Game of witches E022 Hindi Dubbed

  • last month
Yu-kyung, an executive director of Chunha Group, plans to get her daughter back and exact revenge. Hye-su is a devoted mother who is manipulated by the father of her child.


00:01Happy Diwali.
00:02Happy Diwali.
00:08Take your Diwali gift with you.
00:13Happy Diwali, sir.
00:14Come, let's make a smarter Diwali with Celacor Smart TV.
00:30You have to go to the hospital.
00:32You have to go to the hospital.
00:34You have to go to the hospital.
00:37Han Biyol met with an accident.
00:39What accident?
00:42He has a rare blood type. I have to go.
00:44This could be your last chance.
00:48To become Yu Ji Ho.
00:51What do you mean?
00:52Have you forgotten the order of the President?
00:56I want you to bring my great-granddaughter, Yu Han Biyol.
01:00Only then will you be accepted in this family.
01:03What does this situation have to do with that order?
01:07The President loves Han Biyol more than you.
01:14Let's sit and talk.
01:20Everyone has to choose someone.
01:23This is the truth for you and me.
01:26Are you saying that I am also a thief like you?
01:31Hesu means a lot to me.
01:33I wanted him to be my Miso.
01:37But your son is Sayang.
01:40Even after knowing that Sayang is my daughter,
01:43I couldn't stop thinking about Hesu.
01:47Is there a reason for all this?
01:50He saved me and Sayang's life.
01:54My life is his gift.
01:56And today I am taking away his daughter.
02:00Because I love Sayang.
02:02And I want to make you Yu Ji Ho.
02:04I can't do this.
02:06I can't take away Han Biyol from Hesu.
02:09If I do this, she will die.
02:11I know that she can get hurt right now.
02:14But think about the next 10 years.
02:17When Han Biyol becomes the CEO as your successor.
02:21Then she will thank me.
02:25Money and power are not important for Hesu.
02:30If Kang Ji wants to become Yu Ji Ho,
02:32what does happiness mean to him?
02:46You know that Han Biyol needs blood.
02:49Let's go.
02:54Promise me one thing.
02:59I will raise Han Biyol.
03:03If you don't promise me,
03:08then I can't give you my blood.
03:13Did I hear you properly?
03:15Tell me.
03:18Are you making a deal with your daughter's life?
03:25What kind of a joke is this?
03:28It's not a joke.
03:33How can you do this?
03:38What kind of a father are you?
03:45Han Biyol.
03:46Han Biyol.
03:49Han Biyol.
03:56Han Biyol.
04:16My Han Biyol.
04:18I won't let you die.
04:22Listen to a mother's prayer.
04:25I will give you my heart if needed.
04:28You can snatch everything except that.
04:33Just save her life.
04:45Han Biyol.
04:46Han Biyol.
04:47Han Biyol.
04:48Han Biyol.
04:49Han Biyol.
04:50Han Biyol.
04:51Han Biyol.
04:52Han Biyol.
04:53Han Biyol.
04:54Han Biyol.
04:55Han Biyol.
04:56Han Biyol.
04:57Han Biyol.
04:58Han Biyol.
04:59Han Biyol.
05:00Han Biyol.
05:01Han Biyol.
05:02Han Biyol.
05:03Han Biyol.
05:04Han Biyol.
05:05Han Biyol.
05:06Han Biyol.
05:07Han Biyol.
05:08Han Biyol.
05:09Han Biyol.
05:10Han Biyol.
05:11Han Biyol.
05:12Han Biyol.
05:13Han Biyol.
05:14Han Biyol.
05:24Han Biyol.
05:30Are you alright?
05:33Why am I in a hospital?
05:40Papa is there too.
05:44How long do we have to do this?
06:12She says that you have given her nothing but a bed.
06:18She says that you are dating her.
06:21I told her that we are not dating and she can't take my bed.
06:26I told her clearly.
06:28Mr. Lee, do you know why you are in trouble?
06:33Because I didn't take good care of Mr. UK.
06:37When the press knows about this, then you will already know.
06:42You should have told this to Mr. Koh. Why didn't you do that?
06:46Please forgive me.
06:48Don't blame her. She did what I told her to do.
06:51I am leaving with Mr. Lee.
06:55Okay, go.
07:07Don't you know that Se Young is eager to leave you?
