• last year
Surprising family with a new jahaz...


00:34ha ha ha
00:36yaar yeh wakai meri hai yaar
00:38hai hai hai hai hai yeh
00:40yeh baat
00:42yeh baat
00:44thank you so much
00:46panjeeba nu hudhi pino
00:48pagli ho hai pagli ho hai
00:52jee assalam o alaikum
00:58welcome back to a brand
01:00new vlog
01:14assalam o alaikum jee
01:16kya hala bhai
01:20laga kya purani gariyan lege
01:24aga side pe laga ho
01:26kya hala dhoki bhai
01:30laage bhelah
01:32mahe champion bhelah
01:36kanji kaise hai aap sab
01:38umheed hai aap sab khair khair yeh se honge
01:40tabiye sahad theek hogi
01:42mere bahi meri barri meri uncle and aunty
01:44mere bhaji meri batijiye sab khair yeh se honge
01:46apne ke ramjeb, apne rajeb family
01:48badhi garam hain
01:50I think Ford is also dear to you
01:52Everything is dear to me
01:56If you have watched yesterday's vlog
01:58then you know that yesterday
02:00Land Cruiser has brought
02:02its big brother
02:04Ford Raptor 150
02:065500 cc
02:08Here is its number plate
02:10Because it's your brother's custom
02:12No one hides anything
02:14Let's show it openly
02:16Even if we have to walk on the road
02:18We show everything to our audience
02:20Here it is
02:22Gang Bang Mafia
02:24Let's start today's vlog
02:26with the fact that
02:28How much did it cost us?
02:30How much did it cost us?
02:32Do you want to tell or not?
02:34Tell us
02:36It costed us
02:40It costed us 280
02:42JD, Duty, Custom
02:46Bridgestone tyres
02:50It costed us 280
02:52Now the thing is
02:54Let me show you
02:56What is it?
02:58How is it?
03:00I don't have any knowledge about it
03:02Let me show you
03:06You look like this
03:08You look like this
03:10I will also look like this
03:12Come with me
03:14It's yours
03:16It's too high for you
03:18Don't act
03:20It's black
03:22Ford Raptor
03:24These lights are from Automarket
03:26I bought it later
03:28Because you couldn't tour at night
03:30That's why I am showing you
03:32I bought it
03:34It was in a cloth
03:38Something interesting
03:40Let me show you
03:42There is no gear knob
03:44Can you see it?
03:46This is the gear knob
03:48Let me show you
03:50This is the clutch
03:52And this is the gear knob
03:56This is the gear knob
03:58There is no gear knob
04:00Look at the trunk
04:02It's big
04:04Keep it
04:06Keep it
04:08I will call you later
04:10Listen to me
04:12On my mark
04:141, 2, 3
04:22This is Ford Raptor
04:24Stop it
04:26Ford Raptor F150
04:28It's sitting inside
04:30It opens
04:32All done
04:34It opens like this
04:36I am behind you
04:40Today's main task
04:42Is to surprise Amma
04:44Where were we last night
04:46Why didn't she see the car
04:48I will tell you everything in the car
04:50It's too hot
04:52It's too hot
04:54There is a big problem
04:56You are far away from me
04:58You are far away from me
05:00You sit in that car
05:02It's not right
05:04It's not right
05:06I want you
05:08I will sit with you
05:10We will drive one car
05:12We don't want to drive both
05:14I thought we will drive both
05:16If we drive both, we will be separated
05:18We will be separated
05:20We will use more oil
05:22We will use more oil
05:24We don't want to drive both
05:26We don't want to drive both
05:28We don't want to drive both
05:30Listen to me
05:32We will drive the same car
05:34I don't want to drive both
05:36I don't want to drive both
05:38I don't want to drive both
05:40I don't want to drive both
05:42I don't want to drive both
05:44I don't want to drive both
05:46Listen to me
05:48Today's main task
05:50Is to surprise Amma
05:52We were at Dogar Plaza
05:54We changed clothes
05:56I wore Haider's clothes
05:58We spent the night there
06:00We told Amma we are late
06:02Now we have to surprise Amma
06:04How should we surprise her?
06:06Should we go home?
06:08Or should we book a farmhouse?
06:10We don't need to book a farmhouse
06:12We have a friend
06:14Let's call him
06:16Let's pick him up
06:18Let's go home
06:20Let's bring Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
06:22Let's bring Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
06:24Let's bring Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
06:26Let's bring Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
06:28Let's bring Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
06:30Listen to me
06:32Our vlog hasn't been uploaded yet
06:34And it's trending on TikTok
06:36It's trending
06:38I told you not to do it
06:40It was in the showroom
06:42What should I do now?
