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00:18Have you ever wondered
00:20if you're the smartest person in the room,
00:22your office, or maybe even your hometown?
00:24What if I told you that by answering
00:26a series of questions,
00:28you could find out how your brain
00:30stacks up against all of America?
00:32You think you'd be smarter than half the country?
00:34Top 10%? Or maybe
00:36even the top 1%?
00:38Don't worry if you're not good at trivia
00:40because our questions are designed
00:42to test logic, common sense,
00:44and how your brain actually works.
00:46It doesn't matter where you went to school
00:48or what you do for a living.
00:50This show levels the playing field
00:52for everyone. So I'll be doing the asking
00:54tonight. And here to do the answering
00:56are these 100
01:02any of them answer a question
01:04only 1% of the country could get right
01:06for a chance to win up to
01:10I'm Pat
01:12and Oswald,
01:14and it's time
01:16to play the 1%
01:20Best of luck
01:22to all
01:24100 of you playing here tonight.
01:26And don't forget, you can play at home, too.
01:28All you have to do is download the
01:301% Club app and see
01:32how you stack up.
01:34Before we kick things off with our first question,
01:36here is how the show
01:38works. We ask people from
01:40all over the United States a list of our
01:42unique questions. Based on their
01:44answers, we can tell statistically what
01:46percentage of the country should get each one
01:48right. Tonight, we'll be
01:50asking those exact questions to our 100
01:52contestants, beginning with the one that
01:5490% of America got right, and
01:56ending with a question that only 1%
01:58of the American public answered correctly.
02:02the start of each show, every contestant is
02:04given a $1,000 stake.
02:06If they get any question wrong, they're out of the
02:08game, and the $1,000 is transferred
02:10to the prize pot.
02:12Whoever gets the furthest tonight gets the
02:14chance to answer a final 1%
02:16question to win everything in the prize pot
02:18and take home up to $100,000.
02:24Now it's time for our first question
02:26of the night. This is the 90%
02:3290% of Americans got this right,
02:34so this should be a walk in the park, no pressure.
02:38take a look.
02:40Which of these animals
02:42does not exist in
02:44nature? Contestants, your time starts
03:00Someone is about to be eliminated, but we'll walk
03:02away with the coveted Darwin
03:14All right, your time is up.
03:16Now let's see how many of you
03:18got the question right and how many
03:20of you are out of the game.
03:32Two went out on this?
03:34Okay, um...
03:36We somehow lost
03:38two of you on that question,
03:40which means we have 98 left.
03:42Let's see what the answer
03:46B, the ostrich and the goat
03:48are real animals, but the picture of the
03:50tortoise body with a rabbit
03:52head is not.
03:54I don't
03:56mean to be mean, but I have to talk
03:58to Dayzion.
04:00Oh, Dayzion.
04:02I overthought it.
04:04You overthought it. When you say,
04:06in nature, I see the goat with the
04:08bell around his neck. I see that it's
04:10a farm animal, a rabbit and turtle
04:12in nature. I go too
04:14deep in logic. That's just my opinion.
04:16You are so intelligent and logical
04:18that you're at a point where
04:20a goat with a bell around its neck
04:22is more frightening than a rabbit head
04:24coming out of a tortoise body.
04:26Thank you so much for playing.
04:28Thank you. Oh.
04:30Now, someone who, of course,
04:32got it right was Roxy,
04:34a comic book nerd
04:36who can deadlift 300
04:40You know a weird mutant animal
04:42when you see one. Yeah, I was like, that's from a movie.
04:44I'm not playing with you. Thank you very much.
04:46300 pounds. Have you
04:48ever worked as, like, a bouncer at Comic Con?
04:50I fought somebody at a Comic Con,
04:52but I wasn't on payroll.
04:54So what were you dressed as when
04:56you fought him? Sailor Moon.
04:58Sailor Moon? Wait a minute.
05:00What was he
05:02dressed as? And please say Wolverine.
05:04He was Thanos.
05:08Where is that Marvel movie?
05:10We have to make that happen right now.
05:12All right.
05:14As you know, the $1,000
05:16of everyone who got the question
05:18wrong goes into the prize pot,
05:20and that brings the prize pot to...
05:30This next question,
05:32four out of five people
05:34we asked got this one right.
05:36So it is time for the
05:3880% question.
05:42Let's take a look.
05:44Which of these is definitely
05:46not a fruit flavor of
05:48the candy shown here?
