Gen Z (2023) Episode 4

  • last month
01:30The King's Avatar 2
01:35Episode 06
01:38You applied for a big health fund
01:41to build a few film development buildings.
01:44These buildings are not for development.
01:46They are not suitable for applying for our support project.
01:50The Chinese herbal incubation base I reported to you
01:53is a very small part of our industrial park.
01:57Look at the building over there.
02:00We are going to introduce a first-class hospital
02:04to our company.
02:05Three hospitals will be opened in five years.
02:08We will take care of the gastrointestinal diseases
02:10and recovery outside the three hospitals.
02:14This is our big health plan.
02:18Boss Liu.
02:19You said it was five years later, ten years later.
02:22Everyone will drink when the money arrives.
02:24But with so much money,
02:26we have to give it to someone who already has a partner.
02:30Now it's an empty factory area.
02:33Where is your sincerity?
02:41Do you know Ren Xinzheng?
02:43Professor Ren of the University of TCM?
02:46Of course I know.
02:48My father is a doctor.
02:50I'm looking for him.
02:52Professor Ren
02:53is one of the best doctors in Jiangzhou.
02:56He is very popular all over the country.
02:59Professor Ren
03:00is the greatest sincerity of our industrial park.
03:06The main thing in big health industry
03:08is the cultivation of talents.
03:11To cultivate talents,
03:12we must educate them.
03:14As you all know,
03:15as long as Professor Ren is here,
03:18he has a complete educational blueprint.
03:21As soon as his school opens,
03:22talents will come out.
03:24As an industrialist in big health industry,
03:26there will be no worries.
03:29Is he here now?
03:31He has resigned
03:33to support my start-up.
03:35He brings his students every day.
03:36I have all the support.
03:39You are so considerate.
03:41My father
03:42was still nagging the other day
03:44that Professor Ren is not going to be diagnosed.
03:46The Department of Internal Medicine of TCM
03:49has taken away his badge.
03:51I didn't expect to find him here.
03:54Let's go to see Professor Ren.
03:58I'm afraid you will have a hard time in the future.
04:20Professor Ren.
04:22Look who is here.
04:23Professor Ren.
04:24Congratulations on opening the class.
04:28Professor Ren.
04:29Do you still remember me?
04:33I can't remember you.
04:35Then you must remember my father.
04:37He is the one who is always famous.
04:39Mr. Cao.
04:40Cao Fanghua.
04:41You have cured his reputation.
04:43My father and I
04:44have been to your house three or four times.
04:47My father and I
04:48have been to your house three or four times.
04:51There are too many patients in my clinic.
04:55So I...
04:56I understand.
04:57I understand.
04:58The government's
04:59key support project
05:02has a considerable part
05:03dedicated to education.
05:05Professor Ren's trial class
05:06can totally ask for government support.
05:10So we invited Director Xia
05:12and Secretary-General Cao of the Foundation.
05:15Do you have any intention of cooperating?
05:17I applied for it.
05:19But they didn't approve it.
05:21So we will work on the spot.
05:23You are too generous.
05:25They will definitely approve it.
05:27What is the plan
05:29for Professor Ren's trial class?
05:31There is no plan.
05:33It's just a step at a time.
05:36Traditional Chinese medicine has been lost for many years.
05:39So it's just a step at a time.
05:43The biggest shortcoming of Professor Ren
05:45is his modesty.
05:46He has been studying and treating patients
05:47in the field of traditional Chinese medicine all his life.
05:49So he has long been ambitious.
05:51No, no.
05:54Without the help of the leaders of all levels,
05:55it will definitely not work.
05:57How about this?
05:58The day of selection is not as good as the day of competition.
06:00Let's ask Professor Ren to help us.
06:03Not today.
06:04I'm going to give the students a class soon.
06:07When I'm not in class that day,
06:08the leaders will come.
06:10Then we may not have time next time.
06:12If a person has a need,
06:14he will have time at any time.
06:18we'd better not have such a need.
06:21your body is healthy.
06:22Let's make a safe bet.
06:23A safe bet.
06:24Come on.
06:25Then I won't see you off.
06:28If you are willing to listen to my class,
06:30I am also welcome.
06:31Maybe it will be useful in the future.
06:33What class is it today?
06:35Brain, heart, borderline.
