General Hospital 8-19-24

  • last month
00:00Okay, I just I know this is a big step for you. I don't want to mess it up.
00:07Stop talking.
00:08Come in.
00:09Dr. Randolph.
00:11Dr. Randolph.
00:30Have a seat.
00:32Thank you for seeing me.
00:33You made the appointment.
00:35Is this concerning a medical issue?
00:38I didn't think so.
00:40What can I do for you?
00:43I happened to check the GH job website, and I noticed that there's an opening for a lab tech.
00:52We have a manager for the lab. One we can trust.
00:56I meant the entry-level lab tech position. I'd like to apply for that job.
01:02What's stopping you?
01:03Well, as you know, I have had some history with General Hospital.
01:09Could you be referring to your extremely checkered past as an employee of this hospital?
01:14I am.
01:15And you still think applying for this job is worth your time?
01:19Look, I know it's a long shot.
01:22Unless the chief of staff goes to bed for me.
01:29Excuse me, is the commissioner in?
01:31Hey, Jason, can I help you with something?
01:34No, I just need to talk with Anna.
01:37That was the long-term care facility. The doctor wants to speak to me, so I need to go down there now.
01:43Of course, yes. Is there anything I can do?
01:45Oh, no. I don't think there is.
01:51Yes, there is.
01:55Step up the search for Valentine.
01:58Charlotte may need to see her mother, and I hope to God it's not the last time.
02:03Cristina Corenzos-Davis, you are under arrest.
02:09What are you doing?
02:10I'm arresting your daughter.
02:12For what?
02:14That's between me, the perp, and the FBI.
02:17He doesn't want Cristina, he wants to come after me.
02:20But he can't do it like a man, so he has to arrest my daughter.
02:25Even if that were true, and I'm not saying it is, there is nothing you can do about it.
02:33I love my new costume.
03:00You look wonderful.
03:02Do I look elegant?
03:04Exceptionally, but you know this outfit is more than just looking good. It's about safety and comfort.
03:11I feel comfortable and safe.
03:13Ready to ride?
03:14Yes, I can't wait.
03:15Let's go.
03:16So, I want you to pay close attention to Cody when he's saddling your horse.
03:21Everybody should be able to saddle their own horse, and check that girth really well.
03:27Make sure it's tight. Why do we check it twice?
03:30Because horses hold their breath.
03:33But the saddles don't hurt the horses, do they?
03:37No, they don't. But horses don't like something tight around their stomachs.
03:41I don't blame them. I hate when my pants are too tight.
03:45Well, you should be grateful that corsets went out of style.
03:48What's a corset?
03:52I wonder where Cody is.
03:55Maybe he's hiding.
03:57Come on, let's go find him.
04:02Oh, yes, Jordan. Thank you for coming.
04:05Of course.
04:06Can you cover my breakfast meeting tomorrow with the Waterfront Planning Committee?
04:10Not a problem.
04:12Okay, great.
04:15Lulu has had a setback in her health, so I may need to rely on you a little bit more than usual over the next few days, and possibly longer.
04:25That's what I'm here for.
04:27I hope everything's alright.
04:29Me too.
04:32The commissioner isn't in her office. Is there a message?
04:36No, I'll wait.
04:50You going to Daddy's baseball game on Thursday?
04:52I'll be there.
04:54Those guys actually think they're going to win the whole thing.
04:57Well, he says he really wants that trophy.
05:00Oh, well. Hardware's a good motivator.
05:03You think they have a chance?
05:05Yeah, maybe. I mean, they got some good pitching, pretty deep bench.
05:09They could all use a little more hustle in their game, maybe, but...
05:13Sorry, excuse me. I'll see you.
05:16Yeah, Falkenary.
05:20Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there.
05:22Feeling powerless, Sonny?
05:24Against you? Not a chance.
05:25Really? Because you should.
05:27I got the FBI behind me. What do you got?
05:29You want to know what I got? Because I'd be happy to show you.
05:32Bring it.
