• 2 months ago
Astro Boy is a Japanese anime television series, based on Osamu Tezuka's manga series of the same name.

#astroboy #astro #astroboyfullmovie #astroboy2009 #astroboyfullepisode #astroboyepisode1 #astroboy1963episode2 #astroboycartoon


01:06Hey Kevin, here's a videogram from your dad
01:09How's everything back on earth? Did you got a snake ever turn up? I sure hope you find him before your mom does
01:17I'm working now as a foreman at cobalt mine and one of Mars moons a tiny place called Deimos
01:23It's a long way from home. I really miss you
01:26There are no other humans here just the robots who work in the mind at least they do what I tell them except on talent
01:33I picture 40 robots in a conga line
01:38Well, Kevin, I better get back to huh?
01:41Hey, what are you doing here?
01:46No, don't
01:49What's happening the robots control
01:55Stop that
02:09They do what I tell them they do what I tell they need help
02:14I've lost all control. I can't stop them
02:18The robots are taking over
02:29But why would robots go berserk for no reason at all
02:37As director of the Ministry of Science I must find the answer Oh
02:41Astro, I'll be going away for a few days. I want you to stay here in mind Nora. Okay, Nora
02:48I'll be fine. Can I come?
02:50I'm going to a place called Deimos far away in outer space
02:5540 million miles from Earth
02:58Doctor you gotta take me
03:00Maybe next time Astro Nora. I'll be back in a week depending on traffic
03:11See you soon. See you real soon
03:14Deimos planet or potato. Here's maps hotel shopping guide directions. Ah, I
03:19Know the directions leave Earth go up. Just take me to the spaceport and hurry
03:35Yes, just in time
03:41Dr. O'Shea, we'd like to welcome you aboard sir friends. Something strange is happening on Deimos. We're going to find out what let's go
04:08Initiate the launch sequence
04:19Activate auxiliary thrusters
04:39Oh disengage rocket
04:44Set course for demons
04:47What could have caused it?
04:49Robots programmed to follow human orders without fail suddenly go berserk for no reason. It simply makes no sense
04:56Dr. O'Shea, huh?
04:58The cargo officer reports that your luggage exceeds the allowable weight limit what impossible?
05:04I checked everything myself just before we left your officer must have made some mistake. It's nothing we can't handle
05:12But you do seem to have brought along an extra sixty two point seven pounds
05:16sixty-two point seven
05:40Astro young man, do you understand the seriousness of what you've done here when you snuck on board?
05:46You endangered your own life and the lives of every single person on this ship. Our robots first duty is to protect lives
05:53But no buts
05:58Astro now, why would you do such a foolish thing doctor?
06:01Will you see it sounded like there was trouble up here and all I wanted to do was help you. Oh
06:07Well, I'm very proud of you Astro. Huh? You're advancing much faster than I ever imagined
06:15Astro although you were wrong to stow away you're here now and you can help us on this mission
06:21Oh, you mean it?
06:22Yes, but you must promise not to disobey me again and perhaps you can help us get to the bottom of this
06:43Reverse landing jets now
06:55Dr. O'Shea, you'd better come over here and take a look at this
06:58What is it? The command dome is falling into the mineshaft impossible
07:02There's practically no gravity on Deimos sir. My instruments show a force ten times that of Earth
07:11Someone's trapped inside
07:15Help me, please hurry
07:18Some strange magnetic force seems to be pulling the dome into the mineshaft
07:23How is that possible?
07:43We need a rescue ship to get him out now, there's no time
07:47Astro, where are you going?
07:49The mineshafts about to cave in it's too dangerous. I forbid it a robots duty is to protect lives
07:55You taught me that
07:57Of course, you're right. We'll wait here for a signal from you Astro. So be careful
08:15The magnetic force is affecting his flying he's out of control
08:34He has rocket-powered arms, I can't hold on any longer
09:00The robots they're helping
09:18But they were supposed to be out of control
09:23You for saving me Astro, I'm proud of you it wasn't just me that saved him doctor. Yeah, it wasn't
09:31Dr. O'Shea
09:33The robot control system checks out normal. There's nothing to explain their strange behavior
09:40Hey, wait a minute, what's all this
09:43Just a pile of waste minerals from the mine. You want to take a souvenir home to the wife and kids?
