• 2 months ago
00:00:33In toberto no tanto en construir la casa no importa a las chicas no les importa cierto
00:00:39Luz hermosa papi de traje algo
00:00:45Charles gracias
00:00:47No siempre que me voy te traigo algo bueno es precioso y por cuánto tiempo te irás esta vez
00:00:55Los yankees estan cerca una semana o un mes
00:01:00Bueno, no importa cuánto tardes solo vuelve a salvo
00:01:23Caballeros puedo ayudarlos si señora estamos aquí para ver si resistencia en la zona
00:01:29Solo mis hijas la casa es todo lo que hay
00:01:49Dos de están los hombres
00:01:54Peleando con mis hombres cierto
00:01:57Vamos a quemar este lugar o no animus que mare lugar porque querían hacer eso
00:02:02Señora nos ordenaron quemar los edificios vacíos no está vacío acabamos de terminarlo
00:02:08Quizás coincidamos con usted depende de cuán amigable sea
00:02:17Si apunta a un hombre con una pistola asegúrese de que esté cargada
00:02:22Pequeña basura sureña
00:02:25Entonces de cuál de mis hombres te encargarás primero
00:02:35Soldado amarra esta mujer a un árbol mientras miramos dentro prometa me lo que le prometa que prometa me que no quemar a mi casa
00:02:49Bien le prometo que no quemar es su casa
00:03:15Cuando me dejará ir
00:03:19Qué está haciendo
00:03:21Mostrándole a mis hombres lo que hago con la basura como tú cuando me faltan el respeto
00:03:26eso es aceite de lámpara
00:03:28mis hijas
00:03:30Aún no les hemos encontrado pero lo haremos
00:03:39Usted está loco
00:03:43Pero mantuve mi promesa
00:03:47No que me su casa
00:03:58Catherine Victoria hola
00:07:05Era mucho soldados volvían a casa y no podían encontrar trabajo
00:07:15Miles de ellos se fueron con su familia el oeste para intentar empezar una nueva vida
00:08:16Yes, I knew some doobie the pueblo pueblo
00:08:20Tratando de encontrar a alguien que me diera información sobre los que destruyeron a mi familia
00:08:27Y destruyeron mi vida
00:08:31Cuando finalmente regresé a visitar la tumba de mi esposa ese alguien me encontró
00:08:45Diez años Victoria diez largos años
00:08:50Ya viene una justa de cuentas tal vez nos veamos pronto
00:09:10No necesidad de eso
00:09:14Quien demonios eres tú
00:09:17Me llamo carlos
00:09:19Bueno carlos
00:09:20Porque me está siguiendo
00:09:22No estoy siguiendo a nadie solo soy un viajero me gusta viajar
00:09:28Donde está tu caballo lo dejé atado en el camino en momentos así me gusta caminar
00:09:35Usted debe ser el señor holly
00:09:38Correcto como demonios a veces o no fue difícil solo le el nombre las lápidas
00:09:49Debió perder las durante la guerra supongo que cuando llegaron los americanos
00:09:57Así es
00:10:01No eres federal o si que le hizo pensar eso
00:10:08No suenas como si fueras de por aquí
00:10:11Es una gran observación
00:10:13Yo soy de un lugar lejano y que te trae por aquí a un lugar en medio de la nada
00:10:19Usted quizás quiere encontrar al hombre responsable de todo esto señor creo que usted sabe mucho más de lo que ha dicho
00:10:28Sé un poco de muchas cosas pero eso no me convierte en el enemigo
00:10:34Que es lo que sabe a veces me cruzo con personas que me dicen cosas
00:10:45Continúe hay una pequeña iglesia en carolina del norte debería visitarla
00:10:51justo en las afueras de un pueblo llamado
00:10:55restless hills
00:10:58Señor no ha estado en una iglesia en mucho tiempo
00:11:02Tal vez quiera visitar esta quizás encuentre un par de respuestas
00:11:07Parece que le gusta hablar
00:11:10Pero no dice mucho
00:11:11Esa es otra gran observación
00:11:19Buena suerte señor holly
00:11:32Señores los estoy mandando a ustedes y a dos agentes más al pueblo de restless hills
00:11:41A 65 kilómetros de aquí escondido en las montañas
00:11:46Como ya saben el gran estado de carolina del norte
00:11:51tiene prohibida las apuestas a nivel estatal de cualquier tipo
00:11:57El algo así de restless hills
00:12:01Premiado por su servicio
00:12:03en la guerra agresiva del norte
00:12:06No estaba de nuestro lado es un hombre llamado ánimo smite
00:12:13Caballeros el señor smite
00:12:17Maneja una gran operación de apuestas ilegales en restless hills
00:12:27Y el gobernador quiere llevarlo a la justicia
00:12:32Los estoy mandando para que infiltran el juego y lo desarmen
00:12:40Y por qué no sólo vamos y lo desarmamos no no
00:12:45No quiero derramar sangre en este asunto no a menos que no hay otra manera
00:12:52No queremos a la prensa en esto
00:12:55Pero el uso de la fuerza está autorizado si es necesario
