Top 10 Cartoon Characters That Should Be In Prison

  • le mois dernier


00:00Lock'em up and throw away the key!
00:03Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 cartoon characters that should be in prison.
00:09Before we begin, we publish new content every day, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
00:17Protagonist or antagonist alike, breaking the law in the cartoon world seems to get a free pass.
00:23Although mostly exaggerated, most animated brushes with justice lead to inconsequential repercussions.
00:29Yet, for this list, we can think of a few ne'er-do-wells that most definitely belong in prison, or at least the back of a police car.
00:36For fairness sake, we will not be including supervillains on this list, as they deserve a list of their own.
00:42It is on that day that Jojo became Murder Jojo!
00:49Number 10. Roger, American Dad.
00:52Ow, ow, my running regimen is killing my lower back. I gotta lie down.
00:59You guys can get up now, it's definitely over!
01:02He may be under the protection of Stan Smith, but that doesn't stop Roger from scheming up a storm with various false alter egos.
01:09Once outside the Smith household, Roger finds himself waist deep in what would surely be identity theft and fraud charges in the real world.
01:16Word on the street is you're horning in on my business.
01:19Yeah, well, word on the street is your product sucks.
01:22Yeah, well, word on the street is I don't have a comeback for that, but what I do have are these brawny sidemen.
01:26The irony is not lost on the writers of American Dad either, considering that most of Roger's deceptive identities are either in jail or wanted for a wide range of crimes such as drug trafficking, abuse, and possibly even serial murder.
01:40With even an entire floor of the CIA dedicated to finding and capturing him, it's safe to say that Roger indeed deserves to go down for his dastardly deeds.
01:49You're really gonna kill five people over twenty dollars?
01:52Are you really asking that to the guy who just last week killed six people over nineteen dollars?
02:01The entire Pines family have invoked my fury. You will all pay recompense for your transgressions.
02:08At first taking on the appearance of a traveling child psychic, the pig-nosed and conniving Lil' Gideon soon proves himself to be quite the villainous mastermind.
02:16The only way Gideon's taking over this shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed.
02:22You mean like right now?
02:24Uh, thirty-eight, forty-one, oh heavens to Betsy.
02:27On top of commercial sabotage on Grunkle Stan's mystery shack, Gideon's criminal record proves to be quite extensive, with attempted murder charges as well as overt fraud.
02:36However, the biggest crime in Gideon's file would have to be when he summoned the mind demon Bill Cipher into Gravity Falls, allowing for Cipher's eventual near-destruction of the universe.
02:47I'll help you with this and in return you can help me with something I've been working on. We'll work out the details later.
02:56We're not even sure how to classify that one.
02:58Number eight, Vicky, the Fairly Oddparents.
03:02Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Turner. It's me, Vicky.
03:08There are some babysitters that you just shouldn't leave your kids at home with.
03:12Such is the case with the Turner family when they hire Vicky, the sadistic, midriff-bearing sixteen-year-old.
03:18Although she would be tried as a minor, Vicky's track record is less than clean, exposing poor Timmy to various weapons and acts of cruelty that should have had Mr. and Mrs. Turner scrambling for a nanny cam.
03:33Ah! My enrichment! Ah! My childhood!
03:38Yet Vicky's incredible ability to act pleasant around adults makes her an unsuspected predator once she's alone with children.
03:45I'll take care of the little darling like he was my own cash and blood! Have fun at the movies! Bye!
03:51All right, twerp! Time for bed!
03:54Pretty much the reason for Timmy's need for his Fairy Godparents, Vicky's psychological abuse could very well lead to a dangerous future for Timmy.
04:01Number seven, Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob SquarePants.
04:05He may have the citizens of Bikini Bottom scrambling to his restaurant for Krabby Patties,
04:09but Eugene H. Krabs' mistreatment of his own employees would get him in serious hot water with any respectable labor board.
04:16With working conditions bordering on slavery, Mr. Krabs' stingy business model is downright illegal.
04:22I'm going on my lunch break, Mr. Krabs!
04:24You got five minutes!
04:26Wow! One more minute than yesterday!
04:28In a more major turn of events, the shrewd restaurateur has also poisoned his loyal customers with tainted food
04:34and caused the near-genocide of Bikini Bottom's jellyfish population, all in the name of turning a profit.
04:40What kind of monster is responsible for this horror?
04:45That's it, boys! Keep that gelatinous gold a-flowing!
04:51He also famously plotted the murder of health inspector Yellowtail using SpongeBob as an accomplice.
04:57Look at him joke!
05:01Look at him suffer!
05:046. Homer Simpson – The Simpsons
05:07Hey, you did not pay for that beer!
05:10Let's just say that if there were an award for the world's greatest dad,
05:13Homer Simpson would not even be in the running for a shot at the title.
05:17With instances of child abuse, especially in his routine strangling of Bart in public and in private,
05:22drunk driving and negligence at a dangerous nuclear power station,
05:26Homer Simpson probably should be thrown in jail every so often for intense rehabilitation.
05:31I'm in no condition to drive, boy.
05:33Wait! I should listen to myself! I'm drunk!
05:41Not the only Springfieldian to dabble in petty crime,
05:44another potential candidate could be the evil tycoon C. Montgomery Burns,
05:48who's done everything from racketeering to enslaving a missing Brazilian soccer team for free labor.
