You Are My Secret (2024) Ep.32 END Engsub

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00:00优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:05Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:08She Is the One
00:11其实从那个时候开始 I've liked you
00:14我最近喜欢你 since that time.
00:18优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:23Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:27She Is the One
00:48优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:52Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:55She Is the One
01:17优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
01:45当然 Of course.
01:54人呢 Where is he?
02:15优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
02:45优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
03:10你不用跟我道歉 You don't have to apologize to me.
03:13你又没有做错什么 You didn't do anything wrong.
03:16只是我们之间 It's just that
03:18确实出现了一些问题 there are some problems between us.
03:22其实我们也并不是一定要 Actually, we don't have to
03:23解决这些问题 solve these problems.
03:25对吧 Right?
03:29我喜欢你 I like you.
03:30你也喜欢我 You like me, too.
03:33那为什么我们每天都要苦大仇深地 Then why do we have to struggle every day
03:35去考虑那些去考虑那些 to consider those
03:36钱啊房子啊这些现实问题的 money, houses and reality?
03:40我们就相爱一天热恋一天不好吗 Why don't we fall in love with each other day by day?
03:43这样 So
03:44我不用改变自己 I don't have to change myself.
03:46你呢 And you
03:47也不用让自己承受那么大的心理压力 don't have to put yourself under so much psychological pressure.
03:51对不对 Right?
03:55易奕 Yi,
03:56我知道你不甘心 I know you don't like it.
03:58我更不甘心 And I don't like it.
04:01但我不可能不考虑我们的未来 But I can't help but think about our future.
04:04可是未来谁说得清啊 But who can tell us about the future?
04:06我们就过一天开心一天不好吗 Why don't we just have a good time every day?
04:09我们之前都说好了的呀 We had a deal before.
04:12要一起看日出日落 Watch the sunrise and sunset together.
04:14下雨了就窝在家里看电影 Watch a movie at home when it rains.
04:18天晴了就出去郊游 Go on a trip when it's sunny.
04:20夏天去冲浪 Go surfing in summer.
04:22冬天去滑雪 Go skiing in winter.
04:24要是晚上睡不着觉呢 What if you can't sleep at night?
04:27你就夜里陪我去看海 You can go to the sea with me at night.
04:30这样的日子难道不好吗 Isn't that a good life?
04:33我们不可能一辈子只谈恋爱 We can't be in love forever.
04:35不考虑现实 Don't think about reality.
04:37没有未来的话 If there's no future,
04:39我就是在耽误你的时间 I'm just wasting your time.
05:06所以 So,
05:10你早就想好要和我分开了对吗 You've already decided to break up with me, right?
05:15叶文艺 Ye Wenyi,
05:18我们分手吧 Let's break up.
05:24你觉得更好的人 You think a better person
05:27而我对你来说 is not the one for you.
05:35时间它走过 才能够懂得 Only time can understand
05:42思念那么多 那么汹涌 像昨日重播 So many years of missing you, like yesterday
05:49那些交汇的时刻 早已经被我上了锁 Those moments of meeting have already been locked by me
05:56安放某个角落 等待着再次紧握 Waiting for a corner to hold me again
06:03那珍藏的 无声的片刻 That precious silent moment
06:08私藏的 如微光侵卧 Hiding me like a faint light
06:11照亮我 反复的淋漠 Illuminating me repeatedly
06:15从未被割舍 Never been cut off
06:18那不移的 永远的承诺 That unwavering, eternal promise
06:22私藏的 还在心底炙热 Hiding in my heart
06:26因为是你 我才成为 Because of you, I've become
06:30我记得咱们之前唱了一部 I remember we sang a song together
06:32蓝色手 藍色手 Blue Hand
06:35你干嘛 这么穿都要下雨了 Why are you wearing so many clothes? It's raining
06:39那部剧是个悲剧是吧 That drama is a tragedy, isn't it?
06:42但是我相信 我们绝对不会像那样 But I believe we won't be like that
06:46你会好好的 我也会好好的 You will be fine. I will be fine, too
06:49我们都会一直一直在一起 We'll be together forever
06:52永远不比! Never be more than one!
