• 2 months ago
00:00:00My grandson refuses to get married.
00:00:04Let's go.
00:00:06I'll go to hell.
00:00:09I'm Darlene, Andy's fiance.
00:00:17You're gonna fix this for us.
00:00:19Dad, he said to me.
00:00:23We're here for what we're owed.
00:00:25Hey, hey, what are you doing? I was on the-
00:00:28Shut your whore mouth.
00:00:33All you bottom feeder sluts are all only after one thing.
00:00:36Andrew's money.
00:00:39Tell us, what was it like growing up on trash?
00:00:42A cruel fucking coward.
00:00:45So you hook up with a billionaire and all of a sudden you think you're a big shot?
00:00:49You're lying.
00:00:53This has always been more than just a contract marriage to me.
00:00:58I spent the rest of my life trying to prove that.
00:01:10Does she know I'm late?
00:01:12Not that big of an office, I'm sure she noticed.
00:01:15Why so late? Did you finally drop the jerk?
00:01:18He dropped me before I could. He was weird.
00:01:22Oh, don't let me interrupt.
00:01:24Please, share all your dating problems.
00:01:27I could remind you you should be working right now.
00:01:30Now you've finally joined us, you can prioritize this action item.
00:01:34Get an interview for the finance column with the Fletcher Group CEO.
00:01:38This week.
00:01:40But he never does interviews.
00:01:42Like, not ever since he took over as CEO.
00:01:44And why isn't this my interview anyways? I-
00:01:46I don't even care if he can speak English.
00:01:49Get the interview. Set it up.
00:01:52Or your upcoming performance review might be your last one.
00:02:00What a bitch.
00:02:02No. There's no way she can get it.
00:02:06She'll be out of here as soon as I tell my boss about her poor performance.
00:02:12No problem.
00:02:14I'm glad you found out she worked here.
00:02:17I've wanted her gone a while anyway.
00:02:20Don't worry about it, Sally.
00:02:22Anyone messes with you, they mess with me.
00:02:43You're late. I was about to leave.
00:02:45So this is your ex?
00:02:48What is this?
00:02:54It's over, darling. I wanted to tell you some other way.
00:02:57Are you cheating on me while this stripper gives you a lap dance?
00:03:00Stripper? You hick. My family owns half this city.
00:03:05Oh. That makes sense.
00:03:07It's over, darling.
00:03:09At least you won't have to worry about splitting the rent when you move in with her.
00:03:12Hey. I paid for some stuff.
00:03:15Did I miss something while I was paying for food?
00:03:18Rent? Your student loans? For years?
00:03:23How much?
00:03:26Hello? I said how much.
00:03:28Add it up. Right now, skank.
00:03:30When I think about all the things I had to do supporting both of us.
00:03:40Thirty grand.
00:03:42I know the numbers.
00:03:47Take it.
00:03:53Take it.
00:03:59Oh. My. God. You crazy bitch. What the fuck?
00:04:03Baby, wait.
00:04:08Could I get one more?
00:04:19Let's do it again.
00:04:21And hurry.
00:04:23Before my terminally single grandson gets here.
00:04:31Just water.
00:04:33Gran, are we really doing this again?
00:04:35Why shouldn't I drink?
00:04:37My grandson refuses to get married.
00:04:40And finally give us an heir to the Fletcher Group Company.
00:04:46What's the point of going on?
00:04:48Yeah, thanks so much for setting me up on yet another blind date.
00:04:54It's late. Let's go.
00:04:57Fine. I'll go.
00:04:59I'll go to hell.
00:05:01Gran. Not this again.
00:05:04If you don't tell me you're getting married, I'm going to end it right here.
00:05:11He is.
00:05:14Right, honey? We are.
00:05:17I'm Darlene, Andy's fiancé.
00:05:21Andy's fiancé.
00:05:24Oh, this is great.
00:05:26Well, that settles it. We have to celebrate.
00:05:29Three more. Not waters.
00:05:31Are you going to play along for a while?
00:05:33It's just a contract after all.
00:05:35Sure. That's a decent proposal.
00:05:41Thank you.
00:05:48Well, I finally got Gran in a car, but at least she's happy.
00:05:52She'll be watching us like a hawk for a while.
00:05:56Will you stay with me until then?
00:05:58All nighter. What did we do?
00:06:01What we celebrated.
00:06:03We drank. A lot.
00:06:05About when City Hall's office is opened.
00:06:11We tied the knot.
00:06:15Oh my God, we actually did it.
00:06:18Oh, you weren't with someone. You didn't say...
00:06:21No, no, no. My ex-boyfriend is...
00:06:27We can end all this right away.
00:06:28Hold on, no rush. I mean...
00:06:31Frankly, my Gran would kill me.
00:06:33And maybe herself if she found out we got divorced right away.
00:06:36We have to stay together for a bit.
00:06:39Don't drive.
00:06:41Take this, call a cab.
00:06:44Lunch, anything it's paid for.
00:06:46I'll call you later.
00:06:48Wait, what about the...
00:07:06I've been thinking about you.
00:07:08Um, listen.
00:07:09Are you by any chance a billionaire?
00:07:12Yeah, my secret's out, huh?
00:07:14Well, um...
00:07:15Why didn't you say anything?
00:07:17I like the way you came to my rescue without knowing who I am.
00:07:21Having second thoughts?
00:07:22Well, I barely had the chance for first thoughts.
00:07:25I can't believe I married Andy Fletcher, billionaire tycoon.
00:07:28Something wrong?
00:07:29No, listen, um...
00:07:31I hate to ask, but could you do me a favor?
00:07:36Just ask.
00:07:37I work at the Daily Brief, and they want...
00:07:41We want you for an interview.
00:07:42I know you don't like...
00:07:47I'll do you one better.
00:07:50So I take it you're still in the same clothes because you finally showed up to one of those blind dates.
00:07:55Can't be seen going around on dates, Owen.
00:07:58I'm a married man.
00:08:08You're wasting my time.
00:08:10We got the interview.
00:08:13Oh, and by the way, he placed an offer to purchase the site.
00:08:24You got the interview.
00:08:26In five minutes?
00:08:29That's bullshit.
00:08:30It's true.
00:08:31He says he has availability for us.
00:08:34For me.
00:08:39So, I just got off a call with Fletcher Group PR.
00:08:43How the hell did you manage to get time with Andrew Fletcher?
00:08:47Uh, no problem.
00:08:49Hey, that's my job, right?
00:08:53Amazing stuff.
00:08:54Yeah, his assistant's gonna be calling to set up the time, so...
00:09:00So now that I got you the interview, is there anything else you need?
00:09:04Oh, sorry.
00:09:05What was that?
00:09:06You got the interview?
00:09:09Well, okay.
00:09:11Then you should be the one to interview him.
00:09:13Great job, Darlene.
00:09:15And it sounds like Mr. Fletcher is eager so we could be doing this as early as tomorrow.
00:09:21On it.
00:09:22I'll confirm.
00:09:25Oh, and Darlene, make sure you ask him about his offer to buy the brief.
00:09:29Of course.
00:09:30Will do.
00:09:32You heard the boss.
00:09:33Get to it.
00:09:35We'll see if you can deliver.
00:09:37Then we'll see if you still have a job here.
00:09:42We'll just fucking see.
00:09:50Ready for your big moment?
00:09:53I think so.
00:09:54You'll be using these questions.
00:09:57But I've worked on mine all night. You approved them.
00:10:00Now I'm approving these.
00:10:02Stick to the script and do your job.
00:10:06Mr. Fletcher is here.
00:10:17Hello there.
00:10:24Well, thank you for joining us today and on such short notice.
00:10:28I'm excited to be here. I haven't done an interview in a while.
00:10:31Well, we're happy to have you.
00:10:34Shall we jump right in?
00:10:39Everyone knows you're a notorious bachelor.
00:10:42But is there someone special in your life?
00:10:45This isn't slap gossip. What is she doing?
00:10:47I don't know.
00:10:49These aren't the approved questions. She's gone off script.
00:10:55We can ask him.
00:10:57No, it's fine, actually.
00:11:00Just recently I got married.
00:11:03On the other hand...
00:11:08Well, thank you for coming today.
00:11:11My pleasure.
00:11:12Thank you for having me.
00:11:14Before you go, I do have to ask about your recent offer for the purchase of this very publication.
00:11:20Not just an offer.
00:11:22I was advised this morning that the purchase was accepted.
00:11:25It only makes sense that your audience should hear it here first.
00:11:29Holy shit! Is that true?
00:11:34May I ask why?
00:11:36Let's just say that I look forward to becoming more involved with the world outside my boardroom.
00:11:42Well, we look forward to that, too.
00:11:49Oh, man. Fletcher had nothing but good things to say about you.
