Peppa Pig English Episodes New Episodes 2014 (0)

  • le mois dernier


00:00:00Je suis Peppa Pig, c'est mon petit frère George, c'est Mamie Pig et c'est Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig !
00:00:15Work and play !
00:00:45It's Thursday !
00:00:48Daddy Pig works on Thursdays.
00:00:50See you later !
00:00:51Bye bye !
00:00:53Poor Daddy, having to work.
00:00:56Lucky Mamie, you can play at home all day.
00:01:00I'm not playing, I'm working on my computer.
00:01:05George wants to play the Happy Mrs. Chicken game.
00:01:09George, we can play the Happy Mrs. Chicken game after I finish my work.
00:01:15Mamie Sheep and Suzy have come to pick up Peppa for playgroup.
00:01:20Hello Peppa ! Hello Suzy !
00:01:24Have a good day at playgroup !
00:01:26Bye bye Mamie ! Work hard !
00:01:30Mrs. Sheep, do you work or do you play ?
00:01:35I'm going to be working very hard today !
00:01:38I'm off to the gym !
00:01:40What do you do at the gym ?
00:01:42Running, jumping and skipping !
00:01:45Mamie, that's not work, that's play !
00:01:53Peppa and Suzy have arrived at the playgroup.
00:01:56Hello everyone ! Hello Peppa ! Hello Suzy !
00:02:02Children, today we will play shops !
00:02:07Who wants to be shopkeeper ?
00:02:09Me ! Me ! Me !
00:02:11Peppa and Suzy can be shopkeepers, everyone else can be customers.
00:02:16Peppa and Suzy are going to run a pretend shop.
00:02:20What do we have to do ?
00:02:22I will take the money Suzy and you can stack the shelves.
00:02:27Ok !
00:02:29Danny Dog is the first customer.
00:02:31Hello shopkeeper ! Hello Mr. Dog !
00:02:34Can I have some biscuits please ?
00:02:37Suzy, have we got any biscuits ?
00:02:40No, but we've got a toy telephone !
00:02:43How much will that be ?
00:02:45That will be a hundred pounds please !
00:02:50Thank you !
00:02:52Next please !
00:02:54Hello shopkeeper ! Can I have a loaf of bread please ?
00:02:58No, but you can have a toy house !
00:03:01Would you like it in a bag sir ?
00:03:04Yes please !
00:03:06That will be one penny please !
00:03:10Oh, I haven't got enough money !
00:03:13You can pay us next time you come in !
00:03:16Gosh, this is hard work !
00:03:19Yes !
00:03:21Hello shopkeeper ! What can I buy for a million thousand pounds please ?
00:03:27Suzy, what have we got for a million thousand pounds ?
00:03:32Hmm, a carrot ?
00:03:35Yes please !
00:03:36Rebecca Rabbit likes carrots.
00:03:41It is home time.
00:03:43Daddy Pig has come to collect Peppa and Suzy.
00:03:48Daddy, have you had a busy day ?
00:03:51Yes, I've been working very hard !
00:03:54We've been working very hard too !
00:03:58We've been shopkeepers !
00:04:03Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah !
00:04:05The end. And print !
00:04:09Mummy Pig has finished her work.
00:04:13Ok George, perhaps we could just play one game of Happy Mrs. Chicken.
00:04:18We've earned it !
00:04:26Naughty Mummy ! You're playing Happy Mrs. Chicken !
00:04:30Oh, that's because George and I have finished our work, haven't we George ?
00:04:35We've all finished our work, so let's all play !
00:04:42Ha ha ha ha !
00:04:48Peppa Pig !
00:04:53Peppa Pig !
00:04:57Peppa Pig !
00:05:06I'm Peppa Pig !
00:05:08This is my little brother George.
00:05:11This is Mummy Pig.
00:05:13And this is Daddy Pig.
00:05:17Peppa Pig !
00:05:20The rainbow !
00:05:22Peppa and her family are going for a drive to the mountains.
00:05:26Are we nearly there yet ?
00:05:28Not yet Peppa !
00:05:31Let's play a game. We each have to spot a car of our favourite colour.
00:05:36Yes !
00:05:37My favourite colour is green.
00:05:40Mine is orange.
00:05:42Mine is red.
00:05:44George, what's your favourite colour ?
00:05:47Blue !
00:05:48George's favourite colour is blue.
00:05:51Let's see which colour car comes along first.
00:05:54Ok !
00:05:56Here is Candy Cat in her green car.
00:05:59Green ! That's my favourite colour. I win !
00:06:04Hello Candy !
00:06:06Hello Peppa !
00:06:09Here is Danny Dog in Grandad Dog's breakdown truck.
00:06:12Orange ! So I win !
00:06:14Hello Danny !
00:06:16Hello Peppa !
00:06:18Here's another car !
00:06:20It's Suzy !
00:06:22Hello !
00:06:23Hello Peppa !
00:06:25Blue !
00:06:26Yes George, it's a blue car. So you win !
00:06:32This is a silly game !
00:06:34There isn't a red car anywhere !
00:06:37There is one red car Peppa !
00:06:40Where ?
00:06:43What colour is our car ?
00:06:46It's red !
00:06:48I win ! I win !
00:06:52The family have arrived at the mountains.
00:06:55We'll have a fantastic view when we get to the top !
00:07:00We're here !
00:07:01Hurray !
00:07:02Look at the lovely sunny view !
00:07:07Oh dear ! It has started to rain !
00:07:09Where's the lovely view ?
00:07:12There's a lovely view !
00:07:15It is Miss Rabbit's ice-cream store.
00:07:18Hello Miss Rabbit !
00:07:19Hello Daddy Pig !
00:07:21Four ice-creams please !
00:07:23What flavours would you like ?
00:07:25Mint, orange, strawberry and blueberry please !
00:07:29Ok !
00:07:33Look what I've got !
00:07:35Ice-cream !
00:07:37They're our favourite colours !
00:07:40That's right !
00:07:41Green for me !
00:07:43Orange for me !
00:07:45Strawberry red for me !
00:07:47And George's is...
00:07:49Blue !
00:07:54Look ! The sun has come out !
00:07:57And look what else has come out !
00:07:59A rainbow !
00:08:01Peppa and George love rainbows !
00:08:04Un rainbow ne sort que quand il pleut et il fait du soleil en même temps !
00:08:11Il a tous nos couleurs préférées !
00:08:15Oui !
00:08:16Rouge, orange, vert et bleu !
00:08:22Et savez-vous ce que vous trouverez à la fin d'un rainbow ?
00:08:26Non !
00:08:27Vous trouverez des trésors !
00:08:29Oh ! Pouvons-nous aller chercher les trésors maintenant ?
00:08:33Ok ! La fin de la rainbow a l'air d'être juste à l'autre colline !
00:08:38Allons-y !
00:08:40Oui !
00:08:44C'est le jour du soleil !
00:08:46Le rainbow est là pour jouer !
00:08:49Rainbow, rainbow !
00:08:52Rouge, orange, vert, vert et bleu !
00:08:56Rainbow, rainbow !
00:08:59C'est le jour du soleil !
00:09:03Nous y sommes !
00:09:05Oh ! Où est notre rainbow ?
00:09:08Il s'est déplacé à l'autre colline !
00:09:10Tu t'es trompé, rainbow !
00:09:12Vite ! Attaquons-le !
00:09:14Rainbow, rainbow !
00:09:16C'est le jour du soleil !
00:09:19Il s'est arrêté !
00:09:22Et le rainbow est parti !
00:09:26Ne vous en faites pas, George !
00:09:28Peut-être que le rainbow a laissé des trésors derrière !
00:09:31Il y a quelque chose là-bas !
00:09:33As-tu trouvé le trésor du rainbow ?
00:09:35Oui, je l'ai trouvé !
00:09:38Un grand poteau magique !
00:09:40Hurray !
00:09:44C'est le meilleur trésor du rainbow !
00:09:49Rainbow, rainbow !
00:09:52Rouge, orange, vert, vert et bleu !
00:09:56Rainbow, rainbow !
00:09:59C'est le jour du soleil !
00:10:30Oh !
00:10:32Mme Polly avait un doigt !
00:10:35Désolée, Mme Gazelle !
00:10:38Oh, mon dieu ! Pedro a un courage !
00:10:41Pas de soucis ! Je vais appeler le Dr Brown Bear !
00:10:48Dr Brown Bear parlant !
00:10:50Bonjour, Docteur ! C'est Mme Gazelle !
00:10:52Un enfant est malade !
00:10:54Ne paniquez pas ! Je viendrai tout de suite !
00:10:59Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'
00:11:29Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'
00:12:00Comme je pensais, Pedro a un courage !
00:12:05Danny Dog et Suzy Sheep ont attrapé Pedro !
00:12:10Ouvrez !
00:12:13Ça a l'air d'un yogourt carré !
00:12:18Ça a l'air d'une fleur !
00:12:21Bien joué pour prendre ta médecine si bien !
00:12:25Est-ce que vous êtes malade, Dr Brown Bear ?
00:12:28Non, Pepper, je ne suis jamais malade !
00:12:30J'en mange une poêle par jour !
00:12:34Au revoir !
00:12:38C'est l'heure de rentrer à la maison et les parents sont là pour les récuperer.
00:12:42Maman ! Papa ! J'ai un cough !
00:12:46Le Dr Brown Bear est venu nous chercher !
00:12:50Il nous a donné de la médecine terrible !
00:12:53Mme Gazelle, pouvez-vous chanter votre chanson ?
00:12:57Bien sûr, Pepper !
00:13:01Mme Gazelle avait un cough !
00:13:10Oh, mon Dieu ! Tous les adultes ont eu un cough de Pedro !
00:13:15Dr Brown Bear parlant !
00:13:18C'est Pepper Pig ! Tous les adultes sont malades !
00:13:22Pas de soucis, Pepper ! Je m'en vais !
00:13:28Cough ! Cough !
00:13:31Bonjour, tout le monde ! Vous avez eu un cough de Pedro, n'est-ce pas ?
