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00:00Releasing this fall, The Coming Golden Age,
00:03a new prophecy book by Dr. David Jeremiah.
00:05Inside, he reveals 31 fascinating biblical insights
00:09into the millennium, a future era of 1,000 years
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00:30There are more than 45,000 self-help books
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00:56It succinctly and powerfully explains
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01:01God's calling for you, how to find purpose,
01:05overcome obstacles, connect with others,
01:08claim a life you love, endure difficulty,
01:11experience the fullness of life, love without limits,
01:15and ultimately, be the follower of Christ
01:18you've always wanted to be.
01:21Join me in God's Word as we find the proven way
01:23to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures.
01:28A belief that behaves.
01:30It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:37Coming up on Turning Point.
01:39Let me tell you something, if you're really a Christian
01:42and you know something's wrong in your life
01:44and you have conviction about it, you come back to God.
01:46And you know what you'll find when you come back to him?
01:48He's standing here like this.
01:50He wants you back.
01:51He loves you.
01:52He's your father.
01:53Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices, and behaves
01:57in Dr. David Jeremiah's new book, Belief That Behaves,
02:01the Book of Ephesians.
02:02In this rich study of Paul's beloved epistle,
02:05Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means to be a follower of Christ
02:08in practical terms and how we should act or behave
02:11as believers.
02:12Through 19 chapters, you'll discover God's how-to guide
02:15to the Christian life, including resolving conflict
02:18with others, successful marriage and parenting,
02:20finding purpose, overcoming spiritual attacks,
02:23and praying effectively.
02:25Ephesians has the power to change your life at home,
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02:49You'll also receive a free copy of his new book,
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02:57From the first verse to the last,
02:58the truths contained in Ephesians
03:00will fill your heart with joy and strengthen
03:02your relationships with others.
03:04Request the Belief That Behaves book or study set,
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03:13Thank you for watching Turning Point.
03:15walking in love.
03:20The book of Ephesians is very clear
03:23about the importance of our walk.
03:25You see, the church at Ephesus to which Paul wrote this letter
03:28from his prison was a church in one of the most
03:32wicked cities in history.
03:34In the city of Ephesus was the Temple of Artemis
03:37or the Temple of Diana,
03:39one of the seven wonders of the world,
03:41but it was a wonder in terms of its wickedness.
03:44Sexual immorality was a part of their worship.
03:48If you lived there, you had to be immoral almost to fit in.
03:52And then a church was founded by Priscilla and Aquila,
03:56and a few believers got together,
03:57and little by little, that church grew,
03:59and then Paul went and spent some time there,
04:01and then he put Timothy in charge,
04:03and the church in Ephesus was a growing concern,
04:05but it was a growing concern in the midst of a city
04:08like Hong Kong, Moscow, or San Diego
04:11where wickedness abounds.
04:13And it was tough being a Christian.
04:15How many of you would say amen to that?
04:16It's tough being a Christian.
04:18It was tough for the Ephesians to be a Christian.
04:21And here's Paul, he's hearing about all this stuff going on,
04:24and so he sits down and he writes to them.
04:26And this letter, while it is in your face,
04:28is a loving letter, and I hope I can express that
04:31as we go through these verses together.
04:34We're to walk in love, according to Paul.
04:37Verse 1 in chapter 5, he says,
04:39Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children,
04:44and walk in love.
04:46Therefore, tells us that it's related to what we saw
04:49last time we were studying in the fourth chapter.
04:51There we were told to be kind to one another
04:54and to be forgiving, even as God in Christ has forgiven us.
04:57And the next verse is, therefore,
05:00be imitators of God.
05:01How can you learn to walk in love?
05:03You imitate God.
05:05God is the God of love, and he's a God of forgiveness.
05:09And the word imitator here is a translation of a word
05:12which means mimic.
05:14The Bible tells us we're to mimic God.
05:17Paul says we're to mimic God in the matters of kindness
05:20and tenderheartedness and forgiveness,
05:22and we're to walk in that kind of love every day.
05:25The Bible says one day we're gonna be just like him.
05:27Did you read that story?
05:29The Bible says one day we're gonna be just like him
05:31because we will see him as he is.
05:33In the meantime, we're supposed to becoming more and more
05:36like him every day on this journey to heaven.