06:44They shut it down
06:46They made a video with their phones
06:48What can we do now?
06:50It's okay
06:52There is no such thing as courage
06:54I tried my best
06:56I tried my best
06:58Let's go
07:00Let's pick up our friend
07:02Let's go to his farmhouse
07:04We'll eat parathas and surprise Amma
07:06I've called my friends
07:08Let's call them
07:10Let's make a movie
07:12I'm busy
07:14The phone is ringing
07:161, 2, 3
07:18The phone is ringing
07:20It's ringing
07:22It's ringing
07:24Assalamu Alaikum
07:26How are you?
07:28I'm good
07:30Where are you?
07:32I'm at the farmhouse
07:34Listen to me
07:36I need your farmhouse
07:38It's yours
07:40It's mine?
07:42Then bring it
07:44I'm kidding
07:46I've bought a car
07:48I want to surprise Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
07:50I want to surprise Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
07:52I want to surprise Amma, Gajal, Jawaad
07:54It's a business
07:56I'm coming
07:58Love you
08:00Thank you
08:02The farmhouse work is done
08:04Let's go
08:06Let's show you the farmhouse
08:08Let's go
08:10Let's go
08:14Look at this
08:16Look at this
08:18Look at this
08:20Look at this
08:22Look at this
08:24Look at this
08:26Look at this
08:28Look at this
08:30Look at this
08:32Assalamu Alaikum
08:34How are you?
08:36Are you getting things done?
08:38Yes, I'm getting the swimming pool done
08:40Our plan will be successful
08:42Bro, I've just got the car washed
08:44And it's dirty
08:46And I need it clean
08:48So that Amma can see
08:50You can hire a guy
08:52And I'll go to the farmhouse
08:54I'll get Amma, Gajal, Jawaad and Asif
08:56Where should I park the car?
08:58Park it inside
09:00Put some cloth inside
09:02Don't put cloth inside
09:04We'll put a bandage on their eyes
09:06And we'll take them inside
09:08Park the car inside
09:10Put it inside
09:12I'll be back
09:14Don't tell them I'll be back in 20 minutes
09:16Let's go
09:20Okay, the water is clean
09:22Let's park the car inside
09:24The clouds are coming
09:26Black monster with black clouds
09:28Allah Akbar
09:32Is it fair?
09:36How is it?
09:42Come, come
09:44Put it on the mountain
09:46Turn it
09:48Let it go
09:52He didn't even know
09:54He didn't know
09:56Let it go
09:58It's done
10:00It's done
10:02Sometimes I can't believe it
10:04But then I remember
10:06That I've been awake all night
10:08I don't know what I've done
10:10Then my master
10:12Put me here
10:14I still can't believe it
10:16I still can't believe it
10:18I'm the same kid who used to
10:20Roam around Lahore
10:22Because I used to do
10:24Outlet tasks
10:26And I used to see cars like this
10:28On DHA road or Gulberg road
10:30And today
10:32I can do whatever I want
10:34I can do this
10:36I can do that
10:38I'm thankful to my master
10:42You don't want to get down?
10:44Move a little
10:46A little
10:48Cut the tire
10:52Cut the tire
10:56You want to turn around
11:00I'll be right back
11:04Hello Jan
11:06How are you?
11:08I'm meeting you after 24 hours
11:10I don't remember
11:12Let me tell you
11:14According to exactiveness
11:16If you look at the exact look
11:18It's Bhajan Prado
11:20It's comfortable
11:22Listen to me
11:24It's comfortable
11:26And it's exact look
11:30The gang
11:34That's Bhajan Prado
11:36People see him like this
11:38Mafia style
11:40He's doing it
11:42Let's go to Amma
11:44Ghazal, Jawaad, Ajal, Baba
11:46Let's bring them all
11:48Like the video
11:52Share it
11:54Like is very important
11:56Everyone likes
11:58Like is a must
12:00Subscribe to the channel
12:02And press the bell icon
12:04We're going to hit 3 million subscribers
12:06By the end of the month
12:08We're going to do a grand meetup
12:103 million
12:12I hope I can control the rush
12:14I'll meet you there
12:16And surprise Amma
12:18Let's go
12:20Let's go
12:22What's happening in my house?
12:26How are you?
12:28No phone, no call
12:32I didn't call you
12:34I got a call
12:40Have some manners
12:44Why did you make me do all this?
12:46Did you ask me?
12:48Why should I ask you?