00:11:53And I mean, that relationship question. Boy, did that pay off.
00:11:56I mean, great instincts.
00:11:57Thanks. I thought it was a risk worth taking.
00:12:01Oh, that's good.
00:12:04Yeah, you gotta take call.
00:12:12Lean, what the hell do you think you're doing?
00:12:15What? I don't know what you're talking about.
00:12:17You're in deep shit, girl. Get over here. I need to see you.
00:12:21But, Dad, I'm at work.
00:12:23Get over here now, or you'll never see your brother again.
00:12:32Leanie? Please help me.
00:12:43I'm sorry, Leanie. He made me say it. I didn't...
00:12:46Shut up!
00:12:50So why the hell did you break up with Zach, huh?
00:12:53He was cheating on me, Dad. He broke up with me before I could.
00:12:56I don't give a rat's ass. He was invested in your mama and me's online store idea.
00:13:02Now he's backing out.
00:13:04He's 20 grand. Gone.
00:13:07Come on, Dad. You really think you...
00:13:09Shut up!
00:13:10We fed you. We took care of you.
00:13:14This is how you repay us?
00:13:16Your father's right, Leanie. You've gotta take care of your folks.
00:13:20Look, I can send you more than usual this month.
00:13:23Oh, we're way past that.
00:13:26We're way past that.
00:13:32She's not at the office.
00:13:34They said she just left. Family emergency?
00:13:37Let me find out.
00:13:45You're gonna fix this for us.
00:13:47One second. Hello?
00:13:50Hey! Hey! What are you doing? I was on the...
00:13:53Shut your whore mouth!
00:13:59We have to find her. Now.
00:14:03Hey, let me go!
00:14:04Nuh-uh! You're gonna help us whether you want to or not!
00:14:07We need the money!
00:14:10And there's plenty of ways to get it when you're a young woman.
00:14:14I want you to meet a friend of mine.
00:14:22She used the card for her cap. She went to the parent's home address.
00:14:26Let's go.
00:14:33There she is!
00:14:35You get her for an hour.
00:14:37And then we forget about what I owe on that last hockey game.
00:14:42Like it never happened.
00:14:44You're a gambler, Hank.
00:14:46But you do have some good ideas to pay off your debt.
00:14:51Let me go! Help!
00:15:01Don't worry about me.
00:15:03I'm gonna treat you real nice.
00:15:08You know, you might even like it.
00:15:22Are you okay?
00:15:23Hey man, she's mine. Who the hell do you think you...
00:15:27I'm taking you home.
00:15:33I can't believe your parents would do this to you.
00:15:35This isn't the first time, but never again.
00:15:38You hear me, Dad? Never again!
00:15:42Let's go, I'm tired.
00:15:51Is she alright?
00:15:52I don't know how she could be.
00:15:55Those animals almost had her.
00:15:59How someone could do that to their own daughter.
00:16:05I want to know more about this family.
00:16:08The parents especially.
00:16:11Maybe they didn't do this to their own daughter.
00:16:41Good morning.
00:17:02Good morning.
00:17:04Do you feel rested?
00:17:06As rested as someone can feel after their parents betrayed them.
00:17:09Well, you slept through the night. I didn't want to wake you.
00:17:12Is this your place?
00:17:13Yours now too.
00:17:15I want you here with me.
00:17:18I wanted to thank you for saving me.
00:17:22You don't have to thank me for anything.
00:17:25I'll always...
00:17:26Oh good, the blushing bride is awake.
00:17:30I thought I might have to bring you breakfast in bed.
00:17:34Corinne, what are you doing here?
00:17:37And you didn't have to make us anything.
00:17:40Nonsense. You know it always tastes better when I make it myself.
00:17:44Drink up.
00:17:48Welcome to the family.
00:17:51You two finish those while they're still cold.
00:17:53And Andy, why don't you take Darlene to the master bedroom so she can freshen up?
00:18:01Make sure they're not disturbed.
00:18:03I think my special blend will keep them dizzy in there for a while.
00:18:09Freshly squeezed orange juice.
00:18:11A pinch of zest.
00:18:13A little MDM.
00:18:15Well, a little extra flavor.
00:18:18I guess we can get used to seeing a lot more of each other.
00:18:23I like what I'm seeing so far.
00:18:29I feel so warm.
00:18:31Even out of the shower.
00:18:33Is the heat turned up?
00:18:35I don't know.
00:18:37I think I'm going to miss you.
00:18:39I'm going to miss you too.
00:18:41I'm going to miss you too.
00:18:43Is the heat turned up?
00:18:45I don't know.
00:18:47But I can feel it too.
00:18:49Like I'm higher.
00:18:53I feel it.
00:19:13I feel it.
00:19:29Nice bag.
00:19:30Did you win the lottery?
00:19:32No, it was a gift.
00:19:34Gee, I wonder what you had to do to get that.
00:19:37Unless you're full of shit and it's just a knockoff.
00:19:40Lots of experiences with knockoffs, Peppa.
00:19:42I bet you're real good at haggling a price down.
00:19:44At least I'm not a gold digger.
00:19:46No, you're too busy sabotaging your own team to dig for anything.
00:19:49What did you say to me?
00:19:51Or maybe I should thank you?
00:19:53The one question I asked of yours yesterday didn't do so bad.
00:19:56Despite your best efforts.
00:20:00You may think you're secure here, Darlene.
00:20:03But don't forget, we're under new management.
00:20:06And I'm thinking we're long overdue for some reorganization.
00:20:17Well, now I know you hit the lotto.
00:20:19Either that or you found a new job.
00:20:21She'll kill you.
00:20:23Hope not.
00:20:24Still need this job.
00:20:29Yeah, well, I'm excited that you want to get to know the company so intimately, Mr. Fletcher.
00:20:37That's exactly the word I'd use.
00:20:39So we have a...
00:20:47Actually, if you could send Darlene Mills in here, I'd appreciate it.
00:20:51Yeah, of course, sir.
00:20:57Hey, Darlene.
00:20:58Mr. Linden, I was just going over next month's project pipelines.
00:21:02Yeah, that's fine.
00:21:04But, well, Mr. Fletcher has to see you.
00:21:09Sure, I'll go see him.
00:21:12Good luck.
00:21:13Because if the new boss already talked to Peppa, you're probably dead meat.
00:21:16You worry too much.
00:21:21You worry too little.
00:21:26Mr. Fletcher!
00:21:28I just wanted to personally welcome you to the Daily Brief.
00:21:31I'm Peppa Carter, I run the...
00:21:32Is there something I can help you with?
00:21:34Well, I just wanted to apologize for the interview the other day.
00:21:38Darlene shouldn't have asked such a personal question.
00:21:40Speak of the devil.
00:21:44This is a private meeting.
00:21:45No, please.
00:21:47You were saying?
00:21:49About Darlene?
00:21:50She's insubordinate, disruptive.
00:21:53She does not take direction well.
00:21:56And frankly, I think this organization would be better off without employees like her.
00:22:00Tell us how you really feel.
00:22:02I'm not talking to you.
00:22:03It's fine, Ms. Carter.
00:22:05I agree.
00:22:06You do?
00:22:07Of course.
00:22:08Negative behavior like that shouldn't be tolerated in any workplace.
00:22:11It's unacceptable.
00:22:14Which is why I'm terminating your contract.
00:22:16Effective immediately.
00:22:17But, it was her.
00:22:19You received your severance.
00:22:20HR will be in touch.
00:22:24Sally, I can't talk right now.
00:22:28Who's Sally?
00:22:30My cousin.
00:22:32That explains a lot, doesn't it?
00:22:36That'll be all, Ms. Carter.
00:22:54So, who's Sally?
00:22:58He's my dead boyfriend's new girlfriend.
00:23:04Zombie fetish.
00:23:07He said to me.
00:23:10Because I'm feeling very alive.
00:23:13More alive than I've ever felt.
00:23:21Hey, Steph.
00:23:22Can I call you back later?
00:23:28I forgot to book a table for my college reunion.
00:23:34Let me help.
00:23:35How's Changeling?
00:23:37You can get us into Changeling Lounge.
00:23:40What am I saying?
00:23:41You probably own it.
00:23:43Part owner.
00:23:45Eight o'clock good?
00:23:47I'm used to having people not trying to help me and that's the first thing you do.
00:23:52Come see me later.
00:23:55We really need to get you moved into your new place.
00:23:57I can't wait.
00:24:04How did you score this reservation?
00:24:06It's impossible to get in here.
00:24:08Oh, and everything's covered too.
00:24:11I guess it's all about who you know.
00:24:13Who do you know? Royalty?
00:24:15Hey guys, sorry I'm late.
00:24:18Oh, and he's here.