07:00Why did you only run for half an hour today?
07:03I've been running for an hour before you got here.
07:10I thought I wouldn't be so upset
07:14if I broke my body.
07:17But I found out that the more tired I am, the more I want to find someone to rely on.
07:22I don't know what to do.
07:25I don't know what to do.
07:28I don't know what to do.
07:33Come on.
07:37Lean on me.
07:41I'm so lucky to have you.
07:45But today,
07:48do you have to go back to your client about that son of a bitch?
07:52It won't take up your time if you stay here with me.
07:55My best friend just broke up with her boyfriend.
07:58I have to work.
08:01Even if I have 1 billion clients looking for me,
08:04I won't go out to work.
08:06My only job today is to accompany you.
08:091 billion clients?
08:11Then you have to go.
08:13Otherwise, if your best friend breaks up in two months,
08:17you will miss the chance to be the richest woman in the world.
08:20Can you stop talking nonsense?
08:22This breakup is your last one.
08:24You will meet someone who really likes you.
08:27Someone who treats you well.
08:29Someone who can be with you forever.
08:32This time,
08:35let's just say it's a pity.
08:38How can a person have no regrets in his life?
08:42It's boring to have no regrets.
08:49I'm sorry.
08:53Give me your phone.
08:59Xiaotu, your friend, Mr. Yu,
09:01came to handle a large amount of deposits today.
09:03The clients you have eliminated in the past few days have also entered the approval process.
09:06With this month's sales, you can rest assured to take a year off
09:09and go out to play with your new husband.
09:13I'm sorry, Mr. Ji.
09:15In front of my friends, you'd better stand aside first.
09:25Where do you want to go? I have a vacation now.
09:28If you want to go, let's go there.
09:31I want to go alone.
09:33No way.
09:35I'm worried.
09:39I have been with Qi Yue for so many years.
09:42There are so many things to do together.
09:46It's time for me to sort it out on my own.
09:52Don't worry.
09:54I may be hard to break.
09:57I won't let it go.
09:59When I get better, I'll come back by myself.
10:03Don't worry.
10:06Some people said
10:09that as long as they have a vacation,
10:11they will go on a vacation with their Mr. Ji.
10:17Okay, don't worry about me.
10:20I will take care of myself.
10:23How can you not worry about me?
10:36I've been waiting for you for a long time.
10:38I have good news.
10:39The financing of New Energy has been approved.
10:43As long as we get this big client,
10:45it will be a foundation for the future development of Ji'an Branch.
10:50When we start a comprehensive cooperation in the business field,
10:52we won't have to worry about the performance for a long time.
10:55It sounds like good news.
10:57But you have to keep an eye on it.
10:59Don't worry.
11:00By the way, I asked for a annual leave.
11:02It's a mid-autumn holiday.
11:04Mr. Zhao,
11:05in the future,
11:07be more careful.
11:11Mr. Zhao?
11:13You just said Mr. Zhao.
11:16What do you mean?
11:21I have to write it down for you
11:22so that your white clothes won't get dirty.
11:23It's so delicious.
11:26I checked the information.
11:27It's not a big problem to eat a hot pot once in a while.
11:29I told you earlier.
11:32drink a cup of milk tea once in a while.
11:33It's not a big problem.
11:34I told you earlier.
11:36Milk tea?
11:37I'm almost done.
11:38I'll order another cup for you.
11:39Order me a cold one.
11:41Okay, sleep.
11:45It's not a problem for me to eat hot pot and drink milk tea.
11:48But I think you have a problem.
11:50What's wrong with me?
11:53As a department manager,
11:54do you have to be so happy?
11:56You set up such a big table
11:57just for me?
11:59Of course.
12:02To put it bluntly,
12:04my career has achieved stage success.
12:07To put it bluntly,
12:08I can finally sit at the same table
12:10with Mr. Rao at home.
12:12It's such a happy thing.
12:13Let alone eating a hot pot and drinking a cup of milk tea,
12:15even if you want to go to the nightclub
12:17to see the handsome yellow cat tonight,
12:18I'll go with you.
12:19I didn't see it last time.
12:20That's more like it.