00:12:59La ley es la ley
00:13:28El reverendo mckenzie
00:13:30Se unirá a nosotros en el servicio del domingo y después el continuará con su viaje
00:13:40Hay algo que usted quiera añadir
00:13:44Reverendo mckenzie si
00:13:46Si alguien aquí quiere hablar de nuestro señor y salvador no duden a acercarse a mí mientras esté aquí en restless hills
00:13:53Ahora puedo aparecer en lugares que no lo esperan así que más vale que se porten bien
00:14:09Mucho gusto señor reverendo mckenzie charles holly y que lo trae a restless hills señor holly
00:14:17Negocios ya veo y qué clase de negocios son
00:14:22Debe ser algo personal ya que no quiere profundizar en eso
00:14:26Es inteligente reverendo es más instinto que inteligencia señor holly
00:14:32Sabía que jesús dijo que estaba mal albergar la ira no resuelta en el corazón
00:14:38Eso dijo y qué tal le fue a ese amigo jesús
00:14:43Fue crucificado señor
00:14:59No conozco no directamente
00:15:03Que quiere conmigo señor
00:15:06Lo conozco no directamente
00:15:10Que quiere conmigo señor solía cabalgar con alguien a quien andaba buscando que le gusta quemar cosas
00:16:32Whoa señor no estoy armado
00:16:36Ese es tu primer error solo estoy buscando a mis compañeros
00:16:42Error número dos no están aquí
00:16:59Solo quisiera calentarme un poco
00:17:04Qué bonita escopeta tiene
00:17:09Mi abuelito me dio esa escopeta cuando tenía 10 años
00:17:14A mi primo adam realmente le encantaría esa escopeta
00:17:18A él es a quien busco no lo ha visto hombre grande y uno pequeño juntos a caballo
00:17:26No he visto a nadie
00:17:32Es de reyes lesíos no soy de reyes lesíos y no voy para allá por culpa de ese maldito algo así liso delegado
00:17:43Usted es de reyes lesíos
00:17:46Usted va para allá
00:17:48Muchacho creo que es hora de que te marches
00:19:21Bueno para empezar tomaremos esa linda escopeta ese abrigo y todo el dinero que tengas y las botas
00:19:30Me gustan las botas ya tenemos tu caballo
00:19:35Bueno verán hay un problema con eso
00:19:38Esta escopeta ha estado en mi familia por mucho tiempo
00:19:43Estas botas
00:19:45No te van a quedar grandote
00:19:48Hare que me entren
00:19:51Matemos ese maldito callate daniel ahora suelta esa arma
00:19:59Conocen a animals might
00:20:06Por qué conoces ánimos smite
00:20:10Como yo lo veo
00:20:12Tienen dos opciones
00:20:14Todos están a punto de terminar muertos o los voy a entregar con ánimos
00:20:20No me gusta esta idea he visto lo que él y su maldito delegado hacen
00:20:34Yo no he hecho nada
00:20:42Callate daniel
00:20:44No vamos a rendirnos ante nadie mucho menos ante ánimos smite así es voy a tener esas botas
00:21:07Adam adónde se fue ese maldito
00:21:10Te superamos en número y en armas vaquero mejor ríndete
00:21:16Creo que le di
00:21:19Quizás ten cuidado
00:22:24Me vida ha sido un infierno por los últimos diez años
00:22:54Y aquí pensé que era duro
00:24:10En la alwazil no tiene paciencia
00:24:13El paciencia no tiene
00:24:33Buenas tardes señor a que se debe el placer
00:24:39Es un nuevo y elegante trago o el nombre de alguien con una recompensa por su cabeza
00:24:45Ninguna whiskey
00:24:48Nada que dé dolor de cabeza solo lo mejor trae usted dinero
00:24:59Bienvenido a la cantina top real cariño
00:25:31Asi es siempre cuando comprenda que ánimos smite es la única ley en este pueblo
00:25:40Si le gusta respirar
00:25:42Si me gusta
00:25:46Como luce por dentro normal es un banco pequeño
00:25:50Entramos salimos listo todo el pueblo va a estar atento al torneo de cartas
00:25:55No le prestarán atención al banco
00:25:59Caballeros puedo traerles algo para que mojen sus labios igual regreso enseguida
00:26:12Bienvenidos a restless hills
00:26:15Están aquí por el torneo
00:26:17Escuché que hay mucho dinero en juego
00:26:20Algunos jugadores con mucho dinero
00:26:22Debe ser la cosa más grande que ha pasado por aquí en mucho tiempo
00:26:26Lo más grande jamás visto
00:26:29Dónde se están quedando lo hemos pensado en eso aún en caso de que no lo noten soy el alwazil aquí
00:26:36Y quiero que todos estén cómodos
00:26:39Nunca me dijeron si estaban aquí por el torneo
00:26:42No es eso lo que ha traído todos al pueblo
00:26:46A la mayoría disfruten su tiempo aquí en restless hills
00:27:09Quien dijo que quiero otro trago
00:27:11Deja su dinero en la mesa les seguiré trayendo tragos hasta que desaparezca y los demás bebedores dan las mejores propinas
00:27:19¿Y cuál es smite?