00:24:20Like that wasn't enough, he brought her.
00:24:22We're all old friends, aren't we?
00:24:24She's not.
00:24:25Well, she's with me.
00:24:26Dave, Steph, Sally.
00:24:31So, you two aren't together?
00:24:34Not anymore.
00:24:36Zack traded up, so now Sally gets to pay his rent.
00:24:40Don't sound so bitter, it's very unattractive.
00:24:43Speaking about bitter, how's Peppa's job hunt going, Sally?
00:24:49Too bad Peppa's sabotage didn't work, huh?
00:24:52Is she miffed about being fired?
00:24:54She'll be fine.
00:24:55She's a carter, with our connections a new job won't be a problem.
00:24:59On that note, a toast to my new job at Fletcher Group.
00:25:04Starting Monday, team lead, analytics.
00:25:09Oh man, congrats, that's a solid gig.
00:25:14How'd you land it?
00:25:15Like I said, connections.
00:25:18More useful than talent, I guess.
00:25:20Okay, lean, relax, it's all good.
00:25:22Yeah, it was, a minute ago.
00:25:25Jealousy's a real ugly look on you.
00:25:28Chill, lean.
00:25:29Your friends make a lot of sense, lean.
00:25:32Why don't you order another drink?
00:25:34Tell us, what was it like growing up white trash?
00:25:38I'd rather get fresh air.
00:25:40You guys enjoy your time, enjoy yourselves.
00:25:43Lean, wait, wait, wait, come on.
00:25:45I'm starting to feel a little too connected here.
00:25:47No, no, no, we're just joking.
00:25:48Lean, wait, come back.
00:25:50Oh well, we'll just have to enjoy ourselves without the ice queen.
00:25:56Excuse me, for the Fletcher reservation?
00:25:58Yes, Miss Mills, right?
00:26:00That's right, I just wanted to say that the offer to cover the bill is very generous, but it won't be necessary.
00:26:05They insist on paying the bill in full.
00:26:08And leave yourself a good tip.
00:26:10Thank you.
00:26:11Thank you.
00:26:19I could get used to this.
00:26:21Good night with your friends.
00:26:23The zombie brought Sal over to our get together.
00:26:27I left, but not before I stuck him with the bill.
00:26:31He must be furious.
00:26:33See, I knew you had a fire in you.
00:26:39Can I get you anything else?
00:26:41No, no, we're good, thanks.
00:26:42Here you go then.
00:26:44I thought the bill was covered.
00:26:46Miss Mills said it wasn't necessary any longer.
00:26:48These are the charges in full.
00:26:50How will you be paying?
00:26:56Holy shit.
00:26:59Uh, so?
00:27:01Jesus Christ, give me that.
00:27:03Pay if I have to.
00:27:06I'm gonna get that bitch for this if it's the last thing I do.
00:27:12The End
00:27:30So you're the new girl.
00:27:32Uh, hello.
00:27:33Have we met?
00:27:34Of course not.
00:27:36Angela Fletcher.
00:27:37I'm your mother-in-law.
00:27:39Although hopefully not for too long.
00:27:41Excuse me?
00:27:42Let's cut the shit, shall we?
00:27:44How much do you want?
00:27:46Name your price.
00:27:47I didn't, I, I don't want money.
00:27:50Oh, you bottom feeder sluts, you're all only after one thing.
00:27:53Andrew's money.
00:27:55Set the price.
00:27:57Annul this pathetic excuse for a marriage.
00:28:00And then just go.
00:28:02You can't talk to me like that.
00:28:04Who the hell do you think you are?
00:28:06I am my son's protector.
00:28:08Except I don't need your protection, Mom.
00:28:10Just let yourself in again.
00:28:14Leave her alone.
00:28:15Look at her, Andrew.
00:28:17She's low-rent trash.
00:28:19She's only after, you, you belong with people like us, someone better.
00:28:23Darlene was kind to me before she knew how rich and powerful we are.
00:28:29She takes my breath away every time I look in her eyes.
00:28:34You've got it backwards.
00:28:36It's the people like us, like you, who only care about money and power.
00:28:41I understand that you have a little crush.
00:28:44But you are the Fletcher heir.
00:28:46She's only after...
00:28:47I already told you.
00:28:49He told you.
00:28:51We see something in each other.
00:28:52It's not about money.
00:28:54And frankly, you can just deal with it.
00:28:57Over my dead body.
00:29:01Get over it, Mom.
00:29:03We're happy.
00:29:05I'm happy. Isn't that enough?
00:29:07No, I said...
00:29:08Never mind.
00:29:10I don't want to hear it.
00:29:12You know where the door is.
00:29:17You'll regret this, woman.
00:29:21I'll go in on my own.
00:29:23What? Why?
00:29:25We can go in together.
00:29:27We can go in together.
00:29:29I've been called a gold digging slut enough for one day.
00:29:31We're gonna have to get used to dealing with rumors like this.
00:29:34You're the wife of the Fletcher heir now.
00:29:37Yeah, but I worked hard to get where I am.
00:29:39I'm good at my job.
00:29:41I guess I'll have to get used to defending that.
00:29:45Guess I'll see you at work, then.
00:29:51Oh, it's you.
00:29:53And I thought I was early.
00:30:02Try that again.
00:30:04I dare you.
00:30:08Why are you even here?
00:30:10You miss your job that much?
00:30:12Maybe you should pick up a hobby.
00:30:13Fill up that free time.
00:30:16You cost me my job.
00:30:18I don't know how you got Fletcher on your side this time.
00:30:21But you'll get yours.
00:30:23Sooner than you think.
00:30:24Sorry, Pep.
00:30:26I'd love to chat, but I have a job to get to.
00:30:29And you can't get me fired anymore.
00:30:36Not for long, bitch.
00:30:38Let's see you get out of this one.
00:30:43Something's happened.
00:30:45You're in so much trouble.
00:30:47What happened?
00:30:48Someone's leaked a ton of stuff.
00:30:50It's all online.
00:30:51Kevin's furious.
00:30:52And he wants to see you.
00:31:01Sit down.
00:31:03Mr. Long...
00:31:04Our entire project pipeline was leaked, Darlene.
00:31:08Like weeks of work.
00:31:10You know, everything at every stage of development, gone.
00:31:13Starting from scratch.
00:31:14I don't know what happened.
00:31:15Well, the data came through your email.
00:31:17It's been all over social media since 8am.
00:31:20Do you know how much this is going to cost us?
00:31:22Like, do you have any explanation for this?
00:31:25This wasn't me.
00:31:26There must be another explanation.
00:31:28We received an anonymous tip that you've been leaking content for months.
00:31:32And IT's looking into it right now.
00:31:38You have such a bright future here.
00:31:41You know, Pep had gone.
00:31:42I was going to promote you, but...
00:31:44Now I suggest that you just resign before we bring criminal charges against you.
00:31:49I think that's enough suggestions, Mr. Linden.
00:31:56I'll take it from here.
00:32:04Mr. Fletcher.
00:32:05I assume that because you're taking this kind of action,
00:32:08that you're already conducting a thorough investigation?
00:32:11You got evidence, and we're looking into past possible breaches?
00:32:17But not certain.
00:32:19Sounds like you jumped the gun.
00:32:21Yeah, I mean, why would I leak something from my own email?
00:32:24It's the stupidest thing I could do.
00:32:26Do we hire stupid people to work here, Mr. Linden?
00:32:29Is that it?
00:32:33I mean, maybe there's another explanation, but...
00:32:36There must be.
00:32:38So start with that.
00:32:40Investigate security footage.
00:32:42Examine people's alibis.
00:32:44And then you can start processing Darlene's paperwork for her promotion.
00:32:47Promotion? But after this?
00:32:50You said it yourself.
00:32:52She should take Peppa's old job.
00:32:57And I expect your report ASAP.
00:33:00In the meantime, I'll be showing our newest supervisor her new office.
00:33:15I can't believe this.
00:33:19How can I help?
00:33:30Actually, I know exactly what to do.
00:33:35Actually, I know exactly what to do.
00:33:46Well, hello.
00:33:48Are you joining the unemployment line with me?
00:33:51Why did you leak the data, Peppa?
00:33:53Honestly, you hate me this much for embarrassing your asshole cousin who's cheating with my ex-boyfriend?
00:34:00No. You've been an arrogant little bitch since the moment you arrived in this office.
00:34:04Sally just gave me an excuse to do what I always wanted.
00:34:07Well, I never liked your supervillain management style anyways.
00:34:11But I wouldn't do something like this to you. I'm not that petty.
00:34:15Sure you're not.
00:34:17Well, maybe I am a little petty.
00:34:21For example, I am in your office right now.
00:34:25My office as of this morning.