06:37The method of Chinese medicine emergency treatment
06:39that is the same as Wang Yang.
06:46Before we talk about Chinese medicine emergency treatment,
06:49I want to ask you
06:51what the eyes of Chinese medicine practitioners are.
06:54Who knows?
06:57Yin and Yang.
06:58Yes, you're right.
06:59Yin and Yang.
07:01So how can we distinguish between Yin and Yang?
07:04Oh, no.
07:05It's a mystery again.
07:10It's not a mystery.
07:12It's very simple to distinguish.
07:14Because we are all lying down
07:17before we walk upright.
07:21So the back facing the sun is Yang.
07:25The back facing the ground is Yin.
07:28Our human body has three Yin and three Yang.
07:30Sun, Sun, Yang.
07:33Tai Yin, Jue Yin, Shao Yin.
07:36They are the relationship of the eyes.
07:39So what are the eyes?
07:41You may be confused.
07:44In fact, it's very simple.
07:47Look at this side.
07:49This side is the eyes.
07:53The other side is the eyes.
07:57Yang Ming Jing is the eyes.
08:00Tai Yin Jing is the eyes.
08:02Shao Yang Jing is the watch.
08:05Jue Yin Jing is the reason.
08:07Tai Yang Jing is the watch.
08:11Shao Yin Jing is the reason.
08:16It's very convenient.
08:18Do you understand?
08:26Tao Tao.
08:28Tao Tao.
08:29I'm eating.
08:34I'm eating.
08:36Don't laugh.
08:38Tao Tao can sit here today.
08:41And she fell asleep.
08:42And she became a god.
08:44Do you know that?
08:46There is a lot of knowledge
08:49in Chinese calligraphy.
08:51Because the human body has two parts.
08:54One part is the shape.
08:56The other part is the power.
08:58I found that
08:59although some students
09:01are sitting in the classroom,
09:04the god has left.
09:07He has been playing with his phone.
09:09I think this is not as good as Tao Tao.
09:11Tao Tao is sleeping at least.
09:13She has become a god.
09:14So I really hope
09:15that the students cherish their learning in class.
09:18If you can't hear it, you can sleep.
09:24It's called Jue.
09:31I think it's better than playing with the phone.
09:37through sleeping,
09:38our class can have an awareness.
09:44You say.
09:46Go to the bathroom.
10:14Why hasn't he come yet?
10:17How long have you been waiting?
10:19Aren't you hungry?
10:38Don't put your face all the time.
10:40If you put your face all the time,
10:42your body won't be good.
10:45Don't be like your dad.
10:47Let me ask you.
10:48Do you think your dad will scare the children
10:50when he goes out to see?
10:51Of course.
10:52Your mother sees your father like that every day.
10:54He has no appetite.
10:55I'll go back and tell my mother.
10:58Don't worry.
11:05Tao Tao.
11:06Just ordering takeout is the most troublesome for you.
11:08In a while, the ingredients are good.
11:10The bamboo is not good.
11:11In a while, the taste is good.
11:12The oil is not good.
11:13All right, all right, don't say it.
11:15Let me tell you.
11:16The takeout I sent
11:17has a total of four people.
11:18I'm not bragging.
11:19Just this takeout.
11:20I really don't know
11:21which one is which.
11:22I told you it's not good.
11:23But you don't order it.
11:24There is a problem.
11:25I can't taste it.
11:30We put you
11:31in addition to the few shops
11:32that shoot,
11:33the best dishes in the neighborhood
11:34have been ordered.
11:36You try it.
11:37If you think it's OK,
11:38then we can order
11:39in peace in the future.
11:40Try it.
11:41I can eat
11:42all the dishes.
11:43Of course.
11:55I'm ready.
11:57Let's get started.
11:58Get ready.
12:01Work fast.
12:02You've tasted it all.
12:03What will others eat later?
12:05Why are there so many dishes?
12:06You and me, OK?
12:15This is your restaurant, right?
12:18They mainly make Sichuan dishes.
12:20But now
12:21in order to become
12:22Jiang Zhe Wen's taste,
12:23they make sweet and spicy dishes.
12:24Don't order this one.
12:25It's getting worse.
12:26Come on.
12:27Next one.
12:29You don't have to open it.
12:30When you came in
12:31with your bike,
12:32I could smell it.
12:33This is my favorite restaurant.