05:33Dad, don't.
05:34Sonny, stop it. I'll handle it.
05:35I'm going to make a phone call.
05:38Cuff her.
05:39No, nobody's doing anything until you tell me what the charges are.
05:43Ms. Carinthos is an adult. I don't know her parents and explanation.
05:46I'm not here as her mother right now. I'm her lawyer.
05:49If memory serves, you lost your license and you're no longer permitted to practice law.
05:52You need to catch up, Cates. I've got my license back.
05:55How'd that happen?
05:56There is an entire judicial review board process, not unlike the one you'll be facing at the DOJ when we're through with you.
06:02State the charges.
06:04If you insist.
06:08Christina Carinthos Davis, you are under arrest for the assault and attempted murder of Ava Jerome.
06:20Hi. Jason, what are you doing?
06:23Just waiting for you. Commissioner?
06:26Mr. Morgan has been waiting very patiently for you. I told him you'd stepped away from your office.
06:30Thank you, Sergeant. Yes.
06:33Follow me.
06:37Hey, you want to see me?
06:39Please. I am so sorry that I had my assistant reach out to you instead of calling you myself.
06:45It's okay. It just means you're not too busy to come to dinner tonight because Rocco got to like level 20 of fortune quests and he really wants to tell you about it.
06:55Yeah, I hate to disappoint Rocco, but I can't come to dinner tonight.
06:59Why? Is everything okay?
07:01No. I have to go to Silverwater. Something's not right with Lulu.
07:07I don't care if she's in court or what client she has. I need to speak to her.
07:12Assault and attempted murder? That's ridiculous.
07:15The victim would disagree.
07:17Victim? Ava Jerome is nobody's victim.
07:19Only because you didn't succeed.
07:21Christina, don't say another word.
07:24Exactly when did this alleged assault take place?
07:28Thursday, August 1st, approximately 1030 a.m.
07:32So the altercation you're referencing is the one where Christina crashed through a window, fell three stories into a swimming pool, and Ava Jerome walked away without a hair on her head out of place? That assault?
07:44I am not going to litigate this in the middle of a hospital.
07:47Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't have a law license, so you won't be litigating anything.
07:52Figure of speech. Now come on, step aside. I'm taking the perp to the PCPD.
07:57Wait, Ava attacked me. She nearly killed me. She did kill my baby.
08:01Don't speak.
08:03Agent Cates, regardless of the veracity of your claim, which is shaky at best, you cannot arrest Christina.
08:09Except I just did.
08:10Except you're out of your jurisdiction.
08:12I'm a federal agent. The entire country is my jurisdiction.
08:15This is a local incident, and as such will be handled by the Port Charles District Attorney's Office.
08:20Where you work.
08:22It won't be me handling the case, as I am the actual victim's sister and a witness to your harassing her.
08:28Then let me take this off the local plate.
08:30Christina made a criminal threat against a material witness in an ongoing FBI investigation, which means this is absolutely within my jurisdiction.
08:43That's odd. Cody's not out back. He's not in the stable.
08:47I know I told him that we were going to go riding this afternoon. Where could he be?
08:55Leo told me Cody lives upstairs. Maybe he's up there.
08:59In the middle of the afternoon?
09:02Well, there's only one way to find out.
09:11Oh my God, that's Tracy.
09:14Maybe if we're quiet, she'll just go away.
09:17It's Tracy.
09:20You locked the door, right?
09:23I'll be right down, Tracy. Just give me a minute.
09:29I'm really sorry.
09:32Christina received a subpoena from Ava Jerome's lawyer, compelling her to testify against her father, Sonny Corinthos.
09:39Christina then went to the victim's hotel suite.
09:42She confronted Ms. Jerome and threatened to kill her if she was forced to testify against Sonny.
09:47That's not what happened.
09:49When Ms. Jerome refused to be intimidated by Christina's threats, she flew into a rage.
09:55She attacked Ms. Jerome, and in the struggle, that's when Christina crashed through the hotel window.