07:13So that she can marry Mr. Kang, no, Mr. Yoo.
07:17This news is nothing compared to my step-brother's news.
07:20Se Young is crazy.
07:22I know that Se Young's mother is behind this.
07:27What do you think?
07:29What would Su Lyu-kyung think?
07:31She said that she will bring Han Byol to me at any cost.
07:37What? Han Byol?
07:40Is this about Hyesoo?
07:43Since when did you start caring about that girl?
07:46You are right.
07:48But I am worried about her.
07:58Why did you call on a holiday?
08:01Han Byol is coming to you.
08:04Not with Mr. Kang, but with Mr. Yoo.
08:08Did Hyesoo agree to send Han Byol?
08:13We can't take her without her consent.
08:16Very good, Su Lyu-kyung.
08:18What do you want as a reward?
08:21I am also coming there tomorrow to meet Han Byol.
08:25Then I will tell you what I want.
08:28But only when the right time comes.
08:30Mr. Ko. Mr. Ko.
08:33Yes, ma'am. What happened?
08:35My dear granddaughter. You know her, don't you?
08:38She is coming here tomorrow.
08:40She is going to stay with me. Here.
08:45Grandma, this is wrong.
08:47You can't take her away from her mother.
08:50Why not? She will stay with her father.
08:52Will Kang Jee-ho also stay here?
08:54Who is Kang Jee-ho? Yoo Jee-ho.
08:57Mr. Ko. Don't just stand there.
08:59Come on. Hurry up.
09:01Get Han Byol's room ready.
09:03Which room? One table, one bed.
09:05Go and get it quickly.
09:07Yes, ma'am.
09:11Do you understand how confusing this is for me?
09:14It's very strange.
09:16Yoo Jee-ho, who used to be my friend,
09:19became my step-brother overnight.
09:21And I am still not able to digest this.
09:23And now you are also adopting his daughter.
09:25This was the condition to accept him.
09:27You needed your great-granddaughter so much.
09:29She also left her fiance.
09:32And now you want to adopt her daughter.
09:34Should I dance with joy now?
09:36Should I celebrate?
09:38If you can't dance, then stand quietly and watch.
09:48Are you in a good mood?
09:50You are wearing an emerald necklace.
09:52This is a gift from you,
09:54which I should wear on an auspicious occasion.
09:55A new member has joined the family of the President's mother.
09:58Is this about Yoo Jee-ho and Han Byol?
10:01Yoo Jee-ho is saying the same thing as he has always said.
10:05So the President's mother has adopted her child from her mother?
10:08I can understand that she is also hers.
10:12What a terrible woman she is.
10:15She can be a conspirator,
10:17but she is taking her away from her mother.
10:22Yes, I have to go.
10:23I have to have coffee with the Prosecutor General.
10:42I did this to Haesu.
10:44I broke his heart.
10:47This is my way of punishing myself.
10:49This is my way of punishing myself.
10:53Because wearing this necklace makes me suffocate.
11:12You will have to listen to your grandmother and live well, okay?
11:16Don't complain about food.
11:17But I will do as grandmother says.
11:20I will play with dad and play football.
11:25Mom, are you crying?
11:28Why would I cry?
11:30Even if you miss me, wait for ten nights.
11:33After that I will come home.
11:35And if I miss you, I will call you.
11:38Ten times a day.
11:42Come on, give mom a hug.
11:45I am sorry, Han Byol.
11:47I am sorry to lie to you.
11:49Just wait for me.
11:51No matter what, I will come to get you.
11:54I promise.
11:56Don't cry.
11:58I told you, I will come back after ten nights.
12:01Can't you wait that long?
12:03You are elder to me.
12:13Let's go, Han Byol.
12:17Let's go.
12:51Now tell me.
12:53After my son UGO was accepted in the family,
12:57he has become a part of Chiona Group.
12:59That's why you are giving me this medical store.
13:02Isn't it?
13:03This is the order of the managing director.
13:04Managing director?
13:06Of Solu?
13:09Now my son is half heir of Chiona Group.
13:13So why would Sol give me this shop?
13:14Still, this is one of the best businesses.
13:18No, this is for the best of all the businesses.
13:22I am so lucky.
13:25Oh, this.
13:27This is the new machine, isn't it?
13:29About which everyone is talking these days.
13:32You already know about this.
13:34How did people make this?