00:27:21Vea ese grandote de la mesa de allá es ese animo smite
00:27:26Puede unirse a su juego si se atreve
00:27:29Pero espero que su suerte sea mejor que la de los últimos
00:27:33Bueno, no soy lo que se llama sortudo
00:27:35Tampoco el último
00:28:25You know
00:28:45Muy bien dale perdí
00:29:02Buenas noches como has estado
00:29:05Como estado carlos como estado
00:29:09En qué me has metido
00:29:11Fue tu decisión
00:29:13Pero me dijiste que sería una vida fácil y con mucho dinero
00:29:16Y no es ninguna de las dos
00:29:18Dale tiempo te vas a acostumbrar
00:29:20Tiempo que no volveré a ver
00:29:23Tengo una hija carlos
00:29:25¿Crees que quiero que crezca viéndome hacer esto?
00:30:20Señor rief viene a verlo el señor benjamin luis señor bien gracias lorenz muy bien señor
00:30:29Y bien benjamin como has estado este es un placer inesperado
00:30:33Adelante y toma asiento no tengo tiempo seré breve
00:30:37Como va todo en el departamento de justicia me han mantenido ocupado y escuché que tú también eso escuchaste
00:30:44Sí, sí, sí
00:30:48Escuché que tienen un tipo de operación en contra del alguacil de restless hills
00:30:54Bueno benjamin no tengo la libertad de discutir sobre una investigación en curso
00:31:00Tampoco yo pero creo que lo necesitamos
00:31:03Adónde quiere llegar señor luis envía a dos agentes
00:31:08Arrestar ánimos smite
00:31:10Y tú porque lo persigues crímenes de guerra crímenes de guerra
00:31:14Si crímenes de guerra comisario si recuerda la guerra su lado perdió mi lado ganó
00:31:20Eso me han dicho
00:31:22bien y ahora
00:31:24No tengo forma de contactar a mis agentes
00:31:27Voy a tener que esperar hasta que se comuniquen
00:31:30No te preocupes benjamin
00:31:32Cuando escuche algo serás el primero en saberlo
00:31:51Segura de que este es el lugar este es
00:32:39Uno de los mejores del este
00:33:24Mis instalaciones
00:33:26Mi protección contra el estado que está diciendo señor smite pensé que ya habíamos acordado los términos
00:33:32Bueno, y aquí estamos
00:33:36Y van a conocer mis términos
00:33:41Cincuenta por ciento cincuenta por ciento
00:33:49Lo siento señor quince por ciento y no más
00:34:41Más pequeño que de costumbre
00:35:00for you.
00:35:09I'm sorry, but I can't stay here.
00:35:12Haven't the gentlemen treated you well?
00:35:15They'll be clean and elegant, but none of them is a gentleman.
00:35:18You've been making a lot of money.
00:35:20It's dirty money.
00:35:22I'm not very smart, but betting, shooting, that's devil's work.
00:35:27When Carlos brought you, you begged me to give you this job.
00:35:31You said you wanted to work inside, where you didn't have to get up at dawn,
00:35:36and be able to have your hands clean.
00:35:38No one has clean hands here.
00:35:41I need you here.
00:35:43Don't get nervous, things will be fixed soon.
00:35:47I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't take it anymore.
00:35:51Besides, I'd rather go back to my ranch and pick up shit from my horse.
00:36:22Well, look who decided to show his face.
00:36:25It's a fine collection you have here, Mr. Smite.
00:36:29Yes, everyone has had a good use of it too.
00:36:33Yes, many times.
00:36:35Are you here for me?
00:36:39But I'm here for you.
00:36:41I'm here for you.