09:48No, not that I meant this
09:51Huh, it looks like some kind of pattern
09:56There's a ship landing
10:04Who's in charge of this mine I am I want a list of every malfunctioning robot on demos
10:10But the Ministry of Defense is conducting this investigation not anymore
10:14This is now a security matter and my job is to protect human life and property by any means necessary
10:20And just what does that mean here in space when robots stop doing what they're told? There's only one possible course of action
10:29Destroy any robot that defies orders
10:32Well, that's utterly barbaric
10:35Are you saying if your own robots disobeyed you you would simply exterminate them without a moment's hesitation
10:41But don't worry, these aren't your ordinary pieces of junk they're incapable of disobeying me no matter what right Higgins
10:49But the robots must have had some reason their reasons don't interest me. They defied orders. There's nothing wrong with those robots
10:57What what are you trying to say Astro? Yeah robot
11:02The dome when I lifted it. I saw the mining robots underneath it trying to keep it from falling over the edge
11:08They were helping
11:10It's of no consequence. Now, they disobeyed orders and abandoned their mining duties
11:15They will be destroyed if you destroy them. We'll never know what went wrong
11:30Strange the spectrograph indicates some unknown element in the rock. Could that be what's causing the robots to act up?
11:53Sir our instruments are going crazy
11:56The gravitational pull is doubling every few feet if we continue this way we risk being crushed keep going
12:02We must be nearing its source. Whatever's down. There is radiating enormous power
12:08Doctor my sensors are picking up on a life-form down here
12:1730 minutes left. Huh? Where are you going? Stop? Do you hear me?
12:25I command you to turn around at once. You must obey me
12:34Piggin stop
12:36Stop or I'll fire
12:42No, I may need Higgins
12:51Robots have gone mad. I will destroy everyone
13:06We're approaching the deepest level of the mine near the very core of demos
13:11No idea. They had dug this deep move aside. Your mission is terminated
13:18Archer you said you'd give us an hour. There's no more time for games. The infection is spread
13:24Before all the robots are contaminated. I'm taking action starting with the robot down here
13:29Wait, we just need a few more minutes. You had your chance now we do it my way
13:37Out of my way robot
13:41Siler you're scrap metal
13:48No, I'm warning you for the last time define me and I'll destroy you like all the others not a chance
13:54I won't let you hurt them
13:59Move aside. I don't think so. Help me, please. You lose
14:17Now to take care of the other robots and
14:27What is that
14:34What in the world
14:40Look the robots drills are all broken then. They must have busted them on that glowing sphere
14:46That's why they couldn't dig any further. What is it?
14:50What's wrong? Why are you upset?
14:55Astro mining robots don't have emotions. They don't Astro ask them what they know about this. Okay. Hmm
15:05The robots are saying that someone is trapped down here
15:08They want to save him but their drills are broken and can't dig any further and that's all they know
15:14So they haven't gone berserk. It's just their emergency rescue function at work. That's ridiculous
15:19How could anyone be trapped this far underground? No, someone is inside here
15:24I heard the voice too, then you're malfunctioning something about this sphere causes all you robots to blow your circuits
15:30I will destroy this thing Archer. I won't let you are you?
15:39You can free me
15:42With your digi beam
15:46With my digi beam
15:50Astro what's wrong? I must help it with my digits
16:11He's cutting right through it with some kind of laser beam
16:30Please doctor I want to go in go
16:38Astro be careful
17:09Who are you
17:12Thank you for rescuing me
17:14Many long centuries ago. I was trapped here by the collision of two great planets
17:20The mining robots heard my pleas and tried to rescue me, but only you had the power to release me
17:29Come with me. I'll show you a world. No robot ever
18:11Wait, what is it?
18:15And I can't go with you my home is back on earth with dr. O'Shea
18:26Are you really certain this is what you want to do
18:31Pity well, then it's goodbye. We'll meet again Astro
18:59Astro doctor. Oh
19:07Doctor what is that? I think it's a kind of message
19:13According to my neuro translator. It appears to be galaxian
19:16It says that mankind and robots must learn to work together and that you will lead the way
19:22Me really then we will meet again