13:37I feel very fresh in this.
13:45Jungesu didn't come to office today?
13:48Her son was snatched from her.
13:50I am not surprised.
13:52So you knew.
13:54Then you must also know that
13:57Jeeho is going to stay in my house.
13:59I know.
14:00Mom told me.
14:02You want UGO, don't you?
14:05I won't let you go.
14:07Then how will you marry him?
14:10I don't know.
14:11I won't let you go.
14:13Then how will you marry him?
14:15You won't let me go?
14:20That's it.
14:22Do you have feelings for me all of a sudden?
14:25Not at all.
14:27I think your ego has reached its limit.
14:30This is not a matter of ego.
14:32You have to stay in a limit.
14:34Have to stay in a limit?
14:36Don't girls have something like this?
14:37Nothing happens.
14:39You shouldn't play with someone else's property.
14:42No matter how small that thing is.
14:44Kang Jeeho made the same mistake.
14:46Am I a small thing for you?
14:51Please wash this.
14:53Yohina, stop being stubborn.
14:55You know that these things cannot be forced.
14:58Marrying UGO is not my priority right now.
15:04First we have to break our engagement.
15:07I am serious this time.
15:10What can I do?
15:12I was never interested in what you said.
15:16Hey, Yohina.
15:29My cutie pie.
15:31How are you grandma?
15:33You are looking ultra super awesome.
15:35You are also looking ultra super awesome.
15:38Hello ma'am, how are you?
15:42Thank you for bringing Han Beul here.
15:45Your rooms were prepared on time.
15:48Consider this as your own house.
15:52I am prosecutor Yohina.
15:54I welcome you to the family of Johanna Group.
15:56Thank you very much.
15:58Madam Sool.
16:00Welcome Han Beul.
16:02Hello aunty.
16:03I am glad to meet you.
16:06Let's go cutie pie.
16:08It's time to have dinner with grandma.
16:11Let's wash our hands.
16:25It's so beautiful.
16:27It looks like Alice in Wonderland.
16:30I didn't know what your favorite color is.
16:33We will change the design.
16:35But I am going back in 10 days.
16:37So I will have to redesign my room.
16:40Look at that desk.
16:42Look at your bed too.
16:46Do you like it?
16:53Han Beul is thinking.
16:55She will go to her house after 10 days.
16:57You know what a daughter is for her mother.
16:59But what will you do after 10 days?
17:00She will leave everyone.
17:25Han Beul.
17:27Do you want me to leave Han Beul?
17:28Do you want me to leave Han Beul?
17:31Let her go to her mother's house.
17:34Then you go away from here.
17:37This is my condition.
17:40Han Beul.
17:44Han Beul.
17:51Han Beul.
17:55Han Beul.
17:58Han Beul.
18:03Han Beul.
18:17It looks delicious.
18:21Try it.
18:23Isn't it good?
18:25It's good.
18:26You are very hungry.
18:31I woke up late.
18:33Grandma, sorry.
18:35Did you sleep well?
18:38And you Han Beul.
18:40How was your room?
18:42It was good.
18:44But what should I call you?
18:46This is a very good question.
18:48For now, uncle.
18:50But why for now?
18:52You will have to call someone else after my marriage.
18:54That's why.
18:56I am your father's younger brother.
18:58Elder brother.
19:00Younger brother.
19:02You both are made of the same skin.
19:04What does it mean?
19:06This is a kind of idiom.
19:08You won't understand.
19:10I want to say that two things can be the same.
19:13I understood, grandma.
19:15I can tell you from the beginning.
19:17You have a curious mind.
19:19Mr. Koi.
19:21It's time for her school.
19:23Let's go.
19:24Okay, bye.
19:26Have fun at school.
19:32Did you ask him to break the engagement?
19:37What did he say?
19:39He doesn't listen to me.
19:41He is afraid to touch me.
19:43Still he wants to marry me.
19:45Dad, do something.
19:47I was thinking about this.
19:49I have decided.
19:50Despite being in love with Kang Jio,
19:53you decided to marry Yohin Ha.
19:55And now Kang Jio has become Yoh Jio.
19:58So you are asking him to break the engagement.
20:00This is your problem.
20:02You solve it.
20:04You should listen to him.
20:06Try to fix things in your own way.
20:10And when all the options are closed,
20:12then it's okay to ask for our help.