10:01That's not even true.
10:03That's what Ava Jerome says happened.
10:06Ms. Jerome says happened.
10:08And thanks to the photos you so generously provided, the evidence corroborates her statement.
10:14The photos show Ava with her hands on Christina, not the other way around.
10:18She was defending herself.
10:20She was sending her off balance out of a window.
10:23Well, now it's for the courts to decide.
10:26Come on, get up.
10:28Don't move.
10:30This is abuse.
10:31This is harassment.
10:32This is a threat to her physical health and to your employment.
10:37Christina was being discharged.
10:39She was, in fact, leaving when I arrived.
10:41To go home, to a clean bed, not to be dragged off to a police station and thrown in a dirty cell.
10:47Jagger, my daughter's in a wheelchair.
10:49You just can't walk her out.
10:51I am telling you, if you insist on this, I will call the ACLU, the DOJ, the FBI, and the local press.
10:58Your choice.
11:02Bring the wheelchair.
11:08Don't do anything, don't say anything.
11:10And I mean nothing.
11:12Do you understand?
11:13I'll be right behind you.
11:19We're going to fix this with you.
11:29You have the right to remain silent.
11:30Anything you say can and will be used against you.
11:32I'll ride with you.
11:34You can't come.
11:35You work for the DA.
11:36We can't risk any suggestion of favoritism in any way.
11:40Do you understand his rights?
11:41I'll keep you posted.
11:56Yeah, you want me to go with you?
11:58Or is Kevin...
11:59Kevin's going to meet me down there.
12:03So, what, I should tell Rocco, if anything?
12:06No, I wouldn't do that just yet.
12:08Let me talk to the doctor first.
12:10Is this kissing?
12:11Yes, yes, but I'm hoping that, you know, it's a false alarm.
12:15I'm hoping that I'm going to get down there and that she'll be better by then and it'll just be a surprise visit.
12:22Well, here's hoping, right?
12:25Either way, can you...
12:26Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
12:28As soon as I know anything, I will call you, I promise.
12:32Thank you for keeping me in the loop.
12:35Of course.
12:36You're family, Dante.
12:38You always will be.
12:42What's wrong?
12:45It's just...
12:47I know Leo and I weren't together when all this happened, but...
12:52I will always love her.
12:54I know that.
13:01Have you been waiting long?
13:03Not long.
13:04I appreciate you coming.
13:06You sound like I had much of a choice.
13:09So, are you here as my mother-in-law or as the deputy mayor?
13:14A little of both.
13:17Well, like I said on the phone, Agent Cates just arrested Christina, so I don't mean to rush this, but...
13:23Yeah, well, we're going to need to take our time with this.
13:27I don't understand.
13:28If this isn't an official meeting, why can't this wait?
13:32Because I need to make sure you really hear me.
13:37About what?
13:41What on earth were you doing going to see Ava Jerome in jail?
13:46You altered the results of Dr. Finn's drug screenings, which, by the way, is the least of your crimes.
13:52Is that really a crime?
13:56So is faking lab results so it would look like Britt Westbourne was pregnant with Patrick Drake's child.
14:01Oh, she was pregnant.
14:03Yeah, because you helped Britt and her mother steal Lulu Falconeri's embryo.
14:08Where are you getting all this?
14:10You weren't even here!
14:15Is that my...?
14:16It is.
14:19That looks... thorough.
14:22For the record, I had nothing to do with the actual implanting of said embryo.
14:27No points for that.
14:30Yeah, well, I guess you've covered everything.
14:33Oh, you're forgetting how you conspired with Nell Benson to pass off Wiley Corinthos as Lucas's and your child.
14:40My child had just died.
14:44I just got him.
14:47Lucas hadn't even met him yet, and all I was doing was watching our new baby until Lucas came home and he just died.
14:58I can't imagine what you were going through.
15:01But that's no excuse for what you did.
15:04I made a monumentally bad call that cost me everything.
15:10I know I hurt people, but I also believe that I've been punished enough.
15:15Do you really expect me to trust you again?
15:17Britt did.
15:20She believed in me.
15:22Before she died.
15:23Before she died.
15:26Before she was murdered by Heather Weber.
15:30Britt lobbied for me to get a job here as a patient advocate.
15:35Britt was a good friend to you.
15:38She was the best.
15:45But she was also a professional who was committed to the good of this hospital.
15:50She certainly was.
15:52She wouldn't have lobbied for me if she didn't trust me to work here.
15:55A patient advocate requires a different kind of integrity than the lab.
15:59My point is, Britt believed in second chances.
16:02Heck, she got more than a few for herself.
16:06And she offered one to me.
16:09Now, she wasn't able to follow through on it, but you can.
16:13So please, Dr. Randolph, will you give me this one chance?
16:21Oh, Britt.
16:24I'm sorry.
16:27Sorry, sorry, sorry.
16:28Were you sleeping on the job?
16:30Uh, nope.
16:32Definitely not sleeping.
16:34I told you that Violet and I were going to ride this afternoon.
16:37Did you forget?
16:39Yeah, I did.
16:42That's never happened to me before.
16:45I have been ignored, but never forgotten.
16:48There, you see?
16:49There is a first time for everything.
16:51I guess it was all the excitement over James going missing.
16:54James isn't missing?
16:55No, no.
16:56Not anymore.
16:58We found him.
16:59James is perfectly fine.
17:00Wait, what?
17:02I thought it was you that found him.
17:03Uh, yeah.
17:04Uh, well.
17:07Yeah, what?
17:08Well, uh, what?
17:12Where's Christina?
17:14Downstairs being booked.
17:15She'll be up soon.
17:16You've gone way too far.
17:17Is that a threat?
17:18No, it's a fact.
17:20This is a massive case of jurisdictional overreach,
17:23it's abuse of power,
17:24and it's malicious prosecution.
17:26Would you like me to go on?
17:27Tell it to the judge.
17:28I'm going to tell it to your superior at the FBI
17:31about this supposed ongoing investigation.
17:34You think I'm making this up?
17:36The FBI has been investigating Sonny for decades.
17:39You know what I think?
17:40I think the FBI is a lot less interested in Sonny than you are.
17:43You're off the rails, Jagger,
17:45and I can't wait to see you crash and burn.
17:52What's on your mind?
17:54Uh, what Sonny said yesterday.
17:57That he's been a little off.
18:00His bipolar meds have been tampered with.
18:04Yeah, Carly told me.
18:06Oh, when did you talk to Carly?
18:08Yeah, before I saw you at Sonny's.
18:10I mean, he seems to be back on track now, I guess.
18:15Yeah, he is. Yeah.
18:17Do you have any theories as to who is messing with his medication?
18:24Who got away because I gave you time to warn him.
18:31Ladies, on your horses. It'll, uh...
18:34Wait, I forgot my hat.
18:36No, uh, look, you...
18:38Hi, Sasha.
18:44You and Cody taking a nap?
18:52I may have been unethical,
18:54but the one thing no one has ever accused me of
18:56is being incompetent.
18:58I mean, if I was bad at my job,
19:01all those people I fake lab results for
19:03would have just gone to someone else.
19:05I'm not sure that's the flex that you think it is.
19:08All the things that I did wrong,
19:10they were never self-serving.
19:12I was always blackmailed or coerced into all of them.
19:16Brad, you are not now,
19:18nor have you ever been anyone's innocent victim.
19:21Who said anything about innocent?
19:24That's the one thing I never was.
19:28All the troubles I've had, I've always brought on myself.
19:32But that does not change the fact that I am an expert lab tech,
19:36and my work could be an asset to the hospital.
19:38Then perhaps another lab would be willing to hire you.
19:41I don't want to work in another lab.
19:43Why not?
19:44Why is it so important that you come back to G.H.?
19:47For the same reason it was to Britt.
19:51It's home.
19:53Scott Baldwin complained to Robert
19:55that the D.A.'s office was harassing his client.
19:58First of all, I never said I was there as an A.D.A.
20:01Second, I was never alone with Ava.
20:03I brought an impartial witness.
20:05Cadet Heller.
20:06Yes, and third, and most importantly,
20:09Ava killed my daughter.
20:11Your granddaughter.
20:13Well, that has yet to be proved.
20:16You said you weren't there in the capacity as an A.D.A.
20:19But you were there as a private citizen.
20:22Then why did you ask Dex to be your impartial witness?
20:26Only someone there in an official capacity needs one of those.
20:30And given the circumstances,
20:32we both know you would have never been allowed in to see Ava
20:35if you weren't working in the D.A.'s office.
20:37So not only did you abuse your position,
20:40you also compromised the prosecution's case against Ava.
20:43You're right.
20:44I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.
20:46I am glad you understand the weight of your actions.
20:49But it's not the deputy mayor's job
20:51to discipline an E.D.A. when we mess up.
20:54So why am I hearing this from you instead of D.A. Scorpio?
20:58Because Robert knew you were acting out of grief.
21:01And as a professional courtesy to me, he allowed me to handle this.
21:05Rather than putting an official reprimand in your file.
21:09That is why we're meeting here and not in my office.
21:13And here I thought coffee was just a trick to get me to lower my guard.
21:18Molly, what I don't understand is
21:21that was the morning we cleared out the nursery.
21:24T.J. needed you.
21:26Your family needed you.
21:29We thought you needed us.
21:31I did. I do.
21:34Then why would you leave us to go confront Ava?
21:38Because I was angry.
21:40I wanted justice for my daughter.
21:43I'm still so angry.
21:46As far as justice, I don't...
21:49I don't even know if prosecuting Ava will accomplish that.
21:52Well, nothing is going to bring that beautiful baby back to us.
21:56That's true.
21:57Don't we deserve to know what happened?
22:00Because I'm starting to think
22:03that Christina falling wasn't actually Ava's fault.
22:11You all right, sweetheart?
22:12I can't believe this is happening.
22:13Where's Molly?
22:14I told her to stay behind
22:16so Cates couldn't use the fact that she worked at the DA's office to argue bias.
22:20Bias? Agent Cates is the one who's biased.
22:23I'm the one who fell from a window and almost died.
22:26Who's baby did die?
22:29Honey, are you in any pain?
22:31No, I'm just uncomfortable and I want to go home.
22:34You were supposed to pick up the medication at the house.
22:36Okay, well, I'm going to have Fran pick it up and bring it back here.
22:40I can't believe this is happening. Thank you.
22:43Anything for you, sweetheart.
22:45This is a nightmare.
22:47Is Miss Corinthos Davis's cell ready?
22:50It is.
22:52Hold that thought.
22:53I'm going to find a way to make you more comfortable.
22:58Listen, I don't want you to worry, okay?
23:02You'll be home before you know it.
23:07You think Valentine tampered with Sonny's medication?
23:12No, Carly thinks it was Ava.
23:15I mean, she doesn't have any proof, but she's just going off Ava's history
23:19and she did that before to Morgan.
23:21Yeah, that's what we thought.
23:22But now you know it's Valentine.
23:24You don't believe me?
23:26I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense of this.
23:28I found the pharmacist who was tampering with Sonny's meds.
23:31He was switching them with placebos
23:33and the pharmacist said that he was acting on Valentine's orders.
23:36You're certain?
23:43The pharmacist filled me in on everything.
23:46How Valentine approached him, how he got paid, everything.
23:51I had no idea.
23:54I had no idea that Valentine would be tampering with Sonny's medication.
23:59I know.
24:01You do?
24:02I mean, that's not your style.
24:04No, I appreciate that. For what it's worth.
24:07For what it's worth.
24:12I need to know where Valentine is.
24:14No, I don't know.
24:15You don't know?
24:16No, I don't.
24:17You're protecting him again?
24:18Okay, I screwed up.
24:20I know that.
24:22But I swear, I don't have any idea where Valentine and Charlotte are.
24:27Would you tell me if you did?
24:31That I believe.
24:36Jason, does Sonny know who's behind this?
24:40Not yet.
24:42You can't tell him.
24:43Stop protecting Valentine!
24:45It's not about him.
24:47I need to find Charlotte.
24:53They don't have to.
24:55Because that's just what happens.
24:58You get old, you get tired, and then you take naps.
25:03But you and Sasha aren't old.
25:06Tracy's old.
25:09It is not polite to discuss somebody's age.
25:12Why not?
25:13Those are the rules.
25:15Well, I should be getting back to the house.
25:17I'm making pork chops for dinner.
25:19With applesauce?
25:21How about, Sasha, you take Violet up to the house with you
25:25and you get some apples and carrots for the horses?
25:28But I'm supposed to watch Cody Saddle Buttercup.
25:32You're absolutely right about that and we will wait, I promise.
25:35Hey, horses love apples and carrots.
25:38And if you feed them to Buttercup, she will love you even more.
25:42Sounds like a plan.
25:45Let's go.
25:51I'm sorry about making you and Violet wait.
25:54It won't happen again.
25:56Really, Cody?
25:58In the middle of the day?
26:00I am entitled to a break every now and then.
26:03Yeah, you are.
26:04But there are children on the grounds and they could have seen you.
26:07We were in my bedroom.
26:09Oh, right.
26:10And Leo has never barged into your rooms unannounced.
26:15That, yeah, that's a fair point.
26:18Yeah, locks me nothing to that kid.
26:20I think he can travel through walls.
26:21Then tell me what you were thinking.
26:23Aside from the obvious.
26:25Just that it was a big afternoon.
26:28Because you returned James safely to his frazzled but loving parents?
26:34No, not that.
26:36Yes, helping James was a big part of it.
26:40Huge, actually, because of what happened afterwards.
26:44Mac told James that I'm his son.
26:47I think he might even have forgiven me.
26:51I can't ask people to turn a blind eye to your history.
26:55When you and Britt were appointed coaches, did you turn a blind eye to hers?
27:00We certainly didn't like each other.
27:03Or working with each other or anything about each other at all.
27:06But by the time Britt invited you to her first and only ever birthday bash,
27:14you were more than co-workers.
27:17More than coaches.
27:19You were friends, right?
27:21Yeah, we were.
27:26That was a great party.
27:28You two sang a hell of a duet.
27:31I relive it every day.
27:33I remember how excited I was for her.
27:36Seeing her ready to embark on a new life.
27:39None of us knew the life she had was ending that same night.
27:44You know, Britt died because she saved Jocelyn Jacks.
27:49And you think I can use that to persuade Michael not to object?
27:55If you told him that Britt was trying to help me work here again and that you wanted to honor it?
28:02I can't believe I'm going to say this.
28:05You'll do it?
28:08Hey, I'm hearing from three different people that Kate's arrested my sister.
28:13Yeah, you sure did.
28:16Hey, what the hell are you doing, man? My sister, she was just in the hospital.
28:20And that means she shouldn't have to face the consequences of her actions?
28:23Of what actions? What actions are you talking about?
28:26Bogus charges he's using Christina to get to me.
28:29So where is she now?
28:30Alexis got on him, so she was able to get a room in there.
28:35Bogus charges or not, I guess that's better than lockup.
28:38Mom, you know what Agent Cates is saying isn't true, right?
28:42Not only not true, it's not even plausible.
28:45When I went to Ava's hotel room, yes, I was angry and she got angry back.
28:50When I told her that I was going to tell the court about everything with Connie and Morgan,
28:55that's when she grabbed me. I certainly did not attack her.
28:58I know that. And if we have to, we will prove it.
29:03I don't think that Christina had any intention of hurting Ava.