00:13:35Cough ! Cough !
00:13:37Très bien ! Prenez place et ouvrez largement !
00:13:46Ça a l'air d'un castel et d'une vache vieille !
00:13:50Merci d'avoir regardé après nous, Dr Brown Bear !
00:13:54Qui vous regarde quand vous êtes malade ?
00:13:57Personne ne me regarde ! Je ne suis jamais malade !
00:14:02Oh, mon Dieu ! Dr Brown Bear a eu un cough de Pedro !
00:14:06Pas de soucis ! Au revoir !
00:14:09Au revoir !
00:14:10Pauvre Dr Brown Bear ! Il est malade et personne ne le regarde !
00:14:16Oh !
00:14:25Qui est-ce ?
00:14:27Bonjour ! Nous sommes venus vous chercher !
00:14:31Voici des fruits !
00:14:33Et des coussins !
00:14:35Et voici votre médicament !
00:14:38Ça a l'air d'un cough de jamais-yoghurt !
00:14:45Et voici une chanson pour vous améliorer !
00:14:49Oh !
00:15:19C'est l'heure de dormir !
00:15:21Bonsoir, Peppa ! Bonsoir, George !
00:15:24Est-ce que je peux avoir une histoire, s'il vous plaît ?
00:15:27D'accord ! Je vais vous lire le Livret des Moules Rouges !
00:15:30Mais nous avons toujours celui-là !
00:15:33Le Moule Rouge a un bain, il nettoie ses doigts et va dormir !
00:15:38Oui, c'est ce qui se passe !
00:15:41Le Moule Rouge a un bain, il nettoie ses doigts et va dormir !
00:15:46Oui, c'est ce qui se passe !
00:15:49Pouvons-nous choisir une autre histoire ?
00:15:52Le Tigre Bleu, le Spider Vert, le Pingouin Orange ?
00:15:57Oh ! Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
00:15:59Le Monde Magique de la Concrete !
00:16:02J'ai cherché ça !
00:16:04Est-ce que c'est votre livre, papa ?
00:16:06C'est un livre que j'ai acheté de la bibliothèque !
00:16:09Qu'est-ce que c'est, la bibliothèque ?
00:16:11C'est un endroit où on achète des livres.
00:16:14Et quand vous avez terminé de les lire, vous les retirez !
00:16:17Mais le Tigre Bleu a oublié de retirer ce livre !
00:16:20J'en ai eu pour un temps assez long !
00:16:23Peu importe, vous pouvez le retirer demain !
00:16:26Mais maintenant, c'est l'heure de dormir !
00:16:29Après que papa lise cette histoire !
00:16:32Ce n'est pas beaucoup d'histoire, Peppa !
00:16:34S'il vous plaît, lise-la, papa !
00:16:36D'accord !
00:16:39Le Monde Magique de la Concrete !
00:16:42La Concrete est un matériau de construction
00:16:45composé de sable, d'eau et d'admixtures chimiques.
00:16:49Chapitre 1
00:16:51Le Sable
00:16:54Peppa, George et le Tigre Bleu ont dormi.
00:17:00C'est le matin.
00:17:01Peppa et sa famille sont arrivés à la bibliothèque.
00:17:05Wow !
00:17:07C'est beaucoup de livres !
00:17:09Chut ! Peppa, tu dois être silencieuse dans la bibliothèque.
00:17:13Pourquoi ?
00:17:14Parce que les gens viennent ici lire et être silencieux.
00:17:19Deuxièmement, s'il vous plaît !
00:17:21Mme Rabbit est la bibliothèque.
00:17:23Bonjour, Maman Pig ! Vous retirez ces livres ?
00:17:26Oui, Mme Rabbit.
00:17:28C'est vrai !
00:17:31Pourquoi le compteur bat ?
00:17:33C'est pour vérifier que vous n'avez pas été silencieux
00:17:35et que vous avez retiré le livre trop longtemps.
00:17:38J'ai peut-être retiré ce livre un peu trop longtemps.
00:17:42Ne vous inquiétez pas, Maman Pig.
00:17:44Ça ne peut pas être si mauvais.
00:17:48Oh mon Dieu !
00:17:49Maman Pig !
00:17:50Vous avez retiré ce livre depuis dix ans !
00:17:53Vous êtes silencieux, Maman Pig !
00:17:55Désolée, Mme Rabbit.
00:17:56Ça va bien.
00:17:57Maintenant, vous pouvez retirer un autre livre.
00:18:00Mme Rabbit !
00:18:01Peux-je et Georges retirer un livre, s'il vous plaît ?
00:18:04Oui !
00:18:05La section des enfants est là-bas.
00:18:09Oh, regarde !
00:18:10Des fruits, des fleurs, des vêtements jolis.
00:18:15Bonjour, Peppa !
00:18:16Oh, bonjour, Danny !
00:18:18Je vais retirer un livre sur le football.
00:18:22Bonjour, Peppa !
00:18:24Bonjour, Suzy !
00:18:25J'ai un livre sur les infirmières.
00:18:29Georges a choisi un livre sur les dinosaures.
00:18:32Dinosaures !
00:18:35Regardez ce que j'ai trouvé !
00:18:37Des aventures dans le monde du concret.
00:18:41Voici un livre sur les oiseaux rouges.
00:18:43Ce n'est pas un livre sur les oiseaux rouges.
00:18:45C'est dégueulasse !
00:18:47Mais c'est une autre histoire.
00:18:49Ça pourrait être plus amusant.
00:18:51Je suppose que non.
00:18:54Un jour, il y avait un oiseau rouge.
00:18:57Un oiseau.
00:18:58Il avait une douche.
00:19:00Il a nettoyé ses doigts et est allé au lit.
00:19:03Non, il est tombé dans une roquette spatiale et est allé à la lune.
00:19:08Il a fait une pique-nique avec un dinosaure.
00:19:10Il a sauté sous l'océan et a monté la plus haute montagne.
00:19:14C'était un jour occupant.
00:19:16La fin.
00:19:17Wow !
00:19:18Lisez-le encore !
00:19:19On peut l'acheter et lire à la maison, Peppa.
00:19:23Mais j'allais choisir...
00:19:25Ce livre.
00:19:26Ou celui-ci.
00:19:28Vous pouvez prendre trois livres à la maison si vous le souhaitez, Peppa.
00:19:31Oui !
00:19:32Mais vous devez vous rappeler de les ramener à l'heure.
00:19:35Oui, Miss Rabbit.
00:19:37Et vous devez vous rappeler de ramener votre livre aussi, Daddy Pig.
00:19:43Je vais m'assurer que Daddy le rappelle.
00:19:46Oui, Peppa. Je suis sûr que tu le feras.
00:19:49Ho ! Ho !
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00:43:03Ho !
00:43:04Le bus à l'école est arrivé à Windy Castle.
00:43:08Maintenant, tout le monde peut s'amuser à la pique-nique.
00:43:11L'eau ! L'eau !
00:43:14Quelle jolie journée chaude !
00:43:17Et tellement relaxante pour gagner de l'argent aussi !
00:43:21L'eau ! L'eau !
00:43:23Daddy Pig a atteint le supermarché.
00:43:27Tout est en marche.
00:43:30Allons voir par le télescope.
00:43:32Je peux voir le père.
00:43:34Le télescope fait que tout se voit plus proche.
00:43:37Oh, il ne va pas très vite.
00:43:40Daddy Pig est arrivé au garage de Grandad Dog.
00:43:43C'est tout. Je ne peux plus y aller.
00:43:46Le père s'est arrêté.
00:43:48Oh, le père s'est arrêté.
00:43:50Le père s'est arrêté.
00:43:52Le père s'est arrêté.
00:43:54Le père s'est arrêté.
00:43:56Le père s'est arrêté.
00:43:58Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:00Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:02Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:04Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:06Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:08Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:10Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:12Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:14Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:16Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:18Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:20Le père s'est arrêté.
00:44:22Le père s'est arrêté.
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00:45:16Le père s'est arrêté.
00:45:18Le père s'est arrêté.
00:45:20Le père s'est arrêté.
00:45:22C'est mon petit frère Georges.
00:45:24C'est mon petit frère Georges.
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00:47:08C'est mon petit frère George.
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00:47:16C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:18C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:20C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:22C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:24C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:26C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:28C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:30C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:32C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:34C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:36C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:38C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:40C'est mon petit frère George.
00:47:42Regarde maman.
00:47:44Ma robe rouge est toute propre.
00:47:47Oui, Peppa.
00:47:49Mais regarde ce qu'elle a fait à tout le reste.
00:47:52Oh, mon amour.
00:47:53La robe rouge de Peppa a rendu tous les vêtements blancs rouges.
00:47:56Le rouge n'est pas une bonne couleur pour un short de football.
00:48:02Chut, chut.
00:48:03Daddy Pig est de retour de travail.
00:48:05Bonjour à tous.
00:48:07Bonjour, Daddy.
00:48:08Euh, Daddy Pig.
00:48:10J'ai eu un peu de problème et...
00:48:12Dis-moi plus tard, Mommy Pig.
00:48:14Je dois me préparer pour le football.
00:48:17Où est mon short de football?
00:48:20Ne sois pas fou, Peppa.
00:48:22C'est l'un des vêtements de Mommy.
00:48:24C'est rouge.
00:48:25Non, Daddy.
00:48:27C'est ton short de football.
00:48:29Il est devenu un peu rouge.
00:48:32Donc on l'a nettoyé.
00:48:34Et tout s'est passé un peu mal.
00:48:36Désolé, Daddy.
00:48:38Mais je ne peux pas porter un short de football rouge.
00:48:41Pourquoi pas, Daddy?
00:48:43Le rouge est une belle couleur.
00:48:46Que penses-tu, George?
00:48:49George n'aime pas le rouge.
00:48:53Voici les amis de Daddy Pig.
00:48:55Mr Bull, Mr Rabbit, Mr Pony et Mr Zebra.
00:49:00Est-ce Daddy Pig qui va jouer?
