Chef JR Royol treats Roxie Smith like a princess! | Farm To Table

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Aired (August 18, 2024): Roxie Smith is the ‘Rapsa Roleta’ target for this episode! What sort of grilled beef dish will Chef JR Royol prepare for her?


00:00Hi, Food Explorers!
00:02We have a solid companion here at Farm to Table,
00:06Ms. Roxy.
00:07Thank you for having me.
00:09Of course.
00:10I'm hungry. I'm ready to eat today.
00:12I'll take care of that.
00:17Game chef.
00:181, 2, 3.
00:19This one first?
00:24What's your trip today?
00:26It's perfect, Roxy.
00:28We're here at Mahogany Market.
00:30What's the method of cooking of our beef?
00:45Oh, grill.
00:48We have beef as our main ingredient.
00:51Grill is our method of cooking.
00:55You're trusting me, Roxy.
00:58I'm ready to fight.
01:00How about spice?
01:02How spicy are you?
01:03I can handle it.
01:04You can?
01:05Yes, I can.
01:07I'll cook for you while you relax.
01:08And then,
01:09I'll let you taste something from Mahogany Market.
01:12Wow, princess treatment.
01:14Of course.
01:17What is our first ingredient, chef?
01:19How is your reaction to food with fruits?
01:24I like fruits because I grew up in Baguio.
01:26So, every dish has vegetables.
01:28You grew up in Baguio?
01:30How old are you?
01:31I'm just a kid.
01:32You're still a kid.
01:34Yes, I'm still a kid.
01:35Where are you from?
01:36Mountain Province.
01:38Where in Mountain Province?
01:41Ah, Besaw.
01:43Ah, Kasinsin.
01:45Yes, Kasinsin.
01:46I'm from Kasinsin.
01:48We're cousins.
01:50We're friends.
01:52We're friends.
01:54Okay, what are we in?
01:55We just found out that we're cousins.
01:59We're cousins.
02:00By race.
02:02By tribe.
02:04So, since you grew up in Baguio,
02:05we're fond of fruits.
02:06This is what we don't usually eat there.
02:09Oh, yes.
02:11We usually eat strawberries.
02:13Is it okay for you to have that with your food?
02:17Is this okay?
02:18Should the gold be sweet?
02:19It should be.
02:20It's so delicious.
02:26Here are the potatoes.
02:27Here are the potatoes.
02:28How do you know if you should buy potatoes?
02:30Well, definitely, visually,
02:33it needs to have no dark spots.
02:38Ah, dark spots.
02:39That's one.
02:40Second is, no green.
02:42If there's green,
02:43the green part of the potatoes is toxic.
02:48But it doesn't mean that all of your potatoes…
02:50If it's toxic, you can…
02:52Yeah, you can just scrape it off.
02:53Scrape it and use the rest.
02:55And when you peel it, it shouldn't be soft.
02:58Ah, okay.
03:00The one thing that I know would work well with potatoes.
03:10We gotta throw in some beets.
03:14Roxy Smith chose grilled beef for us.
03:18Earlier, we already bought the ingredients for our side dish.
03:22Now, it's time to buy the meat from the beef vendors in Mahogany Market.
03:28For a grill cooking method,
03:30we'll always have to go with a steak cut.
03:32Yes, steak cut.
03:34So, sir, do you have a grill?
03:38Can you just grill it?
03:40Their meat looks so good.
03:42New cut.
03:43I mean, if there's anything…
03:44New cut.
03:45It's really…
03:46Fresh and fresh.
03:48Thank you, sir.
03:49Sir, thank you.
03:50Sir, thank you.
03:51Thank you, sir.
03:54So, just relax for now.
03:55Yeah, it's complete.
03:57We're done.
03:59This will do.
04:01We can do a lot with this.
04:02I'm so excited.
04:03I'm so excited.
04:06Go for it.
04:09We'll do a purely grill execution.
04:13We'll discard the meat.
04:15So, for our potatoes,
04:17we'll put it straight into the oven.
04:21Yes, Kapuso,
04:22we don't need to wash that anymore.
04:25Because the soil that it has,
04:27or the soil that's on its skin
04:30would serve as a protective layer
04:32for our potatoes.
04:35And for our pineapple,
04:37I'm just thinking of doing a potato salad
04:39that has a sweet element.
04:41That's why I want to mix it with our pineapple.
04:45we'll just do that.
04:47So, we'll basically just grill this.
04:50Let's give it at least 30 minutes.
04:52Then, we'll prepare our meat.
05:02Let's just season it with salt and pepper.
05:07Let's also add herbs.
05:10Our rosemary.
05:14And our thyme.
05:23To spread the flavor and aroma of the herbs,
05:27let's just add oil.
05:29So, let's go.
05:40It won't affect the inside of the meat
05:44because we won't include the burnt part
05:47in the plating,
05:49that outer layer.
05:51So, let's just chill that.
05:52And let's also take out our potatoes.
05:54So, while we're chilling our pineapple and potatoes,
05:57let's heat up our grill
06:00so that it won't stick to our beef tenderloin.
06:03We will be grilling our beef tenderloin
06:06until it's medium rare.
06:08So, you'll notice that it's a bit thick.
06:11So, we need our grill to be very, very hot
06:14so that we'll have a nice crust
06:17on our steak.
06:18Let's also grill it.
06:20So, while we're cooking our steak,
06:23let's prepare our side dish,
06:25which is our potato and pineapple salad.
06:48So, after we prepare all our ingredients,
07:15So after we prepare all the components of our pineapple and potato salad,
07:21we season it with pepper,
07:26and of course, a little bit of salt.
07:30We'll add in some mayonnaise.
07:40And of course, cream.
07:47We can now plate.
07:54How do you like your steak? Sorry, I didn't ask. I just assumed it's medium rare.
07:59I normally like it well done, but they say that the steak is wasted when it's well done.
08:04So I'm starting to learn how to appreciate it more in a medium way.
08:08Okay, so this is medium rare.
08:11So if you can see, the middle is still pink, but it's cooked.
08:17It's just a pale color.
08:19Part of our dish is actually potato and pineapple salad.
08:23So everything here is grilled.
08:26So the pineapple is already mixed.
08:28Yes, ma'am.
08:29And I'm just saving another portion for dessert later.
08:33Wow, thank you, chef.
08:36You are always welcome here in our food adventures.
08:41Here's your steak.