05:40Peter sounds the same note.
05:41He says, as obedient children, not conforming yourself
05:45to the former lusts as in your ignorance,
05:49but as he who has called you as holy,
05:52you also be holy in your conduct because it is written.
05:55God says, be holy because I'm holy, to be like me.
06:00So, we become imitators of God when we read his Word
06:03and discover who he is and what he is like.
06:06Then, through the Holy Spirit, we pray that these
06:08characteristics will be formed in our lives so that we become
06:12more like our Father.
06:13This should be every believer's goal,
06:15to become like their Father.
06:18When we imitate our Father, we'll be walking in love.
06:211 John says, he who does not love does not know God,
06:25for God is love.
06:26When you walk in love, you're imitating your Father.
06:30When you forgive others as you have been forgiven,
06:34you're imitating your Father.
06:36If we follow Paul's reasoning back to the fourth chapter,
06:38we begin to understand that we are walking in love
06:41when we forgive one another.
06:44That's the point of Ephesians.
06:46And so, the question that we have to ask ourselves today
06:48at the beginning of this talk is,
06:50are we walking in forgiveness?
06:53Are we forgiving one another as God has forgiven us?
06:57That's Paul's initial message.
07:001 Peter 4, 8 says,
07:01Above all things, have fervent love for one another,
07:04for love will cover a multitude of sins.
07:08Matthew says, If you forgive men their trespasses,
07:11your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
07:13But if you do not forgive men their trespasses,
07:16neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
07:20The call to walk in love.
07:21Now, notice the case for it.
07:23In verse 2, it says,
07:26And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us
07:29and given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God
07:34for a sweet-smelling aroma.
07:38The Scripture says that God is love,
07:40which means Jesus is a walking, talking definition of love,
07:44a walking, talking example of what it looks like to love.
07:48If we are in doubt as to how we are to walk in love,
07:51we just need to watch Jesus,
07:52because Jesus is God in the flesh,
07:54teaching us how to walk in love and in forgiveness.
07:57Jesus said, Greater love has no man than this,
08:01than he lay down his life for his friends.
08:04That's Jesus' words.
08:05That's the Son of God speaking.
08:07The Bible says, For when we were still without strength
08:10in due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
08:14But God demonstrates his own love toward us,
08:17and that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
08:20For when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God
08:22through the death of his Son.
08:24And so, the message from Paul is,
08:26just as our Lord sacrificially gave up his life for us,
08:30we are to sacrificially be giving up our lives
08:32for one another.
08:34When we are living in such a loving and forgiving way,
08:37the Bible says we are a sweet aroma to the throne of heaven.
08:41We send up perfume to God's throne.
08:45I wonder if that describes my life, if it describes yours.
08:50Because, you see, Paul now is going to tell us
08:53that while there is a walk in love,
08:55there is a counterfeit walk in love.
08:58This is pretty ugly stuff, but hang with me.
09:03But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness,
09:07let it not even be named among you as is fitting for saints,
09:11neither filthiness nor foolish talking or coarse jesting,
09:15which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.
09:20That's quite an uncomfortable list of words.
09:24Fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness,
09:27coarse jesting, idolatry, empty words, and disobedience.
09:31Maybe you're wondering, why did Paul have to mess up
09:33this passage about love by bringing in all that chunk?
09:37You kind of wonder that when you read it first time.
09:40The answer is Satan.
09:42You see, while we are called to be imitators of God,
09:45Satan is the counterfeiter of God.
09:48As such, our enemy has set up a counterfeit program of love,
09:52one that was evident in the world of Paul's day,
09:55as I mentioned to you, a counterfeit idea about love
09:58in the city of Ephesus.
10:00And that is evident in our own society today as well.
10:04While God's love is filled with forgiveness and self-sacrifice
10:08and all manner of good things, Satan has set up
10:10a corrupted imitation of love that is destructive
10:13and disruptive, and unfortunately,
10:15more and more dispersed in our culture
10:18and even in our churches.
10:21We need to spend a little time identifying,
10:24delegitimizing that counterfeit love so that we can be
10:27more appreciative of the real thing,
10:30which is God's love for us.
10:31So, let's just take a moment and do that.