00:49:03Il sera juste un instant.
00:49:05Mon équipe est en blanc.
00:49:07J'ai besoin d'un short blanc.
00:49:09Mais, Daddy, tu as un short blanc.
00:49:12Prends juste ta veste.
00:49:15Tu vois?
00:49:19Merci, Peppa.
00:49:21Bonjour à tous.
00:49:23Bonjour, Daddy Pig.
00:49:24J'aime ton short.
00:49:25Très intelligent.
00:49:28Allez, jouons au football.
00:49:41Daddy, you've made your shirt all muddy.
00:49:45Of course, Peppa.
00:49:48Football shirts are meant to be muddy.
00:49:55Daddy Pig loves playing football.
00:49:57Everyone loves playing football.
00:50:00Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Pe
00:50:30This is Daddy Pig
00:50:33Peppa Pig
00:50:37Polly's boat trip
00:50:39Grandpa Pig is taking Peppa and George on a boat trip
00:50:44Polly Parrot is going too
00:50:46Grandpa Pig, have you got your mobile phone?
00:50:51Yes, Granny Pig
00:50:53Don't drop it in the water
00:50:55No, Granny Pig
00:50:57Is it switched on?
00:50:58Yes, Granny Pig
00:51:01Bye, bye
00:51:03Here is Grandad Dog
00:51:05Ahoy there
00:51:07Ahoy there
00:51:09Lovely day to go sailing
00:51:11I would go too, but my boat needs a clean
00:51:15I don't know why you bother cleaning that rusty boat
00:51:19I'm surprised it's still afloat
00:51:22This rusty boat will still be afloat long after your old tin boat has sunk to the bottom of the river
00:51:31Grandad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend
00:51:34Full steam ahead, goodbye
00:51:38I am the captain of this boat
00:51:41And when the captain tells you to do something, you must do it
00:51:46Aye, aye, captain
00:51:48Aye, aye, captain
00:51:51Polly Parrot copies everything that is said
00:51:54George, raise the flag
00:51:56George, raise the flag
00:52:00Peppa, ring the bell
00:52:03Peppa, ring the bell
00:52:07Grandpa, can I be the captain, please?
00:52:11Okay, but as captain, you must wear this hat
00:52:16Peppa is the captain and everyone must do what she says
00:52:20Ring the bell
00:52:22Turn that wheel
00:52:24Aye, aye, captain Peppa
00:52:26Jump up and down
00:52:30Captain Peppa is a bit bossy
00:52:32Perhaps I should be the captain again
00:52:35We don't want to crash into anything
00:52:38Steering the boat can be tricky
00:52:42Luckily, I'm good at steering
00:52:46Oh dear! Grandpa Pig's boat has crashed into a little island
00:52:53Grandpa, we're stuck
00:52:55I'll ring Granny Pig, she can get help
00:53:04Grandpa Pig has dropped his phone in the water
00:53:10Granny Pig speaking, hello?
00:53:16Somehow, we need to get a message to Granny
00:53:21Message to Granny?
00:53:23Polly can fly to Granny
00:53:25Good idea, Peppa
00:53:27And I can teach Polly what to say
00:53:30Grandpa Pig says...
00:53:33Grandpa Pig says...
00:53:35Help! Help!
00:53:37Help! Help!
00:53:39There you see, easy peasy
00:53:42Grandpa Pig says easy peasy
00:53:45You silly old bird
00:53:47You silly old bird
00:53:52Hello Polly, what are you doing here?
00:53:55Grandpa Pig says...
00:53:57What does Grandpa Pig say?
00:54:00You silly old bird
00:54:02Help! Help!
00:54:04Goodness me, Grandpa must need help
00:54:09Grandad Dog!
00:54:11Granny Pig!
00:54:12Grandpa Pig needs help
00:54:14Please, could you rescue him?
00:54:16Madam, I would be delighted
00:54:23Hi there!
00:54:24Do you need rescuing, Captain?
00:54:26Um, maybe
00:54:28Would you like my rusty old boat to rescue you?
00:54:33Yes please, Grandad Dog
00:54:36Catch this, Captain!
00:54:37Aye aye, Skipper
00:54:39Grandad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend
00:54:44Granny, did Polly tell you we needed help?
00:54:48Yes, Polly is a very clever parrot
00:54:52Say, I'm a clever parrot
00:54:55Bark! Bark!
00:54:56I'm a clever parrot
00:54:58Bark! Bark!
00:55:00Ho! Ho! Ho!
00:55:07Peppa Pig
00:55:12Peppa Pig
00:55:16Peppa Pig
00:55:25I'm Peppa Pig
00:55:27This is my little brother George
00:55:30This is Mummy Pig
00:55:32And this is Daddy Pig
00:55:36Peppa Pig
00:55:46Hello, Daddy Pig speaking
00:55:48Monsieur Pig, comment allez-vous?
00:55:50Oh, something's wrong with the phone
00:55:52Quel temps fait-il en Grande-Bretagne? Il y a de la pluie, du soleil?
00:55:55You see, the phone's talking nonsense
00:55:57Allô, comment allez-vous?
00:55:59Allô, Monsieur?
00:56:00Est-ce que Delphine peut rester pour un jour?
00:56:02Elle vient juste de prendre le train
00:56:03Au revoir
00:56:27Delphine's train is arriving any minute
00:56:32Last stop, all trains
00:56:35That's Delphine's train
00:56:41Bonjour means hello in French
00:56:48Bonjour, Mr Donkey
00:56:50My goodness, is that huge case for Delphine?
00:56:55Delphine has brought a few little things for her visit
00:56:58Things you do not have over here
00:57:00Cheese, bread, tomatoes, water
00:57:05Au revoir, Delphine
00:57:06I will be back to pick you up tomorrow night
00:57:12Where shall I put Delphine's luggage?
00:57:14In my room, at the very top of the house
00:57:22And this luggage is for one night's stay?
00:57:24Oh, yes
00:57:26That is why I only pack a little bag
00:57:31Now, Delphine is here to practice talking English
00:57:34So we must all help her
00:57:36Yes, Mummy
00:57:38First, I must say sorry
00:57:41I do not speak English very well
00:57:44You don't speak too badly
00:57:46You are very kind, Monsieur Pig
00:57:48But may I ask you a question about talking English?
00:57:52Of course
00:57:54I am an expert at talking
00:57:56Ask away
00:57:57Are English split infinitives a form of irregular verb or past pronoun?
00:58:05Actually, it's quite late
00:58:07Shall we set up Delphine's bed?
00:58:09Mummy, Mummy
00:58:10Can Delphine sleep in my bed with a pillow at each end?
00:58:15Good idea, Peppa
00:58:16Peppa and Delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed
00:58:22Now, children, try to go to sleep
00:58:24You've got a busy day tomorrow
00:58:26Delphine is visiting your playgroup
00:58:30Dormez bien
00:58:31Dormez bien is French for sleep well
00:58:35I'm not sleepy at all
00:58:38Let's sing a little song to make her sleepy
00:58:43Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques
00:58:47Dormez-vous, dormez-vous
00:58:51Sonnez le matin
00:58:53Delphine's pretty French song has sent everyone to sleep
00:59:02Delphine has come to visit Peppa's playgroup
00:59:06Madame Gazelle, this is my French friend Delphine Donkeys
00:59:13Ah, bonjour Delphine
00:59:15Delphine sang a pretty French song last night
00:59:20Can we teach her an English song?
00:59:23How about the Bing Bong song?
00:59:26Yes, sing me this Bing Bong song
00:59:29It would be good for my English
00:59:35We're playing a tune and we're singing a song
00:59:38With a bing and a bong and a bing
00:59:42Bong bing boong
00:59:44Bing bong bing
00:59:46Bing bong bingly bongly boong
00:59:49Bong bing boong
00:59:51Bing bong bing
00:59:53Bing bong bingly bongly boong
00:59:56Good, I have learnt lots of new English words
01:00:00Bing bong bingly bongly boong
01:00:26I'm Peppa Pig
01:00:29This is my little brother George
01:00:31This is Mummy Pig
01:00:34And this is Daddy Pig
01:00:37Peppa Pig
01:00:41The Fire Engine
01:00:43Mummy Pig is dressed as a fireman
01:00:46Mummy, why are you dressed like that?
01:00:49I'm going to the Mummy's fire engine practice
01:00:54It's just a good excuse for a cup of tea and a chat
01:00:58Well, what are you doing today, Daddy Pig?
01:01:01I've got a very important meeting with the Daddy's football team
01:01:05That's just a lot of grown-up boys kicking a football around
01:01:09We're having a barbecue as well
01:01:13Here are Mr Bull, Mr Rabbit, Mr Pony and Mr Zebra
01:01:19Is Daddy Pig coming out to play?
01:01:23Come on!
01:01:27Mummy, can we see the fire engine?
01:01:31Oh goody!
01:01:36This is Miss Rabbit's fire station
01:01:40Hello Peppa and George
01:01:42Come and see the fire engine
01:01:45Wow! Fire engine!
01:01:47There's a ladder for climbing
01:01:50A hose for squirting water
01:01:53And a big bell to ring
01:01:59Now, let's go up the tower and look for fires
01:02:03Hello everyone!
01:02:05Hello Peppa, hello George
01:02:09Who's for a nice cup of tea and a chat?
01:02:12That sounds nice
01:02:14Ooh, a telephone
01:02:16Peppa, that is the fire phone
01:02:19It's only to be used when there's a fire
01:02:22Ah! Fire! Fire!
01:02:25Fire station! Where's the fire? Where's the fire?
01:02:29Can I speak to Mummy Pig, please?
01:02:32Oh, it's Daddy Pig
01:02:34Daddy Pig, you're not supposed to ring on this phone
01:02:37It's only for emergencies
01:02:40This is an emergency
01:02:42I can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere
01:02:45Daddy Pig, shall I light the barbecue now?
