• last year
00:00We're thankful. Alright, well kids, I've got a very short Bible, well it's not actually that short, so short I had to type it up myself so I can tell you.
00:13Repeat after me and say, Philippians 3.14
00:17Philippians 3.14
00:19I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize.
00:32Philippians 3.14
00:36Very good. It's a bit longer of a verse today, but the point is that the Apostle Paul says, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize.
00:48That means that it reminds us a little bit of the Olympic Games. Who here watched the Olympics the last couple of weeks a little bit?
00:58What was your favorite sport, Jen, from the Olympics?
01:01Basketball and soccer.
01:02Basketball and soccer. Which basketball country were you rooting for?
01:09You don't know? France? Not France? No, United States, right?
01:15No, she's not even sure. That's okay.
01:17Soccer. Who won soccer? You don't know who won soccer? Who won soccer? The women's soccer.
01:24She was scrolling on her feed.
01:25She was scrolling on her feed. Yeah, that's fine.
01:28But USA women's won soccer and USA men and women won basketball.
01:34There was another race that the United States won. Do you guys know which race that was? There were several.
01:44What are some of the races that they run?
01:46Anybody? No? Nobody knows. Okay, what's your favorite sport then?
01:53Kenzie, I know you're his favorite sport. Go say it.
02:00From the Olympics.
02:03Gymnastics, yes. And who's your favorite gymnast from the U.S.?
02:10Suni Lee and Simone Biles.
02:14I think they won gold. I believe so. Simone Biles won gold for sure.
02:21I just wanted to illustrate this by going through a couple of...
02:25These aren't real medals, of course, but who or what color does the third place get?
02:33Bronze. That could be represented by this here.
02:38These aren't real medals, of course.
02:41And second place gets?
02:43Silver. Very good. It could be represented by this here.
02:47And you just mentioned it, the gold goes to the first prize or first place.
02:54Very good.
02:55Now, the reason I wanted to bring up the Olympics and this idea is that the Apostle Paul once again says in Philippians 3.14,
03:05I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize.
03:12And that heavenly prize is to be with Jesus forever and always.
03:17All the pain, all the sadness, every struggle and hard times you go through here will be no more on the other side.
03:28So the lesson today, children, is press on. Say press on.
03:32Press on.
03:33Press on.
03:34Every day of your lives, press on.
03:36It's hard.
03:37Sometimes it's easier, sometimes it's harder, but press on because God is always on your side.
03:44And when you have Jesus in your life, the Holy Spirit is in you and the Holy Spirit will guide you in everything you do.
03:50Let's pray.
03:51Hold your hands.
03:52Bow your heads and close your eyes.
03:55And pray after me.
03:56Say, Heavenly Father, thank you for giving the Holy Spirit to all who believe in the Son, Jesus Christ.
04:12Help us to run our race.
04:17Press on to the end and reach our heavenly goal and our prize, who is Jesus.
04:29In his name we pray, amen.