00:34:28And I hate to say it, but I think I'm going to repaint.
00:34:32Fuck you, bitch. You think this is over?
00:34:35There's still a whole drive worth of files and they can be leaked anytime.
00:34:38Thanks, Peppa. You're a doll.
00:34:42Well, you're great at making her angry.
00:34:46But how does that help?
00:34:48You think this is over?
00:34:50There's still a whole drive worth of files and they can be leaked anytime.
00:34:53Your call may be recorded for quality purposes.
00:34:56Just when I didn't think you could get any better.
00:34:59Send me those files and I'll make this whole problem go away.
00:35:06Maybe I'll let Owen handle it.
00:35:09I have something else in mind for us.
00:35:18How are you feeling?
00:35:20Did you just naturally glow like this?
00:35:23I'm just glad all the lies are behind us and we can move on.
00:35:29I don't get it.
00:35:33Somebody leaked my number and online I'm just some slut and not your real wife.
00:35:38Even the news about Peppa being the one who leaked the data and not me doesn't seem to help.
00:35:43What am I going to do?
00:35:46Owen, take down all these numbers and hand them off to legal.
00:35:49This is harassment.
00:35:51This place isn't safe. We have to get our stuff out of there.
00:35:55Before we do any of that, I think it's time we had a press conference about our marriage.
00:36:01I only have one wife.
00:36:05And I'm looking at her.
00:36:07Are you ever going to say anything that doesn't make me want to kiss you?
00:36:10Not if I can help it.
00:36:12Well, it's always nice to see someone get what's coming to them.
00:36:16Darlene the mistress. I love watching her get roasted online.
00:36:20I can't believe she was hooking up with Andrew Fletcher.
00:36:22How the hell did she meet him?
00:36:27The narrative has changed.
00:36:29Fletcher just put out a press release. They're married.
00:36:32She's not his mistress, she's his wife.
00:36:34That's much worse.
00:36:36Oh God. She hates me.
00:36:39All she has to do is tell Fletcher about my new job at his company and I'm brand new. No semper.
00:36:43Relax. She's still just common trash.
00:36:46I'm a Carter. We're powerful too.
00:36:49And remember baby, you're with me now.
00:36:52I'm going to tear this bitch apart. This time for real.
00:36:55Why did you have to get Pep involved?
00:36:57What are we going to do now?
00:36:59It's simple. We just show everyone who she really is.
00:37:03But first...
00:37:08What's all this?
00:37:11With all you've been through with the news, you can still laugh.
00:37:15That's a good sign.
00:37:17And Grandma.
00:37:20My daughter is a tough one. She can be a real bitch.
00:37:24Next time Angela messes with you, come to me.
00:37:29I'll kick her ass.
00:37:31Gran, is there something you want to tell us about your orange juice recipe?
00:37:37I always start my day with a little something special in my OJ.
00:37:41You didn't like it?
00:37:44Now, you go talk to shareholders or whatever activities you big CEO types do.
00:37:51It's time for a little girl talk.
00:38:04Happy honeymoon.
00:38:06I know it's not tradition, but I never cared for tradition.
00:38:09What about you?
00:38:14Oh my God.
00:38:16That's beautiful.
00:38:18And it'll make your butt look incredible.
00:38:22Trust me, he won't be able to resist you.
00:38:25I'll be on my way. I'll give you a little privacy.
00:38:28Get that on and call him in here, Leni.
00:38:31Men are so easy to keep interested.
00:38:47Mom. Dad. We're rich.
00:38:50Lene married some rich guy. He's a billionaire. So we're rich too.
00:38:55Will you shut up? I'm trying to watch the TV, you little...
00:38:58Wait a minute. What did you say?
00:39:01It's true. I read it on the internet. The Andrew Fletcher.
00:39:05We're rich?
00:39:07That little bitch is finally worth something.
00:39:10Woman, pack this up. We gotta talk to her.
00:39:23My wife.
00:39:27My whole life changed ever since we agreed to this crazy contract marriage.
00:39:33And I don't regret any of it.
00:39:38I only regret not meeting you sooner. Now kiss me.
00:39:53I'm sorry.
00:39:58Oh shit.
00:40:02Hey, Mr. Mills. Hank.
00:40:06Hey, Zach. Lene's not at your old place, huh? You know where she is?
00:40:10I don't know. Probably Fletcher's mansion or penthouse. No idea.
00:40:21Darlene's parents are real pieces of shit. I never liked them.
00:40:25Yeah, they even sound like complete trash. Just like her.
00:40:30Wait, why didn't you give them her office address?
00:40:33What, they can't Google it?
00:40:36Call them back. I have an idea.
00:40:51Owen, what's up?
00:40:55I knew it.
00:40:59No, not yet.
00:41:04I know there's more. Keep looking.
00:41:21I could definitely get used to this.
00:41:25I'll see you in the office?
00:41:27You don't have to go in. Not if you want to avoid the tension.
00:41:31No, I have to go. I worked hard to get where I am.
00:41:34I'll be by later.
00:41:36Morning with the Fletcher group to explain my emergency acquisition of new online media assets.
00:41:41Okay. I'll see you later.
00:41:48Oh God.
00:41:51What do you want?
00:41:52Don't talk to me like that. I'm your father. You treat me with respect.
00:41:56Now give me 1.5 million dollars in cash.
00:41:59Oh, and buy Daryl a nice condo.
00:42:02You don't even care about me.
00:42:04Never mind the fact that last week you were trying to pit me out to some degenerate scumbag.
00:42:08Now Mimi, listen to me.
00:42:10I don't want to see you ever again. Don't talk to me. Don't text me.
00:42:14Little bitch, I raised you.
00:42:18The bitch hung up on me.
00:42:21I told you, I should be the one to talk to her.
00:42:24Have you ever listened to yourself?
00:42:26No wonder.
00:42:28Alright. Fine.
00:42:31Plan B.
00:42:34Let's get her.
00:42:39No, it's fine. Come on in.
00:42:41I can't believe all this, Darlene. It's so crazy.
00:42:44You're like royalty. Everything's so different.
00:42:47I hope not. I just want to work.
00:42:49Do what I love to do.
00:42:55Oh, God.
00:43:05Go away. Don't do this here.
00:43:07You forced my hand, Lean.
00:43:09We're here for what we're owed.
00:43:11Yeah, we're supposed to be rich now, too.
00:43:13Fine. I'll pay you. Just go.
00:43:151.5 million.
00:43:18I have 30 grand.
00:43:2030 grand. A check.
00:43:2230 grand. 30 grand. A check.
00:43:24I'll sign it over to you. You take it and you go.
00:43:26Uh-uh. Daryl wants a condo.
00:43:28Shut up!
00:43:30We could always come back.
00:43:33Everyone out.
00:43:35Go to lunch.
00:43:37I don't owe you two anything.
00:43:39Ever since the moment I left home, I gave you every cent I could.
00:43:43And it's never enough.
00:43:45You're monsters.
00:43:46I'm your father.
00:43:47Except, you're not.
00:43:50Are you?
00:43:52And if Darlene's not really your daughter, I don't think you can get anything out of her.
00:43:56Or me.
00:43:58Look. You can afford it.
00:44:01Give us what we want.
00:44:03Give us something.
00:44:05We'll leave.
00:44:06We will if you just pay us.
00:44:08Listen close.
00:44:10My wife is the only person here that I care about, and she never wants to see you again.
00:44:16Darlene's not your daughter.
00:44:19Hospital birth records show Darlene Mills has AB positive blood type.
00:44:24My wife here has O negative.
00:44:28You're lying.
00:44:30Now go.
00:44:32Before I have you arrested for trespassing.
00:44:36I have something important to tell you.
00:44:40You don't need those people.
00:44:42My family's yours now.
00:44:44You have me.
00:44:46How did you know?
00:44:48I first knew when that bastard tried to have you raped.
00:44:51But I only got the report from Owen when you were asleep.
00:44:55I'm sorry, I...
00:44:57I'm sorry.
00:44:59But I only got the report from Owen when you were asleep.
00:45:03I'm sorry, I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't know.
00:45:08I'm surprised you're not more surprised.
00:45:12I guess I should be.
00:45:14But I don't know.
00:45:16Hearing it.
00:45:18Knowing it.
00:45:20I feel like I've been set free.
00:45:23But there's still one thing I want to know.
00:45:29How'd it go?
00:45:30How the hell do you think it went?
00:45:33Does Leni know?
00:45:35I should talk to her.
00:45:37You ain't gonna say a goddamn word.
00:45:39To her or anyone else.
00:45:41Don't worry, sweetie. Daddy's gonna come up with something.
00:45:44That husband of hers?
00:45:46He's smart.
00:45:48But we're not gonna do that test.
00:45:50Got it?