01:02:48Please, Mr Rabbit
01:02:50Do be careful with the barbecue, Daddy Pig
01:02:52Trust me, Mummy Pig
01:02:54We daddies know all about barbecues
01:02:59Maybe it needs more charcoal
01:03:01Give it a bit of a blow
01:03:03Put a few more fire lighters on
01:03:07Now, we just have to wait for a fire
01:03:10How long do we have to wait?
01:03:12Oh, it could be a long time
01:03:15I've been waiting ages
01:03:17How many fires have you actually put out, Miss Rabbit?
01:03:20Er, none
01:03:22Not one fire
01:03:24But you've got to be ready
01:03:27It's the fire phone
01:03:29Oh, can you answer it, Peppa?
01:03:31It'll probably be your daddy again
01:03:35Hello, fire station
01:03:37Hello, Peppa
01:03:38Oh, Daddy, it is you
01:03:41You're very naughty
01:03:43This phone is for fires only
01:03:46Come on, please, there's a good girl
01:03:48Daddy wants to speak to you
01:03:50Hello, Daddy Pig
01:03:52This phone is only to be used when there's a...
01:03:55Fire! Fire!
01:03:57Oh dear, Daddy Pig's barbecue is on fire
01:04:01Fire! Fire!
01:04:03Coming to the rescue!
01:04:09Hold tight
01:04:17Fire! Fire!
01:04:19Ding dong, ding dong
01:04:24It's Miss Rabbit's fire engine
01:04:27Stand back, daddies
01:04:30Mummy Dog, turn on the water
01:04:33Aye, aye, Mummy Pig
01:04:37The fire is out
01:04:40Thank you for saving us, Miss Rabbit
01:04:42No problem
01:04:44It's all part of the service
01:04:46The Mummy's fire engine service
01:04:49And now that Miss Rabbit has kindly flooded our garden
01:04:54We can all jump up and down in muddy puddles
01:04:59I love fire engines
01:05:02Especially when they make muddy puddles
01:05:12Peppa Pig
01:05:16Peppa Pig
01:05:20Peppa Pig
01:05:28I'm Peppa Pig
01:05:30This is my little brother George
01:05:33This is Mummy Pig
01:05:35And this is Daddy Pig
01:05:39Peppa Pig
01:05:42Princess Peppa
01:05:46It is bedtime for Peppa and George
01:05:48Good night, my little piggies
01:05:51Granny and Grandpa Pig have come for dinner
01:05:58Where are Peppa and George?
01:06:00They're asleep
01:06:01Oh, but I so wanted to see them
01:06:03Can I take a peek?
01:06:04OK, Granny Pig
01:06:06But be very quiet
01:06:12Granny Pig
01:06:13Gangie Ig
01:06:15Hello, my little darlings
01:06:16You should be asleep
01:06:18Tell us a story
01:06:20OK, but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep
01:06:25We'll go to sleep after the story
01:06:28All right
01:06:29Once upon a time, there was
01:06:31A little boy called Pedro Pony
01:06:34And he found a magic bean
01:06:37Oh, yes
01:06:38Now, Pedro planted that bean
01:06:41And it grew into an enormous beanstalk
01:06:44That went high into the sky
01:06:46That's right
01:06:47Pedro climbed to the top of that beanstalk
01:06:50And found a
01:06:51A horrible big giant
01:06:53But I don't want that
01:06:55I want a princess
01:06:57Oh, yes
01:06:58There he found a beautiful Princess Peppa
01:07:02And Sir George, the brave knight
01:07:06And a cook
01:07:07Who makes the most delicious food ever
01:07:12Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and Grandpa Pig
01:07:14Are waiting to eat dinner
01:07:16I'll go and see what's keeping Granny Pig
01:07:19What's next in the story?
01:07:21Naughty Granny Pig
01:07:23You woke the little ones
01:07:25We promised to sleep
01:07:27When the story ends, Grandpa
01:07:30I'm good at ending stories, Granny Pig
01:07:33You go downstairs
01:07:35I won't be long
01:07:37There's a boy, a beanstalk
01:07:40A beautiful princess
01:07:43A brave knight
01:07:45And a cook who makes a lovely dinner
01:07:48Well, after they ate the lovely dinner
01:07:51Everyone fell asleep
01:07:53The end
01:07:54Then they all woke up
01:07:56And along came a wizard
01:07:58A wizard?
01:07:59Yes, a wizard
01:08:00We're going to do a big magic show
01:08:04Then, along came a scary dragon
01:08:10Granny Pig, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig
01:08:12Are still waiting to eat dinner
01:08:14That bedtime story doesn't seem to be working
01:08:17I'm the expert at telling bedtime stories
01:08:20I'll have them asleep in no time
01:08:24A scary dragon
01:08:26Peppa, George, back to bed
01:08:29But Grandpa hasn't finished the story yet, Daddy
01:08:33I'll finish the story
01:08:35I'll be down in a minute
01:08:39There's a boy, a beanstalk, a castle
01:08:42A beautiful princess
01:08:44A brave knight, a cook
01:08:46A wizard and a scary dragon
01:08:50And a very hungry king
01:08:53So they all had a big dinner
01:08:55And lived happily ever after
01:08:58The end
01:08:59Then they had a party
01:09:03And all their friends came
01:09:13Right, I think I'd better sort this out
01:09:18Daddy Pig
01:09:19They're almost asleep
01:09:22Thank you
01:09:23I'll take over now
01:09:25You have to finish the story, Mummy
01:09:28Alright, quickly now
01:09:29Tell me what's happened
01:09:31Once upon a time, in olden days
01:09:34A long time ago
01:09:37Mummy Pig's been up there for a long time
01:09:41I can hear snoring
01:09:43At last, Peppa and George are asleep
01:09:47And then they all lived happily ever after
01:09:51The end
01:09:53Peppa, George
01:09:56Mummy is asleep
01:09:59It looks like Princess Peppa is the best at telling bedtime stories
01:10:04That's right, I am
01:10:29I'm Peppa Pig
01:10:31This is my little brother George
01:10:34This is Mummy Pig
01:10:36And this is Daddy Pig
01:10:40Peppa Pig
01:10:44Teddy Playgroup
01:10:46It is home time at Peppa's Playgroup
01:10:49Daddy, Teddy Playgroup is coming to stay
01:10:53Teddy Playgroup is our school mascot
01:10:56It's Peppa's turn to take him home
01:10:59He has pyjamas, a photo album and a toothbrush
01:11:04It's all in his suitcase
01:11:06I see
01:11:09Peppa, Daddy Pig and Teddy Playgroup have arrived home
01:11:14Mummy Pig, we have a special guest staying with us tonight
01:11:18Really? Who's that?
01:11:20Teddy Playgroup
01:11:22He has pyjamas, a photo album and a toothbrush
01:11:27What's the photo album for?
01:11:29We take photos of him doing exciting things
01:11:34My friends have took Teddy Playgroup all over the world
01:11:39London, Paris, Egypt
01:11:43I say, Teddy Playgroup does have an exciting life
01:11:47I hope he has an exciting time with us
01:11:52Peppa and George's Bedtime
01:11:55Everybody, this is Teddy Playgroup
01:11:59He is our special guest
01:12:01You all have to make room
01:12:06Oh, and that is Mr. Dinosaur
01:12:09He's not very good at talking
01:12:15Let's take a photo for Teddy Playgroup's album
01:12:18Say cheese
01:12:22Daddy, Teddy Playgroup needs to have an exciting time tomorrow
01:12:28Can we go to the North Pole?
01:12:30How about the supermarket?
01:12:34I don't think Teddy Playgroup has ever been shopping before
01:12:39It is morning
01:12:41Peppa is taking Teddy Playgroup to the supermarket
01:12:45This shop sells everything
01:12:48Oranges, apples, bananas
01:12:51Very interesting
01:12:55This is the checkout where all the food is paid for
01:13:00George wants to take a picture
01:13:02Ok, George
01:13:09That's enough pictures, George
01:13:13Oh, where is Teddy Playgroup?
01:13:16Teddy Playgroup is missing
01:13:18Daddy, you've lost Teddy Playgroup
01:13:21Don't worry, Peppa
01:13:23I'm sure we'll find him
01:13:26Hello, how was your day?
01:13:29Daddy lost Teddy Playgroup
01:13:31Oh no
01:13:32But I've got a plan to find him
01:13:36How are we going to find Teddy Playgroup, Daddy?
01:13:40First, we print out all the photos we took of him
01:13:49Mummy Piggy is unpacking the shopping
01:13:51Where are you going?
01:13:52We're going to stick pictures of Teddy Playgroup on trees
01:13:58Daddy, wait for me
01:14:00Why are we sticking photos on trees, Daddy?
01:14:03When people see the pictures of Teddy Playgroup
01:14:06They'll know he's lost
01:14:08And they can help us find him
01:14:10Oh, this is Teddy in my bed
01:14:15This is Teddy in the kitchen
01:14:19And these are George's pictures at the supermarket
01:14:24Oh, Teddy Playgroup
01:14:26I know where he is
01:14:31Oh, hello
01:14:32Mummy, we know where Teddy Playgroup is
01:14:36Where Teddy Playgroup is?
01:14:38Yes, he's in the shopping bag with the pasta and tomatoes
01:14:45Peppa is showing her class Teddy Playgroup's photo album
01:14:49I was worried that Teddy Playgroup wouldn't have an exciting adventure with us
01:14:55Then luckily, my daddy lost him at the supermarket
01:15:01But we found him again in the shopping
01:15:06Teddy Playgroup was an exciting adventure
01:15:09Yes, it was
01:15:17Peppa Pig
01:15:22Peppa Pig
01:15:26Peppa Pig
01:15:28Peppa Pig
01:16:12Hello, Grandad Dog
01:16:17Hello, Dogbeard
01:16:25Why is he talking funny?
01:16:27That's pirate talk
01:16:29If you want to play my pirate game, say Arrr
01:16:35Is this a dangerous game?
01:16:37No, Pedro, Grandad Dog has promised me it will be a very safe game
01:16:44But it will be exciting
01:16:46So who wants to play?
