.
00:34What is that?
00:37A tombstone rolled away, and the angel sat upon it.
00:45The guards shook with fear of him and collapsed, as though dead.
00:52When they came to their senses, the body had simply disappeared.
00:57No, the body was stolen.
01:01We will pay for you and your men to spread that story through the city.
01:11You must say Jesus' disciples came during the night while we were sleeping, and they
01:16stole his body.
01:21I am a centurion.
01:22Do you know the punishment for a Roman soldier who falls asleep while on guard?
01:27If the governor hears about it, we will stand up for you so you don't get in trouble.
01:42We fell asleep.
01:47Soon the story that the body was stolen will be the only story, and then Jesus will be forgotten.
02:11I know you came to Belize to help build an orphanage, but it turns out the local group
02:40will be helping, won't be ready to start work until tomorrow.
02:44So I'm afraid that what you'll have to do today is enjoy yourselves.
02:53I enjoy building things.
02:55If you want to build something, yes, you can build a sandcastle.
03:11Did everybody remember their sunscreen?
03:13I did.
03:16Nice, Gizmo.
03:17What are you going to do?
03:24Oh, one more thing before you start having fun.
03:27Remember, this is a mission trip.
03:30You should always be open to witnessing or sharing your faith to the people you meet.
03:37Sometimes it's a challenge to talk about Jesus to people you don't really know,
03:42especially people from another country.
03:44It's not a challenge if you have style.
03:50You just have to show them you're one of the cool kids.
03:55If you want to know how to witness, witness this.
04:00Hey, what's up, peeps?
04:02That dude's got some cool moves, but I've got some good news that's even cooler.
04:08I don't care about the news, but I could use a weather report.
04:12Is it going to rain?
04:21Yeah, that's funny, but I'm not talking about that kind of news.
04:26I want to tell you about Jesus.
04:28We'll listen if you can do this while you talk.
04:32Hey, multitasking is no problemo for me.
04:37When you've got Jesus on your side, anything is possible.
04:52Hey, no problem.
04:53Hey, wait a minute.
04:54I'm trying to tell you something that could change your life.
04:57Why should we believe what you tell us?
05:00My uncle says somebody made up all that Jesus stuff.
05:03Why don't you get back on the bus and go back where you came from?
05:07I'm just trying to help you.
05:12You might want to work on a new style.
05:15Hey, it wasn't me.
05:17It was them.
05:18This is just our first day here, Chris.
05:20Maybe you'll get a chance to talk to them again.
05:22Forget it.
05:23I'm not going to waste my time on people who don't want to listen.
05:29This is a perfect time for a Superbook trip.
05:40I am taking you to meet people who are struggling to believe.
05:51Where are we, Giz?
05:52My sensors indicate Jerusalem in the first century A.D.
05:55Yeah, but where's Joy?
05:59Chris? Gizmo? Anybody?
06:13Uh, excuse me.
06:15Excuse me.
06:16I've gotten separated from the two people I was traveling with.
06:20One of them is a boy my age, and the other one is a young...
06:23Well, he's kind of hard to describe.
06:27We haven't noticed them, but we aren't far from Emmaus.
06:31Perhaps your friends are there.
06:32Come, we are headed that way.
06:39Maybe Joy's here in the city market.
06:41Everybody else seems to be.
06:43I can use my boot blasters to zoom up and do an aerial search.
06:46Don't you think somebody might notice that?
06:48Not if I use silent mode.
06:52No, Giz!
06:53Have you heard the news?
06:55They're saying the body of Jesus is missing from his tomb.
07:04Nice going, Giz. Come on.
07:09I have heard that his followers stole the body,
07:11so they could claim he had risen from the dead.
07:14A Roman soldier told me that the guards at the tomb had all fallen asleep.
07:18That's not true. The body wasn't stolen.
07:21Why should we believe you, boy? Were you there, in the tomb?
07:27I wasn't there, but I know the truth.
07:31Jesus really did rise from the dead.
07:34Centurion, this boy is spreading false rumors, trying to stir up trouble.
07:38I wasn't stirring up trouble. I was just talking about Jesus.
07:42You can talk about him in a cell in the Fortress Antonia,
07:45and tell your rumors to the rats.
07:49Oh, no! Chris!
07:53I didn't do anything wrong. I was just trying to tell people about Jesus.
07:58Be smart and hold your tongue, boy.
08:00When your parents find out you're in prison, they can beg the magistrate to let you out.
08:04My parents? They won't even notice I'm gone for, like, 2,000 years.
08:09I must save Chris!
08:12No, please! You've got to listen to me!
08:15Careful! Careful!
08:30Perfect! I can use my electroridge to...
08:39Come on, Gizmo!
08:47Excuse me!
08:49Where did they go? Get those two!
08:54Yes, this way!
08:58You, search there! You, over there!
09:12Oops! You two, in here! Quickly! Quickly!
09:27Shh! Those children couldn't have gotten past us, Centurion.
09:31They're hiding! Check the shops!