00:45:53I got another way that we can see her.
00:46:00Tell me.
00:46:05What was it like with them?
00:46:08I mean, my mother is terrible.
00:46:12But she is not like them.
00:46:15For a long time I just thought that they didn't care at all.
00:46:21Whether I got good grades,
00:46:24bad grades,
00:46:26good grades,
00:46:28bad grades.
00:46:30They said nothing.
00:46:33Only my grandmother ever supported my studies.
00:46:38But once I got older,
00:46:42more chores,
00:46:45more beatings,
00:46:47no matter what I did.
00:46:52It's not that they didn't care at all.
00:46:56I just realized that they hated me.
00:47:00For some reason I could never figure out.
00:47:04But I guess now I know.
00:47:08I wasn't even theirs.
00:47:11I was just something.
00:47:16You're so much more than that.
00:47:19You changed my life, Darlene.
00:47:23You're much better than your parents.
00:47:27Thank you.
00:47:29Thank you.
00:47:46Anna, what happened to her?
00:47:50You did this to her, Leni.
00:47:52I went to ask her to talk some sense into you.
00:47:55And she just collapsed.
00:47:58Did you do something to her?
00:48:00Women are fragile.
00:48:02Who knows what's going to set them off.
00:48:04She's your mother.
00:48:05What did you do to her, you piece of shit?
00:48:08She won't listen to you unless you hit her.
00:48:12Let's just move her somewhere safer,
00:48:14where he can't get her.
00:48:15Too bad.
00:48:17I got authority over her.
00:48:19You know my demands.
00:48:22She stays
00:48:25until I get what I want.
00:48:36Do what's right and give me my money.
00:48:38You can roll this old bitch up in the air
00:48:40and give me my money.
00:48:41You can roll this old bitch out of here right now.
00:48:44Don't be stupid.
00:48:45I'm not afraid of you.
00:48:46You got more to lose than me, pretty boy.
00:48:49We can find another way.
00:48:51He's just a coward.
00:48:52A cruel fucking coward.
00:48:58You're going to go to jail for this, Hank.
00:49:00And I'm going to make sure for a very long time.
00:49:02You call the cops, somebody dies.
00:49:05I'll tell you that right now.
00:49:07Don't be fucking stupid.
00:49:14Are you okay?
00:49:16Yeah, I'm fine.
00:49:17Where's the doctor?
00:49:20Excuse me, Ms. Mills?
00:49:21Doctor, hi.
00:49:22Thank you for coming.
00:49:24Like I told your father,
00:49:25it appears that your grandmother overdosed on sleepy medication.
00:49:30Is she going to be okay?
00:49:33If she came in sooner, she'd have a better chance.
00:49:36What do you think?
00:49:38I think you need to be prepared for the possibility that she may not wake up.
00:50:00What are you doing here?
00:50:02I'm so sorry.
00:50:04I swear to you that I didn't know what your dad was going to do.
00:50:08It's true, Lane.
00:50:10We didn't know.
00:50:11And you think this changes anything between us?
00:50:14Andy's talking to the cops.
00:50:16They'll be looking for Dad.
00:50:20Just go home.
00:50:23You deserve each other.
00:50:25Lane, we shouldn't have listened.
00:50:30I should never have listened to your father, ever.
00:50:36I'm so sorry.
00:50:48I hate this, Mom.
00:50:50I don't want to go home.
00:50:51I don't want to see him.
00:50:52Not to worry.
00:50:53If the cops are after your dad, he's already long gone.
00:50:56He'd never go home.
00:50:58You and me, we can still have a life without him.
00:51:04Good riddance.
00:51:06I hope they kill him.
00:51:09Let's go, honey.
00:51:10Maybe we still have a chance to do something to make it up to Laney.
00:51:14Come on.
00:51:16We're going home.
00:51:29You little bitch.
00:51:33Hi, Mom.
00:51:34Do you have any idea how this looks for the family?
00:51:37When the CEO of our company is getting into knife fights in the hospitals?
00:51:41That slap better be because Andy got hurt, not because of your company's goddamn reputation.
00:51:46Don't threaten me.
00:51:47You can't do anything to me.
00:51:51What are you doing here?
00:51:52What have they done to you?
00:51:54Are you alright?
00:51:56I called as soon as I heard.
00:51:58It's already in the news.
00:52:00Somebody leaked it online.
00:52:02We can recover from this.
00:52:04It's this girl.
00:52:06She's got to go.
00:52:08I was careless.
00:52:10She can't control her parents.
00:52:11I'm not going to blame her for that.
00:52:13Apparently, I can't control mine either.
00:52:18Look, there's nothing more we can do here.
00:52:20They'll call us if something changes.
00:52:22Let's go home.
00:52:30What do I have to do to get him away from her?
00:52:42This is like a nightmare.
00:52:45I wish I could wake up.
00:52:55And this is our private viewing room.
00:52:57Please, take your time.
00:52:59And if you have any questions at all,
00:53:01please, feel free to ask them.
00:53:06What is this place?
00:53:08I never buy regular jewelry.
00:53:10This place is much more exclusive.
00:53:11It's all private.
00:53:13So what you're saying is I can't afford anything in here?
00:53:15Oh, God, no.
00:53:16But I'm a VIP.
00:53:17Grandpa has them hold special items.
00:53:19I'm sorry, Miss Cotter.
00:53:20I'm 14 years old.
00:53:22I'm sorry, Miss Cotter.
00:53:24Unfortunately, the viewing room is booked.
00:53:27I was told it would be available today.
00:53:29I'm afraid our very special guest
00:53:31had to move his appointment.
00:53:33So yours has been canceled.
00:53:36I'm Sally Cotter.
00:53:38I'm a VIP.
00:53:40I'm terribly sorry, Miss Cotter.
00:53:42You will have to come back another day.
00:53:44Or if you would like, you can wait.
00:53:49I don't wait for anybody.
00:53:59Oh, my God.
00:54:00These look so expensive.
00:54:02Very expensive.
00:54:04But don't worry about that.
00:54:05Just follow your heart.
00:54:09And tell me which one you like.
00:54:15Well, aren't you doing your best to fit right in?
00:54:17I thought these rooms were private.
00:54:22I am so sorry.
00:54:23They just barged right past me.
00:54:25Would you like me to call for security?
00:54:27No, it's all right.
00:54:29I'll let you know when I want them removed.
00:54:31You don't belong in a place like this.
00:54:33You should try them all.
00:54:34I don't know what your problem is, Sally,
00:54:36but I'm not going anywhere.
00:54:37So you hook up with a billionaire
00:54:38and all of a sudden you think you're a big shot?
00:54:40That's pathetic.
00:54:42You two are boring me.
00:54:43Look, Miss Cotter,
00:54:45you can have the room.
00:54:48But first,
00:54:50which one do you want?
00:54:56It's beautiful.
00:54:58And it's yours.
00:55:01That one's not even supposed to be for sale.
00:55:02They barely even rent it out.
00:55:05I was told that necklace wasn't for sale.
00:55:07I'm sorry,
00:55:08but our special guests do take privilege.
00:55:11Listen, you fucking wage slave.
00:55:13I am a special guest.
00:55:14Shut up.
00:55:16Let it slide.
00:55:17Forget about this place.
00:55:18I think that would be for the best.
00:55:20In fact,
00:55:21we'll be removing you from the client list.
00:55:25I'm sorry,
00:55:26but I don't think I can do that.
00:55:28I'm sorry,
00:55:29but I don't think I can do that.
00:55:31I'm sorry,
00:55:32but I don't think I can do that.
00:55:34Why didn't you say anything?
00:55:37What can I do?
00:55:38It's just like you keep telling Darlene.
00:55:40I'm just a peasant.
00:55:42No, you're moving up, baby.
00:55:44I think I finally know what to do to bring Darlene down.
00:56:00any more info?
00:56:04Oh, alright.
00:56:06That's interesting.
00:56:09Send a reply that we'll be there.
00:56:11Okay, thanks. Good night.
00:56:14What's interesting?
00:56:17We're going to dinner tomorrow.
00:56:20Why is that interesting?
00:56:22Because Abram Carter,
00:56:24Sally's grandfather, invited us.
00:56:33I don't know about this, Sal.
00:56:36If you can't take down Andy Fletcher,
00:56:38how am I supposed to?
00:56:39Don't worry.
00:56:40After tonight,
00:56:41Grandpa will be gone until tomorrow,
00:56:43and we'll do what we need to do.
00:56:44He'll never even know.
00:56:45He already doesn't like me.
00:56:48If he finds out we faked the invite,
00:56:50that we plan to disgrace Darlene,
00:56:52I'll lose my job.
00:56:53Don't worry.