12:50You didn't allow me
12:52Come here
14:44What should I do?
14:46No, son, I had to give him the soil of my wife's grave.
14:49Okay, let's go.
14:50In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
14:53Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ali Muhammad.
14:58Okay, listen to me.
14:59Listen to me.
15:00It's a surprise for all of you.
15:01You know it.
15:02But you don't know exactly.
15:03I will tell you that right now.
15:04But before that, we have to take Ghazal, Jawad and Aziz.
15:07I am missing my mother and father.
15:09But you all know that they have gone to Syria in the evening.
15:11When they come, they will meet.
15:13May Allah accept their departure.
15:14May Allah accept their departure.
15:15May Allah accept their departure.
15:16May Allah accept their departure.
15:17May Allah accept their departure.
15:18May Allah accept their departure.
15:19May Allah accept their departure.
15:20May Allah accept their departure.
15:21May Allah accept their departure.
15:22May Allah accept their departure.
15:23May Allah accept their departure.
15:24May Allah accept their departure.
15:25May Allah accept their departure.
15:26May Allah accept their departure.
15:27May Allah accept their departure.
15:28May Allah accept their departure.
15:29May Allah accept their departure.
15:30May Allah accept their departure.
15:31May Allah accept their departure.
15:32May Allah accept their departure.
15:33May Allah accept their departure.
15:34May Allah accept their departure.
15:35May Allah accept their departure.
15:36May Allah accept their departure.
15:37May Allah accept their departure.
15:38May Allah accept their departure.
15:39May Allah accept their departure.
15:40May Allah accept their departure.
15:41May Allah accept their departure.
15:44May Allah accept their departure.
15:45May Allah accept their departure.
15:46May Allah accept their departure.
15:47May Allah accept their departure.
15:48May Allah accept their departure.
15:49May Allah accept their departure.
15:50May Allah accept their departure.
15:51May Allah accept their departure.
15:52May Allah accept their departure.
15:53May Allah accept their departure.
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15:55May Allah accept their departure.
15:56May Allah accept their departure.
15:57May Allah accept their departure.
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16:00May Allah accept their departure.
16:01May Allah accept their departure.
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16:03May Allah accept their departure.
16:04May Allah accept their departure.
16:05May Allah accept their departure.
16:06May Allah accept their departure.
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16:08May Allah accept their departure.
16:09May Allah accept their departure.
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16:12May Allah accept their departure.
16:13May Allah accept their departure.
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17:55May Allah accept their departure.
17:56May Allah accept their departure.
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18:00May Allah accept their departure.
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18:02May Allah accept their departure.
18:03May Allah accept their departure.
18:04May Allah accept their departure.
18:05May Allah accept their departure.
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18:07May Allah accept their departure.
18:08May Allah accept their departure.
18:09May Allah accept their departure.
18:10May Allah accept their departure.
18:11May Allah accept their departure.
18:12May Allah accept their departure.
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18:15May Allah accept their departure.
18:16May Allah accept their departure.
18:17May Allah accept their departure.
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18:19May Allah accept their departure.
18:20May Allah accept their departure.
18:21May Allah accept their departure.
18:22May Allah accept their departure.
18:23May Allah accept their departure.
18:24May Allah accept their departure.
18:25May Allah accept their departure.
18:26May Allah accept their departure.
18:27May Allah accept their departure.
18:28May Allah accept their departure.
18:29May Allah accept their departure.
18:30May Allah accept their departure.
18:31May Allah accept their departure.
18:32May Allah accept their departure.
18:33May Allah accept their departure.
18:34May Allah accept their departure.
18:35May Allah accept their departure.
18:36May Allah accept their departure.
18:37May Allah accept their departure.
18:38May Allah accept their departure.
18:39May Allah accept their departure.
18:40May Allah accept their departure.
18:41May Allah accept their departure.
18:42May Allah accept their departure.
18:43May Allah accept their departure.
18:44May Allah accept their departure.
18:45May Allah accept their departure.
18:46May Allah accept their departure.
18:47May Allah accept their departure.
18:48May Allah accept their departure.
18:49May Allah accept their departure.
18:50May Allah accept their departure.
18:51May Allah accept their departure.
18:52May Allah accept their departure.
18:53Do a blind vlog.
18:54Do a blind vlog.
18:56This is unfair.
18:57How can I see?
18:58Bro, do a blind vlog.
18:59What did you say?
19:00We have seen it.
19:01We have seen it on TikTok.
19:02Are you mad?
19:03I swear to God, she has gone mad.
19:05How will she do a vlog?