01:16:49Here be the plan
01:16:51Time was, I had a heap of gold that was mine by right
01:16:55But I was hard and swallowed by one Captain Hog
01:17:00Pirate talk is a bit difficult to understand
01:17:03Captain Hog took my treasure
01:17:08Know you, the Captain Hog is a fearsome pirate
01:17:13Some of you may already know him as Grandpa Pig
01:17:19Oh, Grandpa Pig
01:17:23The game is to go to Captain Hog's hideout and get back my treasure without being caught
01:17:30Everyone is excited to be playing the pirate game
01:17:35Hello, Grandpa Pig, we're on our way
01:17:38Jolly good
01:17:39Jolly good
01:17:41Grandpa Pig and Polly Parrot are guarding the pirate treasure
01:17:45Be the black galleon fast and the wind at our backs will away
01:17:50What does that mean?
01:17:52Run to the boat
01:17:53Yo ho ho
01:17:59Oh there, put your life jackets on
01:18:02On Grandad Dog's boat, all the children must wear life jackets
01:18:07That scurvy dog beard should be here by now
01:18:13Here's a nice cup of tea, Grandpa Pig
01:18:15Oh, thank you, Granny Pig
01:18:19At last, are we all ready now?
01:18:22Mister Dogbeard, I need to go to the toilet
01:18:26And me
01:18:31What can be keeping them?
01:18:35Hello, Grandad Dog, I thought you said you were on your way
01:18:40Yes, yes, we're almost there
01:18:42It's taking a while to get my crew together
01:18:46Anchors away, full sail
01:18:49Aye aye, Dogbeard
01:18:53It's only pirates we, that sail the deep blue sea
01:18:57To find the golden treasure, full sail high and free
01:19:01Land ahoy
01:19:04The children have arrived at Grandpa Pig's orchard
01:19:08The game is to get that treasure without being caught
01:19:14Hooray for the pirates
01:19:16Shoo shoo
01:19:20I hope there are no pirates around here
01:19:24Trying to take my lovely treasure
01:19:28Peppa and her friends have got the coins without being caught
01:19:31It's chocolate coins
01:19:34Everybody loves chocolate coins
01:19:36Yum yum yum
01:19:39Aha, got you
01:19:41Grandad Dog has been caught
01:19:43Try and take my treasure, would you?
01:19:46It's mine, I won it fair and square
01:19:49Oh, no you didn't
01:19:51Oh, yes I did
01:19:55Thank you, Captain Hog and Dogbeard for the lovely pirate game
01:20:00Oh, you're very welcome
01:20:03Oh, yes, it's been lots of fun
01:20:06Happy birthday, Danny
01:20:08This be the best pirate party ever
01:20:16It's only pirates we, that sail the deep blue sea
01:20:20To find the golden treasure, full sail high and free
01:20:24It's only pirates we, that sail the deep blue sea
01:20:33I'm Peppa Pig
01:20:37This is my little brother George
01:20:40This is Mummy Pig
01:20:42And this is Daddy Pig
01:20:46Peppa Pig
01:20:49Mr Potato comes to town
01:20:53Peppa and her family are watching Mr Potato on television
01:20:59I love watching programs about keeping fit
01:21:03Now here are some lovely drawings I've been sent
01:21:07This is an apple
01:21:10Remember, eating fruit and vegetables helps you stay fit
01:21:16I'm good at eating fruit and vegetables
01:21:19And exercise is important
01:21:21Today you can see me open a new sports centre in town
01:21:27Mummy, can we go and see Mr Potato?
01:21:31It's a long way to go to see a potato, Peppa
01:21:34He's not any old potato
01:21:36This is Mr Potato
01:21:38Can we go and see him, Mummy, please?
01:21:42Oh, all right
01:21:47Everyone has come to see Mr Potato open a new sports centre
01:21:53Look, it's Mr Potato
01:21:55Mr Potato
01:21:58Oh, it's just Peppa
01:22:01Hello everyone
01:22:02Hello Peppa
01:22:04Susie thought you were Mr Potato
01:22:07I don't look like Mr Potato
01:22:10No, you're much too big
01:22:12Mr Potato is bigger than me
01:22:15No he's not, he's a potato
01:22:18And potatoes are this big
01:22:21There's Mr Potato
01:22:25Mr Potato has come to town
01:22:28Please welcome your friend and mine, Mr Potato
01:22:36Wow, that's a big potato
01:22:39I declare this sports centre open
01:22:45Fantastic, we must all exercise and eat fruit and vegetables
01:22:52Which one should we eat, Mr Potato?
01:22:55Apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes
01:23:01Why aren't you small, like a normal potato?
01:23:05Because he's not a normal potato, he's got legs
01:23:10Normal potatoes don't have legs
01:23:13He's a super potato
01:23:16We watch your show every morning
01:23:19Very good, and remember to send me your drawings
01:23:23We will
01:23:26Peppa and her friends are at playgroup
01:23:29Children, today we will do drawings for Mr Potato
01:23:36I'm drawing a pineapple
01:23:38I'm drawing a carrot
01:23:40Very good, what are you drawing, Emily?
01:23:43A pea
01:23:45Lovely, and Pedro?
01:23:47It's a super potato
01:23:49I see, and George has drawn a wonderful tomato
01:23:54Peppa, what vegetable have you drawn?
01:23:57My daddy, watching television
01:24:01Excellent, now we put the drawings in an envelope and post them to Mr Potato
01:24:10It is morning and time for the Mr Potato show
01:24:14Please welcome your friend and mine, Mr Potato
01:24:20We posted some drawings to Mr Potato in an envelope
01:24:25Did you get the envelope?
01:24:27He can't hear you daddy, he's on television
01:24:31Oh yes, of course
01:24:33I've received an envelope full of drawings
01:24:38This tomato looks very juicy
01:24:41That's George's picture
01:24:45Well done, George
01:24:47But this picture from Peppa Pig is my favourite
01:24:51Wow, that's my picture
01:24:54It shows Daddy Pig watching TV
01:24:59Looks like Daddy Pig needs some exercise
01:25:04Come on Daddy Pig, let's do some jumping up and down
01:25:08Oh, alright
01:25:10Up, down
01:25:12Up, down
01:25:13Up, down
01:25:14Up, down
01:25:15Up, down
01:25:16Up, down
01:25:17Up, down
01:25:18Up, down
01:25:19Up, down
01:25:20Up, down
01:25:21Up, down
01:25:22Up, down
01:25:23Up, down
01:25:24Up, down
01:25:25Up, down
01:25:26Up, down
01:25:27Up, down
01:25:28Up, down
01:25:29Up, down
01:25:30Up, down
01:25:31Up, down
01:25:32Up, down
01:25:33Up, down
01:25:34Up, down
01:25:35Up, down
01:25:36Up, down
01:25:37Up, down
01:25:38Up, down
01:25:39Up, down
01:25:40This is my little brother George
01:25:43This is Mummy Pig
01:25:45And this is Daddy Pig
01:25:49Peppa Pig
01:25:53The train ride
01:25:55Today, Peppa and her friends are going on a train ride
01:26:01Mr Rabbit is the station master
01:26:03How many tickets?
01:26:04One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
01:26:09Ten child tickets and one teacher ticket, please
01:26:15Now, children, do not lose these tickets
01:26:19Can I see your tickets, please?
01:26:23I've lost my ticket
01:26:25Oh, dear Pedro, you must be more careful
01:26:29There's your ticket
01:26:32Try not to lose it again
01:26:35Here comes the train
01:26:38Train, train
01:26:41Miss Rabbit is the train driver
01:26:43All aboard!
01:26:59Here are your activity sheets
01:27:02The children have to spot everything that is on the activity sheet
01:27:06A boat
01:27:07A signal box
01:27:09And a tunnel
01:27:11I can see trees
01:27:13Are trees on the list?
01:27:15Er, no
01:27:17I can see clouds
01:27:19Are clouds on the list?
01:27:23I can see Granddad Dog
01:27:25Ahoy there!
01:27:27Hello, Granddad Dog
01:27:32Is Granddad Dog on the list?
01:27:34Silly, Peppa
01:27:35My Granddad won't be on the list
01:27:38But he is sailing a boat
01:27:40And a boat is on the list
01:27:44The children tick the boat on their activity sheets
01:27:48Tickets, please!
01:27:49Mr Rabbit has come to check everyone's ticket
01:27:54Er, I think I've lost my ticket
01:27:57Oh, dear, oh, dear
01:28:00There's your ticket, Pedro
01:28:02You were sitting on it
01:28:04Now you try not to lose it again, Pedro
01:28:08The train is going slowly uphill
01:28:15The train is going quickly downhill
01:28:19Madam Gazelle, I feel a bit sick
01:28:22Can I go to the front, please?
01:28:25OK, Pedro
01:28:26You can go to the front of the train
01:28:29Hello, Pedro
01:28:31Not feeling very well?
01:28:33Would you like to drive the train for a bit?
01:28:35Yes, please
01:28:41Flickety-clack, flickety-clack
01:28:43The train goes on the track
01:28:45Hop and puff, hop and puff
01:28:47The train goes on the track
01:28:59A signal box!
01:29:01That's on our list
01:29:05The children tick the signal box on their activity sheets
01:29:09The signal has stopped the train
01:29:11So that someone important can cross
01:29:17It's Mrs Duck and her friends
01:29:20Ha, ha, ha!
01:29:27Oh, we still haven't seen a tunnel
01:29:31Hey, it's gotten dark
01:29:34We're in a tunnel
01:29:37The tunnel is the last thing on the activity sheet
01:29:44Last stop
01:29:46Wall change
01:29:48Everybody off now
01:29:51But Madam Gazelle, how are we going to get home?
01:29:54Oh, Peppa, we'll beg where we started
01:29:57The train has gone in a big circle
01:30:01Tickets, please
01:30:04Erm, Pedro's lost his ticket again
01:30:07Erm, Pedro, can I have my hat back, please?