05:54We found a missing Brazilian soccer team working in your reactor core!
05:57That plane crashed on my property!
05:595. Sterling Archer – Archer
06:02Lana, you and I, more me, were two of the best secret agents in the world.
06:05We were rogues!
06:06Potato patrisan, whatever.
06:08He may be the world's deadliest spy,
06:10but the seriously amoral and selfish Sterling Archer should definitely be under the eye of the law.
06:16One of them doesn't have any skin on his face.
06:18Meaning what?
06:19Meaning I set one of them on fire.
06:20Was that before or after you got caught fondling a teenager?
06:24Pretty much a visual stand-in for shady intelligence operatives of the 20th century,
06:28Archer's lavish lifestyle is that of someone who truly believes he's above the rules.
06:33Seeing that he's orchestrated various shady operations with his covert agency,
06:37ranging from drug trafficking to orchestrating a coup in Central America,
06:41Archer's body count alone should require some heavy investigation.
06:45We're wondering what other crazy shenanigans Archer will get mixed up into in future seasons.
06:50Since the government has unjustly accused us of treason,
06:54we are now forced to transfer those skills from espionage to criminal activity.
06:58Kind of like the A-Team, but we sell drugs.
07:01Number four, Eric Cartman, South Park.
07:04With a borderline sociopathic disorder,
07:07Eric Cartman has committed more crimes before the age of 13
07:10than most career criminals accomplish in a lifetime.
07:13Cartman's biggest offenses can be chalked up to disturbing the peace in forms of prejudice and hateful rallies,
07:19as well as the kidnapping and attempted murder of non-gingers.
07:31But Cartman's most disturbing offense is definitely the murder by proxy of local bully Scott Tenorman's parents.
07:37While he didn't pull the trigger himself,
07:39Cartman did go the extra sadistic mile by having the victim's bodies ground up and cooked into chili,
07:45which was eventually fed to an unsuspecting Tenorman.
07:49I made you eat your parents.
07:53Jesus Christ, dude.
07:55My mom and dad are dead.
07:57No! No!
07:59He also purposefully infected Kyle with AIDS out of spite.
08:03You think HIV is something to be laughed at, Kyle?
08:05Well, let's just see how funny it is now, asshole.
08:10Bone-chilling indeed.
08:12Number three, Peter Griffin, Family Guy.
08:15Joe, you're drunk, okay? You're drunk. Give me your keys.
08:19And I'm drunk, so I'll give you my keys.
08:22Okay, now we're both good to drive home.
08:24He may just be a normal man living his life in Quahog,
08:27but Peter Griffin has racked up a laundry list of crimes both petty and major.
08:32His outright emotional abuse of his daughter Meg,
08:34as well as his constant public intoxication, and sometimes drug use,
08:39could have him sent away to the big house for a few years at least.
08:42Tell you what, I'll get us started.
08:45Ah, ça sent... ça sent mieux.
08:49On a much larger scale, Peter has also committed sexual harassment,
08:53robbing a bank and blowing up a children's hospital.
08:56Well, watch this.
09:00Oh, God.
09:01Oh, my God, this is horrible.
09:04Oh, God. Oh, that's terrible.
09:06Much like his evil infant son Stewie,
09:09who also has a mile-long criminal track record,
09:12the oafish Peter Griffin should definitely be considered public enemy number one.
09:16This is a robbery. Everybody get on the ground.
09:19If this bitch moves, shoot him in the eye.
09:24Whatever the crime, this guy has probably done it all.
09:27Mad scientist and functioning alcoholic Rick Sanchez
09:30has the dubious honor of committing heinous crimes
09:33in not just one, but an infinite number of existential planes,
09:37leading to the destruction of entire universes and species.
09:41Even responsible for killing versions of himself,
09:44Rick's carefree attitude makes him a remorseless super criminal.
09:47Although he technically was put away for his various offenses,
09:50this turned out to be a ploy to steal his portal gun formula,
09:53meaning that the tragic anti-hero of Rick and Morty
09:56has never truly answered for his disturbing crimes.
09:59What are you in for?
10:02Before we unveil our top pick,
10:04here are a few honorable, or in this case, dishonorable mentions.
10:341. Glenn Quagmire – Family Guy
10:44It doesn't really need to be said,
10:46but there's something overtly wrong about being a proud predator.
10:49No stranger to terrifying acts of depravity,
10:52Glenn Quagmire fits the bill for being one of the worst offenders
10:55to get away with his crimes.
10:58Dear diary, jackpot!
11:01Committing almost every disgusting crime under the sun,
11:04Quagmire wouldn't stand a chance staying clear of the courts
11:07in the post-Harvey Weinstein hashtag MeToo world of today.
11:10Did you have sex with this underage girl?
11:12I don't want to go to jail, but I really want to take credit.
11:15On top of all that, Family Guy creators turned Quagmire
11:18into a horrific sadist in a tasteless parody
11:21that had the deviant murder the entire Simpsons family,
11:24including infant Maggie.
11:26Oh no! Who will pay for my saxophone lessons?
11:37Let's just say it's high time for Quagmire to giggity-giggity go down.
11:56Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada