• last year
After a near-fatal accident, soon-to-be father Pete Shelburn begins to suspect that his past has come back to haunt him. | dG1fYWdOTHJDclJfY28
00:00I lied when I told you I'd forgotten what I was dreaming about.
00:09I lied to myself too, for as long as I could.
00:22But as the day has gone on, the dream isn't fading the way dreams usually do.
00:31That old dread has crept back in.
00:33The way your heart stops just before you turn a dark corner.
00:39The way your senses fill in harmless gaps with terrible anticipation.
00:43I've lived with those burdens for a long time, son.
00:49I never meant for you to share them with me.
01:05I was foolish and proud, thinking I could destroy it.
01:11I thought I was protecting you, protecting my family.
01:19But it was a mistake to bring you to the lake with me that day.
01:27I have to believe it's gone forever.
01:30I have to believe, for the sake of those I love, that its awful purpose has been fulfilled.
01:38Because if I'm wrong, it means I can't protect you.