29:06And whatever happened in that hotel room certainly had nothing to do with Ava being a witness for the FBI.
29:11Well, that's painfully obvious.
29:13Christina is defensive and confrontational under the best circumstances.
29:18Dealing with Ava, that could set anybody off.
29:22So I have to ask myself, could Christina have been the one who initiated the physical confrontation?
29:30And as painful as it is to admit, yes, it's possible.
29:35I mean, I was there when Christina received Ava's subpoena to testify at Avery's custody hearing.
29:41What was her initial reaction?
29:43She was adamant about not testifying against Sonny.
29:46She even asked me about refusal to appear.
29:49Which you told her not to, right?
29:51Of course. That's why Christina went to see Ava.
29:54To get her to withdraw the subpoena.
29:57Maybe Christina's actions were a little rash,
30:00given that there's no chance Ava would ever consider changing her mind.
30:04But it hardly seems unhinged.
30:07Christina has a temper.
30:09And she's hated Ava ever since Morgan died.
30:12So I just, I can't help but wonder, what did Christina do when Ava refused to lift the subpoena?
30:20Nothing is going to happen to Charlotte.
30:23She's going to lose her father.
30:25We've been doing this for a long time.
30:28We know that there are consequences. That's on Valenti.
30:33You know what you were waiting for me?
30:35I was in with Laura.
30:38Uh, Lulu's not doing well.
30:40She's not doing well.
30:42So Laura wants Charlotte back here to spend whatever time is left with her mother.
30:46And I, I have absolutely no idea where Valenti is.
30:50That is why I need to find him as soon as possible.
30:53Okay, you do what you need to do, but I'm not keeping things from Sonny anymore.
30:57You don't think he's been pushed to his limit with Christina?
30:59That if he finds out that Valenti was tampering with his medication, he's going to retaliate, isn't he?
31:04He's going to have to find Valenti.
31:06No, I have to find him. I do.
31:08And that is why I am asking you to hold off on telling Sonny.
31:11But you're contacting Valenti again.
31:13No, I'm not. It's about Charlotte.
31:15I owe this to her. She almost died because of me.
31:19She shouldn't be forced to watch her father die.
31:22If that happens, and I'm not saying it's going to happen,
31:30but Charlotte wouldn't be anywhere near it.
31:33I'm just asking you to give me some time to track Valenti down.
31:43If this is all about Charlotte,
31:49when you find Valenti, are you going to warn him about Sonny?
31:57I'm not going to let a private citizen take the law into his own hands.
32:03We can't even believe it.
32:05I mean, all of a sudden, I've got a dad and a family.
32:08And I mean, it's James.
32:10James is super psyched about his new uncle, which is me.
32:15That's wonderful.
32:17I am so very happy for you.
32:20Thanks, Tracy. That means a lot.
32:23Now go saddle my horse.
32:26I'm only doing this because Britt will haunt me if I don't.
32:30Oh, my God. Thank you.
32:32You're still amazing.
32:34And I promise you, you will not regret it.
32:37I will be the total opposite of the person I once was.
32:40Brad, you don't have the job yet.
32:42I'm just giving you a recommendation.
32:45It's up to the lab manager to hire you.
32:47And in the highly unlikely event that that happens,
32:50it will be on a probationary basis.
32:53I handle parole. Probation's nothing.
32:55There will be a lot of people who will want to see you fail.
32:58I look forward to winning over the haters.
33:01Thank you again.
33:02Get out.
33:03I'm getting out.
33:11What the hell are you doing here?
33:15I stopped at that little bodega around the corner.
33:19I got you some soup.
33:23Dante, I don't have a cold.
33:26Dante, I don't have a cold.
33:27I'm being unlawfully imprisoned.
33:29Well, the unlawfully imprisoned need to eat, too, don't they?
33:31I'm not hungry.
33:32Honey, can you just try to eat?
33:34You haven't eaten anything.
33:36It's got to be better than hospital food.
33:38Okay, fine.
33:48Okay, it is kind of good.