19:06Bro, why did you do a vlog?
19:07You didn't give me a surprise.
19:09Do it.
19:10Do a blind vlog.
19:11Hurry up.
19:15Don't you want to do a drama?
19:18Bro, come here.
19:19Come here.
19:20Come closer.
19:21Come closer.
19:26Easy, Haider.
19:27His car.
19:28Haider, leave Wajid's life.
19:31Listen to me.
19:33What are you doing?
19:35Drive the car.
19:37All the blind people sit there.
19:39Listen to me.
19:40Do you want to wear it or not?
19:41Here is the car key.
19:44Do a vlog.
19:45Come on.
19:46Hold his hand.
19:47Hold his hand.
19:48Hey, don't go with him.
19:50Don't do a drama.
19:51Be careful.
19:53One minute.
19:54Wear it.
19:55Hurry up.
19:56Hurry up.
19:57Hurry up.
19:58Hold this.
19:59Wear it on your eyes.
20:00If I wear it on my eyes, how will I walk?
20:01You are driving the car.
20:02Listen to me.
20:04Excuse me.
20:05Don't go with him.
20:06Don't go with him.
20:07I will kill you.
20:08Don't go with him.
20:09Come on.
20:10By God's grace, it's already 14 o'clock.
20:11Wajid is leaving.
20:12Don't be a fool.
20:13Mom, hurry up.
20:14Hurry up.
20:15Hurry up.
20:16On your eyes.
20:17Put it up.
20:18Double it.
20:19Double it.
20:21Come on.
20:22Come on.
20:23Come on.
20:24Can someone do it?
20:25Do it or you will fall down.
20:26I can do it.
20:28Come here.
20:29Put him on your back.
20:30Look down.
20:31Look down.
20:34Well, dad is angry now.
20:35Dad is saying, Prai.
20:36This is your surprise.
20:38Give me your hand.
20:40Give me your hand.
20:41Mom, please raise your hips only.
20:43If you raise your hips too high, it becomes a swimming pool.
20:45You are crazy.
20:47Well, okay.
20:48Okay, let's go ahead.
20:49Let's go.
20:52Shall we go?
20:53Check it out.
20:54They're all wearing keys.
20:55It's a veil.
20:56What are you saying?
20:58You're doing a drama.
20:59Shall we go?
21:00Bro, hold it.
21:01Don't let it fall.
21:02Bro, you vlog this.
21:03Come on.
21:04Come on.
21:05Come on.
21:06Everyone come forward.
21:07Bro, put your hand behind.
21:08Put your hand behind.
21:09Bring it.
21:10Okay, our journey is a little far.
21:11Can you see that?
21:12Our surprise is a little far.
21:13I think.
21:14But what I would have done.
21:15If I hadn't closed my eyes now, they would have seen the car.
21:16They couldn't have hidden such things.
21:18We'll have to bring them from here.
21:19Be careful, everyone.
21:20Be careful.
21:21Don't let anyone fall.
21:22Be careful.
21:23Look behind.
21:24What are you saying?
21:25Listen to the complaint of the one with the glasses.
21:26Look down.
21:27There are bricks.
21:28Look down.
21:29Come on.
21:30Come on.
21:31Come on.
21:32Uncle, be careful.
21:33Be careful.
21:34Be careful.
21:35Brother, don't let go of your hand.
21:36Otherwise, you'll get old.
21:37I'm standing.
21:38I'm telling you, you'll get old.
21:39These are the streets of Sahi Mochi.
21:40I've kept it on my uncle's shoulder.
21:41Let's go.
21:42Uncle, can you see?
21:43How much is this?
21:44How much is this, uncle?
21:47How much is this?
21:57Now come here.
21:59Make a line here.
22:00Make a line here.
22:05No, the bullets didn't hit.
22:06Who will shoot you?
22:08Jawad is standing with you.
22:11Make a line.
22:12Haider, make a line.
22:13Make a line.
22:14Make a line.
22:15Okay, sir.
22:16Come forward.
22:17She's my wife.
22:18Has Mr. Arshad Nadeem come?
22:19No, Mr. Arshad Nadeem hasn't come.
22:22That's it.
22:24Everyone, straight.
22:34He's my friend.
22:35He's my friend.
22:37Everyone, ready?
22:40Uncle, I didn't give you a surprise.
22:41It's my surprise.
22:42I knew it.
22:43He'll be late.
22:47On my three.
22:48You can all remove your masks.
23:21Learn with Algol.
23:22Uhh, leaders.
23:23Uhh, leaders.
23:24Learn with Algol.
