Vietnam 6 Weeks Solo Backpacking Documentary | show | 2020 | Official Trailer

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I had 6 weeks to travel from the south to the north of Vietnam. This 3 part documentary series captures the complete ba | dHNfbXozZmR3NXVUVEE


00:00I'm about to go solo backpacking through Vietnam for the next six weeks.
00:07You can't help but immediately fall in love with this place. It's got such a nice charm to it.
00:13Starting in Saigon, I'll be travelling via bus, train, boat, plane and bike,
00:18gradually making my way to the very north of the country.
00:21So basically what that means is we're going to film our own version of Top Gear,
00:24but with lower production values and hopefully less casual races.
00:30On this journey, I'll get to experience the history, the culture, the food, the parties,
00:35the small villages, the big cities, the tourist highlights, the natural wonders
00:40and whatever the hell this place is.
00:45It's like we're walking inside Instagram.
00:50Street food in Asia is just the best.
00:52As soon as Danny speaks Vietnamese, they're like, wow, they love it.
00:55Does that look Mexican?
00:58That's the thing I love about Southeast Asia, you get beer everywhere.
01:01Temples, tombs, you can sit down by the road and someone will bring you beer.
01:09Today we're headed to do the Uchi Tunnels.
01:12The thing to remember about these tunnels is they've made them bigger for us tourists.
01:16They were way smaller back in the day.
01:20Now we're waiting for the bus to pick us up.
01:22It could be here half an hour, it could be here all night, I've no idea what's going to happen.
01:28This cave goes on for 31 kilometers.
01:31It's like something from a different world, like a different planet. It's unreal.
01:42The wind put my helmet off my bike into the rice fields.
01:49That's probably like bird and water buffalo shit.
01:55I'm sorry!
01:58You know when you go to a place and you hope it's going to be good,
02:01but you worry you might not meet your expectations.
02:04This has met them and exceeded them.
02:06Just love it here.
02:12See, it looks perfect.
02:35Everyone see the video?
02:37Remember, like, share and subscribe to the channel of the car.