10:34Immorality, that's the first word in verse 3.
10:37For starters, Satan's counterfeit system of love
10:40is bursting with immorality,
10:42as was displayed in the city of Ephesus.
10:46But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness,
10:49he writes, let it not even be named among you
10:51as is fitting for the saints.
10:53I think Paul sat there envisioning what was going on
10:56in his city and realizing that the overwhelming influence
10:59in the city of Ephesus was immorality and sexuality
11:03and pornography and all the rest of it.
11:05And he sees these Christians who've come to Christ
11:08and they've come out of that.
11:09And Paul says, don't mess with that anymore.
11:12Leave that alone.
11:13That's the counterfeit of what God wants to do for you.
11:17Godly love seeks to give.
11:19Lust seeks to take.
11:21True love is self-sacrificial.
11:23Lust sacrifices others for your benefit.
11:27While true love purifies and lifts us up,
11:30lust and fornication degrade us and drag us down.
11:33True love satisfies, but immorality leaves us
11:36with a gnawing emptiness in our hearts
11:39so that we continually hunger for more.
11:42And then there's impurity, not just our actions.
11:46Immorality is our actions, but impurity is our speech.
11:51The first is about our walk and the second is about our talk.
11:54And Paul says, what you say and how you use your mouth
11:57is really a critical thing if you claim to be a Christian.
12:00Ephesians 5, 4 says,
12:01neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor coarse jesting,
12:06which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.
12:09Paul now turns from immorality to impurity.
12:11Filthiness is a dirtier, vulgar language.
12:14This is a term that signifies something obscene or shameful.
12:17In fact, Paul uses this word again in verse 12
12:20in this very same chapter,
12:22for it is shameful even to speak of those things
12:25which are done by them in secret.
12:28Foolish talking comes from a Greek word
12:30that can be translated buffoonery.
12:34It's the nonsense you watch so much on television
12:38and in movies these days.
12:40And then coarse jesting describes
12:43taking something that was meant for good
12:45and turning it upside down so that it becomes bad.
12:49And we drag an idea of that speech or others
12:51into an off-color joke for the sake of laughs.
12:54Paul says that speech like that's not fitting
12:57for followers of Christ.
12:58We should be known for gracious speech
13:01and for thankful words.
13:03You see what he's saying?
13:04He's trying to help these believers in Ephesus
13:06and all the way down the history of the church,
13:09even us, understand that when you say you're a Christian,
13:12there's a creative difference about you,
13:15and you can't co-opt the old life into that.
13:18You can't have almost, I'm a Christian,
13:20but I like some of that old stuff to it,
13:21so you co-opt that in.
13:23Paul says, no, it can't even be mentioned.
13:25Can't even be discussed.
13:28And the cost of not walking in love is verses 5 through 7.
13:31If you're like me, you've wondered why anyone
13:33would take a medicine that comes with so many warnings.
13:38Sometimes it's actually like you hear all these warnings
13:42when you see a commercial on TV about some medicine,
13:45and as crazy as these warnings sound,
13:48you think the possibility it can happen with this drug
13:51is worse than the disease I have,
13:53which is the reason why I'm taking the drug
13:54in the first place.
13:56How am I gonna risk it?
13:57But we can't let warnings get a bad reputation.
14:01As crazy as some of them are, we need warnings in our lives.
14:05Warning signs on the road inform us of what is ahead.
14:09Signs warn of a stoplight, a curve,
14:12or a deer crossing ahead.
14:13These signs help us.
14:14They keep us from damage or even death.
14:16And on the spiritual highway, there are also danger signs,
14:20and these signs warn us about our spiritual life.
14:23Why is this a big deal?
14:25Why is this something we need to discuss?
14:27Because of verse 5.
14:29Here's what it says.
14:30For this you know, that no fornicator,
14:33or unclean person, or covetous man who is idolatry
14:37has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
14:42Whew, that's hard.
14:44And here in verse 5, Paul uses three of the same words
14:46he just used, and he adds a fourth word
14:48to describe idolatry, and he reminds us that people,
14:52now listen carefully so you don't get this wrong,
14:54people who are characterized by these things
14:57are not believers.
14:59He's not saying that if someone commits one of these sins,
15:02he's not a believer any longer.