01:30:12There's Pedro's ticket
01:30:14Oh, that's where I put it
01:30:18Ha, ha, ha!
01:30:48C'est l'oiseau d'enfant
01:30:51L'oiseau de Peppa
01:30:56Les chiens de l'oiseau de grand-mère
01:30:59Peppa et George dorment à la maison de grand-mère et de grand-père
01:31:03L'oiseau de grand-mère
01:31:05L'oiseau de grand-mère
01:31:06Bonjour, mes petits
01:31:08Au revoir, à plus tard
01:31:10Au revoir, maman
01:31:13Venez voir où vous allez dormir ce soir
01:31:19C'était la chambre de l'oiseau de grand-mère quand elle était petite
01:31:22Dans les temps anciens
01:31:24Et c'est le lit où maman dormait
01:31:26Oh, le lit qui bouge
01:31:33Vous êtes comme votre maman quand elle était petite
01:31:36Est-ce que maman bougeait sur le lit ?
01:31:38Bien sûr
01:31:39Mais maman nous dit de ne pas bouger sur le lit
01:31:43Quand maman était petite, elle avait des cheveux comme vous
01:31:46Elle avait des cheveux ?
01:31:49Allons voir l'oiseau de grand-père dans le jardin
01:31:56L'oiseau de grand-père
01:31:59Bonjour, Peppa, bonjour, George
01:32:02Venez voir mes carottes
01:32:04L'oiseau de grand-père est très fier de ses légumes
01:32:09Et voici mes pommes
01:32:13Mais le meilleur de tous est mes légumes
01:32:17Oh non, mes légumes !
01:32:21Je pense que les oiseaux l'ont mangé, grand-père
01:32:24Oui, les oiseaux
01:32:26Pourquoi ne l'a-t-il pas effrayé ?
01:32:30Parce que les oiseaux qui ont mangé mes légumes sont très stupides
01:32:35Qu'est-ce qui se passe, grand-père Pig ?
01:32:37Vos amis ont encore mangé mes légumes
01:32:41Quels amis ?
01:32:42Tom, Dick et Harry
01:32:45Ce ne sont pas leurs noms
01:32:47Le grand-père Pig a des oiseaux
01:32:50Dis bonjour à Jemima, Sarah et Vanessa
01:32:56Et voici Neville
01:33:00Est-ce que Neville est un oiseau ?
01:33:02Oui, Peppa, il est un coquereau
01:33:04Il est le pire, il a effrayé mes légumes
01:33:08Neville ne l'aurait pas effrayé
01:33:11Je l'ai vu manger les oiseaux
01:33:14Et il a mangé mes légumes
01:33:17Tu ne veux pas manger les légumes de grand-père, n'est-ce pas ?
01:33:22Pas quand il y a du joli poivre à manger
01:33:25Viens, de cette façon, à la maison
01:33:29Peppa, George, aimeriez-vous nourrir les oiseaux avec du poivre ?
01:33:32Oui, s'il vous plaît, grand-père
01:33:36Voici les oiseaux, mangez
01:33:41Oh, vous avez une maison pour les oiseaux
01:33:44C'est la couche pour les oiseaux, c'est là où les oiseaux laissent leurs oeufs
01:33:48Oeufs ? Je ne vois pas d'oeufs
01:33:51Pas maintenant, mais il y en aura bientôt
01:33:57C'est l'heure de dormir pour Peppa et George à la maison de grand-père et de grand-mère
01:34:03Les oiseaux n'ont pas encore laissé leurs oeufs, grand-mère ?
01:34:07Peut-être le matin, Peppa
01:34:08Comment savons-nous que c'est le matin ?
01:34:10Neville nous le dira
01:34:12Allez, dormez
01:34:14Bonne nuit
01:34:21C'est le matin
01:34:25C'est Neville
01:34:31Merci de nous avoir réveillés, Neville
01:34:39Bonne nuit, Jemima, Sarah et Vanessa
01:34:42Avez-vous des oeufs pour nous ?
01:34:44Un, deux, trois, quatre
01:34:47Quatre oeufs, grand-mère
01:34:49Maintenant, nous aurons des oeufs pour le déjeuner
01:34:51Merci, Jemima, Sarah et Vanessa
01:35:00Des oeufs cuits pour tout le monde
01:35:04Mmmm, délicieux
01:35:07Grand-mère, vos oeufs font des oeufs délicieux
01:35:12Oui, c'est tout ce beau poisson qu'ils mangent
01:35:16Et mes laitises
01:35:25Peppa Pig
01:35:30Peppa Pig
01:35:33Peppa Pig
01:36:03C'est le jour des talents
01:36:05Qu'est-ce qu'un talent ?
01:36:07Un talent, c'est quelque chose que vous aimez faire et que vous êtes bon à faire
01:36:11J'aime regarder la télévision et je suis bon à faire
01:36:15Pensez à quelque chose que nous aimerions que vous fassiez
01:36:19Mon talent, c'est de jouer la guitare
01:36:29Les parents sont arrivés pour prendre les enfants
01:36:32N'oubliez pas de penser à quelque chose à faire pour le jour des talents demain
01:36:37C'est l'heure de dormir pour Peppa et George
01:36:40Je ne peux pas aller au lit encore
01:36:42Je n'ai pas de talent à montrer demain
01:36:45Mais tu as beaucoup de talent, Peppa
01:36:48Oui, je peux sauter
01:36:52Je peux chanter
01:36:53Twinkle, twinkle, little star
01:36:56Je peux danser
01:37:03C'est difficile de choisir un talent
01:37:05J'ai beaucoup de talents
01:37:07Ne t'inquiète pas, tu peux décider demain
01:37:13C'est l'heure des talents
01:37:15Mes talents sont de sauter, chanter et danser
01:37:19Je les ai pratiqués toute la nuit
01:37:22Je pratiquais regarder la télévision la nuit
01:37:26Ce n'est pas un talent
01:37:28Madame Gazelle l'a dit
01:37:31Qu'est-ce que je peux faire alors ?
01:37:33Qui veut nous montrer leur talent d'abord ?
01:37:37Danny Dog ?
01:37:38Je peux sauter un tambour
01:37:42Je peux le sauter plus fort
01:37:44C'était mignon, Danny
01:37:49Pedro Pony, quel est ton talent ?
01:37:52Les trucs magiques
01:37:55Ici, c'est un verre d'eau
01:37:58C'est moche et sauvage
01:38:02Maintenant, je vais faire disparaître l'eau
01:38:08S'il vous plaît, fermez vos yeux
01:38:14Ouvrez vos yeux
01:38:17L'eau a disparu
01:38:22Emily Elephant
01:38:23Je vais jouer le tapeur
01:38:29Et qu'est-ce que c'est que ton talent, Rebecca ?
01:38:31Je peux faire un bruit spécial
01:38:36Ça ne marche qu'en sautant sur mes pieds
01:38:43C'était très bien
01:38:45Oui, mais qu'est-ce que je peux faire ?
01:38:47Candy, quel est ton talent ?
01:38:50Le saut
01:38:53Le saut
01:38:58J'allais faire le saut
01:39:00Mais je peux toujours danser et chanter
01:39:04Mon talent, c'est de chanter
01:39:13Je peux toujours danser
01:39:15Susie Sheep, quel est ton talent ?
01:39:20Non, tu ne peux pas danser
01:39:23Oh mon dieu, le danser était le dernier talent de Peppa
01:39:36C'est si bien que tout le monde a choisi un autre talent pour faire
01:39:42Maintenant, qui reste ? Peppa
01:39:45J'allais faire le saut, chanter ou danser
01:39:50Un talent peut être tout, Peppa
01:39:52Mais pas regarder la télévision
01:39:55Pense à quelque chose que tu aimes vraiment faire
01:39:59Je sais, j'ai un talent que je suis vraiment bon
01:40:04Je me demande quel talent Peppa peut avoir
01:40:07Mon talent spécial, c'est que je suis le meilleur dans le monde
01:40:12C'est le saut dans les poudres
01:40:17Peppa aime le saut dans les poudres
01:40:21Tout le monde aime le saut dans les poudres
01:40:27Peppa Pig
01:40:32Peppa Pig
01:40:36Peppa Pig
01:40:38Peppa Pig
01:40:44Je suis Peppa Pig
01:40:46C'est mon petit frère Georges
01:40:49C'est maman Pig
01:40:51Et c'est papa Pig
01:40:55Peppa Pig
01:40:58Un voyage vers la lune
01:41:00C'est un beau jour soleil
01:41:03Peppa joue avec son ballon
01:41:06Georges et son ami Edmund l'éléphant jouent avec leurs jouets de l'espace
01:41:12Lune, lune
01:41:14Georges prétend que le ballon bouillant est la lune
01:41:17Je jouais avec ce ballon
01:41:21Edmunds jouet de l'espace est tombé sur la tête de Peppa
01:41:25Ça a l'air amusant, tu vas à la lune ?
01:41:28C'est juste des trucs de l'espace pour les bébés, papa
01:41:32C'est pas réel
01:41:34Mais l'espace est réel, Peppa
01:41:36Et il y a de vrais roquettes qui vont à la lune
01:41:39Le musée a un défilé tout sur la lune
01:41:42Devons-nous aller le voir ?
01:41:44On va vraiment aller à la lune ?
01:41:47Non, Peppa, on ne va pas à la lune
01:41:50On va au musée
01:41:54Voici le musée
01:41:57Bonjour tout le monde, êtes-vous venus voir le défilé de la lune ?
01:42:00Oui, Mme Rabbit, cinq tickets, s'il vous plaît
01:42:04Voilà, profitez de votre voyage à la lune
01:42:08Oh, on va vraiment aller à la lune ?
01:42:11Non, Peppa, c'est juste des trucs de l'espace
01:42:14De cette façon pour notre voyage à la lune
01:42:17M. Rabbit est le touriste
01:42:21Préparez-vous pour le départ
01:42:24C'est juste des trucs de l'espace, n'est-ce pas ?
01:42:26C'est vrai, Peppa, c'est juste des trucs de l'espace
01:42:29Cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un...