00:56:54After tonight, we won't have anything to fear from Fletcher or Darlene.
00:57:00Get up.
00:57:03I'm not crazy about my part of this either.
00:57:06It feels wrong.
00:57:08Once she's had her drink,
00:57:09and she's alone,
00:57:10go to her.
00:57:11She won't refuse.
00:57:13Make her remember why she loved you.
00:57:15Make her believe it.
00:57:20just the idea
00:57:22of her wanting you,
00:57:23needing you,
00:57:25and that being her downfall,
00:57:28it makes me so hot.
00:57:34Oh, great.
00:57:37Where's Abram?
00:57:38Running late.
00:57:39He'll be here soon.
00:57:40Join us.
00:57:41Here, have some wine.
00:57:44Grandpa and I talked earlier,
00:57:46and we think it's time to bury the hatchet.
00:57:48Our families shouldn't hate each other.
00:57:50We're not the Montagues and the Capulets.
00:57:53We'll talk more when Grandpa gets here,
00:57:56let's toast.
00:57:59To peace.
00:58:03It's been an hour already.
00:58:05Where's your grandfather?
00:58:07Grandpa sometimes gets delayed.
00:58:09You understand, right?
00:58:10I'm not feeling well.
00:58:13Maybe too much wine on an empty stomach.
00:58:16I feel weird.
00:58:18Is there somewhere she can go to lie down?
00:58:20No problem.
00:58:21Just through there.
00:58:22We'll come get you when Grandpa arrives.
00:58:32More wine?
00:58:48Uh, excuse me.
00:58:49I gotta make a call.
00:59:04I still love you.
00:59:06I know you feel the same.
00:59:08Zack, what are you doing?
00:59:13We're the same, Leen.
00:59:15These rich fuckers.
00:59:17They'll throw us away as soon as they get bored of us.
00:59:20No, Andy.
00:59:22What are you saying?
00:59:25You wanna get back together?
00:59:29You wanna get back together?
00:59:34Where's your grandfather?
00:59:35Oh, he's coming.
00:59:37It's been a while.
00:59:38I'm gonna go check on Darlene.
00:59:39Oh, I'm sure she's fine.
00:59:41More wine?
00:59:44I know you miss what we had, baby.
00:59:46I miss it too.
00:59:51No, stop.
00:59:53Do you remember how good it was?
00:59:56Tell me you remember how good it was.
00:59:59Tell me.
01:00:09Don't hurt him.
01:00:10Hurt him?
01:00:11I'll kill him.
01:00:14What the hell is going on?
01:00:18Grandpa, Darlene and Andy came here and said they wanted to talk.
01:00:21We thought they wanted to make things right, but then Darlene was all over Zack and Andy saw it and started fighting.
01:00:27That poor girl can barely raise her head.
01:00:29Jesus Christ.
01:00:30To come home a day early to find this?
01:00:32It's true.
01:00:33She tried to...
01:00:34Whoa, whoa.
01:00:35Come on, Mr. Fletcher.
01:00:36Let's talk.
01:00:37We can make a deal.
01:00:38No need for whatever happened here to ever leave this room.
01:00:40What do you say?
01:00:41A deal?
01:00:42This little bastard tried to rape her.
01:00:45What kind of deal makes that right?
01:00:51Look, I don't know what my granddaughter was trying to do here,
01:00:54but maybe we can work something out to keep this between us.
01:00:57I know your company has its eyes on my patent portfolio.
01:01:01You offer me money?
01:01:04She's my wife.
01:01:07Your family.
01:01:09Do they mean more to you than that?
01:01:12It's okay, Andy.
01:01:13Let's just go.
01:01:17Is that you?
01:01:24No, I'm not.
01:01:25That's Darlene, Grandpa.
01:01:27Zack's ex-girlfriend.
01:01:28She was seducing him trying to get him back.
01:01:30Shut up, Sally.
01:01:32I don't want to hear it.
01:01:33You two, out.
01:01:40I'm sorry.
01:01:41You look just like my late daughter, Sally's mother.
01:01:43She died very young.
01:01:44Let's go, Andy.
01:01:47One second.
01:01:50Let's talk.
01:01:53Like I said, the patents.
01:01:57I don't care about that.
01:01:59There's something else.
01:02:02Darlene, you just found out you're not your parents' real daughter.
01:02:07Carter, you saw a resemblance immediately.
01:02:11What I want is for us to find out the truth.
01:02:17I think Darlene could be your real granddaughter.
01:02:20A DNA test.
01:02:22I don't think we need to.
01:02:23I think we do.
01:02:25All of us.
01:02:27Don't worry.
01:02:29I'll still love you.
01:02:31Even if you are Carter.
01:02:34You and your fucking plan.
01:02:36It would have worked.
01:02:38If your plan was to get a recording of me eating my ribs broken in,
01:02:41and set up Darlene confessing secret feelings for me.
01:02:43I can't believe she didn't do it.
01:02:46I know your plan was to blackmail her with the recording.
01:02:50But I love you, baby.
01:02:52I hated being with her.
01:02:54Still, it looked like you were having fun.
01:03:00I gotta go to the hospital.
01:03:02I wasn't joking.
01:03:03You broke a rib.
01:03:05I'll talk to Grandpa and let him know that we want to get married.
01:03:08Don't worry, baby.
01:03:09Everything will be alright.
01:03:17Grandpa, have you been up all night?
01:03:19Do you know how difficult you've made this situation?
01:03:22What were you thinking?
01:03:25Do you have any idea how miserable Fletcher can make our family or our company?
01:03:32But I didn't mean to.
01:03:34It was Darlene.
01:03:35She just...
01:03:36What am I gonna do with you?
01:03:38Grandpa, Zach wouldn't...
01:03:40I never want to see that boy again.
01:03:42You hear me?
01:03:44But I love him.
01:03:46Him and I want to get married.
01:03:47We have enough that we can...
01:03:49Sometimes I feel terrible.
01:03:51Because I wish I never had a granddaughter like you.
01:03:55But it's my fault.
01:03:57I should have raised you better than this.
01:03:59When your parents died, I should have raised you better than this.
01:04:09I've agreed to a DNA test.
01:04:11We'll see who Darlene Mills really is.
01:04:15We'll go see Dr. West in the afternoon.
01:04:18We'll sort this out.
01:04:20Go ahead.
01:04:21Marry this Zachary boy.
01:04:23Do whatever you want.
01:04:24Even if you're not my granddaughter.
01:04:27You'll still be taken care of.
01:04:29But you won't have my name.
01:04:30Not anymore.
01:04:38Long night, huh?
01:04:41I feel better.
01:04:43In fact, I'm feeling you.
01:04:53Why are you staring at me?
01:04:55Because you're handsome.
01:04:57And you're mine.
01:04:59You're only just noticing now.
01:05:01Maybe I'm slowing the uptake.
01:05:09Let me refresh you.
01:05:19Can I help you?
01:05:21Dr. West.
01:05:22I wanted to talk to you about something.
01:05:26I'm extremely busy here.
01:05:29Sally Carter.
01:05:30You're expecting my grandfather and I this afternoon for a DNA test?
01:05:35Of course.
01:05:36It's you, Mr. Carter, and Miss Mills.
01:05:41Let me ask you something.
01:05:43Don't you think doctors are underpaid?
01:05:47Maybe I can help you with that.
01:05:58Hey, Leni.
01:05:59I didn't expect to see your face here.
01:06:01This better not be about Dad.
01:06:03No, but...
01:06:04Can we talk?
01:06:07In private?
01:06:08In private.
01:06:11I'll be right outside.
01:06:18So what do you want?
01:06:20I'm sorry, Leni.
01:06:23For everything that Dad did.
01:06:29You know he beat her almost as much as you when we were growing up.
01:06:33It's not her fault.
01:06:39I wish I'd never let Dad do this to you.
01:06:45It's all my fault.
01:06:52It's Dad who did this, not you.
01:06:55You have nothing to be sorry for.
01:06:58Except for being stupid.
01:07:01And that's the usual.
01:07:06At least I'm not a brat.
01:07:09Don't worry.
01:07:11I forgive you.
01:07:16I should have told you.
01:07:19A few years back, I overheard Mom and Dad talking about how they switched you with another baby at the hospital.
01:07:28Some rich kid.
01:07:30You're born on the same day as my real sister.
01:07:34But Dad wanted to switch you so he could get some money off the other parents one day.
01:07:40Don't you get it?
01:07:42You didn't marry rich, you already were.
01:07:45You gotta find your real family.
01:08:00Do you hear all of that?
01:08:02Most of it.
01:08:05I think everything's clear now.
01:08:08There's no doubt, you're Carter's grandkid.
01:08:20A week ago, I thought I knew what my life was.
01:08:24Who I was.