12:22Besides, the handsome yellow cat
12:23can't be seen by your husband.
12:24That's right.
12:27Come on.
12:28Let's eat hot pot.
12:29I'm much better.
12:30Hurry up and eat.
12:32I knew it.
12:33Old Ji has always been
12:34a decent person.
12:35He won't make a mess.
12:37You're still bragging
12:38about Old Ji to me.
12:41You don't know
12:42that Old Ji asked you to be a department manager
12:44just to push
12:45everything to you.
12:48he took the annual leave
12:49and went back with his new wife.
12:51Where's my milk tea?
12:52Did you order it?
12:53I don't want it.
12:54Milk tea is bad for your health.
12:57Do you believe that
13:11I'll pour it into your face?
13:12It's on the way.
13:15Keep eating.
13:17Just a moment.
13:18I just finished my work.
13:19Keep eating.
13:49I want to travel through yesterday with you
13:52Repeat all the end points of the future
13:57Or every step we take
14:01Find the happiness with heart
14:05Every scene we go through
14:09Warm life with you
14:13Write down all the unfinished books
14:15Write down all the unfinished books
14:45Write down all the unfinished books
14:48Write down all the unfinished books
14:52Mr. Ji said you can find it through this kitten.
14:54Come on!
15:00I'll hold this for you.
15:15The story starts with that cat.
15:45Let's go back and look for it.
15:46It should still be there.
15:47It should be there.
15:48Let's go and buy a new one.
16:06I used this kind of eraser in high school.
16:15I used this kind of eraser in high school.
16:21Take it.
16:33How did you get this umbrella?
16:35Isn't this umbrella from my dad's company?
16:37How did you get it?
16:38Do you remember this umbrella?
16:44Of course.
16:45When my dad was still working,
16:47They have this umbrella in their company's benefits every year.
16:50We don't have twenty, but we have fifteen.
16:54You have relatives working in Pulin?
16:56You have relatives working in Pulin?
17:05What if I was the first person to walk towards you when you graduated from high school?
17:10Would you agree?
17:12It's okay. There are not so many ifs and buts in life.
17:15You didn't like me at that time.
17:20There are no ifs and buts in life.
17:23So I will still be with you.
17:26So I will still be with you.
17:37If that person wasn't me this morning,
17:41Would you run over to save him?
17:46But if it was someone else,
17:48I would be the superior.
17:51Because it's you.
17:53Besides being the superior,
17:56I'm also your real father.
18:07This is your evaluation of yourself.
18:09I don't want you to be like this before.
18:10You've changed.
18:11I've changed.
18:12People will change.
18:13Look at you now.
18:15You're not the Ji Yuheng I knew at the beginning.
18:18You've changed.
18:20Actually, I have a lot of shortcomings.
18:24I hope that if you see my ordinary
18:28or even mediocre in the future,
18:30you won't be so disappointed in me
18:32or dislike me.
18:33Why would I dislike you?
18:35You're not Ji Yuheng.
18:38You like me.
18:40I'm Ji Yuheng.
18:42If you don't like me,
18:44I'm just an ordinary person.
18:48I'm Ji Yuheng.
19:05When we met again,
19:07you gave me a home.
19:19When we met again,
19:22you gave me a home.
19:29Because of you,
19:31life is no longer monotonous black and white,
19:34but colorful.
19:37As a big family,
19:39there are my dad, my mom, your dad, your mom,
19:41and the two of us.
19:42None of us can be left out.
19:43None of us can be left out.
20:13I love you.
20:26I love you.
20:43I love you.
21:13I love you.
21:14I love you.
21:16I love you.
21:42I'm looking forward to
21:45the future.
21:46I'm looking forward to the future.
21:47Please leave yourself to me.
21:48Please leave yourself to me.
21:50I will do my best
21:52to make you happy
21:54and safe.
21:59Thank you, Mr. Ji.
22:00Thank you, Mr. Ji.
22:02Thank you for giving me
22:03such an unforgettable
22:04and beautiful wedding.
22:05such an unforgettable
22:06and beautiful wedding.
22:07Thank you for being in my life
22:08Thank you for being in my life
22:11and being with you.