09:35I'm looking for two children.
09:39Do you see any children here?
09:42You'd better stay hidden for a while, in case the Centurion comes back.
09:46That was close!
09:48Serf, my leg!
09:50He's not going to get far.
09:53I'll get him!
09:55He's not going to get far.
09:58He's not going to get far.
10:01He's not going to get far.
10:04He's not going to get far.
10:06He's not going to get far.
10:09Oh, that was close!
10:12What did you do to anger the Romans?
10:15All I did was tell some people that Jesus had risen from the dead.
10:21Why did you tell them that? Have you seen Him?
10:24Well, I didn't actually see Him myself.
10:27Then you don't really know.
10:34I'm Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus.
10:39I've been trying all day to find out the truth.
10:43We who were closest to Jesus wouldn't have taken His body from the tomb,
10:48but others might.
10:50And the woman, Mary, who says she saw Jesus alive,
10:53she may have been mistaken.
10:55She may have seen a ghost or she may have imagined it.
10:59She may have seen a man who just looked like Jesus,
11:02the way people used to mistake me for my twin brother.
11:05You should be careful not to believe everything you hear
11:08and not go around repeating it.
11:12These are dangerous times for those who follow Jesus.
11:18How can we know what to believe?
11:21I know that some are saying that Jesus is alive,
11:24but others say His body was stolen while the soldiers guarding the tomb were asleep.
11:28Yet others are saying He was never really dead.
11:31That we know is not true.
11:35Mary Magdalene was there, as were others,
11:38and they have confirmed it to followers in Jerusalem.
11:44Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit.
11:59What are you discussing so intently as you walk along?
12:05You must be the only person in Jerusalem
12:07who hasn't heard about all the things that have happened there the last few days.
12:11What things?
12:13The things that happened to Jesus, the man from Nazareth.
12:16He was a prophet who did powerful miracles,
12:18and He was a mighty teacher in the eyes of God and all the people.
12:22But our leading priests and other religious leaders
12:24handed Him over to be condemned to death,
12:27and they crucified Him.
12:30We had hoped He was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel.
12:34This all happened three days ago.
12:37Now some say His tomb is empty, that Jesus is alive.
12:41But we don't know if it is true.
12:46You foolish people.
12:49You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures.
12:54Wasn't it clearly predicted that the Messiah would have to be crucified?
12:59That the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering His glory?
13:04Let me tell you what the Scriptures say.
13:13The way you've explained the Scriptures has given me hope.
13:16If Jesus was truly the Messiah, then all is not lost.
13:19I even believe that He still lives.
13:22Then I can leave you in peace and continue my journey.
13:26Break bread with us, since it is getting late.
13:30And you, child, break bread with us. You must be hungry.
13:34I should look around first to see if my friends are here.
13:38I'll be back. I'll catch up with you later.
13:40Very well. We will be inside.
13:42Chris! Gizmo!
13:49Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe,
13:53who brings forth bread from the earth.
14:13What's the matter?
14:17Master! The Lord is with us!
14:21Where did He go?
14:22He was just here.
14:25Master! Master!
14:27Master, come back!
14:29Did you see Him, child?
14:31I couldn't find them anywhere.
14:33Not your friends. Jesus of Nazareth.
14:38We should have known it was Him just from His word.
14:40Didn't our hearts burn within us as He talked with us on the road
14:43and explained the Scriptures to us?
14:45You mean Jesus was here?
14:47The man we met on the road. It was Jesus Himself.
14:50We must go back to Jerusalem at once and tell everyone what has happened.
15:02They must have stopped looking for us by now.
15:05Wait. We have to be sure.
15:08There is no sign of the Romans.
15:10It should be safe for you to go home now.
15:13Home is a long way from here.
15:16Then you'd better come with me before you get yourselves in more trouble.
15:19There's a house known only to the followers of Jesus.
15:22You'll be safe there.
15:32You! Stop!
15:35We'll take a different way.
15:38We're looking for two children who've been spreading false rumors.
15:41We just arrived in the city, Centurion, from Emmaus.
15:44Something wonderful happened there.
15:46We met a stranger on the road and...
15:48Enough! I was in Emmaus once.
15:51I didn't see anything wonderful there.
16:00We have seen Him, brothers.
16:03We saw Jesus. He spoke to us.
16:06At first we didn't recognize Him, but then suddenly we saw it was Him.
16:10Peter also saw Jesus today.
16:12Yes, but I recognized Him.
16:15If it was truly our Lord, why didn't you know Him?
16:23Peace be with you.
16:26Why are you frightened?
16:28Why are your hearts filled with doubt?
16:33It was written long ago that the Messiah would suffer and die
16:37and rise from the dead on the third day.
16:52Where have you been?
16:53Hi, Joy!
16:54Hey, where have you been?
16:56Thomas, we have seen the Lord!
16:58Jesus is alive, Thomas! He even asked for something to eat!
17:06If Jesus was here, where is He now?