05:50Contestants, your time starts now.
05:58I asked a similar question with Swedish meatballs,
06:00except it's, which part of this
06:02did not come from a cow?
06:20All right, your time is up.
06:22Now let's see how many of you
06:24got the question right and how many
06:26of you are out of the game.
06:38We lost five
06:40of you on that question, which means
06:42we've got 93
06:44of you left.
06:46Let's take a look at the answer.
06:48B, red
06:50is not a fruit flavor. It is
06:52a color. Someone who got it right
06:54is Alan.
06:56Hi, Alan.
06:58It says here
07:00that you call yourself one of the few
07:02gay goat farmers in the
07:04great state of Tennessee.
07:06That is true, sir, yes. That is true?
07:08Yeah. And by few, I'm assuming
07:10you mean only. My boyfriend
07:12would consider himself to be one as well.
07:14Oh, would also be a gay goat. Okay.
07:16Well, there you go.
07:18And how long have you been a goat farmer
07:20in Tennessee? About five years now.
07:22So this was a recent thing. What were you doing before that?
07:24I was in property management
07:26and I'm a single dad
07:28who raised three kids on my own,
07:32So you
07:34were in property management, but you heard
07:36the goats calling.
07:38I wanted more kids, yeah.
07:40Oh, Alan.
07:42Alan. Do we have to
07:44pay him for that one? That was pretty funny.
07:46That is fantastic. And finally,
07:50Hi, Debbie.
07:52Says here that you once jumped off
07:54a boat to swim with two
07:56600-pound manatees. I did.
07:58What made you jump off a boat
08:00and swim with manatees? Well, okay,
08:02my brothers and my dad and I were all
08:04trolling in a boat in South Florida
08:06and these little 600-pound
08:08manatees, they just
08:10you know, swam up to the boat
08:12and looked at me with their little
08:14mustachios and their
08:16little faces and I went,
08:18hi! And I
08:22right out of the boat
08:24into the water
08:26and I was just
08:28you know, swimming and flipping around
08:30and we were playing, you know, they don't
08:32hurt you at all, they're mammals, they love you
08:34and so then I took off
08:36my tennis shoes whilst in the water
08:38Pat. Uh-huh. Yeah.
08:40And so then
08:46kept swimming and my
08:48brothers had to throw me
08:50the inner tube thing because
08:52We're gonna pause for a commercial break and hear the rest of
08:54her story in the next hour.
08:56Alright, as you know
08:58the $1,000 of
09:00everyone who got the question wrong
09:02goes into the prize pot. Let's see
09:04where that stands now!
09:08We're at $7,000.
09:10We're at $7,000.
09:12And now it is time
09:14for the 70% question.
09:18Let's take a look.
09:20Kyle, Kelly and Ken
09:22are playing Spin the Bottle with Max,
09:24Melanie and Megan. If each
09:26person whose name starts with K
09:28kisses each person whose name begins
09:30with M once,
09:32what will be the total number of kissing
09:34pairs? Contestants, your time
09:36starts now.
09:44Ironically, I got
09:46this gig during a very intense game
09:48of Truth or Dare at a party.
09:50Hey, I'm a
09:52man of my word, Lindsay!
10:04Alright, your time is up.
10:06Let's see how many of you got the question
10:08right and how many of you
10:10are out of the game.
10:26Nine. We lost
10:28nine of you on
10:30that question, which means
10:32we've got 84 people left.
10:34Let's see what the answer was.
10:36Ironically, the answer
10:38was nine. If three people
10:40each kiss three people, there will be nine
10:42kissing pairs. Someone who got it right
10:44is Steve. Steve!
10:46There he is!
10:48It says Steve attended
10:5063 Fish
10:52Concerts. Why did you go to
10:5463 Fish Concerts? Well, first
10:56off, fish is tight. Aren't they a jam
10:58band? Aren't they the opposite of tight? Like, the
11:00whole thing is, it's this loosey-goosey
11:02kind of Sound Odyssey
11:04thing, right? Yeah, I mean, listen,
11:06watching four incredible musicians
11:08jam completely improvised
11:10is amazing. And
11:12you know, when you go to a show, you might even
11:14see that turtle duck,
11:16uh, turtle rabbit.
11:18Depending on what you inhale.
11:20Alright, as you know,
11:22the $1,000 of everyone
11:24who did not get the question right goes
11:26into the prize pot,
11:28which takes it all
11:30the way up to...
11:34Great job to those of you
11:36who are still in the game.
11:38Alright, here
11:40is your 60% question.
11:44Let's take a look.
11:46Which of these comes next
11:48in this sequence?
11:50Contestants, your time starts now.
12:02I really wish they'd stop using all my
12:04passwords for these questions, man.
12:06Alright, your time is up.
12:08Now let's see how many of you
12:10got the question right
12:12and how many of you are out of the game.
12:38Oh, my Lord.
12:4035 people
12:42went out on that question.
12:4435, which means
12:46we've got 49
12:48contestants left.
12:50Let's look at the answer.
12:52C, nifty.
12:54Changing one letter in each part of the sequence
12:56spells 10, 20, 30,
12:58and 40, so the next word should be nifty.
13:0050 with one
13:02letter change.
13:0450 with one letter changed.
13:08Rebecca from
13:10Lesage, West Virginia.
13:12Rebecca got it right.
13:14Yeah, I did.
13:16Yes, you did. Are you just now realizing that?
13:20No, yes.
13:22Rebecca, you have an amazing
13:24story. You were 48 years old
13:26and what did you do when you turned 48?
13:28I joined the United States Peace Corps
13:30and I was in Togo, West Africa.
13:32Wow, you joined the
13:34Peace Corps at 48.
13:36That is the weirdest
13:38midlife crisis I have ever heard of.
13:42Well, as you know, and this
13:44is gonna be a big one, but the
13:46$1,000 of everyone who went out
13:48goes into the prize pot, and that
13:50brings the prize pot to...
13:56We're at $51,000.
13:58We've played
14:00four questions so far, and for all
14:02of you that have survived up to this point,
14:04I've got great news.
14:06How about
14:08I give all of you
14:10a lifeline?
14:18For any of the next
14:20ten questions, you can
14:22use the $1,000 we
14:24gave you to pay for a pass
14:26and move on to the next question.
14:28You can only do this once,
14:30and your $1,000 will go straight
14:32into the prize pot. It is time to
14:34find out if you're smarter than
14:36half of America. That's right.
14:38This is your 50%
14:44Let's take a look.
14:46What would this
14:48person see if
14:50they looked in the mirror? Contestants,
14:52your time starts now.
14:58The mirror
15:00never lies.
15:02That's why God invented
15:18Okay, time's up.
15:20Now let's see how many of you got
15:22the question right and how many
15:24of you are out of the game.
15:4018 went out
15:42on this, which means we've got
15:4431 of you
15:46left. Let's look at the answer.
15:48It was
15:52We'd see the opposite.
15:58we lost Roxy. Man!
16:00Roxy, no!
16:02Okay, bruh. What happened?
16:04You're an anime writer. You'd
16:06write comics. What happened?
16:08This what happened. Okay, tell me
16:10what happened. If I'm looking at myself, how am I
16:12going to see the reverse? I'm looking.
16:14Is this
16:16the same? Correct?
16:18Well, obviously not
16:20because it was A.
16:22All right, Roxy, thank you so much for being here.
16:24Now, as you know,
16:26the $1,000 of everyone who got
16:28the question wrong goes into the prize pot,
16:30and that brings us to...
16:38Great job to all of you
16:40who are still in the game, and if you
16:42think you'd be one of them, then play along
16:44in the 1% Club app.
16:46Okay, it's time
16:48for the 45% question.
16:52take a look.
16:54Which of these does not
16:56represent an actual
16:58word? Contestants,
17:00your time starts now.
17:12By the way, these would all
17:14make fantastic names for a DJ.
17:20All right,
17:22your time is up.
17:24Let's see how many of you got the question right
17:26and how many of you are
17:28out of the game.
17:52five people.
17:54That means we've got
17:5626 of you left
17:58and 13 of you
18:00wisely used your pass on that
18:02question. Let's see what the answer was.
18:04It was
18:06C. If you spell out the punctuation
18:08marks, L is kernel,
18:10ND is command,
18:12IC is periodic. Ampersand
18:14low, however, is not a word.
18:16So, someone
18:18who got it right is Alberto.
18:24Alberto from El Paso.
18:26Now, listen to this. You're 66 years
18:28old. You still play baseball
18:30every Saturday? I play baseball
18:32five times a week. Five times
18:34a week? Yes, I do.
18:36Alberto, I am 55 years old
18:38and I threw my back out last week saying
18:40the word butterscotch, so I don't know how
18:42you're as fit as you are. That
18:44is amazing. Thank you, sir. If you get
18:46the $100,000, what are you going to do?
18:48I'm planning on taking my whole family
18:50on a Caribbean cruise.
18:52So, I need that money.
18:56That is very sweet. That sounded a little
18:58bit like a threat, but I totally get it.
19:00Alright. Now, as
19:02you know, the $1,000 of everyone
19:04who got the question wrong or used their
19:06pass goes into the prize pot.
19:08And that brings our
19:10total to...
19:17Alright. Up next, a question
19:19that only the top
19:2140% of the country
19:23answered correctly.
19:25Here is your 40% question.
19:30Let's take a look.
19:32The sentence below
19:34contains every letter of the
19:36alphabet except for which
19:38one? Contestants, your time
19:40starts now.
19:46By the way, this
19:48question just won three Grammys.
19:50Alright, your time is up.
19:52Now, let's see how many of you got the question
19:54right, and how many of you
19:56are out of the game.
20:20We only lost four people.
20:22That's pretty good.
20:24Which means we've got 22
20:26of you left.
20:28And let's see what the answer was.
20:30It was the letter D.
20:32The letter D is not
20:34in that sentence.
20:36So, oh, dear
20:38God, we lost Alberto.
20:42Oh, dear God.
20:44Oh, dear God.
20:46Oh, dear God.
20:48We lost Alberto.
20:52Don't cheer for that.
20:54No, why not?
20:56Instead of a boat cruise, I'm going to give me
20:58a beach cruiser bike.
21:02Very similar.
21:04I love his attitude so much. That's fantastic, Alberto.
21:06Thank you so much for playing the game
21:08and for not killing me.
21:10Alright, well, let's see
21:12what happened to the prize pot.
21:20Alright. Seven action-packed
21:22questions. Our contestant
21:24pool has narrowed down to 22.
21:26It's time for the 35%
21:28question, one that almost
21:30two-thirds of the people polled
21:32got wrong.
21:36Let's take a look.
21:38There's only one thing
21:40you need to answer this question,
21:42so you'd better move it.
21:44Logically, which answer does
21:46not fit the pattern
21:48of the others?
21:50Contestants, your time starts now.
22:02Remember, if you still have it, you can use
22:04your pass.
22:17Alright, your time
22:19is up, so let's see
22:21how many of you got the question right
22:23and how many of you
22:25are out of the game.
22:44We lost seven people
22:46on that question, and only one person used
22:48their pass. That means we've got
22:5015 contestants left.
22:52Let's look at the answer.
22:54It's C.
22:56The one thing you better move is the first
22:58letter to the end of the first word to form the
23:00new word below. If you move the
23:02F and fillets to the end, it
23:06which is not a word, so
23:08C was the correct answer.
23:10Someone who got it right is Tara,
23:12a substitute teacher from Palo Alto,
23:14California. How quickly
23:16did you figure this one out? Not quickly
23:18at all. Oh, was it a squeaker?
23:20I figured it out in the last second. Wow.
23:22Now if you win the 100 grand,
23:24what do you want to do with it? I really want to
23:26go to New Zealand. Uh-huh.
23:28And I want to, like, try to buy
23:30a Hobbit hole, and if they don't let me
23:32buy it, I'm just gonna squat there.
23:36Can you
23:38just sit there and go, it's mine-sies?
23:40It's mine-sies. That's great.
23:42Okay, well, let's see
23:44what happened to the prize
23:52You've made it past
23:54the halfway point. You've survived
23:56eight questions, and if you can answer seven
23:58more, you'll officially join
24:00the 1% Club. Now, how
24:02about I give those of you who still
24:04have your pass an offer?
24:10Right now,
24:12anyone left in the game
24:14who still hasn't used your pass,
24:16you can choose to take your
24:18$1,000 and leave instead of
24:20continuing toward our final
24:22question, all right? Let's see who
24:24still has their $1,000 out
24:30Eight of you left. That's great.
24:32All of you can either keep going
24:34and hope to make it to the 1% question
24:36and win up to $100,000,
24:38or you can take a
24:40guaranteed $1,000
24:42right now and
24:44leave the show. So please
24:46make your decision.
24:56Three of you chose to do the buyout,
24:58and one of them is
25:00Angelica. Why did you decide
25:02to take the $1,000 and go home?
25:04I'm not going to lie to you. I've been guessing on the
25:06past two questions, and I
25:08got it right, but I don't want to push my
25:10luck any further. Why tempt
25:12fate? You know what? Good decision.
25:14Good on you, Angelica. Thanks for playing the game.
25:18The rest of the contestants have decided to
25:20stay, which leaves us with 12
25:22still in the game, and now it is
25:24time for the 30% question.
25:28Let's take a look.
25:30If you change the
25:32colors of the U.S. flag
25:34so that the red becomes blue
25:36and the blue becomes white and the white
25:38becomes red, which of these flags
25:40would become the new
25:42flag? Contestants,
25:44your time starts now.
25:54Remember, if you still have
25:56it, you can use your pass.
26:12Okay, your time is up. Now let's see
26:14how many of you
26:16got the question right and how many
26:18of you are out of the game.
26:30We lost
26:32three people on that one.
26:34Wow, that means there's only nine
26:36people left. By the way, this is
26:38not normally where the game is at this
26:40point. This has been a very, very
26:42tough game. Let's look at the answer.
26:46It was C. The U.S. flag
26:48has a red stripe at the top, so flag
26:50C is the
26:52correct answer.
26:54Now, still in the game,
26:56Steve, the fish-loving
27:00So are fish on tour right now?
27:02What are they playing next? They're not on tour
27:04right now, but they are playing four shows
27:06in Vegas, and of course, I'm
27:08going to all four. You're going to go to all four.
27:10Oh, yeah. How much do their
27:12shows change between shows?
27:14So, let me tell you.
27:16No, actually, don't.
27:18Steve, you're kind of at an advantage
27:20because half the time, that's how you see the
27:22flag anyway, right?
27:24It's a drug joke.
27:28Congrats on still being in the game.
27:30All of you, all of you, congratulations.
27:32This is fantastic.
27:34$1,000 of everyone
27:36who got the question wrong
27:38or paid for a pass goes into the
27:40prize pot. Let's see how much it is.
27:50All right. We are at
27:52the 25% question.
27:54Let's take a look.
27:58If you take out the one
28:00silent letter from each of these words
28:02in order, what other word
28:04can you spell?
28:06Contestants, your time starts now.
28:16And why are there two R's in February?
28:28All right.
28:36Your time is up now.
28:38Let's see how many of you got the question right
28:40and how many of you are out of the game.
28:54We lost one person,
28:56which means we have eight of you left.
28:58Let's look at the answer.
29:02If you take the silent H in honest,
29:04the E in love, and the L in salmon,
29:06the P in raspberry, you get
29:08help. Okay. Someone who got it
29:10right is Cheryl.
29:14What do you do for a living?
29:16I am an entrepreneur. I own a tech company.
29:18You own a tech company?
29:20I do.
29:22Now, if you get the $100,000,
29:24what are you going to do with it?
29:26Well, 2023 was a heck
29:28of a year, and so I have a few friends
29:30who are entrepreneurs who had a bit of a struggle
29:32last year, so I'm going to take everybody on a trip
29:34to Santorini, Greece, and then I'm going to take
29:36the rest and invest it in my tech company.
29:38That's spoken like a true entrepreneur.
29:40I love that.
29:42Well, let's see
29:44what happened to the prize pot.
29:54to our eight contestants who are
29:56still in the game. We'll see if any
29:58of them can stay alive long enough
30:00to make it into the
30:021% Club.
30:10Okay, so
30:12we're about to play the 20%
30:14question. Now, normally at this point,
30:16we'd have 20 people
30:18left, and we've only got eight.
30:20It's a very difficult game, and you stand
30:22head and shoulders above the rest.
30:24So, and that is not to
30:26insult the people who aren't with us,
30:30you lost. All right, it's time
30:32for a question that only two
30:34out of every ten Americans
30:36could answer correctly. Here
30:38is your 20% question.
30:42Let's take a look.
30:44What letter can replace
30:46the question mark to complete
30:48this sequence?
30:50Contestants, your time starts
31:02Keep in mind, you can use
31:04your pass if you've got it.
31:18All right,
31:20your time is up. Now,
31:22let's see how many of you got the question
31:24right, and how many of you are
31:26out of the game.
31:40We lost
31:42five of you on that question, which means
31:44we have three of you left.
31:46Let's look at the answer.
31:50It was R. The letters in the sequence
31:52represent the class years.
31:54FN is freshman, SE is
31:56sophomore, JR is junior, and the
31:58question mark should be an R,
32:00making it SR for
32:02senior. Now,
32:04Steve, our fish
32:06loving attorney, is still
32:08in the game, but what did you do to stay in the game?
32:10I had to use my pass
32:12this time. Used his
32:14pass. I could not
32:16figure out what was going on.
32:18There's no shame. You're still in the game.
32:20And hang on, I'm getting word.
32:22The members of Fish are gonna
32:24do an 81-hour
32:26mandolin solo in your honor.
32:28That's incredible for lasting this
32:30long. Someone who has
32:32not used their pass
32:34is Jared!
32:36Fashion is
32:38on point. Mustache is even
32:40pointier. You are
32:42from Idaho. Yes, sir.
32:44Wow. And how quickly did you get
32:46this? Was this a squeak or what happened?
32:48I realized at some point, I was like, well, if these
32:50are words, if that's junior,
32:52oh, sophomore ends in E,
32:54okay, let's... I just
32:56went for it. Your brain is a gorgeous animal,
32:58Jared. I love it. I love it.
33:00All right. That brings the
33:02prize pot to...
33:10And we have got
33:12three players left.
33:14It is time
33:16for your 15% question.
33:20Let's take a look.
33:22The puzzle pieces below
33:24have each been rotated
33:2690 degrees. What shape
33:28will the solved puzzle
33:30make? Contestants,
33:32your time starts now.
33:42question was originally called
33:44Clean Up Your Room.
34:00Okay, your time is up. Now, let's
34:02see how many of you got the question
34:04right and how many of you
34:06are out of the game.
34:20We only lost one
34:22person on that one.
34:24And then there were two.
34:28Let's look at the answer.
34:32It's a heart.
34:34Oh. And unfortunately,
34:36we've lost Cheryl.
34:38What happened? So I misunderstood
34:40the question. What did you
34:42think the question was? It says which shape
34:44will solve the puzzle. Oh,
34:46and I thought it meant, like, which shape was missing
34:48that would make the puzzle complete if you put
34:50it together. Oh, that's...
34:52But it's what shape will
34:54the solved puzzle make. I can totally
34:56see scrambling that. Oh,
34:58Cheryl, I'm so sorry.
35:00You got really far
35:02in an insanely tough
35:04game. You should be really proud of yourself. Cheryl,
35:06thank you for playing. Thank you.
35:08That was fun.
35:10That leaves us with Steve and
35:12Jared, both of whom got the question
35:14right, but Jared
35:16still has his pass.
35:18That's right.
35:22And just like that,
35:2498 contestants are down
35:26for the count.
35:28With $96,000 in the prize pot,
35:30our remaining two
35:32march one step closer
35:34to the 1% question for a shot of
35:36winning up to $97,000.
35:46We are coming up on the end of the
35:48game, and here's how it's going to
35:50play out. The contestants that
35:52make it to the final question will
35:54win a share
35:56of $10,000, but
35:58if they're feeling brave, they can
36:00risk their share of the $10,000
36:02by taking on the 1% question
36:04for the chance to win everything in the
36:06prize pot, which is currently
36:10If you still have your
36:12$1,000 left, you
36:14can still pay for a pass,
36:16Jared, but you can't
36:18use it on the 1%
36:20question. Now we've reached
36:22your 10% question.
36:26Let's take a look.
36:28What comes
36:30next in this
36:32sequence below?
36:34Contestants, your time starts
37:02right, your time is up. Now
37:04let's see how many of you got the question right
37:06and how many of you are
37:08out of the game.
37:20Both of you are still in the game.
37:22Let's take
37:24a look at the answer.
37:26It's A.
37:28The series is
37:30the vowels found in the spelled-out numbers
37:321, 2, 3, 4, and so on.
37:34The next one is 8, so the answer
37:36is E, I.
37:38Now, both players
37:40are still in the game, but something
37:42dramatic just happened because Jared did what?
37:44I used my pass.
37:46Jared used his pass.
37:48So now that $1,000
37:50goes back into our
37:52prize pot, which brings the total
37:54up to...
38:02We have
38:04Wholesome Idaho Energy
38:06versus Stoner Fish Energy.
38:08All right?
38:10If either side wins, America
38:12does perfectly fine. I'm rooting for
38:14both of them. Jared,
38:16Steve, you are both in the game.
38:18Neither of you has their pass.
38:20Are you ready
38:22for the 5%
38:24question? Yes. Yeah.
38:28All right.
38:30Let's take a look.
38:34The Pacific Time Zone
38:36is three hours behind the
38:38Eastern Time Zone, and Daylight Savings
38:40Time put the clocks forward one
38:42hour, 2 a.m., on
38:44March 12, 2023.
38:46When it was 4 a.m. in New York on March
38:4812, 2023, what time
38:50was it in Los Angeles?
38:52Contestants, your time
38:54starts now.
39:22Okay, your time is up.
39:24how many of you got the question right,
39:26and which of you, or both, are out of the game?
39:40They're both in!
39:42They both got it right!
39:45Let's look at the answer really quick.
39:49It's midnight.
39:51Since L.A. started out three hours behind New York,
39:53it wasn't 2 a.m. yet,
39:55and they hadn't put their clocks forward.
39:56So the two cities were four hours apart
39:59instead of three.
40:01You both got it right!
40:02I'm so happy!
40:04Oh, my God! That's great!
40:07Jared, how did you figure it out?
40:10Actually, I'm a bit of a time zone nerd, so...
40:12Oh, you're a time zone nerd.
40:13I'm comfortable in that space.
40:15Jared, the time zone nerd.
40:17All right.
40:18Jared, Steve, you're both still in the game.
40:20You both used your passes to the prize spot.
40:22Stays the same at $97,000.
40:26Let's give them both a round of applause!
40:29You've got a chance to join me on stage,
40:32and we'll see who will risk it all
40:34for the chance to win everything in the prize pot
40:37and become the newest members of the 1% Club.
40:47We started as 100.
40:49We have become 2.
40:52Congratulations again, both of you.
40:53I love you both so much. I want you both to win.
40:55All right? Steve and Jared, come on!
40:58All right.
41:00I need you to make a final decision.
41:01Either you can leave the show tonight
41:04with your share of $10,000, which is five grand,
41:09or you can give that money up
41:12and take on the 1% question.
41:14If you're right,
41:16you split everything in the prize pot,
41:18which is currently...
41:25If you're wrong, you leave with nothing.
41:32If only one of you gets the question right,
41:35then you will win the entire prize pot.
41:39So this ultimately could be a $97,000 decision.
41:46It's time for each of you to make your selection.
41:49Who wants to take on the 1% question?
42:09They're both going for it.
42:12All right.
42:14Hey, man.
42:21Now, whew!
42:23Man, I'm nervous. I'm nervous.
42:26All I am is the host, and I'm nervous.
42:28Okay, Jared, Steve,
42:30what made you confident enough
42:32to take on the 1% question?
42:35I just thought, what would Trey do?
42:37What would Trey do?
42:41Oh, my God.
42:43All right, and Trey would go...
42:46Yes, exactly.
42:49Jared, what made you decide to take on the 1% question?
42:53Until I'm at the end,
42:55all that money isn't in my pocket anyway.
43:00Whoa, okay, that's...
43:05That is a more Trey from Fish answer than your answer.
43:09In a weird way, that's what Trey would do.
43:11He would say that.
43:12Until you're at the end, man,
43:14that money's not in your pocket.
43:16All right, we have two mystics
43:20vying for a pot full of $97,000.
43:25This is your 1% question.
43:32Let's take a look.
43:36Look at the image and follow the directions.
43:39What nine-letter word is represented by this image?
43:45Your time starts now.
44:10Great poker face, Steve.
44:12Your answers are locked in.
44:15You can't change them,
44:17so may as well ask what you have put.
44:21I had no idea.
44:23I panicked.
44:24I tried to write backtrack.
44:26I was stumped.
44:29Never would have guessed you got that one wrong.
44:30All right, and Jared, what did you put?
44:34I put $97,000.
44:36And, Jared, what did you put?
44:39I put direction.
44:45Let's see what the answer is.
44:48For $97,000, is it direction?
44:55The arrows point north, south, east, and west,
44:57representing the letters N, S, E, and W.
44:59Replacing each arrow with its appropriate letter
45:02creates the word sweetness.
45:05Jared, Steve, this is killing me.
45:08Both of you did not make it into the 1% Club tonight,
45:12but come back next time to see if anyone
45:15can answer the final question correctly
45:17and win up to $100,000 on the 1% Club.
45:22I'm sorry, guys.
45:24That one was rough.
45:26We all left with the same money.
45:29Oh, my God!
45:32Good job, buddy.
45:33Good work, man.