15:04What he is telling us is this, you cannot be a child of God
15:07and live like a child of the devil.
15:10This is an impossible picture.
15:12Here's why, I'm gonna tell you why.
15:132 Corinthians 5, 17,
15:15therefore, if anybody be in Christ, he is a new creation.
15:20Old things have passed away.
15:22Behold, all things have become new.
15:24You can't be an old life, new Christian.
15:30Not possible.
15:31Titus 2, 11 and 12 says,
15:33for the grace of God that brings salvation
15:36has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying
15:39ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly
15:43and righteously and godly in the present age.
15:47Christians are not sinless, but Christians sin less.
15:53Are you with me?
15:55It's a powerful thing to think about.
15:57No, none of us are gonna show up to heaven
15:59having never sinned once we became Christians.
16:01It's not possible, because we have the old nature
16:03still in us, and we know that.
16:05But listen to me, don't use that as an excuse
16:07for not trying to be holy.
16:09The Bible says we won't be sinless,
16:11but we should sin less if Jesus Christ is our Savior
16:14and the Holy Spirit, whose first name is holy,
16:17is living in our hearts, right?
16:20So, Christians should be better people
16:24than people who aren't Christians,
16:25and that's what Paul is saying,
16:27and that's what he's saying to us.
16:29Don't fool yourself that you're a Christian
16:31if you're still living like you used to live
16:33before you said you were a Christian.
16:35It's not possible.
16:37The Bible says when you're born again,
16:39the Holy Spirit comes to live within you
16:41to convict you of sin.
16:43How many of you know what that's like?
16:45You didn't even know some of the stuff you were doing wrong
16:47until you became a Christian,
16:48then the Holy Spirit started barking at you, right?
16:51And all of a sudden, you said,
16:52whoa, yeah, that's not right.
16:55If Christ is not changing your life,
16:58if you're not becoming a new person,
17:00old things passing away and new things coming to pass,
17:03if that's not something that's happening,
17:05if you can't even look at one little thing in your life
17:07that's different than it was before you became a Christian,
17:10it's not possible for you to be a Christian
17:12because when Christ comes, he comes to change you.
17:17Someone said, if you were arrested for being a Christian,
17:21is there enough evidence to convict you?
17:25That's the issue.
17:26In Paul's day, he saw this.
17:28He saw it happening in Ephesus.
17:30He saw people being continually influenced
17:33by the wickedness of this city and Temple Diana
17:36and all that they had been through before
17:38and sometimes co-opting what they had before
17:41and what they were, and he says,
17:42no, you can't be a Christian and live like you used to live.
17:46If you're a Christian, you're gonna be new.
17:48You won't always be perfectly new at the beginning,
17:50but little by little, you should be able to look back
17:53over your life at New Year's and say,
17:55there's some things about my life that are different
17:57than they were last year.
17:58All of us should be able to say that.
18:01In Paul's day, there were some in the church
18:03who had been influenced by pagan philosophers,
18:06and they were teaching that no physical act
18:08could harm the Spirit, so the believer could continue
18:12to be sexually promiscuous and not be tainted
18:14in his relationship to God.
18:17Ephesians 5, 6, and 7 says,
18:19let no one deceive you with empty words.
18:22But because of these things, the wrath of God comes upon
18:25the sons of disobedience.
18:26Therefore, do not be partakers of them.
18:29I don't know if you've noticed it.
18:31But every time you turn around in our Christian world,
18:33someone is making a case for more toleration.
18:37I mean, it's just the culture of the world
18:39seeping into the church.
18:41People who had convictions of things that are from the Bible
18:43that we know, you know, you don't have to say,
18:45well, how do I know if that's right?
18:48Because God said it's right.
18:49How do I know if it's wrong?
18:50God said it's wrong.
18:51God isn't changing his mind.
18:53He didn't wake up and say, oh, my goodness,
18:55this is a new culture.
18:56I must put out a new version of the Bible.
18:59Well, he hasn't put out a new version,
19:02but we got a lot of new perversions that are coming
19:06along saying that what used to be wrong is now okay
19:09because we're in this cultural thing,
19:11and he didn't mean what he said.
19:13And if you look at it, and I'm sick of it.