00:36:43I'm here for you.
00:36:45I'm here for you.
00:36:47I'm here for you.
00:36:51I'm looking for Lorena.
00:36:53She's back there, taking care of the horses.
00:37:27Good evening, Lorena.
00:37:29Where have you been?
00:37:32It was time for you to return.
00:37:35Have you brought more girls to the salon?
00:37:38The last ones you brought ran away.
00:37:41I work on that.
00:37:43I know they're out there, Carlos.
00:37:46It has to be the right girl at the right time.
00:37:49Someone who...
00:37:51It has to be the right girl at the right time.
00:37:54Someone who...
00:37:56Someone who what?
00:37:58Someone who doesn't care about living from sin.
00:38:01Sin pays very well.
00:38:04Get what I need.
00:38:08Okay, Lorena.
00:38:13You're a good boy.
00:38:15You're a good boy.
00:38:21Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun...
00:38:30When will your players arrive?
00:38:32They should be here soon.
00:38:34Tell me, Mr. Smyth, where are you from?
00:38:40And what brought you to Restless Hills?
00:38:42It's a good place for surgery.
00:38:45You got here, and the mayor asked you to be his servant?
00:38:49Well, let's say I convinced him.
00:38:52And where is he now?
00:38:59Gentlemen, can I bring you something?
00:39:01Sure, but let me invite you a drink.
00:39:07And what made you enter the business with Smite, if you don't mind me asking?
00:39:11Not at all. A woman who works in this type of business needs protection.
00:39:16How long have you been here?
00:39:18My husband and I started this business before the war.
00:39:22We used to have very good shows and we made a lot of money.
00:39:28But then he went to fight and died in Antietam.
00:39:33I have maintained the place as best I can.
00:39:36Although many here did not think that a widow would be able to maintain a canteen.
00:39:42But I proved them that they were really wrong.
00:39:45During the war of Charlotte, I was a volunteer in the battle hospital.
00:39:49And wow, I did a great job.
00:39:52I was never afraid.
00:39:54No soldier would shoot a woman.
00:39:57And I was never one of those women who fainted when they saw the blood.
00:40:01I became popular among men.
00:40:04Of course, I carried my supplies.
00:40:07A little whiskey in the water helps the wounds heal faster.
00:40:11I did more for the cause than all those gossipy and hypocrites.
00:40:16Oh, but of course I wasn't stupid.
00:40:18I knew the south would never win this war.
00:40:21The Americans were out there killing and burning everything in their path.
00:40:26I had to find some way to prevent my business from being destroyed.
00:40:32When the blue troops arrived at Restless Hill, everyone else ran to hide.
00:40:38But I found the last piece of fresh meat in the city.
00:40:42Oh, but you don't want to know how it was.
00:40:44But I made the Americans a very good dinner.
00:40:47And wow, those guys were hungry.
00:40:51Animus Smite was their captain.
00:40:53And he was smart enough to know that I was more useful alive than dead.
00:40:59He was going to need something to do after the war.
00:41:02And he was ready to talk business.
00:41:05And as you can see, my place didn't burn.
00:41:08I understand.
00:41:17Tell me, Mr. Smite.
00:41:19Are you serious when you say you were mayor, councilman, judge, and jury of this town?
00:41:27Nothing happens here unless I say so.
00:41:31And what the hell do you care?
00:41:33I heard you're from Kentucky.
00:41:37I graduated from the University of Success, class of 1965.
00:41:41Class of 1965?
00:41:43So it didn't work, did it?
00:41:45No, sir. I was at the university then.
00:41:47Worse than a bunch of hospital rats.
00:41:50What's your story, Breach?
00:41:52You were also very good at fighting.
00:41:5714th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.
00:42:00Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel James Henry.
00:42:10I could tell you that we fought, but the fact that you're sitting here says something else.
00:42:15Do you operate games like this very often, Mr. Smite?
00:42:18Twice a month. Nothing as big as this one, I think.
00:42:20Do you also take 50% of their earnings?
00:42:23The money in the house is mine. All mine.
00:42:27Welcome to Restless Hills, Lanny.
00:42:31Mr. Gardner.
00:42:33Welcome to Restless Hills, gentlemen.
00:42:36Mayor Smite.
00:42:38Please, come with us.
00:43:01My name is Nally, and I will be your distributor tonight.
00:43:04I just want you to know that we'll have a clean game here.
00:43:08That's for sure.
00:43:11Delegate, there is a problem in the bank that needs to be addressed.
00:43:14What kind of problem?
00:43:16A very serious one.
00:43:17They asked me to look for the law, but it seems that Mr. Smite is busy.
