• 2 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbors.
00:02I'm thinking you never worked through it at all.
00:04Maybe I could come to one of your sessions.
00:07I told you I'm not ready for this.
00:09I'm not ready!
00:10You're the one I want to be with.
00:11You said you're fine with being non-exclusive.
00:14Yeah, I know.
00:15Yeah, but if you keep acting weird, she's gonna know something's up.
00:17It's giving Aiden vibes.
00:18No, it's not.
00:19Lassiter's has been identified as a potential asset to divest.
00:23Report back to me if you spot anything else suspicious about Heath, alright?
00:26I need you to go to Warwi for a few days.
00:36Warwi Station.
00:38A.K.A. the middle of nowhere.
00:41You'll fly into Mount Harper.
00:43It's a two-hour drive to the station.
00:45The four-wheel drive will be parked outside the airport.
00:47Once you get there, it's all Justin's go.
00:48Yeah, make sure everything looks legit.
00:49No paperwork left behind.
00:51There's accommodation on site.
00:53Several kilometers from the station entrance.
00:56Yeah, I still think Justin could have done this.
00:58I've got other work for Justin.
00:59Yeah, like what?
01:00We've got a dozen Sinclair investments in various stages of folding.
01:04So give me the update.
01:05Maybe I have some ideas.
01:07Just follow my instructions.
01:08Stop challenging me on everything.
01:10Then stop treating me.
01:12Come in.
01:17I've just been through the mystery shopper report.
01:19Do you have time to go through it with me?
01:20I can't.
01:21I have an off-site meeting.
01:23No worries.
01:24I was just curious about some of the recommendations.
01:26You can make the decisions.
01:28I trust you.
01:52Well, that's Nell and Hugo on their way.
01:55Susan, I really didn't want to burden them with what's going on.
01:59They'll be fine.
02:01So what exactly happened at Rhonda's?
02:06Tony thought I was crashing his session.
02:10The way he yelled at me.
02:13The anger in his voice.
02:14It was like the nursery all over again.
02:18And he keeps saying that it's about him and not me.
02:22But I can't believe that.
02:27I know you two have survived a lot.
02:31But this anger that he has, it's not okay.
02:40I feel that what's happening to him, it's much bigger than he's admitting.
02:45But I love him.
02:47And I want to support him.
02:51But I'm just a bit scared.
02:56I know you love him.
03:00I guess you just wait until he gets home and hear what he has to say.
03:22Come on.
03:48Come away with me.
03:51Tonight. Think of it as a mystery adventure.
03:54For how long?
03:55We'll travel through the night. Stay with me tomorrow night.
03:58Hang on, are we visiting?
04:00No, but I mean, bring your passport. We might decide to have dinner and sing.
04:05You're serious?
04:06Tessa's sending me on a business trip. It's just boring admin stuff. Maybe you could keep me company.
04:12It's a private chartered flight. I'll pay the pilot a few extra bucks to get you on the passenger list.
04:17Why would I tell everyone?
04:19You've got the next couple of days off, don't you? You don't want to be going away with friends.
04:27Can I think about it?
04:30I will give you an hour.
04:47Don't look at me like that.
04:50I'm worried.
04:52You know, I wish I never told you.
04:54Out of everybody I thought you would understand.
05:04I told you things would move quickly.
05:07Yeah, I will need my lawyers to go over this.
05:10Of course. Do you have the funds?
05:13I'll have to give you a couple of days for that.
05:16But I still haven't worked out what I'm going to do with Christa and Leo yet.
05:20You can blame it on me. After I'm gone.
05:24Yeah, when exactly is that?
05:30Now is not the time to hesitate, Paul. Not if you want to regain full ownership of this hotel.
05:44I thought you had an off-site meeting.
05:46I'm headed there now.
05:48See ya.
06:03Is that the contract of sale?
06:05Yep. She seemed in a mighty big hurry to push it through though.
06:10And in a hurry to avoid me.
06:13I just tried to talk to her about the mystery shopper company that she put me onto.
06:18I'm pretty sure the report is bogus.
06:22Why on earth would she leave you at the garden park?
06:25She's trying to make me look bad. Right?
06:30What other explanation could there be?
06:36I can't believe Kiri's gone.
06:38Her voicemail sounded so sad.
06:40Yeah, we can blame that one on Nicolette.
06:41But you don't know exactly what happened?
06:43Well, I don't know the full story and honestly I don't want to know.
06:47Hey, you okay?
06:49Yeah, I'm just thinking about Holly. She hasn't returned any of my messages.
06:54Yeah, me neither.
06:56When was the last time you saw her?
06:58A few minutes ago. I wish I hadn't.
07:04Alright, I'm not supposed to say anything, but I'm worried that this whole thing is going to blow up in Holly's face.
07:11What is?
07:13Is she seeing Heath Royce or Heath Silverson, whatever that guy's name is?