01:08:25I thought I knew what my life was.
01:08:28Who I was.
01:08:30I had no doubts in my mind.
01:08:34All I have are doubts.
01:08:38A week ago, I thought I knew what my life was too.
01:08:42But then I met you.
01:08:45So, no, I'm not confused.
01:08:49Whatever the test results are.
01:08:52Whatever happens.
01:08:55I have no doubts about you.
01:09:11Miss Carter.
01:09:12We have the results from the test earlier this week.
01:09:15Your test came back negative.
01:09:18Darlene's came back positive.
01:09:20Well, I think you know what to do.
01:09:22Make sure my results are what I'm looking for or you don't get paid.
01:09:25How about that?
01:09:26I'm taking a serious risk here.
01:09:28Okay, I need double what we talked about to switch these.
01:09:33Double, fine.
01:09:34Whatever it takes, just do it.
01:09:37I'll provide the results tomorrow.
01:09:44I'm Sally Mills.
01:09:56Have you seen the results yet?
01:09:58No, I haven't.
01:09:59Are they what we expected?
01:10:01Unfortunately, no.
01:10:03Darlene isn't my grandchild.
01:10:05Sally is.
01:10:07And you're absolutely sure there was no tampering with the results?
01:10:14Can we talk?
01:10:15Are you at home?
01:10:16Of course.
01:10:18See you soon.
01:10:31I knew I never should have hoped.
01:10:33I wouldn't worry just yet.
01:10:36I know how to convince Abram.
01:10:42What are they doing here?
01:10:43We all saw the results.
01:10:44I'm your real granddaughter?
01:10:46They're just here to talk.
01:10:48I'm your real granddaughter?
01:10:50They're just here to talk.
01:10:51Although I'm not sure what there is to talk about.
01:10:56Just a question.
01:10:58Where was Sally born?
01:11:00Mercy General, here in the city.
01:11:02That's where I was born.
01:11:04So what?
01:11:05There's only so many hospitals.
01:11:07Except you were born at the same hospital.
01:11:09Eight hours apart.
01:11:10And although it says O negative on Sally's birth certificate,
01:11:13I bet we'd find AB positive running through her veins.
01:11:16What are you trying to do?
01:11:17I had my assistant Owen investigate this a few days ago.
01:11:20I've just been waiting for the results.
01:11:22Well, that's the thing, isn't it?
01:11:23These results are hard to argue with.
01:11:25Even with these coincidences.
01:11:27I think you'd be surprised.
01:11:30What the hell is this?
01:11:36Please, take the money.
01:11:37Just don't hurt me.
01:11:38Why do you have the doctor?
01:11:40I knew there was something between these two.
01:11:43So I had Owen check the hospital logs.
01:11:46Sally Carter was signed twice.
01:11:49Once in the morning to bribe Dr. West.
01:11:52And again to take the test with us.
01:11:54That's bullshit! I didn't!
01:11:56So Owen and I had a chat with the good doctor this morning.
01:11:59Do you want to recap them on that, Dr. West?
01:12:02Sally O.
01:12:04She paid me to switch the results if the test came back positive.
01:12:08Because hers came negative.
01:12:11She's not your granddaughter.
01:12:12He's lying! I didn't pay him!
01:12:14We have the transaction history of the bribe.
01:12:17Mr. Carter and Dr. West showed us the real results.
01:12:20Darlene is your real granddaughter.
01:12:22No! Grandpa, please! I didn't...
01:12:24Get out of here!
01:12:25I don't care if you just go to your room or you check into a hotel.
01:12:29I don't want to see you right now.
01:12:34After all these years, you're finally home.
01:12:36If your parents could see you now.
01:12:38If they hadn't died in that plane crash 20 years ago.
01:12:41Well, they'd be so proud of their daughter.
01:12:43My granddaughter.
01:12:45Proud of a peasant?
01:12:4750 years ago, my family were peasants.
01:12:49Your parents didn't like to think that.
01:12:51I don't either.
01:12:52That's a good lesson.
01:12:54But it seems lost on Sally.
01:12:56I know. The poor girl.
01:12:58Something has to be done about her.
01:13:11I love you.
01:13:26While we've been waiting for the test results,
01:13:28I had these drawn up by my lawyers.
01:13:30I was hopeful that this would be the outcome.
01:13:34This form is a notice of adoption.
01:13:37The rest you can sign later.
01:13:39Most of them are authority over various interests and assets,
01:13:42but would you sign the adoption form together with me?
01:13:47I want Sally to be taken care of.
01:13:49It's not her fault that my...
01:13:51her parents did what they did.
01:13:54I was hoping you'd say that too.
01:13:56You have a good heart.
01:13:59It can be arranged.
01:14:01She'll be okay.
01:14:28She is?
01:14:30Oh, no.
01:14:39Hi, Eleni.
01:14:41I was worried.
01:14:43I wanted to see you
01:14:45before I die.
01:14:47It's fine. You're weak.
01:14:51The doctor said
01:14:53not much longer, honey.
01:14:55It's almost time.
01:14:58Who's that?
01:15:01It's my husband, Andy.
01:15:04That's lovely, sweetie.
01:15:07Take care of her.
01:15:10She's had a hard life.
01:15:13I want her to be happy.
01:15:16Of course.
01:15:18Of course, Nana.
01:15:20I'll be fine, Nana.
01:15:37Oh, no.
01:15:39Are we too late?
01:15:41She's gone.
01:15:45Eleni, I know.
01:15:47Your Nana was so much better to you
01:15:49than we were.
01:15:51But your dad's gone now.
01:15:53The cops can't even find him.
01:15:55And Daryl and me,
01:15:57we're never talking to him again.
01:15:59He's gone.
01:16:01He's gone.
01:16:03He's gone.
01:16:05We're never talking to him again.
01:16:07You want to meet your daughter?
01:16:09But you're my...
01:16:11Enough, Mom.
01:16:13I told her.
01:16:15She knows she's not your real daughter.
01:16:17You found my girl?
01:16:19Is she okay?
01:16:21Better off than I was.
01:16:23I don't know if I should.
01:16:25What if she hates me?
01:16:27I'll invite your daughter to Nana's funeral.
01:16:29If she comes,
01:16:31you can decide to see her or not.
01:16:53Are you okay?
01:16:55Yeah, I'm fine.
01:16:57I just keep thinking
01:16:59about my family.
01:17:01My real family.
01:17:03I understand.
01:17:09Now that it's just the two of us here,
01:17:11I think I'm going to change the locks.
01:17:15Good morning.
01:17:17Come on out.
01:17:19I'll make us all breakfast.
01:17:23I love you,
01:17:25but we want some privacy.
01:17:27Well, you're going to hate this then.
01:17:29Your mother's coming too.
01:17:31Just orange juice.
01:17:33I promise.
01:17:35No more, Andrew.
01:17:37It's gone on long enough.
01:17:39Pick someone else to marry.
01:17:41Anyone else.
01:17:43Just not her.
01:17:45I didn't want to marry anyone else, Mom.
01:17:47You see the woman sitting next to me?
01:17:49That's my wife.
01:17:51Say hello.
01:17:53It was a beautiful ceremony,
01:17:55and I'm so proud of you.
01:17:57Thank you.
01:17:59It was a beautiful ceremony, Ang.
01:18:01The city clerks
01:18:03spoke wonderfully.
01:18:05Stay out of this, Mother.
01:18:07Stay out of it, Mother?
01:18:09Just listen to yourself.
01:18:11You have no self-awareness.
01:18:13They're in love.
01:18:15Look at them.
01:18:17You have no say in the matter, woman.
01:18:19They're crazy about each other.
01:18:21So you have a crush.
01:18:25That's fine.
01:18:27But Andrew,
01:18:29she's nobody.
01:18:35Don't you understand?
01:18:39is laughing at me.
01:18:41Oh, for fuck's sakes, Mom.
01:18:43Her real parents are
01:18:45Logan and Jacinda Carter.
01:18:47She's a Carter.
01:18:51Is she suddenly qualified now?
01:18:53Switched at birth, you know?
01:18:55That same old story?
01:19:03How's Sally?
01:19:05She hasn't left her room in days.
01:19:07Not since we learned the truth.
01:19:09I want to give her one last chance
01:19:11for her to do the right thing.
01:19:13Wait here.
01:19:21What do you want?
01:19:23Can we talk?
01:19:25Where's Grandpa?
01:19:27Mr. Carter?
01:19:29Not here.
01:19:31He's working, I think.
01:19:33I just wanted to let you know
01:19:35that my Nana,
01:19:37your real grandmother,
01:19:39she died.
01:19:41Who cares?
01:19:43The funeral's in a couple days.
01:19:45I was hoping you could come.
01:19:47She would have liked for you to be there.