23:25request to Ahmed Badri.
23:26Offer to Ahmed Badri.
23:27Offer to Ahmed Badri.
23:29Ahmed Badri.
23:33You like it?
23:33It's fun
23:34It's boring
23:36Okay, don't cry
23:37First of all, I'll show you how Tiddo will sit on this
23:40Tiddo, come here, hold my hand
23:42Hold my hand, Tiddo, hold my hand
23:44Come forward
23:45Go closer, go closer
23:46Bro, come here
23:47Come here
23:48Go closer, go closer, go closer
23:49Go closer
23:50Check it out
23:51Uncle, how will you sit?
23:53How will you sit?
23:54It's locked
23:55No, no, it's not locked
23:56He finds it hard
23:57Okay, brothers
23:58I'll show you a magic
23:59The car is locked, right?
24:01The car is locked, right?
24:02Watch this
24:03First lock
24:04Then unlock
24:05Then lock
24:06Now count to five
24:12Come on
24:15How is it?
24:17Now wait, one more thing
24:19I was wondering why you didn't say anything
24:22Okay, listen
24:23Okay, uncle
24:24Uncle, listen to me
24:27You come there
24:29Take mom closer
24:31Take a reaction
24:32Take a reaction
24:33All of you go
24:34All of you go close
24:35All of you go
24:37I'll do it when she says yes
24:38Take a reaction
24:39Mom's reaction
24:41Happy Ghazal
24:42Salman sir is behind
24:43Happy Ghazal
24:48Take mom closer
24:49Take mom closer
24:51Should I do it?
25:30Twenty ten
26:01where is the gear?
26:03where is the gear?
26:05I don't know
26:07I don't know
26:11should I take a picture?
26:15come outside
26:17take a picture
26:21will you leave?
26:23will you leave?
26:25where is Jawad?
26:27open it
26:29open it
26:31it goes like this
26:33you can put a bed behind it
26:35you can put a cat
26:37why did it go?
26:39if you go north
26:41it will cost you 5 lakhs
26:43it will cost you 5 lakhs
26:45it does 3 km in 1 litre
26:47do you understand?
26:49have a drive
26:51what happened?
26:53I don't know how to drive
26:55have a drive
26:57have a drive
26:59move the seat
27:01it is not electronic
27:03press it
27:05how much more?
27:07sit on the steering
27:09put the gear
27:11put the gear
27:13put the gear
27:15don't misbehave
27:17press the brake
27:19press this
27:21what is written there?
27:23R, N
27:25and D
27:27leave D
27:29let it go
27:31let it go
27:33let it go
27:35they are behind
27:37let it go
27:39move it
27:41move it
27:43let it go
27:45speed up
27:47speed up
27:49pull it
27:51move it
27:55there is a dogger behind
27:57there is a dogger behind
28:01you are getting a chance
28:03very nice
28:05I thought I can't drive left
28:07no problem
28:09very nice
28:11stop it
28:13I am having fun
28:21I am having fun
28:23I am having fun
28:25I am having fun
28:27I am having fun
28:29I am having fun
28:31I am having fun
28:33I am having fun
28:35I am having fun
28:37I am having fun
28:39I am having fun
28:41I am having fun
28:43I am having fun
28:45I am having fun
28:47I am having fun
28:49I am having fun
28:51I am having fun
28:53you all are from up
28:57your wife is a driver
28:59she was saying
29:01you both are behind
29:03she was saying stop it
29:05I am having fun
29:07my brother got a cake
29:09congrats Rajab family
29:11love you my love
29:13come here
29:17come here
29:19come here
29:21thank you so much my love
29:23hold her hand
29:25why are you clapping
29:29thank you so much
29:31every single member of Rajab family
29:33this is all your blessings
29:35I can't live without you
29:39hold this
29:41this is your new key
29:43give it to your wife
29:45I will remember you all the time
29:47Allah has given me a son
29:49I will remember you all the time
29:51I will remember you all the time
29:53I will remember you all the time
29:55keep this in mind
29:57every mother should have a son
29:59because in coming 1 or 2 days
30:01you have to give me blessings
30:03I am getting something
30:05leave it
30:07you have to give me blessings
30:09I never thought of it
30:11I am so thankful to my God
30:13I remember the time
30:15when I saw this achievement
30:17when I saw this achievement
30:19at that time, I too
30:21remember all the things
30:23that happened
30:27I am thankful to god
30:29when I got this small thing
30:31I have got many small things
30:33like the pistol
30:35I am thankful to God
30:41I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don
31:11don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't
31:18know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't
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