07:18Hang on, the guy that's working with Tess.
07:21I told her that he's bad news.
07:23Yeah, but why is she keeping it so quiet?
07:25Probably because she knows that I'd have something to say about it.
07:30There's more.
07:32He's sleeping with Tess.
07:34Of course he is. I mean, Holly said that she'd be fine with it, but how can someone be fine with something like that?
07:41Mac, where are you going?
07:43Saving my idiot friend from herself.
07:56Why do you keep selling yourself short?
08:00Why would you settle for being Heath's side piece? I mean, can't you see that he's using you?
08:06Sadie blabbed.
08:08Of course she did. She's worried about you. I mean, didn't you learn anything from Eden?
08:11You can't even say his name.
08:13Why not? Afraid to make the comparison?
08:15Heath is nothing like Eden, OK? You don't know him, Mackenzie.
08:19I know that he's dodgy as hell.
08:21He told me about his past.
08:23OK, then why didn't you tell me that you were seeing each other?
08:25Because I knew that you would be all judgy about it.
08:27Holly, this guy is going to hurt you.
08:30I'm not stupid, OK? I know what I'm doing and I don't need you policing my life.
08:35This is none of your business.
08:37You're my friend. I love you.
08:42What time do we leave?
09:08Can I join you?
09:09Sure you want to?
09:12Just because I haven't checked in on you lately doesn't mean I don't care.
09:17You don't have to explain yourself to me.
09:20I don't want things to be weird between us.
09:25I get it. You don't want to get caught up in my mess. I'd run a mile too.
09:31I'm trying to get my head together before going home to Therese.
09:39Feel like a coffee?
09:44Come on.
10:00Let that warm gun take its time.
10:06Doesn't it seem strange?
10:11How things around me start to change.
10:16It shoots me down and cuts me out.
10:21My happiness is crying out.
10:26Doesn't it seem strange?
10:30I just feel terrible for Therese.
10:33Tony is so angry. It's just not like him.
10:36I hope the counselling made things better, not worse.
10:40Hey, you going somewhere?
10:42Yeah, I'm just off with a friend for a couple of days.
10:44Which friend?
10:45A girl from housekeeping. You don't know her.
10:46Where are you going?
10:47Somewhere up north. I don't know. She's in charge of the travel. I'm sort of just along for the ride.
10:52Dad, it's fine. I've got a couple of days off.
10:54It's just a bit sudden. That's all.
10:55That's all part of the fun.
10:56Oh, that's my ride. I'll text you guys when we land. It'll be in the morning. It's just a late flight. Love you.
11:02Okay, love you.
11:03Well, have fun.
11:13Heading to Wariwi as instructed.
11:15You don't have to say it like that.
11:17It's full on orders.
11:19I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you before.
11:22It's just that things are getting to a pointy end and I'm juggling a lot of balls.
11:24Yeah, you chose to do it on your own. We were supposed to be in this together.
11:29I know. I promise to make it up to you once we're free and clear. Okay?
11:36Look, I gotta go or I'm gonna miss my flight.
11:40Message me when you arrive?
11:52We need to talk.
11:55Yeah, I'll make it quick because I got somewhere I gotta be.
11:59I know you've been sneaking around with Holly behind Tessa's back.
12:03So, I'm gonna be watching every move you make and if you hurt her-
12:07And what are you gonna do about it, Mackenzie?
12:11I'm not afraid of you.
12:12Yeah, I see. Now you should be. Now back off or you're gonna find out what it's like to get hurt.
12:25There you are.
12:31Let the fun begin.
12:38I am so looking forward to having my own space again, even if Paul is my landlord.
12:44I'm glad things are working out for you.
12:47I'm glad things are working out for you.
12:49I even found the most perfect pig figurine. I bought it for myself as a housewarming present.
12:58You deserve it.
13:00It's just like this, but bigger.
13:08For what?
13:09Keeping me company.
13:11No, not telling me off for how I've been acting lately.
13:16I really hope that you and Therese are okay.
13:21Can I get you guys anything else?
13:25Okay, now I'm really worried about Holly because that creep just threatened me.
13:27Wait, Heath?
13:28Yeah, there was no mistaking it this time. He told me to back off or I'll get hurt.
13:32Where is he now?
13:33He drove off, probably to where he's staying.
13:35Okay, we need to tell the police.
13:37What can they do?
13:38Maybe nothing, but we need that on record.
13:41Okay, well then let's go.
13:42Yeah, let's go.
13:44Do you know this guy?
13:46Yeah, helped with the property purchase in Hawaii.
13:50Seemed like a decent guy.
13:52Clearly he's not.
13:56I know where he lives.
13:59Hang on, hang on, you're not thinking of going now, are you?
14:02Someone's got to sort him out.
14:04Do you think you're in the right headspace to be getting involved?
14:09Yeah, I think I'm in the perfect headspace.