17:09I don't know, Thomas, but He told us what He wants us to do.
17:13Jesus said we should proclaim in His name to all the nations
17:17that there is forgiveness of sins for all who repent.
17:20He told us to go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone.
17:24He said you are witnesses of all these things.
17:27You say Jesus is alive, but how do I know it's true?
17:31I won't believe it unless I see the nail wounds in His hands,
17:35put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in His side.
17:47What's wrong, Chris?
17:51It's been a week, hasn't it?
17:55Why doesn't Jesus just show Himself to everybody?
17:58Then we wouldn't have to witness to people.
18:01Oh, it's hopeless anyway.
18:04I mean, look at Thomas.
18:06How can I get people to believe in Jesus just by talking to them
18:10when even one of His disciples won't believe without seeing Him?
18:15It's not hopeless, Chris. Jesus proved it Himself.
18:19On the road to Emmaus, He just talked to Cleopas and Adlai about Scripture.
18:24It's like He was witnessing, like He was showing how to do it.
18:29He didn't make them believe.
18:31He gave them what they needed so they could believe.
18:36Yeah, but what about Thomas?
18:39What if he needs more before he can believe?
18:44Chris! Julian!
18:46Jesus is here again! You have to come see Him!
18:56Put your hand into the wound in my side.
19:00Don't be faithless any longer. Believe.
19:07My Lord and my God!
19:11You believe because you have seen me.
19:14Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.
19:36I'm sorry you didn't get to speak to Jesus when He came back, Chris.
19:40It's okay.
19:42I mean, it's like that's not what's most important.
19:50Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.
19:55Blessed are those who have faith, who can believe without seeing.
20:05Hey! Guys!
20:08What do you want now?
20:10Just, I don't know, if you're ever looking for a game.
20:14I was kind of nervous before and didn't get to share with you what I really know.
20:19Me and my friends are here for a week helping build an orphanage.
20:23But most of us are pretty good soccer players.
20:28What? We could give you a competitive match.
20:34It's not soccer. We call it football here in Belize.
20:38Right! I'm sorry.
20:40Wow! That's the exact same mistake I made talking about Jesus.
20:45I know Him, and He's the most important thing in my life.
20:51But you've heard people say His life is all made-up stories.
20:56I get that some people say that, but He's real.
21:03My aunt talks to me about Jesus sometimes, but why are you talking about Him?
21:08Well, Jesus said to go out into the world and meet people.
21:12Well, Jesus said to go out into the world and share the good news because He's for everybody.
21:20Well, if you guys think you can give us a game, we might play.
21:25You know, I don't think there's anything we'd rather do.
21:29Get us all together.
21:34Hi, Manuel.
21:35Good game yesterday, and we want a rematch.
21:37You got it.
21:42Chris, I've been thinking about what you said yesterday, about Jesus.
21:49Maybe He is for everybody.
21:54This mortar's getting hard to stir.
21:56It may be thick enough.
21:57I can stir it for you, Pastor Ray.
21:59That's okay, Gizmo.
22:52Jesus, You died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost.
23:01Forgive me now of all my sin.
23:06Come be my Savior, Lord and friend.
23:12Change my life and make it new.
23:16And help me, Lord, to live for You.
23:22Change my life and make it new.
23:26And help me, Lord, to live for You.
23:32To live for You.
23:34To live for You.
23:36To live for You.
23:37To live for You.
23:39To live for You.
23:41Jesus, You died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost.
23:51Forgive me now of all my sin.
23:55Come be my Savior, Lord and friend.
24:01Change my life and make it new.
24:06And help me, Lord, to live for You.
24:11Change my life and make it new.
24:15And help me, Lord, to live for You.
24:30Change my life and make it new.
24:35Help me, Lord, to live for You.
24:40Change my life and make it new.
24:45Won't you make it new and help me, Lord, to live,
24:54to live for you?
25:10It's the new Superbook Bible app.
25:13It's packed with games, activities,
25:16and Superbook episodes that you can watch for free.
25:19Oh, no!
25:22There's trivia, a fun daily devotional,
25:24and answers to your Bible questions.
25:27Plus, an easy-to-understand Bible the whole family
25:29will enjoy.
25:30You can even create your own Superbook character.
25:34It's the new Superbook Bible app.
25:36Free downloads on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon.
25:41You and I, just imagine what can happen,
25:48traveling through history.
25:55Flying high on a journey within a mystery,
26:02seeing as we're meant to see.
26:05Wisdom that's so clear, if we have the ears to hear.
26:12It's the Word for all time, the Word for all the world,
26:18the story that's forever true.
26:21It's the Word that shines with lights on the world,
26:27that God in His love gives to you.
26:35So come take a ride, there are wonders to see,
26:39adventures inside, for you and for me.
26:44His Word is forever alive.
26:49Hosanna, sing hosanna.
26:51The Word.
26:53Hosanna, sing hosanna.
26:56The Word.
26:58Hosanna, sing hosanna.
27:00The Word.
27:05The Word.