01:19:49We all would.
01:19:51She's your family now.
01:19:53Why should I give a shit about some dead old bitch
01:19:55I never met?
01:19:57Or the fucking commoners I was rescued from at birth
01:19:59just to be dumped when you show up again?
01:20:01Please, won't you come?
01:20:05Tell you what.
01:20:07If you resign your claim on the Carter fortune,
01:20:09you fuck off from my family,
01:20:11and I'll go.
01:20:13If you do that,
01:20:15I'll sing in the choir for that toothless bitch.
01:20:17I wanted to give you one last chance.
01:20:19I'm sorry you didn't take it, Sal.
01:20:23What's that supposed to mean?
01:20:33I really thought better of you.
01:20:37No, she tricked me.
01:20:39She was trying to make me angry.
01:20:41Enough. More lies?
01:20:43I can't listen to anything else.
01:20:45God, Sally.
01:20:47No. No, you can't just ditch me.
01:20:49I can't lose everything.
01:20:51If you'd just been able to act like a good person
01:20:53for once,
01:20:55I wanted you to stay.
01:20:57I wanted to give you one more chance.
01:20:59But you just couldn't do it, could you?
01:21:03Your accounts are all cut off, Sally.
01:21:05This is all that's left.
01:21:07There's plenty on here to take care of you for years,
01:21:09but you'll get nothing else from me.
01:21:11Never again.
01:21:15Never again.
01:21:31It's all gone.
01:21:33I've lost my home, my family,
01:21:39It's Darlene.
01:21:41Her, my trash parents switched us at the hospital.
01:21:43Grandpa cut me off, he kicked me out.
01:21:45I'm homeless.
01:21:47He's your grandpa. He's family.
01:21:49Why would he leave you like this?
01:21:51It's Darlene. She tricked me.
01:21:53She turned him against me.
01:21:55I'll kill her.
01:21:57So you've got nothing left?
01:21:59Just this. He said it'll last a few years,
01:22:01but that's it.
01:22:05Okay, well, it's not the end of the world.
01:22:09I'll tell you what.
01:22:11I'll leave you for a while now. I'll hold on to this.
01:22:13I can make it stretch longer, okay?
01:22:17You know what?
01:22:19I'll go get us some dinner, okay?
01:22:21You should rest.
01:22:23I'll be right back and we'll figure this thing out, okay?
01:22:27Thank you.
01:22:29I love you, Zach.
01:22:31I'll always be there for you, Sal.
01:22:55Where are you?
01:23:01Pick up, Zach.
01:23:03Pick up, pick up.
01:23:05Hi, it's Zach.
01:23:07Leave your deets at the beep.
01:23:09Baby, where are you? You're supposed to be back by now.
01:23:11I need you, Zach.
01:23:15The mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages.
01:23:23Hey, beautiful.
01:23:25I have a video conference that got rescheduled to tonight.
01:23:27I can't miss it,
01:23:29so we have to cancel our dinner plans.
01:23:31Oh, okay. I guess I'll have to settle
01:23:33to seeing you in bed.
01:23:35You call that settling?
01:23:37What are you looking for?
01:23:39I just thought I had all my pictures
01:23:41from my old place,
01:23:43but I must have missed a couple.
01:23:45I'll have to go back later. I still have the key.
01:23:47Will Zach be there?
01:23:49I don't think so.
01:23:51The rent is paid until the end of the month,
01:23:53but he wasn't there
01:23:55when I cleared out the place last week.
01:23:57Well, be careful.
01:23:59Call me if you need me.
01:24:31Hi, Grandpa.
01:24:35You almost gave me a heart attack.
01:24:37What are you doing here?
01:24:39I had a spare key.
01:24:41You gave it to me. You don't remember?
01:24:43What do you want, Sally?
01:24:45Please take me back.
01:24:47I promise things will be different.
01:24:49We'll forget all about Darlene.
01:24:51I'm not going to do that.
01:24:53You know I can't.
01:24:55What's happening to me?
01:24:57Did you drug me?
01:24:59I wanted to give you another chance
01:25:01like you gave me,
01:25:03but it looks like you wasted your chance too.
01:25:11Hi, Laney.
01:25:13Get the hell out of here, Zach.
01:25:17I need to talk to you, okay?
01:25:19And I need the exact opposite.
01:25:21I don't ever want to see you again.
01:25:23Look, Lane, I'm not with Sally anymore, okay?
01:25:25I couldn't handle the way she treated regular people.
01:25:27People like us.
01:25:29Or like me, I guess.
01:25:31What a surprise.
01:25:33You find out who my real family is
01:25:35and then you ditch the poor girl for the rich girl.
01:25:39You know what?
01:25:41You're pathetic.
01:25:59Hi, Laney.
01:26:01Grandpa wants to see you.
01:26:07This is Andrew Fletcher.
01:26:09Please leave a message or contact my assistant,
01:26:11Sandy, when you get this.
01:26:13Sally called me.
01:26:15She said she has Grandpa.
01:26:17She's going to do something terrible
01:26:19if I don't go over to his house right now,
01:26:21so I'm on my way.
01:26:44I got your message. We're on our way.
01:26:46Just wait for us.
01:26:48Darlene? Darlene!
01:27:00You have such beautiful hair.
01:27:02Just like my mother.
01:27:04Our mother.
01:27:08Nice and calm, sis.
01:27:12What did you do?
01:27:14He's my grandpa, not yours.
01:27:16Don't worry.
01:27:18I just gave him the same stuff I slipped you the other night.
01:27:21Just a lot more of it.
01:27:23What did you do, Sally?
01:27:25And he's going to kill you if you do anything to me.
01:27:27You'll go to jail.
01:27:29You'll lose everything.
01:27:31I've already lost everything.
01:27:33Now it's time to spread that around a bit.
01:27:35The question is
01:27:37what to start with.
01:27:39The old fart down there.
01:27:41Or no.
01:27:43No, I think I can do better than that.
01:27:46Andy just loves his hard-working,
01:27:48down-to-earth wife.
01:27:52His Cinderella, so virtuous and pure.
01:27:55Not for much longer, she's not.
01:28:00Nobody's here.
01:28:02There's signs of a struggle.
01:28:08Where the hell would she be?
01:28:11The ex-boyfriend.
01:28:13Her old place?
01:28:15It's worth a try.
01:28:24Zach, are you okay?
01:28:26Wakey, wakey, lover.
01:28:28What are you doing to us?
01:28:30Don't you see?
01:28:32I'm giving you and Zachary your deepest desires.
01:28:34He gets to have you again.
01:28:36And when he's done with you,
01:28:38Andy won't ever be able to look you in the eye
01:28:40without seeing the little slut I know you are.
01:28:44Make it sexy, baby.
01:28:49Baby, please.
01:28:51I don't want her.
01:28:53I only want you.
01:28:55I don't think so, Zachary.
01:28:57I think you like her.
01:28:59I think if you'd known she was a fucking Carter all along,
01:29:01you would have never left her in the first place.
01:29:04So now's your chance.
01:29:07Touch her.
01:29:09Touch her!
01:29:12Oh, come on.
01:29:14Put a little effort into it.
01:29:16I want to enjoy this, too.
01:29:19Kiss her!
01:29:23Kiss her!
01:29:26That's right.
01:29:28Oh, you look so hot, baby.
01:29:30You're so beautiful.
01:29:32You're so beautiful together.
01:29:34Isn't this what you wanted?
01:29:38You want to fuck her?
01:29:42Shut up!
01:29:45I don't believe you!
01:29:48What's wrong, lover?
01:29:50You can't get it up!
01:30:01Highline, asshole.
01:30:03Drop it, or the old man goes a second smile under the first one.
01:30:06I'll do it.
01:30:08I said drop it!
01:30:16Move back there.
01:30:24You deserve everything you got!
01:30:31You deserve everything you got!
01:30:49Hey, you.
01:30:52Hey, yourself.
01:30:56How do you feel?
01:30:58Still a little cloudy-headed.
01:31:05You won't worry. She poisoned you like she did Abram.
01:31:09You'll be fine.
01:31:11So will he, probably.
01:31:13The doctors are optimistic.
01:31:24And, um...
01:31:26Her? Sally?
01:31:29Polly said I was a perfect shot.
01:31:32Right through the shoulder.
01:31:35She'll recover just fine in a prison hospital.
01:31:38Until her trial starts.
01:31:42You're a man with many talents.
01:31:44Not really. I was trying to hit her in the head.
01:31:52It's finally over?
01:31:55Is this...
01:31:57Contract marriage?
01:32:01Is there more to our feelings after all of this?
01:32:13This has always been more than just a contract marriage to me.
01:32:18I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to prove that.
01:32:24I love you.