19:21Some of these standards are just as hard on me as they are on you,
19:24but they're God's standards.
19:26And I'm grateful for it.
19:27I'm grateful for truth, because when you know the truth,
19:29you've got someplace to go.
19:31If you don't know what the truth is, you're lost.
19:33And I feel sorry for people in this culture who are buying into
19:36this idea that you can change God's Word to make it fit
19:40your culture so you can keep doing what you wanted to do
19:43and not be different.
19:44God doesn't give us these truths because he doesn't like us
19:48or he's trying to make us miserable.
19:50God didn't say, let me see, I'll send my son down to earth
19:53and give his life for these people,
19:55and then I'll spend the rest of their time on earth
19:57trying to make them as miserable as they can be
20:00till I finally take them to heaven.
20:01That's the way some people think.
20:04Ephesians chapter 5 begins with an encouragement to follow God
20:08and be imitators of him.
20:10And we close our message today.
20:12I want to leave you with some thoughts that come from
20:14this passage, as tough as it is.
20:17Here's some things to remember.
20:19Number one, remember God's love when you think of this passage.
20:23We obey because we are loved.
20:26We're not loved because we obey.
20:29How would you turn others from sin?
20:31You should warn, yes.
20:33You should command to avoidance, yes.
20:36Should you condemn participation?
20:38Yes, but what first?
20:40First, remind those who love God and are grieving for their
20:43failure that they are his dearly beloved children.
20:49You are a wonderful child, a precious child of God,
20:52dearly loved.
20:53You are precious to him, so live like a dearly loved one.
20:57Be what you are in Christ.
21:00So, remember Christ's love.
21:03You may be listening to me today and you think,
21:05well, you know, this isn't for me.
21:06I'm already way past this.
21:08I've crossed the Rubicon, Pastor Jeremiah.
21:10All these things are true of me.
21:12Let me tell you something, if you're really a Christian
21:14and you know something's wrong in your life
21:16and you have conviction about it, you come back to God.
21:18And you know what you'll find when you come back to him?
21:21He's standing here like this.
21:23He wants you back.
21:24He loves you.
21:25He's your father.
21:27So, remember God's love.
21:28Number two, here's the opposite of that to some degree.
21:31Respect God's wrath.
21:32You may resist the biblical teaching of God's wrath,
21:35but consider this analogy.
21:38The more a father loves his son, the more he hates in him
21:42the drunkard, the liar, or the traitor.
21:46Anger isn't the opposite of love.
21:47Hate is, and the final form of hate is indifference.
21:51To be truly good, one has to be outraged by evil
21:55and implacably hostile to injustice.
21:58That is what Paul is saying in Ephesians 5.
22:00God is angry at the things that destroy people.
22:04He's working against immorality and impurity.
22:06He wants us to fight against the things that destroy life,
22:09and he wants us to embrace the things that bring life.
22:12N.T. Wright uses the following illustration to describe
22:15how we should avoid sin and embrace the new life
22:18we have in Christ.
22:20Think of an animal, he said, you're really afraid of,
22:23whether it's an angry rhinoceros or a large spider.
22:27If you come around a corner, found yourself facing it,
22:30what would you want to do?
22:31Run away, of course.
22:33Well, as a Christian, that's how you should feel
22:35about a lifestyle of greed and lust and jealousy,
22:38injustice, or another sinful pattern.
22:41Then think how you'd feel if you saw the person you loved best
22:44in the entire world, whom you hadn't seen for years,
22:47walking down the street.
22:48What would you do?
22:50Why, you would chase after him of her or course.
22:52That's how you would behave when you think of Jesus
22:55and the new life that he is offering you
22:57and the whole world.
22:58You run away, and you run toward.
23:02You run away from sin, but you run away from sin
23:05so you can run toward God.
23:08Thirdly and finally, remember to respond to God's grace.
23:13Very interesting, just a little phrase at the end,
23:16giving thanks.
23:17It's been said radically and basically all sin
23:20is simply ingratitude.
23:23I think that is true.
23:24One pastor says, one of the greatest ways to defeat sins
23:26through expressing gratitude and thankfulness.
23:29Thankfulness is the opposite of lust and greed
23:32because the thankful heart has stopped prowling around
23:35for everything it doesn't have and is overwhelmed
23:38in appreciation with all the good things
23:40it already possesses.
23:43The logic of lust and greed requires you to be discontent
23:46with what you have, pay attention to all the things
23:48you don't have.
23:50The logic of thankfulness requires you to focus on what
23:52you have been given by God, a good husband, a good wife,
23:56a great family, a good living, a good job, whatever it is.
24:00You've already received these things,
24:02and you should be overcome with thank-giving.
24:05Gratitude is the opposite of sin.
24:08It's hard to be truly thankful and be sinful.
24:13These are hard words.
24:15These are words for us to think about,
24:17but words to think about because they're offered to us
24:22from our Father through his apostle,
24:25and I hope from your pastor as your pastor.
24:29God loves you.
24:30He loves me.
24:32He set up some warning signs.
24:33He wants us to be like him, and he tells us,
24:36if you want to be like me, here's some detours
24:39you want to stay off of.
24:41Here's a little poem to end the message.
24:44You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day,
24:47by the deeds that you do and the words that you say.
24:51Men, read what you write, whether faithless or true.
24:54Say, what is the gospel according to you?
24:58What are men seeing in me that makes them want to know God?
25:02That's what we should, that's how we should be living.
25:04Lord, make me like you.
25:07Make me like you.
25:10And then we walk.
25:11We're gonna walk back into the world and walk back to our job.
25:14Walk back to our family.
25:15And you know, sometimes we'll get a message like this
25:17and we get all hyped up, and I gotta go change it.
25:19No, just walk.
25:21Take one step at a time.
25:22As God speaks to your heart, you do what he tells you to do.
25:25Take the next step.
25:26That's what walking is, isn't it?
25:27It's just taking the next step.
25:29Walking means you put one foot in front of the other
25:32and you have a little bit of faith
25:34that the foot you put in front of the other
25:35is gonna land on solid ground and take you
25:37to the place you're going.
25:39So let's walk, and how are we supposed to walk?
25:41Trying to be like Jesus.
25:50Thank you for watching Turning Point.
25:52When you give a gift of any amount
25:54in support of this program,
25:55Dr. Jeremiah will send you in appreciation his new book,
25:59Belief That Behaves, The Book of Ephesians.
26:02And if you give a gift of $75 or more,
26:05Dr. Jeremiah will send you The Belief That Behaves set,
26:08which contains his new book,
26:10his complete two-volume teaching series on C-SPAN,
26:13his complete two-volume teaching series on CD or DVD,
26:16and two correlating study guides.
26:18Thank you for your support.
26:20Request these resources
26:22when you contact Turning Point today.
26:27Thank you for joining us on Turning Point
26:29as Dr. Jeremiah taught from the Book of Ephesians
26:32and shared the many blessings
26:33that believers have through Christ.
26:35But if you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ before,
26:38Dr. Jeremiah would like to help you take your first steps
26:42The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:46which will help you begin your relationship with Christ.
26:48And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:51Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:53and inspiration throughout the year.
26:56These resources are yours completely free
26:58when you contact Turning Point today.
27:05Turning Point Plus is a BibleStrong library
27:07of on-demand teaching from Dr. David Jeremiah.
27:11Over 40 years of BibleStrong teaching and more,
27:15available on all your favorite devices.
27:18Watch the Turning Point series you love at any time.
27:22Plus, discover new, never-before-seen collections today.
27:27Visit turningpointplus.org to get started.
27:32Next time on Turning Point.
27:35Be the same you wherever you are.
27:38Don't be who you are on Sunday
27:40and somebody else during the week.
27:42Be you in Christ, walking in the light all the time.
27:47Thank you for being with us today.
27:49Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:53Leave the Light On.
27:56Here on Turning Point.
28:01Thousands of Christians take cruises for their vacations.
28:04So why not take a cruise with Turning Point?
28:07Enjoy a Bible conference on the water
28:09When you set sail with David and Donna Jeremiah,
28:11you'll experience exciting ports and activities
28:13and uplifting daily times of worship,
28:16Bible teaching and fellowship.
28:17More than just a getaway,
28:19it's a time to refresh, renew,
28:21reconnect with God and loved ones.
28:23Call or go online for more details.