12:34It's a small restaurant
12:35with a lot of fat.
12:36Do you understand?
12:37You see,
12:38it's filled with
12:40delicious food.
12:41I can smell it.
12:42Come on. Next one.
12:43This is mine.
12:44This one.
12:48You're good at cooking.
12:50Sichuan cuisine
12:52can be ordered in such an expensive restaurant.
12:53We eat this every day.
12:54Can we eat it?
12:55Can you eat egg rolls?
12:58You're not here to deliver food, are you?
12:59What are you doing?
13:00You're here to
13:01write a video for Michelin, right?
13:07Next one.
13:11This one.
13:23Do you like it?
13:25It's a little weird.
13:27The dish with the herbs
13:28and Erguotou
13:29and rice wine
13:30can only be found
13:31in the Michelin restaurant at the entrance,
13:33But this one
13:34doesn't taste right.
13:36Is it their dish?
13:38I admire you so much.
13:40His family did change a chef.
13:42The fat chef
13:43opened his own restaurant.
13:45Now he's a cook's apprentice.
13:47I know.
13:48That Shouling Hou
13:49always makes a mistake
13:51in cooking.
13:52By the way,
13:54how can you afford
13:55a restaurant like
13:56the Michelin restaurant?
13:59The takeaway food we delivered last time
14:01was broken
14:02when we delivered it.
14:03I said
14:04the delivery man did it.
14:05Don't you believe me?
14:07Do you think
14:08the delivery man did it?
14:16Are you crazy?
14:17Hong Zhiyuan.
14:18What do you mean?
14:19You look down on the delivery man?
14:20I didn't look down on him.
14:21I'm telling you.
14:22You're a second-class doctor.
14:25Do you think you can make more money
14:26than me?
14:27Be careful. Don't fall.
14:28Come here.
14:29If you don't make money,
14:30I'll make more money for you.
14:32Don't worry.
14:33I won't cut it short.
14:36did you learn it
14:37when you delivered food?
14:40I deliver food every day.
14:41I don't have so much time.
14:45I'm convinced.
14:47I'll listen to you
14:48when I order food in the future.
14:56Whose food is this?
14:57Why is no one taking it?
15:06Take it.
15:07Eat it.
15:09Is it real?
15:11It comes from the mouth.
15:13If you take care of your mouth,
15:15you can live a few more years.
15:22Your mom scolded me.
15:36Do you know
15:37how to make
15:38disposable cutlery?
15:41Do you know
15:42some disposable cutlery
15:43is whitened with double water?
15:46Do you know
15:47the disposable cutlery in your hand
15:48may be expired
15:49with large intestinal bacteria
15:50and hepatitis B?
15:53There is mold on your chopstick.
15:55It has been cleaned
15:56by you just now.
15:57Do you know
15:58how to make disposable cutlery?
16:00Do you know
16:01how to make disposable cutlery
16:02with double water?
16:03There is mold on your chopstick.
16:04It has been cleaned
16:05by you just now.
16:06Stop talking, okay?
16:10Your mom said just now
16:12that the food comes from the mouth.
16:14If you take care of your mouth,
16:15you can live a few more years.
16:19What does it look like?
16:24Look at this.
16:25What do you think?
16:26Is it good?
16:28It's not hygienic at all.
16:30It's clean and hygienic.
16:31It's not hygienic at all.
16:34I can tell
16:35from your face.
16:36You must be a scholar
16:38and have never suffered.
16:39You are so delicate when you eat.
16:42You have been starved for a long time.
16:43You have to be fast
16:45and strong
16:46to be full.
16:47Do you know?
16:50If you can't finish it,
16:51I'll share it with you.
17:01Eat it.
17:07Eat it.
17:17Are you not full?
17:20I peeled it and ate it.
17:21If you don't mind,
17:22you can eat mine.
17:27I'm coming.
17:32Thank you, sir.
17:33In ancient times,
17:34there was a sage named Taotie.
17:35He had a big mouth
17:36and ate a lot.
17:37Before that,
17:38I thought he was a maid.
17:39Until I met Toto.
17:41Do you know
17:42that the villain died because of Hua Bo?
17:50Today I helped everyone
17:51to make all the dishes.
17:52I think the best food
17:53is Xiaochun Japanese food.
17:54If we eat Xiaochun every day in the future,
17:56I'll have a double meal.
17:57What about you?
17:58I don't have money.
17:59Don't mention it.
18:00No, you.
18:01Why are you like this?
18:02If you eat something good,
18:03you say you have no money.
18:04The bad ingredients are not fresh.
18:05What's the matter?
18:06Everyone doesn't eat it.
18:07Then let's choose something more cost-effective.
18:09Fortunately, these shops
18:10are not cheap.
18:11The ingredients are almost the same.
18:13I agree.
18:14Isn't the takeout like that now?
18:15You can't get into other people's kitchens.
18:17As long as you can eat.
18:18It's too cheap here.
18:19It's good to order takeout.
18:21As long as you can eat.
18:23How can that work?
18:24You know it's not good.
18:25Why do you want to consume it?
18:26Isn't this the kind of
18:27once-for-all atmosphere?
18:29No way.
18:32Hero Peng.
18:34Hero Peng.
18:37Why don't we let Peng Shi Yan
18:38be our monitor in the future?
18:42Wait a minute.
18:43Let's eat.
18:44Why are you the monitor?
18:45Let's talk about eating.
18:46About eating?
18:50How about this?
18:53I'll cook for everyone later.
18:57You can cook?
18:58Of course I can cook.
19:00If it wasn't for my uncle
19:01asking me to be the successor,
19:03I would definitely be a chef now.
19:09Tomorrow's food in Shicheng
19:11will be taken care of by Toto.
19:12How about it?
19:15I'll order
19:18fish-flavored shredded pork.
19:20Fish-flavored shredded pork.
19:23Can I have a braised beef?
19:27Take a pen and write it down.
19:28What do you want to eat?
19:29Let the monitor write it down.
19:34What do you want to eat?
19:36Second-class abalone with pepper.
19:38Second-class abalone?
19:41What the hell is this?
19:47Be careful, there are people around.
19:52Mr. Chen.
19:53Professor Tian.
19:54For so many years,
19:55have I ever
19:57broken any of your treasures?
20:01If I can't even tell
20:02the difference between ginseng shoots and weeds,
20:04I'll be called Sun Toto.
20:09Be careful.
20:11Why don't you do it yourself?
20:18I know.
20:20You're talking about Sun Toto.
20:23I'm not.
20:24I'm just saying.
20:33Sun Toto
20:34is different from us.
20:36She doesn't have
20:37such a good family environment like you.
20:39She doesn't know
20:40what it means to be educated.
20:41No one teaches her
20:43what etiquette is
20:44and what elegance is.
20:46In fact, these should all be
20:47completed in family education.
20:55it's all up to my master.
20:59You know,
21:01she has a special sensitivity
21:03to taste and smell.
21:05I think
21:06she should be able to do it.
21:10You think she can do it?
21:14You're a little patient
21:15with Sun Toto.
21:19I'm not impatient with him.
21:21But I don't
21:22know him at all.
21:25You know,
21:26he brought a little girl
21:27to the mountain road
21:29and put her in front of us.
21:30She was so big.
21:32I've never seen
21:33such a person since I was a kid.
21:34How can I recognize her?
21:37You have to believe in the power of education.
21:40It's just starting.
21:43If one day
21:44she can't be a successor
21:46and can't be a doctor,
21:47she will become
21:49a well-educated girl.
21:52Isn't this also
21:53a good wife
21:54who knows
21:55how to be polite
21:56and knows how to eat?
21:59Isn't this also a virtue?
22:02A good wife?
22:03If she's like that,
22:04who would dare to marry her?
22:09She's going to be sacrificed.
22:11She's got a group of people ready.
22:14I won't forget
22:15what I should do.
22:17I've asked Peng Zhenyan
22:18to count their food.
22:22Speaking of this,
22:23I have to tell you something.
22:26So many people
22:27have to use money
22:28to make ends meet.
22:30The money didn't fall from the sky
22:32or grow
22:33from your pot.
22:37I'm talking to you.
22:38Can you go find sponsors?
22:40It's always
22:41from your own pocket.
22:43No one can stand it.
22:45Announce the Tang family.
22:49Be a good person and do good things.
22:51Don't put it in your mouth.
22:55One day our family
22:56really can't make ends meet,
22:58you can tell me.
23:00Not one day.
23:01Right now.
23:03Can't make ends meet.
23:14Episode 2
23:23Let's go!
23:26That guy was so cocky in class.
23:28Look at him now.
23:29He's like a chicken.
23:30He can do anything but study.
23:32Then why did he come to Xu Cheng Ban?
23:34Ask him.
23:40Bro, let me ask you something.
23:42You don't like studying.
23:43Why did you come to Xu Cheng Ban?
23:45I'm just trying to help.
23:47You paid me.
23:48You asked me to learn Chinese medicine,
23:49so I learned Chinese medicine.
23:50You asked me to cook, so I cooked.
23:51You're a cook and a doctor.
23:53You're pretty good.
23:55None of your business.
24:01Let me make a statement first.
24:03If you need anything, just take it.
24:04I won't pay for anything other than the list.
24:07Then you can buy snacks with the rest of the money, right?
24:10Why not?
24:13I said no.
24:15How much does it cost to buy snacks?
24:17You can buy whatever you want on the list.
24:20Excuse me.
24:21I'm running a business around here.
24:23Then can I...
24:26Can I add you on WeChat?
24:28What's this?
24:29It's my store.
24:30Meijia Store.
24:39I added you.
24:42You're welcome.
24:44Who are you to add me on WeChat?
24:46Do you know that your sister-in-law
24:47can steal all your personal information and account
24:50and transfer all your money?
24:52You have no sense of security at all.
24:53It's a coincidence.
24:54First, I don't have money in my account.
24:57she's that kind of girl.
24:59If she gets married,
25:00who will suffer?
25:11You were fine just now.
25:13What's wrong?
25:14Get up. Get up.
25:15I have a stomachache.
25:17Are you okay?
25:18I'm fine.
25:19Are you having a stomachache or a stomachache?
25:21I have a stomachache.
25:22I had a stomachache today.
25:23I didn't have lunch.
25:24She's suffering from pneumonia.
25:27Did you come to Meijia Store today?
25:29Do you usually like to eat ice and cold noodles?
25:31Do you want to call an ambulance?
25:32Wait a minute.
25:33It should be Li Jia.
25:34He didn't eat and has low blood sugar.
25:36Can you call the ambulance?
25:37What's wrong?
25:38Do you want to call an ambulance first?
25:39Can you get me some brown sugar water?
25:40You have low blood sugar.
25:42Who are you?
25:43We are doctors from the hospital.
25:58Hello, Mr. Wang.
26:06Mr. Ye.
26:08Did you decide to take your kids to flowers in Qingming Festival?
26:12I have nothing to lose.
26:13I've prepared for the coming festival.
26:14Will you go?
26:16I have a few meetings.
26:17We'll talk about it later.
26:18But I checked the weather forecast.
26:21There's excessive rain these days.
26:23So you have to prepare a raincoat and a set of shoes.
26:25The road condition there is terrible.
26:28You're right. I'll tell Lin Lan.
26:31Is Lin Lan with you?
26:34No, she's busy.
26:36I called you today
26:38to tell you something very important.
26:42What is it?
26:43Don't you want to take a walk?
26:50What is it?
26:52Mr. Li, Mr. Li.
26:57Mr. Li.
26:59What's the matter?
27:00You look so surprised.
27:02It's about Xiao Bailing.
27:04What a coincidence!
27:06I saw a patient today.
27:08He said a fairy came to him.
27:11And the fairy
27:12recommended him to me.
27:15What does it have to do with Xiao Bailing?
27:18I guess the fairy is Xiao Bailing.
27:22I've inquired about his appearance and age.
27:25It's not history.
27:26And according to the patient's description,
27:28the way he talks
27:30should be from a noble family.
27:33Not from a noble family.
27:34There's another interesting thing.
27:37The fairy's residence
27:39is on the edge of Mount Huafeng.
27:43So I boldly guess
27:45the fairy is Xiao Bailing.
27:47The fairy is Xiao Bailing.
27:51He must be thinking about you.
27:54He knows you come back every year.
28:11How is it?
28:13Do you feel better?
28:26You know what?
28:27The yogurt will make you feel better.
28:30Do you know that?
28:33You're so good at cooking.
28:37I'm going to
28:38cook the fruit well
28:41and send it to our university class.
28:43I'll ask them to copy
28:45the notes and share them with us.
29:07You're back.
29:10I've prepared
29:12a delicious fruit soup for you.
29:13Here you are.
29:15I'm on a diet.
29:17Come on.
29:22This is the yogurt of Wuzhetang.
29:23It won't affect your diet.
29:25Here you are.
29:28I don't eat fruit.
29:33It's a little special.
29:34But I remember
29:35your notes are very complete.
29:37As expected,
29:38a lawyer must be clear-minded.
29:40How about this?
29:41Why don't you copy
29:42your notes and share them with us?
29:45We'll make progress together.
29:48I listened to the lecture
29:50and copied the notes.
29:51But you didn't.
29:52How can you enjoy
29:53my work for free?
29:54Why are you acting like
29:55my classmate in primary school?
29:57There's no final elimination system here.
29:58Why don't you share it?
29:59Although there's no final elimination system,
30:01there are advantages and disadvantages.
30:03If I work hard,
30:04I have that ability.
30:05I'm excellent.
30:06On the contrary,
30:06the result is the same
30:08for those who work hard and those who don't.
30:09It's unfair.
30:11Oh, my God.
30:13Do you feel that you don't need
30:14other people's help in your life?
30:29That's great.
30:47Where did you go?
30:50I went for a walk.
30:51Why didn't you wake me up?
30:53We were together.
30:54You went for a walk and I did boxing.
30:55It's great.
31:00Sun Tao Tao.
31:01Where's my boiled egg?
31:03I put it out.
31:05I said I only eat boiled egg.
31:09Boiled egg will be tastier.
31:11It will be more delicious
31:12with some meat and garlic.
31:20That's enough.
31:22You only eat cucumber.
31:23You're a rabbit.
31:29So many dishes.
31:31I'm coming.
31:33This is the last dish.
31:35Huotu, did you make all of these?
31:37Of course I did.
31:38That's great.
31:40try the fish-flavored shredded pork you ordered.
31:52Eat it. It's like noodles.
32:00Not bad.
32:02That's all?
32:03That's all.
32:05Tao Tao,
32:06Ms. Ren said
32:07it's not bad.
32:09That's the highest evaluation.
32:11You mean
32:12it's not tasty even if I dance all day?
32:14Come on, let's eat.
32:15Come on.
32:16Let's eat.
32:16Let's eat.
32:34By the way,
32:36let's go to the supermarket this afternoon.
32:38There's a girl
32:39who has a terrible stomachache.
32:41I'll tell her
32:42to go to the supermarket.
32:47That's amazing.
32:47I believe Zhe today.
32:52tell us about your story.
32:55You're so humble.
32:56Ms. Song,
32:57I checked her pulse today.
32:59According to her pulse,
33:00and her stomachache,
33:02I think she has a fetal disease.
33:03Tianzhen and Shiyan think
33:05she hasn't eaten for a day.
33:06Her blood sugar is low, so she has anemia.
33:08I guess the girl's menopause is coming soon.
33:11How did you treat her?
33:13I gave her fish-flavored shredded pork and dried fish bones.
33:15Her pulse has calmed down.
33:17I think she'll be fine.
33:19That's amazing.
33:21I touched her,
33:22and she jumped right away.
33:25So fast.
33:30Where is this girl?
33:35I don't know.
33:36I saw she was fine.
33:37We didn't leave her contact information.
33:39You didn't leave it?
33:43Go find her.
33:46Where can I find her?
33:48I know.
33:50In the alley behind the supermarket.
33:52No. 7, Zimu Street.
33:55I'll send you the address.
33:59You don't know?
34:01how do you know her address?
34:05I scanned her QR code.
34:16Have some water.
34:24She's fine.
34:25It's just a one-sided hemorrhage.
34:46Four-year-old hemorrhage.
34:47Seven-year-old hemorrhage.
34:49Twenty years.
34:50Twenty years of hemorrhage.
34:52Where did you learn it?
35:01Mr. Yuan,
35:02we didn't know the girl was so young.
35:05Who would have thought she could...
35:06Let me ask you.
35:09If she doesn't come back today,
35:11you'll kill her legally.
35:24go home.
35:40It should be this one.
35:45Speaking of America, these dolls are quite unique, too.
35:59No no, this is not Taiyinjin.
36:01This is Taiyin.
36:03This is not Taiyin.
36:03My nephew told me,
36:05when the sun shines on the part, it is yang,
36:07when the sun doesn't shine, it is yin.