33:49Yeah, see?
33:50Would your big brother ever steer you wrong?
33:55I don't know.
34:02It must be weird being on this side of a window.
34:08You must feel so guilty.
34:11Why would I?
34:12You're the one who made the bogus charges.
34:15Using Christina to get to me.
34:17I had to watch while you used Karen.
34:22Now you can watch while justice takes its course.
34:25This isn't justice.
34:29Well, if it isn't the Enforcer.
34:32Right on cue.
34:37Let's take a walk.
34:38This guy gets on my nerves.
34:45This is Commissioner Devane.
34:48I need your help in locating one of your clients.
34:53Agent Kate's still here.
34:57Someone's got to stand guard.
34:58Knock yourself out.
35:00I will be petitioning for an emergency hearing.
35:03Go for it.
35:05You know you won't get the charges dismissed.
35:07We'll see.
35:09In the meantime, I'll be asking for immediate bail so she doesn't spend a night in this jail cell.
35:14I'm sure with a father who owns a private island, she won't be a flight risk at all.
35:19Whatever happens, you will not railroad my daughter.
35:25I really hope they let me go home.
35:28Well, you're not going to spend the night in a jail cell.
35:30Do you really think my mom can get me out?
35:32I do, but if she can't, you're still not going downstairs.
35:38And house arrest at the MetroCorp? Because I'll agree to that.
35:42No, you can spend the night right here.
35:45This is better?
35:46Than the MetroCorp?
35:48No, than downstairs.
35:50I mean, this is fine. Of course, I prefer this now while I'm awake.
35:55There's nowhere for me to sleep. I mean, I'd rather be in a jail cell. At least there's a bed.
36:00No, what are you talking about? I'll be with you.
36:02We got Wi-Fi. We'll pull in all night and we'll binge some crappy reality show that you love.
36:08We can pick the one I hate the most.
36:13What's going on? You okay?
36:17I'm just scared.
36:20I mean, they don't have any evidence to prove what actually happened in Ava's hotel room.
36:26I know there's photos where she grabbed me.
36:29But the look on my face, I'm obviously angry and I know how that looks.
36:33At the end of the day, it's going to be Ava's word against mine.
36:36Okay, but there, right there, that's the great thing. It's Ava's word against yours.
36:42Who's going to believe her over you?
36:45I'm surprised to hear you have doubts about your sister.
36:49You know how much Christina loved that baby and that she would never do anything to intentionally hurt her.
36:56Christina just doesn't think sometimes.
36:59I'm sure that TJ has shared some of his concerns with that.
37:03He has.
37:05Christina had her share of outbursts during this pregnancy.
37:07That stupid feud with Jocelyn, her panic after seeing what Sonny did to Dex, which I can't blame her.
37:16I mean, I saw the surveillance photos of the confrontation.
37:20Didn't they show Ava laying hands on Christina?
37:24Don't prove that Ava was the aggressor.
37:27Christina was so mad. They were both so mad.
37:31Molly, what are you not saying?
37:33The idea of Christina threatening Ava?
37:37It's not that far-fetched.
37:41Do you really think Christina attacked Ava?
37:45Bottom line is we wouldn't be here and none of this would have happened if Christina had just listened to me and stayed away from me.
37:59Jagger arrested Christina.
38:01Jagger arrested Christina to get to me.
38:05I agree.
38:07Ava was right about one thing. She didn't tamper with my medication. That was Jagger.
38:14He expected me to lose my mind, attack him, all problems solved.
38:19Cates wasn't the one who tampered with your meds.
38:21What do you mean? He had all the motive.
38:23Dates match.
38:25It wasn't him.
38:27It was Valentin.
38:32On the next General Hospital.
38:34She hadn't done that one thing. Our child would still be alive.
38:38The mayor is in on this too?
38:40I made a gigantic mistake.
38:42I need her to stay put until the trial.
38:44It's gonna drive him crazy.
38:46Are you telling me that my daughter's gonna die?