22:12and being with you.
22:14It's the happiest thing
22:15It's the happiest thing
22:16in my life.
22:43I love you.
22:44I love you.
22:45I love you.
22:46I love you.
22:47I love you.
22:48I love you.
22:49I love you.
22:50I love you.
22:51I love you.
22:52I love you.
22:53I love you.
22:54I love you.
22:55I love you.
22:56I love you.
22:57I love you.
22:58I love you.
22:59I love you.
23:00I love you.
23:01I love you.
23:02I love you.
23:03I love you.
23:04I love you.
23:05I love you.
23:06I love you.
23:07I love you.
23:08I love you.
23:09I love you.
23:10I love you.
23:11I love you.
23:12I love you.
23:13I love you.
23:14I love you.
23:15I love you.
23:16I love you.
23:17I love you.
23:18I love you.
23:19I love you.
23:20I love you.
23:21I love you.
23:22I love you.
23:23I love you.
23:24I love you.
23:25I love you.
23:26I love you.
23:27I love you.
23:28I love you.
23:29I love you.
23:30I love you.
23:31I love you.
23:32I love you.
23:33I love you.
23:34I love you.
23:35I love you.
23:36I love you.
23:37I love you.
23:38I love you.
23:39I love you.
23:40I love you.
23:41I love you.
24:07We're back to see you.
24:11By the way, I have good news to tell you.
24:16You're going to be grandparents.
24:20I'm married and have my own home.
24:30I won't be alone in this world anymore.
24:37The person I'm looking for is not very tall and not very handsome.
24:50He's my colleague.
24:52But he loves me very much.
24:58Of course, I love him very much, too.
25:01It's just that I don't usually tell him that.
25:08Oh, by the way, when I came back last time, he was there.
25:14You think he's better, so you put him around me, right?
25:25Of course, in the eyes of my mother-in-law and mother-in-law, I must be a good son-in-law.
25:33I'll give it to him.
25:41Mom, don't worry.
25:45I'm anxious from the bottom of my heart.
25:50My parents like him very much, too.
25:54I'll take good care of him in the future.
25:58Love him with your heart.
26:01Accompany him.
26:03Take care of him.
26:05Let him not be alone.
26:07In the future, the two of us will often come back to see you.
26:17I'm just a little bit of a broken mouth.
26:23Don't think I'm annoying.
26:28I love you.
26:44Don't cry.
26:51Don't cry.
26:58Don't cry.
27:28Don't cry.
27:52I'm tired.
27:53My feet hurt and I'm tired.
27:56Aren't you tired?
27:57You hugged me and carried me.
27:59You don't look tired at all.
28:02I've always been in good shape, haven't I?
28:06Excuse me.
28:08Can you take a few more photos?
28:09I see two handsome men and beautiful women.
28:11They want to use your photos as a display in our store
28:13and upload it to the Internet.
28:14Of course.
28:15We will give you this photo as soon as possible.
28:17And this price can give you a discount.
28:22Then we...
28:23Excuse me.
28:24My wife is a little tired today.
28:26I can't help you.
28:27It's okay.
28:28I have to respect your personal wishes.
28:29Then you two go get changed first.
28:31Excuse me.
28:32Okay, thank you.
28:35It's a good deal.
28:36Why don't you say yes?
28:39I don't want others to see your beauty.
28:42Where's the generous man
28:44when you were trying on clothes yesterday?
28:49I agree.
28:50I don't want too many people to see
28:52Mr. Ji's handsome photos.
28:54I have to dance by myself.
28:57How are you going to dance?
28:59I can't tell you.
29:07Thank you, Mr. Ji.
29:09Thank you for cooperating with me today.
29:13I really like it.
29:15What are you talking about?
29:16Of course you don't have to thank me.
29:20I love you.
29:25Me too.
29:42Xiao Ning looks so beautiful
29:44in a wedding dress.
29:47His eyes look so beautiful.
29:52My daughter...
29:53My daughter's finally getting married.
29:58That's enough, Tuo.
30:01It's good that your daughter's getting married.
30:10It's a pity that
30:12our meeting is going to end.
30:16Let's go together.