00:43:26Hey, delegate.
00:43:30Let me tell you about this little game he made.
00:43:33Excuse me.
00:43:44Good job, Willy.
00:43:45Good job, Willy. Or should I call you Mr. Foster?
00:43:48No, please. This is too old.
00:43:50Well, maybe we have another problem.
00:43:54Do you know those two in the canteen?
00:43:56A little reserved. One of them with a long beard.
00:44:01I think I've seen them around the bank.
00:44:05I think they're thinking of stealing it.
00:44:08With all these people around?
00:44:09Yes. No one will look at them.
00:44:12Except us.
00:44:13Except us.
00:44:15We're not here for that, Willy.
00:44:17We're here to defend the law.
00:44:19We have Mr. Smite.
00:44:21We're here to defend the law.
00:44:22I'm just saying that we should watch them.
00:44:41Attention, please.
00:44:43The rules are as follows.
00:44:46The game will continue until there is a winner.
00:44:48The distributor will decide on all the moves.
00:44:51Does anyone have any questions before we begin?
00:44:54Yes, Mr. Fleming?
00:45:01I would like you to know that my wife has just received the last catalog of W.A.R.D.
00:45:09And she has quickly made the list of items she wants to buy.
00:45:15So I beg you.
00:45:17Please lose your money quickly and easily.
00:45:24Let the tournament begin.
00:46:14I'm out.
00:46:16A round of applause for the winner of the first round, Mr. Fleming.
00:46:26On behalf of my wife, I thank you for your donations.
00:46:31And we are eager for more.
00:46:33Now, with the entertainment of Miss Lorena.
00:47:02What kind of entertainment is that?
00:47:05The best kind?
00:47:26Do you see them?
00:47:28Yes, I see them.
00:47:30What do we do?
00:47:33Act drunk.
00:47:35I act drunk.
00:47:37I'm afraid.
00:47:40I'm not going to lend you more money so you don't throw it in the trash.
00:47:45Well, shit.
00:47:49What the hell did you do?
00:47:51They sound like drunk people.
00:47:53You have not lent me more than two dollars.
00:47:57Two dollars more than I should.
00:47:59You have no idea how to play.
00:48:03Everything you ask for is two dollars more.
00:48:07I also lent you.
00:48:09You'd better go.
00:48:11Get out of here, drunk.
00:48:13Come on, Willy. Let's go back.
00:48:16Maybe they'll give me a beer bill.
00:48:19Do you want a bill?
00:48:21Hey, the canteen is over there.
00:48:23We'll find it.
00:48:25How's the box?
00:48:31Go, Willy.
00:48:33This thing has very good security.
00:48:40Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
00:48:43Of course, that's what I'm talking about.
00:48:47You're going to have to go after them from back there.
00:48:50Why me? I'm still trying to open the safe.
00:48:53Good. Why don't you say it louder?
00:48:56So everyone can hear you.
00:48:58I'm not going to say it louder.
00:49:00You're going to have to go after them from back there.
00:49:03Why me? I'm still trying to open the safe.
00:49:06Good. Why don't you say it louder?
00:49:07So everyone can hear you.
00:49:10I'll take this side. You take the other.
00:49:32Where did they go?
00:49:37I don't know.
00:49:55What the hell is going on here?
00:49:59My partner and I have decided to take away your job at the bank.
00:50:03You can't do that. This is ours.
00:50:05I'm afraid we have to stop them.
00:50:08You'll see. We're feds.
00:50:10You know, if they haven't actually entered the safe,
00:50:14the judge could accuse them only of looting and we won't have to get involved.
00:50:18I think it could be a criminal looting.
00:50:21Oh, that's worse.
00:50:24That could ruin their reputation.
00:50:27I already have the safe open.
00:50:30We'll hand out what's inside. 50-50.
00:50:32I don't think that's good for our future in the police force.
00:50:37Okay, we surrender.
00:50:40You're not lying to us, are you?
00:50:43A bank robber wouldn't lie. It wouldn't be ethical.
00:51:03Now, keep your hand away from that gun, my friend.
00:51:07And you might see the sunrise.
00:51:13I guess not.
00:51:16Did they hit you, Willie?
00:51:18Yeah, it's just superficial.
00:51:20Of course it's superficial. What else could it be?
00:51:23Mr. Smythe, they're asking if you'd like to play the last round.
00:51:26I guess a smart man like you would be a good player.
00:51:29I guess so, sir.
00:51:32This should be enough to start.
00:51:35I was prepared. Good.
00:51:46Gentlemen, Mr. Smythe will join the game.
