Peak into the vibrant lives of seven renowned drag queens in Cape Town. We witness their daily trials, triumphs, and int | dHNfM2RJYjgxOC1nWVE
00:00A drag queen for me is not so much an over-the-top character.
00:06As I am on stage, I am very empowered.
00:10Drag is over-the-top, out of this world.
00:12Drag is uncomfortable. Drag is weird.
00:17A viola is beautiful, you see.
00:20When you play the viola, drag is not your identity,
00:23it is not what you self-express.
00:25To me, drag allows me to be creative.
00:28Drag is whatever you want it to be.
00:30If you win, half the funny challenges are for the drag queen.
00:34The girls are going to glow.
00:36S*** is going down.
00:37I am a virgin, baby. Pagetetic.
00:39I am a virgin.
00:40F*** you, Ina.
00:44It will be viola, and I will give you a fight.
00:48She just f***ing lied now.
00:49That's f*** only. Have respect.
00:52You're threatened by me because I'm good at what I do.
00:55Why are you talking s***? Why?
00:56The people are enjoying everything I'm doing, but I'm not.
01:02Give the girls what they want.
01:05Zoom is my eyes.
01:07We're going to have to step our game up.
01:12I was feeling everything that she was trying to give.
01:14I can see you, Fadiwa.
01:26You ain't seen nothing yet.