01:42:34Blast-off !
01:42:38Nous vivons sur une planète
01:42:40Est-ce que quelqu'un sait ce qu'elle s'appelle ?
01:42:43La Terre
01:42:44C'est vrai
01:42:46Je suis un peu un expert sur les trucs de l'espace
01:42:49Il y a sept autres planètes qui circulent autour de notre Soleil
01:42:53Est-ce que quelqu'un sait ce qu'elles s'appellent ?
01:42:57Oh, bien joué, Edmund
01:42:59Vénus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne, Neptune, Uranus
01:43:05Edmund connaît tout sur l'espace
01:43:07Je suis un cloqueur
01:43:12Est-ce que quelqu'un sait ce que ces planètes sont faites de ?
01:43:15Elles sont faites de carton
01:43:17Ces modèles sont faits de carton
01:43:19Mais les vrais planètes sont faits de roche, d'acier et de gaz
01:43:24Mais bien sûr, la lune est faite de fromage
01:43:27Non, la lune est faite de roche
01:43:30Et c'est un tour sérieux, donc pas de blagues et pas de rire
01:43:36Nous sommes sur la lune
01:43:38C'est vraiment une lune de prétention, n'est-ce pas ?
01:43:41Oui, si c'était la vraie lune, tu pourrais tomber sur ma tête
01:43:47Est-ce que quelqu'un sait pourquoi nous pouvons tomber si haut sur la lune ?
01:43:51La gravité
01:43:52Oh, c'est vrai, Edmund
01:43:54La gravité est ce qui nous garde sur le sol
01:43:57C'est plus faible sur la lune, donc tu peux tomber plus haut
01:44:02Nous pouvons te faire croire que tu tombes sur la lune avec l'aide de la science
01:44:07Ça a l'air impressionnant
01:44:09Comment fais-tu ça ?
01:44:10Avec des grandes bandes de carton
01:44:14Tout le monde est entouré de bandes de carton anti-gravité de Mr Rabbit
01:44:24C'est amusant de tomber sur la lune de prétention
01:44:27Dis « lune-cheese »
01:44:29Lune-cheese !
01:44:33Et c'est la fin du tour, s'il vous plaît, marchez de cette façon
01:44:37Y a-t-il des arbres sur la lune ?
01:44:40Y a-t-il des voitures sur la lune ?
01:44:43Y a-t-il des magasins de lune ?
01:44:45Non, ça serait stupide
01:44:47Bienvenue au magasin de lune
01:44:50Y a-t-il des mapes de lune ? Des livres de lune ?
01:44:52Y a-t-il même une photo de Piggy sur la lune avec un éléphant ?
01:44:56Regarde, là on est, on tombe sur la lune
01:44:59Y a-t-il de la roche de la lune aussi ?
01:45:01Y a-t-il une photo de la lune tout le long du milieu ?
01:45:05Et des vrais « lune-cheese » ?
01:45:08Combien c'est, Miss Rabbit ?
01:45:10Cinq poundes, s'il vous plaît
01:45:12Cinq poundes ?
01:45:14C'est tout pour une bonne cause
01:45:16J'aime la lune maintenant parce que c'est très intéressant
01:45:21Et très délicieux
01:45:46Je suis Peppa Pig
01:45:48C'est mon petit frère George
01:45:51C'est Maman Pig
01:45:53Et c'est Papa Pig
01:45:57Peppa Pig
01:46:02Grand-père au playground
01:46:04Grand-père Pig regarde Peppa et George aujourd'hui
01:46:08Maintenant, grand-père, je vais vous montrer comment tout fonctionne
01:46:13C'est le slide
01:46:15On monte ici et on descend là-bas
01:46:20Et tout le monde le prend en tournée
01:46:25Je sais ce que c'est le slide, Peppa
01:46:28J'y ai joué moi-même quand j'étais petit
01:46:32Y a-t-il de l'escalier aussi ?
01:46:34Dans les jours anciens
01:46:37On avait des tournées et des escaliers et des tournées
01:46:43Mais mon préféré, c'était le slide
01:46:47C'est mon préféré aussi
01:46:52Tout le monde le prend en tournée pour aller sur le slide
01:46:59Nauve Richard, tu sais que tu dois attendre ton tour
01:47:03Richard Rabbit trouve ça difficile d'attendre son tour
01:47:08Oh mon Dieu, c'est pas facile d'être petit, n'est-ce pas Richard ?
01:47:14Parce que Richard est petit, je ne pense pas qu'il doit attendre
01:47:19Je ne changerais pas les règles si j'étais toi, grand-père Pig
01:47:22Nonsense, les enfants comprennent, n'est-ce pas ?
01:47:28Grand-père, George est petit et il doit attendre son tour
01:47:36Oui, George est petit, donc il ne doit pas attendre non plus
01:47:45Oh mon Dieu, Richard et George prennent tous les tournées sur le slide
01:47:49Grand-père, quand allons-nous aller sur le slide ?
01:47:54Ne t'inquiète pas Peppa, ils ne seront pas sur le slide pour longtemps
01:47:58Oh, j'ai faim d'attendre
01:48:01Moi aussi, allons-nous jouer au swing ?
01:48:10Petro, peux-je jouer maintenant ?
01:48:12Je veux juste jouer un peu plus
01:48:16Mais tu as joué au swing depuis des siècles
01:48:19Grand-père Pig, peux-tu me pousser un petit peu, s'il te plaît ?
01:48:23Je pense que c'est la tournée de quelqu'un d'autre maintenant, Petro
01:48:27Mais je dois aller à la maison bientôt
01:48:30Oh, je vois, c'est différent, laissez-moi vous pousser alors
01:48:34Mais grand-père !
01:48:38J'ai faim d'attendre
01:48:41Moi aussi
01:48:42Et moi
01:48:43Allons-nous jouer au swing ?
01:48:46Tout le monde veut jouer au swing
01:48:49Il y a trop de enfants sur la tournée
01:48:52Tout le monde sort
01:48:54Mais grand-père Pig, je suis en fait la première
01:48:58Ah, alors vous pouvez revenir sur la tournée
01:49:02Je dois y aller aussi
01:49:04Pourquoi, Rebecca ?
01:49:06Parce que c'est mon anniversaire bientôt
01:49:10Oh, d'accord
01:49:12Et moi
01:49:15Tout le monde est prêt ?
01:49:18Arrêtez, il n'y a pas de garçons sur la tournée
01:49:24Maintenant, tout le monde est prêt
01:49:27Je porte des verres, je peux y aller, s'il vous plaît ?
01:49:31Les enfants font leurs propres règles
01:49:34Je dois y aller parce que j'aime les carottes
01:49:38Maintenant, êtes-vous tous prêts ?
01:49:41Non, je dois y aller parce que je peux faire ça
01:49:48Voici Maman Pig
01:49:50Comment allez-vous, grand-père Pig ?
01:49:52Je suis confus, ces règles sur la tournée sont trop compliquées
01:49:58Il n'y a qu'une seule règle, grand-père Pig
01:50:01Et c'est que tout le monde attend son tour
01:50:07Quoi ? Même les petits ?
01:50:10Même les petits
01:50:12Et les très vieux ?
01:50:14Comme grand-père
01:50:17Même les très vieux comme grand-père
01:50:20Au playground, tout le monde a son tour
01:50:47Je suis Peppa Pig
01:50:49C'est mon petit frère George
01:50:52C'est Maman Pig
01:50:54Et c'est grand-père Pig
01:50:58Peppa Pig
01:51:00Goldie the Fish
01:51:02C'est un beau matin soleil
01:51:04Grand-père Pig va travailler dans son voiture
01:51:08C'est l'heure du déjeuner, Goldie
01:51:10Maman Pig nourrit Goldie the Fish
01:51:14Maman, Goldie ne mange pas
01:51:17Oh, peut-être qu'elle ne se sent pas très bien
01:51:20Allons téléphoner à Docteur Hamster the Vet
01:51:27Docteur Hamster the Vet parlant
01:51:30Bonjour Docteur Hamster, Goldie the Fish ne mange pas
01:51:34Et elle a l'air triste
01:51:36Oh, il vaut mieux que tu amènes Goldie me voir tout de suite
01:51:41Oh, Daddy took the car
01:51:44How do we get to the vet?
01:51:46We can take the bus
01:51:48Oh, goodie
01:51:51This is the bus stop
01:51:53The timetable says the next bus will be here at ten o'clock
01:51:57What time is it now?
01:51:59Ten o'clock
01:52:03How many tickets?
01:52:05One mummy ticket and two little piggies
01:52:08And one fish please
01:52:10The fish goes free
01:52:16Hold tight!
01:52:18Mr Bull is waiting for the bus
01:52:24One ticket for the music shop please
01:52:30Hello Mr Bull
01:52:32We're taking Goldie to the vet
01:52:35Oh dear, feeling poorly are we Goldie?
01:52:39She can't talk, she's a fish
01:52:42Of course, maybe she'd like to hear a tune on my tuba
01:52:51It sounds funny
01:52:53That's why I'm going to the music shop to get it mended
01:53:00Mrs Sheep, Mrs Cat, Mr Zebra and Madam Gazelle have got on the bus
01:53:06Four tickets to the supermarket please
01:53:12Hello Madam Gazelle
01:53:14We're taking Goldie to the vet
01:53:17Oh, is Goldie not well?
01:53:20She likes you
01:53:23The wheels on the bus go round and round
01:53:26Round and round, round and round
01:53:29The wheels on the bus go round and round
01:53:32All day long
01:53:40Music shop
01:53:44Last stop, the vet
01:53:47The vet helps sick pets get better
01:53:54Oh, is this the sad little fish that won't eat?
01:53:57Yes, watch this
01:54:01Goldie has eaten the food
01:54:03Oh, she didn't eat at home
01:54:06Maybe Goldie was bored at home
01:54:09The interesting journey has cheered her up
01:54:13You have a very healthy, happy fish, she's lovely
01:54:18Thank you Doctor Hamster
01:54:21Mr Red Pepper and George are going home on the bus
01:54:26Mr Bull is going home with his bended tuba
01:54:30It's as good as new!