00:51:50The mayor, or should I say, the Alwazil, Animus Smythe,
00:51:54is not only willing for his people to have this illegal activity,
00:51:59but he will also be a part of it.
00:52:04That said, let the tournament begin.
00:52:08Gentlemen, this is the final round of the tournament.
00:52:11The winner takes everything. Let's begin.
00:52:19Thank you, sir.
00:52:36Thank you, sir.
00:52:49My name is William Stevens. I'm from the Department of Justice.
00:52:53Department of Justice? What the hell?
00:52:55I'm here to arrest Mr. Smythe for the war crimes committed in the war between the states.
00:53:09Follow him.
00:53:20Did you hear that?
00:53:22He came from over there.
00:53:24Let's split up.
00:53:26Yes, sir.
00:53:28Animus is heading south. Charles Hawley went after him.
00:53:32Is there anyone else looking for Smythe?
00:53:35It's very dark out there. Be careful not to shoot the wrong man.
00:53:41Does anyone know Charles Hawley?
00:53:43Let's go get Smythe.
00:53:49Let's go.
00:54:49Get up, bastard. Slowly.
00:54:55You're lucky your damn head isn't in the air right now.
00:55:09Over there.
00:55:11In the river.
00:55:13Over there.
00:55:15Over there.
00:55:16Over there.
00:55:18In the river.
00:55:20Are you crazy? There are snakes in this river.
00:55:47You know, Smythe, I spent ten years trying to think of the perfect way to make you suffer.
00:55:55And every time something happened to me, I knew it wasn't enough for a bastard like you.
00:56:16What did I do to you?
00:56:18Towards the end of the war, the Federals passed through Greenfield.
00:56:22They killed everyone. They burned all the farms and businesses.
00:56:27You don't know if it was me.
00:56:30I don't know.
00:56:32I don't know, either.
00:56:34I don't know.
00:56:36I don't know.
00:56:38I don't know.
00:56:40I don't know.
00:56:42I don't know.
00:56:44I don't know.
00:56:46Oh, I do know.
00:56:48There was a man who was in your regiment.
00:56:51I spoke to this man in a church just a couple of days ago.
00:56:56He told me how he tried to save my wife and daughters.
00:57:01But you didn't let him.
00:57:04So I decided at that moment that you were going to pay.
00:57:08And you will pay.
00:57:11You spent ten years of your life thinking about me?
00:57:17I didn't even have to think about when I killed your family.
00:57:38If you're going to kill me, be a man and kill me.
00:57:44Don't worry. I'm going to kill you.
00:57:48But I don't think you've suffered enough yet.
00:58:09Smythe is in the river. And he's disarmed.
00:58:13I'm sure there are a lot of snakes in that river.
00:58:16Yes, sir.
00:58:18Put your gun down, Mr. Hawley.
00:58:22How do you know my name?
00:58:24They told us you might be looking for Animus Smythe.
00:58:27Gentlemen, please!
00:58:29You could get me out of this river infested with snakes!
00:58:33Go back to the water.
00:58:36What can I do for you?
00:58:38We'll make sure Mr. Smythe receives his punishment.
00:58:42You can go now, Mr. Hawley.
00:58:44With due respect.
00:58:46I spent ten years of my life following that son of a bitch.
00:58:50I don't want to see him escape a fair punishment.
00:58:54What did he do?
00:58:57That damn bastard killed my family.
00:59:00He killed my wife and my daughters.
00:59:03Mr. Hawley.
00:59:05We're here to arrest Mr. Smythe for war crimes.
00:59:09I'm here for the same reason as you.
00:59:12Gentlemen, of all the crimes committed in the war, only one man was convicted.
00:59:18Most likely, this man will not be punished.
00:59:21I represent the state of North Carolina.
00:59:24Mr. Smythe is under arrest for many crimes, and the state wants to punish him.
00:59:28So you're going to hang this son of a bitch?
00:59:31After a fair and due trial?
00:59:34Probably, yes.
00:59:36It could take years.
00:59:38I want to see that bastard receive the fair punishment.
00:59:42He took everything he had. Everything!
00:59:46I want to see that son of a bitch suffer.
00:59:49Give me a minute, Mr. Hawley.
00:59:50I see you have it.
00:59:52How much do you know about what Smythe did?
00:59:55I know a lot.
00:59:57No one knows how many innocent women and children he killed during the war.
01:00:02He made Sherman look almost civilized.
01:00:05No one knows how many innocent women and children he killed during the war.
01:00:10He made Sherman look almost civilized.
01:00:22I don't know what to expect from you.
01:00:25But the hearings I'm going to attend will be unbearable.
01:00:28And the paperwork.
01:00:30Mountains of paperwork.