20:20Do people really live here?
20:22The lives of these rich people are so different from ours.
20:29Do you need any help?
20:31I have come here to meet the chairwoman's mother.
20:34Do you have an appointment?
20:36Tell her that Han Beol's aunt has come.
20:38If you tell her that you want to talk about Han Beol,
20:41she will agree.
20:43Mr. Koh.
20:45Can you come out?
20:48Hello, chairwoman's mother.
20:50How are you?
20:53I am Hisu's aunt.
20:55I wanted to talk to you.
20:57She came to meet you to talk about Han Beol.
21:02Mr. Koh.
21:04Bring Han Beol from school.
21:08Until you don't listen to me,
21:10I won't take a step from here.
21:11Go and bring him from school.
21:14As you wish.
21:24Han Beol will come home soon.
21:26Whatever you want to say, say it quickly and go.
21:29I didn't expect that you would come to meet me.
21:34I know that the chairwoman took Han Beol.
21:42Help me to bring him back.
21:45So that I can take care of him properly.
21:49I know.
21:51I know.
21:53I know.
21:54Help me.
21:56So that I can take care of him properly.
21:59You can do this much for me, right?
22:02Hisu, get up.
22:11Hisu, when you were 12 years old,
22:16you didn't ask me for any help.
22:19So please help me now.
22:21I can't do anything.
22:24On the contrary,
22:26I want to apologize to you.
22:29Please forgive me, Hisu.
22:33I only told him
22:35so that he can take Han Beol away from you.
22:42Can you explain this to me properly?
22:45Because you are like my daughter.
22:49But for my support,
22:50for my support,
22:53I did so much for you.
22:56What does support have to do with Han Beol?
23:00What does it mean?
23:06Did Jio
23:09make this deal with the chairwoman
23:13to accept Han Beol in the family?
23:15Did Han Beol agree?
23:20So that Sayang gets
23:22the permission to marry Jio.
23:32And you were behind all this.
23:35I had to do it
23:37because Sayang is my daughter.
23:40Han Beol is also my daughter.
23:42You know very well
23:44what Han Beol means to me.
23:47How can you
23:49do this?
23:54I apologize.
23:56Just like you
23:58are ready to do anything for Han Beol,
24:01I am ready to do anything for my Sayang.
24:04Even if my daughter is snatched from me.
24:09I had to do it.
24:16You had to do it?
24:39I am going to tell the chairwoman
24:42that I am breaking off the engagement with Yohina.
24:48Since Han Beol left,
24:50Hisu has stopped eating.
24:52If this continues, she will die.
24:55People don't die so easily.
24:59Your time will be wasted here.
25:02You better leave.
25:05You have lost your son.
25:06You must know the pain of a mother.
25:10How does it feel to lose your child?
25:13How dare you talk about my son's death?
25:18If you don't be careful in your words,
25:21you will have to pay for it.
25:25Please send Han Beol back.
25:29How can you break a little girl from her mother?
25:33It's not right to do this.
25:34No, she is a little girl.
25:36You will be punished for this.
25:38No matter how rich you are.
25:40I will tell everyone what you have done.
25:42I will tell everyone.
25:44I don't love her because she is of low caste.
25:48You should be happy that we accepted Han Beol.
25:52Go away from here.
25:54Leave me.
25:56Send her back to her mother.
25:58Leave me.
26:00Are you mad?
26:04Are you mad?
26:23Are you mad?
26:34Are you mad?
26:40Yes, Siyam.
26:42Jio, something bad has happened here.
26:47Come to Adyakshma's house right now.
27:00Control yourself, Jio Siyam.
27:05Hey, get up.
27:07Get up.
27:20How long have you been standing here?
27:24Since you pushed her and she fell down.
27:27Since the time she came to your house.
27:31Since the time she came to your house.
27:34How long have you been standing here?
27:38Did you push her on purpose?
27:41Or did she slip and fall down by mistake?
27:45I haven't decided anything yet.
27:51Go inside, Adyakshma.
27:53Warm the water and take a bath.
27:55Then take a sleeping pill and go to sleep.
27:56You will feel that all this was a bad dream.
28:01Which happened while you were sleeping.
28:04I want to stop and see.
28:06The girl whom I supported, how will she save me?
28:10I said, I haven't decided anything yet.
28:15I am leaving.