01:54:37Madam Gazelle and her friends are going home with their shopping
01:54:42I see Goldie the fish is happy again
01:54:45Yes, it was the bus ride that made her better
01:54:49The fish in the bowl swims round and round
01:54:52Round and round, round and round
01:54:54The fish in the bowl swims round and round
01:54:57All day long
01:55:19It's the bus, it's fun!
01:55:21Ok, we'll go on the bus
01:55:26Everyone loves going on the bus, especially Goldie the fish
01:55:31The fish in the bowl swims round and round
01:55:34Round and round, round and round
01:55:37The fish in the bowl swims round and round
01:55:40All day long
01:55:50I'm Peppa Pig
01:55:52This is my little brother George
01:55:55This is Mummy Pig
01:55:57And this is Daddy Pig
01:56:01Peppa Pig
01:56:07Today Peppa and her family have come to the funfair
01:56:10I love the funfair
01:56:13Slidey, slidey
01:56:15George wants to go on the Helter Skelter
01:56:18Ok, see you later
01:56:20See you later
01:56:22Roll up, roll up, hook a duck and win a giant teddy
01:56:26Mummy, can we have a go?
01:56:30One pound please
01:56:32One pound? It's all for a good cause
01:56:35Win a giant teddy Mummy
01:56:37I'll try Peppa, but I don't think it's that easy
01:56:41You're right, you've got no chance
01:56:44It's impossible
01:56:45Waste of money if you ask me
01:56:47We'll see about that
01:56:51Mummy Pig has won
01:56:54That's amazing
01:56:55Here's your giant teddy
01:56:57Wouldn't you like a little teddy instead Peppa?
01:57:00No way Jose
01:57:02Look Mummy, a giant teddy
01:57:06It's a bit big
01:57:08No it's not
01:57:10George and Daddy Pig are queuing for the Helter Skelter
01:57:15It's a bit high George
01:57:17Are you sure you want to have a go?
01:57:20One pound please
01:57:22One pound?
01:57:24It's all for a good cause
01:57:35Oh dear, it is a bit too high for George
01:57:38Don't worry George, I'll come up with you
01:57:41That's one pound please
01:57:50George isn't afraid of heights anymore
01:57:53Oh, it is a bit high, isn't it?
01:57:56I'll just go down the stairs
01:57:58The stairs are full of children
01:58:01That's the way down Daddy Pig
01:58:04Oh, OK
01:58:12Roll up, roll up, hit the target and win a giant teddy
01:58:19You can do that easy Mummy
01:58:21We don't want to win another giant teddy Peppa
01:58:24Don't worry, you won't win
01:58:26Women are useless at this
01:58:28I'm sorry, what did you say?
01:58:30It's a game of skill
01:58:32How much for one go?
01:58:34One pound
01:58:37Mummy Pig has won
01:58:39Unbelievable, here's your giant teddy
01:58:42Hooray! I want a teddy like that one Mummy
01:58:46They're too big
01:58:48No they're not
01:58:50Daddy Pig and George are riding on the big wheel
01:58:54Hold tight now
01:58:56Oh, that really is high
01:59:02Phew, I'm glad that's over
01:59:06Five times round for one pound
01:59:09Five times round? Oh no
01:59:16Roll up, roll up, test your strength on the old hammer and bell
01:59:22What do we have to do?
01:59:24You hit this button with this hammer
01:59:27If the bell rings, you win a prize
01:59:30No skill involved, but you need to be strong
01:59:34I'll have a go
01:59:36One pound
01:59:41Bad luck
01:59:42Ho ho, I'm strong, I'll have a go
01:59:48Stand back everyone
01:59:50Do be careful Daddy Pig, you're not that fit
01:59:53Ho ho, yes Daddy Pig is looking a bit tubby
01:59:58I'm just saying Daddy Pig is a bit round in the tummy
02:00:02Give me that hammer
02:00:10Goodness me, I've never seen anything like it
02:00:14That wins all the giant teddies we have
02:00:18Mummy, can we give these teddies to my friends?
02:00:21What a good idea
02:00:23Thank you Peppa
02:00:26Thank you Peppa
02:00:28Most kind
02:00:29Thank you very much
02:00:36Peppa Pig
02:00:41Peppa Pig
02:00:45Peppa Pig
02:00:47Peppa Pig
02:00:54I'm Peppa Pig
02:00:56This is my little brother George
02:00:59This is Mummy Pig
02:01:01And this is Daddy Pig
02:01:05Peppa Pig
02:01:11It is a school day for Peppa and her friends
02:01:14Children, today we will be learning all about numbers
02:01:19Does anybody know what numbers are for?
02:01:23Are numbers for counting?
02:01:26Yes Peppa, who would like to do some counting now?
02:01:29Me, me, me
02:01:32OK, Pedro
02:01:33Er, one, two, three, four
02:01:38Pedro has counted to four
02:01:41Well done Pedro
02:01:44Can anyone count higher than four?
02:01:47Me, me, me
02:01:50One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
02:01:55Rebecca has counted to seven
02:01:57Excellent Rebecca
02:02:00Madam Gazelle
02:02:01Yes Candy
02:02:03My mum can count to ten
02:02:07Yes, after seven there is eight, nine, ten
02:02:12Eight, nine, ten
02:02:14Very good
02:02:18It is play time
02:02:21Rebecca Rabbit, Zoe Zebra, Suzy Sheep and Peppa all like to skip
02:02:26I like sand
02:02:28I like sea
02:02:30I like Suzy to skip with me
02:02:35I like ping
02:02:37I like pong
02:02:39I like Zoe to skip along
02:02:43I know, let's see who can skip the most without stopping
02:02:48Squeak, I'll count
02:02:50One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
02:03:00Zoe wins, hooray
02:03:03Hooray, hooray
02:03:08Pedro, do you want to do some skipping?
02:03:11No thanks Peppa, I'm hula hooping
02:03:14Ribble rubble, ribble rubble, wiggle waggle wee
02:03:18Hula hoop, hula hoop
02:03:20One, two, three
02:03:23How many can you do without stopping?
02:03:26A million and three
02:03:28Wow, that's a lot
02:03:31Let's count them
02:03:33One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
02:03:39That was eight
02:03:41I'm a bit tired
02:03:43I'll do the rest later
02:03:47Can you do hula hoops Emily?
02:03:50I can do them my own special way
02:03:53Emily Elephant is hula hooping with her trident
02:03:58I think that was about one hundred
02:04:03George wants to play leapfrog
02:04:06George likes playing leapfrog
02:04:09Leapfrog everybody
02:04:13One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
02:04:27Playtime is over
02:04:30Madame Gazelle, we can all count to ten now
02:04:35Very good
02:04:36But we need to be playing to do it
02:04:39Of course
02:04:40Hey chap, Edmund, bring the extra long skipping rope
02:04:46Hello, I've come to collect Peppa and George
02:04:50Daddy, you're too early
02:04:53Not to worry, you can join in our game
02:04:56Oh, ok
02:04:58Is everybody ready?
02:05:01Counting to ten
02:05:04One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
02:05:17Oh, you look tired Daddy Pig
02:05:20I'm fine, I could skip to a hundred
02:05:25Good idea Daddy Pig, to a hundred
02:05:28Er, maybe to twenty
02:05:31Ok, to twenty
02:05:34Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
02:05:56I'm Peppa Pig
02:05:58This is my little brother George
02:06:01This is Mummy Pig
02:06:03And this is Daddy Pig
02:06:07Peppa Pig
02:06:10Digging up the road
02:06:12It is a lovely sunny day
02:06:15Peppa and her family are driving to the playground
02:06:18Is everybody ready?
02:06:20Yes Daddy Pig
02:06:22Then let's go
02:06:26We're going to the playground, we're going to the playground
02:06:31Vroom, vroom
02:06:33Peppa and George love going to the playground
02:06:37Oh, why have we stopped?
02:06:39It's a traffic jam
02:06:41But we need to get to the playground
02:06:47Don't worry George, the traffic is moving again
02:06:52Mr Bull has stopped the traffic
02:06:54What's the problem Mr Bull?
02:06:56Moo, we're digging up the road
02:06:59There's water coming out of the ground
02:07:03Yes, that's what we're here to fix
02:07:07Is it going to take long?
02:07:09It will take as long as it takes
02:07:16Digger, digger
02:07:18George likes diggers
02:07:19This way Mr Rhino
02:07:21Ok boss
02:07:23Mr Bull is the boss
02:07:27Mr Bull, where's all that water coming from?
02:07:31It's coming from a broken water pipe underground
02:07:36How are you going to fix it?
02:07:38We dig up the road
02:07:45We turn the water off
02:07:47We turn the water off
02:07:53George loves cranes
02:07:55Crane, crane
02:07:57We take the old pipe out
02:08:02And put the new one in
02:08:08Thank you for showing us your work Mr Bull
02:08:11Moo, no problem
02:08:13Bye, see you later
02:08:17Oh dear, George doesn't want to leave Mr Bull
02:08:20We're going to the playground George
02:08:24You can play diggers and cranes in the sand pit
02:08:28And we'll see Mr Bull again on our way home
02:08:34Peppa and her family have arrived at the playground
02:08:39Hello everyone
02:08:41Hello Peppa
02:08:43Edmund Elephant and Richard Rabbit are playing in the sand pit
02:08:53Let's play in the sand pit
02:08:58Stop, what's the problem?
02:09:01We're digging up the road and I'm the boss
02:09:09Is it going to take long?
02:09:12It will take as long as it will take
02:09:15We have to make a hole
02:09:19We fill it in
02:09:23And the road is mended
02:09:29Peppa, George, it's time to go home
02:09:33Oh dear, George doesn't want to go home yet
02:09:37On the way home George, we can see Mr Bull digging up the road
02:09:42Bye everyone
02:09:44Bye Peppa