01:00:32He can't leave! What about my arrest?
01:00:35I think Mr. Hawley has the situation under control.
01:00:41Are you sure about that?
01:00:45We'll have to corroborate the stories.
01:00:51Mr. Hawley, can you come here, please?
01:01:02Yes, sir. You never saw us.
01:01:06We were never here.
01:01:11We believe that Mr. Smythe deserves a punishment.
01:01:16And we believe that you are the person who can do it.
01:01:20I'll make sure he gets what he deserves.
01:01:23I promise.
01:01:32¿Tú recuerdas qué fue en septiembre?
01:01:38¿Cuándo me diste tu amor? Oh, tan dulce y bajo.
01:01:43Mr. Hawley, I'm Reverend McKenzie.
01:01:46Reverend McKenzie? What are you doing here?
01:01:49I came to make sure you don't do something you'll regret.
01:01:52Reverend, I think you need to leave me alone with Smythe.
01:01:56He needs to stay, Reverend! This man is doing the devil's work!
01:02:00Reverend, please return to the village.
01:02:04Charles, give me the gun.
01:02:09I'm sorry, Reverend. I can't do that.
01:02:14Mr. Hawley, you and I have more in common than you think.
01:02:20I heard you talking to the gentlemen who came to arrest Mr. Smythe.
01:02:24I heard you lost your family because of Animus Smythe.
01:02:28That's right.
01:02:31And this animal will pay.
01:02:35Mr. Hawley.
01:02:38I also lost my family because of Mr. Smythe's actions.
01:02:42And that loss was what took me to the Lord.
01:02:45I've cried, and I've suffered.
01:02:48And all these years I've been seeking redemption.
01:02:51I regret it! I regret it! Now get me out of this river with these damn snakes!
01:02:58Get out of the water, Mr. Smythe.
01:03:00I can't! I'm tied to a giant rock!
01:03:04Stay there.
01:03:06No, Reverend! Stay! This man is evil!
01:03:09Stay there! I'll go get you!
01:03:12Reverend, that river is full of snakes.
01:03:14Don't do anything stupid, Smythe, or I'll kill you.
01:03:20Thank you! Thank you, Reverend!
01:03:27That man lost his head!
01:03:32Mr. Hawley!
01:03:37I didn't want you to escape, Reverend.
01:03:40I didn't want you to escape, Reverend.
01:03:44Son of a bitch!
01:03:48See what I'm talking about, Reverend? You can't talk to him.
01:03:56He's gone mad!
01:04:07Drop the gun.
01:04:10Delegate! Arrest this bastard for attempted murder.
01:04:16Damn it! Don't just stand there! Arrest him!
01:04:24Don't do anything stupid.
01:04:30They won't give us guns.
01:04:34They won't give us guns?
01:04:39Didn't your mother teach you to speak properly?
01:04:42Properly? That would be speaking properly.
01:04:51You only have one option, Hawley. You or the Reverend.
01:05:10Mr. Smythe, please think about what you're doing.
01:05:14I'll kill the Reverend, Hawley. I will.
01:05:18Cheer up!
01:05:32Cheer up, Smythe.
01:05:34Cheer up, Smythe. This is your last chance to repent and save your soul.
01:05:40Go to hell.
01:05:46May the Lord have mercy on you, Cheer up, Smythe.
01:06:06You should have heard your daughters cry when I burned their mother.
01:06:16This is for my daughters.
01:06:25This is for my wife.
01:06:33This is for my daughter.
01:07:04That I don't have none.
01:07:07Mr. Hawley.
01:07:09But the devil by my side.
01:07:27Good job, Mr. Hawley. You have shown determination.
01:07:33Is that what this is about?
01:07:36No one will underestimate you again.
01:07:41Why the hell are you here, Carlos?
01:07:44I would like to hire you, Mr. Hawley.
01:07:47For what?
01:07:49There are many people in the world like Animus Smythe.
01:07:53You could help me reduce the herd.
01:07:56Do you want to hire a killer?
01:07:59No, not really. I found a killer.
01:08:08You don't need to make a decision tonight. Just let me know. It's a lot of money.
01:08:13If I decide to take the job, how do I find you?
01:08:17I will find you, Mr. Hawley. However, an advertence.
01:08:23What advertence?
01:08:26This Reverend McKenzie. You have to stay away from him.
01:08:32Reverend McKenzie is a good man.
01:08:35He doesn't go the same way as you and me. He will only make you weak.
01:08:54Animus Smythe was murdered by a man named Charles Hawley.
01:08:58A man who acted in self-defense.
01:09:00That's right.
01:09:02And you all saw it.
01:09:06Gentlemen, what is this about?