36:08Look at your elbow.
36:10It's dark.
36:10So this is impossible to be Taiyin.
36:15I thought you were sleeping during class.
36:17I was deep in thought.
36:21You're a gifted student.
36:23But you're also a deadbeat.
36:25Don't touch it.
36:27Okay, okay.
36:31So this is your fatty?
36:33This is a little guy I'm learning
36:35about meridians and acupoints.
36:39You've already prepared this?
36:41I've never prepared anything
36:45I've never been unprepared.
36:49You're really something.
36:51It's been a while.
36:53This is a tool I'm learning.
36:55If you want it,
36:57you can buy it online.
36:59You're so stingy.
37:01I'll buy it myself.
37:05How do you search this?
37:07Like a horse?
37:09Or a banana?
37:11You're so stingy.
37:13I'll buy it myself.
37:15You're so stingy.
37:27You've gone too far today.
37:29Get up.
37:31Get up.
37:35You think I'm saying
37:37your son is speaking Chinese?
37:39Look at your son.
37:41He's fine now.
37:45If it weren't for Toto,
37:47if it weren't for us,
37:49that kid
37:51would probably be gone.
37:55I think
37:57it's possible.
37:59Your son just got his
38:01medical license.
38:03He's not a doctor.
38:05Didn't he run into
38:07someone who needed help?
38:09Besides, Peng Shiyan...
38:11Peng Shiyan is from the West.
38:13He's a doctor.
38:15He doesn't know about friendship.
38:17Chinese medicine
38:19is passed down from generation to generation.
38:21He shouldn't know.
38:27Your son is right.
38:29We shouldn't force him to learn Chinese medicine.
38:31This kid
38:33doesn't know Chinese medicine.
38:39You didn't make a mistake.
38:41Did you forget
38:43Master Chen Fu?
38:49As doctors,
38:51we grow up
38:53with our patients' lives.
38:55It's cruel, but it's the truth.
38:57My son is only 26 years old.
38:59How old are you?
39:03Killing someone
39:05is really cruel.
39:07Aren't you afraid
39:09of ruining his confidence in being a doctor?
39:15What confidence?
39:17It's all glass.
39:21You love your son.
39:23Grandparents love him.
39:25Relatives and friends love him.
39:27If he makes any mistake,
39:29you all wipe his ass.
39:31Just for his
39:37you don't care
39:39about anything
39:41in front of his life and death.
39:43You don't care about him at all.
39:45You only scold him
39:47when something happens.
39:49Why should he call us parents?
39:51As parents,
39:53shouldn't he be responsible for his children?
39:55Grandparents don't have parents.
39:57Who should be responsible for them?
40:05Being responsible
40:07is always being responsible for yourself.
40:09Come and practice calligraphy.
40:15I don't want to write.
40:17Do you think I'm like you?
40:19After scolding my son,
40:21I can write with all my strength.
40:23Let me tell you.
40:25I haven't improved for so many years
40:27because of you.
40:29You have to digest it yourself.
40:31Digest it slowly.
40:43I haven't rubbed it yet.
40:45I haven't rubbed it yet.
41:01did your father scold you?
41:03It's not all your fault.
41:05We are also responsible.
41:07If we have a bad intention,
41:09how can we cross the line?
41:11I really
41:13don't have any sensitivity
41:15to calligraphy.
41:17In this way,
41:19you are much better than us.
41:21You have to be familiar with all kinds of diseases.
41:23You are really an immortal.
41:25Your parents deserve to be
41:27the characters of the Great Miracle.
41:29I was suspicious at first.
41:31I should have asked that girl
41:33to go to the hospital and take another look.
41:35It's all my fault.
41:39that girl looks very honest.
41:41Who has a banana doll?
41:53Let's talk about the doll another day.
41:55Let's see
41:57what to eat
41:59for tomorrow's menu.
42:01Is there anything you want to eat?
42:11The girl is dead.
42:13The girl is dead.
42:15The girl is dead.
42:17Don't say that.
42:19She will come back.
42:21You scared me.
42:23Why did you do that?
42:25The girl's hemoglobin was removed.
42:29How many hemoglobin does a person have?
42:33Then one more.
42:35Why did you curse?
42:37What kind of disease does she have?
42:39My nephew and his wife are very nervous.
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