14:11Yeah, I think I'm in the perfect headspace.
14:15Well, in that case, I guess I'm coming with you.
14:20Come on.
14:32He's not here. You're going to have to talk to him another time.
14:40No, he crossed the line.
14:43Let's see how he likes it with someone up in his face, eh?
14:48We shouldn't be doing this.
14:56Please, Toad, can we just go?
15:04He'll be around here somewhere.
15:09Come on.
15:15Come on, we shouldn't be here.
15:19It's a fake passport.
15:23Ah, it's one for Heath too.
15:27Hold it, there's nine million bucks in this bank account.
15:39What did the police say?
15:41Not much. They can't arrest Heath based on a threat.
15:44Well, maybe we can ask your dad and he'll give us some advice.
15:47Holly, please call me when you get this. Heath is dangerous.
15:51Mac, maybe we just need to give her some space, yeah?
15:56It's not like she's giving us a choice.
15:58I just hate that she sees us as the enemy.
16:00Hey, should we tell Tess about the complaint made against Heath?
16:04Are you trying to warn her about his past before and she didn't listen?
16:07Yeah, because she was getting it on with him.
16:12What are you thinking?
16:14Well, it's just, it seems Tess has been doing a bit of deep diving into our accounts.
16:19I think we should do a bit of a dive into hers.
16:25I haven't heard back from Toadie either.
16:28I'm sure he's as busy. He'll get back to you.
16:38What happened here?
16:41There was a problem, but I took care of it.
16:49Hi. Hi.
16:51Thanks so much for coming round.
16:54Yeah, look, he hasn't come home and he's not answering his phone.
16:59Well, have you checked in with the kids?
17:02He hasn't come home and he's not answering his phone.
17:05Well, have you checked in with the kids?
17:07Yeah, look, I checked in, but I didn't want to tell them he was missing.
17:11I'm sure he'll be home soon.
17:13He's obviously avoiding me.
17:15I doubt it. There could be another explanation.
17:17Like what? How hard is it to come home and tell me what's on his mind?
17:21He must know that I'm worried sick.
17:23Hi, sorry, I hope we're not interrupting.
17:26We just wanted to update Toadie on the Heath situation.
17:28Toadie on the Heath situation?
17:30Yeah, well, I haven't seen him all afternoon.
17:34Oh, we saw him earlier at Harold's. He was with Melanie.
17:41Yeah, they were just having a coffee.
17:44How did he seem?
17:46Fine, I guess. Honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention.
17:49You mentioned someone called Heath.
17:51Melanie, it's Carl. If you get this, could you call me please?
17:55And if you're with Toadie, ask him to call Therese too.
17:58Thank you, bye.
18:00So she's not answering either.
18:02So who's this Heath person you're talking about?
18:05He works with Tess for the Sinclairs.
18:09I think we should tell them.
18:11Tell us what?
18:13Um, Holly has been seeing him on the down low and he's a really shady guy.
18:19Is she at your place right now or taking off for the airport?
18:23She said she was going away with a friend from housekeeping.
18:25Okay, um, well look, that might be true, but I think we have to consider the possibility that she's with Heath.
18:56I can see a pattern to this
19:02It's not, not, not, not, not perfect
19:08But I could be convinced that it is
19:13My world has never looked quite so small
19:19What's left to measure, we know it all
19:25But we still look for magic
19:31We still look for magic
20:14Oh my god!
20:26Oh my god!
20:32Our sweet home!
20:34I mean, it's not exactly the Four Seasons
20:36It's epic!
20:38Who used to live here?
20:40Managers of the station
20:42They, uh, they left a couple of days ago
20:45So I have no idea what kind of state this place has got to be in
20:50I don't care
20:52As long as we're together
21:00Do you really have to go check on the cattle?
21:02Oh, I'm not here to herd sheep
21:04How would I know?
21:06You're being very secretive about this whole thing
21:08I'm not
21:10It's just boring admin stuff that I gotta do
21:25Is it Tess?
21:29You know what, why don't you get it?
21:31I promised that I'd message Dad and Susan anyway
21:39You know what?
21:41She can wait
21:44I like this side of you
21:46Turn yours off too
21:48I mean, let's just forget about the world a little bit longer
21:56Now, what should we do first?
22:10Still no word?
22:11I drifted off to sleep
22:13And I was sure he'd be there when I woke up
22:15But he wasn't
22:16Where is he?
22:18He's never done this before
22:21There's something else that you need to know
22:24Melanie didn't come home last night
22:26We've been calling her and texting her
22:28She hasn't responded either
22:31So they're both missing
22:42Coming up on Neighbours
22:44I don't know what you're playing at
22:46But you need to call me straight away
22:48You know, there is one way to get to the bottom of all this
22:51Call race
22:53Well, we shouldn't assume the worst
22:55How come not?
22:57I feel like Holly could be in some serious danger
22:59Come away with me