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00:00Morning Rob and everyone, welcome to The Weather Desk.
00:04We are starting off with some fog patches and mist as well over most areas in the Western
00:08Cape, especially over the Cape Metropole and over the south coast of this province for
00:12this morning.
00:13Spreading to the northern parts of Wazono Natal, eastern Bumalanga and the eastern parts
00:17of Limpopo.
00:18And we are expecting poor visibility on the roads in the early hours of this morning.
00:22But these conditions will be gone by 8 o'clock, leaving behind clear weather conditions for
00:26most areas of South Africa today.
00:28Please send us those morning pictures, especially over the central interior, where we are expecting
00:32clear weather conditions for the remainder of today as you can see.
00:35But it is very windy over the Northern Cape and this may result in runaway fires.
00:39And for this morning, just some partly clear skies in the north coast of Wazono Natal.
00:42Otherwise, clear weather conditions are expected in all areas of South Africa for today.
00:47As such, there is no chance of rainfall in the forecast.
00:50But there is a warning of very strong and damaging winds over the western interior of
00:54the country, including over the central Karu, over the Western Cape, the western interior
00:57of the Eastern Cape and the southern parts of the Northern Cape.
01:00And this will result in runaway fires, spreading all the way from the Northern Cape into the
01:04central Karu of the Western Cape, throughout the Eastern Cape and the western parts of
01:08the Free State province for today.
01:10So please be on the lookout and avoid unnecessary fires for the remainder of today.
01:14Temperatures are very cold over the southern parts of the Free State, especially over Bethlehem,
01:18at a minimum of zero.
01:20And the possibility of frost as well for this morning.
01:22But these conditions will be improving rapidly after sunrise.
01:25A minimum of four for Sutherland and five degrees for Kalvina.
01:28A minimum of 12 degrees for Upingtin.
01:31And a minimum of only five degrees over the city of Cape Town for this morning, with poor
01:35visibility on the roads due to mist in the Cape metropole.
01:39Over the Eastern Cape, a minimum of five degrees for Komani and seven over Umtata.
01:43Along the coast, a minimum of 11 degrees is expected over Eastland for this morning.
01:48But very warm weather conditions are expected this morning along the east coast of the country
01:53from Poston Jones in the wild coast and all the way towards Richards Bay in the north
01:57coast of KwaZulu-Natal, averaging around 15 degrees for this morning.
02:01A minimum of five for Johannesburg and eight over Pretoria.
02:04A minimum of seven degrees is expected over Pulugwane for this morning.
02:07But warm weather conditions for Musina at a minimum of 13 and a minimum of nine degrees
02:12is expected over Mahigeng for this morning.
02:15And rising to a pleasant 26 degrees for Mahigeng, a high of 27 for Pretoria, 25 in Pulugwane.
02:21Scorching temperatures, though, are expected over Umtata in the eastern interior of the
02:25Eastern Cape at a high of 35 degrees.
02:27And this is very typical ahead of a cold front that will make landfall later on in the afternoon
02:32in the western parts of South Africa.
02:34In KwaZulu-Natal, a maximum of 29 for Teguini and 32 degrees over Pietermaritzburg.
02:39And very warm weather conditions over the central Karoo of the Western Cape.
02:42As a result, we are also expecting runaway fires, including over the northern interior
02:46of the Northern Cape.
02:47But slightly mild conditions over Cape Town as a result of the approaching cold front
02:51that will make landfall later on in the afternoon.
02:54But there's no chance of rainfall in the forecast.
02:56But for tomorrow, there is a chance of rainfall as the cold fronts will pass in along the
03:00south coast of the country, bringing very cold weather conditions over Cape Town and
03:04surrounding areas.
03:05Scattered rainfall is also expected over the southwestern corner of the country.
03:08And the rainfall will be spreading from the west coast and even reaching the southern
03:12parts of KwaZulu-Natal later on in the afternoon.
03:15But ahead of the cold front, very hot conditions over the northern parts of KwaZulu-Natal.
03:19Warm weather in the interior and clear skies.
03:21But cold weather conditions will persist over the southern parts of the country as a result
03:25of this passing cold front.
03:27And then on Thursday, we're expecting just a slight chance of rainfall in the east coast
03:30of the country.
03:31But clear weather conditions will persist over the central interior of South Africa.
03:35And that is all from the Weather Desk.
03:45Thanks for watching.
03:46For more information visit