30:19This year, on our wedding anniversary,
30:21let's go there.
30:23Let's walk on everyone's heads and take a picture together.
30:26What do you think?
30:27What do you think?
30:29How about we take a group of wedding photos together?
30:32That's right.
30:33I'll wear a wedding dress too.
30:34We didn't take any photos when we got married.
30:39From that day on...
30:40I still feel sad when I see her wearing a wedding dress.
30:46Oh my god.
30:55The familiar smell.
30:57The familiar environment.
30:59The familiar sky.
31:00The familiar moon.
31:01You're excited.
31:03Do you remember?
31:04The other day,
31:05you told me a big truth.
31:07The theory of backpacking.
31:09It's been a long time. Who still remembers?
31:11I remember everything.
31:12This is your precious black history.
31:14I will always remember it.
31:16You also said that
31:18life is meaningless when you're alive.
31:20You're envious of my freedom when I'm alive.
31:23You're so boring.
31:25We can't talk about it anymore.
31:27Sit down.
31:27Sit down.
31:28Let's talk for a while.
31:31So we can talk about everything?
31:32Then I'll talk about it.
31:34Let's talk about
31:36that day and the day after that.
31:37I don't know who was drunk.
31:40I couldn't even get out of bed the next day.
31:41After that, I couldn't even go straight to the hotel.
31:45After that, I had to go straight to the boat
31:47by the S-boat.
31:50Okay, stop.
31:51I'm sorry.
31:52I'm sorry, honey. I was wrong.
31:54From now on, we will sign a
31:56principle of not mentioning each other's black history.
31:59Let's throw away
32:01all these unforgettable memories.
32:02Lock up the trash can of years.
32:07You're the one who let me lock it up.
32:08You're the one who didn't let me lock it up.
32:09Who do you think you are?
32:10The center of the world, the end of the universe?
32:13It's not over yet.
32:15I think you're just boring in life.
32:17You just want to have fun.
32:20Thank you, my dear husband.
32:23Because of you,
32:23my life has become very lively.
32:26I just want to be quiet.
32:29Come on, be quiet.
32:30I'll turn off the microphone.
32:34When we come to Xihai Town next time,
32:35our child will be born.
32:37Let's hold a wedding in Xihai Town.
32:40No one will invite us.
32:41Just the three of us.
32:43The child will be our witness.
32:46Okay, my dear wife.
32:48You decide.
32:49It's all up to you.
32:52it's more meaningful this way.
32:54And it's economical.
32:55It was a good thing.
32:56But you have to rely on the economic benefits.
32:59You've really
33:00passed on the character of an iron worker.
33:01Let's live our lives.
33:03Come on.
33:05Who is it?
33:06My dad.
33:10Mom and dad.
33:11Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, mom and dad.
33:13Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
33:14Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, mom and dad.
33:15I'm late.
33:17Have you eaten?
33:21Fang Gan called me last time
33:22and said that you had insomnia recently.
33:24I grinded the three-leaf clover
33:26into powder
33:27and sent it to you.
33:29It's natural.
33:30You should have received it when you go back.
33:34Why do you tell mom and dad everything?
33:36It's good for you.
33:37Why do you tell mom and dad everything?
34:09look up.
34:10Aren't they all the same moon?
34:15Dad, look.
34:17Dad, the moon.
34:20Okay, that's all.
34:21Dad, eat less mooncakes.
34:23Your blood sugar is high.
34:25I'm hanging up.
34:35What's wrong?
34:41I just think
34:44it's good to have a family.
34:47It's good to have you.
34:50And you smile well.
34:51Very beautiful.
34:52That's it.
34:53Let me take a picture for you.
34:55Remember every moment.
34:57Don't move.
34:58Hold it.
34:59Send it in.
35:01Three, two, one.
35:03One more.
35:04Three, two, one.
35:07Three, two, one.
35:09Let's take a picture together.
35:11Three, two, one.
35:16I'll post it on WeChat Moments.
35:22They're all wearing wedding photos.
35:27Give me a like.
35:31A good couple.
35:34A talented family.
35:35A handsome man and a beautiful woman.
35:36A hundred years of marriage.