01:09:08I personally saw the shooting. Hawley was on his right.
01:09:12Charles Hawley was on his left.
01:09:14Charles Hawley was on his right.
01:09:16Charles Hawley was on his left.
01:09:18Charles Hawley was on his right.
01:09:20I personally saw the shooting. Hawley was on his right.
01:09:24What happened to the body?
01:09:28Mr. Bridges told me what happened on the riverbank. There is nothing we can do about it.
01:09:37How convenient.
01:09:39Well, you don't have to worry about Animus Smythe anymore.
01:09:42So, did Smythe work alone or did he have help in this operation?
01:09:47There was a young lady...
01:09:49Lorena, maybe we should keep an eye on her.
01:09:53Well, that's what we'll do.
01:10:12I think it's hakemate, Mackenzie.
01:10:15I don't like the way you're handling your game, Charles.
01:10:17Don't be such a bad loser.
01:10:19It's just a game.
01:10:21You know me better than that, Mackenzie.
01:10:24I'm not going to give up Hawley.
01:10:27Too late. He's mine.
01:10:31I'm not going to give him up.
01:10:35Who will be next?
01:10:38You choose this time.
01:10:39I think...
01:10:44Very well. But I'll make the first move.
01:11:01Where are you going, Reverend?
01:11:03South of Carolina. Charleston.
01:11:06Reverend is a good name.
01:11:07Just like you, Mr. Hawley.
01:11:10Despite everything I've done?
01:11:12Especially after what you've done, Mr. Hawley.
01:11:14The Lord is more understanding than you think.
01:11:17But if it were you, I'd be making peace with him.
01:11:20And with yourself.
01:11:22Soon. As soon as possible.
01:11:25Yes, sir.
01:11:27Have a good trip, Reverend.
01:11:29Thank you, Mr. Hawley. Have a good trip.
01:11:35Yes, Mr. Hawley.
01:11:37Do you feel better?
01:11:42I don't know what I feel, Mr. Hawley. And you?
01:11:45Neither do I.
01:11:47I thought I'd feel...
01:11:51Now that I've given justice to Smythe.
01:11:53And to myself.
01:11:55And instead, sir?
01:11:57The pain of losing my wife and my daughters...
01:12:00It's not less than before.
01:12:02Do you regret your revenge?
01:12:03I had to do it.
01:12:05Ten years is too long...
01:12:07To be focused on something so dark, Mr. Hawley.
01:12:16I thought I'd feel...
01:12:18Better than I do.
01:12:21What you feel is the loss of your family, sir.
01:12:24It will never leave you.
01:12:26You did something that you convinced yourself.
01:12:29Did you hear that?
01:12:30They're looking for a new lawyer here in Restless Hills.
01:12:33I don't know.
01:12:35But maybe I'll take care of that.
01:12:37That could be the first step towards the right direction.
01:12:40May God be with you, sir.
01:13:00I love you.
01:13:30I love you.
01:14:00I love you.
01:14:30I love you.
01:15:00I love you.
01:15:02I love you.
01:15:31So I ease the pain
01:15:38With the whiskey and the pill
01:15:45But don't you cry for me
01:15:51Cause I know I'll be fine
01:15:54Cause I still got her memory
01:16:00And the devil by my side
01:16:07Playing these country songs
01:16:13Well, it don't pay the bills
01:16:17Well, it don't pay the bills
01:16:24Nobody knows my name
01:16:30And they probably never will
01:16:37But don't you cry for me
01:16:41Cause I know I'll be fine
01:16:48Cause I still got my dream
01:16:54And the devil by my side
01:17:10And the devil by my side
01:17:25And the devil by my side
01:17:41And the devil by my side
01:17:51Looking in the mirror
01:17:57With a pistol in my hand
01:18:03The end is getting nearer
01:18:08Cause nobody understands
01:18:15And as I pull the trigger
01:18:21Then I realize
01:18:27That I don't have nothing
01:18:33But the devil by my side
01:18:37And the devil by my side
01:19:08And the devil by my side
01:19:12And the devil by my side
01:19:33Oh, don't deceive me
01:19:36Don't ever leave me
01:19:40Oh, how could you ever treat
01:19:44A poor maiden so?
01:19:49Oh, don't deceive me
01:19:52Don't ever leave me
01:19:56Oh, how could you ever treat
01:20:00A poor maiden so?
01:20:06Oh, don't deceive me
01:20:10Don't ever leave me
01:20:14Oh, how could you ever treat
01:20:18A poor maiden so?
01:20:22Oh, don't deceive me
01:20:26Don't ever leave me
01:20:30Oh, how could you ever treat
