• last year
This is the story of a young man being held in prison, recounting his life as a college dropout who had met and fallen i | dG1fcGdPSXBrdVhhNWc
00:00You know, I think I did this as book four.
00:04As long as I stick to what I'm good at, what the voice tells me to write.
00:09A common student I was really poor, who was down on fried Cheerios and peanut butter for supper,
00:13and I read this ad in a writer's magazine that said,
00:16Olympia Press is publishing, you know, basically, they call them erotic novels,
00:21what we're talking about is porn, basically.
00:23$500 a shot, $40,000...
00:31Do you love?
00:33I hear a voice saying this.
00:36I still hear it, in my dreams.
00:39Do you love?
00:41Yes, I answer, yes.
00:44And true love never dies.
00:46Then, I wake up, screaming.
01:00I love you.
01:31Oh, I'll be gone
01:37We will crash it down to the core
01:44The dread below is burning wild
01:48And we're in...
01:49They made me believe that I've been alone all the time,
01:58that I did all those horrible things just by myself.
02:04She was with me all the time, every step of the way.
02:08She was real, and I love her.
02:13And true love never dies.
02:19True love never dies.