35:39You shouldn't be a client manager.
35:41You're so talkative.
35:42You should go to the village fair
35:44and have a talk.
35:45You're so envious.
35:47Envious, jealous, and hateful.
35:49You're just envious of my eloquence.
35:51I'm so good at it.
35:56What's wrong?
36:01What's wrong?
36:03I think I'm too cold.
36:06I think I'm too cold.
36:09Am I too cold?
36:11Did you hear that?
36:17I felt it.
36:19Honey, take care.
36:21You're about to come to this world.
36:23Mom and Dad will love you very much.
36:26Don't learn from your dad.
36:28You're so talkative.
36:29You must study hard.
36:30We can't go to the fair
36:31and have a talk.
36:36I love you, too.
36:37I love you, too.
36:53Happy wedding anniversary.
36:54I miss you so much.
36:58at least one of us is happy.
37:01at least one of us is happy.
37:07It's great.
37:26I don't know
37:27if I can come out
37:29one day.
37:57I'm sorry.
37:58I'm sorry.
37:59I'm sorry.
38:00I'm sorry.
38:01I'm sorry.
38:02I'm sorry.
38:03I'm sorry.
38:04I'm sorry.
38:05I'm sorry.
38:06I'm sorry.
38:07I'm sorry.
38:08I'm sorry.
38:09I'm sorry.
38:10I'm sorry.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:12I'm sorry.
38:13I'm sorry.
38:14I'm sorry.
38:15I'm sorry.
38:16I'm sorry.
38:17I'm sorry.
38:18I'm sorry.
38:19I'm sorry.
38:20I'm sorry.
38:21I'm sorry.
38:22I'm sorry.
38:23I'm sorry.
38:24I'm sorry.
38:25I'm sorry.
38:26I'm sorry.
38:56Good morning, Mr. Shi.
38:57Good morning, Mr. Shi.
38:58Good morning, Mr. Shi.
38:59Good morning.
39:00Good morning, Mr. Shi.
39:01Good morning.
39:05In the next month,
39:06I plan to build a bookshelf
39:08for our account.
39:09I want to find out their needs
39:10and provide them
39:11with targeted services.
39:14Yuan Lang,
39:16and Lin,
39:18you three
39:19are in charge of
39:20coordinating your documents.
39:21No problem.
39:22Okay, no problem.
39:27You've been staying in the lobby recently.
39:29Why don't you stay out of our development department?
39:31You're not the opposite of Mr. Zhao.
39:34What's wrong? Can't you do it well?
39:35Of course I can.
39:37But you should pay more attention to it.
39:39By the way,
39:40this afternoon,
39:41I'm going to meet a client.
39:42Come with me.
39:44You're starting to flatter me.
39:47I'm managing it upstream.
39:54you just lost your job,
39:55but you're trying so hard.
39:57I used to think that Jingjie
39:59was a nobody
40:00compared to you.
40:02Don't say that.
40:03You're flattering me too much.
40:04I can't compare with Jingjie.
40:07It's almost one o'clock.
40:08I have a meeting at one o'clock.
40:10You have to leave first.
40:11I'm leaving.
40:13Help me out.
40:15Come on.
40:16Mr. Liu,
40:17this is Ji Hang,
40:18the head of Jianfeng Group.
40:19Ji Hang.
40:20I've heard a lot about you.
40:23I'm Ji Hang.
40:25This way, please.
40:32Mr. He,
40:33don't you forget
40:34what day it is today?
40:38Take care.
40:53Of course.
41:08Compared to last year's wedding,
41:10this year's anniversary
41:12is a bit short.
41:16As long as we're together,
41:18it's the best memory.
41:21But I still want to ask Mrs. Ji,
41:24are you satisfied
41:25with this year's wedding?
41:29Although it's ordinary,
41:30it's a long-term plan.
41:35Mr. Ji,
41:36what do you think
41:37about our future marriage?
41:42Of course,
41:43I hope that
41:44everything will be fine
41:45in the future.
41:48Of course,
41:49I hope that
41:50every day in the future
41:51will be like now.
41:54but happy.
41:57It will.
42:00It will.
42:17It will.
42:18It will.
