What Is The ButterFly Effect_ _ How can Small Changes Lead to Bigger Changes_HD

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A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed
00:00Hey, little kitty, it's bad manners to litter on the street, and on top of that, who knows,
00:14this tiny wrapper could become the reason for the end of the world.
00:19Eee, eee, eee, eee, what a joke!
00:24Oh, no, no, no.
00:26It's not a joke, but a reality, as explained in the Butterfly Effect.
00:32Eee, eee, eee, eee, yes!
00:35So my dear friends, in today's episode, let us define a unique theory by answering an
00:42effective question.
00:43What is the Butterfly Effect?
00:47Zoom in!
00:49Imagine it's Monday morning.
00:51Jamie, a student at City Middle School, wakes up feeling a bit sick.
00:57His mom decides he should stay at home to rest.
01:02Normally, Jamie sits next to his friend Alex in math class.
01:07Since Jamie is absent, Alex ends up sitting next to a new student, Sam.
01:15As they talk, Alex and Sam discover they both love building robots.
01:21They decide to team up for the upcoming science fair, where their amazing robot wins first place.
01:29This partnership blossoms into a lifelong friendship and eventually they build a giant
01:36AI robotics company together.
01:39This shows how a small change, like Jamie staying home, can lead to unexpected and significant results.
01:49This is an example of the Butterfly Effect, which means small actions can have a big impact
01:57on the world around us.
01:59And how do we know this?
02:01Well, on a chilly morning in 1961, a mathematician named Edward Norton Lawrence was enjoying
02:11a cup of coffee while working on weather predictions.
02:16Using an early computer, he inserted data like temperature and humidity to forecast the weather.
02:24On this particular day, instead of typing the precise number 0.506127, he rounded it
02:35to 0.506 to save time and went away to grab another cup of coffee.
02:43When he returned, he was stunned to see that the weather pattern on his screen was completely
02:50different from what he expected.
02:53How can such a tiny change make such a big difference, he wondered.
02:58It's like a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil and causing a tornado in Texas.
03:06This idea, called the Butterfly Effect, shows how small actions can lead to big unpredictable outcomes.
03:15Edward's discovery is like finding out that a tiny sneeze could cause a chain reaction
03:23leading to an epic snowball fight.
03:26It taught us that even the smallest changes can have huge impacts.
03:34One historical example of the Butterfly Effect involves Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
03:42His assassination in 1914 led to World War I, causing big changes around the world.
03:51This shows how a single event can trigger a series of reactions that lead to monumental changes.
04:01But remember, the Butterfly Effect is more complex than it seems.
04:06While tiny events can have huge impacts, predicting these outcomes is very tricky.
04:14Our actions can lead to unpredictable results.
04:18So, we need to be aware of the uncertainty of how things might turn out.
04:26But, no matter what the consequences would be, understanding the Butterfly Effect teaches us that our actions,
04:34no matter how small, can have significant impact.
04:40It reminds us to be mindful of our decisions and how they might affect others and the world around us.
04:49It also encourages us to act with kindness and responsibility.
04:55A small act of kindness like helping a friend or recycling can contribute to a positive chain of events.
05:07Did you know in 1963, Edward Norton Lawrence published the concept of the Butterfly Effect
05:15in the scientific paper titled, Deterministic Non-Periodic Flow.
05:22This paper is considered a foundational work in chaos theory and the study of non-linear dynamical systems.
05:33Sketching time!
05:35Today's sketch of the day goes to Rudransh Mugadkar.
05:40Hope you learned something effective today.
05:43Until next time, it's me, Dr. Binox, Zooming out!
06:05Never mind!
